Adsorption Engineering
Adsorption Engineering
Adsorption Engineering
Printed in Japan
December 1989 Motoyuki Suzuki
Preface v
21 Activated Carbon 8
22 Slllca and Alumlna IS
23 Zeollte 16
24 Other Adsorbents 2 1
25 Measurement of Pore-related Properties 22
Index 291
Fig. 2.1.b Pore slze dtstr~but~onof typ~cal act~vated carbons for solven
Activated Carbon 7
A. micropores
Micropores, where most adsorption takes place, are in the form of
two-dimensional spaces between two graphite-like walls, two-dimen-
sional crystallite planes composed of carbon atoms. The distance
between the two neighboring planes of graphite is 3.76 A (0.376 nm), but
in the case of activated carbons which have a rather disordered
crystallite structure (turbostratic structure), this figure must be larger
since adsorbate molecules are not accessible otherwise (Fig. 2.2).
C. ashes
Activated carbon also contains to some extent ashes derived from
starting materials. The amount of ash ranges from 1% to 12%. ,Ashes
consist mainly of silica, alumina, iron, alkaline and alkaline earth metals.
The functions of these ashes are not quantitatively clarified but some of
them are 1) increasing hydrophilicity of activated carbon, which is
advantageous when PAC is used for water treatment, 2) catalytic effects
of alkaline, alkaline earth and some other metals such as iron during
activation or regeneration step which modifies pore size distribution to
larger pore range, and so on. Acid soluble ashes can be removed by
washing with weak acid.
2.3. Zeolite
Zeolite (the word derives from a Greek word zeein meaning to boil) is
an aluminosilicate mineral which swells and evolves steam under the
blowpipe. More than 30 kinds of zeolite crystals have been found in
natural mines. Many types can be synthesized industrially.
Crystalline structures are composed of tetrahedral units, at the center
of which a silicon (Si) atom is located with four oxygen atoms
surrounding it. Several units construct secondary units, which are
Frg 2 7 Several fundamental unlts of SI atoms In Zeolrte structures
Nerghborrng SI atoms are connected through oxygen atom not shown In the
F I ~2 R Ftructurc unlt of sodalite ((a) and (b)). Type A ((c) and (d)). X(Y)
((e) and (I)) Zeolitec
The main uses of natural zeolite as adsorbent are as drying agents,
deodorants, adsorbents for air separation, ion exchangers for water
purification especially for removing ammonium ion and heavy metal
ions and for water softening, soil upgrading and so on.
Suzuki and Ha (1985) showed that clinoptilolite has good adsorp-
tion selectivity of ammonium ion and obtained the adsorption equilibrium
and rate of ammonium exchange.
When the sample is first evacuated and the evacuated sample is exposed
to mercury at atmospheric pressure, P., then mercury can penetrate
pores with radius larger than 7.5 pm. Most porous adsorbents have
intraparticle pores smaller than this and one atmosphere is enough to fill
the void between particles with mercury. Thus, by comparing the weight
of the empty glass pycnometer filled with mercury, W,, and that of the
pycnometer with the sample of weight, W,, filled with mercury after
evacuation, W,, the particle density, p,, is calculated as
r=- 20 cos e
temperature bath
(d! (b)
Ftg 2 I2 Concept of pore size measurement by the adsorpt~onmethod
the pressure, but Halsey's relation is given here as one of the most
fundamental relations.
i (A) = 4.3[5/ln(p,/p)]'13
where p, is the saturation pressure, which is the atmospheric pressure in
this case.
For the capillary condensation radius, rt, Kelvin radius is derived as
by assuming the contact angle of nitrogen 0 is given as cos 8=1 and the
surface tension u=8.85 dynelcm.
Adsorption isotherm of nitrogen at liquid nitrogen temperature is
determined by the gravimetric method (Fig. 2.13), or the constant
volume method (Fig. 2.14). From the adsorption isotherm of nitrogen
shown in Fig. 2.15, the pore size distribution is calculated by Dollimore
method (1964) and shown in Fig. 2.16. Cumulative pore size distribu-
tion is sometimes preferred when change of pore size distribution is in-
volved, for example during thermal regeneration or activation of ac-
tivated carbons.
For microporous adsorbents such as carbon molecular sieves,
Dollimore's method is not advisable since the Kelvin equation is no
Vacuum I
vw - Dctccter
and evacuation
Frg 2 14 Automatrc adsorptron system for nltrogen (constant volume type),
Carlo Erba
where I represents the distance between the nuclei of the two layers, NA
and N., respectively, are the number of molecules per unit area of
adsorbate and the number of atoms composing the surface layer per unit
area, A, and AA are the constants in the Lennard-Jones potential
function defined as
Carbon N~trogcn
146x10 ' 04 -
6 47x10 1 0 43 -
2 39x10 6 0 46 -
1 05x10 * 05 -
1 54x10-4 06 -
8 86x10 07 -
2 95x10 3 08 -
2 22x10 2 II 1 16
461x10 1 13 1 32
7 59XIC 2 IS 1 46
3 15x10 I 30 2 23
7 24x10 1 10 0 509
where 1 u ln I(
From the equat~on,the relatlon between p and I is unlquely defined
and thus the relatlon between the effect~vepore slze (I-d.) and p is also
obtalned as shown In TABLE 2 2 The relatlon IS also plotted in Fig. 2 17
In the table and figure, the pore s u e calculated by Doll~more'smethod 1s
included Both methods approach pore size of around 13 4 I( and
p/p,=O 05, and Howath and Kawazoe suggested that their method
should be appl~edto measurements below p/p,=O 5 and that Dolllmore's
method should be used above thls relatlve pressure
Pore size dlstrlbutlons of carbon molecular sleve determlned by thls
method are shown In Flg 2 18, where W- 1s the maxlmum pore volume
determlned from the amount adsorbed at p/p,=O 9
Measurement o j Pore-related Properties 31
- 10 - x Dollimore
:. 1.0- +-x-+a7X
?! +
-- i
0. I
10-7 10-6 10-5 1W4 lo-' 10-2 10-1 1.0
Relalive pressure P/P. ( - )
Ikarl, Y Kagaku to Kogyo, 31,4 (1978) (In Japanese)
Katzcr, J R (cd ), Molecular Swws 11, Proc of thc 4th Int Zeolrtc Confcmncc, ACS
Symposrum Scnes, 40, ACS (1977)
Kawazoc, K ,T Kawa~,Y Eguchl and K Itoga. J Chem Eng Japan. 7, 158 (1974)
Mantcll, C L Adrorptron, 2nd Ed McGraw-H111, New York (1951)
Mattson. J S and Mark, J r ,H B Actrwted Carbon, Marcel Dekka, Ncw York (1971)
Mcrer, W M and J B Uyttcrhoevcn(cds ). Molecular Swws, Proc of the 3rd Int
Zcol~tcConfcrcnce, Adv In ChcmrstrySerlcs 121, ACS (1973)
Mlnato. H , Zeorarto to sono Rryou (Zeolne and rts Applrcatronr), Chapter 2, G~hodo,
Tokyo (1967) (m Japancsc)
Murakamr, Y A 11j1maand J W Ward (eds ), New lkwlopmmts m Zoolrte Scwnce
and Technology, Proc of the 7th Int Zeollte Conference. Kodansha-Elsev~er,
Tokyo/Amstcrdam (1986)
Olson, D and A Bwo (eds ), Rceeedrngs of the Surlh IntornatromI ZEOLITE
Conference, Butternorth, London (1984)
Purl, B R (ed ). Roceedrngs of the 5th Confirence on Carbon, vol 1. 165 (1962)
Pun, B R and R C Bansal, Carbon, 1,451,457 (1964)
Pun, B R Carbon. 4, 391 (1966)
Ramoa, F A E Rodr~gues.L D Rollmann and C Naccache(eds ). Zeobtes Scrence
and Technology, NATO AS1 Serlcs E-80 N~jhoffPub1 The Hague (1984)
Sakoda. A and M Suzuk~,J Chem Eng Japan. 15.279 (1982)
Sakoda, A , K Kawazoc and M Suzukr Wafer Re~earch21, 717 (1987)
Sm~sek, M and S Cerny Acrrbe Corbon Manufaclure Roperttes and Applrcaltons
Elsev~cr,London (1970)
Suzukl, M and K -S Ha, J. Chem Eng. Japan. 17, 139 (1984).
Suzuh, M and J.-E Sohn, 159th ACS Annual Meeting, Denver(1987).
Suzukl, M . and T FUJI],Roc 4th APCChE '87, 675, S~ngapore(1987).
Suzukl, M and K Chlhara, WaferResearch. 22,627 (1988).
Suzuk~,T , K. lshlgak~and N. Ayuzawa, Chem. fig. Commw., 34.143 (1985).
Tanso-za~ryo-gakka~.Karserfan. Kcro f o Ouyou (Acttvated Carbon. FundarnenfaLr and
Applrcanons), Kodansha, Tokyo (1975) ( ~ nJapanese)
Zeora~to to sono R ~ y o u Henshuu Ilnka~, Zeoraifo f o sono Riyou (Zeolite and rfs
Applrcafions), Glhodo, Tokyo (1967) (in Japanese).
Adsorption Equilibrium
Fig 3 1 Adsorpt~on~sotherrns
Ternperaturn, T
F I ~3 2 Adsorption Isosteres.
C = C ( T ) for q (3-2)
Adsorprion lsorherms 37
p = -(-
KI '
1 - 8 ) exp (2uOlkT)
Fig. 3.3 shows deviation of the isotherm relation from the Langmuir
a p-Chlorophenol
o p-Cresol
o Acetone
KP (-)
where p, is the relative pressure (=p fp,) and q, represents the amount
adsorbed by monomolecular coverage on the surface. From nitrogen adsorp-
tion at liquid nitrogen temperature, the surface area of the adsorbent
is determined by converting q, to the surface area. In most cases, q, is
obtained from the BETplot of the adsorption data as shown in Fig. 3.7. It
gives a straight line in the range 0.05<pr<0.35 and q, is readily determined.
