Frenillo Lingual

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Received: 18 November 2020    Accepted: 21 December 2020

DOI: 10.1111/joor.13144


Assessment of posterior tongue mobility using lingual-

palatal suction: Progress towards a functional definition of

Soroush Zaghi1  | Shayan Shamtoob1 | Cynthia Peterson1 | Loree Christianson1 |

Sanda Valcu-Pinkerton1 | Zahra Peeran1,2 | Brigitte Fung3 | Daniel Kwok-keung Ng4 |
Triin Jagomagi5 | Nicole Archambault6 | Bridget O’Connor7 | Kathy Winslow8 |
Miche’ Lano9 | Janine Murdock9 | Lenore Morrissey10 | Audrey Yoon11

The Breathe Institute, Los Angeles, CA,
USA Abstract
Happy Kids Dental Planet, Agoura Hills, Background: A functional definition of ankyloglossia has been based on assessment
of tongue mobility using the tongue range of motion ratio (TRMR) with the tongue
Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong
tip extended towards the incisive papilla (TIP). Whereas this measurement has been
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong helpful in assessing for variations in the mobility of the anterior one-third of the
Kong, Hong Kong tongue (tongue tip and apex), it may be insufficient to adequately assess the mobil-
Institute of Dentistry and Unimed United
ity of the posterior two-thirds body of the tongue. A commonly used modification is
Clinics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Minds in Motion, Santa Monica, CA, USA to assess TRMR while the tongue is held in suction against the roof of the mouth in
O’Connor Dental Health, Cork, Ireland lingual-palatal suction (LPS).
Objective: This study aims to explore the utility and normative values of TRMR-LPS
Independent Researcher, Half Moon Bay,
as an adjunct to functional assessment of tongue mobility using TRMR-TIP.
South County Pediatric Speech, Mission
Viejo, CA, USA Study Design: Cross-sectional cohort study of 611 subjects (ages: 3-83 years) from
Be Well Collaborative Care, Huntington the general population.
Beach, CA, USA
Methods: Measurements of tongue mobility using TRMR were performed with TIP
Division of Growth and Development,
Section of Pediatric Dentistry, UCLA School and LPS functional movements. Objective TRMR measurements were compared
of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA with subjective self-assessment of resting tongue position, ease or difficulty elevat-
Correspondence ing the tongue tip to the palate, and ease or difficulty elevating the tongue body to
Soroush Zaghi, The Breathe Institute, 10921 the palate.
Wilshire Blvd Suite 912, Los Angeles, CA
90024 USA. Results: There was a statistically significant association between the objective meas-
Email: [email protected] ures of TRMR-TIP and TRMR-LPS and subjective reports of tongue mobility. LPS
Funding information measurements were much more highly correlated with differences in elevating the
The Breathe Institute; Academy of Applied posterior body of the tongue as compared to TIP measurements (R 2 0.31 vs 0.05,
Myofunctional Sciences; Foundation for
Airway Health P < .0001).
Conclusions: This study validates the TRMR-LPS as a useful functional metric for as-
sessment of posterior tongue mobility.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

J Oral Rehabil. 2021;00:1–9.  |     1
2       ZAGHI et al.


ankyloglossia, classification of ankyloglossia, frenulum, functional ankylglossia, grading scale,

lingual-palatal suction, myofunctional, myofunctional therapy, oro-facial myofunctional
disorder, oromyofascial dysfunction, posterior tongue mobility, tongue-tie

