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Vol. XVI, No. 3

August 1991
9 Welcome to the Underdark
Our special section on underground adventuring.

Publisher Seeing the Sights in Skullport — Ed Greenwood and Steven E.
James M. Ward Schend.
Skullport: A great place to visit, if your insurance is paid up.
Roger E. Moore
16 The Dragon’s Bestiary — The readers
Caves have the nastiest things living in them, like these three fine
Fiction editor
Barbara G. Young

Assistant editor
20 The Ecology of the Galeb Duhr — Robert Isaacson
Just because it looks like a rock doesn’t mean it has to act like one.

Dale A. Donovan
Art director

Larry W. Smith Role-playing Reviews — Allen Varney
Where have all the miracles gone? A look at super-hero games and
Production staff supplements.
Angelika Lokotz
Gaye O’Keefe The Lay of Droone — fiction by William B. Crump
Tracey Zamagne The lizards had taken the mountain—but, thanks to the dwarves, they
wouldn’t enjoy their victory.
Janet L. Winters
41 The Voyage of the Princess Ark — Bruce A. Heard
Alphatia and Thyatis face their doom, and the incredible powers of
cinnabar are revealed!
US. advertising

Roseann Schnering The Role of Computers — Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser
The gods are not kind in Darkspyre; if you fail them, humanity dies.
U.K. correspondent
Into the Spirit of Things — Michael DeWolfe
and U.K. advertising Spirit and divine magic of the strangest kind for your RUNEQUEST*
Bronwen Livermore

Shining Armor — Thomas M. Kane
When you care enough to send the very best, put an M1A1 Abrams
tank in your TOP SECRETIS/S.I.™ game.

74 Completing the Complete Fighter — David Howery

Want to play a Viking, Mongol, or assassin warrior? Here’s how.

78 Playing the Crowd — Thomas M. Kane

The peasants are revolting! Rules for mob rule in your AD&D® games.

95 Novel Ideas — Marlys Heeszel

Two new series of high adventure and Gothic horror are coming.

98 Lone Wolves — Ed Greenwood

Two powerful wayfarers who travel the Forgotten Realms alone.

113 Through the Looking Glass — Robert Bigelow

Operation Desert Storm: a look at the gaming side.

5 Letters 50 Forum 102 Dragonmirth
6 Editorial 82 Convention Calendar 104 Twilight Empire
32 TSR Previews 90 Sage Advice 108 Gamers Guide

Babette the Barbarian (a fantasy character inspired by the cover artist’s real-life
fiancee, Babette Fletcher) stands victorious over the body of a giant cave dweller. This
cover, “The Worm Has Turned,” should be available soon as a limited-edition print; for
further information, write to the artist, Clyde Caldwell, c/o TSR, Inc.

4 AUGUST 1991
DRAGON® Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published
monthly by TSR, Inc., PO. Box 756 (201 Sheridan
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What did you think of this issue? Do you have a
Where’s the SCA?
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Subscriptions: Subscription rates via second-class
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I was first told about this group by a fellow to an address in the U.S. or Canada: £16 for 12 issues
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D&D articles! “households” in the Massachusetts area. Do you

think you could help me out?
issues sent to an address in Europa; $50 in U.S. funds
for 12 issues sent by surface mail to any other address,
or $90 in U.S. funds for 12 issues sent air mail to any
Dear Dragon, PV2 Blaine Rebello other address. Payment in full must accompany all

I recently took great pleasure in investing $20 APO NY subscription orders. In the U.S. and Canada, methods of
payment include checks or money orders made payable
in the new, easy-to-master D&D® set. It delivers to TSR, Inc., or charges to valid Mastercard or VISA
everything it promised, and I like it a lot. The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. credit cards; send subscription orders with payments to:
(the SCA) sponsors many activities for those TSR, Inc., PO. Box 5695, Boston MA 02206, U.S.A. In
However, a lot of articles in DRAGON Maga- the United Kingdom, methods of payment include
zine pertain to the as yet more-popular AD&D® interested in medieval times, from fairs and cheques or money orders made payable to TSR Ltd., or
game. Most of the articles explore monsters and banquets to jousting tournaments and “wars.” charges to a valid ACCESS or VISA credit card; send
treasures that would do me a lot of good in my Information on the SCA can be obtained by subscription orders with payments to TSR Ltd., as per
writing to: The Society for Creative Anachro- that address above. Prices are subject to change without
still-young campaign, but they were written prior notice. The issue of expiration of each subscription
with the AD&D game in mind. They would also nism, Inc., Office of the Registry, P.O. Box is printed on the mailing label of each subscriber’s copy
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were given for conversion. stamped, self-addressed envelope.
prior to the effective date of the change in order to assure
What I am suggesting is that either you print uninterrupted delivery.
a lot more articles on the D&D game, which I
feel is going to make a comeback soon, or print Apologies in Back Issues: A limited quantity of back issues is
available from either the TSR Mail Order Hobby Shop

(P.O. Box 756, Lake Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A.) or from
an article that tells how to convert some of the TSR Ltd. For a free copy of the current catalog that lists
articles giving advice, treasures, and monsters available back issues, write to either of the above
for the AD&D game into the D&D game. addresses.
Along with the D&D set came an order form Dear Dragon, Submissions: All material published in DRAGON
for DUNGEON® Adventures and DRAGON The organizers of Pocono Games Day wish to Magazine becomes the exclusive property of the pub-
fisher, unless special arrangements to the contrary are
Magazine. I would be willing to take multiple- express sincere apologies to anyone who may made prior to publication. DRAGON Magazine welcomes
year subscriptions to both if these changes not have been aware of our sudden cancel- unsolicited submissions of written material and artwork;
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campaign take off in a big way, and I would change our most recent listing in the “Conven- accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope of
really appreciate these improvements. I’m sure tion Calendar” section of DRAGON Magazine, sufficient size will be returned if it cannot be published.
that those who buy the new D&D game would and we fear that some of our potential guests We strongly recommend that prospective authors write

like these improvements, too. may have been in for a big disappointment if for our writers’ guidelines before sending an article to us.
In the United States and Canada, send a self-addressed,
No name or address given they arrived at the hotel only to find out about stamped envelope (9½” long preferred) to: Writers’
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regional gaming conventions. There are many Advertising: For information on placing advertise-
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lem here, and we’ve run letters similar to the the time to read this issue’s “Convention Calen- the right to reject any ad for any reason. In the United
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The idea of running an article converting will be no less than two multiday games conven- DRAGON is a registered trademark of TSR, Inc.

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® designates registered trademarks owned by TSR,
DUNGEON Adventures is looking for more hinder the progress of our hobby (such as our Inc. ™ designates trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Most
D&D game modules and module writers, too, by unfortunate and sudden cancellation), but, for other product names are trademarks owned by the
the way. To get a free copy of the DUNGEON the most part, your local games conventions companies publishing those products. Use of the name of

Adventures module-writers guidelines, send a offer a good time for all. any product without mention of trademark status should
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Wind Gap PA ISSN 0279-6848.

Getting lost in the translation
I recently saw the movie, Robin Hood: Sherwood Forest on the way to an NPC’s not find that humorous in the least.
Prince of Thieves. I absolutely loved it. No, hometown, they were waylaid by Robin, By this time, I was bitterly disappointed
Kevin Costner wasn’t great, but the movie Will, Little John, and a company of 24 that my plan had not worked out, and the
was fantastic. As I left the theater, though, archers. I had envisioned the PCs realizing players were getting frustrated with just
I was envious—envious of how well the that they were facing superior numbers playing along with me. So, I reluctantly cut
film had been done. Its tone, pacing, and and acquiescing to the “robbery.” I fully short the role-playing of the dinner, had
action all contributed to a whole greater intended for Robin to return the party’s Robin return the PCs’ cash, and got on
than its parts. I also envied the fact that I goods after he spent some time with them with the rest of the adventure. The rest of
would not be able to duplicate those same and learned they were not evil. Robin the evening seemed to go better.
aspects of the film in a role-playing game could even have helped the group against What went wrong? Several things did.
session. Even if I ran a party through the the Sheriff of Nottingham later in the They were all my fault and only some of
same plot (something I do not recom- adventure. them had to do with using a fictional char-
mend), something would inevitably pale in Well, all that went right out the window acter. The first thing I failed to do was to
comparison to the film. That’s often the when the party of about eight mid-level consider all the possible actions the party
problem when trying to translate fiction PCs decided that being surrounded by two could take when faced with robbers. (I
into gaming. Before I go farther, I’d like to dozen archers with arrows nocked wasn’t didn’t think of them as “robbers”; I
relate a personal DMing experience with really that much of a problem. Not an thought of them as “Robin Hood and his
the character, Robin Hood. atypical gaming attitude, I grant you, but Merry Men.“) Surely, no party of good-
Way back in DRAGON® issue #55, there then I had to think fast. I eventually man- aligned adventurers would ever attack
was an article by Katherine Kerr detailing aged to convince, cajole, or browbeat my Robin Hood, right? But more on that later.
Robin, Will Scarlet, Little John, Friar Tuck, players (and their characters) into not I don’t have the charm or looks of Errol
and the Merry Men in AD&D® game berserkly attacking Robin and his cohorts, Flynn; hence, my NPC Robin didn’t have
terms. Being a big fan of the legend of but I still had a problem. The PCs didn’t them, either. The players just saw a thief
Robin Hood and of the Errol Flynn movie want to give up their cash and jewelry, named Robin who wanted their valuables.
version of that story, I was thrilled. I im- especially their magical rings, amulets, and This points out the first major problem
mediately set up an adventure in which so on. To keep the game moving, I had when trying to integrate characters from
our campaign’s party would meet these Robin settle for the PCs’ cash alone. The fiction or the movies into our games: a
gentlemen rogues. PCs reluctantly agreed. Then, Robin lack of resources.
At least as far as I was concerned, that played one of his little jokes. He invited the No matter how hard he tries, no matter
portion of the adventure failed miserably. party to join him for dinner, since they what he does, no DM can present a story—
As the party was journeying through were paying for it, after all. The party did with only his words, a map or two, and a

6 AUGUST 1991
few handouts-as well as a great piece of sort of thing is virtually impossible to like the two TV-show crews. Characters
fiction, much less a good motion picture. achieve without railroading the PCs. Play- generated using the game’s systems are
No one, outside of the people who do that ers almost always come up with some way nowhere near as experienced, and hence
sort of thing for a living, has that kind of to take the adventure off in an unexpected have trouble performing their duties be-
time or resources. A fiction piece can take direction. If you’re trying to reenact the cause some of their skill ratings are so
several hundred pages to fully develop a plot of Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood film, low. Also, the game is not set in any time
character, and a movie has professional what would the DM do if the party decides or place reference of the Star Trek uni-
actors presenting characters for a two- or not to return to England, but rather roam verse. The only setup suggested is to have
three-hour production, usually with only the Arabic world, guided by Azim? That is the characters be newly assigned to a
one character per actor (DMs: When was why I do not recommend trying to adapt Constitution-class heavy cruiser (a Galaxy-
the last time you portrayed only one NPC any borrowed plot verbatim into a RPG. class ship in ST:TNG ).
in a game session?). It’s not going to work. So, if you want to borrow characters
In most cases, a DM has only a few Now that I’ve listed all these problems from fiction or film, be warned that it’s
minutes to establish an NPC’s character involved with running characters bor- tougher to do than it seems. The best way
before moving on with the adventure. rowed from other sources, you might to go about this, if you’re insistent, is to
That means “borrowed” NPCs won’t have think that creating an RPG set in one of find a game whose flavor matches that of
the depth they had in their source materi- these borrowed universes would be im- the characters and world you like. Or, you
al, unless the original NPC’s character is possible, right? Wrong. Off the top of my can look around for a licensed game for
well known to the players. Even then, the head, I can count ten RPGs that are prop- that universe. There has been a trend in
details are lost. Also, unless your cam- erties licensed to game companies. I won’t the RPG industry to publish licensed
paign’s tone closely matches the flavor of mention them all, but I will talk about how games for major SF or fantasy motion
the source material, much of the charac- two game companies took different ap- pictures released in the past few years.
ter’s charm would be lost. How interesting proaches to designing a licensed game. Anybody remember Willow, The Last
would Robin be if there were no evil Sher- West End Games’s STAR WARS*: THE Starfighter, or Aliens? Did you know li-
iff, Sir Guy, or Prince John for him to RPG game universe was set just after the censed games were published for each of
battle? This leads to my next point. events in the film, Star Wars, took place. these films? How long will it be before we
Any characters a DM chooses to inte- This was the best possible choice. The see a ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES
grate into his campaign from fiction Rebel Alliance has just won a great victory game? (Iron Crown Enterprises has al-
sources must mesh closely with the cam- with the destruction of the first Death ready published a Robin Hood supplement
paign as it already exists. This was another Star, but there are still dark days ahead for its ROLEMASTER* fantasy game.)
reason why my Robin encounter failed. I for the Rebellion. This game does not Whatever you do, I wish you luck—more
plopped Nottingham into a mountain val- encourage playing the movie’s characters, than I had with my own Robin Hood.
ley neighboring the idyllic valley kingdom though movie influences are seen in the
in which my campaign was sent. I didn’t game’s character templates. Players are
think about how two small realms, one encouraged to individualize their charac-
ruled by lawful-good folks (my campaign ters, so West End does not promote bor-
base) and one ruled by a lawful-evil one rowing from the films, books, etc.
(the Sheriff of Nottingham) would get FASA’s STAR TREK* game, on the other
along as next-door neighbors. I’m now hand, seems to have been designed (at
positive that my players were still working least partially) with the concept of role-
under the assumption that they were still playing the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise
in a “good land” and naturally assumed in mind. The first Enterprise’s crew stats
that these bandits were therefore evil. The are included in the boxed game. I believe
fact that the players didn’t catch on was the first Star Trek: The Next Generation
my fault. supplement was the First Year Source- l indicates a product produced by a company other

