Hipoglucemia en DM2 2019
Hipoglucemia en DM2 2019
Hipoglucemia en DM2 2019
Author manuscript
Curr Diab Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 June 21.
Author Manuscript
Purpose of the review: Hypoglycemia is the most common and often treatment-limiting
serious adverse effect of diabetes therapy. Despite being potentially preventable, hypoglycemia in
type 2 diabetes incurs substantial personal and societal burden. We review the epidemiology of
Corresponding author: Rozalina G. McCoy, MD MS. Division of Community Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Mayo
Clinic. 200 First Street SW. Rochester, MN 55905. Phone (507) 284-5160, fax (507) 266-0036, [email protected].
Richard Silbert, MD, Department of Medicine Residency Program, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905,
[email protected]
Alejandro Salcido-Montenegro MD, Endocrinology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital “Dr. José E.
Author Manuscript
González”, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Av. Francisco I. Madero y Av. Gonzalitos s/n, Mitras centro, Monterrey, Nuevo
León, México. CP 64460. Phone: +52 (81) 8348-3220, [email protected]
Rene Rodriguez-Gutierrez, MD, MSc, Endocrinology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital “Dr. José E.
González”, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Av. Francisco I. Madero y Av. Gonzalitos s/n, Mitras centro, Monterrey, Nuevo
León, México. CP 64460. Phone: +52 (81) 1474-9146, [email protected]
Abdulrahman Katabi, MBBCh, Evidence-Based Practice Center, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905,
[email protected]
Rozalina G. McCoy, MD MS, Division of Community Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street
SW, Rochester, MN 55905, Phone: (507) 284-5160, Fax: (507) 266-0036, [email protected]
Conflict of Interest
Richard Silbert, Alejandro Salcido-Montenegro, Rene Rodriguez-Gutierrez, and Abdulrahman Katabi declare that they have no
conflict of interest.
Rozalina G. McCoy reports a consulting fee from Dexcom paid to her institution (2016).
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent
This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of the authors.
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hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes, discuss key risk factors, and introduce potential prevention
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Recent findings: Reported rates of hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes vary widely as there is
marked heterogeneity in how hypoglycemia is defined, measured, and reported. In randomized
controlled trials, rates of severe hypoglycemia ranged from 0.7 to 12 per 100 person-years. In
observational studies, hospitalizations or emergency department visits for hypoglycemia were
experienced by 0.2 (patients treated without insulin or sulfonylurea) to 2.0 per 100 person-years
(insulin- or sulfonylurea-users). Patient-reported hypoglycemia is much more common. Over the
course of 6 months, 1-4% non-insulin users reported need for medical attention for hypoglycemia;
1-17%, need for any assistance; and 46-58%, any hypoglycemia symptoms. Similarly, over a 12-
months period, 4-17% of insulin-treated patients reported needing assistance and 37-64%
experienced any hypoglycemic symptoms. Hypoglycemia is most common among older patients
with multiple or advanced comorbidities, patients with long diabetes duration, or patients with a
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prior history of hypoglycemia. Insulin and sulfonylurea use, food insecurity, and fasting also
increase hypoglycemia risk. Clinical decision support tools may help identify at-risk patients.
Prospective trials of efforts to reduce hypoglycemia risk are needed, and there is emerging
evidence supporting multidisciplinary interventions including treatment deintensification, diabetes
self-management, and social support.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus; hypoglycemia; epidemiology; patient-reported outcome; patient-centered
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Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common and increasing chronic health conditions in the
U.S. and around the world, affecting an estimated 30.2 million (12.2%) U.S. adults [1] and
422 million (8.4%) adults worldwide.[2, 3] Most, approximately 95%, have type 2 diabetes.
[1] Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes, and lower
extremity amputations and is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S.[1] To reduce
these risks, diabetes management has prioritized lowering blood glucose levels through
lifestyle modifications and glucose-lowering medications. In the U.S., 83% of the 23 million
adults who have been diagnosed with diabetes (9.3% of the total U.S. adult population) are
treated with glucose-lowering medications [1]. However, glucose-lowering pharmacotherapy
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can lead to iatrogenic hypoglycemia, the most common and often treatment-limiting adverse
effect of diabetes therapy [4]. While commonly accepted by patients and their healthcare
providers as an inevitable consequence of preventing long-term diabetes complications,
hypoglycemia is increasingly recognized an important and potentially preventable cause of
morbidity, mortality, high costs, diminished productivity, and impaired quality of life. [5–14]
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Real-world data on hypoglycemia rates and risk factors are necessary to inform patients and
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healthcare providers about the benefits and potential harms of glucose-lowering therapies,
facilitate shared decision making, and guide clinical practice. In this review, we discuss the
epidemiology of hypoglycemia among adults with type 2 diabetes as revealed by studies
conducted in diverse clinical settings and patient populations. We focus specifically on type
2 diabetes because the risk of hypoglycemia in this population is more heterogeneous,
treatment-dependent, and ultimately less inevitable than in type 1 diabetes. We conclude by
offering insights into some of the risk factors for hypoglycemia and introducing potential
prevention strategies.
Defining Hypoglycemia
An important barrier to quantifying and understanding the burden of hypoglycemia is the
marked heterogeneity in how it is defined, documented, and ascertained. Since 2005, the
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laboratory result, a patient-measured glucose value that is directly visible to the research or
clinical team, or a clinical encounter with the diagnosis of hypoglycemia) or patient-reported
hypoglycemia (reported by the patient without explicit confirmation by laboratory data).
Often, hypoglycemia is reported without a clear definition of how it was measured or
defined. The type of hypoglycemia reported is typically contingent on study design and data
source. Cross-sectional (e.g. survey or interview) studies commonly assess patient-reported
events, whereas retrospective studies using administrative or electronic health record data
focus on healthcare utilization events with the diagnosis codes of hypoglycemia. While there
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and ICD-10[23] codes, studies vary widely in their choice of diagnosis codes and types of
encounters (e.g. ambulatory visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations) used to
capture events. Some retrospective and many prospective studies also report hypoglycemic
events confirmed by laboratory results, which can be patient-reported or documented in the
electronic health record, with qualifying glucose values ranging between 36 mg/dL (2.0
mmol/L) and 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L).
