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Quotes from fanfics.

"I was expecting you in the same way that you were expecting me: without hope."

"'I don't care about the lives you save, I care about your life'."🦌🔪

"People need to stop saying my name like it's a Shakespearean tragedy. I'm

"Love the sinner but hate the sin?"🦌🔪

"Any way I can have you. Every way I can have you"🦌🔪

“I’m used to disgust and fear—I feel them every time I look at a victim and feel
what happened. They’re natural, primal emotions. Pity though… It’s an emotion built
on the bedrock of assumed superiority, a luxury of those approved by society’s
standards. It’s insulting, almost. They think that this makes me broken.“ He
gestures to his wrist. "And it doesn’t. I am broken, but not because of this.”🦌🔪

"People scream their fool heads off at a spider curled up in a high corner, but say
‘good morning’ to the mass murderers strolling within inches of their personal

"I will wait for you, regardless of the time, regardless of how old and slow we
grow or how the world changes around us, I will wait, and I will love. And I will
be contented."🦌🔪

“There’s a difference between flattery and fact. Flattery is false, intended to

fill one’s head with smoke and mirrors, to distort the other’s self-perception and
turn their attention inward rather than towards the truth at hand.” 🦝🌌

"Write your own myth, construct your own purpose; be a magnificent version of
yourself and not a mediocre version of what other people wish you to be – you owe
yourself nothing less. Don’t be fearful or ashamed or guilty. Be alive.”🦌🔪

'the most beautiful quality of a true friendship is to understand, and be

understood, with absolute clarity.’🦌🔪

"The passage of time leaves marks upon our bodies, our histories written in each
tiny white scar. "🦌🔪

"You found true harmony with another being. It can be difficult to pull away from
such a pure union."🦌🔪

"The only way to catch killers is to study their kills, and for that, more must

"Murder is commonplace. People have been doing it for thousands of years. There is
a reason the scribes who wrote the bible did not exclude the story of Cain and

"A paradox of sex and violence, beautiful and uncouth, obedient and impudent,
brilliant and rife with youthful foolishness."🦌🔪

“Murder without motive can be the act of a mind simply made to express itself in
such a way, as one might art or music. It can also become little more than wrath,
foolish and forceful.”🦌🔪
"Piece by piece you take my soul from me and feed me something darker in its

"One can abstain from drinking, drugs and sex, doctor, and they will still end up
in the ground."🦌🔪

“Why are you appealing to God? Do you think he’s listening to you; do you think
he’s here right now? Do you think he cares? Better to pray to yourself, for

Desiderium: an ardent desire or longing, particularly for something once had.🦌🔪

"This thing between them will devour them both and destroy everything in their

“‘Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination’,”🦌🔪

"You can’t take me over because I’m my own person, but I’d still give you
everything I have. You can’t control me because I’m independent and free, but
there’s still virtually nothing I wouldn’t do for you"🦌🔪

"If we ever make it to a point where we are free to travel together and dog
ownership is our biggest problem, I will consider myself one of the most fortunate
of men."🦌🔪

"You overwhelm me. At times I suspect I drowned that night, and all of this is the
last whimsy my brain is concocting to distract itself as it runs out of air.”🦌🔪

"Next time I will not stop. And I will cut half of my soul down with you."🦌🔪

""An unspoken pact to ignore the worst in one another… in order to continue
enjoying the best""🦌🔪

'There are 25 ways to kill an adult male with one’s bare hands and I know them all,
you little shits’🦌🔪

"look at all the fucks I absolutely do not give about that; they’re literally
falling from the ceiling"🦌🔪

"there is never only one, of anybody"🦌🔪

"The public does like their heroes dark these days, it seems."🦌🔪

"We're programmed to survive, not for maximum psychological health."🦌🔪

"Cooks cover their mistakes with sauces and architects cover them with ivy, but
doctors cover our mistakes with dirt.”🦌🔪

"If our instincts ruled us, we would create no art but the scrawl of our enemies’
blood in the dirt."🦌🔪

"I’m always fine too. I can always get through it. Don’t you ever wish you could –
I don’t know. Not? Just be a mess and let someone else deal with it?"🦌🔪

"You and air must be having a long, ongoing disagreement then.”⚔️🦅

"They fear pain. They fear pain because most are sheltered enough to never know it.
Once you have faced it, once you know that it is temporary, you no longer fear
"Christians are wonderfully naïve people. They serve a God who collapses their
churches on top of them, who commits mass murder and calls it divine punishment,
who lays down laws and then sends a savior to contradict them, and they follow like
sheep to the slaughter because faith makes them feel important, loved, and
righteous. It gives them meaning, but God couldn't care less about their devotion.
He would kill them in an instant, and feel powerful and satisfied.”🦌🔪

"People pour their lives in serving a god whom they cannot see, who rarely rewards
them. Churches like this one number in the thousands, if not millions. If there's
one thing everyone in this world, regardless of race, has in common, it's the need
to believe in a higher power.”🦌🔪

