Make A Difference With An: Australia Awards Scholarship

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Make a difference

with an
Australia Awards
Intake 2023
Make a difference

Australia Awards Cambodia

Australia’s development assistance program in Cambodia aims Who can apply?
to contribute to greater prosperity, stability and resilience – in
Cambodia and the broader Indo-Pacific region. Cambodians from all walks of life are invited to apply for an
Australia Awards Scholarship. The application process is open
Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international and competitive.
awards offered by the Australian Government to the next
generation of local, national and global leaders. Through study Australia Awards Scholarships are open to applicants from
and research, recipients develop the skills and knowledge to all sectors in Cambodia, including public sector agencies,
drive change and help build enduring people-to-people links academia and think tanks, civil society organisations, the media
with Australia. and the private sector.

Australia Awards Scholarships provide educational opportunities Applications are strongly encouraged from women, people with
for talented Cambodians at the postgraduate level to contribute disability, and people living and working outside of Phnom Penh.
to Cambodia’s development, and COVID-19 response A support scheme is available to assist equal participation for
and recovery, in line with Australia’s Cambodia COVID-19 these applicants.
Development Response Plan, available at:
au/sites/default/files/covid-response-plan-cambodia.pdf Benefits of an Australia Awards Scholarship
Applicants will be assessed for their professional and personal Australia Awards Scholarships are offered for the minimum
qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their period necessary for the individual to complete the academic
potential to have an impact on development challenges in program specified by the Australian education institution,
Cambodia. including any preparatory training.
Scholarship recipients will receive the following:
Level of study
• return air travel
Australia Awards Scholarships are long-term awards that
provide Cambodians with the opportunity to obtain a • a one-off establishment allowance on arrival
postgraduate qualification at an Australian tertiary education • full tuition fees
institution at:
• contribution to living expenses
• Masters level, by coursework or research
• introductory academic program
• Doctoral level (PhD)
• Overseas Student Health Cover for the duration of the
What can I study?
• supplementary academic support
In recognition of the genuine development challenges across
all sectors in Cambodia, applicants from all fields of study are • fieldwork allowance (for research students only)
encouraged to apply.
Applicants should select courses that align with their experience Application dates for study commencing
and qualifications or provide a strong justification for courses that in Australia in 2023
represent a shift in career focus or direction.
Applications open: 1 February 2022
Please note that scholarships are not available for general Applications close: 29 April 2022
management degrees, such as a Master of Business
Administration. Applications and/or supporting documents received after
Candidates are advised to check the Australia Awards Cambodia the closing date will not be considered.
website for further information:

Front cover: Australia Awards Scholarship Intake 2023 Ambassadors, Miss Sao Sereysothea and Mr. Meng Rithea

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Australia Awards Cambodia

Eligibility criteria In addition, Masters by Research and PhD level applicants must:
Applicants must meet all the global eligibility requirements detailed • have an English language proficiency of at least:
in the Australia Awards Scholarship Policy Handbook available at: - an IELTS Academic result with an overall score of at least 6.5, with no band less than 6.0, or
- an internet-based TOEFL score of at least 84, with a
Cambodia – specific conditions minimum of 21 in all subtests, or

In addition to these global eligibility requirements, applicants - a PTE Academic overall score of 58 with no
must also meet the following conditions: communicative skill score less than 50

• be a citizen of Cambodia, with no dual or additional • obtain an English language test result after 30 April 2021, and
citizenship • provide an Unconditional Letter of Offer from the intended
• be a resident in Cambodia for a period of 24 months University and two academic referee reports (refer to
immediately prior to 29 April 2022 other than for short requirements under the supporting documents section).
absences related to employment, professional development
or holidays Before you apply
• have at least 24 months full-time (or part-time equivalent)
Researching university courses
work experience as at 29 April 20221
• declare all previous study undertaken irrespective of whether Go to the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for
it is complete or incomplete or undertaken within Cambodia Overseas Students (CRICOS) to find comprehensive information
or another country2 about all Australian universities and the courses available to
international students.
• provide all the required supporting documents – see Table
1: Supporting Documents Applicants are advised to use the CRICOS website and individual university
In addition, Masters (by Coursework) level applicants must: websites to undertake research about proposed courses of study
• have an English language proficiency of at least the following and clarify:
(with strong preference given to applicants with higher • if a course is available to international students
English language proficiency at the time of application):
• the details of the course content and topics covered
- an IELTS Academic result with an overall score of at least
6.0, with no band less than 5.5, or • the English language requirements for selected courses.
- an internet-based TOEFL score of at least 60, or
- PTE Academic overall score of 50
• obtain an English language test result after 30 April 2021, and
• satisfy the admission requirements of the selected university
of study:
- in most cases, the applicant must hold a Bachelor degree,
considered equivalent to an Australian Bachelor degree, or
- in some exceptional circumstances, an applicant may be
able to satisfy admission requirements without a Bachelor
degree. If this is the case, the applicant must provide a
Letter of Offer (for study in 2023) for their first preferred
course and university. This must be submitted as part of
their Australia Awards Scholarship application.3