during which patients did not, or could not, measure their blood glucose. Furthermore,
approximately 95% of hypoglycemic events are managed outside the healthcare system,
either by the patient, caregivers, or emergency medical services.[19–21] These events do not
precipitate a clinical encounter or billing claim and as are therefore missed by methods that
rely on administrative or electronic health record data. The probability that a hypoglycemic
event is brought to medical attention is confounded by multiple factors including patient
access to healthcare, availability of resources (e.g. food, medications, and third party
assistance) to manage hypoglycemia, and the ability to recognize and effectively treat
hypoglycemic events when they occur. For example, in a study of ambulance calls for
hypoglycemia, 13.5% of patients with hypoglycemia (blood glucose <60 mg/dL [3.3
mmol/L]) were managed on the scene without transport to the emergency department.[25]
Patients brought to the emergency department were more likely to be older, residents of
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skilled nursing or assisted living facilities, or have altered consciousness or weakness (both
potential signs of frailty).[25] Thus, all reports of hypoglycemia need to be considered in the
context of the methodology used to identify and measure these events.
mmol/L), or received standard treatment of diet alone as long as fasting plasma glucose
remained <270 mg/dL (15 mmol/L) and participants were asymptomatic.[26, 27] Severe
hypoglycemia, defined by need for third party assistance, occurred each year, on average, in
0.1/100 patients treated with diet, 0.4-0.6/100 of patients treated with sulfonylurea, 2.3/100
of patients treated with insulin.[27] Non-severe hypoglycemia was more common, with at
least one hypoglycemic event per year experienced by 0.8/100 persons treated with diet,
1.7/100 persons treated with metformin, 7.9/100 persons treated with sulfonylurea, 21.2/100
persons treated with basal insulin, and 32.6/100 persons treated with basal plus prandial
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insulin.[28] More recently, the Outcome Reduction with an Initial Glargine Intervention
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(ORIGIN) trial compared intensive glucose-lowering therapy with insulin glargine (targeting
fasting plasma glucose ≤95 mg/dL [5.3 mmol/L]) vs. standard treatment among older
patients with cardiovascular disease risk factors and either prediabetes or early type 2
diabetes.[29] The incidence rates of severe hypoglycemia requiring third party assistance
were 1.00/100 person-years in the insulin glargine group and 0.31/100 person-years in the
standard treatment group.[29]
The paradigm of type 2 diabetes management began to shift a decade ago after three large
randomized controlled trials of intensive glycemic control conducted among adults with
long-standing type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular disease risk did not demonstrate
meaningful improvements in cardiovascular events or mortality, yet had much higher rates of
hypoglycemia than both UKPDS and ORIGIN trials.[30–33] In the Action to Control
Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial, intensive treatment also resulted in higher
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The absolute rates of severe hypoglycemia observed in these trials varied widely,
demonstrating how much hypoglycemia risk is contingent on patient characteristics,
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treatment modality, and approach to ascertainment and monitoring during the trial. In the
intensive vs. standard treatment arms, rates of severe hypoglycemia were 0.7 vs. 0.4/100
patient-years in the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR
Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial (defined by symptoms or blood glucose <50 mg/dL
[2.8 mmol/L] resulting in transient central nervous system dysfunction and need for any
third party assistance);[30] 3.1 vs. 1.0/100 patient-years in ACCORD (defined by requiring
medical assistance);[31] and 12 vs. 4/100 patient-years in the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial
(VADT; defined by impaired or complete loss of consciousness).[32] Non-severe
hypoglycemia was much more common with 120 vs. 90 events/100 patient-years in
ADVANCE,[30] while rates of any hypoglycemia in VADT were 1,566 vs. 432/100 patient-
years, in the intensive vs. standard treatment arms, respectively.[32]
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More recent large randomized controlled trials of glucose-lowering therapies have focused
primarily on the cardiovascular safety of newly approved glucose-lowering medications
rather than intensive glycemic control. These trials include EMPA-REG OUTCOME
(empagliflozin),[34] CANVAS (canagliflozin),[35] LEADER (liraglutide),[36] SAVOR-
TIMI 53 (saxagliptin),[37] TECOS (sitagliptin),[38] EXAMINE (alogliptin),[39] ELIXA
(lixisenatide),[40] SUSTAIN-6 (semaglutide),[41] and DEVOTE (insulin degludec).[42]
Most patients had baseline HbA1c above 8% (except TECOS and ELIXA, where baseline
HbA1c was 7.2%[38] and 7.6%,[40] respectively) and patients were treated to “standard”
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HbA1c targets in all treatment arms; differences in HbA1c levels achieved with study drugs
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vs. placebo were less than 0.5%. Hypoglycemia was infrequent in these trials, though there
was variability in how hypoglycemia was reported (e.g. the percent of patients with at least
one hypoglycemic event during the study period vs. annualized event rates). Severe
hypoglycemia requiring third-party assistance occurred in 1.3% of empaglifozin-treated
patients (vs. 1.5% in placebo group; median 3.1 years of observation), [34] 2.4% of
liraglutide-treated patients (vs. 3.3% in placebo group; median 3.8 years of observation),
[36] 2.1% of saxagliptin-treated patients (vs. 1.7% in placebo group; median 2.1 years of
observation), [37] and 0.7% of alogliptin-treated patients (vs. 0.6% in placebo group;
median 1.5 years of observation).[39] In the TECOS trial, severe hypoglycemia occurred at
the rate of 0.8/100 person-years in the sitagliptin group and 0.7/100 person-years in the
placebo group.[38] Non-severe hypoglycemia with blood glucose ≤54 mg/dL (3.0 mmol/L)
occurred in 14.2% of saxagliptin-treated patients (vs. 12.5% in placebo group) [37] and <70
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Results from trials may not immediately generalize to real-world practice. Large,
randomized trials often select motivated patients who are adherent to their recommended
treatments, are less likely to experience socioeconomic barriers to care, are closely
monitored, and may have their treatment regimens promptly adjusted in the event of adverse
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events. None of the studies discussed above included patients with history of severe
hypoglycemia, poor health status, or with major non-cardiovascular comorbidities. As a
result, the rates and nature of hypoglycemia reported in trials likely differ substantially from
real-world practice.[43]
2009, insulin and oral glucose-lowering medications were implicated in nearly 14% and
10.7% of emergent hospitalizations among diabetes patients ≥65 years, respectively,[44]
though hypoglycemia was not necessarily the primary reason for admission. In a claims-
based study of commercially-insured and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries across the U.S.,
hypoglycemia was the primary reason for hospitalization among 1.2% of 594,146
hospitalized adults with diabetes between 2009 and 2014.[45] However, these estimates,
which include patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, likely represent a small fraction of
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hypoglycemic events, as hypoglycemia rarely necessitates emergency care and even less
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When patients were asked about their experience of severe hypoglycemia, the rate of self-
reported events varied widely. Multiple studies have assessed the rates of self-reported
hypoglycemia, most often during the preceding 6-months period, among non-insulin treated
patients with type 2 diabetes. Rates of severe hypoglycemia, defined by requiring third party
assistance, were highly variable, ranging from 1% (questionnaire completed by 412 patients
in Sweden; mean age 69 years, 71% with diabetes duration >7 years, mean HbA1c 6.3%, all
