Samir Amin - The Liberal Virus

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The author argues that a 'liberal virus' has spread globally and caused issues like schizophrenia in how people view their economic and political lives.

The liberal virus first appeared in Western Europe in the 16th century and later spread and mutated in the Americas, returning to Europe in a stronger form in the late 20th century.

The liberal virus caused people to view their economic and political lives separately, living as either 'homo economicus' ruled by the market or as citizens who vote but do not engage in political life.


Pe7'1nanent War and tlte American-lzation oftlte World




New ror-k
liberal. English1
The liberal virus: pemmnent war and the Americanization fntToduction 7
of the world I by Samir Amin ; translated bv lames Membrez.
p. cm.
Translation of: Le virus liberal. The Liberal Vision of Society 9
Includes bibliographical rclerences and index.
ISBN 1-58367-107-2 (pbk.) - ISBN 1-58367-108-0 (cloth) H The Ideolo)1;ical and Para-Theoretical Foundations of Liberalism 13
1. Liberalisln·lJnited States. 9,. Imperialism. 3. United States­
III The Consequences: V-~.X1stm'" Globalized Liberalism 29
policy. L Title,

IV The Origins of Liberalism 53

2 00 4 00 9353 V The Challenge of Liberalislll Today 87


19,9, West 27th Street

Notes 113
New York, NY 10001 Works Referred to in tlte Text 115

Printed in Canada W01'ks by the Aut/tor 117

109 8 7 6 543 2 Index 119



struck the world. Not everyone but all suffered from it. The
virus which caused the epidemic was called "liberal virus."
This virus made its appearance around the sixteenth century
within the triangle described by Paris-London-Amsterdam. The
symptoms that the disease then manifested appeared harmless.
Men (whom the virus struck in preference to women) not only
became accustomed to it and developed the necessary antibodies,
but were able to benefit from the increased energy that it elicited.
But the virus traveled across the Atlantic and found a favorable
place among those who, deprived of antibodies, spread it. As a
result, the malady took on extreme fonns.
TIle virus reappeared in Europe towards the end of the twenti­
eth century, returning from America where it had mutated. Now
strengthened, it came to destroy a great number of the antibodies
that the Europeans had developed over the course of the three
preceding centuries. It provoked an epidemic that would have
been fatal to the human race ifit had not been for the most robust
of the inhabitants of the old countries who survived the epidemic
and finally were able to eradicate the disease.


The virus caused among its victims a curious schizophrenia.

Humans no longer lived as whole beings, organizing themselves
to produce what is necessary to satisfy their needs (what the
learned have called "economic life") and simultaneously develop­
ing the institutions, the rules, and the customs that enable them to
develop (what the same learned people have called "political
life"), conscious that the two aspects of social are inseparable.
Henceforth, they lived sometimes as homo oeconom£c'US, abandon­ I The "Liberal" Vision of Society
ing to market" the responsibility to regulate their "economic
life" automatically, and sometimes as "citizens," depositing in bal­ THE G ENE R A LID E A s which govern the dominant liberal
lot boxes their choices for those who would have the responsibili­ vision of the world are simple and may be summarized in the
ty to establish the rules of the game for their "political life." following terms:
The crises of the end of the twentieth century and the begin­ Social effectiveness is equated by liberals with economic
ning of the twenty-first century, now happily and definitively efficiency which, in turn, is confounded with the financial profit­
behind, were articulated around the confusions and impasses pro­ ability of capital. These reductions express the dominance of the
voked by this schizophrenia. Reason-the true one, not the Ameri­ economic, a dominance characteristic ofcapitalism. The atrophied
can one-finally caused it to disappeaI~ Everyone survived, Euro­ social thought derived from this dominance is "economistic" in the
peans, Asians, Africans, Americans, and even Texans, who have extreme. Curiously, this reproach, wrongly directed at Marxism, in
much changed since and become human beings like the others. fact characterizes capitalist liberalism.
I have chosen this happy ending, not through some incorrigi­ The development of the genernlized market (the least regulated
ble optimism, but because in the other hypothesis there would no possible) and of democracy are decreed to be complementary to
longer be anyone left to write history. In that version, Fukuyarna one another. The question of conflict between social interests
was right: liberalism truly announced the end of history. All of which are expressed through their interventions in the market and
humanity perished in the holocaust. The last survivors, the Tex­ social interests which give meaning and import to political
ans, were organized into a wandering band and then immolated in democracy is not even posed. Economics and politics do not form
turn, on the orders of the chief of their sect, whom they two dimensions of social reality, each having their own autonomy,
believed to be a charismatic figure. He too was named Bush. opernting in a dialectical relationship; capitalist economics in fact
I imaglne that the history of our epoch will be written some­ govems the political, whose creative potential it eliminates.
in these terms. In any case, it is in the same terms that I Apparently, the most "developed" country, the one in which
here propose to analyze these crises. the political is actually conceived and practiced entirely in the

exclusive service of the economy (of capital, in fact) obviously founded on a para-science-so-called pure economics-and an
the United St.:1.tes-is held to be the best model for "all." Its insti­ accompanying ideology-postmodernism.
tutions and practices should be imitated by all those who hope to "Pure" economics is not a theory of the real world, of really­
be contemporary with the world scene. existing capitalism, but of an imaginary capitalism. It is not even a
There is no alternative to the proposed model, which is rigorous theory of the latter. The bases and development of the
founded on economistic postulates, the identity of the market arguments do not deserve to qualified as coherent. It is only a
and democracy, and the subsumption of the political by the eco­ para-science, doser in fact to sorcery than to the natural sciences
nomic. The socialist attempted in the Soviet Union and it pretends to imitate. As for postmodernism, it only forms
demonstrated that it was inefficient in economic an accompanying discourse, calling upon us to act onlv within the
terms and antidemocratic in the political sphere. limits of the liberal system, to "aqjust" to it.
Tn other words, the propositions formulated above have the The reconstruction of a citizen politics demands that move­
virtue ofbeing "eternal truths" (the truths of"Reason") revealed ments of resistance, protest and struggle against the real eHects of
the unfolding of contemporary history. Their triumph is assured, the implementation of this system be freed from the liberal virus.
particularly since the disappearance of the alternative "socialist"
experiments. We all truly arrive, as has been said, at the end of
history. Historical Reason has triumphed. This triumph means
then that we live in the best of all possible worlds, at least potential­
ly, in the sense that it will be so when its fOlmding ideas are accept­
ed by everyone and put into practice everywhere. All the defects of
today's reality are due only to the fact that these eternal principles
of Reason are not yet put into practice in the societies that suHer
from these deficiencies, particularly those in the global South.
The hegemonism of the United States, a normal expression
of its avant-garde position in using Reason (inevitably liberal), is
both unavoidable and favorable to the progress of the
whole of humanity. There is no "American imperialism," only a
noble leadership ("benign" or painless, as liberal American
intellectuals qualify it).
"idea8~' are central to the liberal vision. In fact, as we
see in what follows, these ideas are nothing but nonsense,
The Ideological and


Para -Theoretical Foundations

of Liberalism



THE CONCEPT OF CAPITALISM cannot be reduced to the

"generalized market," but instead situates the essence of capital­
ism precisely in power beyond the market. This reduction, as
found in the dominant vulgate, substitutes the theory of an imag­
inary system governed by "economic laws" (the "market") which
would tend, inefi: to themselves, to produce an "optimal equilib­
rium," for the analysis of capitalism based on social relations and
a politics through which these powers beyond the market are
expressed. In really-existing capitalism, class struggle, politics,
the state, and the logics of capital accumulation are inseparable.
Consequently, capitalism is by nature a regime in which the suc­
cessive states of disequilibrium are products of social and politi­
cal confrontations situated beyond the market. The concepts
proposed by the vulgar economics ofliberalism-such as "dereg­
ulation" of the markets-have no reality. So-called deregulated

markets are markets regulated by the forces of monopolies which the states which form capitalism as a world system) accounts,
are situated outside the market. after the fact, for dIe movement of the system as it displaces itself
Economic alienation l is the specific form of capitalism which from one disequilibrium to another. In this sense, capitalism
governs the reproduction of society in its totality and not only the does not exist outside of the class struggle, the conflict between
reproduction ofits economic system. The law of value governs states, and politics. The idea that there exists an economic logic
not only capitalist economic life, but all social life in this society. (which economic science enables us to discover) that governs
This specificity explains why, in capitalism, the economic is erect- the development of capitalism is an illusion. There is no theory
ed into a "science"--that is, the laws govern movement of capitalism distinct from its history. Theory and history are
of capitalism are imposed on modern societies indissociable,just as are economics and politics.
beings which form those societies) I have pointed out these two dimensions of Marx's radical <'-Ti­
n_"A.. ~. not of a transhistor­ tique precisely because these are the two dimensions of reality of
ical nature being" vis-a-vis the which bourgeois social thought is ignorant. This thought is, in
challenge particular historical nature (social fact, economistic from its origins in the era of the Enlightenment.
characteristic of capitalism) is erased from The "Reason" that it invokes attributes to the capitalist system,
COllSClOusness. This is, in my opinion, how Marx under- which replaces the Ancien Regime, a transhistorical legitimacy,
"economism," dIe unique characteristic ofcapitalism. making it the "end of history." This economic alienation was to
In addition, Marx brings to light the immanent instability of be accentuated thereafter, precisely in dIe attempt to respond to
this society, in the sense that the reproduction of its economic Marx. Pure economics, starting with Walras, expresses
system never tends towards the realization of any sort ofgeneral erbation of the economism of bourgeois social dlOught. It substi­
equilibrium, but is displaced from disequilibrium to disequilib­ tutes the myth of a self-regulating market, which would tend
rium in an unforeseeable manner. One can account for this after logic towards dle realization ofa general
the fact but never define it in advance. The "competition" for dIe analysis of the real functioning of capitalism.
between capitals-which defines capitalism-suppresses the lIlSLaUUUY is no longer conceived as immanent to this logic, but as
possibility of realizing any sort of general equilibrium and product of the imperfections of real markets. Economics thus
renders illusory any analysis founded on such a supposed ten­ becomes a discourse which is no longer engaged in knowing real­
dency. Capitalism is synonymous with ity; its function is no more than to legitimize capitalism by
The articulation between the logics attributing to it intrinsic qualities which it cannot have. Pure eco­
tion of capitals nomics becomes the dleory ofan imaginary world.
tion (among capitalists, The dominant forces are such because they succeed in impos­
I,;;XPIOLLCU and dominated classes, among ing their language on dleir victims. The "experts" of conventional


economics have managed to make believe analyses arc carried out. The "market," which refers by nature to
and the conclusions drawn from them are rnnp....,ti"" because competition, is not "capitalism," which is defined precisely by
they are "scientific," hence objective, neutral and unavoidable. the limits to competition that the monopoly or oligopoly (for
This is not true. The so-called pure economics on which they some people, to the exclusion of others) of private property
base their analyses does not deal with rcality, but with an imagi­ implies. The "market" and capitalism form two distinct con­
nary system which not only does not approach reality but is cepts. Really-existing capitalism is, as Braudel's analysis has
located squarely in the opposite direction. Really-existing capi­ shown so well, dIe opposite even of the imaginary market.
talism is another thing entirely. In addition, really-existing capitalism does not function as a
This imaginary economics mixes up concepts and confuses of competition among the beneficiaries of the monopoly
progress with capitalist expansion, market with capitalism. In of property-competition among them and against others. Its
order to develop effective strategies, movements must operation requires the intervention of a collective audlOrity rep­
erate themselves from resenting capital as a whole. Thu8 the state is not separable from
concepts-the reality (capitalist expan­ eapitalism. The policies of capital, thus of the state insofar as it
and the desirable (progTess in a determined sense )-is at the represents capital, have their own concrete logical stages. It is
origin of many disappointments expressed in the criticisms of these logical stages that account for dIe fact that, at certain times,
implemented policies. The dominant discourses systematically the expansion of capital entails an increase in employment, at
mix up concepts. They propose means that enable the expansion other times a decrease in employment. These logical stages are
of capital and then quality as "development" that which results, or not the expression of "laws of the market," formulated in the
would result, according to them. The logic of the expansio abstract as such, but requirements of the profitability of capital
capital does not imply any rcsult qualifiable in terms of "develop­ in certain historical conditions.
ment." It does not suppose, fi)r example, full employment or an There is no "law of capitalist expansion" which is imposed as a
amount designated in advance for the unequal (or equal) distrihu­ quasi-supernatural force. There is no historical detemlinism ante­
ofincomc. The logic of this expansion is guidcd hy the search rior to history. The inherent tendencies of the logic of capital
for profits hy individual enterprises. This logic can entail, in cer­ always clash with forces which resist its effects. Real history is
tain conditions, growth or stagnation, expansion of employment the product of dlis conflict between the logic of capitalist expan­
or its reduction, can reduce inequality in incomes or accentuate it, sion and those logics that spring from social forces resisting its
according to circumstances. expansion. In dlis sense, dIe state is rarely simply the state ofcapi­
Here again the sustained confusion between tal, it is also at the heart of the conflict between capital and society.
is at For example, the industrialization of the postwar period, {i'om
source 1945 to 1990, was not the natural product of capitalist expansion

but rather resulted from conditions imposed on capital by the on this process, in the context of contributing to the crystalliza­
victories of national liberation movements, which forced global­ tion of coherent and possible projects and, consequently, help
izing capital to adjust to this industrialization. For example, the any social movement avoid false solutions. In the absence of
erosion of the effectiveness of the national state, produced by such reflection, a movement could easily become bogged down
capitalist globalization, is not an irreversible determinant of the in the pursuit of these "solutions."
future. On the contrary, national reactions to this globalization The project of a humanist response to the challenge of capi­
could impose unforeseen trajectories onto global expansion, for talism's globalized expansion is by no means utopian. On the
better or worse according to circumstances. For example, the contrary, it is the only possible realistic project, in the sense that
concerns stemming from the environment, which are in conflict the beginning of an evolution towards such a response could
with the logic of capital (which is by nature a short-term logic) rapidly win over powerful social forces capable of imposing a
could impose important transformations onto capitalist adjust­ logic on it. If there is a utopia, in the banal and negative sense of
ment. One could multiply the examples. the term, it is truly the project of managing the system, under­
The effective response to the challenges can only be found if stood as regulation by the market.
one understands that history is not governed by the infallible
unfolding of economic laws. It is produced by social reactions to

the tendencies expressed by these laws which, in turn, are


defined by the social relations within the framework in which

these laws operate. The "anti-systemic" forces-if one wants to Postmodernist discourse is an ideological accessory that, in the
refer to this organized, coherent and effective refusal to the uni­ end, legitimizes liberalism and invites us to submit to it.
lateral and total submission to the requirements of these alleged The apparent triumph ofliberalism-in its most simplistic and
laws (in fact, quite simply the law of profit characteristic of capi­ brutal North American form-does not express an impulse
talism as a system)-make real history as much as the "pure" towards the rejuvenation ofcapitalism, restoring to it all the Amer­
logic of capitalist accumulation. These forces govern the possi­ ican vigor eroded by statism and the welfare state of old Europe.
bilities and the forms of the expansion which then develop with­ The opposition of "young America"-which has the future before
in the framework that they have organized. it-to "old Europe" constitutes, as is well known, one of the
The method proposed here prohibits formulating "recipes" favored themes of "pro-American" discourse.
in advance that would allow the future to be made. The future is The offensive ofliberalism strives, in fact, to overcome,
produced by the transformations in the social and political rela­ through brutality, the growing contradictions of capitalism, which
tions of force, themselves produced by struggles whose out­ has had its day and has no perspective to offer humanity other
comes are not known in advance. One can nevertheless reflect than that of self-destruction.

This obsolescence of capitalism is not expressed exclusively is equally often seized upon by the dominated peoples in confu­
in the spheres of economic and social reproduction. Onto this sion (under the form of so-called religious or ethnic fundamen­
decisive infrastructural base are grafted multiple manifestations talisms). This is the "clash of barbarisms," as Gilbert Achcar has
both of the retreat of bourgeois universalist thought (for which written, giving Huntington's thesis a self-realizing character.
new ideological discourses substitute a so-called postmodernist The totality of these manifestations of both confusion and
patchwork) and of regression in the practices of political manage­ retreat in relation to the past achievements of bourgeois thought
ment (calling into question the bourgeois democratic tradition). results in a degTadation of political practice. The very principle of
The ideological discourse of postmodernism is sustained by democracy is founded on the possibility of making alternative
these regressions. Recuperating every common prejudice pro­ choices. There is no longer a need for democracy, since ideology
duced by the disarray characteristic of moments such as ours, it made the idea that "there is no alternative" acceptable. Adherence
methodically lays out, without concern for overall coherence, one to a meta-social principle of superior rationality allows for the
argument after another encouraging suspicion towards the con­ elimination of the necessity and possibility of choosing. The so­
cepts ofprogress and universalism. But far from deepening the seri­ called principle of the rationality of "markets" exactly fills this
ous critique of these expressions of Enlightenment culture and function in the ideology of obsolescent capitalism. Democratic
bourgeois history, far from analyzing their actual contradictions, practice is thus emptied of all content and the way is open to what
which are aggravated by the obsolescence of the system, this dis­ I have called "low-intensity democracy" -that is, to electoral buf­
course is satisfied with substituting the impoverished propositions fooneries where parades of majorettes take the place of programs,
ofliberal American ideology for a true critique: "live with your to the "society of the spectacle." Delegitimized by these practices,
time," "adapt to it," "manage each day"-that is, abstain from politics is undone, begins to drift and loses its potential power to
reflecting on the nature of the system, and particularly from calling give meaning and coherence to alternative societal projects.
into question its choices of the moment. Is not the bourgeoisie itself, as the structured dominant class,
The praise for inherited diversities proposed in place of the on the way to "changing its look"? All during the ascendant
necessary effort to transcend the limits of bourgeois universalism phase of its history, the bourgeoisie was formed as the principal
thus functions in perfect accord with the requirements of contem­ determinant of "civil society." That did not imply a relative stabil­
porary imperialism's project of globalization, a project that can ity of men (only a few women in that era) or at leas t offamily
produce only an organized system of apartheid on a world scale, dynasties of capitalist-entrepreneurs (competition always imply­
sustained as it is by reactionary "communitarian" ideologies in ing a certain mobility in the membership of this class, bankrupt­
the North American tradition. What I qualifY as the "culturalist" cies occurring in conjunction with the rise of nouveaux riches)
retreat, which is at the forefront of the scene today, is thus imple­ so much as the strong structuring of the class around systems of
mented and manipulated by the masters of the system,just as it values and behaviors. The dominant class could then assert that