than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks

Not only must borrowed characters book, which listed the stats for Picard and owned by the companies publishing those products.
come from the same genre, but the source company. I think that the game was set up The use of the name of any product without mention
must have the same tone and flavor as for players to take these characters be- of its trademark status should not be construed as a
your campaign. If you’re running a gritty, cause the game’s skill system really works challenge to such status.
low-magic, low-fantasy campaign, Gandalf only when characters are highly skilled,
the White would not fit any better than
Conan the Barbarian would fit in an Ar-
thurian campaign with chivalrous knights
on white chargers. It just wouldn’t feel
right. The level of magic in the source and
in the campaign is very important to con-
sider. In my Robin encounter, several of
the PCs were mages, and both mages and
magic are concepts completely foreign to
the Robin Hood legends. The fight be-
tween Robin’s forces and the PCs, had it
taken place, would have been long, spec-
tacular, and bloody, leaving both sides
decimated, despite the numerical superior-
ity of Robin’s band.
The last aspect of the encounter that I
misjudged was the options of the PCs. I
didn’t even consider the possibility that
the PCs would want to fight to keep their
valuables (silly me). In fiction and movies,
the entire plot and story line of the piece
is worked out in advance. In RPGs, that

Seeing the Sights in

by Ed Greenwood and Steven E. Schend

Expanding the city from the Ruins of Undermountain boxed set

Working late at night can be quite relax- ness) is able to turn a blind eye to things and the slaves are kept close to washing
ing, when all the bustle and noise of the that would goad her into angry spell- and drinking water and to the ships that
day has died down and little intrudes on casting in Waterdeep. bring them or carry them away. They are
the task at hand. We (Ed and Steven) were Much of what Laeral uttered was in the also separated from a chance to escape
at TSR after hours, poring over some of form of mysterious hints and tantalizing into the monster-haunted river depths.
the myriad mysteries of Undermountain to phrases—and in that manner we pass this Skullport has always been home to
tell the fans at the 1991 GEN CON® game information on to you. “snatch bands” that can be hired to kidnap
fair, when an unexpected waft of perfume people. Its most prominent professional
came into the cubicle. Goods and services slaver at present is Zstulkk Ssarmn, a
“Could ye use assistance, gentlemen?” Skullport serves as a smuggling and yuan-ti abomination who heads a small,
The low, musical voice took us both by trading base for cargo that is illegal or well-trained band of pureblood warriors
surprise. We spun around, maps and pa- obviously stolen in Waterdeep, and as a and halfbreed “whips” (jailers). Zstulkk’s
pers flying. A tall, slim, very beautiful lady home for those not welcome or safe in yuan-ti have extensive merchant contacts
stood smiling at us. It was Laeral, once The City of Splendors. Drugs and slaves in The Shining South, and some are skilled
leader of the famous adventuring band, can be found in its dark ways, and its in doctoring, for steep fees.
“The Nine.” inhabitants include mind flayers, drow, The Hand, a band of slavers who serve
“Well met and welcome again, milady,” vampires, gargoyles, beholders, and the Eye (both detailed in the Ruins of
we said together, making our bows. TSR’s worse. Undermountain boxed set), also has an
cubicles don’t offer lots of room for calis- In such a violent place of constant in- agent in Skullport: the dwarf Ahmaergo.
thenics, but our visitor was, after all, an trigue and danger, beings and their busi- He can be contacted through various
archmage in her own right—and our guide nesses come and go, but Laeral gave us a “mouths and runners” at The Black Tan-
to Skullport. beginner’s guide to what the unwary may kard. His office, somewhere under Skull-
Laeral smiled, took the most comfortable find in Skullport today, if they go looking— port, is reached through dark sewers and
chair, and patiently answered questions, and survive. guarded by several undead beholders
revealing only what she deems fit for Slaves: Slaves are the first thing most (death tyrants, described in the
wider knowledge. The Lady Mage of visitors seek, having fancies of creating SPELLJAMMER™ accessory SJR1 Lost
Waterdeep is our guide because, in dis- sensual pleasure dens or eerie laboratories Ships). Ahmaergo’s horn-adorned black
guise, she (with Kitten of the Lords and where screaming unfortunates have mon- armor, which he never seems to remove,
certain unrevealed others) keeps watch on strous limbs grafted onto them. Little of harbors many magical weapons.
Skullport for Khelben “Blackstaff” Arun- such things goes on these days, as both Drugs: Second in importance to slaves in
sun. She took on this dangerous and some- extremes drive down the monetary worth Skullport’s illicit markets are the wide varie-
times disgusting task because her lord of slaves. ty of substances used to alter the senses and
feels he must act when he sees the evils of Most slaves are kept on Skull Isle, the sensibilities of many different beings of the
Skullport. The more tolerant Laeral (who large island that serves as Skullport’s main Realms: drinkables, poisons, pain killers, and
rightly sees the necessity for Skullport, to docks. Here the smell of crowded captives potions. These are offered at every other
keep The City Above from open lawless- is as far from the settlements as possible, dark doorway and corner, but the two

sources with the largest stock and best (if linked to the control of a ju-ju zombie Seirtych Xantaun and Uthh, keep to the
that’s the word) reputations are Vhondryl leader. Shradin’s scepters, each topped shadows and operate in much greater
and her rival Shaun Taunador. with a severed hand, enable clients to secrecy. Beholder rivalries are legendary
Vhondryl has permanent rooms at The control particular leader zombies. The for cruel one-upmanship and cordial face-
Deepfires (some believe she may secretly Lord of Bones himself is said to have a to-face relations, with much death and
own the place; she has ready access to its master “Skull-Staff” that can override all maiming between servitor underlings in
bodyguards and secret passages). She is a the scepters he sells. dark alleyways and the depths of Under-
thin, silent, mysterious lady with chalk- Mercenaries: Skullport has always mountain. Misker is clearly the victor over
white skin, knee-length blonde hair, and held an ample supply of swords for hire, his rivals in present-day Skullport, but
rather plain features. Her eyes are straw from fully trained and equipped body- some say that Misker lives only so long as
yellow, and she is known to ardently guards to desperate outlaws. Deserters the Eye does not to come to town.
worship Loviatar. She can supply any from surface armies, adventurers down Malakuth Tabuirr is a scheming drow
drink, poison, or potion (and all antidotes) on their luck, and “bravos” (pirates too who worships Vhaeraun (see FOR2 Drow
known to the Realms on short notice, untrustworthy to serve as regular crew, of the Underdark) and uses fellow wor-
commanding fabulously high prices. She or who currently lack a seaworthy ship) shipers as thieves and spies in his service.
also has magical powers. are always plentiful. The presence of He trades poisons, deepwine, drow armor,
Her chief rival, Shaun Taunador, has large, organized bands of professional weaponry, and magical items in return for
lower prices but a far more sinister repu- warriors tends to keep open, widespread slaves, whom he takes into the depths
tation. Shaun does business from a barge warfare outside Skullport itself, though it (presumably to drow cities). Beautiful
on the river Sargauth moored just off the won’t prevent spontaneous brawls. human and elven females command his
docks, or in short-rented rooms at The The nature of this work tends to make highest offers.
Crowing Cockatrice. A mind flayer of today’s hired hero tomorrow’s fading
awesome powers and a titan among his memory, but two rivals currently share The darkened skyline
own kind, Shaun is always surrounded by Skullport’s hiresword stage: Rhaunaguth Skullport teems with colorful, dangerous
a trained bodyguard of human thugs and and Dalagor. folk, but what does the visitor actually
loyal monsters of controllable sorts. Rhaunaguth is a gallant, dashing, hand- see? Well, it’s dark, always too dark for a
Corpses: The next most important some former pirate who leads his band of surface dweller’s comfort. The map in the
trade in Skullport is the brisk business in jolly, prank-playing, hard-drinking bravos Ruins of Undermountain boxed set can’t
cadavers and body parts. Although many into action as guards or as ambush and show the criss-crossing and ever-changing
dabble in this sort of work, the present sabotage teams in Undermountain and network of rickety wooden catwalks that
“powers” in the field are threefold: Mhaug, Waterdeep. His colorful, swashbuckling link the homes and shops of Skullport on
the Cryptkey mages, and Shradin style stands in sharp contrast to that of many levels. These provide space for
Mulophor—the “Lord of Bones.” Dalagor “the Cold,” a calculating, vicious hanging out washing—or the corpses of
Mhaug is an annis (see “Hag” in the man who provides the same service with defeated foes, left as grisly trophies and
Monstrous Compendium) who spends an army of ju-ju zombies and reckless, warnings. They are also the many-levelled
much of her time watching events from fearless curst (a type of undead detailed in stages for fast-paced and acrobatic sword
the doorway of her gruesome shop at the the Avatar-series module FRE1 Shadow- fights.
edge of the docks. She hangs corpses by dale; longtime DRAGON® Magazine read- The catwalks and the upper areas of the
their necks as ornaments until sold; the ers may remember it from issue #30). Skullport cavern are home to a wide varie-
floppy-headed undead created from them Smuggling: Perhaps the wisest inhabit- ty of fearsome creatures. Some very sly
are derisively called “Mhaug hogs.” ants of Skullport are those whose prices mimics lurk about these catwalks—and, in
Cryptkey Facilitations is a tomb-robbing are lower, but whose trade is of less dan- fact, are parts of the catwalks. The cat-
organization active in The City of the Dead ger and wider variety than others: the walks sometimes serve a strategic pur-
and in the countryside around Waterdeep, traders, shippers, and moneylenders who pose. In years past, a gigantic gray ooze
procuring exhumed-to-order corpses and arrange smuggling, build containers with once lurked about Skullport, but soon
body parts. The organization’s members false bottoms, or repack easily recognized became too great a problem; it was de-
(estimates range from six to ten in num- stolen goods so that they can be readily stroyed spectacularly some time ago by a
ber) wear masks and rarely, if ever, speak. resold—back to their original owners as group of wizards on a high and well-
For those who wish to create undead, the replacements, for instance. These beings placed catwalk, after a long drinking bout,
mysterious mages who run Cryptkey sew must be shrewd to survive for long, for along with many of the nearby buildings,
up wounds, wire bones together, and fix they cannot avoid Skullport’s intrigues. lower catwalks, bystanders, and some of
bones and joints with magic, such as Most powerful in this field at present the stone floor of the cavern.
mending and Nulathoe’s ninemen spells are Misker and the drow Malakuth Ta- Visitors to Skullport will also notice a lot
(the latter appears in FORGOTTEN buirr. Misker is called the “Pirate Tyrant” of will-o’-wisps drifting about. These crea-
REALMS® Adventures, page 57). Their (though not to his face), because he is an tures never attack directly, but try to lure
shop in central Skullport is guarded by old, wart-covered, very large beholder the unwary out of settled areas, to their
many undead, including an impressive who wears black eye patches over two of dooms deep in Undermountain.
skull-headed ettin and a scuttling legion of his eyes. Those who have dwelt in Skull- The streets also hold cages of monsters,
crawling claws (as per volume 3, the port a long time warn newcomers that which can be bought dead or alive (for
FORGOTTEN REALMS® appendix, of the Misker’s eye patches do not conceal miss- spell or potion components, experimenta-
Monstrous Compendium). ing or damaged orbs; instead, he bears tion, sport hunting, eating, the pleasure of
Shradin’s Excellent Zombies is a dingy, unique eyes whose destructive blasts are their company, or as guards). There are
run-down shop in the inner reaches of powerful enough to easily rend dragon’s dung heaps where enterprising goblins
Skullport; parts of it seem more ruined hide, magical armor, and adamantite alike! grow exotic mushrooms favored by Wa-
than usable. The haughty Shradin Mu- The wise place no bets on the success of terdhavian nobles, and even shops where
lophor is a seemingly unstable archmage anyone stupid enough to challenge Misker, adventurers who make it this far can
who has developed necromantic spells far something that those who are wild for purchase trophies and relics of Under-
beyond what most mages know. He is entertainment—or who wish to learn more mountain, such as dragon skulls, to im-
heavily armed with wands. He sells or about his powers—have been known to press folks back on the surface.
rents out “claws” of controllable zombies hire fools to do.
for guarding, carrying, and loading work. Misker is not the only beholder regularly Tales of the past
A claw consists of four normal zombies found in Skullport, but the other two, Undermountain and Skullport are insep-