on metformin/sulfonylurea combination therapy),[46] 9% (questionnaire completed by 392
patients in Germany; mean age 62.7 years, 60.3% with diabetes duration >7 years, HbA1c
7.2%, all on metformin/sulfonylurea combination therapy),[47] 12% (questionnaire
completed by 2,257 patients in China, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand; mean age
58.7 years, HbA1c 7.5%, 13.9% on metformin monotherapy and 46% using sulfonylureas),
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[48] 13% (internet survey completed by 1984 non-insulin-treated patients in the U.S.; mean
age 58.1 years, diabetes duration 7.3 years, 50% treated with sulfonylurea),[49] and 17%
(postal survey completed by 326 patients with type 2 diabetes in the U.S.; mean age 69.3
years, diabetes duration 15.7 years, HbA1c 7.4%, 66% insulin-treated)[14]. In the same
studies, severe hypoglycemia requiring medical assistance was reported by 1%,[46] 6%,[47]
8%,[48] and 4%[49] of respondents. Non-severe events were much more frequent. Mild
events, defined by symptoms causing little disruption to patients’ activities, were reported by
51%,[47] 58%,[48] and 46% [49] of participants. Similarly, moderate severity events,
defined by symptoms causing disruption but self-managed, were reported by 17%,[46] 46%,
[47] 22%,[48] and 37%.[49]
Patients treated with insulin have higher self-reported rates of hypoglycemia. Studies
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conducted in this population commonly asked patients treated with insulin for ≥1 year about
hypoglycemic events in the preceding 12 months. Self-reported severe hypoglycemia,
defined by requiring third party assistance, was reported by 4% (interview of 1667 patients
in the Netherlands; mean age 67.2 years, diabetes duration 11.5 years, using insulin for 4.6
years),[50] 15% (interview of 215 patients in Scotland; mean age 68 years, HbAlc 8.6%,
diabetes duration 13 years, using insulin for 4 years),[51] and 17% (survey completed by
401 patients in Denmark; mean age 66 years, HbA1c 8.3%, diabetes duration 15 years, using
insulin for 7 years) [52] of patients. Once again, non-severe hypoglycemic events were more
common, reported by 37% [50] and 64% of patients [51] in these studies.
online survey was completed by 458 patients with self-identified type 2 diabetes (mean age
53.4 years, diabetes duration 10.0 years, HbA1c 7.1%) who reported taking insulin (34.7%),
insulin secretagogues (47.4%), or both (17.9%); it included questions about non-severe
(symptoms of hypoglycemia managed by the patient) and severe (symptoms requiring any
third party assistance) hypoglycemic events in the preceding 30 days and 12 months,
respectively. Non-severe hypoglycemia was reported by 54% of patients (12.1 events per
person year) and severe hypoglycemia was reported by 38% (2.5 events per person year).
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patients with insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes (mean age 61.8 years, diabetes duration 8.9
years, HbA1c 8.5%) underwent continuous glucose monitoring. During the 3-day study
period, 10% reported hypoglycemia with glucometer glucose <3.1 mmol/L (56 mg/dL), yet
continuous glucose monitor data showed that 42% had glucose ≤3.0 mmol/L (54 mg/dL) and
18% had glucose ≤2.2 mmol/L (40 mg/dL).[55] In another study of 108 patients with type 2
diabetes (both insulin and non-insulin treated), continuous glucose monitoring detected
glucose <70 mg/dL [3.9 mmol/L] in 49.1% of participants over 5 days (1.74 episodes/patient
per 5 days); 75% of those with hypoglycemia had at least one asymptomatic event.[56]
Despite its incompleteness, glucometer data is still informative, particularly as continuous
glucose monitors are used infrequently by patients with type 2 diabetes. In a study of 165
insulin-treated adults with type 2 diabetes (mean age 67, diabetes duration 18 years, HbA1c
7.6%) an electronic diabetes management system was retrospectively used to capture
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patients’ home glucometer data at the time of clinical encounters. Over a 3-months period,
19% of patients had episodes with glucose ≤45 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L) and 82% with glucose
≤70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L), corresponding to annualized rates of 2.9 and 37 events/person-
year, respectively.[57]
Clinicians are often unaware of their patients’ hypoglycemic events, potentially due to
patient reluctance to report events and lack of direct questioning about hypoglycemia in
between and during clinical encounters. Patients may underreport report hypoglycemia due
to fear of repercussions such as loss of driving privileges.[58] In a Japanese web survey of
230 insulin-treated adults with type 2 diabetes (mean age 55 years, diabetes duration 15
years), 90% of respondents reported at least one episode of non-severe daytime
hypoglycemia and 34% reported at least one episode of non-severe nighttime hypoglycemia
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over the prior 3 months. However, only 60% of patients experiencing daytime hypoglycemia
and 42% experiencing nighttime hypoglycemia had notified their healthcare provider.[59] In
another online survey of 3,042 insulin-adults with type 2 diabetes (mean age 61 years,
diabetes duration 11 years, using insulin for 5 years) in the U.S., Canada, Japan, Germany,
UK, and Denmark, 36% endorsed non-severe (i.e. self-treated) hypoglycemia during the
preceding 30 days (3.1 events/person/30 days), but only 2% of those with hypoglycemia
were seen by their healthcare provider for it, 1% emailed their healthcare provider, 1% saw a
diabetes specialist, and fewer than 1% were evaluated in the emergency department.[60]
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This has important research and clinical implications, because if patients do not report or
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discuss their hypoglycemic events with their healthcare providers, precipitating factors
cannot be identified, treatment is unlikely to be modified, and future hypoglycemic events
are less likely to be prevented.
mental status or seizure, and/or requiring hospitalization, there were 3.9 severe
hypoglycemic events/100 patient-years.[63] In this study, severe hypoglycemia rates by
treatment regimen were, per 100 patient-years, 6.7 (sulfonylurea plus insulin), 4.9
(sulfonylurea plus insulin plus other non-insulin drug), 3.1 (sulfonylurea plus other non-
insulin drug) and 3.8 (sulfonylurea only).[63]
Despite the recent availability and use of new classes of glucose-lowering medications that
have a lower risk of hypoglycemia (e.g. glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists,
dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, and sodium-glucose transport protein 2 (SGLT2)
inhibitors),[64] rates of severe hypoglycemia do not appear to be decreasing. In a claims-
based study of 1.66 million U.S. commercially-insured and Medicare Advantage
beneficiaries with type 2 diabetes, emergency department visits and hospitalizations for
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hypoglycemia remained stable at 1.3 events/100 person-years between 2006 and 2013.[65]
There was, however, marked variation in hypoglycemia rate as a function of patient age,
medications used, and comorbidity status. In 2016, patients aged ≥75 years experienced 2.3
events/100 person-years, compared to 1.3 events/100 person-years among patients aged
65-74 years, and 0.9 events/100 person-years among patients aged 45-64 years and 18-44
years. Patients with ≥2 comorbidities experienced 3.5 events/100 person-years, while
patients with one and no comorbid conditions had 1.1 and 0.4 events/100 person-years,
respectively. Patients treated with insulin or sulfonylurea experienced 2.0 events/100 person-
years, compared to 0.2 events/100 person-years among patients treated with other glucose-
lowering drugs. [65] Comparable rates were observed in a longitudinal study conducted in a
different patient population in the U.S., though that study included patients with both type 1
and type 2 diabetes.[66]
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There is limited data regarding diabetes management and hypoglycemia among people
living in long-term care facilities, despite their high clinical complexity and, presumably,
hypoglycemia risk. Approximately one third of nursing home residents in the U.S. have
diabetes[67]. In a cohort study of 200 patients ≥65 years (mean age 80 years) in two U.S.