the respectability of its members established the legitimacy of its are only minor, while the conflict between the'lhad and the rest
privileges. This is less and less the case. A model close to that of of the world is clearly the major one. The disappearance of
the mafia seems to be the one taking over in the business world European project in the face of American hegemonism its
as much as in politics. Moreover, the separation between these explanation here. Furthermore, accumulation in the prior impe­
two worlds-which, though it was not watertight, nevertheless rialist stage was based on the binary relation between the indus­
characterized the systems that preceded historical capitalism-is trialized centers and the non-industrialized peripheries, while in
in the process of disappearing. This model is not characteristic the new conditions of the system's evolution the opposition is
countries or of the former so-called social­ between the beneficiaries of tlle centers' new monopolies (tech­
ist countries of the it is tending to become the rule even at nology, access to natural resources, communications, weapons of
the else to characterize persons mass destruction) and peripheries that are industrialized, but
like Berlusconi in scandal) still subordinated by means of these monopolies. In order tojus­
in the United States, tifY their thesis, Negri and Hardt need to give a strictly political
But a senile system is not one definition of the imperialist phenomenon ("the pr~iection of
its last days. On the contrary, summons an increase national power beyond its frontiers"), without any relation to the
violence. requirements for the accumulation and reproduction of capital.
The world system has not entered into a new "non-imperial­ stems from vulgar university political sci­
ist" phase that is sometimes characterized as "post-imperialist." of the North American variety, eliminates from
On the contrary, it is by nature an imperialist system exacer­ the start the tme questions. Their discourse deals with a catego­
bated to the extreme (extracting resources without effective ry '"empire" placed outside of history and thus happily makes no
opposition). The analysis that Negri and Hardt propose of an distinction among the Roman, Austro-Hungarian,
"Empire" (without imperialism), in fact an Empire limited to the Russian, British colonial, and French colonial No care
'niad- that is, the three major regions of capitalism, the United is taken to consider tlle specificities of these historical construc­
. States, Europe, and Japan-with the rest of the world being tions without reducing them to one anotller.
ignored, is unfortunately inscribed both in the tradition of Occi­ In fact, the global expansion of capitalism, because it is polar­
dental ism and in the currently fashionable intellectual discourse. izing, always implies the political intervention of the dominant
111e differences between the new imperialism and the preceding powers, that is, the states of the system's center, in the societies
one are found elsewhere. Imperialism in the past was multiple of the dominated periphery. This expansion cannot occur by the
("impelialisms" in conflict), while the new one is collective (the force of economic laws alone; it is necessary to complement that
even if this be in the wake of United States hegemony). with political support (and military, if necessary) from states in
From fact, "conflicts" among the partners of the Triad the service of dominant capital. In this sense, the expansion is

always entirely imperialist even in the meaning that Negri gives always globalized capitalism, the state was never omnipotent. Its
to the term ("the projection of national power beyond its fron­ power was always limited by the logic which governed the glob­
tierst on condition of specifYing that this power belongs to cap­ alizations of the epoch. Wallerstein has even, in this spirit, gone
ital). In this sense, the contemporary intervention of the United so far as to give the global determinations a decisive power over
States is no less imperialist than were the colonial conquests of the destiny of the states. situation is no different SInce
the nineteenth century. Washington's objective in Iraq, fix exam­ of the
ple, (and tomorrow elsewhere) is to put in place a dictatorship present and
in the service of American capital (and not a "democracy"), r['he new ~Tn't"\pr~':l has a center~the Triad~and a
enabling the pillage of the country's natural resources, and center of the center aspiring to exercise its hegemony~the Unit­
ing more. 'I11e globalized "liberal" economic order reqmres per­ ed States. The Triad exerciscs its collective domination over the
manent war~military succeeding one whole of the planet's periphcries (three-quarters of humanity)
another~as the peoples of the periph­ by means of institutions put into place and under its manage­
mcnt for that purposc. Some institutions are in charge of the
on tlle contrary, is defined naively as a economic management of the world imperialist systcm. Fore­
of powers" whose center is everywhere and nowhere, most among these are the World Trade Organization (WTO)
which thus dilutes the importance of the national state. This whose real function is not to guarantec '"freedom of markets" as
transformation moreover is essentially attributed to the develop­ it pretends but, on the contrary, to super-protect the monopolies
ment of the productive forces (the technological revolution). (of the center) and to fomI systems of production for the periph­
This is a shallow and simplistic analysis that isolates the power erics as a function of this requirement; the which does not
of technology from the framework of social relations within trouble itself with dIe relationships cur­
which it operates. Once again we recognize here the proposi­ rencies (the dollar, the Euro,
tions of the dominant discourse vulgarized by Rawls, Castells, collective colonial monetary authority (for dIe Triad); the World
Touraine, Rifkin and others, in dIe tradition of North American Bank, which is a sort of Ministry of Propaganda for the G7.
liheral political thought. Other institutions have charge of the political management of
The true questions that are posed by the system; here it is a question in the first place of NATO,
between the political (the state) and the which has replaced the UN in speaking on behalf of the world
alization, which should he at the center ofwhat is collectivity. The systematic implemcntation of military control
capitalist system, are thus over the planet by the United States expresses quite brutally this
imperialist reality. Negri and Hardt's work does not discuss
alIllOS[ ceased to In fact, even in the prior stages of an questions relating to the functions of these institutions, no more

than it mentions the multiplicity of facts which inconvenience Late capitalism certainly puts on the agenda the objective neces­
naive thesis of a "network of power": military bases, power­ sity and possibility of the withering away of the law of value; the
,t"""pnt; ...... c thp role of the CIA, etc. The brutality of the technological revolution makes possible, in this context, the
U.S. intervention in Iraq makes discourse on "capital­ development of a network society; the deepening of globaliza­
ism as a gentle Empire" ridiculous. tion certainly challenges the existence of nations. But obsoles­
In the same manner, the true questions that the technological cent capitalism, by means of a violent imperialism, is busily
revolution poses for the system's class structure are evaded in annulling all of the emancipatory possibilities. The idea that
favor of the vague category of the "multitude," the analogue of capitalism could adapt itself to liberating transformations, that
people" of vulgar sociology. The true questions lie else­ is, could produce them, without wanting to, as well as socialism
does the technological revolution in progress could, is at the heart of the American liberal ideology_ Its func­
(whose reality cannot be doubted), like every technological rev­ tion is to deceive us and cause us to forget the extent of the true
olution, violently break up the old fornls of the organization challenges and of the struggles required to respond to them.
work and of the class structure, while the new forms of suggested "anti-state" strategy unites perfectly with capi­
recoIllposition have not yet visibly crystallized? tal's strategy, which is busy "limiting public interventions"
To crown the whole thing and give a semblance oflegitimacy ("deregulating") for its own benefit, reducing the role of the
to the imperialist practices of the Triad and the hegemonism of state to its police functions (not at state,
States, the system has produced its own ideological liquidating only political practice, thus allowing it to other
discourse, to new aggTessive tasks. functions). In a similar way, the "anti-nation" discourse encour­
ages the acceptance of the role of the United States as military
"Western" racism and cause public opinion to accept superpower and world policeman.
mentation ofapartheid on a world scale. This discourse in my Something else is needed: the development of political prax­
opinion, filT more important than lyrical outbursts about the so­ is, granting it its full significance, and the advancement of social
called network society. and citizen democracy, giving to peoples and to nations greater
influence which the Empire thesis has gained in the latitude for action in globalization. Granted, formulas imple­
and among youth, derives entirely, in mented in the past have lost their effectiveness in new condi­
my opinion, from the harsh observations it makes about the state tions. Granted also that certain adversaries of neo-liberal and
and the nation. The state (bourgeois) and nationalism imperialist reality do not always sec that and live on nostalgia for
istic) have always been rejected, and rightly so, by the radical past. But the whole challenge still remains.
left. To assert that, with the new capitalism, their decay is begin­
ning can only be pleasing. But, alas, the proposition is not true.
'rhe Consequences:

Really-Existing Globalized LiberalisIIl

THE PARA-THEORY OF LIBERAI,ISM and its accompanying

ideological discourse promise salvation for all of humanity. This
promise ignores every lesson of history. Really-existing global­
ized liberalism can produce nothing other than an intensification
of the inequalities between peoples (an intensified global polar­
ization) and within populations (ofthe global South and North).
This pauperization, an integral part of capital accumulation,
turn makes democracy impossible, eliminating its imaginative
potential in the developed centers (by substituting a low-intensi­
ty democracy for new advances in the social control of transfor­
mation) and reducing to fincical status the possible adoption of
apparently democratic political forms in the peripheries.
Polarization occupies a central place in the history of the
global expansion of really-existing capitalism. I understand by
that the continually growing gap between the centers of the
global capitalist system and the peripheries. This is a new phe­
nomenon in the history of humanity. The extent of this gap has
grown in two centuries to a point where there is nothing in
common with what humanity could possibly have experienced


in the past. This is a phenomenon that one can only want to do surpassed the construction of a an end to
away with by the gradual construction ofa postcapitalist society global polarization and economic alienation, then it can
that is really better for all peoples. to the self-destruction ofhurnaruty.
Capitalism has developed the productive forces at a pace and The construction of a citizen democracy implies that the
to an extent unparalleled in all prior history. But, unlike any prior advances of socialization be grounded on the implementation of
simultaneously widened the gap between what this democracy and not exclusively through a market that has never
allow and produced the anticipated benefits.
and techno­
logical knowledge attained today P01>1>101I;; to resolve 1. }'IRST CONSEQUENCE: THE NEGLECTED
of humanity's material problems. But logic PAUPERIZATION AND POLARIZATION OF THE WORLD.
the means (the law of profit, accumulation) into an end for itself
has, without historical parallel, simultaneously given rise to a Is that ,is jrroduced by the process
gigantic waste of the potential and an inequality of access to the ofcapital accumulolion?
possible benefits. Until the nineteenth century, the gap between It is fushionable today to discourse on poverty
the potential development that knowledge made possible and the not of eradicating it, at least of reducing its extent.
level of development actually produced was negligible. Not that course of charity, in the nineteenth century style, which does not
reflection should encourage in us any sort of nostalgia for the devote much time inquiring into the economic and social mecha­
capitalism was a preliminary necessity in order to realize the nisms which engender the "poverty" in question, and this in an
evelopment attained today. But it has had its day in epoch where the scientific and technological means at the disposal
sense that lH1UH1~ to logic would produce no ofhumanity are sufficient to eradicate it totally.
more than waste and' In "law of
immiseration," formulated by Marx, has Capitalism and the New Ag;rarian Question
ing manner-on the world scale-every day during the last two societies prior to capitalism were peasant societies, whose
centuries. One should not be surprised then that at the very agriculture were certainly diverse. But the logic
moment when capitalism appears to be completely victorious, which defines capitalism (the maximum Drofitabilitv of capital)
the "fight against poverty" has he come an unavoidable obligation a
in the rhctoric of the dominant groups. class of newly wealthy peasants, and even owners of modernized
This waste and inequality form the dark side of the picture, latifundia, or by domains exploited by transnational agribusi­
defining the "black book of capitalism." r111ey remind us that capi­ ness corporations, readies the assault on peasant agriculture. It
talism is only a parenthesis in history and not its end; that ifit is not was given the green flag by the WTO at its meeting in Doha in

November 2001. However, at the present time, the agricultural natural bases for the reproduction of the means ofproduction and
and peasant world still makes up at least one-half of humanity. oflife; and destruction of sections of older societies and some-
Its output is divided between two sectors that are economically entire peoples, such as the North American Indians. Capi­
and socially completely distinct. talism has always simultaneously "integrated" (that is, workers
Capitalist agriculture, governed by the principle of the subjected to diverse forms of exploitation by expanding capital­
profitability of capital, is localized in North America, Europe, by "use" in direct terms) and excluded (that those who, having
cone of Latin America, and Australia, and employs only lost the positions that they occupied in older systems, have not
several dozen million farmers who are not truly "peasants." But been integTated into the new). But in its ascendant, and historical­
their productivity~a function of mechanization (which exists ly progressive phase, it integrated more than it excluded.
almost exclusively in these regions) and the extent of the This is no longer the case, as is specifically and dramatically
which each possesses~leads to a yield of between 10,000 and evident in the new abrrarian question. If~ as dictated by the World
20,000 quintals1 ofgrain-equivalents per worker per year. Trade Organization since the Doha conference of November 2001,
On the other hand, peasant agricultures support nearly half agriculture is integrated into the whole set of general rules of
ofhumanity,.,.,.three billion human beings. These agricultures "competition," thereby making agricultural and food products
are divided, in turn, between those that have benefited from "commodities just like all the others," there will be definite conse­
green revolution (fertilizer, pesticides, and the best quality quences, given the huge conditions ofinequality between agribusi­
seeds), but are still hardly mechanized, whose production yields ness, on the one hand, and peasant production, on the other.
between 100 and 500 quintals per worker and those that have An additional twenty million modern farms, if given the nec­
not benefited from the revolution, whose production essary access to important areas of land (taking it away from
yields only around 10 quintals per worker. peasant producers and undoubtedly choosing the best soil) and
gap hetween the productivity of the best equipped agri­ if given access to the capital markets that would enable them to
culture and poor peasant agriculture, which was 10 to I before acquire the proper equipment, could produce enough to replace
1940, is today 2000 to 1. In other words, the rate of growth in the peasant production currently purchased by solvent urban
agricultural productivity has largely surpassed that of consumers. But what would become of the hillions of these non­
activities, resulting in a real price reduction of.5 to 1. competitive peasant producers? They will be inexorably elimi­
Capitalism has always combined with its constructive dimen­ nated over the course of a few dozen years. What is going to
sion (the accumulation of capital and development of the produc­ become of billions of human beings, already for the most
tive forces) several destructive dimensions, such as the reduction part the poor among the poor, but who can at least feed them­
of humanity to being nothing more than the bearer oflabor power, selves, somehow or other, though rather poorly for a third of
treated as a commodity; long-term destruction of reliable (three-q uarters of the undernourished in the world live in

the rural areas)P Fifty years of any more or less competitive celebrated work (The Agrarian, Question), written prior to the First
industrial development, even g;iven the fi:mtastic hypothesis of a World War and the bible of social democracy on this question.
continual growth of 7 percent per year for three-fourths of This point of view was inherited by Leninism and implemented
humanity, could not possibly absorb one-third of this reserve. In with dubious results-by means of the politics of"modernization"
words, capitalism is by nature incapable of resolving the of collectivized agriculture during the Stalinist period. In fact, if
peasant question and the only prospect it ofiers is a planetary capitalism has truly "resolved" (in its own way) the agrarian ques­
shantytown of five billion human beings "too many." tion in the centers of the system, in the peripheries, because it is
We are thus led to the point where in order to open up a new indissociable from imperialism, it has created a new agrarian prob­
field fix the expansion of capital ("modernization of agricultural lem of immense proportions tllat it is inc'apable of resolving, except
production") it would be necessary to destroy-in human terms­ by destroying half ofhumanity through genocide.
entire societies. Twenty million newly efficient producers (fifty In the Marxist camp, only Maoism grasped the magnitude of
million human beings including their families) on one side and the challenge. And that is why those critics of Maoism which see
five billion excluded on the other. The constructive dimension of in it a "peasant deviation" prove, by that very assertion, that they
this operation represents no more than one drop of water in the do not possess the necessary tools to understand the nature of
ocean ofdestruction that it requires. I can only conclude that cap­ really-existing (always imperialist) capitalism. rnley are satisfied
italism has entered its declining senile the logic which g;ov­ with substituting an abstract discourse on the capitalist mode of
erns the system is no longer able to assure the simple survival of production in general.
half of humanity. Capitalism has become barbaric, directly calling What to do
for genocide. It is more necessary than ever to substitute for it It is necessary to preserve peasant agTiculture for the entire visi­
other logics ofdevelopment with a superior rationality. ble future of the twenty-first century. This is not for reasons
The defenders of capitalism argue that the agrarian question in romantic nostalgia for the past, but quite simply because the
Europe found its solution through a rural exodus. Why should tion to the problem is found by going beyond the logic ofcapital-
countries of the South not reproduce, two centuries later, an and becoming part of the long, secular transition to world
analogous model of transformation? It is forgotten here that urban socialism. Thus it is necessary to design regulatory policies for the
industries and services in nineteenth-century Europe required an relations between the "market" and peasant agriculture. At the
abundant labor force and that the excess from this population national and regional levels, these regulations, specifically adapted
emigrated en masse to the Americas. to local conditions, should protect national production, thus assur­
argument-that the development of capitalism resolved ing the indispensable security of food at the national level and neu­
agrarian question in the centers of tlle system-has exercised a tralizing the food weapon of imperialism. In other words, delink
powerful attraction, even in historical Marxism. Witness Kautsky's internal prices from those of the world market-as they should

be~by increasing the productivity of peasant agriculture, which is There are those can be QUalInect as classes in a
undoubtedly slow, hut continual, thereby allowing control over the secure position in the sense that they are secure in
population transfer from the countryside towards the cities. At the ment, thanks, among other things, to professional
level of what is called the world market, the desirable regulation that give them bargaining power with their employers. As a result,
occur by means of interregional agreements, for these groups arc often organized, in certain countries at least,
on one side, and Africa, the Arab world, powerful unions. In every case, these groups carry great political
and India, on the other, thereby responding to the require­ weight which, in tum, strengthens their bargaining power.
ments of a development which integrates instead ofexcluding. The others make up popular classes in a precarious position,
formed, in part, of wage eamers weakened due to their poor bar­
The New WO'f'ker' Question gaining power (resulting from their inadequate qualifications,
The urban population of the planet represents around status as non-citizens, or their sex, in the case ofwomen) and
humanity, at least three billion individuals, the other halfbeillg part of non-wage earners (officially unemployed, employed in
peasants. The statistical information concerning this population informal sectors). This second category popular classes
makes it possible to divide it between what can he called the mid­ should be qualified as "precarious," as
dle classes and the popular classes. integTated or nonintegTated" (a fortiori "marginalized"), because
At the current stage of capitalist evolution, the dominant these workers are completely integrated into the systemic meth­
classes, f(mIlal owners of the principal means of production and ods that govern the accumulation of capital.
executive officials who assume managerial responsi­ In tabulating the available information for the developed
over them, represent only a very small fraction of the glob­ countries and fe)!' certain countries of the South (for which the
al population even if thev appropriate a maior portion of the rev­ data are extrapolated), totals are obtained for the proportions
enue available to their societies. is true even if that each of the categories defined above represents in the urban
classes in the older sense of the term~non-wage earners, population of the planet.
business owners, and middle-level managers: gToups that are not
Percentages of the Total Urban Population
necessarily in decline---are added.
But the vast majority of the workers in the modern segments
of production are wage earners, making up more than f(mr-fifths
of the urban population of the developed centers. This gTOUp is stabilized
divided into at least two categories. The dividing line between precarious (9) (43)
them is both visible from the outside for the observer and really TOTAL 33 67 100

as such in the consciousness of individuals. Populations concerned (millions) (1 nno) (2 000) (3 000 )