“People gain what they want out of religion, not necessarily what religion has to

"Patience is when you’re pissed off, annoyed, what-the-fuck ever else, and you push
on anyway. I don’t have to be patient with you, darling. You just are the way you
are, and I love you.”🦝🌌

"Our psyche only develops to a certain point. The rest is just the body decaying to
spite our internal truth.”🦌🔪

“Wait, no. Eat them, don’t screw them. No screwing allowed outside of the parties
currently present in this bed.”🦌🔪

“Is that where the line between friendship and something more is drawn? Your dick’s
never been in my mouth, so you’re my friend.”🦌🔪

"You gave up serving in Heaven to rule by my side in Hell.”🦌🔪

"Everything in the human experience is on a spectrum with endless gradients of

color. People like to pretend there are nice, neat little boxes and just a few
primary colors to choose from. It makes the idiots feel safe, but it’s far from
being true.”🦌🔪

“It sounded like the mating call of something that had gone extinct millennia ago,
probably because its mating call was too mortifying to utter under most

I love you enough to let you go. 🦌🔪

“An action taken in self-defense, a wolf at hunt, these aren’t acts of horror - no
stigma is applied to them by those who do them. It isn’t inherently sadistic unless
you intend it to be.”🦌🔪

“What becomes of a stigmatizing action if the person that performs it is without

guilt, but the recipient of that action is shamed by it?"🦌🔪

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”

“Would that be so very bad? Not seeing all of this... horror, everywhere, carved on
the faces of children even. Maybe the whole world deserves to go blind. We should
be left to squirm around in the darkness. The human race is an irredeemable mess,
and it's always the innocent ones who suffer."🦌🔪

“Typhoid and swans - it all comes from the same place, God.”🦌🔪

“No, you just radiate waves of 'would-starve-if-left-to-own-devices'”🦌🔪

It seemed like Adam had a nine to five job or at least Nigel hoped he did. The
alternative was that Adam was some crazy person going out into the woods for eight
hours a day, doing god knows what, and Nigel wasn’t sure if he could be okay with
that. That’s the kind of crazy they make horror movies about that, ones that
usually involved cannibals.🦝🌌

“We are here with all the sanity and reality that we are ever going to be afforded
by this world.”🦌🔪

“You grow up in a world filled with people chomping at the bit to tell you who’s
strong and who’s weak. This boy gets in fights. Strong. This boy likes to read
books. Weak. This boy plays contact sports. Strong. This boy likes to write
stories. Weak. The anomalies to this caste system are tossed aside because they
don’t fit. Outliers won’t be accepted or tolerated.”🦝🌌

“You are impulsive down to your core. As planned and meticulous as you are, you are
ultimately whim laced with precision. Of course it was impulsive.”🦌🔪

“For a first date, it hadn’t gone badly. He knew Death’s name and that the grim
reaper had dimples.”🦌🔪

“Indeed, I possess the kind of mindset that means when I leave my bed every
morning, the Almighty almost certainly gives an involuntary shudder and remarks:
‘How unfortunate. It seems that he is awake again.’”🦌🔪

“The idea of sacrificing oneself in the service of faith has always struck me to be
as amusing as it is senseless. To be a Martyr, to offer up mind and body in such a
way; to offer up autonomy itself; the notion both entertains and appals me. And yet
how I find myself wanting to keep faith with you. I would forfeit my entire
wellbeing for it; I would allow you to vanquish and overpower me in my devotion.
The delirium of one who adores you, yearns for you, envelops and consumes you, both
for this life and the next.”🦌🔪

“Society expects you to both serve drinks and become friends with every single
person that walks through the door, no matter how disrespectful or rude they

“You owe me forty quid. I don’t want you dead.”🦌🔪

“Two loners, failing to avoid connection”🦌🔪

“Don’t ever put a sword in a man’s hand who can’t dance”🦌🔪

“This isn't a therapy session, this is just two buddies talking because you said
you needed to, but we can call it off and go for a run or jump off a building or
invade a small country, you know, whatever you're in the mood for."🗽⛓

“It’s been a bad day, tell me a joke “

"Little Audrey was playing with matches when her mama caught her and gave her a
whooping. 'Don't you ever play with matches again,' her mama said. When Mama wasn't
looking, Little Audrey started playing with matches again, the curtains caught
fire, the walls caught fire, and in no time at all, their entire house had burned
down, nothing but ashes. Sitting outside, wrapped in blankets on their neighbor's
porch on the other side of the street, her mama said, 'If you think I gave you a
whooping earlier, you just wait until your father gets home and sees what you've
done.' But Little Audrey just laughed and laughed since she knew her father had
gotten home an hour earlier and gone right upstairs to take a nap."🗽⛓

“Society teaches us to act. It teaches us to behave in a way that enables the

individuals of our community to live in harmony. I learned a long time ago that
acceptable social behavior isn't above those we love and care for.”🦌🔪