Then by multiplying nitrogen surface area of 3480 m2/g with q,, specific
surface area of the adsorbent based on nitrogen adsorption is calcuIated.
It is possible to determine n and E by plotting the left hand side of Eq. (3-18)
versus In A provided WQis known. An example is given in Fig. 3.10 for
benzene on MSC 5A (Kawazoe er a!., 1971). W Ocan be estimated from
the limit of adsorption and is considered to correspond to the micropore
volume of the adsorbent. Density of the adsorbed phase, p, is necessary to
convert the amount adsorbed to the volume filled by adsorbate. For
adsorption below critical temperature, liquid density at the same
temperature can be used for p but above critical temperature, the
hypothetical density estimated from the Dubinin-Nikolaev equation is
3 1 Parameters of Dubtntn-Astakhov Equations tn Relatton to ratto of pore s~ze,D, and molecular stte, d
TABLE AH0 represents heat
of vaporttatton
Adsorptton stte Rafto n E Examples of a adsorptton systems Three types of adsorptton sttes
I Carbon black-benzene,
( I ) Surface D/d>5 I Stltca gel-hydrocarbon
(Reproduced wtth permtsston by Kawatoe, K and Kawat, T,Setsan Kenkyu. 22, 493 (1970))
Fig 3 10 In In ( W OW /) vs In A plot according t o Eq. (3-18).
(Reproduced w ~ t hpermlsslon by Kawazoe. K., Astakhov. V A , Kawa~,T and
Eguch~,Y ., Kagaku Kogaku. 35. 1009 ( 197 1 )).
"1 0
0 Ethane
5 10
s 09
20 25
n (-)
( b ) Plots of E/EIdHo versus n for MSC samples
Fig. 3 12. Relations among EIAHa n and ratio of pore s ~ z eand molecular
d~ameter,D / d
(Reproduced w~thpcmusslon by Suzuki. K and Sakoda, A., J Chcm. Eng.Japan, 7,
283 (1982)).
Transience occurs at
For the Henry equation and the Langmuir equation, Q,, is related to the
equilibrium constant, K, as
This equation is solved for a given f(Q) using Stieltjes transform. But
for the sake of simplicity Roginsky's approximation is attractive, i.e.,
assumption of the Langrnuir type isotherm on each patch is further
simplified to a stepwise isotherm as
This functional form is consistent with the Freundlich isotherm and the
Freundlich exponent n~ determined by experiment are compared with
Qo/ RT in TABLE 3.3. Agreement between them is reasonable.
At low coverage, the Freundllch isotherm assumes existence of sites with
very high heat of adsorption. For measured equilibrium data, the Radke
and Prausnitz equation can be used for correlating low coverage data.
Temperature dependence of K gives heat of adsorpt~onat initial coverage.
This Q,,.o was 4.6 J / m o l and is shown in Fig. 3.18 by the arrow. From
Flgs 3.16 and 3.18, transition from Henry type isotherm and Freundlich
type isotherm can be said to occur at around 4X 10-lmol/kg.
Amount adsorbed. q (mole/kg)
Ftg 3 18 lsoster~cheat of adsorption Qstr plotted against amount adsorbed q
(Reproduced w ~ t hpermlsston by Suzukl, M and FUJII,T , AIChE Journal 28,
384 (1982))
3 3 Constants of Freundl~chType Equatlon q=kcllm
Apphcd to the isotherm results for q> lW1 rnol/kg
Temperature (K) k n QoIRT
283 0 55 2 74 300
293 0 49 2 64
303 0 43 2 52
313 0 32 2 45 2 71
(Reproduced wrth permission by Suzukl, M and FUJII,T . AIChE Journal. 28. 383
( 1982))
Lewis er 01. (1950) showed that for adsorption of two components with a
constant total pressure of P = pl +p2, the following relation holds
between the amount adsorbed of each component, 91and q2.
where q0 I and q02 are the amounts of pure components adsorbed a t pressure
pa I = P a n d p02 = P. The above relation is derived from Eq. (342). For
adsorption of mixtures of hydrocarbons, Eq. (345) is valid since a,)
becomes relatively constant independent of concentration. The examples
of measurement by Lewis et al. (1950) are shown in Fig. 3.19.
The extended Langmuir (Markham-Benton) isotherm has limited
applicability especially for liquid phase adsorption, since even single-
component isotherms in liquid phase are rarely explained by the Langmuir
equation. There have been several trials to extend the Freundlich type
equation t o mixture isotherms. Fritz and Schliinder (1974) gave the
following equation.
Fig 3 19 Lewis plot of amounts adsorbed for s~ltcagel and act~vatedcarbons
PCC Carbon S111cagel Columbla G carbon
A. C I H ~ + C J H ~ + CIH~+C,HI CIHI+CIH~
0 rC4Hto+I-C4H~ X I-C~HIO+I-C~H, CIHI+CIH~
becomes satisfactory.
A more reliable method for estimating adsorption isotherm of binary
components from single-component isotherms is the IAS (Ideal Adsorbed
Solution) method of Myers and Prausnitt (1965).
Surface pressure n is determined as a function of pressure pa for each
singlecomponent sotherm.
Ideal solution assumption is applied to the adsorbed phase and the total
amount adsorbed, q ~ IS, then related to the mole fraction of each
Adsorption Isotherms for Mulficomponenf Systems 59
The Raoult law is also applied to the relation between mole fraction in gas
phase and adsorbed phase.
where yi and x, are mole fraction of the i-th component in gas phase and in
adsorbed phase, respectively.
which greatly simplifies the procedure. But it should be kept in mind that
unless single-component isotherms especially for the weaker component
are determined in a wide range of amounts adsorbed, this simplified
treatment may result in considerable deviation.
The IAS model is practical for predicting binary isotherms from single-
component isotherm data. As an example, isotherms of propane and
butane on activated carbon are shown in Fig. 3.20. The assumption of
ideal adsorbed solution may need careful consideration in some cases
where a combination of two components forms an azeotropic mixture in the
adsorbed phase as reported by Glessner and Meyers (1969).
The IAS theory is also applicable in the case of adsorption from aqueous
solution, as shown by Radke and Prausnitz (1972b).
The vacancy solution model was extended to describe mixture adsorption
isotherm (Suwanayuen and Danner, 1980).
\ A \ - -
Butane pressure, pb (Torr)
log COD,
4.2.1. Diffusibility
Tortuosity factor of the pore, k2, is 3 if the pore direction is random but
in most cases falls between 2 and 6, as shown in TABLE 4.2. Tortuosity
factor may be a functlon of pore diameter to length ratio or more
complicated parameters describing the configurat~on of the pore.
4.1. Parameter, k , in Eq. (4-4) for Different Particle Shapes.
Ellipsoidal with
axes a=b=nC
Macropore Micropore
Activated carbon (-) (-)
HGR-513 0.29 0.33
HGR-588 0.31 0.32
2GS 0.17 0.43
3GS 0.20 0.44
4GS 0.17 0.49
Silica gel D-4 - 0.69
I3X (1/83
5A (1 1 8 9
*For bidispened particles, porosity of macropore was used for deriving tortuosity.
Source: Kawazoc er a/. (1966)
(Reproduced with permission by Kawazoc, K. and Sugiyama, I., Kagaku Kogiyou. 30, 1010
0 Preferenttally adsorbed
03 - solutes (K,= 4)
01 -
0 08
0 05
0 03
0 0.1 02 03 0.4 0.5 06
B. Knudren diffusion
When the total pressure is very low or pore diameter is small, mean
free path of a gas molecule, A, becomes smaller than the pore diameter,
where R, is the mean pore radius (cm), T is the temperature (K) and M
is the molecular weight of the diffusing gas.
From Eq. (4-12) it is clear that when the pressure is far smaller than
the critical pressure given by Eq. (4-1 I), diffusivity is independent of
pressure and is proportional to T1I2.
C. intermediate region
When the total pressure is around p,,, molecular diffusion and
Knudsen diffusion coexist. In this range, overall diffusivity can be
Pore Diffuion 69
where a represents the association coefficient given as 2.6 for water, 1.9
for methanol, 1.6 for ethanol and 1.0 for nonassociative solvents such as
benzene. M and p are molecular weight and viscosity of solvent and V I
is the molecular volume at boiling point. The above equation may give
a rough estimate of D, with less than 20% accuracy. For higher
concentrations there is no reliable estimation method for diffusivity in
liquid phase.
Diffusivities of organic molecules of low molecular weight in water
are in the range of to 1.5X10-5cm21s while it can be smaller with
increasing molecular weight.
Q : Heat of adsorpt~on
Then D is given as
A. nvo-dimensionalfluid
When thermal energy of adsorbed molecules, RT, is bigger than the
energy bamer between the sites, the adsorbed phase is considered to be
two-dimensional fluid.
In this case, mean free path of the molecule, A, is determined by
B. hopping model
When the energy barrier between neighboring adsorption sites is not
negligible, the hopping of an adsorbed molecule from the site to the
nearest vacant site is considered to be a unit step of the random walk.
In the simplest case, the lattice constant of the crystal which
constitutes the adsorbent surface is taken as the hopping distance. The
hopping frequency, ( I l A t ) , is taken to be a reciprocal of the residence
time of the molecule at the site. Then the following equation is derived
from absolute rate theory.
where ESoand E,I represent the activation energy of the diffusion of the
molecules in the first layer and that in the second layer, respectively. v,
represents the frequency of oscillation in the perpendicular direction to
the surface in i-th layer. The dependence of D, on the surface coverage
8 by Eqs. (4-27) and (4-28) is shown in Fig. 4.6.