skilled nursing facilities, the majority of patients were treated with hypoglycemia-prone
drugs: 71% were treated with insulin, 15.5% with insulin and non-insulin drugs, and 13.5%
with only non-insulin drugs; 78% of the non-insulin drugs were sulfonylureas. During up to
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30 days of observation, 38% of patients in the study experienced events with glucose <70
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mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L; 3.4% of patient-days) and 3.5% with glucose <40 mg/dL (2.2 mmol/L;
0.1% of patient-days).[68] Hypoglycemia rates were similar among patients treated with
insulin and non-insulin mediations. Two other studies that focused on nursing home
residents in the U.S. [69] and India [70] demonstrated comparable rates of hypoglycemia.
The risk of hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes is influenced by many patient- and treatment-
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related factors (Figure 1). One of the strongest predictors of future hypoglycemia is history
of prior hypoglycemia, both severe and non-severe.[74, 45, 62, 75] A large U.S. claims-
based case control study of adults with type 2 diabetes found that an emergency department
visit for hypoglycemia within prior 180 days increased the risk of subsequent hospitalization
for hypoglycemia by 9.5-fold.[76] In a U.S. claims-based cohort study, history of an
ambulatory visit for hypoglycemia increased the risk of subsequent hypoglycemia requiring
emergency department or hospital care by 3-fold.[77] Similarly, in the prospective Fremantle
Diabetes Study, the risk of ambulance use, emergency department care, or hospitalization for
hypoglycemia during 6.4 years of follow-up increased more than 6-fold with prior history of
severe hypoglycemic events.[78]
A strong and potentially modifiable risk factor for hypoglycemia is the choice of
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increased by 42% with each additional year of insulin therapy.[78] Still, glucose-lowering
polypharmacy in high risk patients (e.g. the elderly or those with multiple comorbidities) can
lead to hypoglycemia even without the use of sulfonylurea or insulin.[5, 77, 78, 83]
Importantly, while sulfonylurea and insulin medications do carry the highest risk of
hypoglycemia, they can be used safely and should not be avoided if clinically necessary.
Indeed, patients may be limited to using insulin or sulfonylurea drugs for a variety of clinical
and non-clinical reasons, including intolerance or contraindication to other medications or
cost considerations. Metformin is the only generic medication at low risk for hypoglycemia
that is part of the World Health Organization list of essential medicines and available
through low cost generic drug programs in the U.S.[84], together with human insulin and
sulfonylureas. If patients do not tolerate metformin, have contraindications for its use, or
metformin monotherapy is not sufficient, sulfonylureas and insulin may be the only
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Other commonly cited risk factors for hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes include older age, [5,
57, 65, 66, 79, 83, 85, 86] longer duration of diabetes, frailty, and multimorbidity. The
chronic health conditions most often implicated in increasing hypoglycemia risk are kidney
disease,[5, 66, 74, 76, 78, 85] cognitive impairment, [81, 87–89] cardiovascular disease,[66,
77] depression,[66, 79] and heart failure.[66, 77, 79] Post-hoc analyses of both ACCORD
and ADVANCE found a direct association between hypoglycemia risk and rising serum
creatinine.[5, 85] Furthermore, in the ADVANCE trial, history of microvascular disease was
the strongest predictor of hypoglycemia (HR 2.62), with greater impact on hypoglycemia
than allocation to the intensive treatment arm (HR 1.86) or use of ≥2 glucose-lowering
medications (HR 1.79)[5], Impaired hypoglycemia awareness, which affects up to 10% of
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insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes, further increases the risk of hypoglycemia by
nearly five-fold.[90]
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income adults (0.20 events/100 person-years). Furthermore, lower-income, but not higher-
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income, adults experienced a 27% increase in hypoglycemia admissions in the last week of
the month (period of greater food insecurity and financial hardship) compared to the first.
[91] Even among commercially-insured adults, patients with diabetes (once again, not subset
by diabetes type) earning less than the median household income had a significantly higher
rate of emergency department visits and hospitalizations for hypoglycemia than higher
income patients (0.20 events/100 person-years vs. 0.15 events/100 person-years), with
greatest probability of events during the last week of the month.[94] There have been no
studies of food insecurity exclusively in type 2 diabetes. Several studies also found increased
risk of hypoglycemia among racial/ethnic minorities, particularly African Americans,[77,
85, 86, 95, 96] though this may be confounded by differences in access to healthcare, food
insecurity, and financial burden –factors that are known to increase hypoglycemia risk yet
are poorly ascertained in many research studies.
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The association between HbA1c and hypoglycemia risk is complex, partly because HbA1c
reflects the average glycemic control over a 3 month period and does not convey glycemic
variability and excursions. Recent studies have suggested that low HbA1c may predict
hypoglycemia risk in type 1 but not type 2 diabetes.[101] While hypoglycemia rates were
higher among patients with type 2 diabetes achieving low HbA1c targets with intensive
glucose-lowering therapy in the ADVANCE,[30] ACCORD,[31] and VADT[32] trials, these
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episodes may be the result of intensive treatment and polypharmacy rather than low
glycemic levels themselves.[5] In a survey of patients with diabetes, the relationship
between HbA1c and severe hypoglycemia was U-shaped, and the association became less
significant once other key patient- and treatment-related factors were taken into
consideration (specifically: patient age, sex, comorbidities, polypharmacy, diabetes
medications used, history of prior hypoglycemia).[20] In the UKPDS trial, hypoglycemia
was more common at lower HbA1c levels among patients treated with metformin or
sulfonylureas, and at higher HbA1c levels among patients treated with insulin.[28] In most
studies, however, the risk of hypoglycemia increased progressively with higher, not lower,
HbA1c.[5, 78, 85]
Preventing Hypoglycemia
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Preventing hypoglycemia is a priority for patients, healthcare providers, and policy makers.