“When our loved ones are threatened, we react instinctively, and violently, to
protect them. Your impulse is the same as the swan's, or the rabbit's, or the
lion's. In the moment when death approaches, passion arouses the killer within us.
It is in all of our nature to kill, when threatened.”🦌🔪

“I need as many straps and hidey holes as you can fit onto me; I want more weapons
than a rural community in Texas.”🗽⛓

“Sometimes you just don’t want to bleed on other people.”🗽⛓

“I will sit down outside of his door, wherever he is living, and I will wait for
him to come out, like a dog; he could kick me every day and I still would not go
away, until finally I was dead. There is nothing else for me to do. I cannot do
anything else. I cannot go anywhere else. This is it.”🗽⛓

“War just means you can kill a man and you don’t have to bury the body. Because no
one will come looking for you. Violence is expected. There’s nothing ‘good’ or
‘right’ about war.”🗽⛓

“There is no reconciling it; they see the world very differently. One from the
ground, where people scream and bleed, and the other from above, where nations and
legends are broad strokes on the map. “🗽⛓

“Love is a sickness. Kindness is a symptom.”🦌🔪

“I have at least one fictional grandmother I would be willing to sacrifice to get

out of dinner, yes. But you could have the whole set, if you like. A fiery car
crash ought to do it.”🦌🔪

“How could I be anything but ruined, now, having known true beauty? I will never
find its like again, save when I gaze upon my beloved and am seen in return.”🦌🔪

“Stop asking the sales assistants which fabric is the easiest to wash blood out of.
They’re going to call security.”🗽⛓

“Even the angels of the Old Testament were killers. It's not necessarily a bad
thing. And you wouldn't be human if you didn't like the rush that came from the act
of destruction. From the power you wield over another person's life.”🦌🔪

“I love him who loves his virtue, for virtue is the will to go under and an arrow
of longing. I love him who does not hold back one drop of spirit for himself, but
wants to be entirely the spirit of his virtue: thus he strides over the bridge as
spirit. I love him who makes his virtue his addiction and his catastrophe: for his
virtue’s sake he wants to live on and to live no longer.”🦌🔪

“They were a nigh unstoppable force, for generations. Love brings out the best in
both the lover and the beloved. What man would not die a thousand deaths, rather
than abandon his beloved to danger, or be seen by him behaving dishonorably or with

"I feel like I've just sent a pot-smoking kid to the Supermax and he's come out
dealing crack." 🦌🔪

“I don't accept anything that attempts to tell me how I should live, what I should
enjoy, or whom I should choose to be attracted to. The world is a much more free,
beautiful space than society would have us believe.”🦌🔪
“Despite my rather well-presented exterior, my taste in wine ranges between white
and red.”🦌🔪

Redamancy: The act of loving in return.

Saṃsāra: is the repeating cycle of birth, life and death (reincarnation) as well as
one's actions and consequences in the past, present, and future in Hinduism,
Buddhism, Bon, Jainism, Taoism and Sikhism.

“Unknown Number: You think I'm an anorexic, alcoholic cannibal, and you want to go
out with me? “🗽⛓

“Look, I don’t even know you. You could be some Jeffrey Dahmer type and I’d have no
“Okay, uhm, first of all, my apartment is not nearly big enough to store all the
potential dying boy slaves”🏺⚔️

“If your curiosity wanes, kill me.”🦌🔪

“Hey, surprise, we’ve got your deconditioning shit, your best friend is dead, do
you want a smoothie?”🗽⛓

“‘Are you doing this on purpose? You’re fucking me not driving past road works,
speed up a bit, you’re driving me crazy.’”🗽⛓

“He was greeted with the sight of everyone in the room raising doritos towards him.
‘I was only gone three minutes,’ he objected, ‘what did you do? Did you start a
corn chip cult?’”🗽⛓

“What if they’d taken you from me before I knew you?” he asked solemnly. “What
would I have done?”
Lived a simpler life, certainly. A less confusing one. A safer one.
A colder one.🦌🔪

“Eddie’s just relieved the alien goo has stopped slobbering over him and hissing
“my precious…” in his ear every morning Eddie brushes his teeth in front of the
bathroom mirror.”👽🍫

“How did you even find cows in the middle of the night?” He asks in the silence.
“Google Maps.”👽🍫

“You are the tater tots of humans”👽🍫

“‘Well, I dunno, you didn’t understand umbrellas, you doofus, how was I supposed to
know that the concept of marriage ‘“👽🍫

“If my body is a temple, its halls are cold and empty without you.
Come back, my love, and chase the silence out of our bones.
If my body is a temple, its halls are awash with light and laughter.
You're back to where you belong, my love, and no sorrow shall grace our bones

“He had been in Queensland, teaching the wild flocks of cockatoos to swear.”🗽⛓

“I’ve flirted with the idea of death so many times that if it were a dame, I’d have
taken it out dancing by now.”🗽⛓

“I don’t think he needs you to pre-prepare his cereal for him.” “And I think that
you underestimate his absolute lack of functionality.”👽🍫