1 Irrespective of when work experience was attained. Paid internships are considered
as work experience/employment. Work experience can be a combination of part-
time and full-time experience/employment, so long as the full-time equivalency (of
24 months) can be readily calculated.
2 Preference may be given to applicants who do not already have a Masters degree Australia Awards Scholarship Intake 2023 Ambassador, Miss Sao
from another country (other than Cambodia). Sereysothea, Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business,
3 Applicants holding a Bachelor degree are NOT required to provide a Letter of Offer. University of Adelaide
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Make a difference

How to apply
Online applications must be submitted through OASIS, the
Australian Government’s Online Australia Awards Scholarships
Information System.
Four steps to apply online

Step 1: Check your eligibility Step 4: Check and submit your

Detailed eligibility criteria are listed in the section application before the closing date
Eligibility Criteria. These must be met in order to be Before you submit, go back and double check that
eligible to apply. you have filled in all fields in the application, and uploaded all
Please check these carefully before you proceed to the required supporting documents.
next step. Applicants are strongly advised to complete and submit their
online application well before the closing date. The online
application facility (OASIS) experiences peak usage in the
days leading up to the closing date and applicants may
experience delays.
Step 2: Create a login to access OASIS
All online applications must be submitted at:
An OASIS Applicant User Guide can be downloaded at
the OASIS home page. IMPORTANT NOTE:
Reducing barriers for women, people
with disability, and people from
provincial locations, to meet the English
language eligibility criteria
Step 3: Complete all the data entry Australia Awards Scholarships are granted on the basis
requirements and upload your of strict eligibility criteria and through a competitive, merit-
supporting documents based selection process. For women, people with disability,
When responding to the questions in the application form, and people from provincial locations (‘equity’ groups) we
make sure that you take time to really think about your understand that meeting eligibility criteria, such as English
answer. language, can be difficult to achieve and present a barrier to
Applicants are expected to have clear ideas about how they
will contribute to development in Cambodia upon their return. To reduce barriers to access, Australia Awards Cambodia
Applicants are encouraged to consider the relationship offers an Equity Pathway Program designed to support
between their academic and professional goals and their members of equity groups to access high quality English
country’s economic growth and poverty reduction needs and language training. Through the support of the EPP, potential
COVID-19 response and recovery. AAS applicants from equity groups can work toward raising
their English language skills and become eligible to apply for
When applying online, you must upload all supporting an Australia Awards Scholarship.
documents to meet the specific requirements for Cambodia.
Refer to the following Table: Supporting Documents for the If you think that you are not eligible to apply for a scholarship
list of all documents that you must upload based on your because of your English language proficiency and want to
selected course. find out if you can join the Equity Pathway Program, please
contact the Australia Awards Cambodia office for more
The maximum document size (per document) for uploading information.
is 2 MB.
Assistance is available on request for people with disability
who require help to upload their application and/or
supporting documents.

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Australia Awards Cambodia

Supporting documents
Table 1 (below) lists the documents that must be uploaded in
OASIS with your application to ensure your application is eligible.

Document Document type Document Document type


All official university degree Degree certificate/s
certificate(s), with English translations Minimum of two academic referee Referee Reports
reports (the Referee Report
All official university transcripts of Academic transcript/s template is available on
results for complete and incomplete the Australia Awards
courses of study, with English Cambodia website)
An Unconditional Letter of Offer from Unconditional letter of
Evidence of personal identification and Proof of citizenship the intended university offer
date of birth, with English translations
Evidence at the time of application of a Formal test result
(e.g. passport personal information
minimum English language proficiency
pages, national ID card, birth certificate)
level of:
Evidence or statements from past Employer/Ministry • an IELTS Academic result with an
and/or current employers confirming Statement/s overall score of at least 6.5, with no
position held, duration of employment band less than 6.0, or
and full-time or part-time status. (a template is available • an internet-based TOEFL score of at
Statements must be dated and signed on the Australia least 84, with a minimum of 21 in all
by the employer. This evidence must Awards Cambodia subtests, or
be sufficient to satisfy the 24-month website that outlines • PTE Academic overall score of 58
employment eligibility requirement details required) with no communicative skill score
less than 50
Curriculum Vitae. Applicants must CV A test result must have been obtained
use the CV template which is available after 30 April 2021
on the Australia Awards Cambodia
website Note that documents presented in Khmer or any other language
must be translated to English. Translations do not have to
IN ADDITION, MASTERS BY COURSEWORK APPLICANTS be certified at the time of application and translations by the
MUST PROVIDE applicant are acceptable.
If any of the relevant supporting documents are not
Evidence at the time of application of a Formal test result
provided as specified, the application is incomplete and will
minimum English language proficiency be deemed ineligible.
level of:
Australia Awards Scholarships are administered by the Australian
• an IELTS Academic result with an Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), which has zero
overall score of at least 6.0, with no tolerance of fraudulent activity or behaviour. DFAT defines fraud as
band less than 5.5, or dishonestly obtaining a benefit, or causing a loss, by deception or
other means. For example, providing false or misleading information
• an internet-based TOEFL score of at
or not providing relevant information could be considered as fraud.
least 60, or This may include failing to declare previous study undertaken,
• PTE Academic overall score of 50 irrespective of whether it is complete or incomplete.