Although the centers only 18 percent of the planet's popula­ The other half was made up, on the one hand, of those wage­
go percent ot that population is urbanized, forming one­ earners securely situated in the new colonial economy and mod­
third ofthe world's urban population. Ifthe sum total of the pop­ ermzed society and, on the other, of those working in older arti­
ular classes makes up three-quarters of the world's urban popula­ sanal sectors of the economy.
tion, the subtotal made by those who are in a precarious position The major social transformation which characterized the
today represents 40 percent of the center's popular classes long period of the second half of the twentieth century can be
80 percent in the peripheries, that is, two-thirds of the popular summarized in a single suggestive figure: the proport£oTt ofthe
on the world scale. In other words, the popular classes in popular classes in a precarious position has gone from less than a
a precarious position represent at least half of the world's urban quarter to more than ltalfofthe global urban jJOpul,ation and this
population, 80 percent of them living in the peripheries, in a pro­ phenomenon ofpaupeTization has reappeared on a significant
portion which amounts to two-thirds of the urban population scale in the developed centers themselves. The total number of
the peripheries and one-quarter in the centers. people in this destabilized urban population has gone in a half
A look at the composition of the urban popular classes a half century from less than 250 million to more than one and one­
century ago, at the end of the Second World War, shows that the half billion individuals, indicating a rate of growth surpassing
proportions which characterized the structure of the popular that of economic or demographic expansion or the movement
classes at that were very different from what they have towards urbanization itself.
become. The World's portion did not exceed one-half of There is no better term than "pauperization" to indicate the
the global urban population (at that time around one hillion long-term evolutionary tendency. After all, the fact of poverty
individuals) as opposed to two-thirds today. At that time, there itself is recognized and reaffirmed in the new dominant
were not yet any megalopolises such as are found today in guage: reducing poverty has become a leitmotif of the objectives
almost any country of the South. There were only a few large that the ruling powers claim to achieve through the policies that
cities, notably in China, India, and Latin America. implement. But the poverty in question is only presented as
The popular classes of the centers benefited, after the end of a fact which is empirically measured, either very roughly
the Second World War, from an exceptional situation based on through income distribution (the "poverty threshold") or a little
the historic compromise the working classes forced on capital. less roughly through composite indices (such as those proposed
This compromise ensured security for the majority of workers for "human development" by the UNDP) without posing the
in large factories organized on Fordist principles. In the periph­ question of the methods and mechanisms that generate it.
the proportion of those in a precarious position was Our presentation of these same facts goes much further
much larger than in the centers, but did not half because it enables us to begin explaining the phenomenon and its
of those in the popular classes, as opposed to 70 percent today. evolution. Middle classes, secure popular classes and precarious

popular classes are all integrated in the same system of social pro­ markets maintains new forms of social polarization which
duction, but they fulfill distinct functions. Some of them are cer­ exclude a growing proportion of the peasantry from access to
"excluded" the benefits of "prosperity," but are the land. These recently poor or landless peasants fuel the
not marginalized in the sense that they are not functionally inte­ migration toward the shantytowns, more than any demographic
grated into dle system. growth. All these phenomena are going to worsen as long as lib­
Pauperization is a modern phenomenon (one should speak eral dogmas are not called into question and any corrective poli­
not of "poverty," but of the "modernization of poverty") that is cy, in this context, would not be able to stop the trend.
in no way reducible to having insufficient income to meet Pauperization challenges both economic theory and the
needs of survival. It gives rise to devastating effects in every strategies for social struggle. Conventional vulgar economic the­
dimension of social life. Immigrants were completely integrated ory evades the real questions posed by the expansion of capital­
into the secure popular classes over the course of the "thirty glo­ ism. It substitutes the construction of a theory of an imaginary
rious years" (1945-75) as factory workers. However, their chil­ capitalism for the analysis of really-existing capitalism. This
dren and new arrivals are situated on the margins of the princi­ imaginary capitalism is conceived as a simple and continual
pal productive systems that, in turn, create favorable conditions extension of exchange relations ("the market") while the system
for replacing class consciousness by "communitarian" actually functions and is reproduced on the basis of capitalist
ties. Women are victims of insecurity more than men, causing relations of production and exchange (not simple commodity
their material and social conditions to deteriorate. If feminist relations). This theory then easily makes the assumption that
movements have undoubtedly realized important advances in "the market" by itself is self-regulating and produces a social
the domain of ideas and behaviors, the beneficiaries of these optimum-an assumption that is supported neither by history
advances are almost exclusively women of the middle classes, nor rational argument. "Poverty" can thus be explained only hy
certainly not women from the impoverished popular classes. causes decreed to be external to economic logic, such as demog­
Democracy's credibility, and therefore its legitimacy, is eroded or policy "errors." Its relationship to the logic of capitalist
its incapacity to put a stop to the deteriorating condition of a accumulation is removed from theoretical reflection.
growing segment of the popular classes. Now this liberal virus, which pollutes contemporary social
Pauperization is inseparable from polarization on the world thought and eliminates the capacity to understand the world,
seale, an inherent result of the expansion of really-existing capi­ alone to transform it, has profoundly penetrated the whole of the
talism, which is imperialist by nature. Pauperization of the urban "historical left" formed in the aftermath of the Second World
popular classes is closely linked to developments of which the War. The movements engaged at the present time in social
peasant societies of the Third World are victims. The subjection struggles for "another world" (a better one) and an alternative
the latter to the requirements of the expansion of capitalist globalization will only be able to produce significant social

advances if they get rid of this virus in order to begin an aUUl(;;I1­ doctrine and single parties were not just the prerogative of
tic theoretical debate again. As long as they do not rid socialist states) and of the Soviet system.
selves of this virus, even the best intentioned social movements Now, overnight, the thesis is turned into its opposite. The
will remain enclosed in the iron grip of an unchallenged concep­ concern democracy has become the o~iect of daily discourse
tion and, consequently, prisoners of ineffective propositions from everyone or almost everyone, the certificate of democratic
"corrective" measures, such as those that sustain the rhet­ practice granted in due form as a condition for requesting aid
onc "reduction of poverty." from the rich democracies. This rhetoric is difficult to believe
sketched above should contribute to opening dlis when one knows at what point in practice the "double stan­
debate. It reestablishes the relevance of the connection between dards" principle, implemented in perfect cynicism by means
capital accumulation on one uhenomena of social pure and simple manipulation, betrays the actual priority of
pauperization, on the other. One nundred ago, other unacknowledged objectives.
Marx initiated the analysis of the mechanisms this Democracy is a modern concept in the sense that it defines
connection, an analysis which has hardly been pursued modernity itself~ understood as the adoption of the principle that
beings individually and collectively-that socially-are
their history. To be capable of formulating this

concept, it is necessary to be liberated the alienations charac­


teristic offorms ofpower prior to capitalism, whether they he for­


mulated in religious ternlS or clothed in other "traditional" fornls.

Democracy is one of the ahsolute conditions of social progress, In either case, they are conceived as pern1anent, transhistorical
hut it should he exulained why and under what circumstances. givens. The modernity in question is born with capitalIsm and the
The idea IS sucn a condition has been generally democracy that it produces remains as limited as capitalism is. Its
accepted only a short period of time. Not so historical bourgeois forms, the only ones known and practiced
dominant dogma in the West, as in East as until today, fonn only one stage. Neither modernity nor democra­
well, was that democracy was a "luxury" that could thrive cy has come to the end of their potential development. Modernity
after "development" had resolved tlle material problems of soci­ and die democracy that accompanies it do not form a stahle state
ety. Such was the official doctrine shared hy the leadership of of affairs; they are essentially incomplete processes. '111is is
the capitalist world (which enabled them to justifY their support the reason why it is preferable to speak democratization. there­
for military dictators in Latin American and autocratic regimes by insisting on the dynamic aspect of an
in Africa), of Third World states (the Latin American theory of process, rather than of democracy, which reinforces the lllUIHUIl

underdevelopment or desan'ollisrno clearly expressed this that there can be a definitive fonnula for it.
Since its origin in the Enlightenment era, bourgeois social a convergence between the two domains. Democracy and the
thought has been based on a separation among different domains market engender one anothcr, democracy requires the market
of social life, such as the economic and the political, and the and vicc versa. Nothing is more mistaken than this notion, con­
adoption of specific and different principles that express the par­ tradicted by real history.
ticular requirements of "Rcason" in each of these domains. The Enlightenment thinkers were more demanding than our
In this spirit, democracy would be the reasonable principle contemporaries. They posed the double question: why
of good political management. Since men (it was never a ques­ does this convergence exist and under what conditions? Their
tion of women at that time), or more precisely, certain men response to the first question was prompted by their concept of
(sufficiently well-to-do and educated) are reasonable, they "rcason," the common denominator of modes of governance
should have the responsibility of making the laws under which extolled here and there. If men are reasonable, the results of their
they want to live and choose (through elections) those who political choices can only confirm the results that dle market pro­
would be responsible for their execution. On the other hand, duces on its side. Obviously, dlis is on condition dlat the exercisc
economic life is managed by other principles equally conceived of democratic rights is reserved only to those who are endowed
as the expression of the requirements of "Reason" (seen as syn­ reason, that is, certain men, not women (who, it is well
onymous with human nature): private property, the right to known, are only emotional and not rcasonable), nor slaves, the
make contracts, competition in markets. One can recognize here poor and the deprived (the proletariat), who only obcy their
a group of principles characteristic of capitalism that, by them­ instinct'>. According to this reasoning, democracy must necessar­
selves, have nothing to do with principles of democracy. This is be restricted, reserved for those who are both citizens and
even less the case if the latter are conceptualized as implying propcrty-owners. Hcncc it is easily understood how their elec­
equality of men, and women as well, of people of all skin colors toral choices probably always, or almost always, confonn to their
(remembering that American democracy neglected the slaves interests as capitalists. But at the same time, the political loses its
1865 and the elementary civic rights of their descendants autonomy in this convergence widl, not to say submission to, the
1960), of property owners and the propertyless (noting economic. Economic alienation clearly functions here to hide the
here that private property only if it is exclusive, that is, if elimination of the autonomy of the political.
there are those who do not own property). The later extension of democratic rights to others, in addi­
From the start, separation of economic and political to citizen-businessmen, was neidler the spontaneous prod­
instances poses the question of whether or not the specific logic uct of capitalist development nor a necessity of that develop­
which governs the economic converges with or diverges from ment. On the contrary, the extension of tllese rights was progres­
that which governs the political. The self-evident postulate sively attained by the victims of the system, the working class
underlies the currently fashionable discourse asserts that there lS latcr women; it is the result of struggles against the system.

By the force of things, this extension of rights could reveal the ofpolitical comedy and the mouon ofconunodities is con­
possible contradiction between the will of the majority-the tained in this separation between economIC.
exploited of the system, expressed through the democratic This is where we are today. It is a dangerous situation because,
vote-and the fate reserved for them by the market. The system with the erosion of the credibility and legitimacy of democratic
risks becoming unstable, explosive even. At a minimulIl, thcre is procedures, it could very well lead to a violent backlash that pure­
a risk, and possibility, that the market will be subject to ly and simply abolishes those procedures altogether in favor ofan
expression of social interests that do not correspond illusory consensus founded on religion or ethnic chauvinism, for
priority given by the economic to the maximum profitability of example. In the peripheries of the system, democracy, which is
capital. In other words, there is a risk for some (capital) and a impotent because it is su~ject to the brutal demands of a savage
possibility for others (worker-citizens) of the market being r('1l,'U­ capitalism, has become a tragic farce, a democracy without value;
lated by means that are foreign to the development of its narrow Mobutu reolaced with two hundred Mobutist parties!
one-sided logic. This is possible, and has happened in certain The mnuaIl of bourgeois social thought on the
conditions, such as the postwar welfare state. "natural" convergence of democracy and the market carries
But that is not the only possihility of hiding the divergence within it from the very beginning the danger of the
between democracy and the market. If, in a concrete historical confronts us today. It presupposes a society reconciled
a fragmented movement of social criticism has itself, without conflict, such as certain so-called postmodernist
been weakened because there appears to he no alternative to the interpretations propose. Convergence becomes a dogma, a sub­
dominant ideology, ject about which questions are no longer posed. We are thus no
market. longer in the presence of an attempt to understand, as
It becomes a "low-intensity democracy." You are free to vote as scientifically as possible, politics in the real world, but a theory
you choose: white, hlue, green, pink, or red. In any case, it imaginary politics. The latter forms, in its own sphere, the
have no effect; your fate is decided elsewhere, outside the counterpart of "pure economics," which is not the theory of
precincts ofPariiarnent, in the market. The subjection of democ­ really-existing capitalism, but of an imaginary economy. As soon
racy to the market (and not their convergence) is reflected in as the postulate of "reason" as formulated since the Enlighten~

political language. The rotation of those in government (but not ment era is called question, as soon as the historical relativi­
those in power), always called upon to do the same thing-that ty of social rationalities is taken into account, it is no longer pos­
is, obey the market-has taken the place of the alternative-that sible to accept the commonplaces propagated
is, a clear choice hetween socially different options and perspec­ convergence between democracy and capitalism.
tives. Everything that has been said and written on the double On the contrary, one becomes conscious of the latent
Ullunon ofcitizenship and class consciousness into the spectacle authoritarian potential contained in capitalism. The response

capmUHHIl to the challenge of the dialectical relation­ How will a dialectical synthesis, beyond capitalism, allow the
ship between the individual and the collective (the social) rights of the individual to be reconciled with the rights of the
expresses this dangerous potential, in collectivity? How will this possible reconciliation provide more
The contradiction between the individual and collective, transparency to individual and social life?
immanent to every society at all levels of reality, was overcome in understood as the reconciliation between the
all social systems prior to modernity by the negation of the first individual and the social. has continually assumed, in history, dif­
term, that is, by the domestication of the individual by society. ferent forms based on different and unique rationalities. In pre-
The individual is thus recognizable only by and through his/her capitalist societies it was founded upon the adherence, whether by
status in the family, clan, society. The terms of the negation are consent or by force, to common religious beliefs such as personal
inverted in the ideology of the modern (capitalist) world: fidelity to scigniorial and royal dynasties. Socialization in the
YV}Hl"lr"rnlhr afIirrns rights of the individual over against socie­ modern world is founded upon the expansion of capitalist market
ty. ThIS reversal is condition of a potential relations which gTadually master all aspects of social life and sup­
liberation, because it a ootential for per­ press, or at least largely dominate, all other forms of solidarity
manent aggressiveness in the relations between' (national, familial, communal). This form of socialization "by the
Capitalist ideology cxpresses the reality of this by ambiguous has enabled a stupendous acceleration in the
ethic: long live competition, may the strong win. The dcvastat­ oroductive forces, has equally aggTavated their
ing effects of this ideology are sometimes limited by the cocxis­ destructive characteristics. It tends to reduce beings to dIe
tence of other ethical principles, largely of religious origin or status of "people" without any identity other of being
inherited from earlier social forms. As these barriers break passive "consumers" in economic life and equally passive "specta­
down, one-sided ideology of the rights of the individual can tors" (no longer citizens) in political life. Democracy, which can
in horror. There is a strilcing contrast here bctween, only be embryonic in these conditions, can and must become the
on tile one nand. Amencan ideology wInch grants to individual foundation of a completely different socialization, one capable of
liberty an absolute over restoring to the total human being his~ler full responsibility in the
inequality as a result, accepted) management of all aspects of social, economic, and political life.
European ideology which attempts to link the two themes If socialism, the term associated with this perspective, can­
together without, for all that, being capable, within the context not be conceived without democracy, democratization, in a
of capitalism, of resolving the contradictions. The attachment of socialist perspective, implies that there is some progress being
the citizens of the United States to the right to bear arms-with made in democracy's conflict with capitalist logic. There is no
all the well-known disastrous consequences-is the extreme socialism without democracy, no democratic progress without
expression of this concept of barbaric liberty. the socialist perspective.

reader will quickly see the analogy, and not the opposi­ out breaking from liberal dogma. Getting of the liberal IS

tion, between the functioning relation between utopian lib­ an inescapable condition, failing which democracy becomes
eralism and pragmatic management in historical capitalism and ridiculous, a means to ensure the one-sided dictatorship ofcapital.
of the relation between social ideology and actual management in To abandon the thesis of convergence, of "overdetermina­
Soviet society. The socialist ideology in question is that of Bol­ tion," to accept conflict between the rationalities of different
shevism which, on this fundamental point, follows from and does instances, that is, underdetermination, is the condition for an
not break with European social democracy prior to 1914. It does interpretation of history that potentially reconciles theory and
not call into question the "natural" convergence between the reality. It is also the condition for the invention of strategies that
rationalities ofdifterent instances of social life and presents as would grant a real effectiveness to action, that is, enable social
"meaning of history" a facile inteIJ)I'etation own "nec­ progress in every dimension.
essary" course of action. The convergence is expressed in the
same manner: the management of the economy by the plan (sub­
stituted for the market) obviously produces, in this dogmatic
vision, the adequate response to all needs; democracy can only
support the decisions of the plan and to oppose it is irrational.
But here imaginary socialism encounters the demands of the
management of really-existing socialism, which is confronted
with real and serious problems, such as, among others, develop­
ing the forces of production in order "to catch up." Power is
attended to by cynical, unavowable, and unavowed practices.
Totalitarianism is common to the two systems and is expressed
in the same way: by systematic lying. If its manifestations were
evidently more violent in tlle USSR, this is because the develop­
mental delays inherent in the attempt to catch up with the West
weighed heavily on the system, while the more advanced state of
the West gave its societies a comfortable cushion could rest
on (hence the frequently "soft" totalitarianism, such as in the
consumerism of periods of quick and easy growth).
The construction of a society of citizens, of a citizen politics
capable ofgiving a true meaning to democracy, is impossible with-
IV The Origins of LiberalisIIl


