PDA PFEQ Mathematique-Secondaire 2016 en

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Progression of Learning

in Secondary School


August 2016

Update of the CST Option in Secondary V Mathematics

Table of Contents
Progression of Learning in Secondary School 3

Introduction 5

Arithmetic 6

Understanding real numbers 7

Understanding operations involving real numbers 9

Operations inv olv ing real numbers 10

Understanding and analyzing proportional situations 12

Algebra 13

Understanding and manipulating algebraic expressions 14

Understanding dependency relationships 18

Probability 21

Understanding data from random experiments 21

Statistics 24

Analyzing and making decisions about one- or two-variable distributions, using

statistical tools 24

Geometry 27

Spatial sense and analyzing situations inv olv ing geometric figures 28

Analyzing situations inv olv ing measurements 30

Analytic Geometry 34

Analyzing situations using analytic geometry 34

Discrete Mathematics 37

Introduction to graph theory 38

Introduction to social choice theory 39

Introduction to matrices 40

Financial Mathematics 41

Annexe - Examples of Strategies 42

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Progression of Learning in Secondary School
The progression of learning in secondary school constitutes a complement to each school subject, providing further
information on the knowledge that the students must acquire and be able to use in each year of secondary school. This
tool is intended to assist teachers in planning both their teaching and the learning that their students are to acquire.

The role of knowledge in learning

The knowledge that young people acquire enables them to better understand the world in which they live. From a very
early age, within their families and through contact with the media and with friends, they accumulate and learn to use an
increasingly greater body of knowledge. The role of the school should be to progressively broaden, deepen and structure
this knowledge.

Knowledge and competencies must mutually reinforce each other. On the one hand, knowledge becomes consolidated
when it is used and, on the other hand, the exercise of competencies entails the acquisition of new knowledge. Helping
young people acquire knowledge raises the challenging question of how to make this knowledge useful and durable, and
thus evokes the notion of competency. For example, we can never be really assured that a grammar rule has been
assimilated until it is used appropriately in a variety of texts and contexts that go beyond the confines of a repetitive,
targeted exercise.

Intervention by the teacher

The role of the teacher in knowledge acquisition and competency development is essential, and he or she must intervene
throughout the learning process. In effect, the Education Act confers on the teacher the right to “select methods of
instruction corresponding to the requirements and objectives fixed for each group or for each student entrusted to his
care.” It is therefore the teacher’s responsibility to adapt his or her instruction and to base it on a variety of strategies,
whether this involves lecture-based teaching for the entire class, individualized instruction for a student or a small group of
students, a series of exercises to be done, a team activity or a particular project to be carried out.

In order to meet the needs of students with learning difficulties, teachers should encourage their participation in the
activities designed for the whole class, although support measures should also be provided, when necessary. These might
involve more targeted teaching of certain key elements of knowledge, or they might take the form of other specialized

As for the evaluation of learning, it serves two essential functions. Firstly, it enables us to look at the students’ learning in
order to guide and support them effectively. Secondly, it enables us to verify the extent to which the students have
acquired the expected learning. Whatever its function, in accordance with the Policy on the Evaluation of Learning,
evaluation should focus on the acquisition of knowledge and the students’ ability to use this knowledge effectively in
contexts that draw upon their competencies.


The progression of learning is presented in the form of tables that organize the elements of knowledge similarly to the way
they are organized in the subject-specific programs. In mathematics, for example, learning is presented in fields: arithmetic,
geometry, etc. For subjects that continue on from elementary school, the Progression of Learning in Secondary School
has been harmonized with the Progressi on of Learni ng i n Elementary School. Every element of learning indicated is
associated with one or more years of secondary school during which it is formally taught.

A uniform legend is used for all subjects. The legend employs three symbols: an arrow, a star and a shaded box. What is
expected of the student is described as follows:

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.

Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Student reinvests knowledge.

An arrow indicates that teaching must be planned in a way that enables students to begin acquiring knowledge during the
school year and continue or conclude this process in the following year, with ongoing systematic intervention from the

A star indicates that the teacher must plan for the majority of students to have acquired this knowledge by the end of the
school year.

A shaded box indicates that the teacher must plan to ensure that this knowledge will be applied during the school year.


Mathematics is a science that involves abstract concepts and language. Students develop their mathematical thinking
gradually through personal experiences and exchanges with peers. Their learning is based on situations that are often
drawn from everyday life. In elementary school, students take part in learning situations that allow them to use objects,
manipulatives, references and various tools and instruments. The activities and tasks suggested encourage them to
reflect, manipulate, explore, construct, simulate, discuss, structure and practise, thereby allowing them to assimilate
concepts, processes and strategies1 that are useful in mathematics. Students must also call on their intuition, sense of
observation, manual skills as well as their ability to express themselves, reflect and analyze. By making connections,
visualizing mathematical objects in different ways and organizing these objects in their minds, students gradually develop
their understanding of abstract mathematical concepts. With time, they acquire mathematical knowledge and skills, which
they learn to use effectively in order to function in society.

In secondary school, learning continues in the same vein. It is centred on the fundamental aims of mathematical activity:
interpreting reality, generalizing, predicting and making decisions. These aims reflect the major questions that have led
human beings to construct mathematical culture and knowledge through the ages. They are therefore meaningful and
make it possible for students to build a set of tools that will allow them to communicate appropriately using mathematical
language, to reason effectively by making connections between mathematical concepts and processes, and to solve
situational problems. Emphasis is placed on technological tools, as these not only foster the emergence and understanding
of mathematical concepts and processes, but also enable students to deal more effectively with various situations. Using a
variety of mathematical concepts and strategies appropriately provides keys to understanding everyday reality. Combined
with learning activities, everyday situations promote the development of mathematical skills and attitudes that allow
students to mobilize, consolidate and broaden their mathematical knowledge. In Cycle Two, students continue to develop
their mathematical thinking, which is essential in pursuing more advanced studies.

This document provides additional information on the knowledge and skills students must acquire in each year of
secondary school with respect to arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability. It is designed to help teachers
with their lesson planning and to facilitate the transition between elementary and secondary school and from one
secondary cycle to another. A separate section has been designed for each of the above-mentioned branches, as well as
for discrete mathematics, financial mathematics and analytic geometry. Each section consists of an introduction that
provides an overview of the learning that was acquired in elementary school and that is to be acquired in the two cycles
of secondary school, as well as content tables that outline, for every year of secondary school, the knowledge to be
developed and actions to be carried out in order for students to fully assimilate the concepts presented. A column is
devoted specifically to learning acquired in elementary school.2 Where applicable, the cells corresponding to Secondary
IV and V have been subdivided to present the knowledge and actions associated with each of the options that students
may choose based on their interests, aptitudes and training needs: Cultural, Social and Technical option (CST),
Technical and Scientific option (TS) and Science option (S).

1. Examples of strategies are provided in the Appendix.

2. Information concerning learning acquired in elementary school was taken from the Mathematics program and the
document Progression of Learning in Elementary School - Mathematics, to indicate its relevance as a prerequisite and
to define the limits of the elementary school program. Please note that there are no sections on vocabulary or symbols
for at the secondary level, these are introduced gradually as needed.

Mathem atics

In elementary school,1 students developed their understanding of numbers and operations involving natural numbers less
than 1 000 000, fractions and decimals up to thousandths. They identified the properties of operations as well as the
relationships between them and learned to follow the order of operations in simple sequences of operations involving
natural numbers. They were introduced to the concept of integers and performed operations with natural numbers and
decimals mentally, in writing and using technological tools. They also used objects and diagrams to perform certain
operations involving fractions.

In Secondary Cycle One, students continue to develop their number sense, to perform operations on written numbers in
decimal and fractional notation, and to further their understanding of the processes associated with these operations. The
numbers are positive or negative, without restrictions as to the order of magnitude. Students also develop proportional
reasoning, an essential concept that has many applications both within and outside mathematics. For example, students
use percentages (calculating a certain percentage of a number and the value corresponding to 100 per cent) in various
situations involving discounts, taxes, increases, decreases, etc. They also make scale drawings and represent data using
circle graphs. They look for unknown values in algebraic or geometric situations involving similarity transformations, arc
lengths, sector areas or unit conversions.

In Secondary Cycle Two, students assimilate the concept of real numbers (rational and irrational), particularly in situations
involving exponents, radicals or logarithms.