Okazaki el al. (1981) added the effect of multilayer adsorption.
Final equation for the homogeneous surface is given as
8, ~ x P ( - =) -~xP(-
Ds = Dso (4-29)
[I - SXP(- ] [i
- eC(l- +)
Fig 4 6 Cornparlson of Eqs (4-27) and (4-28) with the d~ffuston data of
propane on s111caglass at 35OC
(Reproduced wrth perrnisslon by Yang, R er 01. AIChE Joumol. 19,242 (1978))
q imoli kg)
A m d ~= ( V/n)dp
= RTd Inp
Then by comparing Eq. (4-15) and Eq. (4-32) and by using Eqs. (4-31),
(4-33) and (4-34), corresponding surface diffusion coefficient is derived
- Temperature -VI
A 6: m303K
4 - o 273
- 252
2 -
6 - e~p
= u
uE 4-
w Ou
2 * ' s ' s " ' . ' .'," 2 I * ' " * . ' 8 1 1 .
1 2 4 6 1 0 2 4 6 1 @ 2 4 6 10 2 4 6 1 0 '
(a l Propane ( b ! Butane
Fig 4 8 Effecrlve surface d~ffusioncoefficients of propane and butane In s~ngle
component runs (a) Propane, (b) Buranc
(Reproduced wlth permlsrlon by Su7uk1, M . Hon, M and Kawazoe, K ,
ofAdsorprwn. p 624. Englneer~ngFoundat~on.N Y (1985))
Assuming that surface flow of both component I and component 2 occurs
by the gradient of the total surface pressure determined from the
equilibrium relation, the final corresponding equations of J, (i=l or 2)
are derived as
qn d lnp,
Then D,,
and D , , are related as
d lnp, + \
The above relations are verified by comparing D,.,, and D., with
d lnp,
In dlncr,
dq, and q d Inpiid In qJrespectively in Fig. 4.9.
In the figure, D, from singlecomponent runs are also included. All the
results are correlated by a single straight line of slope = I, suggesting
that the surface pressure driving force with the specific resistance
coefficient for each component is acceptable in the case of co-diffusion
of propane and butane on activated carbons.
4.3.3. Activation energy of surface diffusion
"Carbolac" I
carbon 1
-6-.He I
A Ne I
-7 - Hz 1 J
[ vycor glass I v
-8 I
Vycor glass Iv so2 I AH-~t
0 2 [ A COz 1.0-W
-9- + N ~ ; O NHI JvH-W
- Kr /
o I - C ~ H I O H-NI
- 10 - I CH4 CzH4 I + Cs-W
>C?H6 I x Ba-W
- I 1 - ~111ca-alumina.
S~ltca '1
v ~r-w
A Nz
so2 .
C ~ z C l z I o OZ-O/W
0 C02-C02iW
o CzHs I I
-13- V C J H S I
0 5 10 I5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
4.3 Value of m Determined from Type of Blndlng Between Molecule and Solld
4 - Hcxanol
-g - Cyclohcxanc@
d 2-
lo-' .
6 I Naphthalene $
This may explain the results obtained by Sudo et of, (1978) for
aqueous phase adsorption of chlorophenols and two other compounds
on activated carbons.
D, = Daexp(O.889) (4-57)
Qst Em Dm
Gas [kcall moll [crnllg- Kl [kcall moll [cm214
CHI 57 1.1XlV' 48 1.3X10-'
CZHI 85 3 9X 10-6 53 6.4XIV'
CzH6 90 3.OXlOd 55 2 3X 10-5
ClHs 11 4 1 6x104 70 3.4XlV'
CIHI 11 7 1.2~10~ 70 6 8x104
n-C~Hlo 13 9 7 1x10-7 78 3.0X 10-6
GH6 21.8 1.3X lV8 21.4 8 4X1V'
Ne 1.1 I.IXIO-~ - -
Ar 40 3 OX IV' 39 17XIV4
Kr 56 15x10-3 48 8 4x10-5
Xe 78 8.3XIW 65 7 2x10-5
NZ 4.5 l.3X10-> 3.9 1.5XIO-4
(Reproduced w~thpennlssron by Ch~hara,K., Suzuh. M and Kawazoe, K., AIChEJoumal.
24, 242 (1978))
of various gases with the van der Waals diameters of the gases as shown
in Fig. 4.16.
+ 2?rx
Uo(x,y) = Urn -j-vO(l- cos ?) + -j-vO(l
- eos %) (4-66)
where Uo(x,y) is the potential energy at position (x,y) and U.. is the
minimum potential energy. Then the molecules vibrate around the
minima in Uo(x,y) with frequency
chemical potential p is
I column temp 1 I
e 243'C
o 152'C
o 19'C
A -21 3'C
I 10
where hr, IS the mass flux per unlt surface area of the partlcle, whlch
corresponds to the Increase of the amount adsorbed In the partlcle when
rnultiplled by the total external surface area of the particles
When pore diffusion is the only rate controlling step, the governing
equations for batch kinetics in the uifinite vessel (constant surface
concentration) is Eq (5-1). where surface diffusion terms are neglected.
with the boundary condition
Y=O at r , = O
Botch Adsorption with o Comtonr Concentration of Surrounding Fluid 101
Adsorption uptake curves for these cases are shown in Fig 5.4.
Numerical sdutlons can be obtalned for an arb~traryFreundlich
constant, n, the uptake curves for which may be located between the two
curves given in Fig. 5.5.
Dimensionless forms of the basic equations in this case for pore dlffuslon
kinetlcs in the particle are given as follows:
Botch Adsorprron with a Consrani Concenrraion of Surrounding Fluid 103
where Biot's number in Eq. (5-41) represents the relative importance of the
intraparticle diffusion resistance and fluid-to-particle mass transfer
resistance and is given as
The uptake curves according to Eq. (5-47) are given in Fig. 5.6.a with
Biot's number as a parameter (Suzuki and Chihara,l982).
Then the basic equation describing the moving speed of the adsorption
front reduces to
The uptake curves obtained from Eq. (5-57) are shown in Fig. 5.6.b.
For an arbitrary value of the Freundlich constant, n, numerical
computations of Eqs. (549) to (5-50) are necessary. A typical example of
the calculation for n=2 is given In Fig. 5.6.c.
5.3. Batch Adsorption in a Bath with Finite Volume
a ) n=l 5
Flg 5 7 c Concentration decay C/Co versus r = ( ~ , r / ~ ' ) ( ~ o / p ~ qfor
(Reproduccd wrth permlsslon by Suzukl, M and Kawazoe, K , &isan Kenkyu.
26, 297, 298 (1974))
~ ~ n=l 5.
F I ~5 8 b CiCo versus r = D , f / for
(Reproducd w ~ t hperrnlsslon by Suzukl. M and Kawazoe, K , Sersan Kenkiu.
26 276. 277 (1974))
Batch Adsorptton in a &fh with Finite Volume 1 11
the mass balance equation (Eq. (5-31)) with Eq. (5-58). Naturally q isequal
to q., in this case.
For a linear isotherm system, C/Co is given as
Fig 5 9 a ClCo wrsur rr= (krr/R)(Colp,qo) for n=I obtalncd from Eq (5-66)
(Reproduced u ~ t hpermlsslon by Suzuk~,M and Kawazoe. K , Kenkju,
27. 384-386 ( 1975))
where /3. is the n-th nonzero root of the equation.
tan 8. - 3 Bi - a/32
/3n +
(Bi - l)abn2 3Bi
where Bi=krR/ D, and a= W,qo/ VCO. Final equilibrium concentration h
related to a by Eq. (5-64) where n=I is valid for this case.
I n the case of a rectangular isotherm system, the analytical
by Suzuki and Kawazoe (1974a) is as follows.
where Bi=krR,/ D,, /~=(c-/(co-c~))"~ and {=[(c-C-)/(co-C-11"~.
Concentration decrease curves are given only for the case of C-/Co=0.5 ;
in Fig. 5.10.a for the linear isotherm and 5.10.b for the rectangular
isotherm with Bi as a parameter.
For an arbitrary value of the Freundlich parameter, numerical calcuh- 9
tion is involved. Kawai and Suzuki (1984) presented similar diagrams of
concentration decrease for this case. Typical calculation results are given
b 9
Barch Aakorprion in a Borh with Finire Volume 1 15
Fig. 5.10.a. (C- C,)/(Co- C-1 wrsus r for a linear isotherm system. Effea
of externai mass transfer resistance. (C./Co=O.S).
(Reproduced with permission by Kawai, T.and Suzuki, M.,K a ~ g m w o ok"
Houkoku (in Jopcnew), 7, 347 (1984)).
t r=(Co/opqo)(D.t/R2)
Fig. 3.lO.b. Effect of external mass transfer resistance for n=- and
(Reproduced with permissron by Su7uki. M. and Kawazoe, K., J. Chem. Eng.
Jopon. 7. 347 / 1974)).
the partlcle The result of calculat~on1s also shown m K a w a ~and S u z u k ~
Fig 5 I0 c (C- CI)/(Co- C-) versus r for n=1 5, C-/Co=O 5 w~th pore
(Reproduced w~thpcrmlsslon by Kawal, T and Suzukl, M , Kamguwa Dargaku
Houkoku (mJaponew), 7, 347 ( 1984))
Fig 5 I0 d (C- C.,)/(Co- C-) versus r for n=2 C-/Co=O 5 w ~ t hpore d~ffu-
slon klnetlcs
(Reproduced with perrnlsslon by Kawa~ T and Suzukl. M , Konagawa Do~gaku
Houkoku (tn Japanese) 7 347 (1984))
Adsorptton m a Vessel wrth Conttnuour Flow 117
where kf,,,.g...t represents the mass transfer coefficient when the fluid is
stagnant and k,.mot,on corresponds to the effect of fluid motion to the mass
transfer between fluid and particle.
and the definition of the mass transfer coefficient kr derives from the
steady state concentration profile as
which becomes
This is based on the same concept as the free surface model. ROrepresents
the outer radius of the concentric shell within which one particle is
responsible. RO is related to the void fraction defined from the multi-
particle arrangement.
