Hfh01 Introduction

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Chapter 1

Introduction to the Helicopter

A helicopter is an aircraft that is lifted and propelled by one
or more horizontal rotors, each rotor consisting of two or
more rotor blades. Helicopters are classified as rotorcraft
or rotary-wing aircraft to distinguish them from fixed-wing
aircraft, because the helicopter derives its source of lift from
the rotor blades rotating around a mast. The word “helicopter”
is adapted from the French hélicoptère, coined by Gustave de
Ponton d’Amécourt in 1861. It is linked to the Greek words
helix/helikos (“spiral” or “turning”) and pteron (“wing”).

As an aircraft, the primary advantages of the helicopter are
due to the rotor blades that revolve through the air, providing
lift without requiring the aircraft to move forward. This lift
allows the helicopter to hover in one area and to take off
and land vertically without the need for runways. For this
reason, helicopters are often used in congested or isolated
areas where fixed-wing aircraft are not able to take off or
land. [Figures 1-1 and 1-2]

Piloting a helicopter requires adequate, focused and safety-

orientated training. It also requires continuous attention
to the machine and the operating environment. The pilot
must work in three dimensions and use both arms and
both legs constantly to keep the helicopter in a desired
state. Coordination, timing and control touch are all used
simultaneously when flying a helicopter.
Figure 1-2. Search and rescue helicopter landing in a confined area.
Although helicopters were developed and built during the
first half-century of flight, some even reaching limited Turbine Age
production; it was not until 1942 that a helicopter designed by
In 1951, at the urging of his contacts at the Department of
Igor Sikorsky reached full-scale production, with 131 aircraft
the Navy, Charles H. Kaman modified his K-225 helicopter
built. Even though most previous designs used more than one
with a new kind of engine, the turbo-shaft engine. This
main rotor, it was the single main rotor with an antitorque
adaptation of the turbine engine provided a large amount of
tail rotor configuration that would come to be recognized
horsepower to the helicopter with a lower weight penalty
worldwide as the helicopter.
than piston engines, heavy engine blocks, and auxiliary
components. On December 11, 1951, the K-225 became
the first turbine-powered helicopter in the world. Two years
later, on March 26, 1954, a modified Navy HTK‑1, another
Kaman helicopter, became the first twin-turbine helicopter
to fly. However, it was the Sud Aviation Alouette II that
would become the first helicopter to be produced with a
turbine engine.

Reliable helicopters capable of stable hover flight were

developed decades after fixed-wing aircraft. This is largely
due to higher engine power density requirements than
fixed-wing aircraft. Improvements in fuels and engines
during the first half of the 20th century were critical factors
in helicopter development. The availability of lightweight
turbo-shaft engines in the second half of the 20th century led
to the development of larger, faster, and higher-performance
helicopters. While smaller and less expensive helicopters
still use piston engines, turboshaft engines are the preferred
powerplant for helicopters today.

The turbine engine has the following advantages over a

reciprocating engine:
• Less vibration
• Increased aircraft performance
Figure 1-1. Search and rescue helicopter conducting a pinnacle • Reliability
• Ease of operation

Rotor System
Due to the unique operating characteristics of the helicopter—
its ability to take off and land vertically, to hover for extended The helicopter rotor system is the rotating part of a
periods of time, and the aircraft’s handling properties under helicopter that generates lift. A rotor system may be mounted
low airspeed conditions—it has been chosen to conduct tasks horizontally, as main rotors are, providing lift vertically; and
that were previously not possible with other aircraft or were it may be mounted vertically, such as a tail rotor, to provide
too time- or work-intensive to accomplish on the ground. lift horizontally as thrust to counteract torque effect. In the
Today, helicopters are used for transportation, construction, case of tilt rotors, the rotor is mounted on a nacelle that
firefighting, search and rescue, and a variety of other jobs rotates at the edge of the wing to transition the rotor from a
that require its special capabilities. [Figure 1-3] horizontal mounted position, providing lift horizontally as
thrust, to a vertical mounted position providing lift exactly
as a helicopter.

The rotor consists of a mast, hub, and rotor blades. [Figure 1-4]
The mast is a hollow cylindrical metal shaft which extends
upwards from and is driven by the transmission. At the top
of the mast is the attachment point for the rotor blades called
the hub. The rotor blades are then attached to the hub by
several different methods. Main rotor systems are classified
according to how the main rotor blades are attached and
move relative to the main rotor hub. There are three basic
classifications: semirigid, rigid, or fully articulated, although
some modern rotor systems use an engineered combination
of these types. All three rotor systems are discussed with
greater detail in Chapter 4, Helicopter Components, Sections,
and Systems.