The following tables present the learning content associated with arithmetic. By basing themselves on the concepts and
processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students to better
integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Understanding real numbers

Understanding operations involving real numbers
Operations involving real numbers
Understanding and analyzing proportional situations

1. Given the scope of this branch in elementary school, we recommend that you consult the document Progression of
Learning in Elementary School — Mathematics for more information on the concepts and processes acquired by

Mathem atics


Understanding real numbers

Understanding real numbers

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.
Cycle Cycle
One Two
Student reinvests knowledge.1

6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Natural numbers less than 1 000 000

a. Reads and writes any natural number

b. Represents natural numbers in different ways

c. Composes and decomposes a natural number in a variety of ways and

identifies equivalent expressions

d. Approximates a natural number

e. Compares natural numbers or arranges natural numbers in increasing or

decreasing order
f. Classifies natural numbers in various ways, based on their properties
(e.g. even numbers, composite numbers)

2. Fractions

a. Represents a fraction in a variety of ways (using objects or drawings)

b. Identifies the different meanings of fractions: part of a whole, division, ratio,

operator, measurement

c. Verifies whether two fractions are equivalent

d. Compares a fraction to 0, ½ or 1

e. Orders fractions with the same denominator or where one denominator is a

multiple of the other or with the same numerator

3. Decimals up to thousandths
a. Represents decimals in a variety of ways (using objects or drawings) and
identifies equivalent representations

b. Reads and writes numbers written in decimal notation

c. Approximates a number written in decimal notation

d. Composes and decomposes a number written in decimal notation and

recognizes equivalent expressions
e. Compares numbers written in decimal notation or arranges them in
increasing or decreasing order

4. Integers

a. Represents integers in a variety of ways (using objects or drawings)

b. Reads and writes integers

c. Compares integers or arranges integers in increasing or decreasing order

5. Expresses numbers in a variety of ways (fractional, decimal percentage notation)

6. Represents, reads and writes numbers written in fractional or decimal notation

7. Approximates, in various contexts, the numbers under study

(e.g. estimates, rounds off, truncates)
8. Distinguishes rational numbers from irrational numbers in the set of real numbers
Note : Although students do not systematically study sets of numbers in Secondary Cycle One,
they should still be encouraged to use the proper terms learned in elementary school (natural
numbers, integers, decimals).

9. Represents, in different types of notation, various subsets of real numbers

(discrete or continuous): interval, list/roster, on a number line
Note : In TS and S, set builder notation may be introduced as needed.

10. Defines the concept absolute value in context (e.g. difference between two
numbers, distance between two points)
Note : In Cycle One and Secondary III, the concept of absolute value is introduced informally, using

Represents and writes

a. the power of a natural number

b. squares and square roots

c. numbers in exponential notation (integral exponent)

d. numbers in scientific notation

e. cubes and cube roots

f. numbers in exponential notation (fractional exponents)

g. numbers using radicals or rational exponents
h. numbers in logarithmic notation using the equivalence loga x = n an = x, if TS
necessary S
12. Estimates the value of the power of an exponential expression with respect to its CST
components: base (between 0 and 1, greater than 1), exponent (positive or
negative, integral or fractional) TS
Note : The same applies for a logarithmic expression in TS and S. S

13. Estimates the order of magnitude of a real number in different contexts

14. Estimates the order of magnitude of a real number using scientific notation

15. Compares and arranges in order

a. numbers written in fractional or decimal notation

b. numbers expressed in different ways (fractional, decimal, exponential

[integral exponent], percentage, square root, scientific notation)
Note : Scientific notation is introduced in Secondary III.

1. Mathematical knowledge is constructed using prerequisites or by making connections between concepts and processes.
The elements described in the tables will be reinvested and further developed as students progress through secondary
school. When actions are included as part of other actions carried out in subsequent years, the shading in the table is
not extended to cover all five years of secondary school.

Mathem atics


Understanding operations involving real numbers

Understanding operations involving real numbers

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Student reinvests knowledge. Cycle Cycle

One Two

6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Natural numbers less than 1 000 000

a. Determines the operation(s) to perform in a given situation

b. Uses objects, diagrams or equations to represent a situation and, conversely,

describes a situation represented by objects, diagrams or equations (use of
different meanings of the four operations)
c. Establishes equality relations between numerical expressions
(e.g. 3 + 2 = 6 – 1)
d. Determines numerical equivalencies using relationships between operations,
the commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication, the
distributive property of multiplication over addition or subtraction
e. Translates a situation using a sequence of operations in accordance with the
order of operations

2. Fractions

a. Uses objects, diagrams or an operation to represent a situation and,

conversely, describes a situation represented by objects, diagrams or an
operation (use of different meanings of addition, subtraction and multiplication
by a natural number)
b. Uses an operation to represent a situation (use of different meanings of

3. Decimals

a. Uses objects, diagrams or equations to represent a situation and, conversely,

describes a situation represented by objects, diagrams or equations (use of
different meanings of the four operations)
b. Determines numerical equivalencies using relationships between operations
(inverse operations), the commutative and associative properties of addition
and multiplication, the distributive property of multiplication over addition or
c. Translates a situation using a sequence of operations in accordance with the
order of operations
4. Chooses an appropriate way of writing numbers for a given context
Note : Over the years, new notation systems such as scientific notation are added to the students’

5. Looks for equivalent expressions: decomposing (additive, multiplicative, etc.),

equivalent fractions, simplifying and reducing, factoring, etc.
6. Translates (mathematizes) a situation using a sequence of operations (no more
than two levels of parentheses)

7. Anticipates the results of operations

8. Interprets the results of operations in light of the context

Mathem atics


Operations involving real numbers

Operations involving real numbers

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Natural numbers less than 1 000 000

a. Approximates the result of an operation

b. Using personal processes, mentally computes operations

c. Determines in writing
the sum of two natural numbers of up to 4 digits
the difference between two natural numbers of up to 4 digits whose result
is greater than 0
the product of a three-digit number by a two-digit number
the quotient of a four-digit number and a two-digit number and expresses
the remainder of a division as a decimal that does not go beyond the
second decimal place
the result of a sequence of operations in accordance with the order of

2. Fractions (using objects or diagrams)

a. Generates a set of equivalent fractions

b. Reduces a fraction to its simplest form

c. Adds and subtracts fractions when the denominator of one fraction is a

multiple of the other fraction

d. Multiplies a natural number by a fraction and a fraction by a natural number

3. Decimal numbers up to thousandths

a. Approximates the result of an operation

b. Mentally computes
operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division by a natural
multiplications by 10, 100, 1000
c. Computes in writing
additions and subtractions of numbers whose result does not go beyond
the second decimal place
multiplications of numbers whose product does not go beyond the second
decimal place
divisions of a decimal by a natural number less than 11

4. Properties of divisibility

a. Determines the divisibility of a number by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10

b. Uses, in different contexts, the properties of divisibility: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10

5. Approximates the result of an operation or sequence of operations

6. Mentally computes the four operations, especially with numbers written in decimal
notation, using equivalent ways of writing numbers and the properties of
7. Computes, in writing, the four operations1 with numbers that are easy to work with (including large numbers),
using equivalent ways of writing numbers and the properties of operations

a. numbers written in decimal notation, using rules of signs

b. positive numbers written in fractional notation, with or without the use of

objects or diagrams

c. numbers written in fractional notation

8. Computes, in writing, sequences of operations (numbers written in decimal

notation) in accordance with the order of operations, using equivalent ways of
writing numbers and the properties of operations (with no more than two levels of
9. Computes, using a calculator, operations and sequences of operations in
accordance with the order of operations
10. Switches, as needed, from one way of writing numbers to another: from fractional
to percentage notation, from decimal to fractional notation, from decimal to
percentage notation, and vice versa
11. Switches, as needed, from one way of writing numbers to another
Note : In Secondary Cycle One, the students should use positive numbers when switching from one
type of notation to another. In Secondary Cycle Two, new types of notation are introduced:
exponential, scientific notation, etc.