“The enjoyment of killing is a human trait. Perhaps the most human. Animals do not
kill for pleasure. To fault yourself for this is to suggest you should be set apart
from millennia of history, of war and blood and torture and death. There is
something in us that delights in destruction."🦌🔪

“You literally just brought me to a fucking corpse in the woods. Not your first
one, either. That makes you a serial killer."🦌🔪

It happens on a Tuesday. No one ever expects life changing events to happen on a

Tuesday. Life changing events are really more suited for weekends.👽🍫

"Well I don't see where you have the right to send him after perfectly respectable
citizens. Making a flower out of me! What is my wife supposed to do with my body
now? Bury me in a vase?"🦌🔪

“‘I’ll go, but I’m not wearing any fancy fucking clothes, I’m not fucking dancing,
and I’m going to complain the whole time.’
‘So a typical weekend together? Wonderful!’”🦌🔪

Goddamn prissy people eater. *bang* It was a fucking compliment. *bang* Just means
he’s sturdy. *bang* and fuckable*bang* and now I’m sleeping with the fucking dog.
*bang bang bang*”🦌🔪

“‘You can’t smoke here.’

‘Fucking seriously? We’re out-fucking-side! Who’s going to get cancer? That fucking
tree? This fucking country. Land of the free my ass. Land of the goddamn petty
fucking smoking laws.’”🦝🌌

“‘I’m not an angel.’

 ‘Thank fucking god for that, because the things I want to do to you are not listed
in the King James Bible.’”🦝🌌

My love, we've been here four years and I've yet to see anyone else walking an
elephant in the morning. I'm pretty sure everyone will know whose elephant is in
their petunias."🦌🔪

I know tonight is technically the night we listen to opera and read, but how about
we switch up our routine? Mutual Masturbation Monday has a ring to it, don’t you

There were only four human beings in existence, Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel.
Only four, yet we resorted to make murder the very first human death.🦌🔪

“There are certain things in life that make the need for caffeine greater than the
need for functional taste buds,”🦌🔪

That's what he is though, a dead man summoned to fight for a country he must keep
dying for, must watch other people continually die for, all in the name of justice,
the greater good.🗽⛓

“Oh babydoll, When did you become so broken?"🗽⛓

“You can only keep fighting so long once it gets easy like this. That’s when you
know the real fight’s going to be when you have to start trying like hell to be
alive again instead.”🗽⛓

“They've both been frozen for the better part of a century. Any more beauty sleep
is just vanity!"🗽⛓

Whether they’re picking fights with bullies or battling it out on the war front,
they’re always going to be carrying each other’s scars like it’s their own, and he
doesn’t want to think about it being any other way.🗽⛓

He’s not sad, not for himself at least – he’d hoped, but he always knew he wasn’t
returning home from war.🗽⛓

“All the self preservation of a leming, I swear,”🗽⛓

Look at how lovely my dishes are and don't question why you've never tasted beef
quite like this before.🦌🔪

“Metaphors provide useful ways of looking at the world. Every once in a while a
cigar really is a cigar, but usually if you change your perspective it’s something

“I thought I’d better get that in before you tell me I’m not allowed, or I’m only
allowed during odd-numbered hours, or on days that end in ‘y.’”
“You do know all the days end in ‘y’, right? They taught that in medical school?”
“That’s why I think that’s a particularly good rule. If rules we must have.”🦌🔪

“I’m going to assume that sigh means ‘I’m very impressed by your culinary skills
and sorry I’ve never asked you to cook for me before, and I am in no way being a
backseat driver in the kitchen.’”🦌🔪

he couldn’t quite pinpoint when he went from being antisocial to being a homicidal

“You’re the protector and I’m the healer. This is written in the stars: I will
always look after you as you will me.”🗽⛓

But what a cruel thing is war; to separate and destroy families and friends, and
mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our
hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair
face of this beautiful world. I pray that, on this day when only peace and goodwill
are preached to mankind, better thoughts may fill the hearts of our enemies and
turn them to peace.🗽⛓

“It’s ok if you’d rather not. Totally understand. Probably should have checked if
you even swung that way first.”
“Oh I definitely swing your way
Gravitational pull your way is more accurate tbh.”🗽⛓

“Keep writing your notes, Freedom Pigeon.”🗽⛓

“What the hell are you looking at?” The little shit snaps
“Naked mole rat trying to pull off a pea coat?”🗽⛓

It’s an old thing, they’d argued over it for years. No one had ever died on their
couch. Maybe a rat had died in it, it sure smelled that way, but no one died on the

“with his educated eyes, and his head between my thighs”🗽⛓

“It’s ok. I know you don’t mean it. Everyone loves the guy who's got their dick in
his mouth.”
“No, wait babydoll. You're an idiot, and I love you, so fucking much. No mouth on
my dick. Just us. I love you.” 🗽⛓

“Sometimes I scare the shit out of myself thinkin’ about the things I’d be willing
to do for you. How I know, simple, like I know the sun’s gonna rise tomorrow, that
if you stopped breathing one night that the next one I’d make sure I did too.”🗽⛓

“So it's extra important to remember eat, drink and be merry, for in the morn we

He didn’t look for death, but if death came a knocking, he wouldn’t turn it way.🗽

“Are you secretly marrying him without telling him?"🗽⛓

“You look like a damn angel. But, You got a devils mouth on ya.”🗽⛓

“Explosions are the best revenge, but you'll get more mileage out of living

If that was the power of a Freudian slip, he was ready to fight a dead Austrian

“He wanted you to be happy.”