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N tongue mobility.9,13 The tongue range of motion ratio (TRMR) based
on work by Irene Marchesan25 was validated as a useful tool for the
Restricted tongue mobility has long been appreciated to impact assessment of tongue mobility in children, adolescents and adults.13
1,2 3,4 5
speech, feeding and oral hygiene and more recently has also The tool is based on a ratio of vertical extension of the tongue to
been potentially implicated in maxillofacial development,6,7 mouth the incisive papilla (TIP) in comparison with the maximal interincisal
breathing,8 myofascial tension9 and even sleep-disordered breath- mouth opening. Whereas this measurement has been helpful in
ing.10,11Whereas ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) has been described as a serving as an initial screening tool to assess for variations in the mo-
condition of restricted tongue mobility caused by a restrictive lin- bility of the anterior one-third of the tongue (tongue tip and apex),
gual frenulum,12 there are many other causes for impaired tongue we hypothesise that the measurement may be insufficient to ade-
mobility (such as airway obstruction and lack of generalised prac- quately assess the mobility of the posterior two-thirds (or body) of
tice, as well as inadequate tongue space and extraoral fascial restric- the tongue. A commonly used modification is to assess the tongue
tions, among other factors) that are often underappreciated. The range of motion while the tongue is held in suction against the roof
term ‘functional ankyloglossia’ is used to characterise limitations of of the mouth in lingual-palatal suction (LPS). Tongue strength can
tongue mobility that may or may not be directly attributable to a also be assessed by measuring the endurance with which the pa-
structural restriction in the lingual frenulum.13 tients are able to sustain this posture. This manuscript aims to ex-
The lingual frenulum is a dynamic three-dimensional structure plore the utility and normative values of LPS as an objective tool
formed by a central fold in a layer of fascia that extends across the for assessing the mobility and endurance of the posterior two-thirds
floor of the mouth with high degree of morphologic variability be- body of the tongue.
tween different individuals.14 The presence or absence of a short
or tight lingual frenulum alone may or may not be directly associ-
ated with impairments of tongue mobility.15 Many patients with re- 2 | M E TH O DS
strictive lingual frenulum may have only minor difficulties and may
compensate for limitations in tongue movement.16 Patients may 2.1 | Study design
compensate for tongue movement, for example by lifting the man-
dible and/or the floor of the mouth.9 The compensations, in some Cross-sectional multicenter cohort study of subject ages three and
cases, may not be benign and can be the genesis of future oro-facial up from the general population surveyed in a standardised fashion
myofunctional or temporomandibular disorders.33 by interdisciplinary professionals trained in the evaluation of oro-
The word ‘ankyloglossia’ (ie tongue-tie) is etymologically derived facial myofunctional disorders at 10 sites including researchers in
from ancient Greek by the words ‘ankúlos’ which means ‘to bend’ or the United States, Hong Kong, Estonia and Ireland as part of the
‘crooked, curved, rounded’ and ‘glôssa’, which refers to the ‘tongue’; Functional Airway Evaluation Screening Tool (FAIREST) study. The
as such ankyloglossia most appropriately refers to alterations in the study was approved by Solutions IRB on 3-16-18; IRB Protocol #
mobility of the tongue that may sometimes be attributable to a tight 2018/03/4. Data were collected between 22 March 2018 and 5
or short lingual frenulum. According to a recent clinical consensus August 2018. Subjects recruited include friends, family, colleagues
statement among otolaryngologists on ankyloglossia,12 however, and private clients of the researchers who volunteered without fi-
there appears to be a bias towards considering restrictions of the nancial compensation and provided written informed consent to
lingual frenulum as the primary or sole determinant of tongue mo- participate. Exclusion criteria were syndromic craniofacial disor-
bility. One of the biggest limiting factors for clinical research on the der (eg Downs, Treacher Collins, Crouzon, Apert); history of tra-
topic of ‘functional ankyloglossia’ is the paucity of objective mea- cheostomy dependence; prior history of laryngeal, subglottic, or
surements to define the presence or absence of the condition. Most pulmonary airway stenosis or surgery; pregnant women; mentally/
definitions of the condition are based on structural characterisations emotionally/developmentally disabled; impaired decision-making
of the lingual frenulum15,17-19 or subjective descriptions of mobil- capacity; and prisoners. There were 21 objective screening tool
ity, 20-24 as there are limited objective tools to actually quantify func- items and an 8-item subjective screening tool questionnaire com-
tional variations in tongue mobility on a continuous numeric scale. 25 pleted by both subject and a FAIREST researcher. (See Supplement
Recently, our group demonstrated the need for moving towards for FAIREST-21 Questionnaire; also available online at http://www.
a functional definition of ankyloglossia based on assessment of FAIRE​S
ZAGHI et al. |