BncotBn= 1 - ( I / P o )
PO = Ro/Rp
0 02 04 06 08 10
Vod fract~on.c
The Sherwood number for the stagnant fluid Sho calculated from Eq. (5-89)
is plotted in Fig. 5.1 1 (Suzuki, 1975). In the figure, the solutions of
Miyauchi (1971) and Pfeffer and Happel (1964), who used different
boundary conditions in order to obtain the steady state concentration
profile for multiparticle systems, are included.
where P(kg.m/s) is the input power to the fluid ofvolume Vand thedensity
p. gc denotes the gravity conversion coefficient (kg.m/kg.s2). When
homogeneous agitation is attained in a turbulent agitated vessel with
baffles, Pg, is a function of the revolution speed and the size of the impeller
where n and d, respectively, represent the rotation speed (11s) and the
sweeping diameter of the impeller. N, is the power number ranging from
0.35 for propeller to about 6 for six blade flat turbin. These numbers are
decreased for the agitator without baffles.
Misic et a/. (1982) applied the diagrams presented in Fig. 5.3.c for the
adsorption of phenol and /3-naphtol on powerded activated carbon and
Fig. 5.12. Correlation of Sherwood number, Sh=krd,/D~ against nondimen-
sional energy dissipation in the vessel. Sho is obtained from Eq. (5-89).
(Reproduced with permission by Misic, D. M. el al.. J. Chcm. Eng. Japan IS, 67
( 1982)).
F I ~
5 13 Schemat~c~llustrat~onof the reactor
(Reproduced w~thpermlsslon by Suzuki, M and Kawazoe, K , J Chem Eng
Japan, 8. 80 (1975)
Crank, J Mathemattcs of D~/lurion.2nd ed , Clarcndon Press (1975)
Huang. T C and K Y Ll Ind Eng Chem, Fundamenralr. 12, 50 (1973)
Kawa~, T and M Suzuk~,Reports of Far Eng Kanagaua U n ~ v .22. 31 (1984) (In
MISIC,D M , Y Sudo. M Suzuk~and K Kawazoc, J Chem Eng Japan, 15. 67 (1982)
M ~ y a u c h T.
~ . J Chem Eng Japan. 4. 238 (1971)
Pfeffer. R and J Happel. AIChE Journal. 10. 605 (1964)
Suzukl, M .J Chem Eng Japan, 8, 163 (1975)
Suzukl, M and K Chlhara, Sp~sanK e n k ~ u34,
, 149 (1982) (In Japanese)
Suzukl, M and K Kawazoe, J Chem Eng Japan, 8 . 79 (1975a)
Suzukr, M and K Kawazoe, J Chem Eng Japan, 8, 379 (1975b)
Suzukl, M and K Kawazoe. Sersan Kenkyu, 27, 383 (1975~)(in Japanese)
Suzukl, M and K Kawazoe. J Chem I%g Japan, 7 , 346 (1974a)
Suzukr, M and K Kawazoe, Serson Kenkyu, 26, 275 (1974b) (rn Japanese)
Suzukl, hi and K Kawazoe, Se~sanKenkyu, 26, 296 (1974~)(In Japanese)
Yagt, S and D Kuntl. Kogyokagaku Zorshr, 56, 131. 134 (1953) (tn Japanese)
Kinetics of Adsorption in a Column-
Chromatographic Analysis
where r is the radial coordinate in the particle and R is the radius. For
the particles, the mass balance equation is
Anolysrr of Chromafographrc Elut~onCurves 127
where N,denotes the rate of disappearance of the tracer per unit volume
of the particle, and c, is the concentration in the pores. For a linear
isotherm system, N,is expressed as
~ ( p=C,,/S,
domain need rather bulky computation, the sensitivity of each of the
parameters is not neccessarily clear. The moment method described in
the next section, on the other hand, makes possible an intuitive
understanding of the effect of each transport process.
Usually the first absolute and second central moments are the most
significant, since higher moments are subject to large errors when
computating from experimental elution curves.
Moments can be related directly to the solution for C, in the Laplace
If the Laplace transform of C(t) is c@),
r 'P
By applying Eq. (6-15) to Eq. (6-10) and by using Eqs. (6-5) to (6-7), the
first absolute moment and the second central moment are expressed
as follows:
Eqs. (6-16) and (6-18) show that the first moment expression includes
only equilibrium parameters and Eqs. (6-17) and (6-19) to (6-22) mean
that the contributions of axial dispersion, fluid-to-particle mass transfer,
intraparticle diffusion, and adsorption rate to the second central
moment are additive.
( E ( ~and ) ~ ( ~E (~; )~~respectively
~I~ denote the first moment and the
second central moment of the pulse introduced at the inlet of the
column. In the case of a square pulse as shown by Eq. (6-9), the mo-
ments are given as
The ordinate of Fig. 6.2 represents this magnitude and the slopes of
the straight l~nesin the figure can then be used to determine K.. Results
obtained from Fig. 6.2 are compared with direct measurement by
constant volume method in TABLE 6.1.
It is evident from Eq. (6-17) or (6-19) that each transport step gives a
separate and additive contribution to the second moment. Then, for
instance, from second moments for different gas velocities, the
contribution of axial d ~ s p e r s ~ ocan
n be separated from the contribution
of the other transport steps. Similarly, from the data for different
particle sizes, the contribution of intraparticle diffusion can be separated
from the contribution of adsorption. By choosing proper operating
conditions, the contribution of the particular step can be maximized so
that the rate parameter may be determined with good accuracy.
T o simplify data reduction and minimize calculation error, the
6 1 Adsorpt~onCoefficients o n S ~ l l c aGel at 50°C
Then H i s given as
Fig 6 4. Dependence of 6d + on R
(Reproduced wtth permlsslon by Schne~der,P.,AIChE Journol, 14,768 (1968)).
TABLE Adsorpt~onrate constants detenn~nedfrom
Intercepts In Fig 6 4
Substance k d (50°C)
ml/g SIO:
ethane 167
propane 255
n-butane 1500
Extemron of the Method of Moment to More Complex Systems 135
(radius R )
The solution of Eqs. (6-1) to (6-3) and Eqs. (6-33) to (6-35) with the
where 60, 6,,, 6r and 8d are expressed in the same form as Eqs. (6-18) to
(6-21) and the contribution of the diffusion in a micropore, 6,, is given as
A. perturbation chromatography
Even when the isotherm relation is nonlinear, chromatographic
technique ~nvolvesvery small concentration change and the isotherm
relation governing a small pulse may be considered to be locally linear
(Fig. 6.7). Then, by utilizing the local slope of the isotherm as an appar-
ent equilibrium constant, the theory developed for linear isotherm
systems can be applied to the analysis of the behavior of the small
concentration pulse introduced to the column kept at this point of the
equilibrium relation. With this in mind, chromatographic measurement
was made by introducing a small adsorbable tracer into the carrier
streams which contain the same adsorbable components of different
concentration levels. The detection of concentration perturbation at the
outlet of a column is sometimes accompanied by fluctuation of a base
B. isotope chromatography
In the case of highly nonlinear isotherm systems, such as chemical
adsorption (chemisorption) systems, application of the theory developed
for linear systems may seem unfeasible. However nonlinearity of the
~sotherm relation of chemisorption of hydrogen on nickel catalyst
extends to a very low concentration. In such a case, it may be useful if
hydrogen exchange rates on catalyst surface can be understood at
moderate concentration levels. Employment of isotope technique may
provide an answer to this type of need.
Consider a steady flow of an adsorbable gas in an inert carrier stream
through a bed of adsorbents at constant temperature and pressure.
Under these equilibrium conditions, the surface of the adsorbents is in
dynamic equilibrium with the flowing stream. The surface coverage is
constant and the fluxes (designated as 4 ) of an adsorbable component
from gas phase to adsorbent surface and from adsorbent surface to gas
phase are equal. Suppose the isotope of an adsorbable component is
introduced as a tracer to the adsorbable component at the inlet of the
column, maintaining the total pressure of adsorbable isotopes constant.
If the isotope effect is neglected, the total rates will not change, but it is
possible to distinguish isotopes from each other in the detector set at the
outlet of the column. The rate of adsorption of the isotope is equal to 4
multiplied by the mole fraction of the isotope in the gas phase.
Similarly, the rate of desorption of the isotope will be r$ multiplied by
the fraction of the adsorbed isotope on the surface. Therefore, the net
rate of adsorption of the isotope tracer is given by
P = qt/ Ct
Once k* and K* are determined, 9 can be calculated from Eq. (6-52).
K* is not the adsorption equilibrium constant in the usual sense, but
simply the ratio of the amount adsorbed, q,, and the concentration, C,,
of the adsorbable component concerned at a single point on the non-
linear isotherm. This concept is illustrated in Fig. 6.9. Experiments at
different total concentrations (partial pressures) and temperatures give
different values of k* and K*. Hence such measurements determine the
effect of pressure and temperature on the rate and the adsorption
By setting
Eqs. (6-1) to (6-3) and (6-51) give the same moment equations as Eqs. (6-
16) and (6-17) except that k, and K. are replaced by k* and P.
Therefore, moment method of analysis introduced in 6-3 can be used for
isotope chromatography.