12 AUGUST 1991
arable in all but name, though Skullport is structed from the rubble of the previous
one area of the Under-Realms that Halas- settlement as well as wood from the vari-
ter Blackcloak, the Lord of Undermoun- ous shipwrecks out in the Sea of Swords,
tain, doesn’t include as part of his hauled in by Shradin’s undead and other
dominion. Granted, he has been known to agents.
gate in a few of his more fearsome “pets” Within Skullport’s first eight years as an
now and again, but he himself never active port, Shradin and his undead engi-
overtly enters Skullport. This arrangement neered and constructed the massive hoist
has been in effect for the last two centu- in the South Seacaves to allow direct ac-
ries of Skullport’s existence, all due to the cess to the port from the Sea of Swords.
power of the necromancer Shradin Mu- With this construct came the notice of the
lophor, the unofficial ruler of Skullport. Lords of Waterdeep; for the sake of Water-
Halaster and his former apprentices all deep’s order and trade, the Lords were
honor a nonaggression pact with Shradin actually glad to hear of the existence of
and his shady port, some out of respect Skullport. Having used the Underhalls as a
for his power and some from fear of the place to banish certain prisoners, the
same. Strangely enough, Halaster honors Lords of Waterdeep found that Skullport
the pact out of friendship. Shradin, an old was a perfect place to punish unscrupu-
comrade and contemporary from the lous merchants as well as acquire some
fading lands of Netheril, impressed his rare and wondrous items not found on the
fellow wizard in his mastery of the necro- surface Realms. As a result, a number of
mantic art, becoming one of few beings to truly dishonest Waterdhavian merchants
have met (nay, exceeded) Halaster’s expec- were sent to Skullport’s shadowed mer-
tations. Shradin bided his time in Netheril chants’ quarter. Few lasted long, but a
and soon found his way to the Blackcloak’s small number thrived in the shadows.
domain in Undermountain. Upon finding After a decade of venturing down in the
the large skull-infested cavern (see “Heads Deep Realms, Shradin allegedly went mad
up!“), he simply asked for Skullport as a from encounters with unknown horrors
personal demesne and was granted it. lurking far away from any civilized out-
When Shradin and Halaster first discov- posts. He returned to Skullport a very
ered the cavern complex that would later unstable personage and remains so to this
become Skullport, the floating skulls were day. (However, see his character notes
already there. Shradin’s intense investiga- under “Skullport’s ‘Best.’ “) Shradin no
tions of these phenomena continued for longer commands the respect of the dwell-
nearly a decade, but how much the master ers and traders of the Port of Shadows,
necromancer learned is unknown. Alleg- though he is still given little trouble due to
edly, Halaster quitted the place nearly 210 his powerful wands and spell-casting.
years ago and has returned only three
times in the intervening years. Few pre- Natives of Skullport
tend to know what the Master of the There are many other beings of interest
Underhalls thinks of Skullport, but many in this place of misfits and eccentrics, but
point to him as the architect of Skullport’s most notable to visitors are Thaglar and
macabre sentinels. The truth on this mat- the Hired Horrors.
ter is known only to Shradin, Halaster, and Thaglar is a gruff, foul-mouthed dwarf
the skulls themselves, and none of them whose drinking bouts and crude pranks are
are quick to impart any information on local legends. He makes customized armor
the matter. and alters or repairs armor and weapons,
Shradin and Halaster, it is told, took to specializing in fitting both with spring barbs,
clearing out much of the rubble of an poisoned needles, and other traps.
older city within the cavern proper, a task There is also a company known as the
requiring one year alone. It is said that the Hired Horrors, run by several soft-spoken,
only building that predates those of the gentleman mages. They breed deepspawn
current Skullport is Shradin’s own, the (beasts that produce other monsters, de-
tumbledown stone building that contains tailed in the Realms sourcebook FR11
his zombie shop. Dwarves Deep) in a secret location and
Shradin spent an additional number of have developed spells to teleport such
years populating Skullport. Through Ha- creatures into desired areas. When hired,
laster’s work, the river Sargauth was they deliver a deepspawn directly into the
magically connected with deeper rivers to home or headquarters of a client’s rival or
allow trade with the Realms Below. Shra- enemy—in the cellar of a Waterdhavian
din set up the trade routes and agree- noble’s villa, for example, or the sewers
ments with the svirfnebli and the Shunned near an important warehouse. Until de-
Races of Toril—the drow, duergar, and stroyed, the deepspawn will produce
illithids. A large number of Skullport’s many lesser but still deadly monsters.
denizens were drow and other Deep
races, until an increasing number of ad- Heads up!
venturers forged their way into Skullport, The skulls of Skullport are the sentinels
some tired of adventuring and others of order in an otherwise dangerous place.
quickly seeing the potential profits in- Shradin, being the first settler and mer-
volved here. The Port of Shadows grew by chant here, set up an unwritten code that
leaps and bounds, filling the cavern within is told to any arriving in Skullport: “This
25 years. Buildings and homes were con- be safe haven to all traders and customers;

keep thy weapons and uncivil tongue in the back with Shradin’s sleeping pallet way to Skullport.
sheathed lest thee find the grinning skull and a small chest, but this is simply a His injured arm prevented him from
of Death smiling in thy face.” Only a select front. Concealed behind a lethal yet im- safely adventuring and, being left-handed,
few actually believe or even remember pressive array of deadly magicks is a se- his mapping career ground to a halt. With
this tale; many believe that the skulls set cret trapdoor that leads down to a his meager savings, he secured rooms at
up this law even before Shradin arrived. dungeon beneath Skullport. The main The Deepfires and began drowning his
The skulls enforce this beneficial code of dungeon covers two different levels, both sorrows for days and nights on end. The
behavior as well as their own code. Unfor- extending to the north and west under the skulls took notice of him, sending him into
tunately, the skulls don’t divulge their port, and was formerly a temple to a lost the caverns east of Skullport to find a
code, but simply order beings to perform god of the kuo-toan race. Shradin has here “dragon’s tooth.” Aekyl returned to Skull-
seemingly random, pointless tasks. Such created a luxurious palace filled with port unharmed with a magical short
tasks in the past have included climbing to magical and monetary treasures. He has sword of dancing (with “Dragon’s Tooth”
the ceiling of the cavern and shouting a shared these secrets with only four people carved into the blade in Dethek runes), a
certain name 12 times, going to the Crock in the past 200 years: Halaster, Raella Hiess pouch full of emeralds, and a pair of
and Helm and polishing the bar, venturing (of The Deepfires), Laeral (under her alias boots. The skulls simply nodded and let
north of the city and into the caverns to as Irusyl Eraneth), and Vhondryl. He him keep his spoils.
retrieve 10 rocks of a certain color, or trusts these people enough to drop his Aekyl now operates his new mapping
buying a slave of a certain name and set- facade of the idiot when in private (though shop close to the Deepfires, his customers
ting him loose into the Sargauth. The he wonders where Irusyl’s loyalties lie), keeping him well fed and clothed in style.
skulls’ demands often seem illogical, but and they are privy to secrets that many His magical boots of guiding now do the
the power they appear to wield keeps few spies from The City Above would give mapping for him, though his customers
from ignoring their requests. They rarely their souls to hear. don’t know this. All Aekyl does is walk
make requests of clearly powerful beings, Shradin, despite his unassuming role as through the dungeons with slow careful
though troublemakers and braggart ad- a fool, carries an impressive and daunting steps. After covering the areas required by
venturers often find themselves subject to collection of magical paraphernalia on his his contracts, he returns to his shop and
the more degrading of tasks (“Go help that person at all times. In full view, he wears a removes his boots; on a command word,
poor goblin harvest his mushrooms. Sure- cowl of warding, bracers of defense AC 5, the boots shrink to the size of rice grains
ly such a hero as you can handle that.”). a cloak of the bat, a wand of fire, a wand and retrace the previous day’s steps in
If the rule of safe haven is broken or if a of paralyzation, a ring of protection +3, permanent marks on parchments or vel-
being refuses to follow the dictates of one of and a ring of the ram. Hidden from view, lum. His maps are well known as “Aekyl’s
the skulls, they summon a wizshade (from Shradin also habitually carries a Netherese bootprints,” and their accuracy on a map
MC7, the first SPELLJAMMER™ Appendix blast scepter a wand of fear, a wand of for the Lords of Waterdeep secured a
for the Monstrous Compendium) to escort size alteration, and a horned ring, a gift dismissal of charges for Aekyl’s alleged
the offending being from the Port of from Halaster. (Nearly all unfamiliar magi- crime. Now, Aekyl prefers the intrigues
Shadows. If met with steel or spell, the cal items are from the Ruins of Under- and profits of Skullport, and he plans an
wizshade will attack in kind, removing the mountain boxed set.) His spells are indefinite stay in the area.
lawbreaker from the port dead or alive. numerous and deadly, his spell books
Longtime natives of Skullport, few as containing every known necromantic spell Vhondryl: AL LE; AC 6; MV 12; human
they are, also tend to deal harshly with in the Realms (see appendix two of Psi 13; hp 52; THAC0 14; #AT 1; Dmg by
those who do not follow the law of Skull- FORGOTTEN REALMS Adventures). weapon type (scimitar); W17, C18.
port. They have learned by example how Vhondryl is one of the top dealers of
much destruction and lost profit comes Aekyl Dafyre: AL N; AC 8; MV 12; potions in the Port of Shadows, though
from having the wizshades arrive. Many human T4; hp 15; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg she keeps a low profile on this by working
merchants, as well as some frequent cus- by weapon type (dagger or short sword); through intermediaries. Only buyers of
tomers, will escort wrongdoers away from D 17, C 15, Ch 16. rare or dangerous concoctions deal di-
their businesses—if not out of Skullport Aekyl Dafyre is a short, dour human rectly with Vhondryl. The petty poisons
altogether—to prevent damage to their with thinning brown hair pulled back into are not worth her time away from manag-
goods when things get out of hand. a ponytail, a pencil-thin moustache, and a ing The Deepfires. This quiet and cryptic
dark complexion. His mood is almost al- lady can supply any drink, poison, or
Skullport’s “best” ways bad; most people hear only grunts potion known on Toril, but commands
Shradin Mulophor: AL NE; AC 2; MV and grumbles when they speak to him. fabulously high prices; many find the
12; human necromancer M21; hp 38; Eight years past, Aekyl was the premier prices reasonable given the rarity of some
THAC0 14; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon cartographer and guide through Under- requests. Never one to be cheated or
type (dagger); ML 18; C 16, I 18, W 17. mountain’s uppermost levels, guiding threatened, she has strong powers of the
To all appearances, Shradin Mulophor is thrill-seeking nobles and Watch parties mind. If your campaigns do not use the
an unstable, doddering old mage who through the twisting tunnels of Halaster’s Complete Psionics Handbook or psionics,
many believe stays alive only because of lair. His sense of direction and skill at map- Vhondryl can be changed to a 13th-level
his marginal usefulness with undead. In making were legend until the corridors transmuter (a specialist mage). Her psionic
truth, Shradin is the Lord of Skullport, and his luck took a wrong turn. powers are the following:
though he makes sure no one realizes that Escorting a trio of nobles through the PSPs 171; psychoportation: banishment
fact. He fakes his insanity and instability to northwestern passages of Level Two, (14), teleport (15), teleport other (12);
promote his foes’ underestimation of his Aekyl took an unfamiliar path, thanks to dimensional door (17), dimension walk
power and ability. Without having to open- Halaster’s teleports, and he failed to recog- (16), teleport trigger (15), time shift (16),
ly show his power, he is left in peace by nize warning signs of active monsters. time/space anchor (14); psychometabolism:
the many unscrupulous inhabitants of the Soon after, the party was ambushed by energy containment (16); body control
Port of Shadows. If there are any foolish two owlbears. Aekyl and one of the nobles (14), cell adjustment (15); psychokinetics:
enough to steal from Shradin’s own shop, escaped with their lives, but Aekyl lost the detonate (15); telepathy: contact (17), false
there are none left alive to brag of it. use of his left arm due to severe clawing. sensory input (14), identity penetration
Shradin’s shop takes the majority of the Once safe in the Yawning Portal, the noble (14), psionic blast (14); defense modes: all
space in his building, the laboratory and ordered him arrested for the murder of Vhondryl has rooms at The Deepfires as
main sales room occupying more than half their companions. In a panic, Aekyl fled a secret gift from Raella Hiess, the inn’s
of the total building. There is a small room back into Undermountain and made his Continued on page 88