“Well, he knows where to find me.” 🗽⛓

“I would rather relive this day for eternity than watch them win and you die, or
see you be enslaved to them the way I was.”🗽⛓

“You were there when I lost my virtue.”

“Don’t go actin’ like you misplaced it somewhere, you threw it at me like the first
pitch of the season.”🗽⛓

“God is what vastness is — the thing we can’t conceive of because it’s too huge. He
is the expanse and indifference and beauty of the universe. He’s the feeling you
get when there’s nothing and no one for miles, and you look up into the sky and all
you see are billions of stars that have already gone out somewhere millions of
years ago. And He’s the spark inside you that makes you capable of tenderness, even
when everything you’ve known has been sharp and painful.”🗽⛓

“God dammit,” the storm cloud muttered. Four hours after their return, it still
hadn’t shaved, cleaned its muddy boots or changed out of its dirty field uniform🗽

“It’s not cannibalism if you’re a dog”🗽⛓

“I’m sorry if The conversation last night came off as a bit gay.”
“You confessed your undying love to me, another man. It is the literal definition
of gay.”🗽⛓

“Maybe I won’t be such a disappointment, if we ever get around to…”

“Makin’ whoopee?”
“Let’s call it anything but that.”🗽⛓

When he has to pretend he isn’t an alcoholic night owl with a screwdriver.🗽⛓

“You spoke so beautifully of the salmon right after catching one and eating it for

“Don’t you get tired of losing the same argument every year?”🏕☁️
You nearly die on your friend’s doorstep once, and forevermore they were worried
you’d attempt to encore performance.🏕☁️

“We’re getting close to nature,”

“Yeah, so close you’re gonna need a restraining order”🏕☁️

“I’ll put that on my business cards. ‘Think you got it bad? Let me tell you how it
could’ve been worse.’”🗽⛓

Are we sure it’s him?

What? Of course! I did not just go and collect a random seal from the harbor.🗽⛓

This is science, my dear boy. 10% inspiration, 90% improvisation.🗽⛓

“Our cat is terrorizing our dog and you seem remarkably okay with this. Is this the
kind of responsible pet-sitting I can expect while I'm out in the field? I'm
relying on you to keep them in line."🗽⛓

You've got to take it. My other plants are bullying it—"

"Yes, Better you take it now before it jumps into the garbage disposal itself."

“We could even fix ‘em up with metal limbs, and name ‘em after different seasons,
collect a full set.”🗽⛓

crawls around New-York in spandex on his spare time, with the social skills of a
constipated cat.🕷⚔️

“The Captain’s mad because you didn’t give him a present?"

"Can it, okay? Help me find a nice pebble or something."
”You’re serious?🗽⛓

Guilt is a feather carried over miles and decades, growing heavier only by the
default of time. So make the return trip to Mecca and start over, find the center
and then branch out again.🗽⛓

Straighten up soldier there are still many more deaths to come before ye years are

“Initiate emergency protocol, code 'Captain Bambi Eyes and Sergeant Hot Hobo
Getting it On.'”
“Sir, you must be aware that I have no idea what that means,”🗽⛓

“You and your paranoia are still getting along well, then?”
“My paranoia and I just had our six-year anniversary. The relationship is as strong
and passionate as ever.”🗽⛓

“Wait, you’re not going to try to fight an entire realm just because of their child
raising practices? Please don’t try to fight an entire realm because of their child
raising practices.”🗽⛓

You can talk to me when your mouth ain't got a previous obligation with my

"Sorry I was so late getting here today. I had car trouble. The guy at the repair
shop said I blew a seal. I told him to fix my car and leave my personal life out of
A Fae, showing up at Bucky’s front door: Hello. yes is this your husband? please
take him, he ate a sandwich and now we can’t get rid of him.
Steve, radiating innocence: But EVERYONE SAYS if you eat food in the fae realm you
can’t leave!
Bucky: I don’t think it counts if you do it as an attack.
Steve: You can’t prove anything.🗽⛓

“I hate to break it to you pal, but we’re both walking disasters.”

“But at least we’re walking.”🗽⛓

is being made into an object the same as dying?🗽⛓

He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves: one for his enemy and one for himself🗽

He had already been in the ice for five months when the Little Boy was dropped. In
a way he’s glad of that - if he’d still been awake to see that catastrophe, he
would’ve put a gun in his mouth and finished it himself. Because wiping out entire
cities with Valkyrie’s bombs had been exactly what he’d tried to stop from
happening, and witnessing his own country take a page from HYDRA’s handbook
would’ve been a betrayal too terrible for him to handle.🗽⛓

How long can you hold your breath for?