12. Calculates the power of a natural number

13. Decomposes a natural number into prime factors

14. Manipulates numerical expressions involving

a. integral exponents (rational base) and fractional exponents

Note : When manipulating numerical expressions, students learn to deduce the properties of

b. powers of bases (change of base), exponents, radicals (nth root), using their CST
Note : In CST, radicals and their properties are not covered. For base changes in TS in Secondary
IV, students use bases 2 and 10. In S, students learn to deduce the properties of radicals. S

c. logarithms
i. definition and change of base TS
ii. properties TS
d. absolute values TS

1. Students use technological tools for operations in which the divisors or multipliers have more than two digits; however, for
written computation, the understanding and mastery of the processes is more important than the ability to do complex

Mathem atics


Understanding and analyzing proportional situations

Understanding and analyzing proportional situations

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Student reinvests knowledge. Cycle Cycle

One Two

6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Calculates

a. a certain percentage of a number

b. the value corresponding to 100 per cent

2. Recognizes ratios and rates

3. Interprets ratios and rates

4. Describes the effect of changing a term in a ratio or rate

5. Compares

a. ratios and rates qualitatively (equivalent rates and ratios, unit rate)

b. ratios and rates quantitatively (equivalent rates and ratios, unit rate)

6. Translates a situation using a ratio or rate

Note : Situations involving ratios and rates are enriched in Secondary Cycle Two (similarity ratio,
metric relations, etc.).

7. Recognizes a proportional situation using the context, a table of values or a graph

8. Represents or interprets a proportional situation using a graph, a table of values or

a proportion
9. Solves proportional situations (direct or inverse variation) by using different
strategies (e.g. unit-rate method, factor of change, proportionality ratio, additive
procedure, constant product [inverse variation])
10. Establishes relationships between first-degree or rational functions and
proportional situations (direct or inverse variation)


Through their various mathematical activities in elementary school, students were introduced to prerequisites for algebra,
such as finding unknown terms using properties of operations and relationships between these operations, developing an
understanding of equality and equivalence relationships, following the order of operations and looking for patterns in
different situations.

In Secondary Cycle One, students move from arithmetic thinking to algebraic thinking. They use and further develop their
understanding of numbers, operations and proportionality. For example, in studying patterns, elementary school students
learned to determine rules for constructing number sequences between terms, whereas in secondary school, students
learn to establish the relationship between a term and its rank. Algebraic expressions are added to known registers (types)
of representation to observe situations from different perspectives. Students refine their ability to switch from one register
of representation to another in order to analyze situations in the register(s) of their choice. Thus, they learn to manipulate
algebraic expressions with or without technological aids, and interpret tables of values and graphs. The use of technology
makes it easier to explore and examine these relationships in greater depth and makes it possible to describe and explain
them more fully. Lastly, students learn to search for mathematical models representing various situations.

In Secondary Cycle Two, students hone their ability to evoke a situation by drawing on several registers of representation
and switching from one register to another, without any restrictions. For example, functions may be represented using
graphs, tables or rules, and each of these representations conveys a specific point of view and is complementary or
equivalent to other types of representation. Students learn to analyze and deal with situations that involve a set of
algebraic concepts and processes. They establish dependency relationships between variables; model, compare and
optimize situations, if necessary; and make informed decisions about these situations, depending on the case.

The following tables present the learning content associated with algebra. By basing themselves on the concepts and
processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students to better
integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Understanding and manipulating algebraic expressions

Understanding dependency relationships



Understanding and manipulating algebraic expressions

Understanding and manipulating algebraic expressions

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Student reinvests knowledge. Cycle Cycle

One Two

A. Algebraic expressions 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Describes, using his/her own words and mathematical language, numerical

2. Describes, using his/her own words and mathematical language, series of
numbers and family of operations

3. Adds new terms to a series when the first three terms or more are given

4. Describes the role of components of algebraic expressions:

a. unknown
Note : This concept was introduced in elementary school (although not named as such)
when students were asked to find a missing term.

b. variable, constant

c. parameter CST
Note : The concept of parameter is introduced intuitively (although not named as such) in TS
Secondary I, II and III.
d. coefficient, degree, term, constant term, like terms

5. Constructs an algebraic expression using a register (type) of representation

6. Interprets an algebraic expression in light of the context

7. Recognizes or constructs equivalent algebraic expressions

8. Recognizes or constructs

a. equalities and equations

b. inequalities

B. Manipulating algebraic expressions 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Calculates the numeric value of an algebraic expression

2. Performs the following operations on algebraic expressions, with or without

objects or diagrams: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division by a
constant, multiplication of first-degree monomials
3. Factors out the common factor in numerical expressions (distributive property of
multiplication over addition or subtraction)

4. Multiplies

a. algebraic expressions of degree less than 3

b. algebraic expressions TS
5. Divides

a. algebraic expressions by a monomial

b. a polynomial by a binomial (with or without a remainder) TS
c. a polynomial by another polynomial (with or without a remainder) TS
6. Factors polynomials by

a. the common factor

b. factoring by grouping (polynomials including decomposable second-degree
trinomials) TS
c. completing the square (factoring and switching from one type of notation to
another) TS
d. using formulas for trinomials of the form ax2 + bx + c : CST
– b+ b 2 – 4ac and x = – b – b2 – 4ac TS
x1 = 2
2a S
e. substituting second-degree algebraic identities (perfect square trinomial and
difference of two squares) TS
7. Manipulates rational expressions CST
Note : Rational expressions (algebraic fractions) are part of the algebraic expressions to be
covered. When finding the common denominator in order to add two rational expressions, students TS
in TS will deal only with cases in which the denominator of one fraction is the multiple of the
denominator of the other fraction. S

C. Analyzing situations using equations or inequalities 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Recognizes whether a situation can be translated by

a. an equation

b. an inequality

2. Recognizes or constructs

a. relations or formulas

b. inequality relations and first-degree inequalities in one variable

3. Manipulates relations or formulas (e.g. isolates an element)

4. Represents a situation using

a. a first-degree equation with one unknown

b. a first-degree inequality with a variable

5. Represents

a. an equation using another register (type) of representation, if necessary

b. an inequality using another register (type) of representation, if necessary

6. Determines the missing term in an equation (relations between operations) :1
a + b = □, a + □ = c, □ + b = c, a – b = □, a – □ = c, □ – b = c,
a × b = □, a × □ = c, □ × b = c, a ÷ b = □, a ÷ □ = c, □ ÷ b = c
7. Transforms arithmetic equalities and equations to maintain equivalence
(properties and rules for transforming equalities) and justifies the steps followed,
if necessary
8. Transforms inequalities to maintain equivalence (properties and rules for
transforming inequalities) and justifies the steps followed, if necessary
9. Uses different methods to solve first-degree equations with one unknown of the
form ax + b = cx + d : trial and error, drawings, arithmetic methods (inverse or
equivalent operations), algebraic methods (balancing equations or hidden terms)

10. Solves first-degree inequalities in one variable

11. Solves the following types of equations or an inequalities in one variable

a. second-degree CST
Note : In TS, this is taught over two years using the functional models under study. TS
b. exponential, logarithmic or square root, using the properties of exponents, CST
logarithms and radicals TS
Note : In CST in Secondary V, students use the definitions of logarithm and change of base
to solve exponential and logarithmic equations, but they are not required to solve square root
equations or study the properties of radicals and logarithms. In TS, this is taught over two S
years, using the functional models under study.
c. rational TS
d. absolute value TS
e. first-degree trigonometric involving a sine, cosine or tangent expression TS
f. trigonometric that can be expressed as a sine, cosine or tangent function TS
12. Solves a second-degree equation in two variables CST
Note : In TS, this is taught over two years, using the functional models under study. TS

13. Validates a solution, with or without technological tools, by substitution

14. Solves an inequality graphically and checks the feasible region of a

a. first-degree inequality in two variables CST


b. second-degree inequality in two variables CST

Note : In TS, this is taught over two years using the functional models under study. TS
15. Interprets solutions or makes decisions, if necessary, depending on the context

D. Analyzing situations using systems of equations or inequalities 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Determines whether a situation may be translated by a system of

a. equations

b. inequalities

2. Translates a situation algebraically or graphically using a system of

a. equations

b. inequalities

3. Solves a system
a. of first-degree equations in two variables of the form y = ax + b by using
tables of values, graphically or algebraically (by comparison), with or
without technological tools
b. of first-degree equations in two variables
Note : The student chooses the method.
c. composed of a first-degree equation in two variables and a second-degree CST
equation in two variables
Note : In TS, these systems are solved using graphic representations, with or without the
use of technological tools. S
d. of second-degree equations in relation to conics using changing variables, if
e. involving various functional models (mostly graphical solutions) TS
4. Solves a system

a. of first-degree inequalities in two variables

b. involving various functional models (mostly graphical solutions) TS
5. Validates the solution, with or without technological tools

6. Interprets the solution or makes decisions if necessary, depending on the context

E. Linear programming 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Analyzes a situation to be optimized

mathematizing the situation using a system of first-degree inequalities in two
drawing a bounded or unbounded polygon of constraints to represent the
determining the coordinates of the vertices of the bounded polygon (feasible
Note : In TS, the coordinates of points of intersection may be determined algebraically, using
matrices, or approximated based on a graph.
recognizing and defining the function to be optimized
2. Optimizes a situation by taking into account different constraints and makes
decisions with respect to this situation
determining the best solution(s) for a particular situation, given a set of
validating and interpreting the optimal solution, depending on the context
justifying the solution(s) chosen
changing certain conditions associated with the situation to provide a more
optimal solution, if necessary

1. Students were not shown this symbolic notation in elementary school. They did learn, however, to determine the value of
a missing term, among other things, in situations that call for additive or multiplicative structures, within the limits of the
elementary-level Mathematics program.