LIBERAL IDEOLOGY appears with the rise of modernity and

develops simultaneously with the formation of capitalism. All
were invented in Europe over the course of three centuries
extending from the Renaissance to the French Revolution.
Modernity is the product of a break arising in the history of
humanity, a break first beginning in Europe in the course of the
sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but in no way
completed, either in its birthplace or elsewhere. The multiple
facets of modernity form a whole consonant with the require­
ments of dIe reproduction of dIe capitalist mode of production,
but which nevertheless equal1y allow for the possibility of going
beyond the capitalist mode.
Modernity is founded on the demand for emancipation by
human beings, beginning with their liberation from the yoke of
the social determinations existing in earlier traditional forms of
society. This liberation calls for the renunciation of the dominant
forms of the legitimization of power-in the family, in communi­
ties within which modes of life and production are organized,

the state-based until then on a metaphysics, generally of a democracy, as limited as it is, bears witness to dlis possibility. It
lCll)!..lUUt) nature. Modernity implies, a break between reli­ given legitimacy to the action of dominated, exploited, and
gion and the state, a radical secularization, which is the condi­ oppressed classes and enabled them progressively to wrest dem­
tion for the development of modern forms of politics. ocratic rights from the power of dominant capital-rights
The concomitant birth and development of modernity and would never have been spontaneously produced by the logic of
capitalism are not the products of chance. The social relations capitalist expansion and accumulation. It has released a poten­
characteristic of the new system of capitalist production implied tial for a political transformation that opens up a wider space for
free enterprise, free access to markets, and the proclamation of the the dass struggle, ascribing to the two terms-politics and class
untouchable right to private property (which is made "sacred"). struggle-an energizing equivalence in meaning. But, at the
Economic life, emancipated from the political power which domi­ same time, it has invented and developed the means that allow it
nated it in regimes prior to modernity, is made into an autonomous to reduce the potential efficacy of emancipatory democracy.
domain of social life, driven by its own laws alone. Capitalism Simultaneously, capitalism, expanding together with moderni­
replaces the traditional relation in which power is the source ty, entails a development of the productive forces to an extent
wealth with the reverse relation which makes wealth the source of never known before in history. This development allows for the
power. But so far, really-existing modernity, whose development potential resolution ofthe great material problems of all of human­
has remained enclosed within the framework of capitalism, is ity. But the logic that governs capitalist accumulation prevents that
ambiguous on this question of the relation between power and from happening. On the contrary, it continually deepens a polar­
wealth. In tact, it is based on the separation between two domains ization of wealth to an extent previously unknown in history.
of social life, the management of the economy, which is entrusted Contemporary peoples arc thus confronted with challenges
to the characteristic logics governing the accumulation of capital formed really~existing capitalism and modernity. The domi­
(private property, enterprise, competition) and the manage­ nant ideology is used simply to avoid awareness of the chal­
ment of state power by the institutionalized practice of political lenge. Despite the possible sophistication of its language, this
democracy (rights of the citizen, principles ofa multiparty system, ignorance is expressed in a naive manner by the American ideo­
etc.). This arbitrary separation vitiates the potential emancipatory logues ofliberalisrn. This discourse of the self-satisfied acknowl­
power proclaimed by modernity. The modernity that has devel­ edges only a single human value: individual liberty. Such an
oped under the limiting constraints of capitalism is, as a result, acknowledgment comes at the price of being unaware that, in
contradictory, promising much more than it has been able to the context of capitalism, this liberty allows the strongest to
deliver, thereby creating unsatisfied hopes. impose their laws on others, that this liberty is completely illuso­
Modernity opens up the possibility for a huge social advance ry for the great majority (the liberal hypothesis imagines that
towards the goal of emancipation. The progress of political each individual can become a Rockefeller just like it was said not

long ago that each soldier carried a field marshal's baton in his the contradictions of bourgeois thought and expressed the
backpack), that it strikes directly against the aspiration for equal­ essence of those contradictions quite clearly, namely, that econom­
ity that f<.lfIns the foundation of democracy. IC Imerallsm IS tlle enemy of democracy. It strove for the triumph
This same fundamental ideology is shared by all defenders of of a concept of popular revolution which would go beyond the
the system, for whom capitalism is an untranscendable horizon, "objective demands" of the moment-that is, the realization of
the "end of history." The more extremist do not hesitate to wel­ strictly bourgeois tasks. From this radical current came the first
come the concept ofsociety as ajungle of"individuals," to sacrifice generation of communist critics of nascent capitalism (the Babou­
the possible pacitying intervention of tlle state to vists). In the same way, the Russian and Chinese revolutions went
an administration which reduces power to iunctIoninl! as an well ahead of the tasks that were immediately imposed on their
at exclusive service """~"~~L' " Others wish to societies and proposed a communist objective that would largely
to tillS dictatorship and attempt to attenuate the surpass those immediate tasks. It is not by chance that each
extremism of the exclusive principle of individual liberty by dilut­ these three great revolutions-contrary to others-was followed
ing it in propositions tlmt associate other pragmatic considerations by a restoration. The remarkable advances evident in their great
of social justice with it and by "recognizing differences," such as moments nevertheless remain living symbols for the future, having
those among various communities. Postmodernism, by its invita­ put the equality of human beings and their liberation from eco­
tion to "accept" and "adjust to" contemporalY reality, to "manage" nomic alienation at the heart The Revo­
it by doing only what is immediately possible in the most unin­ was extraordinarily precocious in this regard.
spired manner and nothing more, equally evades tlle challenge. the historical conditions that accompanied the
For the great Jm~jority of people, tlle modernity in question is development of capitalism in Europe facilitated the ripening of a
simply odious, hypocritical, and based on the cynical practice of political class consciousness in the dominated classes. This
a double standard. Their rejection is thus violent and tillS VIO­ appeared very early, in the first decades of the nineteenth centu­
lence is completely legitimate. Really-existing 1,;i:lIJHaLlSHl ry, inspired by the most radical advances of the French Revolu­
modernity comes it have notllln{! to to tion. At the end of d1e century, it inspired the formation oflarge
From is continually traversed by workers' parties which, over the course of the twentieth century,
call upon us to consider the compelled capital to "adjust" to social claims that did not result
surpassing it. This social need is expressed very early from the exclusive logic of capital accumulation. The value
the great moments of modern history. It is at work in all "equality" is necessary then as a contradictory complement to
three revolutions of modern times: the French, the Russian, the value "liberty."
and the Chinese. The French Revolution holds a special place in Economic alienation leads to a privileging ofliherty over other
modern history. The radicalJacobin wing very early recognized human values. Certainly, this is a privileging

freedom of the capitalist entrepreneur whose the Triad to the others. But the decisions and choices of society,
whose economic power is increased. the social projects tllat inspire IDe spirit, even implicitly, are fair­
By does not arise directly from the require­ ly different. In the United States, liberty alone occupies
ments of capitalism, except in its most immediate dimension, the entire field of political values without any problem. In Europe,
(partial) equality of rights that, on liberty is always counterbalanced by an attachment to the value
expansion of free enterprise and, on of equality with which it must be combined.
the free worker to submit to wage labor, selling a American society despises equality. Extreme inequality is not
is itself a commodity. At a higher value "equality" only tolerated, it is taken as a symbol of the "success" that liberty
comes into conflict with "liberty." In the history of part of promises. But liberty without equality is equal to barbarism. The
Europe, if not the whole continent, France in particular, these fornls of violence that this one-sided ideology produces arc
two values are proclaimed on an equal footing, as in the motto of of chance and are in no way a ground for radicaliza­
the Republic. 'Ibis is not by chance. The origin of this contradic­ tion; on the contrary. 'The dominant culture of European societies
tory duality is, in turn, complex. Doubtless one must note the has up to the present day combined liberty and equality widlless
acute struggles of the popular classes as they endeavor to remain imbalance; this combination, moreover, fornls IDe foundation of
autonomous in relation to the ambitions of the bourgeoisie (in the historic compromise of social democracy.
case of the French Revolution this is particularly clear). This true dlat IDe evolution of contemporary Europe is tending to bring
dmLLlUlJ is expressed clearly and openly by the Montag­ the society and culture of the continent into hannony with those of
nards "economic liberalism" (liberty in the United States, exalting the characteristics of the latter into
the American sense of the is the enemv ofdemocracy models and objects ofan uncritical and overwhelming admiration.
far as the latter is meaningful for the pUpWdl The complex history of Europe finally results in a dual con­
On the basis of this observation, I would venture to \cAP"UH cept articulating the economic, on the one hand, and the politi­
one of the differences, still visible today, between American soci­ on the other, into a dialectic that respects the autonomy of
ety and culture, on the one hand, and European society and cul­ each of these two terms. American ideology is unfamiliar with
ture, on the other. The operation and interests of dominant cap­ such nuances.
ital in the United States and in Europe are probably not as dif­
ferent as sometimes suggested (by the well-known opposition
between "Anglo-Saxon capitalism" and "Rhenish capitalism").
The conjunction of their interests certainly explains the solidity This is not the place to examine the complex relations between
of the Triad (United States-Europe-Japan) despite the second­ religions and their interpretations, on the one hand, and the
ary commercial conflicts which can and do oppose one part of processes of modernization, democracy, and secularization, on the

other. I have addressed this subject elsewhere. Thus I will summa­ a single function: to scat the monarchy securely, to strengthen
rize the main conclusions I have reached in the following theses: the national church's role as the arbitrator between the forces of
Modernization, secularization, and democracy are not the ancien regime and the rising bourgeoisie, to reinforce
result of an evolution (or revolution) in religious interpretations, nationalism and to retard the progress of new forms of universal­
on the contrary, the latter have accommodated themselves, ism that socialist internationalism would later propose.
more or less successfully, to the demands of the former. This There were also reformist movements which seized the pop­
accommodation was not the privilege of Protestantism. It ular classes, victims of the social transformations caused by the
worked in the Catholic world in a different way, but it was cer­ emergence of capitalism. These movements reproduced the
tainly no less effective. In every case, it created a new religious older forms of struggle of the millenarian movements of the
spirit, freed fi'om dogma. Middle Ages. They were not ahead of their time, in relation to
In this sense, the Reformation was not the condition for the its demands, but behind it. The dominated classes had to wait
expansion of capitalism, even if Weber's thesis is largely accept­ for the French Revolution, with its secular popular and radical
ed in the societies which it flatters (Protestant Europe). The democratic mobilizations, and then socialism, in order to learn
Reformation was not even the most radical form of the ideologi­ how to express themselves etlectively in new conditions. The
cal break with the European past and its "feudal" ideologies- Protestant sects in question entertained fundamentalist illusions.
among which is the interpretation of Christianity. On the They created a favorable terrain for dle endless reproduction of
contrary, it was the most confused and primitive form. apocalyptic "sects," as seen in the United States.
There was a "reform by the dominant classes," which result­ The political culture of the United States is not that which
ed in the creation of national churches (Anglican, Lutheran) took form in France beginning with the Enlightenment and
controlled by these classes. reform implemented a compro­ then, above all, during the Revolution and, to various degrees,
mise among the emerging bourgeoisie, the monarchy and large marked the history of a good part of the European continent.
rural property owners, dispelling the threat from the popular differences between these two cultures are more than visi­
classes and from the peasantry, which was regularly subjected to ble. They break out during moments of crisis, resulting in vio­
excessive appropriations. This reactionary compromise-which lent oppositions (such as whether or not to respect international
Luther expressed and which Marx and Engels analyzed as legality on the question of the war against Iraq).
such-allowed the bourgeoisies of the countries in question to Political culture is the product of history viewed over a long
avoid what happened in France: a radical revolution. Also, period of time which is always, of course, unique to each coun­
secularization resulting from the implementation of this model try. On this level, the history of the United States is marked by
has been limited up to the present. The return to the Catholic specificities which stand out from those that characterize history
idea of universality that the national churches represent fulfilled on the European continent: the founding of New England by

Protestant sects, genocide of the Indians, slavery of the popular classes who were victims of nascent capitalism, while
Blacks, development of "communitarianism" associated with the others expressed the strategies of the dominant classes.
SWCCC::SS.lve waves ofimmigration in the nineteenth century. In addition, the ideological fragments and value systems that
Protestant sects that felt ohliged to emigrate from England were expressed on this religious terrain retained all the marks of
in the seventeenth century had developed a very particular inter­ primitive forms of reaction to the challenge of capitalism. The
pretation of Christianity which they shared neither with Catholics Renaissance went much furtller in certain respects (Machiavel
nor the Orthodox nor even-at least to die same extreme degree­ IS one ot the most eloquent witnesses of that). The Renaissance
with the majority of European Protestants, including, of course, unfolded in Catholic territory (Italv). The manarrement 01 eer­
dIe Anglicans, who were dominant in the ruling class of England. tain Italian cities as genuine commerCial directed by a syn­
The Reformation as a whole restored the Old Testament, which dicate of the established a purer relation
Catholicism and dIe Orthodox had mar~rinalized by an interpreta­ the of capitalism than was the case between
tion of Christianity that emphasized its break with Judaism rather pitalism. (Venice is the prototype of this.)
than its continuity. I return here to what I have written elsewhere Later, the Enlightenment, which unfolded in Catholic countries
on the real or supposed specificities of Christianity, Islam, and as in Protestant countries (England, Nether­
Judaism. The current use of the tenn '~Judeo-Christian," popular­ Germany) was situated more in the secular tradition of
ized by the expansion of the American Protestant discourse, bears Renaissance than in the tradition of religious reform. Finally,
witness to this reversal in the view of the relationship between the radical character of the French Revolution strengthened the
these two monotheistic religions. 11Ie Catholics were won over to secular, deliberately leaving the terrain of religious reinterpreta­
this view (but not the OrdlOdox), not with great "nr",;"t;nn tions hehind in favor of grounding itself in modern politics,
for reasons of political opportunism. largely its own creation.
The Reformation, as we know, was aSSOCIaLCU birth The particular form of Protestantism implanted in New Eng­
of capitalism in a has been interpreted land made a strong impression on American ideology which has
1Il very ways thought. Weber continued right up to the present. It was the means through
advanced a hecame famous and certainly dominant which the new American society began the conquest of the con­
HI world, according to which tinent, legitimizing it in terms taken from the Bible (the violent
growth of capitalism. This the­ conquest by Israel of the Promised Land, an incessantly repeat­
SIS was a counterpomt-or wanted to be, I believe-to Marx's ed theme in North American discourse). Thereafter, the United
read the Refornlation as an effect of transformations States extended to the whole planet its project of realizing the
caused by the f()[Ination of capitalism, from which the various work that "God" had commanded it to carry out. The people of
of Protestantism grew. Some expressed the protests of the the United States see themselves as the "chosen people"­

a synonym in actual events for Herrenvolk, to return to the paral­ themselves, not in order to create a different society from the
lel Nazi terminology. And this is why American imperialism has colonial regime, but to carry on in the same way, only with more
to be more barbaric than its predecessors, who did not proclaim determination and more profit. Above all, their objective was to
themselves to have been given a divine mission. pursue westward expansion, which implied, among other
Of course, the American ideology in question is not the things, the genocide of the Indians. Maintaining the institution
cause of the imperialist expansion of the United States. The lat­ of slavery was not questioned. Almost all of the important lead­
ter obeys the logic of capital accumulation, whose (completely ers of the American Revolution were slave-holding property
material) interests it serves. But the ideology is perfectly appro­ owners whose prejudices in this regard were resolute.
priate. It confuses the issue. The genocide of the Indians is naturally a part of the logic of
American society is marked right up to the present by the the divine mission of the new chosen people. Do not believe that
dominance of this sectarian Protestant fundamentalism. This this belongs entirely to the past. Until the 1960s, responsibility
society, as noted by every observer, is preeminently religious, for this genocide was proudly accepted (for example, by means
sometimes with a certain naivete. As a result, it has not been able of Hollywood films opposing the cowboy as symbol of Good to
to establish a strong concept of secularity, which is reduced the Indian as symbol of Evil) and formed an important element
instead to "tolerance with regard to every religion." in the education of successive generations.
I am not one of those who believe that the past, through force It is the same with slavery. Almost a century elapsed after
of circumstance, becomes an "atavistic transmission." History independence before slavery was abolished and not for moral
transforms people. This is what happened in Europe. Unfortu­ reasons, like those invoked during the French Revolution, but
nately, the unfolding of the history of the United States, far from only because it was no longer suitable for the pursuit of capital­
tending to reduce or even obliterate the monstrosity of its origins, ist expansion. Another century went by before American
has instead favored its expression and perpetuated its effects, Blacks attained minimal recognition of some civil rights with­
whether it be a question of the American Revolution or the pop­ out disturbing the complete racism of the dominant culture.
ulating of the country by successive waves ofimmigrants. Until the 1960s, lynchings still occurred. Families went for a
The American Revolution, much appreciated by many of the "picnic" in order to witness the lynching, sharing in the cele­
revolutionaries of 1789 and today praised more than ever, was bration and exchanging photos of the event. This is perpetuat­
only a political revolution with limited social implications. In ed more discreetly, or more indirectly, by the exercise of 'jus­
their revolt against the English monarchy, the American tice" that puts to death thousands of convicts-a dispropor­
colonists did not want to transform their economic and social tionate number of them Blacks. It often comes to light that con­
relations; they just no longer wanted to share the profits with the demned people are in fact innocent, but this does not necessar­
ruling class of the mother country. They wanted power for ily rouse public opinion.

