Data Sheet Tcg2032 Deutz
Data Sheet Tcg2032 Deutz
Data Sheet Tcg2032 Deutz
Efficiency 4) % 97.6 97.9
Energy balance
Electrical power 4) kW 2928 3916
Jacket water heat ±8% kW 1026 1360
Intercooler LT heat 5) ±8% kW 235 323
Exhaust cooled to 120 °C ±8% kW 1709 2293
Exhaust cooled to 150 °C ±8% kW 1563 2100
Lube oil heat ± 8% kW 356 476
Engine radiation heat kW 190 250
Generator radiation heat kW 72 84
Fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kW 7002 9336
Specific fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kWh/kWh 2.33 2.33
Electrical efficiency % 41.8 41.9
Thermal efficiency % 44.1 44.2
Total efficiency % 85.9 86.1
System parameters
Engine jacket water flow rate min./max. m3/h 80/100 105/130
Engine KVS-value 7) m3/h 89.0 93.0
Intercooler coolant flow rate m3/h 55 65
Intercooler KVS-value 7) m3/h 57.0 57.0
Engine jacket water volume dm3 430 570
Intercooler coolant volume dm3 51 51
Engine jacket water temperature max. 8) °C 79/90 79/90
– with glycol 8) °C (79/90) (79/90)
Intercooler coolant temperature 8) °C 40/– 40/–
Exhaust backpressure min./max. mbar 30/50 30/50
Maximum pressure loss
in front of air cleaner mbar 5 5
Gas flow pressure, fixed between
(pressure variation +/– 10 %) mbar 50…200 50…200
Air bottle, volume/pressure dm3/bar 2000/30 2000/30
Dry weight engine kg 19600 23200
Dry weight genset kg 40300 46800
Engine parameters TCG 2032 V12 TCG 2032 V16
Bore/stroke mm 260/320 260/320
Displacement dm3 203.9 271.8
Compression ratio 12.0 : 1 12.0 : 1
Mean piston speed m/s 10.7 10.7
Lube oil flow rate m3/h 110 125
Lube oil content 9) dm3 1750 2200
Lube oil temperature without / with
lube oil heat recovery °C 70/75 70/75
Lube oil consumption mineral oil 10) + 20 % g/kWh 0.6 0.6
Lube oil consumption synthetic oil 10) + 20 % g/kWh 0.4 0.4
Dimensions 50 Hz
Genset Length Width Height
TCG 2032 V12 mm 7800 2700 3700
TCG 2032 V16 mm 8900 2750 3800
Noise emissions* 50 Hz
Noise frequency band Hz 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Engine type TCG 2032 V12
Exhaust noise 123.9 dB(A) dB(lin) 126.0 127.0 124.0 122.0 117.0 115.0 113.0 104.0
Air-borne noise 103.8 dB(A) dB(lin) 98.0 96.0 100.0 97.0 95.0 96.0 99.0 93.0
1) Exhaust emissions with oxidizing catalyst: 4) At 50 Hz, U = 6.3 kV, power factor = 1 10) At full load
NO X < 0.50 g NO2/mn3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O2 5) At 40 °C water inlet Data for special gas and dual gas operation on request.
CO < 0.30 g CO/mn3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O2 6) With a tolerance of + 5 %
Formaldehyde < 0.06 g/mn3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O2 7) The KVS-value is the parameter for the pressure loss in the The values given in this data sheet are for information purposes
2) Engine power ratings and combustion air volume flows acc. cooling system (= flowrate for 1 bar pressure loss) only and not binding.
to ISO 3046/1 8) Inlet /outlet The information given in the offer is decisive.
3) Intake air flow at delta T = 15 K including combustion air 9) Without pipes and heat exchangers