Suzuki and Smith (1971a, b) applied this technique to the ex-
change of hydrogen on copper-zinc oxide catalyst and on nickel-
kieselguhr catalyst. Introducing deuterium pulse into hydrogen stream
by maintaining the total hydrogen and deuterium concentration in
helium carrier constant, deuterium chromatogram was detected at the
exit of the column by a thermal conductivity cell. Thus, the exchange
Inlet pulse
the complicated model may fall between the results derived from the two
The relation between the parameters of these models and the first
absolute moment and the second central moment of the pulse response of
these models is given first; then from the analytical solutions of these
models, comparison of the shape of the elution curves are made.
On the other hand the analytical solutlon to Eq. (6-55) (Levenspiel and
Smith, 1957) has been shown as
Fig 6 13 Comparison of drspen~onmodel and two-phase exchange model.
The curves derived from Eq. (6-62) for Pe = 0.4, 1, 4, 10, 40, 100 are
illustrated in Fig. 6.13.
When there is a mass exchange between the fluid phase and the
stagnant phase which has an adsorpt~oncapacity, the basic equation is
given as
Also the solution in the time domain, C(t), can be obtained by the
inverse Laplace transform of c@).
where Il(x) is the modified Bessel function of first order. C(t) obtained
from the above equation for S = 0.4, 1, 4, 10, 40, 100 are shown by
dotted lines in Fig. 6.13.
As is apparent from Fig. 6.13, the two extreme models give similar
results when Pe in the dispersion model and S in the two-phase exchange
model become large, that is, over 40. As stated above, the result of the
rigorous model is expected to fall in between the two curves drawn for
the same magnitudes of the first and second central moments.
From Eqs. (6-60), ( M I ) , (6-66) and (6-67), the two parameters of the
simple models are related t o the first and the second moments as
following relation.
F(p)=ln(G(p))=(Pe/2)(1-d1+4rp/Pe) (6-71)
1 l o p ) = li Pe - r ~ l ( F ( p ) ) ~ (6-72)
Thus, if G(p) is determined from elution curve for several values of
parameter, p , F(p) is obtained, and by plotting l/F(p) versus ~ l ( F ( p ) ) ~ ,
r and Pe are determined from the slope and the intercept of a straight
regression line.
Also for comparison with the two-phase exchange model, flp) =
ln(G(p)) is given from Eq. (6-65) as
Movement of
adsorption front
Distance, z
-z- Mass
zone at t~
at the exit:
- I1 tz t3 I 4 t5
This means that pore diffusion kinetics and surface diffusion kinetics
cannot be distinguished in the mathematical treatment s o detailed
discussion must be added for an understanding of which of the two
mechanisms is controlling the actual phenomena.
For analysis of breakthrough behavior, step input should be
considered as a boundary condition at the inlet of the bed.
&(A, Bi) = (7- 18)
(1 + +)l+ (+)HD 2
~ ~ , (and
l )H D , ( ~are
) defined as
Hot(*) = A(
sinh 2A sin 2A
cosh 2A - cos 2A
sinh 2A - sin 2A
HD?(A)= A( cosh 2A - cos 2A
When contribution of axial dispersion are negligible (E, = 0), Eq. (7-14)
should coincide wlth the limiting solution derived by Rosen (1952).
erfx = - (7-26)
-=1 R2 +1+&
&a, 15(1 - E)D, kfau Peu
( I - E Z / U )( h i
XE C / C o = y E i j Iqo (7-31)
A LDFC model
Simple models often employ two-phase exchange models The model
Introduced In Section 6 5 2 IS expressed as Eq (7-28) with
Nonlinear Isathem System 161
B. LDFQ model
Another model often used is one similar to the above except that mass
transfer is expressed on the basis of particle phase concentration
difference. Instead of Eq. (7-32), the following form is introduced.
15d,D,/ R2
ksav =
sol co
Selection of the above equations depends on the dominant mechanism
of intraparticle diffusion. When surface diffusion kinetics are
controlling, then Eq. (7-34) is used, while Eq. (7-35) should be used for
dominant pore diffusion kinetics. The parameter, d,, is introduced to
account for the deviation of the approximation from linear equilibrium
cases where 4, is taken as unity, as can be understood from the second
x = C/Co and y = 9 / 4 0
The solution to Eq. (7-39) was shown by Kawazoe and Fukuda (1965)
for the Langmuir isotherm, and Miura and Hashimoto (1976) gave
analytical forms for the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm systems.
Eq. (7-39) can be solved in terms of x, which is then converted to x and
For the Langmuir isotherm ( y = x/[r + (1 - r)x]),
Nonlinear Isotherm System 163
K t a , ( r - t o ! / ( PL~O/COJ
The above solution reduces to more simpler forms when external mass
transfer is controlling the rate of adsorption (LDFC model) or
intraparticle diffusion is the sole rate-determining step (LDFQ model).
a. LDFC model
I)(:- 2 2 ) k- +- l ~- k)
IA= *[I + T(- Ilk(F-k!(k
k= I
+l )n-l~ (k ~ )
( ~
Eqs (7-49) and (7-50) over Eqs. (7-51) and (7-52) are recommended
because of faster convergence. IAand 1 0 in graph form are shown in
Fig. 7.8.
(K,a,), and to defined above (Eqs. (7-41) and (7-42)) are valid here,
and again x, can be converted to x by the equilibrium relation at the
interface, which is in this case the following equation.
The general solution (Eq (7-46)) is simplified when mass transfer rate
is expressed in terms of either kfa, only (LDFC model) or k,a, only
(LDFQ model).
a LDFQ model
b LDFQ model
Freundlich isotherm:
Fig. 7.10 illustrates NOFdefined by taking CBand CEas 0.1 and 0.9 or
0.05 and 0.95 as a function of the separation factor r of the Langmuir
isotherm or the Freundlich exponent Iln. NOF for other isotherm
relations can be easily calculated by Eq. (7-61).
* I
z;, z;
I (d)
2 model
Pure component
- - - - - - - - -- - - -
Amount adsorbed of
Component 2 at
, and CZ
concenlratlons CIO
ct 0 CI.
Also, ql, and CI, are related by the single<omponent isotherm relation,
which is, in this case.
Then by solving Eqs. (7-68) and (7-69), CI, and q l ccan be determined.
For arbitrary isotherm relations, determination of CI, and 91, can be
made graphically as shown In Fig. 7.13 (Takeuchi et 01.. 1978). From
the bicomponent isotherm relation of Component 2 in Fig. 7.13.a, the
slope d q / d C is determined by connecting the point (GO,920) with the
origin with the straight line. Then the cross point of the straight line of
the same slope, dq/dC, from the point representing (Cto, 910) and the
single component isotherm of Component I gives CI, and q~,.
In the case of the Markham-Benton isotherm, the analytical solution
to Eqs. (7-68) and (7-69) gives CI, as follows.
The equilibrium amount adsorbed in Zone 11 can then be obtained
from Eq. (7-69).
From q20, q10 and ql,, equilibrium zone lenght Z ~ Vand
* Z ~ I *can be
readily obtained from the mass balances as
should hold and then the equilibrium relation described by Eq. (7-77)
becomes concave to the 42 axis or replacement is considered favorable.
In this case a constant pattern profile will be established in Zone 111.
When KZC2is smaller than I K~CI,,the relation expressed by Eq. (7-
77) is approximated by the linear relation and the replacement zone does
not form a constant pattern profile.
With regard to mass transfer rate in replacement, available informa-
tion is limited. Whether resistance to the exchange of both components
at the adsorption site is negligible and whether counter diffusion of
adsorbing component and desorbing component interfere with each
other are among the problems not yet solved.
For the sake of simplicity, however, a linear driving force model may
be used with reasonable accuracy. As the overall mass transfer co-
efficient, KFU, estimated for the more slowly diffusing component,
which might be assumed to coincide with the stronger component, may
be used for representing the overall characterisics of the replacement.
Then, the length of Zone I11 can easily be estimated by applying the
relations shown for the cases of single-component adsorption systems.
The propagation speed of Zone 111 is apparent from the relation given
by Eq. (7-74), which gives
C. description of Zone I
When the concentration of Component 1 in Zone 11, CI,, is given, the
length of Zone I is readily obtained by the method used for the estima-
tion of a single-component breakthrough curve.
The propagation speed of Zone I is obtained from Eq. (7-75) as
0 Emuent volume
0 2 4 6 8 10 I2 I4 16 I8 20 22
Eflluent volume ( I )
n equilibrium zones are formed in the bed and the length of each zone
increases in proportion to the amount of influent fluid (Fig. 7.14.b).
The breakthrough curve may become as shown in Fig. 7.14.c. In this
case, curves of different space velocity can be correlated by plotting exit
concentration versus influent volume per unit mass (volume) of
adsorbent in the bed.
More rigorous treatment is possible by taking into account the replace-
ment zones which are expected to form between the two neighboring
equilibrium zones. Actual overall breakthrough performance is in fact
given by a smooth curve rather than a step-like curve as shown in
Fig. 7.14.c, which is probably caused by the nonequilibrium nature of
adsorption. However, measured COD breakthrough curves for the
adsorption of real wastewater from a petrochemical plant (Fig. 7.15)
show that except at the initial part, SV (flow rate based on column
volume) little affects the shape of the curve, if the data are replotted
against effluent volume per column volume for each column length,
suggesting that consideration assuming equilibrium can give a rough
estimate of the breakthrough curve of a large treatment plant from a
rapid measurement using (in this case) a small column.
or in dimensionless form as
where E, represents the axial dispersion coefficient, Pe is the Peclet
number (=+I &I), B = L/d, and Z = zl L and T = ufl L. L is the bed length.
Usually Ez is considered to consist of contribution of molecular
diffusion and the dispersion caused by fluid flow.
about 1000 may be necessary to achleve the relatlon glven by Eq. (7-86).
This situation can be read from Fig. 7.16
Then, by applying the Elnsteln equation, a2= 2Ezt, the following form
is denved.
