9º - Inglês - 03-03
9º - Inglês - 03-03
9º - Inglês - 03-03
Ano/Série: 9º ano
Habilidade:(EF09LI01) – Fazer uso da língua inglesa para expor pontos de vista, argumentos e contra-argumentos, considerando
o contexto e os recursos linguísticos voltados para a eficácia da comunicação.
Read the text below to answer the questions 1-2. A: representa uma pessoa cujo nome não se deseja
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, music shaming is revelarmean things: coisas ruins, coisas maldosas
basically the act of criticizing someone for having to gather up: reunir
musical preferences that differ from your own. […] 3. According to the text, which type of bullying did
Maybe it’s a matter of self-validation, and criticizing the anonymous writer suffer?
someone else’s musical taste makes you feel better a) Intimidation
about your own. […] Whatever the reason, it’s flawed, b) Cyberbullying
it’s hurtful, and it’s just not cool. […] c) Verbal bullying
Available at: theodysseyonline.com d) Physical bullying
Glossário 4. Complete the following sentences using the
criticizing: criticar, reprovar relative pronouns: who, which, whose e which.
differ: diferenciam, diferem a) Bullying, _________ is very cruel, can hurt the
flawed: errado victim.
self-validation: autovalidação b) Bullying is a problem __________ happens to a
taste: gosto lot of people at school.
whatever: independentemente c) The anonymous writer, __________ friends
1. Choose the alternative that states a true started to bully, suffered a lot.
information about the text. d) The people ___________ practiced bullying were
a) Music shaming is a form of bullying. not the anonymous writer real friends.
b) Music shaming is not a real situation.
c) Music shaming is not a form of bullying. It’s a form 5. Read the excerpt from the text again and pay
of respect. attention to the word in bold. Then, use this word to
d) Music shaming only happens to people who listen create a sentence about bullying.
to pop music. So A […] decided to gather up some of her friends
2. Read the text again and pay attention to the words […]._______________________________________
in bold. Which of these words have a prefix that __________________________________________
means “the opposite of something”? __________________________________________
a) Differ _________________________________________
b) Hurtful 6. Read the text below and compare it with the one
c) Flawed from activity 3. Then, check all the true sentences
d) Unfamiliar about them.
Read the text below to answer the questions 3-5. a) ( ) Both texts represent the same type of bullying.
Anonymous b) ( ) The texts show that bullying can exist in
So A […] decided to gather up some of her friends […] different ways.
They would talk about me and say very mean things c) ( ) Both texts talk about actions that can
that would make me cry […] embarrass and hurt people.
Available at: pacerteensagainstbullying.org/ d) ( ) The act of saying cruel things about people can
Glossário happen in cyberbullying as well.