70 years.🗽⛓

“How do you know I'm dangerous, huh?”

“Wild stab in the dark.”
“You sound more dangerous, stabbing things in the dark wildly and what not.”🦌🔪

the Devil knows you need a little bit of happy so you can feel how bad the rest of
it is. He knows you can’t feel hopeless unless sometimes you get just a little bit
of hope then watch it disappear.🗽⛓

“An eternity in Hell for a decade of lovin’ you? I’d choose it every single time,
sweetheart. Don’t ever doubt that,”🗽⛓

Dying in your arms would be a softer death than I’ve waited for, my love 🗽⛓

“Oh, yeah.  Bein' a helpless kitten was terrific.  Bein' a goddamn octopus was
swell.  But my favorite part was when my oldest friend didn't know me from a feral
fucking pigeon."🗽⛓

They were supposed to be men out of time together, were supposed to follow each
other to the end of the line. Bucky had been gone for five years and Steve couldn’t
even muster an, “I’ll miss you too” to his best friend of almost a century.🗽⛓

”I might make it to top ten”

“There are six of us” 🥇⛸

We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours🦌🔪

“Now I can think of other things that strike me as more genuinely romantic."
"Such as? If you say chopping up a body together, I’m not going to take it well.
Fair warning."🦌🔪

“I didn’t drag you out of the ocean and halfway to the North Pole just to watch you
get eaten by a goddamn bear. You can hardly carry a bucket of water."🦌🔪
This is why I lived like a hermit in the fucking woods. People are too loud.🦌🔪
“I want you to be happy”
“I’m aiming for less miserable, it’s easier. “🦌🔪

“I don't like asking favors, Except perhaps to have this coffee every morning. And
afternoon. And night. I'll replace my blood with this."🦌🔪

"Yes, I hunted you down to pry into your personal affairs. Yes, I am a busybody.
Yes, I want details. Now."🦌🔪

“They can beans with toast?”

 “I can’t wait to broaden your palate, Doctor.”🦌🔪

“Are you profiling God?”

“He's the ultimate serial killer.”🦌🔪

"I think I've run out of patience, Shadow Man.”

“As have I my Daydreamer.”🦌🔪

“Angels don't have genitalia."

"Save me a place in Hell”🦌🔪

“If I like the idea of disrupting your environment, it’s only because you’re
disrupting my whole life.”
“How can I? You refuse to let me anywhere near it.” 🦌🔪

“Do you think I am unafflicted by you? I am brought to my knees by some terrible

illness. A black humor you’ve introduced to my system.”🦌🔪

“I have to say your handwriting is a lovely challenge, my darling. I became quite

skilled at pinpointing the exact moment you ran out of coffee.”🦌🔪

My love is selfish. I cannot breathe without you. I also cannot breathe without
air, so please refrain from setting more fires.🦌🔪

That is by far the worst idea you've ever had, and I was there when you tried to
gut a fish with a rock!”🦌🔪

“But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.
And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart”🦌🔪

After all, he already had a human whom he saw every day and liked that particular
one very much. He saw no reason for casually mingling with others to develop
relationships unrelated to a professional nature because he found them, quite
simply, needless.🖖🏻🚀

I'm not wholly convinced it is a dog. The way the beast fought to remain drowning
in the ravine it may be a distressed capybara."🦌🔪

“I just wish there was a magic pill I could take that would stop the dreams.”
“There is I believe they call it arsenic” 🦌🔪

“Come back and be somewhere I can always find you; and that you’ll always know
where to find me. Come back wild and untameable yet provocative and playful; come
back grave and enigmatic – come back entirely yourself. Bring all your thoughts and
memories with you, all your darkness and your brilliance, all your lethal glacial
beauty, every impulse and imperative, every outlawed thought and every forbidden
feeling: every day and every hour for the rest of your life. Come back on foot or
carried, come back running or walking; be majestic or despondent, audacious or
ferocious; but however you do it come back and light the flare – ignite – immolate
all that dark terrain inside yourself and then raze the old to raise the new. Come
back and lean against my desk with your hands in your pockets, then run your
fingers through your hair and smile and sigh and let me possess you. Come back
while you’re young and beautiful and gradually grow old in front of me; let me
watch you do it, let me watch you for a lifetime. Let me console, complete and
transform you, let me see what you can become. Come back, come back”🦌🔪-This
Dangerous Game

“What doesn’t kill me, had better apologise and then run for its goddamn life. So
go on old man – get moving.”🦌🔪- This Dangerous Game

Once spoken, words can never be taken back, not really. Especially the horrible
ones, for they are wounds that fester and turn necrotic.🐺🌼

“the people we would take a dagger through the heart for, are usually the ones
stabbing us.”🐺🌼

“You were just in a fucking fairy-tale,With fucking fairies. You fucking idiot”🐺🌼

“You must have really done something terrible to burn all the joy out of him”🐺🌼

“Fuck him! I don’t care. He’s the human equivalent of a fluorescent light bulb, but
if you’re into that, it’s your business.”🐺🌼

Leave it to him to be content on his deathbed because the long-standing recipient

of his affections may not feel completely indifferent about him.🐺🌼

There are other bedrooms downstairs,”

"That's nice."
"I meant that I could sleep in one of them."
"Do you really think I didn't know what you meant?"