14 AUGUST 1991
Skullport Map Key
D = dwelling; I = inn; M = merchant/business; T = tavern

1. Mhaug’s (M) 13. The Thrown Gauntlet

2. The Hired Horrors(M) 14. The Deepfires (I)
3. The Burning Troll 15. Malakuth Tabuirr’s Townhouse (D)
4. The Black Tankard 16. Thaglar’s Foundry(M)
5. Skullport Isle Registry(M)
6. Gyudd’s Distillery(M)
7. The Crowing Cockatrice (I) A. Shadow Pass
6. Cryptkey Facilitations (M) B. Herald’s Meet
9. Misker’s Manse(D) C. Slavers’ Market
10. Guts And Garters (I) D. Skulls’ Square (Pillory and Stocks)
11. Shradin’s Excellent Zombies (M) E. Trade Lane
12. The Crock and Helm (I) F. Illithid Way
We present here the résumés of three
recently discovered creatures that dwell
near or below the surface of the earth.
They seek employment in any suitable
locale in your AD&D® campaign. They are
outgoing, resourceful, and would love to
get to know your fantasy adventuring

groups better.

Dragon’s adversaries
seeking heroes
to bash

Created by Spike Y. Jones

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate hills and

mountains, subterranean
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Omnivore
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
NO. APPEARING: 1 (10%: 2-4)
THAC0: 13
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d8/1d10 (unarmed);
1d10+6/1d12+7 (with clubs)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 bonus to avoid
SIZE: L (11’ tall)
MORALE: Elite (14)
XP VALUE: 2,000

16 AUGUST 1991
The biclops is a gray-brown, two-headed Averx their path, but they have other concerns
giant having one yellow eye in the center of Created by Costa Valhouli and goals as well.
each head. The origin of the biclops is uncer- Combat: Averxes can move silently,
tain, but it appears to be a cross between a CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean hide in shadows, and read languages with
cyclopskin and an ettin. As with both of its FREQUENCY: Rare an 85% chance of success. They utilize
ancestors, the biclops prefers to live an ORGANIZATION: Clan other thieving abilities at the fifth level of
isolated life in mountain caves, hunting at ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any use, using Table 19 in the Dungeon Mas-
night for sources of food including fruits, DIET: Omnivore ter’s Guide. All averxes have infravision to
honey, wild animals, and the occasional INTELLIGENCE: Genius (18) 120', but light causes them no harm.
human, goblin, orc, or dwarf. TREASURE TYPE: W; Q on individuals They can use each of the following spells
The right head of a biclops usually ap- ALIGNMENT: Neutral twice per day: blink, enlarge, invisibility,
pears slightly larger than the left, and the NO. APPEARING: 4-16 (10%: 1-2) and levitate. They can also cast, thrice per
right is always dominant. As filthy as an ARMOR CLASS: 4 day, faerie fire, audible glamer phantas-
ettin, a biclops has no concept of bathing MOVEMENT: 9, Fl 15 mal force, light, and spook. All spells work
and can barely make its own clothing, HIT DICE: 1+3 (leaders 2+1) as though cast by a 5th-level mage. In
ornaments, and weapons. Biclopes have no THAC0: 19 addition to these spells, an averx leader
true language, instead using a mixture of NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 can cast fear, silence 15’ radius, and warp
animal noises and a few words borrowed DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type wood once a day. These spells can be cast
from other races when appropriate. They SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells, +4 to even in total silence, though the averx
have 90’ infravision. surprise foes must have its hands free for somatic ges-
Combat: Biclopes behave much like SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spells, thieving tures. Oddly enough, no averx is affected
ettins, holding a weapon in each hand abilities by a cursed weapon or item, and they are
with one head controlling each attack. MAGIC RESISTANCE: 25% immune to all forms of curse spells.
Their preferred weapons are mauls, tree- SIZE: T (1½’ tall) Averxes avoid direct combat, preferring
limb clubs, and stone axes. Each of their MORALE: Steady (11) hit-and-run raids, traps, sabotage, misdi-
attacks can be used against a different XP VALUE: 650 (Leaders 975) rection, and bluffing. They attack other
opponent unless one head is incapacitated, beings only if attacked themselves or if
in which case control of both arms reverts Averxes, in their usual form, resemble such beings enter and harm the averxes’
to the remaining head and both attacks small, thin, gray-skinned humans with territory, but they enjoy causing trouble
can then be directed at only one target. horns, amber eyes, miniature wings, and for its own sake as well. In particular,
In addition, biclopes can throw small little clothing. These miniature “dungeon these creatures hunt out small, evil beings
boulders (of which they often have an demons” or “cave devils” enjoy hampering like jermlaine and other vermin of the
ample supply in their lairs) up to 30’ for and stealing from adventurers or other Underdark, killing them and casting their
1-8 hp damage each; two rocks can be beings unlucky enough to stumble across bodies into any available deep pits.
thrown each round. Because they can
achieve binocular vision of a sort if both
rocks are hurled at the same target, no
penalty is then suffered; but if separate
targets are chosen or if only one head is
“operational,” there is a -2 to-hit penalty
on all missiles.
Biclopes never use armor, preferring
only the crudest of dirt-encrusted, animal-
hide coverings. They play with fire but
never use it for cooking or combat.
Habitat/Society: Generally solitary, the
only time multiple biclopes will be encoun-
tered is when 1-3 young are being raised
by their mother. Young biclopes usually
have 3 HD and AC 6, and do 1d4+3/
1d6+4 hp damage with their small clubs
(or half that damage with fists alone).
Youths reach adulthood in 5-8 years. Bi-
clopes almost never work in concert with
other beings, savagely attacking all who
come within sighting range.
Ecology: Biclopes are consummate
scroungers, able to ingest and survive on
virtually any plant or animal diet, including
rotting meat. They especially enjoy the flesh
of humans, demihumans, and humanoids,
though, and have no objection to fighting for
their meals. Biclopes are preyed upon as
food by dragons, wyverns, and similar mon-
sters, and are attacked on sight by most
adventuring and military forces, as well as
by other giants. Unchecked, they wreak the
sort of devastation common to evil, unciviliz-
ed giant-kin, but this rarely happens for
long. Biclopes in some regions are wiped out
by their enemies within only a few years of
their discovery.

In all combat situation, averxes are SIZE: S-L (2’-8’ diameter) if the person struck by sleepiness is within
extremely clever, observant, and com- MORALE: Not applicable 3’ of the cushion and fails a dexterity check
manding. They set traps of fiendish design XP VALUE: 35 on 1d20 when he falls. A burst fungi emits
in the underground corridors leading to a 60’-diameter cloud of spores for 2-5
their most carefully guarded lairs and The cushion fungus is usually found in turns, and those caught within this thick
realms, using all manner of snares, pits, dry, dark, underground areas having little cloud have a -2 on their saving throws vs.
poisons, and the like. or no air movement. This fungus is typi- poison, sleeping for 3-6 days if they fail. If
Habitat/Society: Averxes prefer to live cally oval in shape, about knee-high when the fungus does not burst, spores will
deep underground in the most beautiful mature, and up to 8’ in diameter at its continue to be emitted as long as victims
natural areas imaginable, especially in largest. Its pastel coloration ranges from are breathing or snoring nearby.
vast, crystalline caverns. They enjoy light- pink to purple, with the outer surface of Over a period of 4-16 days, a sleeping
ing their homes in different ways to en- the fungus having the texture of fine victim dies of starvation and thirst, begins
hance the natural beauty, and they velvet. to decompose, and is digested by the
conduct elaborate rituals in honor of their Combat: Any movement of air or an fungus’s spores on the body. The body
homes at irregular intervals. Any in- increase in the ambient temperature (such then slowly becomes covered with the
truders who damage these caverns in any as from a torch or warm-blooded crea- velvetlike fungus until, 5-30 days after the
way, whether by mining, construction, or ture) in the vicinity of a mature fungus being’s death, it has become a new cushion
simple rock collecting, will spark the will cause it to release an almost-invisible fungus. A body that falls on and bursts a
averxes’ communal anger. cloud of spores in a 40’ diameter. Some cushion fungus takes only 3-12 days to
Averxes do not usually carry treasure observers have described this spore cloud turn into a fungus if the victim dies. In any
upon their persons, but each one is likely as resembling the shimmering distortion event, a sleeping victim who manages to
to have thin rope or cord, knives, wire, oil, of heat rising through the air from a hot revive requires no further care except for
tinderboxes, caltrops, or darts. Leaders surface. A successful wisdom check on eating and drinking.
may carry cursed items for bothersome 4d6, or such spells or devices that detect Habitat/Society: This fungus grows
intruders to “find.” An averx lair has only a invisibility, are required to notice the only in areas with little or no air move-
relatively small amount of treasure, and cloud. Assume that the spore cloud will be ment (abandoned dungeons, vaults, crypts,
averxes usually carry a few gems around released one round after a being or heat blocked caverns, etc.). If brought to an
with them for their own pleasure. A lair is source passes within 30’ of the cushion area with any regular air movement,
usually high in a cavern ceiling, in a hole fungus, or two rounds after a being or perhaps on a spore-carrying body, the
or tunnel or along a ledge. Every effort is heat source passes within 31’-60’ of it. The spores will not mature.
made to conceal this area from view and cloud remains active in the air for 5-8 Ecology: The fungus’s digestive en-
to keep it safe. turns thereafter. zymes are incapable of digesting inorganic
Sometimes one or two averxes, acting on Creatures caught within a spore cloud items, so metallic items, jewelry, gems, and
their own curiosity, make their ways into must save against poison or will begin to so forth will continue to exist within the
dungeons or deep cellars. They rarely stay feel drowsy, with a deep, peaceful sleep body of the fungus. Some adventurers
long, preferring to acquire some minor coming on in 1-4 rounds. Even those who have told of finding treasure within oddly
treasures and leave—possibly after causing save are affected as per a confusion spell shaped cushion fungi, but cutting one
a little mischief. for 1-4 rounds, and must save again 10 open invites trouble. It is said that the
Ecology: With their array of powers, rounds later if they haven’t left the vicinity spores of this fungus are valuable to alche-
one would guess that averxes are nothing of the fungus. Creatures failing their saves mists and mages for use in potions of
more than nuisance monsters. Some sages, will fall, usually onto or near the velvety sleep, confusion, and feign death.
however, believe that averxes were cre- soft fungus, and remain in this state until
ated by unknown land possibly extinct) they are removed from the radius of the
greater powers as guardians of subterra- cloud and a neutralize poison spell is cast
nean lands and protectors of their beauty. on them (without this spell, 1-3 days are
They prey on small animals and evil crea- required before the victim wakes up).
tures but largely leave everything else The cushion fungus itself will burst if
alone. someone falls on it heavily, which happens

