Focus4 2E Placement Test
Focus4 2E Placement Test
Focus4 2E Placement Test
42 When we get to New Zealand, we’ll ___ nearly 61 If you ___ in a band, those girls wouldn’t have
19,000 kilometres. screamed at you in the street.
A be flying B have been flying A weren’t B aren’t
C fly D have flown C wouldn’t be D wouldn’t have been
43 ___ of the people at the reception were from the 62 We wouldn’t have to do this extra homework if
bride’s family. we ___ late this morning.
A Most B Every C Each D Much A wouldn’t be B wouldn’t have been
44 My parents couldn’t come to the party. ___ of C haven’t been D hadn’t been
them were ill. 63 Do you know who ___ the term radioactivity?
A Either B Both C All D A couple A received B gained C coined D achieved
45 On my birthday I always ___ myself to a piece of 64 She has a(n) ___ for teaching. All students love
chocolate cake. her.
A send B pay C treat D give A potential B contribution C aptitude D mention
46 Sometimes it’s better to pay ___ for something 65 Children’s eyes should ___ at school.
more expensive. The quality is usually much A check B have checked
better. C be checked D to be checked
A out B away C down D up 66 Did you enjoy ___ on TV yesterday?
47 Don’t be late for the party, ___? A be interviewed B to be interviewed
A do you B don’t you C will you D won’t you C being interviewed D been interviewed
48 Let’s celebrate our good luck, ___? 67 ___ that violent computer games can cause
A won’t we B don’t we C will we D shall we young people to become more aggressive.
49 It’s very kind of you but you ___ have bought me A Is said B It is said
a present. C It has said D What’s said
A needn’t B mustn’t C ought not D didn’t 68 Over one hundred million people are believed
50 I ___ to have gone out on the night before my ___ blogs last year.
exam. A to start B having started
A shouldn’t B ought not C needn’t D mustn’t C to have started D have started
51 Before entering the job ___, she wants to 69 The TV documentary showed how big cats catch
graduate. their ___.
A world B market C path D career A trash B habitat C species D prey
52 A more challenging job will help you ___ your full 70 Did you see the news report? There’s a lion on
potential. the ___. It escaped from the zoo!
A reach B get C increase D improve A loose B release C captivity D area
53 They wanted to know ___ start work that day. 71 I wish I ___ lying on a beach right now.
A if could I B if can I C if I can D if I could A am B was C would be D have been
54 Our boss told us ___ talk while we were working. 72 I’d rather we ___ so much time indoors.
A don’t B to not C not D not to A didn’t spend B wouldn’t spend
55 Our employer recommended ___ on a training C haven’t spent D don’t spend
course. 73 It’s time people ___ taking climate change
A to go B us going C going D we to go seriously.
56 The other employees accused me ___ too A start B would start C had started D started
quickly! 74 ___ has happened is that the forests have been
A of working B to work cut down.
C for working D that I work A It B What C This D That
57 The advert didn’t give an accurate impression. 75 Never ___ so scared as I was during the
Why would anyone ___ the truth like that? earthquake.
A distort B fake C mislead D misinform A I had felt B I felt C had I felt D I did feel
58 You shouldn’t take every story at ___ value! 76 James doesn’t look like his mum. He ___ after his
I don’t believe this one is real. dad.
A genuine B its C face D head A puts B goes C takes D gets
59 We’ll finish this evening ___ we work really hard. 77 Her jokes make fun of politicians in a rather ___
A until B providing C supposing D unless way.
60 ___ you been awake, you’d have known how the A accepting B irreverent
film ended. C obstinate D considerate
A Were B Had C If D Providing
78 The family ___ in the house for over twenty years 97 I don’t mind what we do – I’ll just ___ with the
when they moved last month. flow!
A have lived B were living A go B be C run D make
C have been living D had been living 98 Doing this training now will ___ you in good stead
79 I was sure the business ___ a success one day. for the future.
A would be B is going to be A put B set C stand D get
C will be D was supposed to be 99 They live in a little house ___ by trees.
80 Exam time is always really ___ for me – I can A which surrounds B that surrounded
never relax! C surrounded D surrounding
A frazzled B plastered C manic D regurgitated 100 You can come ___ it’s convenient for you.
81 He ___ from the company for years before he A whenever B wherever C whatever D whoever
was finally caught.
A could steal B must be stealing
C might be stealing D may have been stealing
82 I’m sure someone helped her. She ___ all this by
A can’t have done B must have done
C must do D can’t do
83 I was lucky because I got ___ excellent education.
A some B an C the D–
84 Do you have any special ___ requirements?
A diet B eating C dish D dietary
85 The dessert was delicious so he ___.
A wolfed B wolfed down
C wolfed down it D wolfed it down
86 The talk seemed to drag ___ for ever!
A out B on C away D up
87 Break the chocolate ___ into small pieces.
A up B out C away D down
88 The singer has a huge fan ___ among young
A crowd B number C group D base
89 The old technology has now ___ by the wayside.
A gone B fallen C dropped D slipped
90 The American runner ___ the winner after a
review by the judges.
A declared B was declared
C declared to be D was declared to
91 She was seen ___ clothes from a shop.
A stole B stolen C to steal D stealing
92 ___ of fact, I need to leave now.
A As matter B In a matter
C As a matter D For a matter
93 We slaved ___ until late at night.
A on B up C out D away
94 This injury could mean ___ stop playing tennis.
A he having to B he have to
C his having to D his have to
95 My little brother resents ___ what to do.
A me telling him B if I tell him
C I should tell him D I tell
96 They hope the security cameras will deter people
___ the building.
A to enter B from entering
C for entering D not to enter