The successive waves of immigration have played a role in Bible," though assuredly in attenuated forms rather than the
reinforcing the American ideology. The immigrants are certainly extreme forms found among the sects which emigrated to New
not responsible for the misery and the oppression that precipi­ England. But in these other countries, the working class succeeded
tate their departure from their former homes. On the contrary, in rising to an assertive class consciousness, while the successive
they are victims. But the circumstances-that is, their emigra­ waves of migrants to the United States neutralized that possibility.
tion-lead them to renounce collective struggles to change the The emergence of working class political parties made the differ­
conditions common to their classes or groups in their own ence. In Europe, liberal ideology was forcibly combined with other
countries and result in an adherence to the ideology of individ­ systems of values (including equality, among others) that not only
ual success in their adopted land. This adherence is encouraged were alien to it, but often in conflict with it. Ofcourse, these combi­
by the American system, to its own advantage. It retards the nations have dleir own history, different from one country and one
growth of class consciousness which, having barely begun to moment to another. But they did preserve the autonomy of the
mature, must face a new wave of immigrants which, in turn, political moment vis-a-vis the dominant economic one.
aborts any political crystallization. But simultaneously this Canada, also a young country of immigrants, does not share
migration encourages the "communitarianization" of American the American ideology (or not yet?) because it has not experienced
society, because "individual success" does not exclude the inclu­ the regular waves of immigrants capable ofstifling class conscious­
sion of the immigrant into a community of origin (the Irish, the ness. Maybe it is also because the "loyalists," who did not want to
Italian, etc.), without which the individual's isolation could separate from the mother country, did not share the fanaticism of
become unbearable. Here again the reinforcement of this dimen­ the religi.ous interpretation of the New England sectarians.
sion of identity-recuperated and encouraged by the American In the United States there is no workers' party and there
system-is done to the detriment of class consciousness. never has been. The trade unions, powerful though they may be,
While in Paris the people got ready to begin "the assault on are "apolitical" in all senses of the term. They have no relation­
the heavens" (in the 1871 Commune), in the United States gangs ship with a political party with which they could form a natural
formed by the successive generations of poor immigrants (Irish, alliance nor are they able to make up for this lack by formulating
Italian, etc.) killed each other, manipulated by the dominant a socialist ideology themselves. They share the totally dominant
classes with complete cynicism. liberal ideology with the rest of the society. They continue to
The entire difference between the ideology of the United States struggle on the fixed and limited field of demands that do not
and that of England or Canada, for example, has its origin here. challenge liberalism. In a sense, they are "postmodernist" and
Protestant Europe-England, Germany, the Netherlands, Scandi­ have always been so.
navia-shared at the beginning some fragments ofan ideology sim­ Communitarian ideologies are not a substitute for a working
ilar to that of the United States, conveyed by the "return to the class socialist ideology, even the most radical among them, such

as that elaborated ill the Black community. By definition, com­ Clearly, Europe is not protected from an impoverishing trend
munitarianism is inscribed within the context of a generalized of this nature. With the winning over of socialist parties to
racism, which it struggles against within the same context, and alism and the crisis in the wor1d oflabor, Europe is already
nothing more. involved in such a trend. But it should be able to extricate itself.
combination characteristic of the historical formation of The American state is at the exclusive service of the econo­
States society-dominant Biblical religious ideology and my-that is to say, it is a faithful servant of capital, without having
absence of a workers' party----has finally produced the unparal­ any concern for other social interests. This is because the histori­
leled situation of a de facto single party, the party ofcapital. cal fonnation ofAmerican society has blocked the maturation ofa
The two segments that form same political class consciousness among the popular classes.
fundamental liberalism. They both appeal mlnofl­ As a counterpoint, the state in Europe has provided (and could
ty----40 percent of the electorate-that participates in the lImItea provide again) the necessary mediating structure for the confronta­
and ineffectual democratic life on offer. Each of them has its interests and, on that basis, has promoted histor­
own clientele-in the middle classes, since the popular classes ical compromises that give meaning and scope to democratic
are much less likely to vote-to which its language is adapted. practice. If the State is not compelled to
Each of them crystallizes within itself a conglomerate of seg­ and political struggles that maintain their autonomy in to
mented capitalist interests (the "lobbies") or "commllnitarian" the exclusive logic of capital accumulation, then democracy
supporters. becomes a derisory practice, as it is in the United States.
American democracy constitutes the advanced model ofwhat I It is within this context that it is necessary to examine in action
democracy. It is based on a total separation this curious democracy, supposeclly the oldest and most advanced.
between the management which rests on the prac­ The United States invented the presidential systein. It is pos­
tice of multiparty electoral democracy anae:ement of sible that at the time the self-evident idea of a monarch, even if
economic life, which is governed by the elected, seemed to be indispensable. Yet the French Revolution
tion. What is more, this separation is not the o~ject ofany radical had no problem doing without it between 1793 and 1798. The
questioning, but, on the contrary, is part of what is called the gen­ system has always been a catastrophe for the radi­
eral consensus. This separation eliminates all the revolutionary calization ofdemocracy and that is truer today than ever before.
potential of democratic politics. It neutralizes representative insti­ The presidential system tends to displace political debate, to
tutions (parliament and others), making them impotent in the face weaken it by substituting for a choice of ideas or programs a
of the dictates of the market. Vote Republican, vote Democrat, it choice between individuals, even if they supposedly incarnate
makes no real difference when your future does not depend on these ideas or programs. What is more, the always fatal reduc­
your electoral choice but on the uncertainties of the market. tion of the choice to two individuals accentuates the search by

each of them for the largest consensus (the battle to gain the United States often do not vote because they sense~~right-
undecided center, the least politicized) to the detriment of radi­ Iy-that the process is meaningless.
calization. This gives a premium to conservatism. Far from being an instrument of eventual social radicaliza­
This presidential system, conservative by nature, was export­ tion, the forms of American democracy were and are perfectly
ed by the United States to all of Latin America without difficulty, convenient forms for conservatism. In these conditions,
mainly because the political revolutions in the latter, at the begin­ other dimensions of American democracy, also often judged
ning of the nineteenth century, were limited and of the same positively, are transformed into their opposites. 111e "decentral­
nature as in the United States. The presidential system was a per- ization," for example, associated with the increase in authority
fit. It has subsequently conquered Africa and a good part of entrusted to locally-elected powers grants a premium to local
Asia for analogous reasons, stemming from the limited character notables and to the "communitarianist" spirit. In France as well,
of the national liberation movements of the recent past. the regional powers always or almost always prove to be to the
It is also in the process of conquering Europe, where, howev­ of the national power and not by chance.
er, it has left only a detestable memory among democrats, having The absence of permanent bureaucracies in tlle United States,
been associated with the demagogic populism of bonapartism. what liberals believe to be an advantage over the solid implanta­
France, alas, initiated the movement with the creation of the tion of the bureaucratic heritages of Europe, becomes the means
Gaullist republic which does not represent a step forward in the by which conservative political power entrusts the implementa­
progress of democracy but a retreat into which French society tion of its programs to irresponsible transitory officials who are
seems to have settled. The arguments invoked to justify this recruited largely from among the business community (and
move concern the instability of governments in parliamentary are both regulators and those who are to be regulated). Is this
regimes and arc purely opportunist. truly an advantage? And whatever one says about l'Enan:/tie in
presidential system equally favors the crystallization of France1 about which many of the critiques are justified not
diverse interest gTOUpS -ideally into two groups aligned behind die idea ofa bureaucracy recruited in an authentically democratic
the leading presidential contenders-to the detriment of the for­ manner better (or less bad) until such time as we attain the distant
mation of authentic political parties (including socialist parties), ideal ofa society without a bureaucracy?
potential carriers of truly alternative social projects. Here again The unreflective critique of"bureaucra<-y," which is part of the
the case of the United States is exemplary. There are not really current received wisdom, directly inspires the systematic cam­
separate Democrat and Republican parties. Julius Nycrere said, paigns against even tlle idea ofpublic services, which, according
not without humor, that it is a question of "two single parties." to tllis critique, should be replaced by private services provided
That is a good definition oflow-intensity democracy. After all, by the market. An objective look at the real world demonstrates
this situation is understood as such by the popular classes in that public service (supposedly "bureaucratized") is not as

inefficient as often supposed, as perfectly illustrated by compar­ Blacks are subsequently found to be innocent). The States
ing the United States with Europe in the area of health care. In has the highest proportion ofincarcerations in the world.
the United States, health care (largely privatized) costs the nation The Dreyfus affair mobilized-and divided-all of French
14 percent of its CDr, as opposed to 7 percent in Europe (where society and the French political world. In the United States, the
health care is largely provided by public services). In terms of murders of Sacco and Vanzetti, the Rosenbergs, and many oth­
(quality of health) , the comparison favors Europe. But ers less well known never roused public opinion to the same
obviously the profits of tlle pharmaceutical and insurance oligop­ degree. There will never be a rehearing. There is neither the
olies are mainly much higher in the United States than in Europe. right~nor even the idea-of calling into question the iruustice of
Moreover, in a democracy, public service is at least potentially the judges. In addition, the judges, "independent of the State"
susceptible to transparency. A privatized service, protected by but subject to amanipulable electorate, are not even obligated
"secrecy of business matterst is by definition opaque. The by formal written legislation, which they then would
stitution of privatized services (socialization by the market) for as is the case on the European continent and, in principle at
services (socialization by democracy) is used as a means to least, in the majority of countries in the world. The judge "cre­
consolidate the consensus that the economic and the political are ates the law"-a principle found in forms oflaw in primitive
two rigidly separate spheres. This consensus is destructive of all societies, surpassed elsewhere. In these conditions, the deci­
potential radicalization ofdemocracy. sions of the Court are almost always known in advance. It is
"independent" judiciary and the principle of elected known that the Supreme Court ratified the electoral fraud which
judges have demonstrated how they could, in their way, encour­ allowed Bush Jr. to gam the Presidency, because there was a
age the entrenchment of always conservative, even reactionary, Republican majority on the Court, which 'judged in good con­
prejudices, and not favor radicalization, in fact form an obstacle science"(!) without being accountable to a text which would
to it. The model is nevertheless in the process of being imitated obligate them to annul votes when the ballot boxes had been
elsewhere (in France, for example; with immediate results that I recovered-in broad daylight! The same practices of "justice"
will refrain from commenting upon). are quite simply qualified as nepotism when they are done by
Besides, the dossier ofAmericanjustice is there to demonstrate regimes which make no claim to be democratic.
the derisory character of the democracy that it is supposed to
serve. This is a justice that is onerous in the extrcme, an a la carte
justice, intcIJ)reting in its own way tlle English ComrfwrI Law from
which it is descended, always at the service of the exclusive The combination of a dominant religiousness exploited by a
pIes ofliberalism (hence of the rich). It is an extremely fundamentalist discourse and the ahsence of political conscious­
systematically racist justice (a large proportion of condemned ness among the dominated classes gives to the system of power

in the United States an unparalleled margin of maneuver. Hence of Evil, the Axis of Evil) enabling the ~'mobilization" of every
the potential significance of democratic practices is eliminated means destined to eliminate it. Yesterday it was
and they are reduced to the status of harmless rituals (political which, through McCarthyism (forgotten by the
spectacle, the inauguration of electoral campaigns by marching cans"), made the Cold War possible as as subordination

majorettes, etc.). of Europe. Today it is " an obvious pretext (Septem­

But let there be no mistake here. It is not the supposedly reli­ Reichstag fire in this respect),
gious fundamentalist ideology that is in command and imposes project of the ruling class to be over­
its logic on the true holders of power-capital and its servants control of the planet.
the State. It is capital alone that makes all the appropriate avowed objective of the new hegemonist strategy of the
sions and then afterwards mobilizes ideolo2.'V 1Il United States is not to tolerate the existence of any power capa­
question to serve it. The means utlllZeU-llnnarallf'lf'lI ble of resisting the iltiunctions of Washington. To carry out that
ic disinformation-are thus effective, objective, it seeks to dismantle every country that is deemed to
subjecting them to constant. blackmaiL Power then suc- be "too large," so as to create the maximum number of failed
States, easy prey for the establishment of American bases ensur­
ing their "protection." Only one state has the right to be "great,"
States has developed, in these the United States, according to the last three presidents (Bush
LdU\;Cl:i, a complete cynicism, disguised by a degree of Senior, Clinton, Bush Junior).
every foreign observer notes, but that the Ameri­ It is not difficult to be aware of the o~jectives and means of
can people never see! The use of violence, in extreme forms, is Washington's project. They are the object ofan ostentatious dis­
implemented every time it is necessary. All the radical American play whose principal virtue is its frankness, even though the
militants know it: to sell out or be murdered is the only choice legitimization of the objectives is always embedded in a moraliz­
left to them. ing discourse characteristic of the American tradition. The
The American ideology, like all ideologies, is "worn away by American global pursues five objectives:
time." In "calm" periods of history-marked by strong economic 1) To neutralize alld subdue the other partners ill the Triad (Europe, U.S.A.,
growth accompanied by satisfactory social eRects-the pressure and minimize their to act outside of American control.
that the ruling class must exert on its people is weakened. From
time to time then, according to the needs of the moment, this 2) To establish control NATO and "Latin Americanize"

ruling class "reinvigorates" American ideology by means which the former parts of the Soviet world.

are always the same: an enemy (always external, American 3) To establish undivided control of dle Middle East and Central Asia
ty being declared good by definition) is designated and their petroleum resources.
4) To dismantle China, ensure tlle subordination of otlier states class of the United States. Canied away by intoxication with dleir
and prevent the formation of regional blocs which would military power, henceforth without any competition, the
be able to negotiate the terms of globalization. States has chosen to assert its domination straight awayby the
deployment of a stricdy military strategy for control of the planet.
5) To marginalize of tbe Soutb tllat have no strategic interest
The accompanying political strategy prepares the pretexts for it,
for the United States.
whether that be terrorism, the fight against the drug trade, or the
Thus, the hegemonism of United States rests far more on accusation ofproducing weapons of mass destruction.
excessive military power than on the "advantages" of its econom­ "Preventive war," which Washington reserves to itself as a
ic system. I will be satisfied with summarizing the import of the "right" to invoke, directly eliminates international law. The
arguments I have dedicated to this question elsewhere hy accen­ Charter of the United Nations prohibits recourse to war except
tuating the real political advantage possessed by the United in cases of legitimate self defense and subjects possible military
States: it is one state, Europe is not. It can thus play the part of intervention by the U.N. to strict conditions, the response
the uncontested leader of the triad by making its military power ing to he cautious and provisional. Every jurist knows that the
NATO, which it dominates, the "visible fist" charged with wars undertaken since 1990 are completely illegitimate and thus
imposing the new imperialist order on possible recalcitrants. in principle those who are responsible are war criminals. The
The military power of the United States has been systemati­ United Nations is already treated by the United States, with the
cally constructed since 1945, covering the entire planet which is complicity of others, like the League of Nations was treated by
divided into regions based on the integTated system of U.S. mili­ the fascist states not long ago.
tary commands. Until 1990, this hegemonism was forced to The abolition of peoples' rights is already underway. The
accept the peaceful coexistence imposed on it by Soviet military principle of equality among people has heen replaced by the dis­
power. This is no longer the case. One can only note here the tinction between a "master race" or Her-renvolk-dle people of
contrast between the planetary vocation of the military strategy the United States and, behind them, the people of Israel-and
of the United States since 1945 and the defensive strategy of the other peoples. This "Master Race" has right to conquer "the
Soviet Union, which never had an offensive strategy aimed at living space" deemed necessary, while the very existence of
"conquering the world in the name of communism," as Western other peoples is tolerated only if it does not constitute a threat to
propaganda-alas, all too successfully pretended. the amhitions of those called upon to be the "masters of the
The period is therefore characterized by a retreat from democ­ world." Hence, in the eyes of the Washington establishment, we
racy, not hy an advance towards it. On the global level since have all become "redskins," that is, peoples that have a right to
1980s, with the collapse of the Soviet system, a hegemonist option exist only in so far as we do not obstruct the expansion of the
been designed which has won over the whole of the ruling transnational capital of the United States.

What are the "national" interests current regimes with "Islamic" dictatorships no less violent, but
United States reserves to itself the right to invoke as it sees rIb friendly and submissive. In some way, this would allow for rec­
tell the truth, this class recognizes only one objective: "to make onciliation between the Saudi project and Washington. In turn,
money." The U.S. state openly gives top priority to satisfYing the these Islamic regimes will one day undoubtedly be encouraged
demands of the transnationals, the dominant segment of capital. supporting acts of terrorism, but
Tins project is certainly imperialist in the most brutal sense, this time against diflerent states (against Germany, Rus-
but it is not "imperial" in the sense that Negri gives to the term, sia, and China, for example).
because it is not a question of governing all of the world's soci­ Everyone knows that this strategy suits Israel's purpose,
eties in order to integrate them into a coherent UtPlld1!~l which does not hide its rejection of genuine Arab democracies,
but only of pillaging their resources. The supported by their peoples, because democratic Arab countries
thought to the basic axioms of vulgar economics, the one-sided modifY the balance of forces in favor of the Palestinian
attention given by dominant capital to the maximization of cause. As for the promises made by Bush Jr. to "settle-after the
financial profitability in the short term, reinforced by the well­ victory in Iraq-the Palestinian problem" they resemble very
known inclination to use militaIY means to that end, arc respon­ much the lies of Bush Sr., who made the same nromise in
for this barbaric turn of events, an inherent tendency of in order to be taken seriously.
pLLam'Hl1. It has gotten rid of all systems of human values and In the domestic sphere, the retreat of democracy is no less visi­
replaced them with the exclusive requirements associated ble. The FBI-CIA-Gestapo is henceforth authorized not to
sulmntting to the so-called laws of the market. respect any of the most elementary human rights in its prisons and
The project has nothing to do widl the extension of democ­ torture centers at Guantanamo, Bannak, and elsewhere tomorrow.
racy (even under its American f()fm) to the whole world, as the In moments like tllis, the society of the United States buries
dominant media pretend. It is not a question of democratizing itself in its tradition of apocalyptic vision. There is a flourishing
Iraq or any otller country in the region (after all, Israel docs not of sects whose discourses and practices are well known, a fas­
want thatt but simply of pillaging their wealth (under the cir- cist-type popular mobilization. Fools of God and simultaneously
United States has occupied fools of the market, these two fundamentalisms unproblematical­
Iy complement each other here.
soever? The only legislative initiative ot AmerIcan K.uwalt was to Neither this project of the ruling class of the United States nor
curtail freedom of expression even more by simply prohibiting American ideology that supports it is "invincible." Ifit should
any criticism of the United States! llappt:ll that this project were to be deployed for a certain period
For the Arab World, Washington's prqject does not promote of time, it would only lead to a growing chaos
any democratic advances. On the contraIY, it aims to replace the would require more and more brutal methods of control,

any long term strategic vision. If need be, Washington will no responsihility while imperial adventures, tlle British
seek to strengthen its real allies, which always implies and French possessed means enabling them to
knowing how to make concessions. Puppet governments, like that "think about Empire in the long term." The comparison
of Karzai in Afghanistan, arc better for business, while the deliri­ between what they built on the African continent-as unaccept­
um of military power makes it possible to believe in able as it was-and the total failure ofWashington in administer­
bility" of the United States. Hitler did not think otherwise. ing its mini-colony (Liberia) is testimony to the poverty of
More precisely, one of the major weaknesses of American American political thought. The sole principle and ohjectivc
thought, resulting from its history and its ideology, is that it has guiding Washington in its new imperial policy is immediate pil­
no long-term vision. This thought is embedded in the immedi­ lage. Fifteen million dollars ofimmediate extra profits (hy pillag­
ate about which it collects an alarmingly large quantity ofdata. It ing the petroleum resources of some countries, for example)
believes it can choices exclusively against three hundred million victims, with all that holds for the
through the analysis of the " always judging tlle "past" future: the choice will he for the immediate advantage.
as irrelevant (the expression "it is history" is an American syn­ American ideology and thought are not exportahle. Despite
onym for "without importance"). The future, in these condi­ successes of "Americanization," a salutary reaction to it has
tions, is always conceived as the simple pr~jection of the imme­ begun to appear in European thought, motivated hy the absurd
diate. This is what explains the popularity of idiotic texts like and directionless violence produced
work The Clash of Civilizations. Using the same ("permanent war").
been alive during the religious The militarist option of the United States threatens everyone.
wars of the sixteentll century would have concluded that Europe It arises from the same logic as Hitler's: to change economic and
was condemned to self:destruction or at least that one of the two social relations in favor of the current chosen people (Herrenvolk)
camps (Protestant or Catholic) would succeed in dominating thrrmITh military violence. This option, by forcil)ly occupying cen­

the whole continent. ter stage, overdetermines every political cOrYuncture hecause its
The idea tllat history is punctuated by ruptures, produced hy pursuit renders every advance that people
the exacerbation of the contradictions that drive it, is foreign to social and democratic struggles extremely precarious. To bring
Foreign also is the idea that historical evolu­ the militarist pf(~ect of the United States to defeat has hecome the
tion sets out again from these periods in a direction that is not primary task, the major responsibility, for everyone.
inherent in any pr~jection of the past into the present. The United States is the preeminent rogue state, as \Villiam
This is why American imperialism will he infinitely more written. It has openly repudiated aU respect for legality
harharic tlian were the earlier forms of European imperialism. and for the rights Vl:IalllllUg, their adherence to tlle sin­