Fungus, Cushion
Created by Anthony Gerard

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Dry subterranean

DIET: Scavenger
TREASURE TYPE: Incidental; 5% chance
of O, P, R, U
HIT DICE: 1 hit point
THAC0: 20
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poisonous spores

18 AUGUST 1991
The Ecology of the
Galeb Duhr
An AD&D game monster that gives new meaning
to the term “rock & roll”
by Robert Isaacson

Artwork by Jim Holloway

20 AUGUST 1991
As recorded in Goldenfire, the third Slek had left behind indicated that he had in our ears as they drew steadily closer.
volume of the collected journals of the departed in considerable haste. The tracks Then there was another sound, more
ranger Leira Silvershadow: he had left were clear enough for a kobold thunderous and deafening than the gob-
Thus it came to pass, in the early au- to follow; I set off immediately, and before lins that pursued us. The path trembled as
tumn of that year, that the decade-long long had caught up with the lad. a sudden avalanche of soil, loose rock, and
feud between the dwarves of the Thun- I found him sitting half-conscious in a debris plowed into the horde pursuing us,
derbarrel Clan and the Skull Smasher and small glade. He was young as dwarf run- sweeping many of the screaming pack into
Blood Licker goblin tribes was at last re- ners go, having not even five years’ the ravine. The remaining force wavered,
solved. The decisive battle that found the growth of beard and a dazed and fright- daunted by the sudden catastrophe. The
noble dwarves victorious took place dur- ened look in his eyes. His only armament incident bought us needed time, and we
ing the siege of the ancient dwarven bas- was a blood-streaked woodsman’s axe, and did not waste it, continuing our flight.
tion of Yrensparthe. Having had the his left leg had been struck by a gnoll’s Our pursuers paused only momentarily,
dubious honor of being present there arrow. The corpses of a pair of gnoll though, then set after us with cries of
during the final days of the fight, I can archers lay sprawled nearby. renewed fury. Young Slek slipped further
remember all too clearly the horrific allies Slek was dazed with pain and weak with into unconsciousness, and I was obliged to
the goblins called upon in their efforts to blood loss. I removed the arrow and ap- half-carry him up the trail. Our pace was
overwhelm the fortress: orcish and ogrish plied a hasty field dressing to the wound. growing steadily slower, and the goblins
warriors, gnoll archers, a band of berserk As I did so, I questioned him about what behind us screeched in joyous anticipation
trolls, and others even more diverse and had happened. He was able to give me of the kill. We passed under one of the
deadly. While the greatest allies the some half-coherent explanations, and a large outcroppings of rock with which
dwarves possessed were their courage and swift examination of the surrounding area Truman’s Pass is dotted. I scanned the
tenacity, neither were they alone in their told the rest. He had indeed discovered jutting formation and surrounding cliff
long struggle. Indeed, some of the some vital information; he had observed face for some small trigger, knowing that
dwarves’ greatest aid came from entities the beginnings of a gathering of a huge one might well have been placed by the
the goblins never even saw. “A trick that is force, all the remaining hordes in the area, dwarves to activate a trap or open a secret
known is good; a trick that is unknown, to be hurled against the unsuspecting door, but my search was futile; there was
doubly so,” is a saying of the elves, and I dwarves in three days time. After the nothing, and the horde behind us rapidly
can readily attest to its truth. For it was in near-discovery of his hidden refuge, he closed the distance. Once past the rocks,
the foothills leading to the besieged Yren- had decided that he could wait no more, my legs finally gave out. I could run no
sparthe that a young messenger and I had lest the knowledge he carried be lost. more. I set Slek down and unslung my
an encounter of note. Unwise in the ways of the woods, how- longbow, vainly hoping that my elf-
I had been hired by the dwarves, at the ever, he had not been traveling long be- wrought arrows could persuade them to
recommendation of my friend, Wilsar fore he bumped into the now-deceased abandon the chase. I felled only one, and
Thunderbarrel, to aid messengers and gnolls. I hid the corpses as best I could then they were sweeping beneath the
runners in their return to Yrensparthe. while trying to get some details from him outcropping toward us.
Ordinarily the dwarves would have had no on the goblins’ imminent offensive, but the Suddenly, to my utter astonishment, the
difficulty in getting back on their own; lad had slipped into a daze and I got noth- outcropping changed. It grew darker and
circumstances, however, were not ordi- ing more out of him. glistened with sudden moisture. An instant
nary. The large number of goblin patrols I feared it would not be long before the later, it melted and collapsed upon the
and spies in the area precluded the use of gnolls’ bodies were discovered, so I got goblins, no longer stone but thousands of
many of the outlying secret entrances to Slek to his feet and we set off as swiftly as pounds of mud. A dozen goblins screamed
the keep, lest they be discovered and thus we could. It was not long before we heard as the sudden mudslide engulfed them and
bring attack from within on the be- an alarm horn in the distance. Before carried them over the edge into the ra-
leaguered defenders. In addition, as every another hour had passed, we could hear vine. Again, I did not question the unex-
available stalwart was needed to hold his the sounds of pursuit. Had I been alone, pected miracle, but got Slek to his feet and
place on the walls, many of the older and there should have been no difficulties. But got moving again. The blockhouse was
more experienced scouts were involved in my charge was both wounded and un- growing steadily closer, and I hoped that
planning and orchestrating the defense. skilled in woods lore, and the goblins the goblins would decide that their losses
Only the younger runners, unused to steadily gained on us. By the time we were too great to continue.
battle and of little practical worth on the reached Truman’s Pass, a rough and steep Alas, no one has ever credited goblins
ramparts, could be spared for the ex- trail leading up the side of Raven’s Ravine with abundant wisdom, though they know
change of information with the few spies to a dwarf-sentried blockhouse some something of tenacity; this second disaster
the dwarves had emplaced in secret out- distance away, they were almost at our only served to incense the remaining
posts in the hills. As they mostly carried heels. handful. They raced after us, shrieking
news of the minor shifts the goblin hordes There was no choice but to continue promises of revenge for their lost compan-
made from one clearing to another, the running for it. I knew we had scant hope ions. The blockhouse seemed close, incred-
lads I was charged with guiding and pro- of outrunning them; the pass, extending ibly so, but the one gate lay on the other
tecting only rarely had news worthy of the length of the ravine, offered little side of the structure. I knew it to be much
even the slightest attention of their com- concealment, being nothing but a rough too far for the half-dozen dwarves within
manders. I usually had no trouble sneak- path with a few scattered boulders and to aid us. Hurled stones and knives
ing them through the goblin lines, whose patches of scree. But my only alternative bounced around us as we stumbled up the
sentries were looking out for dwarvish was to abandon a wounded runner to the last rise.
raiding parties, not messengers. I there- goblins, and with him abandon all hope A sudden grating sound met our ears. As
fore expected that bringing young Slek that the besieged dwarves could hold we topped the rise, I turned to see a barri-
Aldenroy back to Yrensparthe would not against the coming attack. We started up. er of stone shoot up out of the ground,
pose much difficulty. The goblins howled as they caught sight sealing the path behind the goblins. A split
When I got to the outpost where Slek of us, surging forward up the trail in a second later, a new rumbling sounded—
was supposed to be awaiting me, it was pack. Lacking proper bows or slings, they ahead of me!—and another wall appeared
empty. The flurry of tracks around the hurled stones and inventive curses after across the path before us. As we reached
area indicated to me that the hidden sta- us. The clamorous sounds of their pursuit this wall, a section melted back, opening a
tion had almost been discovered by a bounced and echoed off the steep walls hole large enough for a man to pass
group of goblins on patrol. The shambles around us, and their foul battle-cries rang through. I had no time to wonder at our