2.2 | Objective assessment of tongue mobility For maximum interincisal mouth opening measurements, patients
were instructed to open the mouth as wide as possible without
Step 1: Measurement of maximum interincisal mouth opening with pain or discomfort. The measurements were obtained on the first
the mouth opened as wide as possible without pain or discomfort, mouth opening to avoid jaw protrusion or excessive translation
that is comfortable mouth opening (CMO). at the temporomandibular joint. For TIP measurements, subjects
Step 2: Measurement of the maximum interincisal mouth open- were instructed to ‘Lift the tip of your tongue up to the incisive
ing while the tongue tip is extended to the incisive papilla (TIP). papilla behind the upper front teeth and open your mouth as
Step 3: Measurement of the maximum interincisal mouth open- wide as you can without pain or discomfort’. This measurement
ing while the tongue body is held against the palate in lingual-palatal is obtained with the tongue at the incisive papilla which is slightly
suction (LPS). anterior to ‘the spot’ landmark which is used during training with
Step 4: TRMR-TIP is calculated as a percentage of TIP divided myofunctional therapy, see Figure  1. For LPS measurements, pa-
by CMO. tients were instructed to ‘Lift and suction the entire tongue up to
Step 5: TRMR-LPS is calculated as a percentage of LPS divided the palate (as if about to make a click sound) and open your mouth
by CMO. as wide as you can without pain or discomfort’, see Figure 2. Other
All measurements were obtained using a tongue range of mo- objective assessments in this study included endurance of LPS
tion instrument (Great Lakes Orthodontics) with the subjects sit- (length of time that subjects could sustain lingual-palatal suction)
ting upright in a natural head position with a horizontal visual axis. up to 30 seconds.

F I G U R E 1   For assessment of anterior tongue mobility, maximum interincisal mouth opening with the tongue tip to the incisive papilla
(TIP) is compared with the maximum interincisal mouth opening with the mouth opened as wide as possible without pain or discomfort
(comfortable mouth opening, CMO); the percentage of TIP divided by CMO is defined as the TRMR-TIP. For assessment of posterior tongue
mobility, maximum interincisal mouth opening with the tongue in lingual-palatal suction (LPS) is compared with CMO; the percentage of LPS
divided by CMO is defined as the TRMR-LPS. Note: Lingual-palatal suction (LPS) is also described as ‘tongue suction’, ‘suction hold’, ‘tongue
click and hold’ or ‘cave’ among the myofunctional therapy community
4       ZAGHI et al.

F I G U R E 2   Case examples of moderately and severely restricted TIP and LPS tongue mobility

2.3 | Subjective assessments standard deviation (SD) and standard error (SE) where applicable.
Categorical variables are summarised as frequencies and percent-
Other assessments included in the analysis for this manuscript from ages. Univariate analysis with Pearson's chi-square or independent
the FAIREST dataset included the following self-assessment items t test (continuous variables) was performed to assess for nominal
rated subjectively on a 4-point Likert scale: resting tongue position, or continuous covariates of TIP and LPS tongue mobility (mm IMO
ease or difficulty elevating the tongue tip to the palate, ease or dif- and % TRMR) vs. subjective reports of tongue mobility and clinical
ficulty elevating the tongue body to the palate; mouth breathing, history. Due to the testing of multiple variables for each outcome,
slouching posture and positional sleep. a two-tailed P-value < .01 was selected as the cut-off for statisti-
cal significance.

2.4 | Clinical history
3 | R E S U LT S
Measurements of mouth opening and tongue mobility were strati-
fied based on the presence or absence of the following clinical his- There were 611 subjects who participated in the tongue mobility
tory items: orthodontic treatment, myofunctional therapy, lingual assessments with average age: 20 ± 20 years (range 3-83 years),
frenectomy, tonsillectomy and temporomandibular joint disorder. including 23 pre-school children (ages 3-5), 257 grade-school chil-
dren (ages 3-11), 75 adolescents (age 12-17), 106 young adults (age
18-35), 130 adults (age 36-64) and 20 seniors (age ≥ 65). Gender
2.5 | Statistical analysis distribution was 52.0% female. The overall mean  ±  standard de-
viation (SD) of the TRMR was 61.5  ±  16.8% for anterior tongue
Statistical analyses were performed using JMP Pro 14 (SAS mobility (TIP) and 41.4  ±  19.5% for posterior tongue mobility
Institute Inc). Continuous variables are summarised as mean (M) ± (LPS), P  <  .0001, see Figures  3 and 4. Stratification by cohorts
ZAGHI et al. |