[102] Diabetes agents and iatrogenic hypoglycemia are part of the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Adverse Drug Event Action Plan. These initiatives may provide
counterbalance to existing incentives and performance metrics rewarding intensive glycemic
control and low HbA1c targets. Incorporation of patient-reported outcomes into diabetes
management and use of individualized glycemic targets can further raise awareness about
hypoglycemia and align financial incentives with patient safety.[103]
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The first step in preventing hypoglycemia is identifying patients at highest risk for these
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events, engaging them in conversation about contributing and/or exacerbating factors, and
identifying strategies to mitigate these risks (Figure 2). Through shared decision-making,
patients and clinicians can apply scientific evidence regarding the benefits and risks of
glucose-lowering therapy to each patient’s unique circumstance, context, and preferences for
care.[104] Clinical decision support tools can facilitate this process by integrating a variety
of data sources to compute an individualized hypoglycemia risk and alert providers when an
intervention may be necessary.[105, 106] Ideally, clinical decision support tools would also
guide interventions, signaling need to change or de-escalate glucose-lowering therapy,
and/or make appropriate referrals.[107]
Two recently published hypoglycemia prediction models can help identify at-risk patients.
[62, 108] Developed and validated in different populations, these models were reliable,
accurate, and efficient. The model proposed by Karter and colleagues stratifies patients with
Author Manuscript
type 2 diabetes on the basis of their 12-months risk for hypoglycemia-related utilization
(emergency department use, hospitalization) and is predicated on 6 variables: total number
of prior hypoglycemia-related emergency department visits or hospitalizations, number of
emergency department visits for any cause in the prior year, insulin use, sulfonylurea use,
presence of stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease, and age ≥77 years.[62] Schroeder and
colleagues developed two models, a marginally more accurate 16 variable model and a
parsimonious 6 variable model, to predict emergency department use or hospitalization for
hypoglycemia over 6 months among adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The 6-variable
model includes patient age (U-shaped relationship), diabetes type (nearly doubled risk with
type 1 diabetes), HbA1c (U-shaped relationship), creatinine clearance (small increase in risk
with worse renal function), severe hypoglycemia within the prior year (4-fold higher risk),
and insulin use (2.3-fold higher risk).[108]
Author Manuscript
While clinical practice guidelines recommend raising glycemic targets for patients at high
risk for hypoglycemia,[17] this strategy alone may not be sufficient.[109, 110] A more
effective approach may be to proactively de-intensify treatment regimens of overtreated
patients.[111, 112] Potential overtreatment of adults with type 2 diabetes is common,
including among older adults, patients with advanced kidney disease and dementia, and
patients with high clinical complexity.[83, 113–115] These patients are at highest risk for
hypoglycemia, yet because of their multi-morbidity and limited life expectancy they also
derive less benefit from intensive glycemic control. De-escalation of glucose-lowering
therapy, simplification of treatment regimens, and preferential use of medications with lower
risk of hypoglycemia may moderate their risk of hypoglycemia, reduce polypharmacy and
burden of treatment, and improve quality of life.[111, 112]
Author Manuscript
Indeed, change of glucose-lowering therapy, if clinically and logistically feasible, may be the
simplest way to lower hypoglycemia risk. For example, patients with chronic kidney disease
are at high risk for hypoglycemia,[5, 66, 74, 76, 78, 85] yet are often treated with insulin or
sulfonylureas as both are approved for use with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
<15 mL/min/1.73m2. However, other glucose-lowering medications may also be considered
in the setting of renal impairment, which may lower the patients’ hypoglycemia risk.
Metformin may be used, at reduced doses, as long as eGFR is above 30 mL/min/1.73m2.
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DPP-4 inhibitors may be used at reduced doses with eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73m2 and GLP-1
Author Manuscript
receptor agonists can be used without dose reduction as long as eGFR is above 15 mL/min/
1.73 m2 (except for liraglutide and dulaglutide, where there is limited evidence for use at
lower eGFR, and lixisenatide, which may be considered even with eGFR 15-29 mL/min/
1.73m2). SGLT-2 inhibitors are contraindicated in patients with eGFR<30 mL/min/1.73m2
and caution is advised during use in patients with moderate kidney disease (eGFR 30-45
mL/min/1.73m2) due to limited data supporting safety and efficacy in this population.[116]
Still, in clinical practice, access to these medications may be limited by financial
considerations and formulary restrictions, which would need to be addressed as part of a
systems-wide effort to promote safe, effective, and equitable diabetes care.
Engagement and coordination of multi-disciplinary clinical teams may also improve diabetes
management and reduce hypoglycemia risk (Figure 2). Patients experiencing or at risk for
hypoglycemia may benefit from diabetes self-management education focused on glucose
Author Manuscript
evidence for improved HbAlc, medication adherence, and access to care[123]. Finally, real-
time integration of patient-generated glycemic data and self-reported events into the
electronic health record for clinical review, followed by bidirectional flow of information
between the clinical setting and the patient’s home, may help identify, treat, and ultimately
prevent hypoglycemic events. In a pilot study, real-time evaluation of blood glucose data
obtained using a connected glucometer by a diabetes educator lowered the probability of
hypoglycemia (glucose <70 mg/dL [3.9 mmol/L]) by 18%.[124]
Provider awareness of the patient’s situation is also necessary to gauge hypoglycemia risk
and identify strategies to reduce it. This includes cultural practices, eating and physical
activity habits, and socioeconomic realities. For instance, fasting increases the risk for
hypoglycemia during a predefined time period, and proactive focused patient education and
Author Manuscript
treatment modification may reduce this risk ahead of medical tests or procedures [97] and
during Ramadan.[125] Community health workers show promise in improving diabetes
management in immigrant groups,[126, 127] though their impact on hypoglycemia has not
been assessed. Similarly, enhancing financial and social support may help lower
hypoglycemia risk in vulnerable patients. In a study of commercially-insured people with
diabetes, the end-of-month increase in emergency department visits and hospitalizations for
hypoglycemia that was likely driven by food insecurity was lessened by an increase in
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits,[94] reinforcing access to food as an
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can also help, particularly if patients need assistance with food preparation, medication
administration, and treatment of hypoglycemia before it becomes very severe. Identifying
these non-clinical factors, engaging patients and social support networks, and
acknowledging the realities of each patient’s situation are important aspects of patient-
centered diabetes care that need to be evaluated in prospective studies and, if successful,
implemented into practice.