salvation; I quickly lifted Slek and stepped ance, for these beings are formed entirely All mountains contain the “earth power”
through the opening. As I turned to look of stone. They look like huge boulders or to some extent, though some less so than
back, I could see that the hole was already outcroppings of rock, with stony human- others. Generally, the younger and less
closing on itself, leaving the goblins boxed like features positioned on the broadest eroded by air or water the rocky sur-
in. Before the opening vanished com- face. They have two limbs, which act as roundings are, the stronger the elemental
pletely, however, I caught a glimpse of the both arms and legs. A galeb duhr walks link that such a place possesses. In very
goblins panicking. The very boulders with a slow, ponderously steady gait, the new mountains or places where the natu-
along the path seemed to be stirring, as digits of its appendages gripping the ral elemental link has been heightened,
though life had suddenly been breathed ground surely. A galeb duhr cannot walk such as by magical alteration, a galeb
into them. Then the hole was closed, and I while holding something in its “hands,” duhr’s power is said to become greater
could see no more. But I heard the goblins’ though the digits are capable of fairly still. Tales tell of whole colonies of stone
terrified cries. I carried Slek to the gate, delicate manipulation. A galeb duhr that is men dwelling there, and only the foolish
where the dwarves within quickly admit- dormant or wishes to remain hidden can would contest their power.
ted us. merely close its eyes and mouth, draw its From this and other dissertations, I
“We’ll see to this young one,” the ser- appendages close to its body, and sit still; gathered that while a galeb duhr’s powers
geant assured me, after I explained the in such a state, it cannot be distinguished over the rocky environment of its home
information Slek carried. “So you led those from a normal boulder. are similar in form to known earth- and
blackguards on quite a chase, eh?” A common thread running through the stone-affecting spells, such powers may be
“Not entirely my doing,” I gasped, my popular stories told of the galeb duhr is activated with but a moment’s thought (a
heart still pounding in my chest. “There the idea that they eat rocks, an under- warning to wily mages who might think to
was wizardry at work out there. Walls of standable though incorrect conception. best these creatures at their own game!). It
stone, seas of mud—” More accurate would it be to say that they is also my understanding that very old
The sergeant laughed. “Not wizardry. draw sustenance from rocks, for a galeb galeb duhr or those dwelling in highly
Just the doings of those who know the duhr does not eat, at least not as we un- magical areas are stronger than ordinary
stone even better than we. It’s thanks to derstand eating. As far as I was able to galeb duhr, and may command additional
them that we require only a company of tell, they also neither sleep nor breathe.¹ powers.3
six in this post; they see to it that no un- Instead, they gain nourishment simply Galeb duhr are naturally resistant to
welcome trespassers make it here. They’ve from continual contact with their stony certain extremes. Fire does little harm to
been watching you since you started up surroundings. Galeb duhr take their suste- them, for it takes a great deal of heat to
the pass. They’re just outside. Would you nance from the earth much the same way harm stone. Magical fires, which have
care to meet them?” a plant grows in the sunlight; the more such intense heat, are more dangerous to
We stepped back outside. There was no sunlight, the stronger and healthier the these beings. Galeb duhr easily shrug off
sound now from the goblins trapped in- plant. In the same manner, a galeb duhr is electrical attack, being nonconductive, and
side the stone walls. “Dead,” the sergeant strongest and healthiest in areas that are they are completely immune to any and all
said. “Probably ground to blood and pow- predominantly stony in nature. A galeb poisons. However, all stonemasons know
der by now. Well, here we are. You can duhr lives out its life in a mountainous that there is nothing like cold to bring out
thank them yourself.” environment; they are almost never en- cracks or faults in stone. Intense cold does
I looked around, but could see nothing countered elsewhere, for good reason: loss considerable harm to galeb duhr, and they
except the wall of the ravine, a struggling of contact with the natural mountainous are often dormant during wintertime,
mountain pine, a pair of very large boul- environment progressively weakens a though Jarek told me that this may not be
ders, and some scrub. “Where?” I asked. galeb duhr, and it will die if kept from the case in areas of strong earth power.4
The sergeant smiled again and pointed areas of stone for too long a time, much as (Caverns at least afford protection from
at the boulders. “There:’ he replied. As I a plant will die without sunlight.² Galeb the winter’s chill.) Wizards knowledgeable
watched amazed, one of the boulders duhr are often found in underground in elemental matters have discovered that
shifted. A rocky brow lifted, revealing a caverns as well, though they are rarely certain spells affecting rock will also harm
stony black eye. Both stones began to stir, recognized there in the jumble of rock. a galeb duhr, though details on these ef-
rising up and standing on short, thick legs. In conversation with the galeb duhr fects are not clearly known.5
Their eyes opened as they hefted them- near Raven’s Ravine (which was a pro- I am at a loss to converse about the
selves up, and their cavernous mouths longed business, as galeb duhr rival exact interior biology of a galeb duhr. I
stretched into a pair of mischievous grins. treants for slowness of speech), I frequent- broached the subject with the galeb duhr
Thus was my first encounter with a ly heard references to a thing they called at Raven’s Ravine but was able to learn
most rare and fascinating creature, the “earth power.” When I asked them to de- little; they seemed surprised at such a
galeb duhr. During ensuing conversations, scribe it, they could only say that they felt question. However, I spoke with one dwar-
both with Yrensparthe’s resident sage, “a feeling of strength in places with the ven veteran who had witnessed a battle
Jarek Thunderbarrel, and with the galeb earth power.” In further discussion, Jarek between two galeb duhr and a marauding
duhr themselves, I have discovered much Thunderbarrel gave me his theory of young dragon, in which one of the galeb
of the so-called “stone men of the moun- earth power, which went as follows: duhr was killed. The galeb duhr was
tains.” There is much to wonder about The galeb duhr are very strongly con- struck a mighty blow by the dragon’s tail
when one considers the lives of beings nected to the elemental plane of Earth. and broke apart like a rock struck by a
that are living rocks. How does a galeb This link is unconscious for the most part, sledgehammer. When the dwarf visited
duhr eat? What kinds of rigors can they and it exists in each of them. Since they the aftermath of the battle, the fragments
withstand, given their rocky forms? How are so well attuned to that plane, they are were almost indistinguishable from the
do they reproduce? What laws do they able to consume the rocks themselves and ordinary scree of the area.6 From this, I
follow, if any? How long do they ordinarily magically control stones without the use of gather that galeb duhr have no interior
live? What gives them their legendary spell-casting, as we understand it. Earth organs at all, being literally solid stone
powers over stone? Over a course of power is simply a measure of a place’s throughout. How such beings can move
months, I learned the answers to these “connection” to the plane of Earth; places and think as ordinary creatures do is
questions. Herein do I set down my find- of strong earth power include mountain beyond my understanding. I postulate that
ings, that I may rectify some misconcep- ranges, deep caverns, or rocky lands their ties to the plane of Earth allow ani-
tions and enrich the general knowledge prone to severe earthquakes. Galeb duhr mating elemental forces to flow directly
about these amazing entities. greatly prefer such places, for away from into them; Jarek is supportive of this the-
Galeb duhr are monolithic in appear- them their endurance and powers wane. ory but refuses to commit himself profes-

22 AUGUST 1991
sionally until proof can be obtained. not from combat or the loss of contact from this state.
Galeb duhr are very territorial creatures. with its earth power), it slowly cracks and 3. See the AD&D® 2nd Edition Dungeon
Once they have settled into an area, it is crumbles away over a period of 2-7 days. Master’s Guide, page 64, “Innate Abilities,”
nearly impossible to move them. A galeb At the end of this time, all that remains of for details on how a galeb duhr’s “spell-
duhr usually spends much of its time either the original galeb duhr is stone dust, grav- casting” powers really work.
sitting in one place, watching and thinking, el, and three large chunks of stone. These For every 500 years over 2,000 that a
or slowly patrolling its environs for signs of chunks of stone are young galeb duhr. galeb duhr has lived in its own territory, it
disturbance. A galeb duhr’s territory usually They remain immobile for a period of gains one of the following advantages.
encompasses an area of about 1-4 square approximately one century, slowly grow- This reflects the galeb duhr’s ever-
miles. It is invariably protective of its moun- ing and developing, during which time strengthening connection with its territori-
tain home, vigorously defending it as its own they are completely indistinguishable from al surroundings and the plane of Earth. In
against uninvited or hostile intruders. It will normal rocks. At the end of this time, they areas where the natural elemental influ-
often ally itself with those of like mind awaken as adult galeb duhr. The largest ence has been heightened, galeb duhr may
against potential despoilers; in wooded then usually takes control of the surround- obtain these additional powers more
mountain ranges, galeb duhr and treants ing territory, while the smaller two move quickly; this is left to the DM’s discretion.
often work together, and alliances between off to find their own territories.7 DMs may choose powers or roll them
galeb duhr and near-surface bands of pech There is little more I can say about these randomly; if duplicate powers are ob-
are not unheard of. A galeb duhr is intimate- wondrous beings. Perhaps this treatise tained on rolls of 13-20, roll again.
ly familiar with the lay of the land in its may serve to guide one more learned than
territory and will usually have traps set in myself in discovering more. I must say 1d100 Benefit
various area of access (paths, natural as- that in the time I have spent studying the 1-4 +2 AC bonus
cents, etc.). Such traps are usually features galeb duhr, I have grown to respect and 5-8 Resist magical fire
of the landscape, either natural or created like them. Bold adventurers who plan 9-12 +2 HD bonus
by the galeb duhr, that can be triggered by expeditions to the mountains may run 13-16 Resist cold
one of the galeb duhr’s earth-affecting across these creatures, and I strongly 17-18 Stone tell
powers; the outcropping at Truman’s Pass advise friendliness and courtesy when 19 Stone barrier
that changed to mud was one of these. dealing with them. To their friends, they 20 Double boulders
A galeb duhr will typically watch in- are most benevolent and helpful; those
vaders for some time, determining if they who make them enemies will find the Explanation of powers
are of violent intent or not. Peaceful trav- galeb duhr have hearts of stone. +2 AC bonus: The galeb duhr’s armor
elers are allowed to pass unmolested. class is modified from -2 to -4 initially
Should the intruders be deemed hostile, Footnotes and may improve further on subsequent
the galeb duhr will attack from hiding, Galeb duhr are described in the AD&D® rolls to AC -10.
using its powers to harry and waylay the 2nd Edition Monstrous Compendium, Resist magical fire: The galeb duhr still
intruders (note that “hiding” to a galeb volume 2, and in the AD&D 1st Edition has a +4 bonus vs. fire attacks. However,
duhr often means simply closing its eyes Monster Manual II, page 68. the galeb duhr takes -1 hp per die of
and mouth and sitting still). If a galeb duhr 1. Galeb duhr have no need for oxygen damage done. Further bonuses of this sort
cannot persuade invaders to leave its or any other inhaled gas for survival, reduce damage down to a minimum of -4
territory in this way, it attacks openly, Accordingly, they suffer no damage from hp per hit die.
usually in a steep or narrow area so its harmful gases (poison gas, cloudkills, +2 HD bonus: For each hit die the galeb
foes cannot retaliate easily. In combat, a green dragon breath, etc.) or immersion in duhr possesses, it gains an additional 2 hp,
galeb duhr animates normal boulders and any liquid except acid. to a maximum of 8 hp per die on subse-
rocks around it and commands them to 2. If a galeb duhr is removed by any quent rolls.
attack; this action is similar to the way a means from its natural surroundings, its Resist cold: Galeb duhr who possess this
treant animates trees. Earth-affecting physical condition will slowly begin to power may move and function in even the
powers will be used in the most effective deteriorate, as the life-giving connection to coldest weather. They save normally
way possible: walls of stone may be raised the elemental plane of Earth slowly fades. against cold-based attacks and take only
and collapsed on intruders, earthen em- In areas where they are not totally cut off normal damage from them.
bankments may be moved to hinder move- from their mountain origins, such as Stone tell: This power is identical to the
ment or cause an avalanche, and so forth. plains or farmland, this deterioration will priest spell stone tell. It is performed at
If any foes come within striking distance, be slow: the galeb duhr will lose 1 hp per the 20th level of ability.
the galeb duhr will attack physically with day that it is away from its home. Such Stone barrier: This is a new priest spell,
a crushing bite or a smashing blow from loss is permanent until it returns to an described here. Galeb duhr perform it at
one of its appendages. area that is predominantly rock and stone, the 20th level of ability.
Galeb duhr social structure is practically at which time it recovers lost hit points at
nonexistent. They have no castes or class- a rate of 2-5 hp per day. In an area totally Stone barrier (Alteration)
es, leaders or followers. They are, for the removed from its ordinary habitat, such as Level: 6 Components: V,S
most part, solitary creatures, each of a desert or an ocean, a galeb duhr will lose Range: 30 yards CT: 5
whom will stake out and watch over its 2-5 hp per day, but will regain them at the Duration: 3 rnds. +1 rnd./2 lvls. of caster
own mountain territory. Occasionally, a above rate if returned to its home. AE: Special Save: Special
number of galeb duhr will dwell in the When a galeb duhr falls below 20 hp Upon casting this spell, the spell-caster
same area, as do those at Raven’s Ravine, due to loss of contact with its natural sets a whirling wall of flying stones in
but this is unusual. I know nothing of their habitat, it loses its powers to control stone. motion about a fixed point. Any creature
religion, if any such exists; the galeb duhr Such powers return at once upon re- attempting to pass through this barrier
of Raven’s Ravine showed little interest in newed contact with a rocky or mountain- will take 8d8 hp damage (when used by
the subject, but they may not have under- ous environment. Should a galeb duhr fall galeb duhr, add 1 hp for each hit die the
stood my questions on the topic. to zero hit points due to environmental galeb duhr possesses: 8d8 + 8-10 hp). In
Galeb duhr are extremely long-lived; an deprivation, the connection with the ele- respect to area of effect and in all other
average specimen could live to be many mental plane of Earth is considered to aspects, noting the changes given here,
thousands of years old. They do not mate; have vanished completely, and it becomes this spell conforms to the sixth-level priest
indeed, they have no genders at all. When nothing more than a normal boulder. A spell blade barrier.
a galeb duhr dies naturally (that is to say, full wish is required to revive a galeb duhr

