Baroque Ornaments

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Baroque Ornaments
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Beginning on the upper note, the trill is initiated on the beat, with at least four repercussions
(although the exact number depends on the value of the note, tempo of the piece, etc.).

The top staff displays the ornament as commonly notated, the bottom staff represents how it
is actually played.

Mordents are initiated by quickly alternating the written note with the diatonic tone below.
Trill and Mordent
A combination of the previous two ornaments, or simply a trill with a termination.

The turn begins on the upper tone, returns to the written note and continues on to the tone
below, before finally concluding on the written note.

Ascending Trill
Begins on the tone below the written note, usually concluding after a minimum of four

The top staff displays the ornament as commonly notated, the bottom staff represents how it
is actually played.
Descending Trill
Begins on the tone above the written note.

Ascending Trill with Mordent

A combination of the ascending trill and mordent, or simply a trill with termination.

Descending Trill with Mordent

A combination of the descending trill with mordent, or yet another trill with termination.

Ascending Appoggiatura
The appoggiatura is always played on the beat. It takes half the value of the written note,
except when that note is dotted, it then consumes two thirds of the written note.

The top staff displays the ornament as commonly notated, the bottom staff represents how it
is actually played.

Descending Appoggiatura
Same as the previous ornament, but begins on the upper tone.

Appoggiatura and Mordent

A combination of the appoggiatura and mordent.

Appoggiatura and Trill


A combination of the appoggiatura and trill. Notice the appoggiatura receives half the value.

Appoggiatura and Trill (2)

Another possible ornament with the same purpose.

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