Mathem atics


Understanding dependency relationships

Understanding dependency relationships

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

A. Relations, functions and inverses 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Identifies patterns in various situations and in various forms

2. Analyzes situations using different registers (types) of representation

3. Represents a situation generally using a graph

4. Chooses the dependent variable and the independent variable

5. Recognizes relations, functions and inverses

6. Describes, in the functions under study, the role of

a. multiplicative parameters TS
b. additive parameters TS
7. Performs operations on functions (including composition) CST
Note : In TS, operations on functions can be approached intuitively as of Secondary IV. In Secondary TS
V, they are studied using concrete situations. S

B. Analyzing situations using real functions1 6 1 2 3 4 5

Note : Statements 1 to 9 apply to the functions listed below.

1. Models a situation verbally, algebraically, graphically, using a table of values or a scatter plot
2. Finds the rule of a function or its inverse, depending on the context
3. Represents and interprets the inverse
4. Interprets parameters (multiplicative or additive) and describes the effect of changing their value, if necessary
5. Describes the properties of real functions: domain, range, interval within which the function is increasing or
decreasing, sign, extrema, x-intercept and y-intercept
Note : In Secondary III, students are informally introduced to the study of properties, always in relation to a context. In CST, students
use a graphical representation to describe the context.
6. Determines values or data by solving equations and inequalities
7. Interpolates and extrapolates data, if applicable
8. Compares situations or graphical representations
9. Makes decisions, if necessary, depending on the context

a. Polynomial functions of degree 0 or 1

b. Second-degree polynomial functions
i. f(x) = ax2 TS
ii. f(x) = (bx)2 or f(x) = a(bx)2 TS
iii. f(x) = ax2+ bx + c, f(x) = a(b(x – h))2 + k, f(x) = a(x – x1)(x – x2) TS
c. Square root functions

i. f(x) = a bx CST
Note : This function is introduced in connection with the second-degree function as TS
inverse (relation expressed as two square root functions). S
ii. f(x) = a b(x – h) + k TS
d. Rational functions

k or xy = k, k ∈ +
i. f(x) =
ax + b
ii. f(x) = a + k and f(x) = TS
b(x – h) cx + d
e. Exponential functions

i. f(x) = ac x TS
ii. f(x) = ac bx CST
Note : In CST, students are able to manipulate this type of function, but are not TS
required to determine the rule. S
iii. f(x) = ac b(x – h) + k
Note : The study of these functions should focus on bases 2, 10 and

f. Logarithmic functions

ii. f(x) = a logc bx CST

Note : This function is introduced in connection with exponential functions (as an TS
inverse). S
iii. f(x) = a logc b(x – h) + k
Note : The study of these functions should focus on bases 2, 10 and e.
g. Piecewise functions
Note : In Secondary III, students are introduced to this type of function informally.
h. Absolute value functions : f (x) = a|b(x – h)| + k
Note : In TS, this function is treated mainly as a piecewise function.
i. Step functions

j. Greatest integer functions

i. f(x) = a[bx] TS
ii. f(x) = a[b(x – h)] + k TS
k. Functions
i. Modelling periodic occurences (e.g. natural phenomena such as tides CST
or sound, medical or electrical phenomena)
Note : The analysis is based on a graphical representation. In this context, students
are not required to determine the rule. S
ii. sinusoidal : f(x) = a sin b(x – h) + k,
f(x) = a cos b(x – h) + k
iii. tangent : f(x) = a tan b(x – h) + k TS

1. Functions are introduced using contexts adapted to Secondary III and the various options, with or without the use of
technological tools.

Mathem atics

By acquiring probabilistic reasoning skills, students avoid the confusion between probability and proportion and demystify
certain false preconceptions about odds or chance, such as the bias associated with equiprobability, availability and
representativeness. This prepares them to exercise their critical judgment in various situations.

In elementary school, students conducted experiments related to chance. They made qualitative predictions about
outcomes using concepts related to outcome (certainty, possibility and impossibility) and the probability that an event will
occur (more likely, just as likely and less likely). They listed the outcomes of a random experiment using tables or tree
diagrams and compared the actual outcomes with theoretical probabilities.

In Secondary Cycle One, students go from using subjective, often arbitrary, reasoning to reasoning based on various
calculations. They further develop the concept of probability of an event—the cornerstone in calculating probabilities—and
are introduced to the language of sets. They learn to enumerate possibilities using different registers (types) of
representation, to calculate probabilities and to compare experimental and theoretical probabilities. With this knowledge
and skills, students are able to make predictions and informed decisions in various types of situations.

In Secondary Cycle Two, students continue to build on what they learned in Cycle One. They use the results of
combinatorial analysis (permutations, arrangements and combinations) and add the ability to calculate probabilities in
certain measurement contexts to their repertoire of knowledge and skills. Depending on the option, students learn to
distinguish between subjective probabilities and experimental or theoretical probabilities. They interpret or distinguish
between various relationships (e.g. the probability of an event and the odds for or the odds against). They use the concept
of mathematical expectation to determine whether a game is fair or the possibility of a gain or a loss. Lastly, they analyze
situations and make decisions based on conditional probability.

The following tables present the learning content associated with probability. By basing themselves on the concepts and
processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students to better
integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Understanding data from random experiments

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

A. Processing data from random experiments 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Simulates random experiments with or without the use of technological tools

2. Experiments with activities involving chance, using various objects (e.g. spinners,
rectangular prisms, glasses, marbles, thumb tacks, 6-, 8- or 12-sided dice)

3. In activities involving chance

a. recognizes variability in possible outcomes (uncertainty)

b. recognizes equiprobability (e.g. quantity of objects, symmetry of an object

such as a cube)
c. becomes aware of the independence of events
(e.g. rolling dice, tossing a coin, drawing lots)

4. Uses tables or diagrams to collect and display the outcomes of an experiment

5. Compares the outcomes of a random experiment with known theoretical


6. Distinguishes between prediction and outcome

7. Conducts or simulates random experiments involving one or more steps (with or

without replacement, with or without order)
8. Identifies the type of random variable: discrete or continuous TS
9. Enumerates the possible outcomes of a random experiment using
a. tables, tree diagram TS
b. networks, tables, diagrams, Venn diagrams CST
Note : In developing their probabilistic thinking skills, students are introduced to the language of TS
sets, which is considered to be a comprehension and communication tool. S
c. geometric figures TS
10. Defines the sample space of a random experiment TS
11. Recognizes certain, probable, impossible, simple, complementary, compatible, TS
incompatible, dependent, independents events
12. Distinguishes between mutually exclusive and non-mutually exclusive, and TS
between dependent and independent events
13. Uses fractions, decimals or percentages to quantify a probability TS
14. Recognizes that a probability is always between 0 and 1 TS

15. Predicts qualitatively an outcome or several events using a probability line, among other things

a. certain, possible or impossible outcome

b. more likely, just as likely, less likely event

16. Uses factorial notation, if necessary
Note : This notation may be introduced in CST.
17. Recognizes, depending on the context, different types of probabilities:
experimental, theoretical, subjective
18. Defines or interprets the concept of odds/chance (odds for and odds against)
(e.g. makes connections between odds and probabilities)
19. Defines or interprets the concept of mathematical expectation (e.g. makes
connections between mathematical expectation and weighted mean)