24 AUGUST 1991
Double boulders: When the galeb duhr certain to leave at once, though it might month.
animates normal boulders to fight for it, attack the spell-caster if the latter was 7. Of the three galeb duhr produced,
2-4 are animated (as opposed to the nor- rude. Stone to flesh causes the galeb there will be one of each size category:
mal 1-2). duhr’s body to become fleshy (AC 8) if it one 10 HD, one 9 HD, and one 8 HD. The
4. Galeb duhr ordinarily are very slug- fails a saving throw vs. spells, a condition 10 HD galeb duhr will instinctively move
gish after more than three days of sub- that distresses it greatly and causes it to to take over the immediate territory. The
freezing temperatures. They are hard to lose all of its spell-like powers; flesh to smaller ones usually move off to stake out
rouse in such times and act as though stone reverses this effect. Always consider their own areas, though they sometimes
under the influence of a slow spell when the galeb duhr’s 20% magic resistance remain (15% chance) and share the area
active at all. Those who are resistant to when figuring spell effects. between the three of them. In such cases,
cold (see note #3) may move and act 6. The stony body of a galeb duhr al- the largest does not rule the others, and
normally. ways matches the predominant stone of they take little note of each other in day-
5. The following effects of wizard and the area. Granitelike stone is most com- to-day activities, though they do not hesi-
priest spells should be noted when such mon, but marble, quartz, and all other tate to aid one another in a crisis.
spells are used against galeb duhr: Ani- igneous or metamorphic types are possi-
mate rock, if it can affect a stone the size ble. No galeb duhr have bodies matching
of the galeb duhr, effectively charms the sedimentary rock, such as shale, sand-
galeb duhr (who receives no saving throw) stone, or limestone. Check Your Mailing Label!
and causes it to obey the caster’s every A fragment of a galeb duhr’s body, if it
command; however, the galeb duhr great- can be identified as such, is of special If it’s time to resubscribe, fill out the
ly resents such treatment and always value to spell-casters. Any earth- or stone- reply card inside this magazine, or
attacks the spell-caster after the spells related spell requiring a piece of stone as a simply write your name and address
duration ceases. Dig, move earth, passwall, material component will be half again as on a sheet of paper, then send it along
sink, spike stones, stone shape, and trans- effective if the stone used comes from a with your payment to:
mute rock to mud (and its reverse) have galeb duhr. Fragments retain this magic-
no effect if cast upon on galeb duhr. Earth- boosting property for one month after DRAGON ® Magazine
quake, if cast directly at the galeb duhr, their creation, after which they become P.O. Box 5695
causes death and shattering if a saving like normal stone in all respects. Frag- Boston MA 02206
throw vs. death magic is failed, or 3-30 hp ments used in spell-casting will always be DRAGON is a registered trademark of TSR, Inc.
damage otherwise. Stone tell forces the consumed, even if the spell does not ordi- ©1991 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
galeb duhr, with no saving throw, to con- narily destroy the material components.
front the spell-caster and truthfully an- There is no way to prevent this consump-
swer all questions for the spells duration; tion or to cause a fragment to retain its
once the spell ends, the galeb duhr is enhancing power for more than one

©1991 by Allen Varney

The state of the art in superheroics, Part 3

26 AUGUST 1991
I rode a silver board across a shower of his 1984 design. Illustrations: Jeffrey Butler and the Marvel
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With a child’s pure joy, I gazed on a city who want new banks to rob must look Cover: Kevin Maguire and Joe Rubinstein
in a bottle, a team of spectacular animals elsewhere. Illustrations: DC staff
in capes and uniforms, and a newspaper The MARVEL SUPER HEROES game
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while that alien air, the mola, hardened in game’s novice-level approach reduces Mayfair Games, Inc. $10
crystal shells around my limbs—followed emphasis on creating new characters in Design: John J. Terra
an endless trail of grinning bodies across a favor of playing established heroes. It also Cover: George Perez
dark city, to track a giggling maniac— alludes only briefly to the topics of adven- Illustrations: DC staff
More recently, I flexed tree-root muscles ture design and good role-playing, prefer-
and made a mountain shake—struggled to ring to dwell on combat tactics and Swamp Thing* Sourcebook
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bulldozed my life—rescued victims from a Evaluation: This is the gravest flaw of the Rats” solo adventure
tenement fire with a wonderful ship, to a this system and support line: its apathy Mayfair Games, Inc. $9
tune sung by Billie Holliday—raced down about recreating the spirit of Marvel sto- Design: Ray Winninger
the 99 levels of Prometheus to beat a noon ries. In this new Basic Set edition and the Cover: Paris Cullins
deadline that would doom the city—and Advanced Set (never mind the past seven Illustrations: DC staff
ruled a new world from a palace 16 miles years of pallid scenarios), you couldn’t find
tall, ushering in a new Golden Age of a miracle if you used microscopic vision. I heard recently that you can’t copyright
gaudy miracles. Look at this set’s few elementary mini- a phone book any more. The Supreme
scenarios: all fight scenes. The four-color Court ruled that to gain copyright protec-
Miracles: The best super-hero comics grandeur and narrative magic in the best tion, a work must involve creativity; an
abound in them. I read those lavish power Marvel stories are absent. Is this a good alphabetical list of names and their tele-
fantasies, grandiose beyond the hopes of introduction to role-playing? phone numbers doesn’t qualify. Now, why
Wagner and charged with melodrama that For that matter, the new text is larger does that ruling spring to mind as I look at
would put Harriet Beecher Stowe to and less friendly than its predecessor. I the latest pile of licensed hero-roster
shame, and I, like thousands of other confess mild irritation at the first edition’s “sourcebooks”?
readers, live those miracles. In those tales, practice of describing the rules in the Companies pump these out like mail-
just as in a good role-playing adventure, heroes’ own voices. But, in its place, we order catalogs at Christmas. They must be
we partake of the heroic. now have featureless expanses of gray easy, if not entertaining, to write: Read a
But such moments were always rare and type, and lots of it. The new edition’s core couple hundred comics, describe all the
are rarer still today. Do young comics fans, rules are not notably shorter or simpler heroes in the subject group, then their
faced with the legions of dour avengers than the core rules of Mayfair’s DC friends, major enemies, headquarters, and
who dominate the market, now compre- HEROES* game, a more elegant and flexi- equipment, then add some back-issue
hend that old magic? More to the point, do ble design. The MARVEL SUPER HEROES history. Add a little chrome and maybe an
any recent super-hero games and supple- game could intimidate a newcomer, I adventure, throw in clip art from the
ments help game masters and players think. comics, and publish. Nobody has to think
recreate it? Point the beginner instead to Steve Jack- hard, nor even worry about proofreading
Only rarely. But that, of course, is the son Games’ TOON*: The Cartoon Roleplay- a lot of phone numbers.
nature of miracles. ing Game (a personal favorite) or to West (Let me immediately distinguish these
End Game’s GHOSTBUSTERS* game. Both churned-out lists of licensed characters
MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ Basic Set have simple rules, high action, and a grati- from similar volumes of original villains
(revised) fying accent on storytelling and adventure and heroes that an author creates specifi-
64-page Rule Book, 64-page Campaign design. And don’t forget the new edition of cally for super-hero RPGs—for instance,
Book, 12 cardstock sheets of characters the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Basic Set, the Enemies books for the CHAMPIONS*
and stand-up figures, two 21”x 32” especially designed to introduce beginners game. None of the following remarks
color maps, two 10-sided dice, boxed to role-playing. For novice super-hero role- relate to such original gaming creations.)
TSR, Inc. $20 playing, the choices are not great, but try Gamers—or somebody—must love these
Design: Jeff Grubb the BATMAN* RPG volume that Mayfair huge compost heaps of established charac-
Editing: Steve Winter extracted from the DC HEROES game to ters. After all, how many times has TSR
Cover: Jeffrey Butler capitalize on the Batmania of 1989. gotten them to buy an X-Men roster? The
Illustrations: Jeffrey Butler and the Marvel Of course, the MARVEL SUPER HEROES latest and most exhaustive of these is The
Bullpen game is the only authorized source of Uncanny X-Men Special! campaign set.
game statistics for Marvel characters. This Half of this set, 96 pages of text, lists the
After seven years, TSR has issued a new leads smoothly to my next tirade. abilities of over 250 mutants. Mind you, it
edition of the popular role-playing game doesn’t tell much about these mutants’
that lets youngsters play Marvel Comics The Uncanny X-Men TM Special! Cam- backgrounds, nor how to role-play them
heroes like Spider-Man, Captain America, paign Set or use them in a campaign; it just has
the Hulk, and the X-Men. Designer Jeff 96-page Roster Book, 64-page Campaign stats.
Grubb, longtime Marvel guru at TSR, has Book, 32-page “School’s Out” Adventure The rest of this set offers a bit more
since become guru of the FORGOTTEN Book, four 21”x 32” color maps, boxed entertainment value. It doesn’t sparkle,
REALMS® and SPELLJAMMER™ campaign TSR, Inc. $18 but at least here you get paragraphs, with
settings, and will no doubt achieve even Design: Jeff Grubb adverbs and stuff. The Campaign Book
greater guru-hood in the future. He’s “School’s Out” adventure: Rick Swan gives histories of two dozen mutant
returned to his roots with this touch-up of Cover: Jeffrey Butler groups, lengthy descriptions of mutant-