With a single main rotor helicopter, a torque effect is created

as the engine turns the rotor. This torque causes the body of
the helicopter to turn in the opposite direction of the rotor
(Newton’s Third Law: Every action has an equal and opposite
reaction, as explained in Chapter 2, Aerodynamics of Flight).
To eliminate this effect, some sort of antitorque control must
be used with a sufficient margin of power available to allow
the helicopter to maintain its heading and prevent the aircraft
from moving unsteadily. The three most common controls
used today are the traditional tail rotor, Fenestron (also called
a fantail), and the NOTAR®. All three antitorque designs will
be discussed in Chapter 4, Helicopter Components, Sections,
and Systems.

Mast Rotor blades

Figure 1-3. The many uses for a helicopter include search and rescue
(top), firefighting (middle), and construction (bottom). Figure 1-4. Basic components of the rotor system.

Rotor Configurations
Most helicopters have a single, main rotor but require a
separate rotor to overcome torque which is a turning or
twisting force. This is accomplished through a variable
pitch, antitorque rotor or tail rotor. This is the design that
Igor Sikorsky settled on for his VS-300 helicopter shown
in Figure 1-5. It has become the recognized convention for
helicopter design, although designs do vary. Helicopter main
rotor designs from different manufacturers rotate in one of
two different directions (clockwise or counter-clockwise
when viewed from above). This can make it confusing when
discussing aerodynamic effects on the main rotor between
different designs, since the effects may manifest on opposite
sides of each aircraft. For clarity, throughout this handbook,
all examples use a counter-clockwise rotating main rotor Figure 1-6. Tandem rotor helicopters.
system when viewed from above.

For clarity, throughout this handbook, all examples use a

counter-clockwise rotating main rotor system when viewed Coaxial Rotors
from above. Coaxial rotors are a pair of rotors turning in opposite
directions, but mounted on a mast, with the same axis of
Tandem Rotor rotation, one above the other. This configuration is a noted
Tandem rotor (sometimes referred to as dual rotor) helicopters feature of helicopters produced by the Russian Kamov
have two large horizontal rotor assemblies, instead of one helicopter design bureau. [Figure 1-7]
main assembly and a smaller tail rotor. [Figure 1-6] Single
Intermeshing Rotors
rotor helicopters need a tail rotor to neutralize the twisting
momentum produced by the single large rotor. Tandem Intermeshing rotors on a helicopter are a set of two rotors
rotor helicopters, however, use counter-rotating rotors, each turning in opposite directions, with each rotor mast mounted
canceling out the other’s torque. Counter-rotating rotor on the helicopter with a slight angle to the other so that
blades will not collide with and destroy each other if they the blades intermesh without colliding. [Figure 1-8] This
flex into the other rotor’s pathway. This configuration has arrangement allows the helicopter to function without the
the advantage of being able to hold more weight with shorter need for a tail rotor. It has high stability and powerful lifting
blades, since there are two blade sets. Also, all the power capability. This configuration is sometimes referred to as a
from the engines can be used for lift, whereas a single rotor synchropter. The arrangement was developed in Germany
helicopter must use some power to counter main rotor torque.
Because of this, tandem helicopters make up some of the
most powerful and fastest rotor system aircraft.

Figure 1-7. Coaxial rotors.

Figure 1-5. Igor Sikorsky designed the VS-300 helicopter

incorporating the tail rotor into the design.

powered from the main transmission and a gearbox mounted
at the end of the tail boom. [Figure 1-9] The drive shaft may
consist of one long shaft or a series of shorter shafts connected
at both ends with flexible couplings. The flexible couplings
allow the drive shaft to flex with the tail boom.

The gearbox at the end of the tail boom provides an angled

drive for the tail rotor and may also include gearing to adjust
the output to the optimum rotational speed typically measured
in revolutions per minute (rpm) for the tail rotor. On some
larger helicopters, intermediate gearboxes are used to angle
the tail rotor drive shaft from along the tail boom or tailcone
to the top of the tail rotor pylon, which also serves as a vertical
stabilizing airfoil to alleviate the power requirement for the
tail rotor in forward flight. The pylon (or vertical fin) may
Figure 1-8. HH-43 Huskie with intermeshing rotors.
also provide limited antitorque within certain airspeed ranges
if the tail rotor or the tail rotor flight controls fail.
for a small anti-submarine warfare helicopter, the Flettner
Fl 282 Kolibri. During the Cold War the American Kaman
Controlling Flight
Aircraft company produced the HH-43 Huskie, for USAF
firefighting purposes. The latest Kaman K-MAX model is A helicopter has four primary flight controls:
a dedicated sky crane design used for construction work. • Cyclic
Tail Rotor
• Collective
The tail rotor is a smaller rotor mounted vertically or near-
vertically on the tail of a traditional single-rotor helicopter. • Antitorque pedals
The tail rotor either pushes or pulls against the tail to counter • Throttle
the torque. The tail rotor drive system consists of a drive shaft
Tail rotor driveshaft The cyclic control is usually located between the pilot’s legs
located inside and is commonly called the “cyclic stick” or simply “cyclic.”
of tail body
On most helicopters, the cyclic is similar to a joystick;
Tail rotor however, Robinson helicopters have unique T-bar cyclic
control systems. A few helicopters have cyclic controls that
descend into the cockpit from overhead while others use side
cyclic controls.