revealed that the tongue mobility and comfortable mouth open- been used to demonstrate an association of restricted tongue mobil-
ing measurements were modestly reduced in the child age cohort ity to development of the maxillary arch and elongation of the soft
(P  <  .0001) but not significantly affected by gender (P  =  .1500), palate,6 as well as case selection in lingual frenuloplasty and myo-
see Table 1. functional therapy for the treatment of mouth breathing, snoring,
There was a statistically significant association between the ob- clenching and myofascial tension in appropriately selected patient
jective measures of tongue mobility (TRMR-TIP and TRMR-LPS) and candidates.9
subjective reports of (a) difficulty elevating the tip of the tongue to In the present study, a cross-sectional analysis was performed
the incisive papilla, (b) difficulty elevating the body of the tongue to to take measurements of tongue mobility using TIP as well as LPS
the palate; and (c) tongue resting position. LPS measurements were among subjects in the general population. This study validates TIP
much more highly correlated with differences in elevating the poste- measurements as an effective assessment of anterior tongue mobil-
rior body of the tongue as compared to TIP measurements (R 2 0.31 ity and LPS measurements as an effective assessment of posterior
vs 0.05), see Figure 5. tongue mobility. The advantage of the LPS measurement is that it
Mean endurance for LPS was 21.1 ± 11.0 seconds. The endur- best describes one of the main functional outcome goals of myo-
ance for LPS was significantly lower among patients with low resting functional therapy: achieving tongue body to palate contact requisite
tongue position (17.9  ±  12.2  seconds, P  <  .0001) as well patients for establishing ideal resting oral posture and swallow mechanics.
with habitual mouth breathing (15.9 ± 12.6 seconds, P < .0001). LPS measurements have been used to track progress with tongue
Patients with prior clinical history of myofunctional therapy, strengthening and rehabilitation in myofunctional, speech and swal-
temporomandibular joint disorder and orthodontic treatment low therapy protocols.9 Measurements for this study were taken at
demonstrated mildly increased values for TRMR-TIP and TRMR-LPS. 10 sites internationally for maximal external validity, but it should be
Other clinical history including whether the patient had a prior lin- noted that the recruitment of friends and family of the researchers
gual frenectomy or tonsillectomy did not significantly impact TRMR may have introduced selection bias that can affect generalisability.
measurements, see Table 2. The present work is one of the largest series in the literature
with normative ranges and values for TIP and LPS in n = 611 sub-
jects ages 3-83  years, building on the prior report of frenulum
4 | D I S CU S S I O N length and TIP measurements in n = 200 children aged 6-12 years
by Ruffoli,15 n = 98 subjects with age > 18 years with TIP and LPS
The present study demonstrates normative values for anterior measurements by Marchesan25 and n = 1052 subjects ages six and
and posterior tongue mobility using TIP and LPS functional move- up with TIP and Kotlow free-tongue measurements by Yoon et al13
ments. The results in this study build on the work by Yoon et al13 and The present work identifies TIP-TRMR of <50% and LPS-TRMR of
Marchesan. The prior studies helped establish and validate a func- <30% to be considered as representative of moderately restricted
tional approach to the assessment of ankyloglossia based on vertical anterior and posterior tongue mobility, respectively, among subjects
extension of tongue mobility compared with mouth opening (de- ages 12-65 + years. The results in this manuscript demonstrate that
scribed in this manuscript as the TRMR-TIP assessment). TRMR-TIP TRMR measurements may be unreliable in pre-school and grade-
was found to be a more reliable tool for the functional assessment school children (ages 3-11 years), see Table 3. In the prior work by
of tongue mobility in comparison with the traditional assessment of Marchesan, 25 LPS measurements were described, but abandoned
ankyloglossia which was based on the structural free-tongue17 or because TIP measurements were found to be more highly associ-
frenulum length.15 Since that time, the TRMR-TIP measurement has ated with structurally apparent alterations of the lingual frenulum.