Beyond the interests of capital for which their states took gle principle that "might makes right." TImt a regime governed by

the political mechanisms ofdemocracy again takes up, to its advan­ clamoring for the "implementation of the
tage, the principle proudly held by the Nazis is not an attenuating ism but without any discrimination," thereby gaining the
circumstance, but, on the contrary, makes it even more heinous. praise of the World Bank? Since when has the World Bank
Certainly, the fight to defeat the prqject of the United States defended the Third World against the United States?
will take many forms. It requires diplomatic aspects (the defense Undoubtedly, a certain number of Third World governments
of international law), military aspects (the reannament of every are odious. But the path towards necessary democratization
country in the world in order to meet any aggression contem­ surely does not lie in replacing them with puppet governments
Washington is imperative; never forget that the United that arrive in the wake of the invader, delivering the resources of
States utilized nuclear weapons when it had a monopoly of them their countries to pillaging hy American transnationals.
and use it no longer had such a monop­ The fight ag'ainst the imperialism of the United States and its
oly), and aspects reference to a militarist option is everyone's-its IIl<!jor victims in Asia, Africa
European presence and reconstn and Latin America, the Japanese and European peoples con­
The success of this struggle demned to subordination, even the North American people. We
pIe to liberate themselves from liberal never salute here the courage of all those in "the belly of the beast"
be an "authentically liberaP' globalized economy. who refuse to submit just like their predecessors who refused to
one is tempted and will continue to be tempted, by every means, surrender to McCarthyisIIl in the 1950s. It is only when the proj­
to believe it. The WorM Bank has no other function than to ect ruling is defeated that the way will he open to dIe
operate as a sort of ministry of propaganda for Washington with people States to escape from its ideology.
its treatises on "democracy," "good governance," and "reduction Will in the United States be capable of
of poverty." For example, there was the IIledia noise organized renouncing the criminal project to it has ralliedil This
around Joseph Stiglitz, who discovered some elementary truths, question is not to answer. Possibly political, diplomatic,
which he asscrted with arrogant authority, without, however, and even military defeat could encourage the minority at
calling into question the tenacious prejudices of vulgar econom­ heart of the U.S. establishment who would agree to renounce
ics. The rcconstruction of a front from the South capable of giv­ the military adventures in which dleir country is engaged.
ing to the solidarity of Asian and African peoples, to the three The deviation of the United States has been amply encour­
southern continents as a whole, an ability to act on the global aged by the choices of European governments all through the
level will only happen through liberation from the illusions of a 1990s. The Soviet collapse, far from being the occasion for the
"non-asymmetric" globalized liberal system which ostensibly majority of the European left (socialists had assumed govern­
nations to overcome their developmental mental responsibilities in almost all of the countries in the Euro­
"delays." Is it not ICIllOlIS to see the countries of the South pean Union) to reformulate an appropriate European social

model, instead saw them carried away with the If Europeans had reacted in 1935 or 1937, they would have
and aligning themselves with Washington's hegemonist project. succeeded in stopping the Hitlerian madness. By reacting only
These governments bear a heavy responsibility towards history in September 1939, they allowed dozens of millions of victims to
for this behavior. They ratified Washington's proposals, which have that madness inflicted on them. We must act sooner rather
made NATO the instrument ofits aggressive designs. By associ­ later to face the challenge of Washington's neo-nazis.
ating themselves with the violation of international law, they
offered Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, and beyond that every
country of Eastern Europe to Washington on a silver platter.
Thus during the entire decade they favored the implementation
the American plan for military control of the planet, hegin­
mng wIth the Balkans-Middle East-Central Asian region.
these successes, the American extreme right
has succeeded in takin2: the reins of power in Washington.
From now on is clear: accept hegemonism of the
United States and a ..""1",,,,£1 to the

exclusive principle of "making monev." or

alternative confers on Washington the major
remaking the world in the image of Texas. The second is the
only one that can contribute to the rebuilding ofa plural, demo­
cratic, and peaceful world.
Today the United States is governed by ajunta of war crimi­
nals who came to power through a quasi-coup d'etat, following
questionable elections (at least Hitler was truly elected!). After
its Reichstag fire (September 11), this junta gave powers to its
police similar to those given to the Gestapo. The junta has its
Mein Kampf; its mass organizations and its preachers. It is nec­
essary to have the courage to speak all of these truths and here­
after stop hiding them behind the insipid and derisory phrase,
American ffiends ..."
v The Challenge of I..iberalism Today


humanity, threatening it with self-destruction. At the same time,
globalized liberalism can only reinforce the hold ofAmerican impe­
rialism on the whole of the planet. It subordinates Europe and,
using historically unprecedented and savage methods, subjects the
rest of the world to pillage, including genocide if necessary.
This challenge will be presented here in three sections.



Every European government has, up to now, rallied around the

theses of lloerallsm. winning over of the European states
means nothing less disappearance of the European
project, through a double economIc advantages
of the European economic union are diluted in economic
globalization) and political (European political and military
autonomy disappears). There is no longer, at present, a Euro­
pean project. A North Atlantic project (or possibly a project of
the Triad) under American command has replaced it. This
latter project, which had been suggested earlier by a European


commissioner, Leon Brittain, and created a general outcry at (and later Peking), would complement the latter possibility by
the time (at least in France) is, in fact, the only one implement­ widening the margins for the economic autonomy of Europe as
ed at the present time. a whole. If these choices are not laid out more clearly, European
The hegemonism of the United States is clearly visible people will remain prisoners of the shifting sands of the Euro­
behind the disappearance of the European project in favor of a pean project.
return to Atlanticism. the same, the decline of this project The m<9or political conclusion that I draw from the analysis
should be problematic for at least some sectors of public opin­ outlined here is that Europe cannot make different choices as
and some segments of the political classes in certain Euro­ long as the political alliances that define the power blocs remain
pean countries, France in particular. The themes surrounding centered on dominant transnational capital. If social and politi­
the formation of a European project had been associated with cal struggles can modifY the alliances that define these blocs and
wealth, power, and independence, to such an extent that it is impose a new historic compromise between capital and labor,
hound to he difficult to swallow the pill-that is, to accept that then Europe would be able to distance itself more from Wash­
United States military "protection" is even more necessary ington. That, in turn, would allow the renewal of a possible
today than yesterday! European project. In these conditions, Europe could-should
"made in USA" wars have certainly awakened public even----disassociate itself on the international plane from the
opinion-everywhere in Europe against the latest of these in exclusive demands of a collective imperialism in its relations
Iraq-and even certain governments, first of all France, but also with the East and the South. Such a move would begin Europe's
Germany, Russia, and, beyond that, China. It remains true that participation in the long "beyond capitalism." In other
these governments have not called into question their faithful words, Europe will be left term left being taken seriously
adherence to the demands ofliberalism. This major contradic­ here) or it will not be.
tion will have to be overcome one way or another, whether by To reconcile loyalty to liberalism the assertion of politi­
submitting to Washington's demands (which a difIcrent set of autoIlomy for Europe or for the States that make up Europe
leaders than the ones surrounding BushJr. could "facilitate" by remains the ol~ective of certain fractions of the European politi­
the adoption ofless arrogant attitudes) or by a true rupture cal classes who are anxious to preserve the exclusive position of
which would put an end to Atlanticism. Will this be possible on large capital. Will they succeed? I very much doubt it.
the European scale as a whole? Or will it lead to rethinking At the same time, the popular classes in Europe, here
project in terms that would allow the nation states that make up and there at least, be able to overcome the crisis that seriously
the continent to conserve their political autonomy ("the Europe affects them, whose features we have attempted to outline
of Nations," to return to General de Gaulle's terms)? A diploma­ above? I believe this is possible, precisely for reasons that I
cy of varying configurations, associating Paris, Berlin, Moscow likewise alluded to and which would make it possible for the

political culture of certain European countries at least, wtnctlls project has ec1ipsed the most important violent conflicts which
diflerent from that of the United States, to bring about this ren­ had marked a century and a half of European history: the three
aissance of the left. Obviously, the necessary condition is to be major countries of the continent-France, Germany, and Russia­
liberated from the virus ofliberalism. have reconciled. All of these changes are, in my opinion, positive
I use the terms "Europe" and "European project" here and potentially even more positive. Certainly, the implementation
because they are the ones which are actually employed on of this project has been gTounded on economic bases inspired
scene. But they are subject to entirely unavoidable the principles ofliberalism, but a liberalism dtat was tempered up
questions. What does the "European project" consist of and the 1980s by the social dimension. 111e latter was taken into
whose interests does it serve? Is this prqject possible? If not, account by and through the "social democratic historical com­
what altemative can one conceive and propose? promise" that forced capital to accommodate the demand for
Conceived at the end of the Second World War, the "Euro­ social justice expressed by tlle working classes. Sinee then, this
pean project" was born as the European part of the Atlanticist project has been pursued in a new social context inspired
project of the United States, in the spirit of the Cold War initiated American-style liberalism, which is antisocial.
by Washington. This is a project which the European bour­ This latest turn has plunged European societies into a
geoisies-at dIe time weak and afraid of dleir own working class­ multidimensional crisis. First there is the economic cri­
esadhered to practically widlOut condition. This is still largely sis as such, inherent in the liberal option. This crisis is aggra­
true, as seen in the choices put into effect by the ruling classes vated by the wi1lingness of the European countries to align
and the political forces of the right and dle m<!:jority left, at least in themselves with the economic demands of the North American
certain European countries, above all in Great Britain, where it is leader by consenting, up until now, to finance the latter's
done clearly and ostentatiously. In other countries there is per­ deficit to the detriment of its own interests. Then there is a
haps a bit more hesitation, while in Eastern Europe the process is social crisis that is accentuated hy the growing resistance and
managed by political formed in the culture of servility. struggles of the popular classes against the fatal consequences
However, the actual implementation of this project-even if of the liberal option. Finally, there is the beginning of a
the project itself has questionable origins-has progressively crisis centered on the refusal to be aligned, at least uncon­
modified the important particulars of the problem and the chal­ ditionally, with the current choice of the United States: unend­
lenges. Western Europe has succeeded in overcoming its eco­ ing war against the South.
nomic and technological backwardness in relation to the United How do the European peoples and states meet this triple
States, or at least has the means to do so. In addition, the "Soviet challenge!} And will they do so?
enemy" (and its possible communist allies inside certain Euro­ The "pro-Europeans" (or, as we might call them, Europeanists
pean societies) no longer exists. Besides that, the unfolding of this of principle) are divided into four fairly different gTOUpS:

1) Those who defend the liberal optiOll and accept the leadership of the fear of communism, today the unconditional defenders
United States, almost without condition. lective imperialism of the Triad believe it necessary to support
Bush. In this sense, Tony Blair is not Churchill, who chose to
2) Those who defend the liberal option but desire a politically independent
reject Hitler. He resembles rather Chamberlain who considered
freed from alignment with the Americans.
himself obliged, because of faint-heartedness, to make necessary
3) Those who desire (and fight f()f) a "social " that is, a capitalism concessions to Hitler or Mussolini, who intended to make the
tempered bv a new social corImrolllise between capital and labor operating best of his joining the most powerful. Today, to compare Saddam
on a without being too concerned about Europe's foreign Hussein to Hitler is to dignifY a joke. One could quibble for a long
in relation to the rest of the world. time to decide whether Saddam or Bush is the most odious per­
4) those who articulate their demand for a social son. But if dlere is a power dlat threatens all of humanity, it is cer­
a which practices a "different relationship" tainly the United States, not Iraq. The political class that has ral­
democratic, and peaceful) with the and China. lied behind the star-spangled banner is disposed, if necessary, to
··sacrifice the European projed'or at least to dissipate all illu­
Further, there are indeed "non-Europeans" in the sense sions OIl the subject-by keeping it within the constraints of its
they do not think that any of the four pro-European options are origins: to be the European wing of the Atlanticist project. But
desirable or even possible. They arc still, for the moment, like Hitler, does not conceive ofallies as other than subordi­
strongly in the minority, but certainly gathering strength. More­ nates who are unconditionally aligned with him. That is the rea­
over, they are getting stronger in one of two fundamentally dif­ son why important segments of the political class, including the
ferent forms: a right-wing ·'populist" form that rt:jects the grad­ right-even though they are in principle defenders of the interests
ual development of supranational political-and maybe econom­ of dominant capital~refuse to be aligned with the United States,
ic-power, except obviously for the power of transnational capi­ just like earlier with Hitler. If a Churchill is possible in Europe,
tal; and a left-wing popular form that is national, citizenly, demo­ it would have to be Chirac. Will he be one?
cratic, and sociaL This strategy could successfully be accommodated by an
Which forces do each of these tendencies rely upon and what "anti-Europeanism of the right," which would then be satisfied
are their respective chances of successP with demagogic nationalist rhetoric (for example, mobilizing the
Dominant capital is liberal by nature. As a result, it is inclined, issue ofimmigration-from the South, of course) whereas in fact
logically enough, to support the first of the four options. Tony it would be subject to the demands of a liberalism that is not
Blair represents the most coherent expression of what I have specifically '·European," but globalized. Aznar and Berlusconi
the Triad." Just as yesterday are prototypes of this type of Washington ally, as are the servile
were arrayed behind Hitler out of political classes of Eastern Europe.
Therefore, I believe that the second option is difficult to PUHUt..a.t, with the objective of restoring international pluralism
maintain. It is, however, that of major European countries­ and the UN to all their proper functions, and strategic, with
France and Germany. Does this option express the ambitions of the objective of constructing together the military forces capa­
a capital that is powerful enough to be able to emancipate itself ble of meeting the American challenge. These three or
from the supervision of the United States? This is a question to powers have all the requisite technological and financial
I have no answer. It is possible, but intuitively I would say means, strengthened by their traditional military capabilities,
that it is not very probable. to construct such forces, before which the United States would
Nevertheless, this is the choice of allies facing a North Amer­ appear much weaker. The American challenge and its criminal
ican adversary which is the principal enemy of all of humanity. I ambitions force this response. These ambitions are excessive
speak indeed of allies because I am convinced that, if they per­ and it is necessary to prove it. Forming an anti-hegemonist
sist in their choice, they will be led to end their subjection to the front is today the very first priority,just as forming an anti-Nazi
unilateral project of capital (liberalism) and to look for alliances alliance was yesterday.
on the left (the only ones which can lend strength to their proj­ This strategy would reconcile the "pro-Europeans" of groups
ect of independence vis-a-vis Washington). An alliance among two, three, and four with "non-Europeans" of the left. It would
groups two, three, and four is not impossible,just like it was create favorable conditions for the resumption later of a European
the great anti-Nazi alliance. project, probably even integrating a Great Britain freed from its
If this alliance takes femn, then should it andit be able to submission to the United States and an Eastern Europe rid of its
operate exclusively within the European framework, all the Euro­ servile culture. We must be patient, as this will take much time.
peanists being incapable of renouncing the priority given to There are some serious obstacles to overcome in order for
frameworkP I do not believe it, because this framework, SUcll as it this strategy to make progress, however.
is and will remain, systematically favors only the option of the first First obstacle: the liberal virus, from which the group sym­
group, the pro-American group. Would it be necessary then to bolized by the French, German, and Russian governments must
break lip Europe and definitively renounce its project? be freed. It is possible for them to give their national political
I do not believe that would be either necessary or even desir­ economies an acceptable social content. France and Germany
able. Another strategy is possible: leave the "sclerotic" Euro­ can compel the European Union to accept it. Existing agree­
pean project, for a time, at its present stage of development and, ments permit it. Besides, the finn decision of these two coun·
parallel to that, develop other alliances. tries to make it happen would reverse the relations of forces
I would give t~p priority here to the construction of a many other countries in their favor.
ical and strategic alliance between Paris, Berlin, and Moscow, Second obstacle: the Euro. The existence of this unique cur­
extending it, if possible, to Peking and Delhi. I expressly say rency, without even an emblyonic common state, is undesirable,

because in present conditions every advance in this direction stage-that is to say, a way-station which must be conceived as
would strengthen the pro-American camp. It constitutes a large such, not as "the end of history.")
part of the challenge defined in the first obstacle above because "Old Europe" has nothing to learn from "young America."
management of the Euro is collective and Fortu- There will be no progress possible on any European project as
Great Britain does not participate in that management. long as the American strategy is not foiled.
France and Germany can, tog-ether, turn the management of the
Euro in a different direction. A project inspired by the Tobin ta-"
would allow this to happen simultaneously with liberation from
the financial tribute that is indispensable to the implementation
of the aggressive strategy of the United States.
Third obstacle: the project of a "European constitution" Guidelines for a grand alliance on the basis ofwhich the peoples
(which Giscard d'Estaing supports). It is necessary to reject anit states ofthe South co'uld reconstruct their solidarity.
that project because, quite simply, the conditions do not exist Both from the positions taken by certain States of the South and
for a (supranational) European political power to be, in the the ideas that guide them, one can see guidelines taking shape
immediate future, anything other than a projection of the power for a possible renewal of a "front of the South." These positions
of the United States. Far from strengthening the autonomy of concern the political domain as much as the economic manage­
Europe, all immediate progress towards a European political ment of globalization.
structure would reinforce Washington's over its subor­
dinate allies. It is necessary to postpone possible European a)
progress towards such a structure to a more distant phase, On the political plane: condemnation of the new principle of
when social and political forces and their ideological expres­ the United States' policy ("preventive war") and demand for
sions will be sufliciently advanced to permit it. the evacuation of all foreign military bases in Asia, Africa and
Fourth obstacle, which recapitulates all of them: the Ameri­ Latin America.
canization of thought carries within itself the liberal virus Since 1990, Washington's uninterrupted military interventions
that it is necessary to eradicate. Without any doubt, this Ameri­ have focused on the Arab Middle East, including Iraq and Pales­
canization has progressed over the last half century. It degrades tine (for the latter, via the unconditional support for Israel), the
Europe, causes it to regress, forces it to abandon everything pro­ Balkans (Yugoslavia, new implantations of the United States in
gressive in its contribution to the capitalist stage of human Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria), Central Asia, and the Caucasus
development, i.e., the antidotes which allowed it to the lib­ (Afghanistan, Central Asia and the former Soviet Caucasus).
eral virus and promote democracy in spite of it. (I expressly say objectives pursued by Washington include several parts:

1) the seizure of the most important petroleum regions of the world and b)
consequently the exertion on with the aim In the domain of the economic management of the world sys­
of subjecting them to the status of subordinate allies; tem, the guidelines for an alternative that the South could collec­
defend are equally taking shape, because here the interests
2) the establishment of permanent American bases ill the heart of the
of all countnes III are convergent.
Old World (Central Asia is equally distant froIll Paris,Johannesburg,

Moscow, Peking, Singapore);

1) The idea that die international transfers should be controlled

s) consequently d1e preparation of other "preventive wars" to corne, has returned. In fact, the opening of capital accounts, imposed by the

above all at countries which are likely to assert themselves IMF as an additional dogma of "liberalislll," seeks only one objective:

as partners with which "it is necessary to nt>ontiat,." the first to facilitate the massive transfer of capital to die United States in order

China, but equally Russia and to cover dIe growing American deficit-itself the result both of deficiencies

in the economy of the United States and implementation of its strategy

The realization of this objective implies the installation ofpuppet for control of the

regimes imposed by the armed forces of the United States in the

The countries of the South have no interest in facilitating the loss of their
countries of the region in question. From Peking to Delhi and
capital and die possible devastations caused by speculative raids.
Moscow it is understood more and more that the wars "made in
Consequendy, being subjected to all the hazards of "flexible exchange,"
a menace directed more against China, Rus­
which proceeds as a logical deduction from the opening of capital accounts,
sia, and India than against their immediate victims, such as Iraq.
should be called into question. Instead, instituting systems of regional
To return to the Bandung position-demanding no
orgamzauons which would assure a relative stability in exchange rates
can military bases in Asia and Africa-is from now on the order
deserves to be die svMematic research and debate among the
of the day, even if, in the circumstances of the moment, the non­
nonaligned eountries and dIe of 77. After all. in the Asian financial
aligned countries have agreed to be silent on the question of the
crisis of 1997, Malaysia took dIe initiative to reestablish control over
American protectorates in the Persian Gulf.
exchanges and it won the battle. The IMF itself was compelled to admit it.
countries have here taken positions close to
that France and Germany defended in the Security Coun­ 2) The idea of regulating foreign investment has returned. Undoubtedly,
cil, thus accentuating the diplomatic and moral isolation of the countries of the Third World do not envisage shutting the door to all

aggressor. In turn, the Franco-African summit has helped investment, as was die case with some of diem in the past.

possible alliance which is taking shape between Europe and the On the contrary, direct investments are solicited. But the methods

South. This summit was not just one of "French Africa" because of welcoming this investment are once the of critical reflection.

the continent's Anglophone States were present as well. Certain milieux in Third \Vorld governments are aware of these reflections.