B. Analyzing probability situations 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Represents an event using different registers (types of representation)) TS
2. Compares qualitatively the theoretical or experimental probability of an event

3. Distinguishes between theoretical and experimental probability

4. Calculates the probability of an event TS

5. Calculates the probability of outcomes of random experiments related to situations CST
involving arrangements, permutations or combinations TS
Note : Calculations are based on reasoning, not on counting formulas. The terminology (permutation,
arrangement, combination) may be introduced in the first year of Secondary Cycle Two. S
6. Associates the type of probability to a situation: experimental, theoretical, TS
7. Calculates probabilities, including geometric probabilities, in measurement contexts
8. Calculates conditional probabilities
9. Interprets probabilities and makes appropriate decisions
10. Chooses and applies the concept of odds/chance (odds for and odds against) or TS
probability, depending on the context
11. Determines the odds for or odds against
12. Interprets and makes decisions with respect to the odds obtained
13. Calculates mathematical expectation
14. Modifies, if necessary, the parameters of a situation in order to make it fair, attain TS
an objective or optimize a gain or loss
15. Interprets the resulting mathematical expectation and makes appropriate decisions

Mathem atics

Statistics, which is used to gather, process and analyze data regarding a population,1 is a valuable decision-making tool in
many fields. This branch of mathematics is based on concepts and processes related to probability, particularly as regards

In elementary school, students were introduced to descriptive statistics, which allowed them to summarize raw data in a
clear and reliable way. They conducted surveys, i.e. they learned how to formulate questions, gather data and organize it
using tables, and interpreted and displayed data using bar graphs, pictographs and broken-line graphs. They also
obtained relevant information using circle graphs, and calculated and interpreted the arithmetic mean of a distribution.

In Secondary Cycle One, students carry out studies using sample surveys and censuses. They acquire the tools they need
to process the data they may or may not have gathered and extract information from these data. They learn about circle
graphs as a possible method of data representation. They choose the graph(s) that will best illustrate a situation. They
learn to highlight information such as minimum value, maximum value, range and mean and look for potential sources of

In Secondary Cycle Two, descriptive statistics is used to introduce students to inferences. The situations dealt with allow
students to gather, organize and represent data using the most appropriate graph, and determine certain statistical
measures such as measures of central tendency, of position and of dispersion. They interpret data by observing their
distribution (type, range, centre, groups), and check whether the distribution includes outliers that could influence certain
measures or conclusions. They compare distributions, using appropriate measures of central tendency and of dispersion.
They learn how to interpret a correlation qualitatively, using an approximate value of the correlation coefficient or
quantitavely, by calculating its exact value using technological tools, if necessary.

The following tables present the learning content associated with statistics. By basing themselves on the concepts and
processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students to better
integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Analyzing and making decisions about one- or tw o-variable distributions,

using statistical tools
Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

A. One-variable distributions 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Conducts a survey or a census

a. Formulates questions for a survey
Note : The questions become more refined over the years.
b. Chooses a sampling method :

i. simple random, systematic

ii. stratified, cluster TS
c. Chooses a representative sample
d. Collects, describes and organizes data (classifies or categorizes) using
2. Recognizes possible sources of bias
Note : In CST in Secondary IV, students learn to correct the source of bias, if applicable.

3. Interprets data presented in a table or a bar graph, a pictograph, a broken-line

graph or a circle graph

4. Distinguishes different types of statistical variables: qualitative, discrete or
continuous quantitative
5. Chooses appropriate register(s) (types) of representation to organize, interpret
and present data

6. Organizes and presents data using

a. a table, a bar graph, a pictograph and a broken-line graph

b. a table presenting variables or frequencies, or using a circular graph

c. a table of condensed data or data grouped into classes, a histogram, or
box-and-whisker plot
d. a stem-and-leaf diagram TS
7. Compares one-variable distributions

8. Understands and calculates the arithmetic mean

9. Describes the concept of arithmetic mean (levelling or balance point)

10. Calculates and interprets an arithmetic mean

Note : In Secondary Cycle One, the arithmetic mean is calculated using positive or negative
numbers written in decimal notation or using positive numbers written in fractional notation.

11. Determines and interprets

a. measures of central tendency: mode, median, weighted mean

b. measures of dispersion :

i. range

ii. range of each part of a box-and whisker plot, interquartile range

iii. mean deviation TS
iv. standard deviation TS
c. measures of position :

i. minimum, maximum

ii. percentile CST

Note : Percentile is determined using a sufficient number of data. Students can also TS
determine corresponding data from a percentile. S
12. Chooses the appropriate statistical measures for a given situation TS

B. Two-variable distributions 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Compares experimental and theoretical data

Note : In Secondary III, the study of linear and rational functions is introduced through the use of
scatter plots.

2. Represents data using a scatter plot or a double-entry (two-variable) distribution


3. Associates the most appropriate functional model with a scatter plot :
a. first-degree polynomial function TS
b. functions under study
Note : In TS, technological tools should be used for models that are not linear.
4. Describes and interprets the relationship between two variables, if any

5. Gives a qualitative assessment of a linear correlation

Note : In TS, qualitative assessment should be used for nonlinear models.

6. Approximates and interprets the linear correlation coefficient

Note : If necessary, technological tools can be used to determine the value of the correlation
coefficient for the models under study.

7. Draws a curve associated with the chosen model
Note : In Secondary V, scatter plots are studied with functions.
8. Represents a regression line algebraically or graphically
Note : In addition to drawing this line freehand, students may use other methods, such as the
median-median line or the Mayer line method.

9. Interpolates or extrapolates values using

a. a regression line TS
b. the functional model best suited to the situation TS
10. Compares two-variable distributions TS

1. A population is a set of entities (e.g. individuals of a species, facts) included in a statistical study.


As part of their mathematical training, students go from using intuitive, inductive geometry, based on observation, to using
deductive geometry. They discover the properties of figures by constructing and observing them. Little by little, they stop
relying on measuring and start to use deduction as the basis for their reasoning. By referring to data, initial hypotheses or
accepted properties, students prove statements that they believe are true (known as conjectures), which are then used to
prove new ones.

In elementary school, students developed their measurement sense1 by making comparisons and estimates and taking
various measurements using conventional and unconventional units of measure. They designed and built measuring
instruments and used invented and conventional ones. They calculated direct and indirect measurements.2 They also
located numbers on an axis and in a Cartesian plane. They constructed and compared different solids, focusing on prisms
and pyramids. They learned to recognize the nets of convex polyhedrons and tested Euler’s theorem. They described
circles and described and classified quadrilaterals and triangles. They observed and produced frieze patterns and
tessellations, using reflections and translations. Lastly, they estimated and determined different measurements: lengths,
angles, surface areas, volumes, capacities, masses, time and temperature.

In Secondary Cycle One, students construct and manipulate relations or formulas, particularly when calculating the
perimeter and area of geometric figures,3 using arithmetic and algebraic concepts and processes. They learn the concept
of similar figures, look for unknown figures resulting from a similarity transformation, determine arc measurements and
calculate the area of segments, using the concept of proportionality. By studying lines, plane figures and solids, students
identify properties and relationships between measurements. Lastly, they are introduced to deductive reason, in which they
use different statements (definitions, properties, axioms, previously proven conjectures) to justify the steps in their
approach or validate conjectures.

In Secondary Cycle Two, students construct and manipulate relations or formulas when calculating the area and volume of
solids and determining unknown measurements in right triangles or other triangles, using metric and trigonometric
relations. If necessary, they convert various units of measure. They refine their understanding of congruence or similarity,
particularly by studying the conditions that allow them to conclude that triangles are congruent or similar. They analyze and
optimize situations using the concept of equivalent geometric figures. The concept of vectors is introduced and builds on
what students have learned about linearity in the previous cycle. In these various contexts, students use different types of
reasoning, particularly deductive reasoning, to validate conjectures.

The following tables present the learning content associated with geometry. By basing themselves on the concepts and
processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students to better
integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Spatial sense and analyzing situations involving geometric figures

Analyzing situations involving measurements

1. Unlike in elementary school, in secondary school, measurement is part of geometry.

2. Calculating a perimeter or area and graduating a ruler are examples of direct measurements. Reading a scale drawing,
making a scale drawing, measuring an area of a figure by decomposing it, calculating the thickness of a sheet of paper
based on the thickness of several sheets are examples of indirect measurements.
3. In a geometric space of a given dimension (0, 1, 2 or 3), a geometric figure is a set of points representing a geometric
object such as a point, line, curve, polygon or polyhedron.



