Vegetarian Ahisa
Vegetarian Ahisa
Vegetarian Ahisa
In this instance, let us analyse the situation. Our tongue is one of the indriyas
which are modes of senses. It is a small piece of skin with taste buds and because of
this small piece of flesh with taste buds; we are willing to be so cruel. Here is much
reason as to why the ancient Rishis recommend vegetarian food. At least you do not get
to see the vegetables suffer. Do not give the excuse that even plants suffer, since what
you see is more important. God has given us two eyes to see, determine, analyse and
decide. You have to determine how important is it to ensure that the food you put in
your body does not come from cruel killings. You alone must conclude how essential it
is the Lord’s law and His own preference in regards of meals to you. When you put
others ahead of you in every manner, including in the foods you eat, you will definitely
please the Lord. This is called the real Ahimsa.
Only then can we begin the journey of AHIMSA PARAMO DHARMA which exemplifies
Non Violence of the Highest Order which includes not harming both humans and
animals in any way possible.