A test result must have been obtained Where fraud is detected, the application will be deemed ineligible
after 30 April 2021
and the applicant will be barred from applying for an Australia
Awards Scholarship in future rounds.

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Make a difference

The selection process

At the close of applications, all eligible applications will be A full list of the scholarship conditions are contained in the
assessed and shortlisted. The selection process is based on Australia Awards Scholarship Policy Handbook available at
the principles of merit and equity and includes an interview.
Applicants are assessed against the following criteria: scholarships-policy-handbook
• academic competence The Australian Government does not provide any financial or
other support for the dependents of Australia Awards Scholarship
• potential outcome, including contribution to development recipients who accompany them to Australia. The Australia
outcomes in Cambodia Awards Scholarship recipient is responsible for the financial and
• professional and personal leadership attributes. material support of family members while in Australia.

How will I know if I am selected? Pre-Departure Training

Applicants will be informed at each stage of the selection Prior to departure to Australia, all provisional Australia Awards
process if their application is not proceeding further. Scholarship recipients are required to undertake three-weeks full-
time pre-departure training.
Applicants who are interviewed will be notified of the outcome
shortly after the selection process concludes. In addition, those provisional awardees yet to achieve the
prescribed English language proficiency levels may be required
Special conditions that apply to Australia Awards Scholarships
to undertake English language training, either part-time or
Please note that Australia Awards Scholarships are provisional full-time, over a period of time to meet the English proficiency
until the following requirements are met: requirements.
• the applicant attains a minimum English language proficiency During those periods, a monthly stipend is paid: USD 200 per
level of: month for Phnom Penh-based recipients and USD 240 per
month for those outside of Phnom Penh.
- an IELTS Academic result with an overall score of at least
6.5, with no band less than 6.0, or Applicants should carefully consider the financial implications
of the compulsory training, in particular, any full-time English
- an internet-based TOEFL score of at least 84, with a
language training required and the stipend payable, when
minimum of 21 in all subtests, or
applying for a scholarship.
- PTE Academic overall score of 58 with no communicative
skill score less than 50
Irrespective of any lesser English language requirements
of their chosen university. A failure to achieve the
prescribed English language proficiency level, after
completion of English language training will result in
the provisional Australia Awards Scholarship being
withdrawn. The applicant will not progress to undertake
their scholarship in Australia
• the applicant is placed at an Australian university, and
• the applicant is issued with the relevant visa by the Australian
Government Department of Home Affairs.
Successful applicants are required to sign a contract with the
Commonwealth of Australia accepting the scholarship conditions.
One of the conditions of Australia Awards Scholarships is that
recipients leave Australia for a period of two years following
completion of their course of study. It is expected that recipients
will return to Cambodia to apply the skills and knowledge gained
through their scholarship.

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Australia Awards Cambodia

Key dates
Information Session/s in Phnom Penh and provinces
December 2021 to March 2022
Please keep watching our website and follow us on Facebook for details.

Promotions in Phnom Penh and provinces and via social media January – March 2022

Applications open 1 February 2022

Applications close 29 April 2022

Advise applicants shortlisted for interview May 2022

Interviews for shortlisted applicants June 2022

Advise successful applicants (provisional awardees) July 2022

Office: Level 2F, PGCT Center,

Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh
Telephone: +855 12 635 306 or 15 391 127
Email: [email protected]

Further information
Information about Australia Awards Cambodia can be
found at
More general information about Australia Awards,
Australia’s aid program and studying in Australia can be
found through the following links:
Information about visa and Australia Awards Scholarship
entitlements and conditions can be found in the Australia
Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook:
Australia Awards Scholarship Intake 2023 Ambassador, Mr. Meng Rithea,
awards-scholarships-policy-handbook Master of Public Policy and Management, University of Melbourne

Apply today / 06

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