Spatial sense and analyzing situations involving geometric figures

Spatial sense and analyzing situations involving geometric figures

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Student reinvests knowledge. Cycle Cycle

One Two

A. Plane figures 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Describes convex and nonconvex polygons

2. Describes and classifies quadrilaterals

3. Describes and classifies triangles

4. Describes circles: radius, diameter, circumference, central angle

5. Recognizes and names regular convex polygons

6. Decomposes plane figures into circles (sectors), triangles or quadrilaterals

7. Describes circles and sectors

8. Recognizes and draws main segments and lines

a. diagonal, altitude, median, perpendicular bisector, bisector, apothem,

radius, diameter, chord

b. leg, hypotenuse

9. Identifies the properties of plane figures using geometric transformations and

Note : See the Secondary Cycle One Mathematics program, p. 219.

10. Justifies statements using definitions or properties1 of plane figures

B. Solids 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Matches the net of a convex polyhedron to the corresponding convex polyhedron

2. Determines the possible nets of a solid

3. Names the solid corresponding to a net

4. Describes solids :

a. vertex, edge, base, face

b. altitude, apothem, lateral face

5. Tests Euler’s relation on convex polyhedrons CST

Note : In CST in Secondary V, this relation can be put to use (planar graph). See Avenues of TS
Exploration, Secondary Cycle Two Mathematics program, p. 124.
6. Recognizes solids that can be split into

a. right prisms, right cylinders, right pyramids

b. right cones and spheres

7. Represents three-dimensional figures in the plane, using different procedures :

projection and perspective
(e.g. orthogonal projections [different views], parallel projections [cavalier
and axonometric perspectives] or central projections [with one or two
vanishing points])
C. Geometric constructions and transformations in the Euclidian
6 1 2 3 4 5
1. Observes and produces frieze patterns and tessellations using reflections and
2. Identifies properties and invariants resulting from geometric constructions and

3. Identifies congruence (translation, rotation and reflection) between two figures

4. Constructs the image of a figure under a translation, rotation and reflection

5. Recognizes dilatation with a positive scale factor

6. Constructs the image of a figure under a dilatation with a positive scale factor

D. Congruent, similar or equivalent figures 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Identifies congruent figures in frieze patterns and tessellations

2. Recognizes congruent or similar figures

3. Recognizes the geometric transformation(s) linking a figure and its image

4. Determines the properties and invariants of congruent or similar figures

5. Determines the minimum conditions required to conclude that triangles are

congruent or similar
Note : See Avenues of Exploration in Appendix E of the Secondary Cycle Two Mathematics

6. Demonstrates the congruence or similarity between triangles or finds unknown

measurements using minimum conditions
7. Recognizes equivalent figures (plane figures or solids) TS
8. Justifies statements using definitions or properties of congruent, similar or
equivalent figures, depending on the cycle and year

1. In all statements involving justification, the properties used were identified through exploration or have been proven.
2. Geometric transformations in the Cartesian plane are not covered in Secondary Cycle One.

Mathem atics


Analyzing situations involving measurements

Analyzing situations involving measurements1

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

A. Mass 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Chooses the appropriate unit of mass for the context

2. Estimates and measures mass using unconventional units: grams, kilograms

3. Establishes relationships between units of mass

B. Time 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Chooses the appropriate unit of time for the context

2. Estimates and measures time using conventional units

3. Establishes relationships between units of time: second, minute, hour, day, daily
cycle, weekly cycle, yearly cycle
4. Distinguishes between duration and position in time
Note : This includes the concept of negative time, where the start time t = 0 is arbitrarily chosen.

C. Angles 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Compares angles: acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle

2. Estimates and determines the degree measure of angles

3. Describes the characteristics of different types of angles: complementary,

supplementary, adjacent, vertically opposite, alternate interior, alternate exterior
and corresponding
4. Determines measures of angles using the properties of the following angles:
complementary, supplementary, vertically opposite, alternate interior, alternate
exterior and corresponding

5. Finds unknown measurements using the properties of figures and relations

a. measures of angles in a triangle

b. degree measures of central angles and arcs

6. Defines the concept of radian TS
7. Determines the correspondence between degrees and radians TS
8. Justifies statements using definitions or properties associated with angles and
their measures

D. Length 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Chooses the appropriate unit of length for the context

2. Estimates and measures the dimensions of an object using conventional units:

millimetre, centimetre, decimetre, metre and kilometre

3. Establishes relationships between

a. units of length: millimetre, centimetre, decimetre, metre and kilometre

b. measures of length of the international system (SI)

4. Constructs relations that can be used to calculate the perimeter or circumference

of figures

5. Finds the following unknown measurements, using properties of figures and relations

a. perimeter of plane figures

b. a segment in a plane figure, circumference, radius, diameter, length of an

arc, a segment resulting from an isometry or a similarity transformation

c. segments in a solid resulting from an isometry or a similarity transformation

d. segments or perimeters resulting from equivalent figures TS
6. Justifies statements concerning measures of length

E. Area 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Chooses the appropriate unit of area for the context

2. Estimates and measures surface areas using conventional units: square

centimetre, square decimetre, square metre

3. Establishes relationships between SI units of area

4. Constructs relations that can be used to calculate the area of plane figures:
quadrilateral, triangle, circle (sectors)
Note : Using relations established for the area of plane figures and the net of solids, students identify
relationships to calculate the lateral or total area of right prisms, right cylinders and right pyramids.

5. Uses relations that can be used to calculate the area of a right cone and a sphere

6. Finds unknown measurements, using properties of figures and relations

a. area of circles and sectors

b. area of figures that can be split into circles (sectors), triangles or


c. lateral or total area of right prisms, right cylinders and right pyramids

d. lateral or total area of solids that can be split into right prisms, right cylinders
or right pyramids

e. area of figures resulting from an isometry

f. area of figures resulting from a similarity transformation

Note : In similar plane figures, the ratio of the areas is equal to the square of the similarity

g. area of a sphere, lateral or total area of right cones and decomposable

h. area of equivalent figures TS
7. Justifies statements concerning measures of area
F. Volume 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Chooses the appropriate unit of volume for the context

2. Estimates and measures volume or capacity using conventional units: cubic

centimetre, cubic decimetre, cubic metre, millilitre, litre

3. Establishes relationships between SI units of volume

4. Establishes relationships between

a. capacity units : millilitre, litre

b. measures of capacity

c. measures of volume and of capacity

5. Constructs relations that can be used to calculate volumes: right cylinders, right
pyramids, right cones and spheres

6. Finds unknown measurements using properties of figures and relations

a. volume of right prisms, right cylinders, right pyramids, right cones and
b. volume of solids that can be split into right prisms, right cylinders, right
pyramids, right cones and spheres
c. volume solids resulting from an isometry or a similarity transformation
Note : In similar solids, the ratio of the volumes is equal to the cube of the similarity ratio.
d. volume of equivalent solids TS
7. Justifies statements concerning measures of volume or capacity

G. Metric or trigonometric relations 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Determines, through exploration or deduction, different metric relations associated

with plane figures

2. Finds unknown measurements in various situations

a. in a right triangle rectangle using

i. Pythagorean relation

ii. the following metric relations

The length of a leg of a right triangle is the geometric mean
between the length of its projection on the hypotenuse and the
length of the hypotenuse.
The length of the altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle is
the geometric mean between the lengths of the segments of the
The product of the lengths of the legs of a right triangle is equal to
the product of the length of the hypotenuse and the length of the
altitude to the hypotenuse.
iii. trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, tangent
Note : In TS and S, students also use cosecant, secant and cotangent in Secondary

b. in any triangle using

i. sine law TS
ii. cosine law TS
iii. Hero’s formula
Note : In TS and S, this formula may be provided and used, if necessary.
c. in a circle: measure of arcs, chords, inscribed angles, interior angles and CST
exterior angles TS
Note : See Avenues of Exploration, Secondary Cycle Two Mathematics program, p. 127. S
3. Calculates the area of a triangle given the measure of an angle and the lengths of
two sides or given the measures of two angles and the length of one side
4. Proves trigonometric identities by using algebraic properties, definitions (sine, CST
cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent), Pythagorean identities, and the
properties of periodicity and symmetry TS
Note : Formulas for finding the sum or difference of angles are compulsory in S only. S