Closely related to the regulation of foreign investment is the contestation by governments of the North, to tlle applause of the World Bank. (But since
of the notion of intellectual and iudustrial property which the WTO when has the World Bank defended the interests of the South against the
wishes to impose on the Third World. It is understood that this North?) Nothing prevents the govenmlcnts of the North from separating
far from favoring "transparent" competition in open would, the subsidies granted to their farmers from those intended to support the
on the contrary, strengthen transnational monopolies. dumping of tlle North's agricnltural exports (after all ifwe defend the
nl'iorinJ" of income redistribution in our countries, then the countries
::l) Many among the countries of the South realize once again that thcy
of the North eQually have this ri2:ht!). It would be much better if the countries
cannot dispcnse with a national agricultural policy that takes into account
of the South were to orient their agncuHllI development towards the
both Drotectim, the peasantry II-mil the devastating consequences
satisfaction of the needs of their internal markets-which are immense and
of their accelerated disintegration under the eflect of the "new
should have themselves as much as possible from the
competition" promoted by the VVTO and preserving the security
vicissitudes of the world market for food products. It will come litde by little.
of national food

In the of the markets for which 4) The debt is no longer only felt as financially insupportable. Its legitimacy
allows the United ]i:urope and some rare countries from the South is beginning to be called into question. A demand is taking shape which
(those of the cone of South to export their surplus to the has as its objective dle unilateralrcpudiation of odious and illegitimate
Third World, consequently threatens the tlIe national debts and includes the initial fonnulation of an international law for debt­
food supply. There is nothing to counterbalance that effect, hecause the worthy of the name-which still does not exist.
products of the Third World peasantry encounter IIlsurmountable
A generalized audit of debts would, in fact, make it evident dIat a significant
difficulties ill the markets of the North. This liberal strategy, which
nmnorti,," of dle debts are illegitimate, odious and sometimes even vicious.
disintegrates the peasantry and intensifies the migration froll! the country
The interest alone paid on tlle debt has reached a volume such that the
to urban shantytowns, encourages the reappearance of peasant struggles
n(lIcallV-IIasea but unreasonable demand for its repayment would in
in the South, which, in turn, alarms the authorities.
cancel out the current debt and cause the entire operation to appear
The agricultural question is often discussed, particularly in the arena as a aownmrht ormutlve form
of the WTO, under the exclusive of subsidies granted hy Europe and
In order for the to the debt's legitinlacy to succeed, the idea
the United States not only to products frOll! tlleir farmers, but equally
that foreign debts should be regulated by normal and civilized
to tlleir agricultural exports. This fixation on the sole question of world
just like domestic debts, should be part ofa campaign launched within
commerce 1II pLVUW"., dearly indieates a refusal to take into
the context of supporting the development of international law and
accouut the p,,;m;wpauolls invoked above. In additioIl, it entails
reinforcing its legitimacy. It is well known that it is precisely because law is
curious ambiguities, when the countries of tlle South are invited
silent in this area that the question is regulated only by brutal and uncivilized
to defend even more liberal than those III

relations of force. These relatiolls thus allow international debts to be accept­ are based on hypotheses which should be made explicit~ in
ed as legitimate which, were domestic, creditor and debtor order to facilitate the discussion of their possible validity.
belonging to the same nation and answerable to its judicial systcm) would

lcad debtor and creditor in fi'ont of the courts for "criminal consniracv." .:' FIRS T HYP OT H E SIS: From now on, imperialism is a

collective irfl:perialism (of tlte Triad)

Over dle course of the preceding phases of the development


capitalist globalization, there was always more than one center.


These centers were held together by relations of permanently vio­

New International Perspectives lent competition to the point tlIat ilie conflict among imperialisms
order to be able to envisage a "remake" of Bandung, it is nec­ occupied a central place on historical scene. The return of
to recognize that tlle world system today is very different globalized liberalism beginning in 1980 compels us to rethink the
in its fundamental structures from the one that existed at the end structure of tlle center in ilie contemporary system. At least on the
the Second World War. plane of the management ofliberal economic globalization, the
At that time the nonaligned countries were situated in a mil­ states of ilie central Triad apparently form a solid bloc.
itarily bipolar world which prevented the imperialist countries The unavoidable question then is do the changes in
from brutally intervening in their affairs. In addition, this bipo­ question denote a lasting qualitative change-the center is no
larity joined the partners of the capitalist centers-the United longer plural but is becoming decidedly "collective"-or are
States, Western Europe, and Japan-into a unified camp. they only conjunctural?
the political and economic conflict for liberation and develop­ One could attribute this evolution to transformations in the
ment opposed Asia and Africa to a unified imperialist camp. conditions of competition.
The concepts of autocentered development and of dclinking Only a few decades ago, giant companies would engage in their
and the strategies inspired by them responded to this challenge battles of competition essentially in national markets, whether
in those conditions. that of the United States (the largest national market in the
Today, the world is militarily unipolar. Simultaneously, frac­ world) or even those of the European states (despite their mod­
tures seem to be appearing between the United States and cer- est size in relation to the United States, which is a disadvantage
European countries concerning the political management of for them). The victors in each national market could put them­
a globalized system that is henceforth entirely aligned with the selves in a good position in the world market. Today the size of
principles ofliberalism, in principle at least. Are these fractures the market necessary to win the first set of matches approaches
conjunctural and oflirnited import or do they indicate lasting 500-600 million potential consumers. Thus~ the battle must he
changes? Proposals for a strategy to face these new conditions engaged directly on the world market and won on this terrain.

wmners are prevail, then, in this essential market given way to a deficit. The competition between Ariane and
m addItIon, respective national terrains. Expanded rockets of NASA, and between Airbus and Boeing, are evidence
globalization UIV,",UlUIV..., principal framework for the activity of of the vulnerability of the American advantage. Faced with
the large In in the relationship between high technology products of Europe and Japan, with the com­
national and global, the conditions of causality are reversed: for­ mon manufactured products of China, South Korea, and the
merly, national power presence, today the other industrialized countries of Asia and Latin America, and
reverse is true. As a result, regardless of their the agricultural products of Europe and the cone of South
nationality, have common interests in of the America, the United States would probably not prevail without
world market. These interests are recourse to the "extra economic" means which violate the rules
nent commereial conflicts that define of liberalism forced on its competitors!
peculiar to capitalism, whatever they may he. In fact, the United States benefits from fixed comparative
advantages only in the armaments sector, precisely because this
sector largely escapes the rules of the market and benefits from
ofcollective imperialism, tlte United States does not command
support of the state. Undoubtedly, this advantage involves
decisive economic advantages.
some for the civilian sector (the Internet is the most well-
Current opinion is that the military power of the United States known example of this), but it is equally the origin of severe dis­
forms only the tip of the iceberg, extending the superiority of tortions create handicaps for many productive sectors.
this country into all domains, notably economic, but even politi­ The North American economy lives as a parasite to the detri­
cal and cultural. Submitting to the hegemonism it aspires to is lUent of its partners in the world system. As Emmanuel Todd
thus unavoidable. points out, "the United States depends for 10 percent of its
In fact, the productive system of the United States is far from industrial consumption on imported goods not covered
being "tbe most efficient in the world." On the contrary, almost export of its national products." The world produces, the
none of its segments would be certain to prevail over its com­ ed States (whose national savings are practically nil) consumes.
petitors in a truly open market as liberal economists conceive of The "advantage" of the United States is that of a predator whose
it. Witness the commercial deficit of the United States which has deficit is covered by the contributions of others, either by con­
grown worse after year, moving from $100 billion in 1989 to sent or by force. The means implemented by Washington to
in 2000. In addition, this deficit concerns practical­ compensate for its deficiencies are diverse: repeated unilateral
ly segment of the productive system. Even the surplus violations of the principles ofliberalism, annaments exports, the
States benefited in the area of high tech­ pursuit of super-profits from petroleum (which supposes the
nology goods, was JJUHVll in 1990, has henceforth systematic exploitation of the producers, the real motive behind

the wars in central Asia and Iraq). The fact remains that the FOURTH HYPOTB ESIS: The South should and can liberate
main part of the American deficit is covered by contributions of itselffrom liberal illus'ions and unde1'take
capital from Europe,japan, and the South (the rich petroleum ofrenewed forms ofautocentered development.
and the comprador classes of every Third World For the moment, undoubtedly, the governments of the South
the poorest), to which is added a regular still seem to be fighting for a "true neoliberalism" in which the
draining of resources in the guise of servicing the debt, imposed partners from the North, as well as those from the South, would
on almost all countries in the periphery of the world system. agree to "play the game." The countries of the South will find
The solidarity of the dominant segments of trans nationalized that this hope is illusory.
capital in all the partners of the Triad is real and is expressed in Thus, it will be necessary for them to return to the unavoid­
their rallying to globalized neoliberalism. The United States is able concept that all development is autocentered. To develop is
seen in this perspective as the defender of these common of all to define national objectives that would allow for both
ests-of necessary, by military means. The fact remains that ll1L,'UI<Jll of productive systems and the creation of
Washington does not intend to share equally the profits fi-om its internal conditions in
leadership. On the contrary, the United States aims to make vas­ social progress. Then the forms
sals of its allies, and in this spirit is only ready to grant minor question to the developed capitalist centers would be
concessions to the subaltern allies of the 1riad. Will this conflict to the requirements of this logic. This definition of del inking
of interests within dominant capital lead to a rupture in the (mine)-which is not the same as autarky-places the concept of
is not impossible, but it is not probable. development at the opposite pole from (liberalism's) principle of
"structural adjustment" to the demands of globalization, in
THIRD HYPOTHESIS: which development is forcibly subjected to the exclusive imper~
atives of the expansion of dominant transnational capital, there-
dijiciencies in the econom;y
deepening inequality on the world scale.
threatens everyone in the 1hird World.

This hypothesis follows logically from the preceding one. Wash­ FIFTH HYPOTHESIS: The United States' option
ington's strategic decision to profit from their overwhelming mil­ infavor ofmilitarizing globalization strikes (lirectly
itary superiority and, in this perspective, to resort to "preventive at tlte interests ofEurope and Japan
wars" decided and planned by it alone aims at ruining any hope This hypothesis follows from the second one. The o~jective of
of a "great nation" (such as China, India, Russia, Brazil) or a the United States, among other things, aims at placing its Euro­
regional coalition in the Third World from becoming an actual pean and Japanese partners in a subordinate position (in a posi­
partner in shaping the world system, even if it he a capitalist one. tion of being vassals) by using military means to take over all the

decisive resources of the planet (petroleum in particular). The tive would simultaneously force a hreak with neoliberalism (and
American oil wars are anti-European wars. Europe (and Japan) the abandonment of the vain hope of su~jecting the United
can partially respond to this strategy by moving closer to Russia, States to its requirements, thus allowing European capital to
which is capable, in part, of supplying them with petroleum and engage in economic competition on a terrain that has not been
some other essential primalY materials. already undemlined) and alignment with the political strategies
of the United States. The surplus capital that Europe is so far
SIXTH HYPOTHESIS: Europe should and can satisfied to place in the United States could then be set aside for
libemte itse?ffr'01rt tlte liberal virus. However, this tntttati an economic and social revival, without which the latter would
cannot corne from tlte segments ofdom:inant capital, remain impossible. But from the moment that Europe chooses,
but must cornefr'01T/, the people. by this means, to give priority to its economic and social
dominant segments of capital are of course defenders of progress, the spurious health of the economy of the United States
globalized neoliheralism and as a result agree to pay the price of would collapse and the American ruling class would be confront­
their subordination to the North American leader. So far, Euro­ ed with its own social problems. Such is the meaning that I give
pean governments believe they must give exclusive priority to to my conclusion that "Europe will be left or it will not be."
defending the mterests of these segments. In order to succeed, it is necessaly for the Europeans to rid
Peoples across Europe have a different vision both of the themselves of the illusion that the card ofliberalism should be,
European project, which they want to be a social project, and of and could he, played "honestly" by all and then all would go
their relations with the rest of the world, which they want to see well. The United States cannot renounce its choice of an asym­
managed by law and justice. enley have expressed this vision at metric practice ofliberalism because that is the only means by
the present time by condemning-hy an overwhelming majori­ which it can compensate for its own defIciencies.
deviation of the United States. If this humanist and dem­ European political cultures are diverse, even if to a certain
ocratic political culture of "old Europe" prevails~-and it is pos­ extent they contrast with that of the United States. There are in
sible that it will-then an authentic rapprochement among Europe political, social, and ideological forces that support­
Europe, Russia, China, Asia, and Africa would form the founda­ often with lucidity-the vision of "another Europe" (social and
tion upon which it would be possible to construct a democratic friendly in its relations with the South). But there is also Great
and peaceful pluricentric world. Britain which, since 1945, has made the historical choice ofalign­
The major contradiction hetween Europe and the United ing itself unconditionally with the United States. There are the
States does not lie between the interests ofdominant capital political cultures of the ruling classes of Eastern Europe, fash­
each place, but is found on the field of political culture. In ioned by a culture ofservitude, which bowed down before Hitler,
Europe, a left alternative always remains possible. This alterna- then Stalin, and today Bush. There are populisms of the right

nostalglc for Franco and Mussolini in Spain and Italy) which are This rapprochement be Y1Sldlll:l;CU at in ternational
the conflict among these cultures cause diplomatic level by stahilizing the Paris-Berlin-Moscow-Peking
Europe to break it definitively result in an alignmcnt axis, strengthened by the development of friendly relations
with Washington or in a victory for progressive humanist and between this axis and the reconstituted Afro-Asiatic front.
democratic cultures? It goes without saying that advances in this direction would
reduce to nothing the excessive and criminal ambitions of the
SEVENTH HYPOTHESIS; The reconstructton
United States. The latter would then be forced to accept coexis­
ofthe South implies the participation ofits l)I::O'])U'S.
tence widl nations determined to defend their own interests.
The political regimes in place in many of the countries of the At the present moment, this objective should be considered
South arc not democratic, which is the least that one can say, an absolute priority. The deployment of the American project
and sometimes they are frankly odious. These authoritarian overdetennines the stake of every struggle: no social and demo-
structurcs of power favor the comprador fractions whose inter­ era tic advance as long as the American plan has
ests are linked to the expansion of global imperialist capital. not been foiled.
The alternative-the construction of a front of the peoples of
the South----passes through democratization. This democratiza­ NINETH HYPOTHESIS; Questions relative to f"ultnrn,l,

necessarily be difficult and long, but the way towards it diversity should be discussed within the context

surely does not lie in tbe installation of puppet governments ofthe new international pe1"Spectives outlined here.

over the resources oftheir countries to be pillaged hy Cultural diversity is a fact. But it is a complex and ambiguous
North American transnationals. These are evcn more fact. Diversities inherited from the past, as legitimate as they may
fragile, less credihle, and less lcgitimate than thosc thcy replace be, are not necessarily synonymous with diversity in the con­
under the protection of the American invader. After all, the ohjec­ struction of the future. It is not only necessary to admit this, but
tive ofthc United States is not the promotion ofdemocracy in the to investigate it.
world despite its purely hypocritical discourses in this matter. To call upon only the diversities inherited from the past (polit­
Confucianism, Negritude, chauvinist ethnic­
EIGHTH HYPOTHESIS: A new internationalism ities, and more) is frequently a demagogic exercise ofautocratic
ofpeoples associating Europeans, Asians, Africans, and comprador powers, which enables them both to evade the
and Americans is therefore possible. challenge represented by the universalization of civilization and to
This hypothesis, which follows from the preceding and forms a submit in fact to the dictates of dominant transnational capital. In
conclusion to it, means that the conditions exist that would at addition, the exclusive insistence on these heritages divides the
allow a rapprochemcnt of all the peoples of the Old World. Third World, by opposing political Islam and Hindutva in Asia,

Muslims, Christians, and practitioners ofother religions in Africa.

Basing a united political front of the South on new principles is
the means of overcoming these divisions maintained by American
imperialism. But then what are and can he the universal "values"
upon which the future can be built? The Western-centered
restrictive interpretation of these values legitimizes unequal devel­
opment, an inherent product of globalized capitalist expansion
yesterday and today. It must be rejected. But then how to promote N-otcs
genuinely universal concepts, with contributions everyone?
It is time for this debate to begin. CHAPTER 2

1 The author uses two different expressions to represent the concept

of alienation in eapitalist society: "['tlliifnation rna1'Chande" and "['alienation

econorniste". I have translated both as "economic alienation" for two reasous:

1) it is a more felicitous expression than the alternatives (e.g., "marketplace

alienation" or "commercial alienation" or "economist alienation") and

2) it expresses the economic nature of the alienation endemic

to capitalist social reality, which owes its specificity to the dominance

of dIe economic and its separation f1'om odler aspects of social life. -Trans.