F I G U R E 3   Distribution of measurements for TRMR-TIP and TRMR-LPS

6       ZAGHI et al.

F I G U R E 4   Box plot showing median

and interquartile ranges for TRMR-TIP and

TA B L E 1   Comfortable mouth opening, tongue mobility and TRMR by age cohorts


Overall 611 43.7 ± 7.3 26.8 ± 8.1 18.6 ± 8.0 61.5 ± 16.8% 41.4 ± 19.5%

Age cohort
Pre-school children 23 37.0 ± 6.3* 16.9 ± 9.1* 12.7 ± 9.0%* 47.1 ± 17.5%* 25.6% ± 26.4%*
(3-5 years)*
Grade-school children 257 42.0 ± 6.3* 24.5 ± 7.4* 16.3 ± 7.7* 58.0 ± 16.3%* 36.7 ± 19.5%*
(5-11 years)*
Adolescent 75 43.7 ± 6.8 29.9 ± 7.5 20.5 ± 7.0 61.0 ± 17.1% 45.4 ± 17.9%
(12-17 years)
Young adult 106 45.6 ± 7.5 30.8 ± 7.5 21.6 ± 6.6 67.7 ± 13.1% 46.1 ± 15.2%
(18-35 years)
Adult 130 45.1 ± 8.2 29.3 ± 7.5 21.1 ± 8.4 65.7 ± 13.1% 46.9 ± 18.6%
(36-64 years)
Senior 20 46.1 ± 8.3 30.2 ± 7.9 20.4 ± 8.8 66.8 ± 16.2% 46.5 ± 22.0%
(65 + years)

Note: CMO, comfortable mouth opening; TIP, tongue to incisive papilla; LPS, lingual-palatal suction; TRMR, tongue range of motion ratio.
*All measurements were significantly reduced in pre-school and grade-school age cohorts (ages 3-11), P < .0001.

We now appreciate the potential strength of the LPS measurements and facial grimace among others. Previously, we have shown that
in identifying limitations in posterior tongue mobility that may be some patients augment the actual tongue elevation by engaging
associated with functional deficits or submucosal restrictions that the neck muscles and elevating the floor of mouth as a possible
are not readily identified by other grading scales. It is important compensation for restricted tongue mobility.9 Clinically, floor of
to emphasise that many factors can potentially impact functional mouth elevation can be controlled by providing the subject with
movements of the tongue including but not limited to airway ob- feedback or by holding a gloved finger or grooved director behind
struction, lack of generalised practice, discoordination, maladaptive the mandibular incisors and asking the patient to lift the tongue
habits, tongue-tie (ie restrictive lingual frenulum), intra-oral fascia while pressing down on the floor of mouth. Assessment of rest-
restrictions, extraoral fascia restrictions, neurogenic factors and ing tongue posture can also be assessed on CT scan26 or with
tongue space limitations. Clinical factors should always be consid- BioGlo ophthalmic fluorescence dye applied to the tongue and
ered and tongue mobility measurements alone should not be used UV light used to assess fluorescence in the palate. Each of these
in isolation for treatment planning, especially in regard to decisions tools is limited as they only provide for an assessment in a single
for frenulum surgery. moment in time rather than usual or typical tongue resting posi-
There are limitations to TIP and LPS because these assessments tion. Electropalatography with palatometer oral interfaces (such
do not take into consideration compensation patterns that may af- as SmartPalate System) could be used to allow subjects to assess
fect the measurements. Common compensation mechanisms in- tongue posture and oral movements in real time. 27-29 Tongue pres-
clude floor of mouth elevation, neck engagement, jaw protrusion sure can be assessed with Iowa Oral Performance Instrument (IOPI)
ZAGHI et al. |

F I G U R E 5   Updated grading scale for the functional classification of ankyloglossia based on the tongue range of motion ration (TRMR)
performed with TIP and LPS—building on the previous classification proposed in Yoon et al 2017. Normative values and proposed grading
scale are provided as TRMR-TIP Grade 1 > 80%, Grade 2:50%-80%, Grade 3: < 50%, Grade 4: < 25%; TRMR-LPS Grade 1 > 60%, Grade
2:30%-60%, Grade 3: <30%, Grade 4: <5% or unable to sustain. It should be noted that these measurements and grading scales may be
unreliable in patients with limited mouth opening, strain and compensation patterns, children less than 12 years of age and any other patient
who may not be able to follow the instructions for proper measurement

TA B L E 2   Comfortable mouth opening, tongue mobility and TRMR by clinical history