5. Justifies statements concerning

a. Pythagorean relation

b. metric or trigonometric relations

H. Vectors in the Cartesian or Euclidian plane 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Defines a vector: magnitude (length or norm), direction, sense
Note : In Secondary Cycle One, vectors are used in translations.
2. Represents a vector graphically (arrow in a plane or pair in a Cartesian plane)
Note : In TS, students may use a matrix with geometric transformations.
3. Identifies properties of vectors TS
4. Performs operations on vectors
Note : In TS, operations on vectors are performed in context.
a. determination of the resultant or projection of a vector TS
b. addition and subtraction of vectors TS
c. multiplication of a vector by a scalar TS
d. scalar product of two vectors TS
e. linear combination of vectors TS
f. application of Chasles relation TS
5. Justifies statements using properties associated with vectors TS
6. Analyzes and models situations using vectors (e.g. displacements, forces, speeds TS
or velocities)

1. Depending on the context, measurement prefixes (e.g. nano, micro, milli, deca, kilo, mega, giga) are introduced.

Mathem atics
Analytic Geometry
Analytic geometry provides a link between geometry and algebra. It allows students to represent geometric objects using
equations and inequalities. Students therefore work on representations in a Cartesian plane.
In Secondary Cycle One, students perfect their ability to locate points in the Cartesian plane, using the types of numbers
under study. They learn to represent a situation generally, using a graph.
In Secondary Cycle Two, students learn to model and analyze situations using a Cartesian reference point. They calculate
distances, determine the coordinates of a point of division and study geometric loci. Depending on the option, they use
coordinates to perform geometric transformations and determine results in a standard unit circle.
The following tables present the learning content associated with analytic geometry. By basing themselves on the
concepts and processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students
to better integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Analyzing situations using analytic geometry

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

A. Locating 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Locates objects/numbers on an axis, based on the types of numbers studied

Note : In Secondary Cycle One, students locate positive or negative numbers written in decimal or
fractional notation.

2. Locates points in a Cartesian plane, based on the types of numbers studied (x-
and y-coordinates of a point)

B. Straight lines and half-planes 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Uses the concept of change to

a. calculate the distance between two points

Note : In Secondary III, students are introduced to the concept of distance between two
points while studying the Pythagorean relation. In Secondary IV, the distance between two
parallel lines or from a point to a line or segment is studied using concepts and processes
associated with distance and equations systems.

b. determine the coordinates of a point of division using a given ratio (including CST
the coordinates of a midpoint)
Note : In S, students can also determine the coordinates of a point of division using the
product of a vector and a scalar. S
c. calculate and interpret a slope
Note : In Secondary III, students are introduced informally to the concept of slope while
studying the rate of change of functions (degree 0 and 1).

2. Determines the relative position of two straight lines using their respective slope
(intersecting at one point, perpendicular, non-intersecting parallel or coincident)
Note : In Secondary III, students are introduced to the concept of relative position between two lines
when comparing the rate of change and graphs of functions (degree 0 and 1). The same is true for
solving systems of linear equations in two variables.

3. Models, with or without technological tools, a situation involving

a. straight lines: graphically and algebraically

Note : In Secondary III, students are introduced informally to the concept of lines when
they study functions of degree 0 and 1. The different forms of equations of a line
(standard, general and symmetric) are explored in the various options. The symmetric
form of the equation of a line is not covered in CST; it is optional in TS and compulsory
in S. The general form of the equation of a line is optional in CST.
b. a half-plane: graphically and algebraically TS

c. parallel lines and perpendicular lines

4. Determines the equation of a line using the slope and a point or using two points
Note : The general form of the equation of a line is optional in CST.

5. Determines the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to another

Note : The general form of the equation of a line is optional in CST.

C. Geometric transformations 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Identifies, through observation, the characteristics of geometric transformations
in the Cartesian plane: translations, rotations centred at the origin, reflections
with respect to the x-axis and y-axis, dilatations centred at the origin, scaling
(expansions and contractions)
2. Defines algebraically the rule for a geometric transformation
Note : In TS, students may also use a matrix to define a geometric transformation.
3. Constructs, in the Cartesian plane, the image of a figure using a transformation CST
rule TS
Note :In TS, students also determine the vertices of an image using a matrix. S
4. Anticipates the effect of a geometric transformation on a figure TS

D. Geometric loci 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Describes, represents and constructs geometric loci in the Euclidian and CST
Cartesian planes, with or without technological tools TS
Note : In S, the study of geometric loci is limited to conics. S
2. Analyzes and models situations involving geometric loci in the in the Euclidian and CST
Cartesian planes TS
Note : In TS, geometric loci also include plane loci, i.e. geometric loci involving lines or circles only.
In S, the study of geometric loci is limited to conics. S

3. Analyzes and models situations using conics

describing the elements of a conic: radius, axes, directrix, vertices, foci, asymptotes, regions
graphing a conic and its internal and external region
constructing the rule of a conic based on its definition
finding the rule (standard form) of a conic and its internal and external region
validating and interpreting the solution, if necessary
a. parabola centred at the origin and resulting from a translation TS
b. circle, ellipse and hyperbola centred at the origin TS
c. circle, ellipse and hyperbola resulting from a translation TS
4. Determines the coordinates of points of intersection between

a. a line and a conic CST

Note : In TS, this is associated with solving systems involving the functional models under TS
study and entails mostly graphical solutions (with or without the use of technological tools). S
b. two conics (a parabola and a conic) TS

E. Standard unit circle 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Establishes the relationship between trigonometric ratios and the standard unit
circle (trigonometric ratios and lines)
2. Determines the coordinates of points associated with significant angles using CST
metric relations in right triangles (Pythagorean relation, properties of angles: 30°, TS
45°, 60°) S
3. Analyzes and uses periodicity and symmetry to determine coordinates of points
associated with significant angles in the standard unit circle
4. Proves Pythagorean identities TS


Discrete Mathematics
Discrete mathematics is a branch of mathematics that focuses mainly on situations involving finite sets and countable
objects. lts focus of study involves ali areas of mathematics and numerous applications in a variety of fields: transportation,
telecommunications, health, programming, etc. This section covers the concepts and processes more directly related to
graphs, social choice and matrices.

• Graphs
• Social Choice Theory
• Matrices

Mathem atics

Discrete Mathem atics


In learning about graph theory, students in the Cultural, Social and Technical option acquire new tools for analyzing
situations and are introduced to a different way of reasoning. This theory is used to model and, if necessary, to optimize
situations in different branches of mathematics (e.g. tree diagrams in probability, the representation of convex polyhedrons
[planar graph]) and in various fields such as social sciences, chemistry, biology or computer science. It can be used to
relate various elements associated with task planning, scheduling or inventory management, communication or distribution
networks, electric or other types of circuits, incompatibilities (interactions), localizations, strategies, and so on.

To draw a graph for a given situation, students must choose the elements that will be represented by vertices and those
that will be represented by edges. The terms associated with graphs are introduced as they arise in the situations
presented; however, the point is not to memorize a series of definitions. The properties are also introduced during
exploration activities.1

The following tables present the learning content associated with graphs. By basing themselves on the concepts and
processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students to better
integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Introduction to graph theory

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

A. Concepts associated with graph theory 6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Describes the basic elements of graph theory: degree distance, path, circuit TS
2. Recognizes Euler paths or circuits and Hamiltonian paths or circuits TS
3. Constructs graphs: directed graphs, weighted graphs, coloured graphs, trees TS
4. Identifies properties of graphs TS
B. Situation analysis, optimization and decision making 6 1 2 3 4 5
1. Determines elements of a situation associated with vertices and edges TS
2. Represents a situation using a graph TS
3. Compares graphs, if necessary TS
4. Finds Euler and Hamiltonian paths and circuits, the critical path, the shortest path, CST
the tree of minimum or maximum values or the chromatic number, depending on TS
the situation S

1. See Avenues of Exploration in Appendix E of the Secondary Cycle Two Mathematics program, p. 124.
Mathem atics

Discrete Mathematics

Social Choice Theory

Mathematical models are used in social, political and economic situations. Some models are used to ensure the fair
distribution of individuals and goods, while other models or voting procedures involve aggregating individual preferences in
order to clarify the choices to be made in satisfying as many people as possible (e.g. elections, market surveys,
classifications). By using the mathematical concepts and processes already acquired, students in the Cultural, Social and
Technical option can compare and analyze the different models associated with voting procedures. (Which method is most
accurate? Which method is most representative of the majority? In what way could results be influenced?)