“He doesnt want to flit and preen and flutter around like a young bird. He has
built a nest in his heart for someone who does not want him, and it hurts.”🐺🌼

Still, a game of fetch with a horse seems less futile than attending the ball.🐺🌼

“Nope, we are handfasted now, you cannot back out of it. I was stuck with you
following my ass for twenty years. You are stuck with me being your husband until
we are dead.”🐺🌼

“Did I kill him? I know a necromancer, I can fix it. Maybe.”🐺🌼

“How do I look?”
“Like a widower whose spouse died under mysterious and highly suspicious

I love you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“I can love you back.”
“… well, I suppose there’s that. How dare you. No, don’t kiss me, I’m being

The villagers want to meet the monster,"

“And the King finds this disagreeable."🦌🔪

“Who’s gonna pay for the wedding, son? I invested all our money on outer space
mining, because we thought we’d never have to give a single penny for another
wedding. You were supposed to be the least marketable child I have, you swear too
fucking much.”🗽⛓

He was angry leaving church. Which is really disappointing, because leaving church
is the best part about going to church🏴‍☠️⚓️

To love in such a way is to welcome eventual ruination🏴‍☠️⚓️

“Come on, have a drink. We’ll explain it all, I promise, it does make sense.”
“The kind of crazy sense you two bastards make is not the sense the rest of us

“You gotta keep adopting new religions, huh? Someone shows up with an old, nearly
extinct motto and you just can’t help yourself?”🌌🗡

“He’s feeling insecure,” she announces, “if he’s like this before noon then it’s
your job to fix it.”🌌🗡

“Was that a Christmas tree made out of antlers in the front room?"
"Sure looks like it,"
"Son, it's February."🦌🔪

“‘He was an asshole.’

‘Probably still is. Why'd you stick with him for so damn long then?’
‘He was good in bed and I was too lazy to find someone else.’
‘True romance, that is.’"👓🌂

“Sometimes I think you would laugh at your own funeral."

"That would be the best time”👓🌂

“In hindsight, I probably should have left out that bit about how I’d rather go
back in time and shag Thatcher,”👓🌂

despite possessing the sports literacy and football know-how of a kiwi fruit👓🌂

“I won’t come in or anything. Your neighbours already think I’m either the world’s
most inept burglar or that I’ve cheated on you.”👓🌂

“You may, quite possibly, be suffering from an ailment that rhymes with STD...”👓🌂

“If someone’s screaming, you are most definitely doing something wrong.”
“I don’t do things wrong. My ex used to scream in bed.”
“Your ex froze to death in Russia. He made bad life choices all around.”👓🌂

“Are you getting any sunlight at all?"

"I've got a picture of the sun on my desktop."👓🌂

“I know my ABCs, can even spell words like Liechtenstein.”

“I don’t know what to say about that “

He’s in the kitchen, still in the dark, grudgingly watering down his next drink

Created the appearance of trying to cheat on his lover with his own father👓🌂

“I’m head of security. I’ve seen the tapes. You’ve looked at his ass more times
than a priest at a boys choir rehearsal.”👓🌂
“not because I don’t like my hair, but because it’s so oily it should have
distressed sea birds in the middle and disapproving Greenpeace campaigners camped
round the edges”🦌🔪

“I appreciate your intrepid scientific spirit, but is it really necessary to

cultivate penicillin in every single mug we possess?”🦌🔪

“you're aware that romantic love is an unnecessary part of life, correct? It… seems
cold to say so, but it's true. I will say that it's important to have people who
love you in your life. But people can and do live happily enough without a spouse.
True, many people chose to take a partner in life, but there is nothing wrong with
a more solitary lifestyle.”♟👨🏻‍⚖️

Nothing worse than meeting the in-laws haha am I right??

Neither of us have in-laws.

Neither of us have parents.♟👨🏻‍⚖️

“I don’t know if assaulting you in a roomful of attorneys and a detective is

necessarily the greatest career choice for me”♟👨🏻‍⚖️

With the number of salary cuts he’s been threatening, I think the good detective
might be paying to work here.” ♟👨🏻‍⚖️

“Unless you’re about to tell me I’m the Chesapeake Ripper, you can keep that
amazing fucking insight to yourself. Now get outta here I gotta call my wife back
and grovel and I don’t need an audience”🦌🔪

You have the social skills of a mushroom 🦌🔪

the man kept seeing you even after you sent that guy from the looney bin to kill
him — he’s interested. Just…tell him you’re interested too.”🦌🔪

nodus tollens
n. the realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.