F:g 7 17 Peclet numbers for packed beds of small particles
(Reproduced w ~ t hpermlsslon by Surukr M and S m ~ t h ,M , Chem Ekg J 3,
261 (1972))
0 Catalyst parllcles
Glass beads S U Z U&
~ ISm~th(19723
A Edwards & R~chardson( 1968)
Suzuk~& Kun11 (1969)
Kl~nkenberg& Sjenltzer (1956)
A van Deemter er a! (1956)
A hydraullc radius model assumes the fluid path in the void spaces in a
packed bed to be equivalent to an assembly of the tubes whose radius IS
taken as the hydraullc radlus of the void spaces Then the resultant
relation of mass transfer coefficient is given as
Sh = (I 0 9 1 ~ Scjl3RePi"
) for 0 0015<Rep<55 (7-96)
where Q,,is the heat of adsorption, p,, Cp and R represent the density,
the specific heat and radius of the adsorbent particle. h, and kc denote,
respectively, heat transfer coefficient between particle and the wall and
mass transfer coefficient between particle and fluid. In Eqs. (8-1) and
(8-2), AT, Aq and AC are defined as deviations from the final
equilibrium states, and then AT = T - T,, Aq = q - q-, AC= C ( q ,
T) - C-, where T, represents the wall temperature and q, is the amount
adsorbed in equilibrium with the concentration, C-.
Initial and final conditions are:
By assuming that ACo = CO- C- is small enough so that Eq. (8-2) can
be linearized for the perturbation as
where K = ,H =
[a c* 1dqlq-.
TW [ac*/aTlq..T~ '
Eqs. (8-1) and (84) are solved to give
with y = 1 r h ( l +
fa), q = JYq
and I, = ppK(qm,Tw).R/(3kr).
The parameters r, and rt, are defined as
d dT, dT,
k ( r ) } +a - 1 +Q =P (8-15)
In the above equations, Cpr and C,, denote heat capacities of the fluid
and solid phases, pb is the bed density and hp is the heat transfer coefficient
between fluid and particles. Transport of heat through the fluid phase
in the axial direction and in the radial direction of the bed by conduc-
tion are described by the effective thermal conductivities, k,r and kmr,
while in the solid phase thermal conduction can be assumed to be iso-
tropic and the effective thermal conductivity kd can be used to express
this effect. Qd represents the heat evolution/absorption by adsorption
or desorption on the basis of bed volume. This model neglects the
temperature distribution in the radial position of each particle, which
may seem contradictory to the case of mass transfer, where intra-
particle mass transfer plays a significant role in the overall adsorption
rate. Usually in the case of adsorption, the time constant of heat transfer
in the particle is smaller than the time constant of intraparticle diffusion,
and the temperature in the particle may be assumed to be constant.
The above model is often too complicated hence several simplified
versions are given below.
where kc, and kc, represent the effective thermal conductivities in the
axial and radial directions in the packed bed, which are given as follows
where ho denotes the overall heat transfer coefficient between wall and
bed, calculated from k,, and hw and Tw is the temperature of the wall.
In most adiabatic operations, except when flow rate is very high, heat
transfer in the axial direction by effective conduction may be a
dominant step. Then the temperature in the bed, T, can be given as
Heat T r a d e r Paramerers in Packed Beds 193
A. k, with stagnantjluid,
Kunii and Smith (1960) presented theoretical equations for esti-
mating kd. In most adsorption operations, temperature ranges suggest
that contribution of radiant heat transfer is negligible, so kg can be
calculated when thermal conductivity of the particle, k,, is given.
Fig 8 3
B contrrbutlon ofjlu~djlowto k,
Dlsperslon of fluid in packed beds In the radlal and axlal dlrectlons
contribute to the effectlve thermal conductivlty as an addltlve term to
kd as shown by Eqs (8-17) and (8-18)
For the effectlve thermal conductivlty In the radial d~rectlon,
considerat~onof packing structure gives (Baron, 1952)
where 6 = 0 5 - 1 0
Heat Transfer Parameters in Packed Bedr 195
Particles near the column wall are arranged in differently from those
inside the column. This increases heat transfer resistance near the wall
surface, an effect accounted for by introducing an apparent heat transfer
coefficient, h,, as shown in Fig. 8.4.
The effective thermal conductivity in the wall layer of thickness
Rp = dp/2,kcw, is defined and h, is considered as a correction factor
based on the difference between kc, and kc, (Kunii and Suzuki, 1966).
where a, denotes the contribution of fluid mixing in the wall layer and
in several cases a, = 0.2 are obtained. h,* represents the heat transfer
coefficient of the thermal boundary layer which develops on the wall
surface. This becomes dominant at high Re, and is given by a Blasius-
type equation as
For heat transfer in packed beds with constant wall temperature, the
overall heat transfer coefficient defined by taking the difference between
wall temperature and the average temperature of the flowing fluid as the
driving force of heat transfer, h,, is obtained as follows.
alz and 4(b) can be obtained from Fig. 8.5. For extreme cases, the
above equation is readily simplified.
For b < 0.4
Similar to the case of mass transfer between fluid and particle, the
Carberry equation may be used to estimate the heat transfer coefficient
between particle and fluid.
Nu0 can be obtained from Fig. 5.1 1 as a function of void fraction but at
low PrRe,, it is not necessary to employ the model that considers
temperature difference between fluid and particle.
K* = d q * / d C I ~ , ~and
, H* = l/(dCldT)Ir,c, (845)
Comparing Eqs. (8-36) and (847) for the first moment and Eqs. (8-37)
and (848) for H , it is interesting to note that for an adsorption
equilibrium system, simple heat transfer relations of Eqs. (8-36) and (8-
37) can be used by replacing Cp,, Cpr and kc, by defining the apparent
parameters as follows.
Fig 8 6 T y p ~ c a lheat pulse response curves for dry bed (1) and the bed In
adsorption equlllbrlum (11)
(Reproduced w ~ t hpcrmlsslon by Sahodd, A and Su7ukt. M I Cllrnl Eng
Japan. 17,116. 317 (1984))
- 01 02
q o * (kslkg)
From the relations given above. it may be understood that besides the
apparent increases of the heat capacities of solid phase and gas phase,
the apparent transport of heat by dispersion of adsorbable species in gas
phase which carries latent heat through dynamic equilibrium between
gas phase and adsorbed phase should be added to the effective
conduction through the otherwise inert packed bed of adsorbents.
For a s~mpleequlltbr~urn relation such as q = Koexp(Q,,/ RT)C, K*
and H* are glven as
Several works assume that heat transfer between fluid and particle is a
major heat transfer parameter (Carter, 19661973; Meyer and Weber,
1967-1969; Raghavan and Ruthven, 1983). This situation may become
more likely when operation is carried out at high flow rate (Redloo).
Examples of calculation for adiabatic adsorption by means of the
above set of equations are given in Fig. 8.8 for adsorption of hydro-
carbon gas on activated carbon columns. Effect of heat generation on
the shape of adsorption front is clearly shown. By assuming that the
equilibrium constant varies with keeping the other parameters constant,
changes in thermal waves are also illustrated, i.e. when velocity of adsorp-
tion front is slower than that of the thermal wave which is generated at
the adsorption front, the thermal wave proceeds in front of the adsorp-
tion front while in the opposite case the formation of adsorption front is
greatly affected by the temperature increase in the bed.
Analogous to Eq. (8-36), propagation speed of heat wave in packed
beds, VH,is given from Eq. (8-54) as
. .
Baron, T Chem EM Proar 48, 118 (1952)
Carter. J W , ran,- Insr - ~ h e n t ~ n ~ i44.
s .T253 (1966), 46 T213, T222 (1968). 51, T75
( 1973)
Chlhara, K and M Suzukr, Chem Eng Scr, 31,505 (1976).
Kunir. D and J M S m ~ t h AIChEJouml,
. 6.97 (1960)
Kunrr, D and M Suzukl, 3rd Inr Dev on Hear Trader, IV, 344 (1966)
Kuni~,D , M Suzuk~and N Ono, J Chem Eng Japan, 1, 21 (1968)
Meyer, 0 W and T W Weber, AfChEJournal, 13,457 (1967)
Pan, C Y and D Basmadj~an,Chem Eng Scr , 25, 1653 (1970)
Raghavan, N S and D M Ruthven, Chem Eng Scr, 39, 1201 (1984)
Ruthven, D M ,L -K Lee and H Yucel. AIChE Journal. 26. 16 (1980)
Sagara, M P Schne~derand J M Srnlth, Chem Eng J., 1.47 (1970)
Sakoda, A and M Suruk~,J Chem Eng Japan. 17,316 (1984)
Suzuk~,M ,J Chem Eng Japan, 6,540 (1973)
Yag~,S and D Kunu, AfChE Journal 3,373 (1957)
Yagr, S , D Kunu, and N Wakao, AIChE Journal, 6,543 (1960)
Yosh~da,H and D M Ruthven, Chem fig Sct, 38,877 (1983)
Regeneration of Spent Adsorbent
When high temperature inert gas is introduced to the bed, the above set
of equations must be solved simultaneously under a proper set of initial
and boundary conditions and concentration and temperature profiles in
the effluent stream can be readily obtained.
Analogous to adsorption in a column with nonisothermal conditions,
the thermal front formed by a high temperature inlet stream moves
through the column and changes the equilibrium relation at and after
the front. Velocity of the thermal front is described by neglecting
consumption of heat due to desorption heat as
front and a high concentration peak with less tail can be expected.