1 A Quintal is equal to lOO kilograms -Trans.


/Enarchie is a terril used to refer collectively to students and graduates

of the prestigious nationaie d'administmtion(ENA), which educates
most of the government officials in France. It is associated with a particular
and cultural the eyes of its critics.-Trans.

Works Referred lo in the Text

ACHCAR, GILBERT. The Clash ofBarbarisrns: Septernber 11 and the Making

World Disorder. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2002.

BLUM, WILLIAM. Rogue State: A Guide to the Wo'rM's Only Supe1power.

Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, llOOO.

BRAUDEL, FERNAND. Civilization and Capitalism, lStJt-18th Century.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.

CASTELLS, MANUEL. The Rise oftlte JVetwork Society. Cambridge, MA:

Blackwell, 1996.

FUKUYAMA, FRANCIS. The End ofHist01'Y and the Last Mart. New York:
Free Press, 1991l.


Harvard University Press, llOOO.

HUNTINGTON, SAMUEL. The Clash ofCivilizations and the Remaking

ofWorM Or11e1', New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

KAUTSKY, KARL. TheAgTarian Question. London: Zwan Publications, 1988.

RAWLS, JOHN. A Theory ofJustice. Cambridge,MA: Belknap Press

of Harvard University Press, 1999,


RIFKIN, JEREMY. The End of Work: The Decline of the GlobrzlLabo1' Fone
and tlte Dawn ofthe Post-Madl£t Em. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1995.

TODD, EMMANUEL. l'EmpiTis. Paris: Gallimard, 2002.

TOURAINE, ALAIN. ofModerrd~~. aIllDn(lge, MA: Blackwell, 1995.

WALLERSTEIN, IMMANUEL. TlteModer"n WorU-S;ystem: CaPi/alistAI',1'icuUur-e

and tile ofthe EUTopean WOTld-Econotny in the Sixteen tit Century.
New York: AC'ddemic Press, 1976.
Works by the Author


AMIN, SAMIR. EUTocentrism. New York: Review Press,


des resistances, l'iftat des luttes 2002. Paris: L'Harmattall,2002.

AM IN , SAMIR. Obsolescent Capitalism: Contempomry Politics

and Global Disorder', London: Zed Press, 2004.

AMIN, SAMIR. of Capitalis1l1: A Critique of CUT1'ent Intellectual

Fashions. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998.


AMIN, SAM In. "Confrorlling the Empire," Al-Ahrarn Week~, no. 627

(February 27 March 5, 2003).

AMIN, SAM I R. "Judaisme, Christianisme, Islam: Reflexioll sur leurs SDC!-1nCltes

reelles ou pretendus," Sodal Comj)ass, vol. 46, no. 4 (1999)·

A MIN, SAM I R. "Mondialisation et democratic, une contradiction n1l\ieure

de notre epoque," Recherches Inte1'7lationales, no. 55 (1999).


AM IN, SAM I R. "Quelles altematives it la dimensioll destructive de l'accumulation

du capital?" Alternatives Sud, vol. VIII, no. 2

AM IN, SAMIR. "Marxetla

" La Pensee, no. 328

AMIN, SA MIR. "Mondialisation ou apartheid al'echelle Ulondiale,"

Actuel Mm'X, no. 31 (2002).


Achcar, Gilbert, 21
62,63-64; class and, 64,

Afghanistan, 80, 97
74-77,78, 79, 83, 109; short-sighted­

Africa, 70,81,98 ness of, 80-81. See also liberalism

agribusiness, 31, 33
American imperialism, 10, >l2-26,

agriculture, 31-36,100-101; Marxist,

63-64, 76, 8~h 112; and European

34-35; mechanization of,32;

compared, 80-81; liberalism and, 87.

peasant, 31-34, 35~J6, 100

See alfo militalY, U.S.; United States

American Blacks, 65, 68, 72-73

Americanization, 96-97

American ideolo2:V. 59-7:h 81; cOIllmu­ American Revolution, 64-65

nitarianism and, 62, 66, 67-68, 71;

~~~r.h~;A 20,26. See also racism

democracy and, 68, 70; European

Arab World, 78-79, 97

background to, 60-63; hcaldl care

armament sector, 105. See also

and, 72; immigration and, 66;judici­ 70, 97; financial in (1997), 99

ary and, 72-73; presiden tial system

Atlanticism, 87-88, 90, 93

and, 69-70; Protestant sects and, 61,

Aznar Lopez,]ose Maria, 93

Balkans, 97
Blacks. See American Blacks

Bandung position, 98, 102

Tony, 92-93

Berlusconi, Silvio, 22, 93

Blum, 81



~olshevlsm, 50 Braudel, Fernand, 17 D

bonapartism,70 Brittain, Leon, 88
debt, of South, 101-2, 106 democratization, 78-79, 83; of the
bourgeoisie, 58, 60, 61, 90 bureaucracy, 71--72
deficit, American, gl, 99,104-6 South, no
bourgeois social 15,20,21, Bush, George H. W., 79
democracy, 58,60,82; citizen, 27,31, development, 16,3°,42; in the South, 107
44,47,57 Bush,George W., 8, 22, 73, 79,88,93,109
50-51; credibility of, 40, 47; equality divine mission, 63-64
56; in Europe, 96; individual Doha conference (2001),31-32,33
vs. in, 48~-49; legitima<..), of; dominant class, 21--22,36,60, 63, 66.
Canada,67 Chirac,jacques, 93
40; low-intensity, 21, 29, 42-47,68, See also bourgeoisie; rnling class
capitalism, g, 13-19, 47-48, 74, 78; Christianity, 60, 62. See also under
70; market and, 9-10,45,46- 47; dom.inated classes. 14, 73. See also
contradictions of. 56; economic laws Protestant
modernity and, 4:" 54-55; retreat peasantry; classes;
and, 13, 14; expansion of, 17-18, 49; Winston, 9$
from, 79; rights of, 45-46; social, working class
globalization of, 18, 19, 23-24; citizen democracy, 27,31, 50-51
5°,59,83-84,91; in the United "double standards" prJl1lClpli~,
irmlO-inarv. ll, 41; industrialization citizen II
States, 68, 69, 70-71 Dreyfus affair (France), 7:,
and, 17-18, 23; instability of, 14'-15; citizenship, 45, 46
labor power and, 32 '$3; market civil rights, 65. See also rights E
deregulation and, 13--14; ",,,Apr, Clash of Civilizations (Huntington), 80
Eastern 84, go, 93, 95, 109 Engels, Friedrich, 60
and, 54, 55; obsolescence of, 19-20, class consciousness, 46, 57,66-67,69
economic allenaUOI 31,45,57 English Cornmon Law, 72
21,27; pauperization and, 40-41, 42; class strncture, 26. See also specific class
economic crisis, gl Enlightenment, 15, 20, 44, 45, 61, 63
polarization and, 23, 29-30; princi· class struggle, 15, 55, 6g
economic power, 57,58-59,67,77. See also
44; Refonnation and, 62-63; Cold War, 90

economics, 47,82; laws of, 13, 14, 15-16,

social relations and, 13, 14, 19, 48. collectivized agriculture, 35

18; political life and, 8, 9-10,44-45, ethics, capitalist, 48

See also market; transnational communism, 75, 93

54,59,67,68 Euro,95-96
Castells, Manuel, 24 communitarianism, 20, 62, 66, 67-68,71
economic strategy, for the Soulb, 99-100 Europe, 58-59, 64, 80, 106, 107-10;
Catholicism, 62, 63, 69 competition, 14, 17,33,48,100,103-4.
economic theory, 41 ag;riculture 105; bureaucra<..'Y
Caucasus region, 97 See also market
economy: North American, 104-5; in, 71; capitalism in, 57; class con­
Central Asia, 97 70,71
social democracy and, 50 sciousness in, 66-67; Eastern, 84,
hamberlaill, Neville, 93 consumerism, 49,50,105
emancipation, 53, 54-55. See also 90,93,95,109; economic autonomy
China, 10, 57, 76,88,105 cultural 111,-12
liberation of, 89; health care in, 72; hil!h tech­
employment, 16,17 nology in, 105; Hider and,
l'Enarclde, 71,85 in, 73; left in, 83, 90, 92, 94, 95,

108-9; liberal virus in, 7, 69; origills European cOllstitution, 96 H

ofliberal ideology in, 53, 60-6:~; European pr~ject, 87-97; Americaniza­ Hardt, 22-23,25 technolo~y products, 104-5
culture of, 108-10; Protes­ tion and, 96-97; Atlanticism and, health care, 72 15,17,80
tantism in, 66-67; social rl"mn"r~"v 87-88 ,9°,93; left and, 90, 92, 94, hegcmonism, American, 10, 84, 111; Hider, Adolph, 80, 81, 84, 85, 92-93,
in, 50, 83,-84; welfare state 01, 19. 95, 108-9; obstacles to, 95-97; imperialism and, 23, 25, 26, 76; mili­ 109. See also Herrenvolk (master nIce)
See also Triad alliances 94-95
tary power and, 75, 76, 88, 104 Huntington, Samuel, 21, 80
United States); and sPecific cou.ntry European Union, 95
Herrenvolk (master race), 64, 77, 81 Hussein, Saddam, 93

feminist movcmcnts, 40 imperialism of, 81;jllstice in, 7:~ imnug:rants, 40, 64, 66, 67 Illeqllamy, 29,30, :33, 56; capllilllsm
food products, 100-101. See also freedom, 57-58. See also emancipation; American, 10, 22-26, and,16, See also
liberty 6:3-64, 76, 83; American vs. internationalism, 95, 102, 110-11

French Revolution, 60, 61, 63, European, 80-81; collective, 103; internationaliaw, 77, 84, 101
foreign jnvp~tn)Pt)f !)9 65,69; bourgeoisie and, 57, 58 globalization and, 20; Triad International Monetary Fund (IMF),

France, 70, 71, 98; Euro and, 96; 8 (Europe, japan, United States), 25,99
European project and, 88, 9 1, 94, 95; 22-2:~, ~5, 26, 92-9:3, 103-4; Iraq, 93; U.S. intervention in, 24, 26,
violence 27. See also hegemonism, 78 ,88,97,9 8
G American Islamic dictatorships, 79
66 77,78 ,79
genocide, 33, 34, 35, 65, 87 103; development and, 107;
industrialization, 17-18, 2:3 ~~,63
GermanY,96, European project imperialism and, 20; militarizing,

and, 88, 91, 94, 95; Nazis in, 64, 82 107-8; South and, 97; state erosion
84 and, 18,24-25,27
Giscard ~ln~ , .. ~,!~-
96 Great Britain, 81, 90, 95, 96, 109 jacobins,56-57 j udaiSlll, 62
glohalization, 19,41-42,76,82,102; 99 japan, 105, 106, 107-8. See also Triad justice, 56, 65,72-73, 91

capitalist, 23-24; cOlllpetition and, (Europe, japan, United States)

Karzai, Hanud, 80 Kuwait, 78

Kautsky, Karl, 34-35



labor power, 58. See also class parties and, 68; vision national churches, 60-61 neoliberalism, 108,109. See also
Latin America, 42, 70, 105 9-11. See also American natiollalliberation movements, 18, 70 liberalism
left, 26,41; European, 83, 90, 9.2,94, Iiheral virus, 7--8, 11, 84, 95, 96, 108; nation state. See state New England, 61, 63, 67

95,108-9 democracy and, 51; in Europe, 7, 90; NATO Atlantic nonaligned countties, 98, 102
Leninism, 35 globalization and, 41-42 Organization), 25, 75, 76,84 North, 101, 107
liberalism, 19, .27, 29, 50,102, 109; liheration, 48, 53, 57, 82; national, 18, 90 Nazis, 64, 82. See also Hitler, North AnJetican 33,65
adherence to, 88; Americanjustice liherty, 48,57, master race nuclear weapons, 82
72-73; European project and, Martin, 6o Antonio, 22-24, 25, 78 Nyerere,juliu8,70
87,89,91-92; ideology of, 55, 67; lynching of Blacks, 65
IMF and, 99; para-theory of, 29; P

Palestinians, 79, 97 power, 53-54, 71, 9 6

Paris-Berlin-Moscow-Peking axis, 111 popular classes, 58,60, 61, 70-71, 91;
McCarthyism, 75, 83 hegemony 75, ]6, 88, 104; parliamentary regimes, 70 capitalism and, 63; consciousness of,
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 63 interventions by, 24, .27, 83, 97-98. pauperization, 29, 31, 39-41 69; in Europe, 89; new worker
Malaysia, 99 See also Iraq, U.S. intervention in peasantry, 40-41, 60; agriculture of, question and, 36-42; pauperization
Maoislll, 35. See also China millenarian movements, 61 31-:34, 35-36,100 of, 39-41. See also under' class;
market, 15, 16, 21, 78; a!,rrieultural, 35-.36, Mohutu Sese Seko, 47 permanent war, 24, 81 peasantry; working class
100-101; capitalism and, 13, 16-17; 48,5:3-56,69; capitalism petroleum resources, 75, 78, 81, 98, postmodernisll1, 11, 19, 20, 47, 56, 67
democracy and, 9-10, 45, 46-47; and, 54, 55; democracy and, 43, 105,108 poverty, 30, 31, 39,41,42. See allO
deregldation of; 13-14; poverty and, 41 54-55; power polarization, 23, 29-31,41,55 pauperization
Marx, Karl, 14, 15,30,42,60, 62 See also postmodcrnism political alliances, 94-95 presidential system, 69-70
Marxism, 9,34-35 modernization, 107 political class, 93 preventative war, 77, 98, 106
master race (HeTTenvolk), 64,77,81 monarchy, 60, 61, 64,69 culture, European, 90, 108-'10 property, 17, 44. See also
middle class, 36,39,40,68 monopolies, 14, 2:3, 25, 100 political mtervenbon, 23 property owners
Middle East, 97 Montagnards, political life, 13; bourgeois and, production: social relations of, 14;
military, 78 ,81,95,99,106; Mussolilli, 93 21; capitalism and, 18; citizen, 11; in United States, 104-5

class struggle and, 55; economic life productivi ty, agricultural, 32, 36

and, 8,g-10,44-45, 54,59, 67, 68 profit/ability, 16, 17, 64, 65

parties, 70; workers', 57,67,68 propaganda, 76, 82

IN D EX 127
property owners, 44, 45, 60, 65 Protestant sects, 61, 62, 63-64
Stiglitz,Joseph,82 SnPI'Cme Court, 7:3
property rights, 100 public opinion, 7,3,88
Protestantism, 66- 67 service, 71-72 '1'
Protestant Reformatioll, (lo, (l2-6,3 puppet governments, 80, 83, gS, 110
technological knowledge, 30 totalitarianism, 50. See also Stalinism

technological revolution, 26, 27 Touraine, Alain, 24

technology products, 104-5 trade unions, 37, 67
racism, 26, 65, (l8, 72 73 Ritkin,Jeremy,24
terrorism, 75, 77, 79 transnational capital, ll, 77-78, 8.'3, 100;
Rawls,John,24 the, 84, 90, 92, 93, llO
Texas, 8, 84 agribusiness, 31; competition and,
Reason, 8, 10, 15, 44, 45, 47 rights, 45-46,48,77,79
Third World, 22, 38,82-83, 100, 106; 104; development and, 107;
Reformation, 60, (l2-(l3 class, ,39, 62, go;
development in, 42; diversity in, Ill; Europe and, 89, 92; solidarity of,
religion, 54, 64, 73-74. See also sj)(;ciju: American ideology
64,74-77, investment in, 99; pauperization of, 106; South and, no
religion or sect 78 ,79,8,3, 109 40. See also South, the Triad (Europe, Japan, United States),
Renaissance, 63
88,9 1, 95, 108 1bbin Tax, 96 58-59,75,87,102,106; imperialist sys­
Republicans, 7,3
Russian revolution, 57 Todd, Emmanuel, 105 tem and. 22-23, 25,26,92-93,103-4


Saudi project, 79 solidarity, 49; of South, 97-102

underdevelopment, 42 19; Ilberty in, 58-59; military inter­
secularization, 54, 60, 64 the, 10, 82, 89, 93, 110, ll2;
unions, 37,67 ventions by, 24; political culture
slavery, 65 question in, 34; agricultural United Nations (UN), 25, n, 95 61; productive system of, 104-5;
social crisis, 91, 109 question, 100-101; debt of, 101-2; United States: armament sector in, 105; Protestant fundamentalism in,
social democracy, 50, 59, 83-84, 91 development in, 107; economic as best model, 10; deficit of, 91, 99, 6,3-64; as rogue state, 81-82. See also
social Europe, 92 strategy for, 99-100; solidarity of, 104-6; democracy in, 68, 69, 70-71; under American; military,
socialism, 27, 35; democracy and, 49-50 97-102; urban population in, 37; war divine mission of, 6,3-64, 65; Euro­ Triad (Europe,japan, United States)
socialist experiments, 10 agaiust, 91. See also Third World pean pr~ject and, 94; global strategy universalism, 20, 60-61, 111-12.
social progress, 42, 107 South Korea, 105
See also internationalism

of, 75-78; hegemony of, 10,2,3,25,

social struggle, 41 Soviet Union (USSR), 10,50,76 ,8,3,
26,75,76,84,88, 104, Ill; Iraq and, urban population, .'36, 37-39

society/social relations, 69; capitalism 90. See also Russia

24,26,78,88,97,98; liberalism in, utopia, 19, 50

1,3,14,19,49; economic laws Stalinism, ,35, 109

and, 18; individual rights and,48-49; state, 17, 54, 56,69; glohalization and,
liberal vision of, 9-11; market and, 9 18,24-25,27 violence, 56, 59, 61,81. See also military; war
1~8 THE L·1 Il F. R A L V I R U S

wage earners, 36, 37, 39, See also

women's 40 ,45

working class
workers' 57,67,68

Immanuel, 25
class, 38, 45, 91; new worker

Walras, Leon, 15
36-42; pauperization of~

war, 88, go, 91; permanent, 24, 81;

39-4 1; wages of, 36, :37, :39, 58

"'nrp'Vpnhtlvp." 77, 98, 106

World Bank, 25, 82, 8,3, 101

wealth, polarization of, 55. See also world market, 35-:36; competition

pauperizatioll 10,3-4; for food products, 100-101.


weapons of mass destruction, 77. See also globalization

See also nuclear weapons
World Trade Or~nizatiol1

Weber, Max, 60, 62

25, 100; Doha conference

Welfare State, 19, 46

Western 90






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