“And what about your protection? Such as them could not be a sword at your back.”
“You seem likely to be a sword in my back if you hate me any harder than you do

“Foxes’ mating season is already over, But I’m not surprised you don’t recognize
the sounds of pleasure coming out of a bedchamber. I’ve lived next to you for 15
years and the only thing I’ve ever heard from your rooms is the sound of coin being

“My King, I am all for the abolition of slavery, let that be said-“
“Oh, I’m not going to like what follows”

“That ship has sailed. It sunk, and then came back, and became a ghost ship crewed
by zombies.”

“You went from girl-with-the-curse to intense-murdering-northman in one leap. You

have range, I’ll give you that.”

“He couldn’t just stay put and get rescued like a decent King. No, he had to go and
cock it all up!”
“Gods damn you, if you survive being the god of death and then drown in a stupid
river, I’ll follow you to hell and kill you again.”

“I’m traumatized for life.”

“You’re traumatized for life? I cut an evil deity out of someone’s eye. You want
therapy, get in line.”

“are you in danger?”

“Does the FBI know about our phone calls?”
“Are you dying?”
“Then why are you calling me at four o’clock in the morning?”🦌🔪

“Never let it be said that I stood in the way of true love.”

“You may not have stood in its way, but you sure as hell dragged me into its

“I'm a hell of an escort if I've convinced him to buy me a car. Best blow jobs in
the state, never mind the town."🦌🔪

“Did you get a new electrician?”

“I hope you enjoyed this evening’s dinner.”
“I’m gonna go ahead and pretend you didn’t say that.” 🦌🔪

I have begun to worry we would only be able to live together when we were in our
“I’m going to be buried with my dogs. No space for you, husband.”🦌🔪

“Did you get hit in the head, or is this all from that time you got shot, because
you can’t keep using that as an excuse forever.”
“Nonsense, I can use it for as long as I like”👓🌂

The road to hell was not a road at all, but a ladder. Nor was it paved with good
intentions, but with ever-degrading rungs of “It’s Fine”.👓🌂

He had finally descended the ladder into hell, and was now warmly shaking hands
with Satan.👓🌂

“You think James Bond is a bitter, old homosexual living in his niece’s house for a

An octopus with abandonment issues 👓🌂

“Can we please move on from the dog?”

“I don’t know can the dog move on”👓🌂

“Got him on a broth and aspirin, but we are not entirely convinced he’s going to
make it”
“Quite. If he keeps on bitching the way he currently is, I’ll likely put a pillow
over his face and suffocate him in his sleep.”👓🌂

“On occasion, he finds it funny how he is willing to excuse his own dark impulses,
when he would destroy anyone who tried the same. But selective morality is a common
feature of mankind.”👓🌂

“As planned and meticulous as you are, you are ultimately whim laced with
precision. Of course it was impulsive.”🦌🔪

“Have I ever told you that you hop from lily pad to lily pad of conversation, and
leave no room for the rest of us?"🦌🔪

Perception is relative. Ask a painter what color forms when all the others are
mixed together, and they will say black. Ask a physicist, and they will say

“The two of you trade off the responsibility of entertaining me like divorced
parents share a child,"🦌🔪

I’ll skip the small talk as I presume had you carelessly misplaced any more body
parts, eloped with an underwear model, decided to pursue a career in Interior
Design or jacked it all in to live in the Bahamas you’d have had the decency to
email me first👓🌂

Any sane person would take him for a good ride and then put him down and back away
slowly, because he's the equivalent of an unmarked parcel that's started to tick.

“You’ve been so deep in denial I was glad you’re a certified diver.”

“Because denial is a river in Egypt?”
“In your case it’s a sodding ocean,”🍸💻

“The fact that it matched a vegetarian with an arctic baby seal hunter is all you
need to know about the sophistication of this platform’s algorithms.”🍸💻

“I’m an engineer, not a necromancer.”🍸💻

“I lost count.”
“One-night stands or deaths?”
“If you intend me to be the former, you will experience the latter,”🍸💻

I swear to god, if you make me executor of your will, I’ll shoot you myself.”🍸💻

Loving you is like grating sandpaper over the soul 🐺🌼

Or we could just give the wining and dining a miss and skip straight ahead to the
part where you shag me, There’s less waiting that way. I’m not too picky.”
“No, just easy,” 👓🌂

“Wait, he didn’t invite me over for tea and scones,” she interrupted indignantly.
 Didn’t you tell him you were in France this week for work?"
She grumbled.  “Maybe.”
 What, d’you want him to fuckin’ Skype you a scone?”👓🌂

“I’m just a friend who will never forgive you for having to plan your bloody

I could recognize him by touch alone,

by smell;
I would know him blind,
by the way his breaths came
and his feet struck the earth.
I would know him in death,
at the end of the world.”-The Song of Achilles

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