The following tables present the learning content associated with social choice theory. By basing themselves on the
concepts and processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students
to better integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Introduction to social choice theory

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.

Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Student reinvests knowledge. Cycle Cycle

One Two

6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Makes decisions concerning social choices

a. Counts and enumerates possibilities TS
b. Compares and interprets different voting procedures and their results CST
Note : In cases that involve aggregating individual preferences, situations will be limited to no
more than 4 “candidates.” In particular, students compare and analyze majority rule, plurality TS
voting, the Borda count, the Condorcet method, the elimination or runoff method and approval
voting. See Avenues of Exploration in Appendix E of the Secondary Cycle Two Mathematics
program, p. 125. S

Mathem atics

Discrete Mathematics


In Secondary Cycle Two, the study of matrices is integrated into various branches of mathematics in the Technical and
Scientific option. It is based on situations in which the use of matrices is relevant, and the terminology associated with it is
introduced when required.

Matrices are a register of representation (grid, table) that can be used to interpret, process and manipulate effectively
several data at the same time. Operations such as matrix addition and matrix multiplication with a scalar or another matrix
(e.g. purchases/sales, inventory) form the bases of spreadsheet programs. Matrices can also be used to perform geometric
transformations [reflections, translations, rotations,1 dilatations (uniform scaling or homothety)] by using concepts and
processes associated with analytic geometry and trigonometry. Solving systems of equations by using row operations on
augmented matrices is another example of how matrices are used.

The following tables present the learning content associated with matrices. By basing themselves on the concepts and
processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program, which in turn enable students to better
integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Introduction to matrices
Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.
Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Understands tables of numbers: lines, columns

2. Represents, interprets data using matrices TS
3. Performs operations on matrices: addition and subtraction, multiplication with a
scalar and with another matrix
4. Performs geometric transformations (transformation matrices) TS
5. Solves systems of equations (augmented matrix) TS

1. Rotation could be done with measures of significant angles.


Financial Mathematics

During the last year of the Cultural, Social and Technical option, students are introduced to financial mathematics and become
familiar with the related vocabulary. Because it is only an introduction, all calculations are performed using previously studied
formulas. The following tables present the learning content associated with financial mathematics.

By basing themselves on the concepts and processes targeted, students develop the three competencies of the program,
which in turn enable students to better integrate the mathematical concepts and processes presented.

Introduction to financial mathematics

Student constructs knowledge with teacher guidance.

Student applies knowledge by the end of the school year.

Cycle Cycle
Student reinvests knowledge.
One Two

6 1 2 3 4 5

1. Describe the concepts related to financial mathematics

a. Interest rates (simple and compound interest)
b. Interest period CST
c. Discounting (present value) TS

d. Compounding (future value)
2. Models financial situations

3. Calculates compounding using the following formula : CST

(where Cn = future value, C0 = present value, i = interest rate and n = interest period) TS
Note : Student may use technological tools.
4. Calculates discounting using the following formula : CST
or (where Cn = future value, C0 = present value, i = interest rate TS
and n = interest period) Note : Student may use technological tools.

5. Determines values or data by solving equations CST

6. Compares financial situations CST

7. Makes decisions, if necessary, depending on the context TS

Mathem atics

Exam ples of Strategies1

The strategies that are helpful for the development and use of the three mathematics competencies are integrated into the
learning process. It is possible to emphasize some of these strategies, depending on the situation and educational intent.
Since students must build their own personal repertoire of strategies, it is important to encourage them to become
independent in this regard and help them learn how to use these strategies in different contexts. Students can be
encouraged to explore strategies associated with other subject areas, such as reading strategies, as these can be very
useful to fully understand all aspects of a question or situation. Please note that the strategies listed below can be used in
any order or sequence.

Cognitive and m e tacognitive strategies

What is the task that I am being asked to perform?

What concepts and processes do I need to use?
What information is relevant, implicit or explicit?
Is some information missing?
Do I need to break the task down?
How much time will I need to perform this task?
What resources will I need?
What do I need to establish a work plan?

Am I able to extract the information contained in the registers (type) of representation

Which terms seem to have a mathematical meaning different from their meaning in
everyday language?
What is the purpose of the task? Am I able to explain it in my own words?
Do I need to find a counterexample to prove that what I am stating is false?
Is all the information pertaining to the situation relevant? Is some information missing?
Is there any way I can illustrate the steps involved in the task?

Should I group, list, classify, reorganize or compare data? Should I use diagrams to show
the relationships between objects or data?
Can I use objects or technological tools to simulate the situation?
Can I use a table or chart? Should I draw up a list?
Are the main ideas in my approach well represented?
What concepts and mathematical processes should I use?
What registers (types) of representation (words, symbols, figures, graphs, tables, etc.)
could I use to translate this situation?

Can I represent the situation mentally or in written form?

Have I solved a similar problem before?
What additional information could I find using the information I already have?
What mathematical concepts could apply? What related properties or processes could I
Have I used the information that is relevant to the task? Have I considered the unit of
measure, if applicable?
Can I see a pattern?
Which of the following strategies could I adopt?
Use trial and error
Development Work backwards
Give examples
Make suppositions
Break the task down
Change my point of view or strategy
Eliminate possibilities
Simplify the task (e.g. reduce the number of data, replace values by
values that can be manipulated more readily, rethink the situation with
regard to a particular element or case)
Translate (mathematize) a situation using a numeric or algebraic

Is my approach effective and can I explain it?
Can I check my solution using reasoning based on an example or a counterexample?
What have I learned? How did I learn it?
Did I choose an effective reading strategy and take the time I needed to fully
understand the task?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
and Did I adapt my approach to the task? What was the expecte result?
control How can I explain the difference between the expected result and the actual result?
What strategies used by my classmates or suggested by the teacher can I add to
my repertoire of strategies?
Can I use this approach in other situations?

In what ways are the examples similar or different?

Which models can I use again?
Can the observations made in a particular case be applied to other situations?
Are the assertions I made or conclusions I drew always true?
Did I identify examples or counterexamples?
Did I see a pattern?
Am I able to formulate a rule?
Am I able to interpolate or extrapolate?

Is what I learned connected in any way to what I already know?

Which concepts are the most important for identifying other concepts?
Under what conditions does a certain process work? On what properties is it based?
Am I able to illustrate or modify the concepts and processes I know?
Retention What characteristics would a situation need in order for me to reuse the same strategy?
Would I be able to repeat the task again on my own?
What methods did I use (e.g. repeated something several times to myself or out loud;
highlighted, underlined, circled, recopied important concepts; made a list of terms
or symbols)?

Did I find a solution model and list the steps involved?

Development of Did I practise enough in order to be able to repeat the process automatically?
automatic processes Am I able to effectively use the concepts learned?
Did I compare my approach to that of others?

Did I show enough of my work so that my approach was understandable?

What registers (types) of representation (e.g. words, symbols, figures, diagrams/graphs,
tables) did I use to interpret a message or convey my message?
Did I experiment with different ways of conveying my mathematical message?
What method could I use to convey my message?
What methods would have been as effective, more effective or less effective?
Did I follow the rules and conventions of mathematical language?
Did I adapt my message to the audience and the communication intent? How can I adapt it?

Othe r strate gie s

How do I feel?
What do I like about this situation?
Am I satisfied with what I am doing?
What did I do particularly well in this situation?
Affective strategies What methods did I use to overcome difficulties and which ones helped me the most to
reduce my anxiety? stay on task? control my emotions? stay motivated?
Am I willing to take risks?
What did I succeed at?
Do I enjoy exploring mathematical situations?

Whom can I turn to for help and when should I do so?

Did I accept the help offered?
What documentation (e.g. glossary, ICT) should I use? Will it be helpful?
Resource What manipulatives can help me in my task?
management Did I estimate correctly the time needed for the activity?
strategies Did I plan my work well (e.g. planned short, frequent work sessions; set goals to attain for
each session)?
What methods should I use to stay on task (e.g. appropriate environment, available

1. These examples are based on strategies developed by the students in elementary school. They are considered to be
necessary, if not indispensable, regardless of the level.


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