Many patients with type 2 diabetes experience hypoglycemia, increasing their risk of
adverse health outcomes including death, high costs, and impaired quality of life. Yet, few
events are brought to medical attention or elicited by healthcare providers, which hinders
identification of precipitating and contributing causes and, ultimately, prevention of future
Author Manuscript
Prospective clinical trials focused specifically on reducing hypoglycemia among high risk
patients with type 2 diabetes are needed. There are several barriers to such trials, including
heterogeneity of hypoglycemia risk and risk factors, need for different interventions at
varying points in time and contexts, and lack of consensus about how hypoglycemia is
defined, measured, and recorded. Both interventional and non-interventional studies should
Author Manuscript
Patient-centered diabetes care is predicated on identifying and promoting safe and effecting
treatment strategies that minimize patient burden, improve quality of life, and reduce risks of
both immediate and long-term complications. Addressing hypoglycemia by leveraging
Author Manuscript
We sincerely appreciate the valuable contributions of Nataly R. Espinoza Suarez, MD for her work on study
screening and review. We further extend a sincere thank-you to Patricia J. Erwin, MLS (Mayo Clinic Library) for
Curr Diab Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 June 21.
Silbert et al. Page 16
assisting with the comprehensive literature search and to Bryce Bergene (Mayo Clinic Brand Strategy and Creative
Studio) for assisting with creation of the figure graphics.
Author Manuscript
Dr. McCoy is supported by the Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care
Delivery and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of
Health under Award Number K23DK114497. The content is the solely the responsibility of the authors and does
not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been highlighted as:
* Of importance
** Of major importance
Author Manuscript
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9*. Khunti K, Davies M, Majeed A, Thorsted BL, Wolden ML, Paul SK. Hypoglycemia and risk of
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10*. McCoy RG, Shah ND, Van Houten HK, Wermers RA, Ziegenfuss JY, Smith SA. Increased
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Ther. 2016;7(1):45–60. [PubMed: 26886441] This structured literature review directly compares
the rates of hypoglycemia among insulin-treated adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes as
Author Manuscript
reported in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and real-world data (RWD). For patients with
type 2 diabetes, rates of severe, non-severe, and nocturnal events were all higher in studies
relying on RWD, though the differences were much lower than for patients with type 1 diabetes.
This reinforces the importance of using real-world estimates to understand hypoglycemia risk
and counsel patients about risks and benefits of glucose-lowering therapy
44. Budnitz DS, Lovegrove MC, Shehab N, Richards CL. Emergency hospitalizations for adverse drug
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Impact of Severe Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Events. J Gen Intern Med. 2017;32(10):
1097–105. doi:10.1007/s11606-017-4095-x. [PubMed: 28685482] This study analyzed 594,146
hospitalizations among commercially-insured and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries with
diabetes between 2009-2014, and found that 1.3% of all hospitalizations were for the primary
diagnosis of hypoglycemia. This is the first study to place hospitalizations for hypoglycemia and
Author Manuscript
hyperglycemia in the context of all hospitalizations among adults with diabetes in the U.S
46. Pettersson B, Rosenqvist U, Deleskog A et al. Self-reported experience of hypoglycemia among
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Author Manuscript
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54**. Emral R, Pathan F, Cortes CAY et al. Self-reported hypoglycemia in insulin-treated patients with
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Clin Pract. 2017;134:17–28. [PubMed: 28951336] The International Operations HAT (IO HAT)
Author Manuscript
study retrospectively and prospectively assessed the incidence of hypoglycemia among adults
with insulin-treated diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in nine countries (Bangladesh, Colombia, Egypt,
Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates), and
highlighted the discrepancy between prospectively and retrospectively reported rates.
Hypoglycemia was retrospectively reported by patients with type 2 diabetes at the rate of 1.6
events/patient/month and prospectively identified at the rate of 2.4 events/patient/month, while
hospitalizations for hypoglycemia occurred at the rate of 0.026 events/patient/ month
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55. Levy JC, Davies MJ, Holman RR. Continuous glucose monitoring detected hypoglycaemia in the
Treating to Target in Type 2 Diabetes Trial (4-T). Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2017;131:161–8. doi:
Author Manuscript
[PubMed: 23150950]
61. Douros A, Yin H, Yu O H Y et al. Pharmacologic Differences of Sulfonylureas and the Risk of
Adverse Cardiovascular and Hypoglycemic Events. Diabetes Care. 2017.
62**. Karter AJ, Warton EM, Lipska KJ et al. Development and Validation of a Tool to Identify
Patients With Type 2 Diabetes at High Risk of Hypoglycemia-Related Emergency Department or
Hospital Use. JAMA Intern Med. 2017;177(10):1461–70. [PubMed: 28828479] In this study,
Karter and colleagues develop and validate in three different healthcare delivery systems an
efficient risk model predicting the 12-month risk of hospitalization or emergency department visit
for hypoglycemia for adults with type 2 diabetes. This model stratifies patients as being at high
(>5%), intermediate (1-5%), or low (<1%) risk of hypoglycemia utilization events based on 6
variables: total number of prior hypoglycemia-related hospitalization or emergency department
visits, total number of emergency department visits for any cause in the past year, insulin use,
sulfonylurea use, presence of stage 4-5 chronic kidney disease, and age ≥77 years
63**. Schloot NC, Haupt A, Schutt M et al. Risk of severe hypoglycemia in sulfonylurea-treated
patients from diabetes centers in Germany/Austria: How big is the problem? Which patients are
Author Manuscript
at risk? Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2016;32(3):316–24. [PubMed: 26409039] Schloot et al. studied
a large population of sulfonylurea-treated patients in a real-life setting. They reported an event
rate of severe hypoglycemia of 3.9 per 100 patient-years, identifying several key risk factors
associated with hypoglycemia, including lack of diabetes education, older age, and impaired
kidney function
64. Persson F, Nystrom T, Jorgensen M E et al. Dapagliflozin is associated with lower risk of
cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in people with type 2 diabetes (CVD-REAL Nordic)
when compared with dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor therapy: A multinational observational study.
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 2017.
65**. Lipska KJ, Yao X, Herrin J et al. Trends in Drug Utilization, Glycemic Control, and Rates of
Severe Hypoglycemia, 2006-2013. Diabetes Care. 2017;40(4):468–75. [PubMed: 27659408]
This study examined the contemporaneous trends in the pharmacological management of type 2
diabetes, glycemic control, and rates of hospitalizations and emergency department visits for
severe hypoglycemia among 1.66 million U.S. adults. Lipska et al found that despite increasing
use of GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors, which are associated with lower risk of
Author Manuscript
hypoglycemia, the overall rates of severe hypoglycemia did not change between 2006-2013 (1.3
events/100 person-years). Hypoglycemia rates were highest among the elderly, those with
multiple comorbidities, and with insulin/sulfonylurea use. Glycemic control improved over time
in the elderly, but worsened in younger and healthier patients
66**. Pathak RD, Schroeder EB, Seaquist ER, Zeng C, Lafata JE, Thomas A et al. Severe
Hypoglycemia Requiring Medical Intervention in a Large Cohort of Adults With Diabetes
Receiving Care in U.S. Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems: 2005-2011. Diabetes Care.