On the other hand, when the desorption temperature is not high
enough, desorption gradually occurs and long tailing will be expected as
in the case of desorption by an inert stream at the adsorption
Numerical examples of the solution to the above set of equations for
desorption by a high temperature inert gas are shown in Fig. 9.2 for
those two extreme cases.
u,dC/dz + K F ~ , ( C- C*)= 0
&a,(C - C*) = pbdqldt
u = 0 096 ml/s
C A L 071-1 Omm
Column 4 Omm~XZOOmrnl
-g' so00
0 50
Emuent vol of MeOH ( m l )
Urdn~umconcentrailon C, (mg I )
Reactors widely used for the thermal regeneration of spent carbon are
multiple hearth reactors, rotary kilns, moving bed reactors and fluidized
bed reactors. Comparisons of these reactors were made in terms of
residence time, steam and fuel consumption in Fig. 9.9 (Suzuki, 1976).
Rotary Japan F u r n a c t M l t s u ~Con Internal heating at drylng Small contact area between Restdence ttme 20 mln
kiln st C o process section and external heating solid and gas and small heat Steam ~ n j e c t e d 1 0 kg/k
at temperature rlse and exchange area at the external gcarbon
on gastficat~onstep Slow cml- heating section requlms large Fuel Heavy 011 1 0 l/kgcar
tng after regcneratlon stzed equipment bon
g;ulficatlon) Act~vated
Kerosene 0 3 l/kg car-
H ~ g hattrltlon of panlcles
Spent carbon
. Dcsorption
low b p
section ca 800'C
Cooling (Quench~ng)
HzO. CL,
Low molecular
wclght organics,
odor, ctc
Cracking res~duc
tlal gdrificar~on
F I ~9 1 1 a Phenomenolog~calclass~ficat~on of thenno-grav~ty-analys~s
curves of adsorbed organlcs on act~vatedcarbons
(Reproduced w ~ t hpermission by Suzuk~,M et al, Chem Eng Scr. 33, 274
( 1978))
-. .__
1 I
0 200 400 600 800
Temperature ('C)
Then, as shown in Fig. 9.12, the organics that have low boiling points
belong to Type I. Obviously, low boiling point corresponds to low heat
of vaporization of the organic, which is a measure of low heat of
adsorption of the organic on activated carbon. The organics with higher
boiling points cannot be desorbed before they undergo thermal cracking
on the adsorbent surface. The cracking temperature is strongly
dependent on the nature of the cracking reaction of the molecule. Type
I1 assumes that fragmented reaction products are easily desorbed from
the activated carbon surface. Type 111 probably corresponds to those
organics which form polymeric products after some type of sequential
cracking reaction on the carbon surface, resulting in relatively high ratio
of carbonized residue.
nno N N ~ O
2 ~ f im o z m
-2 -2 -? w m Z Y I * r -
0 0 0 0 0
, ,, w - o O o N
u u U O - O O m Q
X X S o o o o o o
Thermal Regenerollon of Spent Acrrvared Carbonfrom Warer Trearmenr 221
Tangen1 at T = TI,^
y 0 5 -----------.----------------
TI z
Medel (b): For thermal cracking type, the first order reaction kinetics
is assumed as a first approximation. The basic equation is
By setting the heating rate as m = dT/df, Eqs. (9-22) and (9-23) give
Similar to the thermal desorption model, TI/^ and ATof TGA curves
defined by Fig. 9.13 can be related to the above solution.
l3ermal Regeneralton of Spent A~tvaredCarbonfrom Water Trearmenl 223
" -\
Model ( a )
x Model (b)
0 0 Measured
- 06-
P 04-
b . "exane
0 200 40 600 800
Temperature ('C)
The function *(x) vs. x is shown in Fig. 9.14. From the above relation,
it is clear that the activat~onenergy E can be determined from by
employing Fig. 9.14 Obviously, the pre-exponential factor k, is
obtained from E as
These two models are compared with the TGA curves of n-hexane
and polyethylene glycol (PEG) in Fig. 9.15. In the figure the thermal
desorption model compares better than the thermal cracking model with
the TGA curve of n-hexane while the reverse is true for the TGA curve
of PEG 400. The model fittings were made at q / q , = 112 for both
models with both curves.
tempcrrture ('C)
where w and wo are the carbon weights after a small time lapse t and at
the beginning. The difference in gasification rates may arise from
different degrees of graphitization of the base carbon or catalytic effects
of ash metals contained in the carbon. As shown in Fig. 9.17, activated
carbons produced from lignite are the most easily gasified. Generally
speaking, wood-base carbons are considered more reactive with steam
than coal-base carbons, a fact which may be attributed to the degree of
graphitization of the carbon structure.
Matsui et al. (1984) applied TGA analysis to determine activation
energy of gasification rate of activated carbon in various steam
concentrations. Change of activation energies in the course of
gasification may suggest the catalytic effect of inorganic ashes contained
in the carbon, which is expected to be more pronounced with progress
of burnout.
In the case of spent carbon from wastewater treatment plants, it is
likely that inorganics salts are trapped in the activated carbons. Alkali
metals and alkaline earth metals are especially found to enhance
gasification of carbon and also to enlarge micropore sizes. Prior
removal of metals deposited in spent carbons is desirable for stable
regeneration. This is clearly demonstrated in Fig. 9.18 by the change of
micropore volume and surface area in the course of regeneration of the
spent carbon from the treatment of wastewater from a petrochemical
plant (Kawazoe, 1978). The effect of pretreatment by acid washing is
distinguishable, since the pretreated sample does not show decrease of
Thermal Regeneranon of Spent Artrvated Carbonfiom Water Treatment 227
Due to HCI washlng
10 20
' ;o
Welgh decrease (%)
Fig 9.18 Change of surface area and pore volume of spent act~vatedcarbons
from pet rochenucal wastewater treatment dunng thermal regeneration, companson
of rcgcneratron with and without inrt~alacid washing Reproduced wrth per-
mtsston by (Kawazoe, K and T Osawa, Sown Kenkyu. 28 (3). 109 (1976))
Chromatography is used not only for analytical purposes but also for
separation of fine products on an industrial scale. The basic mechanism
of separation is the same as that in analytical chromatography but on
the industrial scale the use of larger amounts of sample and larger
columns often introduce additional problems. These include: 1) com-
plex adsorption problems such as nonlinearity of the adsorption
isotherm which becomes non-negligible while in the analytical chromato-
graphy the linear portion of an isotherm is usually utilized because of
the low concentration of the peak traveling in the column. Interaction
of adsorbed molecules of the components to be separated may also play
an important role in determining displacement concentration profile. 2)
large-scale packed columns often introduce nonuniform packing,
resulting in a large dispersion effect because of flow maldistribution in
the packed bed.
For efficient separation based on chromatographic principles, several
ideas have been tested and commercialized for the purpose of large size
or continuous separation, e.g. moving bed processes, simulated moving
bed processes, centrifugal planar chromatography and counter-current
droplet chromatography. Other ideas should also be explored to utilize
the attractive separation potential of the chromatographic method in the
Fig 10 1 Concept of the theoretical plate model Well mlxed in each cell and moblle
phase is In equlltbrium wlth stationary phase
Bmic Relatrots of Chromatographic Elutron Curves m Lnear Isotherm Systems 23 1
p;/p12 1s readlly obtalned from Eqs (10-3) and (104) Usually the
contrlbutlon of lntrlnslc adsorptlon rate constant, k., 1s consldered
negligibly small
HETP = a
+ 2Ad, + 2- E
I -E
(10-1 1)
The peak width can be defined from the tangential lines drawn at
inflection points of the elution curve as the distance between the two
intercepts on the abscissa.
For a good separation of the two peaks, R must be at least greater
than unity. It is desirable to have as large an R as possible; when R is
For instance, the pulse introduced at the inlet of the column is given
C = CO for O S t S r
C=O for r < 0 and r <r (10-19)
Then the concentration change at the exit of the column, C,(r), is given
Here Cb(t) is the response curve for the step change of inlet
concentration from C = 0 to CO, which is a so-called breakthrough
The change of shape of the response peak with increase of pulse size,
.r, as shown experimentally in Fig. 10.3, can be also calculated by
employing an appropriate model and its parameters. Fig. 10.4.a shows
a n example from a two-phase exchange model.
Eq. (10-20) assumes a linear relation for the adsorption isotherm. This
may be fulfilled in most cases of adsorptive separation of low
concentration mixtures or gel permeation chromatography where no
adsorption effect is expected. But when nonlinearity must be taken into
account, Cc(r) should be obtained by means of numerical method. As an
example, a similar calculation as Fig. 10.4.a is shown for a Langmuir
isotherm system with R = 0.7 in Fig. 10.4.b.
Lnrge Yohme Aclses 235
t ! ~I , P I = aZ/u
( a ) L~near ~sothermsystem
(b) Ldngmulr rsolherm system ( R =0 7 )
Product 2
Carrier Column
------ '.'.
Feed I
Fig. 10.5. Production chromatography with recycle of overlapping part.
Solvent Solvent
A Q 3;;"
R g 10.6. Pr~nc~ples
t I
oiconcentrat~ongradlent apparatus.
Then residence time, t ~ in, the column of the length, 2,can be given as
h g 10 7 Sequent~alperlod~cchromatography
* Desorbent
C(+B) Net flows
B ads , C des
I t I TC .B
S, ( D - E + F - R )
A ads . C des
1 Rdfindte ( R )
. f
S. ( D - E + F )
I 1
A dd5,Bdes
Feed ( F )
A +B
S, (D-E) 111
C ads . A $es
Extract ( E )
A +C
. D IV
F I ~10 8 S c h e m ~ t ~d~agram
c of a movlng bed adsorber. S. D. E. F, R denote flow rates
Column number
Fig 10 I I Example of a concentration profile in a simulated moving bed for fructose-
dextrose separation
(Reproduced with permission by Shioda, K , First Jopan-Korea Separarron Technology
Conf, p 498 (1987))
l ccd Cced
2nd Pressure e q u ~ l
0 E
opbp6 Pressuro
c m
2: E:
f 1 Blow
- VI
8.f A-l
2 E
a, 2
T ~ m e1 min. I
Usually Steps 2 and 4 are completed in a far shorter time than Steps 1
and 3 and the adsorbed amount profiles are often assumed to remain
unchanged. This is called the assumption of "Frozen Profile."
