The Dowry, Not The Wife, Is The Object of Attraction.
The Dowry, Not The Wife, Is The Object of Attraction.
The Dowry, Not The Wife, Is The Object of Attraction.
Dowry is one of the biggest issues facing Indian society and it is understood as the widespread
practice of the bride’s family giving anything which has a monetary value like cars, jewelry etc.
to the groom on demand from his side. As said in the above quote by Juvenal in most of the
cases men marry women with the lustrous ambition to acquire their wealth. The dowry
pressure on a bride causes both extreme financial duress as well as mental and emotional
stress. Moreover, dowry leads to the commitment of offences against the bride and later on the
wife in an attempt to get the dowry. Since a long time, we have seen so many offences against
women, where they are tortured and one such offence is dowry death. It’s very disgraceful for
a society where a woman dies for not being able to give dowry and also very shameful where
dowry is still being practiced.
Indian law has provided a definition for dowry under section 2 of the Dowry Prohibition Act,
1962. This section defines dowry as any property or valuable security given directly or indirectly
Dowry death
Dowry deaths are those deaths which are a consequence of dowry. It can cover both suicide of
the bride due to severe harassment, both physical and mental, from the groom and the family
demanding dowry, as well as murder of the bride. India has the highest number of dowry
deaths in the world with 8,083 dowry deaths reported in the year 2013 according to National
Crime Statistics published by the National Crime Records Bureau.
Dowry death is defined in Section 304B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Also Section 113B of the
Indian Evidence Act,1872 states the presumption as to dowry death. Dowry death as an offence
was inserted in the IPC as Section 304-B by the Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Act, 1986.
Section 304B of the Indian Penal Code states that if a woman dies within seven years of
marriage by any burns or bodily injury or it was revealed that before her marriage she was
exposed to cruelty or harassment by her husband or any other relative of the husband in
connection to demand dowry then the death of the woman will be considered as a dowry
Essential Ingredients
Practising in the name of a so-called tradition that is dowry is seen existing in every place in
India whether rural or urban. The menace of dowry custom has reached far down in society.
Despite making so many provisions practising of demand for dowry still not stopped. No
matter how many laws the government makes it still can’t eradicate it fully from the society.
To fully eliminate it the people of the society has to understand that it is wrong.
Dushaynth M Gowda
St Josephs college of law