2016;39(3):363–70. doi:10.2337/dc15-0858. [PubMed: 26681726] This study examined the
prevalence of severe hypoglycemia requiring emergency department care or hospitalization
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among 917,440 adults with diabetes (not separated by diabetes type) within a large integrated
healthcare delivery system in the U.S. between 2005-2011. Annual rates of severe hypoglycemia
Author Manuscript
ranged from 1.4 to 1.6/100 person-years and were higher among older patients, patients treated
with insulin, sulfonylurea, and beta-blockers, and patients with chronic kidney disease, heart
failure, cardiovascular disease, depression, and higher HbA1c
67. CMS. MDS 3.0 Frequency Report: Fourth Quarter 2017. . Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services. 2017 https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Computer-Data-and-
Accessed February 22 2018.
68. Patell R, Nigmatoulline D, Bena J et al. Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia in Patients with
Diabetes in Skilled Nursing Facilities. Endocrine Practice. 2017;23(4):458–65. [PubMed:
69. Davis KL, Wei W, Meyers JL et al. Use of basal insulin and the associated clinical outcomes
among elderly nursing home residents with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a retrospective chart review
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70. Chandrakumar A, Vikas PV, Tharakan PG et al. Prevalence of hypoglycemia among diabetic old
Author Manuscript
age home residents in South India. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2016;10(1 Suppl 1):S144–6.
71. Mitchell BD, Vietri J, Zagar A et al. Hypoglycaemic events in patients with type 2 diabetes in the
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Endocr Disord. 2013;13:59. [PubMed: 24351086]
72. Bonds DE, Miller ME, Dudl J, Feinglos M, Ismail-Beigi F, Malozowski S et al. Severe
hypoglycemia symptoms, antecedent behaviors, immediate consequences and association with
glycemia medication usage: Secondary analysis of the ACCORD clinical trial data. BMC Endocr
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73. Cahn A, Mosenzon O, Bhatt DL, Leibowitz G, Yanuv I, Rozenberg A et al. Hypoglycaemia
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Obes Metab. 2017;19(7):1045–50. doi:10.1111/dom.12903. [PubMed: 28181728]
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insured and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries with non-insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes across
the U.S. and established the association between overtreatment and severe hypoglycemia. McCoy
et al found that 18.7% of clinically complex and 26.5% of non-clinically complex patients were
potentially overtreated, which increased the risk-adjusted probability of severe hypoglycemia
among clinically complex patients from 1.7% over two years to 3.0%. Non-clinically complex
patients were able to tolerate potential overtreatment without significant increase in
hypoglycemia risk (1.02% versus 1.30% over two years)
84. Pauly NJ, Brown JD. Prevalence of Low-Cost Generic Program Use in a Nationally Representative
Cohort of Privately Insured Adults. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2015;21(12):1162–70. doi:
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85*. Miller ME, Bonds DE, Gerstein HC, Seaquist ER, Bergenstal RM, Calles-Escandon J et al. The
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ACCORD study. BMJ. 2010;340:b5444. doi:10.1136/bmj.b5444. [PubMed: 20061360] This
post-hoc analysis of the ACCORD trial examined the patient- and treatment-specific risk factors
Author Manuscript
for hypoglycemia
86. Shorr RI, Ray WA, Daugherty JR, Griffin MR. Incidence and risk factors for serious hypoglycemia
in older persons using insulin or sulfonylureas. Arch Intern Med. 1997;157(15):1681–6. [PubMed:
87. Kostev K, Dippel FW, Rathmann W. Predictors of hypoglycaemia in insulin-treated type 2 diabetes
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88. Bruderer SG, Bodmer M, Jick SS, Bader G, Schlienger RG, Meier CR. Incidence of and risk
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89. Feinkohl I, Aung PP, Keller M, Robertson CM, Morling JR, McLachlan S et al. Severe
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Author Manuscript
90. Schopman JE, Geddes J, Frier BM. Prevalence of impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia and
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at month’s end and hospital admissions for hypoglycemia. Health Aff (Millwood). 2014;33(1):
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92. Seligman HK, Jacobs EA, Lopez A, Sarkar U, Tschann J, Fernandez A. Food insecurity and
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93. Seligman HK, Davis TC, Schillinger D, Wolf MS. Food insecurity is associated with hypoglycemia
and poor diabetes self-management in a low-income sample with diabetes. J Health Care Poor
Underserved. 2010;21(4):1227–33. doi:10.1353/hpu.2010.0921. [PubMed: 21099074]
94**. Basu S, Berkowitz SA, Seligman H. The Monthly Cycle of Hypoglycemia: An Observational
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Commercially Insured Population. Med Care. 2017;55(7):639–45. doi:10.1097/MLR.
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program benefits, demonstrating how social service/support interventions can help reduce
hypoglycemia risk and improve health
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95. Shen JJ, Washington EL. Identification of diabetic complications among minority populations.
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96. Karter AJ, Lipska KJ, O’Connor PJ, Liu JY, Moffet HH, Schroeder EB et al. High rates of severe
hypoglycemia among African American patients with diabetes: the surveillance, prevention, and
Management of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) network. J Diabetes Complications.
2017;31(5):869–73. doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2017.02.009. [PubMed: 28319006]
97. Aldasouqi S, Sheikh A, Klosterman P, Kniestedt S, Schubert L, Danker R et al. Hypoglycemia in
patients with diabetes who are fasting for laboratory blood tests: the Cape Girardeau
Hypoglycemia En Route Prevention Program. Postgrad Med. 2013;125(1):136–43. doi:10.3810/
98. Halimi S, Levy M, Huet D et al. Experience with Vildagliptin in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Fasting
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99. Salti I, Bénard E, Detournay B, Bianchi-Biscay M, Le Brigand C, Voinet C et al. A Population-
Author Manuscript
Based Study of Diabetes and Its Characteristics During the Fasting Month of Ramadan in 13
Countries. Results of the Epidemiology of Diabetes and Ramadan 1422/2001 (EPIDIAR) study.
2004;27(10):2306–11. doi:10.2337/diacare.27.10.2306.
100. Aravind SR, Al T K, Ismail SB et al. Hypoglycaemia in sulphonylurea-treated subjects with type
2 diabetes undergoing Ramadan fasting: a five-country observational study. Curr Med Res Opin.