During Steps 1 and 3, a portion of the product stream is used as purge
stream. Adsorption at higher pressure and desorption at lower pressure
makes it possible to complete desorption with a smaller amount of purge
gas compared to the amount of feed gas introduced. Skarstrom (1972)
empirically showed that desorption can be accomplished employing
purge gas whose volume at purge pressure is larger than the volume of
the feed gas at adsorption pressure.
In actual PSA operations, more sophisticated modes are adopted
mainly to increase product yield. Two examples of a four-bed PSA
operation mode are shown in Fig. 11.2, where two steps of pressure
equalization and repressurization with product gas (a) and vacuum
desorption and pressure equalization steps are employed (b). For larger
operations, multibed PSA (Fig. 11.3) with several steps of pressure
equalization can give higher yield.
1 1.2. Equilibrium Theory for PSA Criteria
As a first approach to describe the behavior of the PSA column, an
equilibrium theory was developed based on negligible mass transfer
resistance between gas phase and solid phase. Shendalman and Mitchell
(1972) applied the theory developed for parametric pumping to
prediction of movement of adsorption front in PSA operation.
When adsorption equilibrium is assumed in the column, a basic
equation for mass balance of a single adsorbable component is given for
an isothermal system as
Desorption step:
Equilibrium 7heoryfor PSA Criterio 25 1
Since v = 0 holds at z = 0.
By combining Eq. (1 1-9) with Eq. (I 1-4) and by integrating, the location
of adsorption front before and after pressure change is determined. The
relation between locations of adsorption front at pressure PH,Z H and
that at pressure PL,Z L is given as
y t'"
y : y : ,'T
z 1 I I
Inlet ( Feed ;
Bed l
Ex11(Product !
Bed ?
lnlct I-cell
- (time for bed saturation) (1 1-21)
(time constant for adsorption to the adsorbent)
C and q denote C/COand 9/90 where COis concentration in feed gas
and q~ is the amount adsorbed in equilibrium with Co. 2 = ZIL and
I = fjto also hold T, = I,/IO where I, is the half cycle time. For
repressurization and blowdown steps (Steps 2 and 4 in Fig. 11. I), frozen
profile assumption is used.
An example of calculation results for the case of dehumidification of
air by silica gel is shown in Fig. 11.6. The conditions adopted for the
calculation are given in TABLE1 1.1. Calculation was started from an
evacuated bed and it was found that the cyclic steady state was reached
after about 40 cycles.
nd o f 5th purge step
000 020 040 060 080 100
Fig 11 6 Change of profiles of and q from startup t o the cychc steady state
In the case o f ~sotherrnaloperation
(Reproduced w ~ t hperrnlsslon by Chlhara. K and Suzuk~,M , J Chem f5tg
Japan, 16, 58 ( 1983))
As addit~onalboundary cond~tions
- ( t ~ m efor bed saturation)
(tlme constant for effective long~tudinalthermal conduction)
- (time for bed saturation) ( 1 1-28)
( t ~ m econstant for heat transfer through wall)
(total heat generated by saturat~onper unlt bcd volume)
( 1 1-29)
(hcat sustd~nedper unlt bcd volume at TO)
Numerrcal Solurron o j Nonequtlibrtum PSA Model 257
o In
om ow ow - o m ono I m OW 0'0 OW OHI 0x1) ~rn
Inlet ~xh.usr
fluid phase in both steps are considerably different from each other
Namely, throughput ratlo corresponds t o th ratlo of the hatched area to
the total rectangular area In Fig 1 1 2 a If the cycle time becomes
smaller, the hatched area dlmlnlshes and the standing profile of the
amount adsorbed, q,, will be establlshed as shown in Flg 11 12 b
This profile of q, is establlshed from the balance of mass transfer
during adsorptlon step and that durlng desorption step
At any longitudinal position, the amount of mass transfer (the
adsorbed amount) during the adsorpt~onstep 1s equal to the amount
desorbed from solid phase durlng the desorptlon step Then the
assumption of a frozen profile suggests that the profile may be estimated
by analogy to a continuous countercurrent flow contactor, where the
mass flow form a high pressure flow to the adsorbent partlcle and that
from the particle to the low pressure flow take place in series.
Figure 11.1 1 shows the basic idea of the countercurrent flow model
corresponding to the PSA shown in Fig. 11.10.
The basic equations for the adsorption step (duration time t ~ and
) the
desorption step ( t ~ are
) given in the simplest form below. Adsorption
Step (t = 0 to t ~ ) :
Desorption Step (t = 0 to t ~ ) :
From the equations given for ordinary PSA (Eqs. (1 1-30) to (11-37)),
corresponding basic equations for the continuous countercurrent flow
model are derived as follows:
Equivalent flow rates of inert component in high pressure flow, UH, and
low pressure flow, U L , are difined as
The last equation shows that part of the product gas is used as the purge
stream. Outlet concentration of the purge stream, C,I I,-", is glven from
the overall mass balance as
In general, when the inlet concentrations of the high pressure flow and
the low pressure flow are given, concentration distributions are solved as
a boundary value problem. Calculation of the concentration distribu-
tion requires iteration.
T n n ~ rI 1 3 C o m p o \ ~ t ~ oand
n C o n d t t l c ~ nb\ed
~ as a Cornputatton Example o f Hydrogen
Pressure of adsorptton step, FH = 10 k g cm2
desorpt~onrtcp PL = I kgtcm'
Flow rate of Inert ga\ ar
ad\ step. UH = 2 0 mol m'\
des step. ul = 0 2.0 22 mol rn2s
Masb tran\fcr corfllLIcrlt d l
ad\ ctcp. ( h ~ a , )H~= ( h t a , ) : ~ = 0 1 s
de\ step. (Ato,),~ = ( A I u , ) , I I ( ~ H ' ~ ~ )
Column Icngtli Z=3m
p c r n i ~ \ \ ~ ob\n Su/rlll. , \ I . Il(11f S ~ n ~ p.Yc,rrc'r
( K e p r a d ~ ~ c cud~ t h o 81 70 (1985))
Conrrnuous Counrercurrenr Flow Model 265
Length ( m )
I00 -
Sol~d,q -
Gas, P
CO(-) 038 005
(KI.~,)H 0 10 0 10
10 ' l , l l l *
00 0 75 15 2 25 30
\* \@Pn=50
(KFcI~.,H 1515
u ~ = l O l u~=402
E 101-
3 \o
Z- \@
10'- , I I I
00 0 25 05 0 75
Length ( m )
( b ) Gar. P -a d
Ca(-) 00039
( K ~ o)H, 1515
p11=50 P L = I 00
U"==IOI u1=402
4 -
00 0 25 05 0 75
Length (rn)
where q o = 4.5 mmollg, KN,= 0.1 atm-I and KCO = 0.5 atm-I were
used. The effect of purge ratio is clearly shown by comparing these
As another example, the case of air drying was calculated and
compared with the complex calculation result obtained by the method
introduced in the previous section (Chihara and Suzuki, 1983a). The
case of isothermal operation (Fig. 11.6, solid and open circles) is
compared with the results of the continuous countercurrent flow model
(solid and broken lines) in Fig. 11.14. Rigorous calculation was done
for a throughput ratio of 0.01 and the change in the profiles of the
amount adsorbed after adsorption and desorption steps found to be
reasonably small. Thus the simple model simulated quite well the cyclic
steady state profile of PSA.
where 2, is the half cycle time. Fig. 11.15 shows change of Kagainst 8,.
By numerically solving the following basic equation with the boundary
conditions shown by Eqs. (1 1-57) and (1 1-58), concentration distribution
in the particle is obtained as a function of time.
Then by fitt~ngEqs (11-60) and (11-61) wlth the results from the
dlfferent~al equatlon shown In Flg I1 18, k,a, or K IS defined as a
functlon of 8,. wh~chIS shown by Fig 11 15 For further deta~ls,refer to
Nakao and S u z u k ~(1983)
the bottom of the column packed wlth the carbon molecular sleves at
hlgh SV, only nltrogen appears at the exlt In the beglnnlng Then by
desorpt~on, oxygen-r~ch alr IS recovered from the blowdown and
regeneratlon gas
An example of oxygen and nltrogen uptake curves of the carbon
molecular sleve produced by Kuraray Chemlcal C o IS shown In
Fig 11 19
Control of the slze o f mlcropore of carbon molecular sleve 1s an
essent~alfactor In obtaln~nglarge differences In dlffus~vltlesof oxygen
and nltrogen Several t r ~ a l swere made to control mlcropore d~ffuslvlt~es
of carbon molecular sleves by the deposltlon of carbon produced by
thermal crack~ngof hydrocarbons (Moore and Tnmm, 1977, Chlhara
and Suzukl, 1979, 1982) Chlhara and S u z u k ~(1982) showed that by
start~ngfrom MFC 5A of Takeda Chem~calC o benzene crack~ngat
700'. 780" and 850°C In nltrogen carrler stream was effectlve for thls
purpose The amount of deposited carbon was followed by we~ght
change of the carbon molecular sleve sample by grav~tyequ~prnentand
adsorpt~onrates of oxygen and n~trogenwere measured by a constant
volume method The results are shown In Flg 1 1 20 By t h ~ smethod,
ratlo of dlffus~vlt~esof O2 and Nz reached as h ~ g has 45, as shown In
Fig 1 1 21
Numerical s~mulatlonof thls type of PSA has been done for oxygen
production (Chlhara and Suzukl, 1982) The prlnclple a almost the
same as that Introduced In the prevlous sectlon except that In thls case
the use of proper rate parameters IS necersary
PSA Based on Dfirence o j Adsorptron Rates 273