Chapter 4 Accounts Receivable Learning Objectives: Receivables."
Chapter 4 Accounts Receivable Learning Objectives: Receivables."
Chapter 4 Accounts Receivable Learning Objectives: Receivables."
Learning Objectives
• Classify receivables as either current or noncurrent assets.
• State the timing of recognition and measurement of trade receivables.
• Estimate the recoverable historical cost of trade receivables.
Initial Measurement
• Trade receivables that do not have a significant financing component are
measured at the transaction price in accordance with PFRS 15 Revenue from
Contracts with Customers.
• Transaction price is “the amount of consideration to which an entity expects to
be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a
customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., some
sales taxes).” (PFRS 15)
• As a practical expedient under PFRS 15, an entity may not discount a trade
receivable if it is due within 1 year.
• Trade receivable is recognized when the entity has right to consideration that is
unconditional. This is normally the case when the control over the promised
goods or services is transferred to the customer.
4. When the direct write-off method of recognizing bad debt expense is used, the entry
to write off a specific customer account would
a. increase net income.
b. have no effect on net income.
c. increase the accounts receivable balance and increase net income.
d. decrease the accounts receivable balance and decrease net income.
5. When comparing the allowance method of accounting for bad debts with the direct
write-off method, which of the following is true?
a. The direct write-off method is exact and also better illustrates the matching
b. The allowance method is less exact but it better illustrates the matching
c. The direct write-off method is theoretically superior.
d. The direct write-off method requires two separate entries to write off an
uncollectible account.
6. When the allowance method of recognizing bad debt expense is used, the entry to
record the write-off of a specific uncollectible account would decrease
a. allowance for doubtful accounts.
b. net income.
c. net realizable value of accounts receivable.
d. working capital.
a. None None
b. Decrease Decrease
c. Increase Increase
d. Decrease None
8. When the allowance method of recognizing bad debt expense is used, the entries at
the time of collection of a small account previously written off would
a. increase net income.
b. increase the allowance for doubtful accounts.
c. decrease net income.
d. decrease the allowance for doubtful accounts.
9. A method of estimating bad debts that focuses on the balance sheet rather than
the income statement is the allowance method based on
a. direct write-off.
b. aging the trade receivable accounts.
c. credit sales.
d. specific accounts determined to be uncollectible.
10.The entry