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101. Malkani S, Kotwal A. Frequency and Predictors of Self-Reported Hypoglycemia in Insulin-
Treated Diabetes. J Diabetes Res. 2017;2017:7425925. doi:10.1155/2017/7425925. [PubMed:
102. Shelbaya S, Rakha S Effectiveness and safety of vildagliptin and vildagliptin add-on to metformin
in real-world settings in Egypt - results from the GUARD study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2017;33(5):
797–801. [PubMed: 28303721]
103. Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Ospina NS, McCoy RG, Lipska KJ, Shah ND, Montori VM et al.
Inclusion of Hypoglycemia in Clinical Practice Guidelines and Performance Measures in the
Care of Patients With Diabetes. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(11):1714–6. doi:10.1001/
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108**. Schroeder EB, Xu S, Goodrich GK, Nichols GA, O’Connor PJ, Steiner JF. Predicting the 6-
month risk of severe hypoglycemia among adults with diabetes: Development and external
validation of a prediction model. J Diabetes Complications. 2017;31(7):1158–63. doi:10.1016/
j.jdiacomp.2017.04.004. [PubMed: 28462891] In this study, Schroeder and colleagues develop
and validate in two different healthcare delivery systems (that are different from Karter et al,
2017) two risk models predicting the 6-months risk of hospitalization or emergency department
visit for hypoglycemia for adults with diabetes (did not differentiate by diabetes type). The full
model, which included 16 variables, slightly outperformed the simplified model with six
variables. The full model was comprised of patient age, race/ethnicity, diabetes type (type 1 or 2),
body mass index, HbA1c, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), any hospitalization in past
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year, any emergency department visit in past year, severe hypoglycemic event in past year,
retinopathy, cardiovascular disease, depression, heart failure, insulin, metformin, number of
Author Manuscript
classes of glucose lowering medications. The simplified model was comprised of patient age,
diabetes type, HbA1c, eGFR, history of a hypoglycemic event in the prior year, and insulin use
109*. Munshi MN, Slyne C, Segal AR, Saul N, Lyons C, Weinger K. Liberating A1C goals in older
adults may not protect against the risk of hypoglycemia. J Diabetes Complications. 2017;31(7):
1197–9. doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2017.02.014. [PubMed: 28343792] While diabetes management
guidelines and expert consensus recommend that glycemic targets of patients at high risk for
hypoglycemia be relaxed in order to prevent future hypoglycemic events, this study demonstrates
that such an approach may not be sufficient. In this prospective study, the frequency of
hypoglycemic events was monitored by continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) among older
adults treated with multiple daily insulin injections or basal insulin with non-insulin agents who
had different HbA1c treatment targets. The duration of hypoglycemia was not different between
the HbA1c groups, regardless of treatment intensity, demonstrating that higher HbA1c goals may
not protect against hypoglycemia
110. Munshi MN, Segal AR, Suhl E et al. Frequent hypoglycemia among elderly patients with poor
glycemic control. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2011;171(4):362–4. [PubMed: 21357814]
Author Manuscript
111**. Sussman JB, Kerr EA, Saini SD, Holleman RG, Klamerus ML, Min LC et al. Rates of
Deintensification of Blood Pressure and Glycemic Medication Treatment Based on Levels of
Control and Life Expectancy in Older Patients With Diabetes Mellitus. JAMA Intern Med.
2015:1–8. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.5110.This study demonstrates that deintensification
of potentially overtreated older adults with diabetes does not occur often in routine clinical
practice (this study was conducted in the US Veterans Health Administration), but when it does,
treatment deintensification is safe as it does not result in a clinically significant or concerning rise
in HbA1c. Glucose-lowering therapy was deintensified among 27% of patients with HbA1c
<6.0%, 21% of patients with HbA1c 6.0-6.4%, and 18% of patients with HbA1c ≥6.5%,
demonstrating the remaining opportunities for individualizing and improving the diabetes care
among older adults at risk for hypoglycemia
112*. Munshi MN, Slyne C, Segal AR, Saul N, Lyons C, Weinger K. Simplification of Insulin
Regimen in Older Adults and Risk of Hypoglycemia. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(7):1023–5.
doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.2288. [PubMed: 27273335] In this single-arm intervention
study, Munshi and colleagues simplified insulin regimens of 65 older adults with type 2 diabetes
Author Manuscript
who, at baseline, were treated with ≥2 insulin injections per day or with any hypoglycemia on
baseline 5-day continuous glucose monitor assessment. Simplification to basal insulin with or
without noninsulin agents resulted in reduction in hypoglycemia, reduction in diabetes distress
symptoms, reduction of HbA1c among patients with baseline HbA1c ≥8%, and slight increase in
HbA1c among patients with baseline HbA1c <7.0%. This demonstrates the importance of
treatment simplification and deintensification among older adults not only to reduce
hypoglycemia, but also improve quality of life and attain safe glycemic targets appropriate for
patient age
113. Lipska KJ, Ross JS, Miao Y, Shah ND, Lee SJ, Steinman MA. Potential overtreatment of diabetes
mellitus in older adults with tight glycemic control. JAMA Intern Med. 2015;175(3):356–62. doi:
10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.7345. [PubMed: 25581565]
114. Tseng CL, Soroka O, Maney M, Aron DC, Pogach LM. Assessing potential glycemic
overtreatment in persons at hypoglycemic risk. JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(2):259–68. doi:
10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.12963. [PubMed: 24322626]
115. de Vries ST, Voorham J, Haaijer-Ruskamp FM, Denig P. Potential overtreatment and
Author Manuscript
undertreatment of diabetes in different patient age groups in primary care after the introduction of
performance measures. Diabetes Care. 2014;37(5):1312–20. doi:10.2337/dc13-1861. [PubMed:
116. ADA. American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2018. Section 8.
Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment. Diabetes Care. 2018;41(Supplement 1):S73–
S85. doi:10.2337/dc18-S008. [PubMed: 29222379]
117. de Zoysa N, Rogers H, Stadler M, Gianfrancesco C, Beveridge S, Britneff E et al. A
psychoeducational program to restore hypoglycemia awareness: the DAFNE-HART pilot study.
Diabetes Care. 2014;37(3):863–6. doi:10.2337/dc13-1245. [PubMed: 24319119]
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118. Beck RW, Riddlesworth TD, Ruedy K, et al. Continuous glucose monitoring versus usual care in
patients with type 2 diabetes receiving multiple daily insulin injections: A randomized trial. Ann
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Figure 1. Risk factors for hypoglycemia among patients with type 2 diabetes.
DSME, diabetes self-management education. EHR, electronic health records. HbA1c,
hemoglobin A1c. PROs, patient-reported outcomes.
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Figure 2. Strategies to reduce hypoglycemia risk among patients with type 2 diabetes.
DSME, diabetes self-management education. EHR, electronic health records. HbA1c,
hemoglobin A1c. PHR, patient health records. PROs, patient-reported outcomes.
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Curr Diab Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 June 21.