The control is called the cyclic because it can vary the pitch
of the rotor blades throughout each revolution of the main
rotor system (i.e., through each cycle of rotation) to develop
unequal lift (thrust). The result is to tilt the rotor disk in a
Tail rotor shaft
particular direction, resulting in the helicopter moving in that
direction. If the pilot pushes the cyclic forward, the rotor disk
tilts forward, and the rotor produces a thrust in the forward
Pitch change links
direction. If the pilot pushes the cyclic to the side, the rotor
Cross Head disk tilts to that side and produces thrust in that direction,
causing the helicopter to hover sideways. [Figure 1-10]

The collective pitch control, or collective, is located on the
left side of the pilot’s seat with a pilot-selected variable
friction control to prevent inadvertent movement. The
collective changes the pitch angle of all the main rotor blades
Figure 1-9. Basic tail rotor components.

The throttle controls the power produced by the engine, which
is connected to the rotor by a transmission. The purpose of
the throttle is to maintain enough engine power to keep the
rotor rpm within allowable limits to produce enough lift for
Swash plate
flight. In single-engine helicopters, if so equipped, the throttle
control is typically a twist grip mounted on the collective
control, but it can also be a lever mechanism in fully
governed systems. Multi-engine helicopters generally have
a power lever or mode switch for each engine. [Figure 1-11]
Helicopter flight controls are discussed in greater detail
throughout Chapter 4, Helicopter Components, Sections
and Systems.

Flight Conditions
There are two basic flight conditions for a helicopter: hover
Figure 1-10. Cyclic controls changing the pitch of the rotor blades. and forward flight. Hovering is the most challenging part of
flying a helicopter. This is because a helicopter generates
its own gusty air while in a hover, which acts against the
collectively (i.e., all at the same time) and independently of
fuselage and flight control surfaces. The end result is the
their positions. Therefore, if a collective input is made, all
need for constant control inputs and corrections by the pilot
the blades change equally, increasing or decreasing total
to keep the helicopter where it is required to be. Despite
lift or thrust, with the result of the helicopter increasing or
the complexity of the task, the control inputs in a hover are
decreasing in altitude or airspeed.
simple. The cyclic is used to eliminate drift in the horizontal
direction that is to control forward and back, right and left.
Antitorque Pedals
The collective is used to maintain altitude. The pedals are
The antitorque pedals are located in the same position as the
used to control nose direction or heading. It is the interaction
rudder pedals in a fixed-wing aircraft and serve a similar
of these controls that makes hovering so difficult, since an
purpose, namely to control the direction in which the nose
adjustment in any one control requires an adjustment of the
of the aircraft is pointed. Application of the pedal in a given
other two, creating a cycle of constant correction.
direction changes the pitch of the tail rotor blades, increasing
or reducing the thrust produced by the tail rotor, causing the
Displacing the cyclic forward initially causes the nose to
nose to yaw in the direction of the applied pedal. The pedals
pitch down, with a resultant increase in airspeed and loss
mechanically change the pitch of the tail rotor, altering the
of altitude. Aft cyclic initially causes the nose to pitch up,
amount of thrust produced.
slowing the helicopter and causing it to climb; however, as
the helicopter reaches a state of equilibrium, the horizontal
stabilizer helps level the helicopter to minimize drag, unlike
Helicopter rotors are designed to operate at a specific rpm.

30 70

Fuel control or carburetor 15

5 100

Horizontal stabilizer

Twist grip throttle

Throttle linkage

Throttle cable

Collective control

Figure 1-12. The horizontal stabilizer helps level the helicopter to

Figure 1-11. The throttle control mounted at the end of the collective minimize drag during flight.

an airplane. [Figure 1-12] Therefore, the helicopter has
very little pitch deflection up or down when the helicopter
is stable in a flight mode. The variation from absolutely
level depends on the particular helicopter and the horizontal
stabilizer function.
Increasing collective (power) while maintaining a constant
airspeed induces a climb while decreasing collective causes
a descent. Coordinating these two inputs, down collective
plus aft cyclic or up collective plus forward cyclic, results
in airspeed changes while maintaining a constant altitude.

The pedals serve the same function in both a helicopter

and a fixed-wing aircraft, to maintain balanced flight. This
is done by applying pedal input in whichever direction is
necessary to center the ball in the turn and bank indicator.
Flight maneuvers are discussed in greater detail throughout
Chapter 9, Basic Flight Maneuvers.

Chapter Summary
This chapter gives the reader an overview of the history
of the helicopter, its many uses, and how it has developed
throughout the years. The chapter also introduces basic terms
and explanations of the helicopter components, sections, and
the theory behind how the helicopter flies.


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