Prior orthodontics
No 427 42.9 ± 7.1 25.7 ± 8.1 17.6 ± 8.1 60.1 ± 17.4% 39.1 ± 20.4%
Yes 184 45.3 ± 7.3 29.3 ± 7.8 21.1 ± 7.4 64.9 ± 15.0% 46.9 ± 16.5%
P = .0002 P < .0001 P < .0001 P = .0013 P < .0001
Prior myofunctional therapy
No 579 43.7 ± 7.2 26.5 ± 8.0 18.2 ± 7.9 60.8 ± 16.6% 40.8 ± 19.5%
Yes 86 43.6 ± 7.7 28.8 ± 9.0 21.3 ± 8.2 66.1 ± 18.1% 45.7 ± 20.0%
NS P = .0146 P = .0011 P = .0066 P = .0291
Prior lingual frenectomy
No 544 43.4 ± 7.3 26.6 ± 8.0 18.5 ± 7.9 61.6 ± 16.7% 41.3 ± 19.6%
Yes 67 45.9 ± 6.7 28.2 ± 9.4 20.2 ± 9.2 61.3 ± 18.3% 42.1 ± 19.9%
P = .0082 NS NS NS NS
Prior tonsillectomy
No 608 43.5 ± 7.1 26.7 ± 8.2 18.5 ± 8.1 61.5 ± 17.0% 41.0 ± 19.8%
Yes 57 45.5 ± 8.5 28.1 ± 7.4 19.9 ± 7.6 62.8 ± 15.9% 45.0 ± 17.8%
Temporomandibular joint disorder
No 578 43.7 ± 7.1 26.4 ± 8.3 18.2 ± 8.0 60.4 ± 16.9% 40.2 ± 19.4%
Yes 87 43.3 ± 8.2 29.4 ± 7.2 21.2 ± 7.7 68.8 ± 14.7% 49.8 ± 18.9%
NS P = .0020 P = .0019 P < .0001 P < .0001
8       | ZAGHI et al.

TA B L E 3   Clinical grading scale for assessment of anterior and Hornsby and Nora Ghodousi. We acknowledge Kristie Gatto, Kim
posterior tongue mobility using the tongue range of motion ratio Rioux and Richard Baxter for reviewing and editing the article.

Anterior C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T
tongue Posterior None declared.
mobility tongue mobility

Grade Description TRMR-TIP TRMR-LPS AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S

1 Highly above average   a

>80% >60% SZ: Conception, design, data analysis, development of theory,
manuscript preparation. SS: Project coordination, data coding,
2 Normal rangea  (Mild 50%-80% 30%-60%
to average) drafting of manuscript, administrative and technical support. CP:
3 Moderately restricted <50% <30% Conception, design, development of methods, project coordina-

4 Severely restricted <25% <5% or unable

tion, development of theory, manuscript revision, administrative
to do and technical support. LC: Creation and development of theory,
a data interpretation, systematic review, editorial support, advice,
Other clinical factors (including limited mouth opening, strain and
compensation patterns) should be considered. guidance. SVP: Creation and development of theory, development
of methods, acquisition of data, interpretation of results, editorial
among other devices, 30,31 but are only reliable if performed in com- support, manuscript revision. ZP, DKN, TJ, BOC, KW, ML, JM and
bination with electromyography of the neck and jaw to control the LM: Development of methods, acquisition of data, interpretation
involvement of cervical and facial muscles that may confound in- of results, editorial support. NA: Development of methods, acqui-
tra-oral tongue pressure measurements. 32 The endurance in sec- sition of data, interpretation of results, manuscript revision. AY:
onds with which the subjects can maintain lingual-palatal suction Development of theory, data interpretation, systematic review, edi-
may be a useful metric for investigation in future studies. Tables S1 torial support, advice, guidance.
and S2 are provided as potential resources for future research and
clinical validation. DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
The data that support the findings of this study are available from
the corresponding author, Soroush Zaghi, upon reasonable request.
5 |  CO N C LU S I O N
This study validates the TRMR in lingual-palatal suction as a useful Soroush Zaghi
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21. Marchesan IQ. Lingual frenulum protocol. Int J Orofacial Myology. Supporting Information section.
22. Grandi D. The" Interdisciplinary Orofacial Examination Protocol
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How to cite this article: Zaghi S, Shamtoob S, Peterson C,
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23. Ferrés-Amat E, Pastor-Vera T, Ferrés-Amat E, Mareque-Bueno J, lingual-palatal suction: Progress towards a functional
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Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016;21(e39).
24. Martinelli Roberta Lopes de Castro, Marchesan Irene Queiroz,
Berretin-Felix Giédre. Tongue position for lingual frenulum assess-
ment. Revista CEFAC. 2020;22 (1):

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