ridden locations, and 13 models of Sentinel sight, terrific characters, world-spanning Swamp Thing writer Alan Moore
mutant-hunting robots. And lo, the 12 adventures, true love, fear, madness, pas- reached even greater heights in the graph-
pages of authentic campaigning advice sion, and compassion. Miracles all! And ic novel Watchmen, collaborating with
include typical mutant-campaign premises, now comes a Swamp Thing Sourcebook. British artist Dave Gibbons. Rather than
mutant-villain types, and a “mutant pho- What a perfect opportunity for— discuss Watchmen here, I’ll just recom-
bia” index. A full-scale adventure by the —For a history of the Swamp Thing, a mend it with every fiber of my being; look
talented Rick Swan shovels an amazing list of his powers, a roster of friends and for it in specialty bookstores and comics
number of villains into one globe-trotting foes, and a description of his “headquar- shops. Now, Mayfair and the ubiquitous
plot, though player characters have little ters” (the Louisiana bayou town of Ray Winninger have produced a fine com-
to do but fight. With these tools (and the Houma). Sigh. panion piece, the best-presented product
great maps), an enterprising game master Along with this bland five-finger exer- that super-hero role-playing has ever seen.
could probably rig up a campaign. But I cise comes a solo Swamp Thing adventure, This is not so much a sourcebook as a
doubt it would be anything special. “Racing With the Rats,,, which is striking scrapbook. It pains me to quote a company
The other phone-number sourcebooks at because (you’re not going to believe this) it press release, but I can’t put it better: “The
hand support the DC HEROES game. Do has nothing at all to do with the Swamp Watchmen Sourcebook is presented in the
you want to know a lot about those two Thing. Get this: Poisoned by toxic waste, same style as the comic series, where the
popular super-hero groups, the Justice Swamp Thing experiences a four-day readers progressively piece together the
League and the New (formerly Teen) Ti- hallucination of suburban hell, where (as story as they go along. The ‘scrapbook’
tans? No, I mean do you want to know a an ordinary human) he tries to hold down format features newspaper articles, movie
whole lot? Do you want your brain to a job and make ends meet—Generic Super- scripts, letters to and from family and
explode from sheer data pressure? Then hero Hallucination/Dream #542. Even if friends of the Watchmen and Minutemen,
The Justice League Sourcebook and The you’ve never heard of the Swamp Thing and much, much more.” (All press-release
New Titans Sourcebook are for you! and haven’t read the sourcebook section, writers recite “and much, much more” as
The JL sourcebook comes from Ray you can still play this straight-line adven- a mantra at dawn, noon, and sunset.)
Winninger, an experienced and prolific ture perfectly well—not that I recommend Winninger and layout artist Cabardo
freelancer with many credits in the DC you do. return us to the back pages of Watchmen,
HEROES game line; for instance, he devel- Evaluation: I don’t really know how to that cut-up realm of diverse sources, high
oped the recent second edition of the game. review these new character compilations. believability, and telling juxtapositions. A
Here he gives us—well, you know the drill Sure, I liked one of their predecessors, the mental hospital report, followed by a
by now: histories and stats for everybody new edition of Mayfair’s Batman Source- clipping with a name circled, suddenly
who’s ever joined, almost joined, or come book (see “Role-playing Reviews” in issue and chillingly explains a murder reported
near the Justice League (note the num- #165); but that book offered real insight two pages back. Incorporation papers,
bered versions of Dr. Fate: 1, 2, and 2½); 30 into an interesting subject, along with innocuous in themselves, stand like sign-
pages of villains, including Killer Penguins; strong gaming value. Maybe if you’d told posts on the path to nuclear war. Win-
extensive maps for three headquarters, me then, “If you like this one, you’ll get 20 ninger’s news stories, letters, college
plus a previously unseen Saudi Arabian more exactly like it,,, well, I might have rosters, and brochures follow Alan
Embassy (winner of Mayfair’s “Justice restrained myself. Now, here are these Moore’s creative lead, often showing
League Embassy Contest,‘; congratulations followers. I believe they’re not really game genuine insight. And Cabardo sends
to designer Brian Heid); and the original products, but more like super-hero Audu- everything cascading higgledy-piggledy
JLA’s charter, membership requirements, bon guides and extended fanzine articles. down the page, askew, overlapping, invig-
and procedures. At that point my eyes Jack Barker, DC HEROES game editor at orating.
glazed over, but Winninger’s text is clear, Mayfair, disagrees. “We sell a lot to the DC HEROES game stats? Oh, yeah, it has
well-researched, and respectful. comic-book audience, [but these books are] some of those, too. They mostly get in the
The New Titans Sourcebook offers—stop definitely game products,” he says. “There way. For instance, when the gadgeteer
me if you’ve heard this before—complete are a million and one adventure hooks in Nite Owl makes long construction notes
membership rosters of all versions of the those [character] histories, especially the about his Owlship and various costumes,
Teen Titans; a 16-page description of the villains’.” Barker notes that gamers ask him the sudden intermissions of gamespeak
10-level Titan Tower, down to and includ- more often for character stats and head- are jarring.
ing the video games in the rec room; quarters maps than for anything else. Evaluation: It’s tricky, recommending a
friends and allies, including Timothy Okay, fair enough. But I can’t imagine product with so little gaming value, a kind
Drake, the new Robin, the Boy Wonder how you turn these laundry lists into of super-hero Audubon guide or fanzine
(either #3 or #4, depending on how you miracles. article. But this one displays creativity.
score it); foes; equipment; and a lengthy In any case, the Mayfair books are good Enthusiasm. Thought! More stats would
time line. Author John J. Terra, a relative jobs, with colorful text, extensive foot- dry out this book like a grape under a
newcomer with credits for TSR and FASA, notes listing sources, and indexes. TSR’s sunlamp. Instead, Mayfair has wisely
gives valuable role-playing notes and, Uncanny X-Men Special! campaign set also chosen to turn this book into (the reviewer
occasionally, brash humor. (“Changeling’s makes the grade. But the cold fact is, pushes his metaphor and his luck) fine
garish room is enough to send the bravest either you want these rosters or you don’t, wine.
interior decorator into convulsions.”) Mira- based on their subjects. The idea that it’s The Watchmen Sourcebook won’t mean
cles? Those he does not give. But miracles “a good job” hardly enters into it. anything to those unfamiliar with the
are where you find them. Can there be a super-hero roster that a graphic novel, but for its fans, this book of
I often found them in the pages of review could recommend wholeheartedly clever and enlightening annotations should
Swamp Thing, a DC horror title that was at as an authentic “good job’,? help recapture the original’s miracles.
one time—no, at two times—the best main- Yes! Good job!
stream comic book published. Its classy
early-‘70s issues by Len Wein and Berni The Watchmen* Sourcebook Kingdom of Champions
Wrightson, though excellent, were com- 128-page softcover book 208-page sourcebook
pletely outstripped during an astounding Mayfair Games, Inc. $10 Hero Games/ICE $18
mid-‘80s run written by British comics star Design: Ray Winninger Design: Phil Masters
Alan Moore. What stories! Brilliant new Cover and illustrations: Dave Gibbons Editing: Rob Bell
takes on classic horror ideas, new concepts, Design layout and graphics: Mari Paz P. Cover: Adam Hughes
a breathtaking scope of learning and in- Cabardo Illustrations: Albert Deschesne, Ben

28 AUGUST 1991
Edlund, John Robinson, Pat Zircher would be grander and more glorious, a those supplements about Near Harad, Far
miraculous place. Harad, Really Far Boring Harad, and other
Oh, man, talk about miracles. Years ago, backwaters that barely rate footnotes in
Phil Masters, who had never published a Short and sweet The Lord of the Rings. This points up a
word in the gaming business, proposed to Tome of Magic, by Cook, Findley, Her- failing of the whole MERP game line: its
Adventurer’s Club magazine a short article ring, Kubasik, Sargent, and Swan. TSR, dawdling pace in describing Mordor,
describing super-hero CHAMPIONS* game Inc., $20. As my fellow reviewer Ken Barad-Dur, and other places that gamers
adventures in Great Britain. The article Rolston would say, “Awright!” In this new really want to know about. Meantime,
never saw print; instead it grew to 208 AD&D® game hardcover, I count 86 new though, let’s thank ICE for offering this
pages and stormed onto the Hero Games wizard spells (plus neat rules for “wild pristine book of McBride’s fine art.
scene last summer as—what, ho!— mages”), 170 priest spells (plus eight new
Kingdom of Champions. spheres), and 92 new magical items, all OGRE*/G.E.V.* games, by Steve Jackson.
“Written by native Britons, edited by meant to fill minor gaps in the extant spell Steve Jackson Games, $9.95. Released for
Americans, this supplement contains all lists. Spell-casters will zoom in on heavy the first time together in one package,
that a game master needs to start running artillery like acid storm (W7) and spiritual these two simulation board games of ar-
adventures in the United Kingdom.” For wrath (P7; minimum damage 16d6). The mored combat on a future battlefield are
once, a product lives up to its back cover wise DM, though, should prefer the many among the best the field has ever seen:
copy: This book actually does contain spells that don’t cause damage but instead fast, elegant, and endlessly replayable.
everything you could want for British enable good stories. Spells like thought Steve Jackson’s first design, the action-
heroics, and (what was that mantra?) capture (P1) and the many communication packed OGRE game, pulled me into this
much, much more. spells let you convey information more hobby back in 1977, and I wish I’d held up
Terrain, cities, transport, districts of easily; others, like breath of death (P7) and as well as it has. Its sequel, the G.E.V.
London, major sites from the British Muse- most of the quest spells, are story hooks. (ground effect vehicle) game, adds new
um to Stonehenge (with maps), petrol Have fun seeing quantum physics applied units and new rules that give its hover-
prices, waterways, standard vehicles, to magic in spells like spacewarp (P7) and craft and power-armor infantry a better
postage rates, three pages of slang terms, there/not there (W4). This product needs chance to stop the unstoppable, intelligent
history, race relations, six pages on “The its hardcover package; you’ll use it a lot. cybertank called the Ogre. With great
British Character (If It Exists),” political maps, new two-color counters, and a new
parties, titled aristocrats, “The Troubles” in The Complete Guide to Role-playing (if rather flimsy) box, these twin classics
Ireland, castles and manor houses, tax Games, by Rick Swan. St. Martin’s Press, shouldn’t be missed.
rates, property market, legal system, ma- $12.95. This was a surprise gift on the
jor religions, educational system, TV chan- bookshelves last Christmas. In this thick In Hot Pursuit, by Terra, Pecsenyicki,
nels, food and drink, holidays, soccer volume, Rick Swan, gifted author of many Franks, and Tracy. Mayfair Games, $8.
hooligans, the army, MI5, and four pages TSR products (such as the recent AD&D Mayfair has devised several fresh ideas to
about the police. If it only had addresses module FA2 Nightmare Keep, and the DLA support its DC HEROES game, and here’s
and tourist hours, you could lug along this trilogy of DRAGONLANCE® adventures), another: an anthology of four short adven-
supplement as a fair guidebook to the UK. reviews over 150 role-playing games, good tures, each for a game master and one
Guidebooks don’t usually make great and bad, famous and completely obscure, player, and each starring a different hero.
reading, though, and I developed info with no punches pulled and seemingly no The tones and topics run from slam-bang,
overload around page 98, where Masters game missed. “If I found it for sale as of super-slugfest action (starring Superman)
details the political leanings of each of spring 1990 in a hobby shop or a dealer’s to light comedy (the Atom) to gritty gang
Britain’s 12 daily newspapers. But after my booth at a game convention, it’s reviewed warfare (the Huntress) to suspense and
eyes unglazed, I dove back in. A good here,” says Swan, and he also gives in- mistrust in a deserted villain base
thing, too, for soon after that comes a formed commentary on each game’s sup- (Manhunter). These straightforward and
great 10-page discussion of British magic port line. You start thinking, “Is there effective miniscenarios can fill an evening
and legends. Then the entire last half of anything he hasn’t read?” If so, I haven’t or two on their own, or an hour while
the book gathers over 50 (!) very original found it, and I’ve read every fascinating you’re waiting for more players to show
British heroes and villains, plus secret review. There’s lots of historical perspec- up. Too bad the back cover gives away
super-agents, half a dozen organizations, tive, amusing rules bloopers, and maybe every surprise in every adventure! Maybe
and, as an afterthought, four different even room for argument, but overall I if we forgive them, Mayfair’s copywriters
versions of the Loch Ness Monster. Three enthusiastically recommend Swan’s book. will restrain themselves next time—and I
short scenarios and suggestions for a So, when’s the next edition? hope there is a next time.
dozen more finish off the package, and
probably finish the GM, too! Angus McBride’s Characters of Middle-
Evaluation: I joke about its encyclope- earth. Iron Crown Enterprises, $14.95. * indicates a product produced by a company other
than TSR, inc. Most product names are trademarks
dic scope, but Kingdom of Champions is South African artist Angus McBride, my owned by the companies publishing those products.
that rare pleasure: a labor of true love. favorite of the legions of illustrators of The use of the name of any product without mention
Bolstered by the breadth of imagination J.R.R. Tolkien’s works, has blessed many of its trademark status should not be construed as a
here, any GM can launch a one-shot sce- an otherwise dreary MIDDLE-EARTH challenge to such status.
nario or any of several complete cam- ROLE-PLAYING* supplement. He captures
paigns for super-heroes who cross the the high-fantasy majesty that most MERP*
Atlantic. Masters’ clear style and subtle wit products seem bent on expunging. Now,
makes this a great read (with suitable ICE has managed to wrap its MERP gam-
intermissions) and a snap to review. All I ing license around this softcover collection
have to say is, if you want to game mod- of 29 lovely McBride paintings by adding a
ern Britain, get this book! page of feeble gaming filler facing each
This book comes closest yet to conjuring painting. Skip the game junk and frame
the miracles of the great super-hero com- these vivid visualizations of Gandalf,
ics. Why? Because it has the same quality Treebeard, Galadriel, and dozens of other
they do, the very stuff of miracles: figures of Middle-earth. Too bad so few of
imagination. With more works like this those figures actually come from Tolkien;
one, the super-hero role-playing field ICE instead has chosen covers from all

30 AUGUST 1991
TSR PREVIEWS DLS3 Oak Lords FMA1 Fires of Zatal
AUGUST by Blake Mobley module
The Speaker of the Suns, the leader of the by Jeff Grubb
Maztica seldom-seen Qualinesti elves, has been taken The first adventure set in the Maztica cam-
AD&D ® FORGOTTEN REALM ® prisoner by goblins, and it is up to the PCs to paign setting develops from the conclusion of
game boxed set bring him back alive. This module develops the the Maztica novel trilogy. The fate of Maztica
by Douglas Niles culture of the Qualinesti elves. hangs in the balance as gods struggle for mas-
Based on the Maztica trilogy of novels, this Suggested Retail Price: $9.95/£6.50 tery of a shattered land. Your heroes must enter
boxed set opens a new world of gaming adven- Product No.: 9327 the great volcano, Zatal, to break the power of
tures far beyond the Shining Sea of the Realms. the god of war.
A land of Aztec- and Mayan-like high culture LC4 Port of Raven’s Bluff Suggested Retail Price: $9.95/£6.50
fills this campaign setting with brutal gods, new AD&D ® 2nd Edition game accessory Product No.: 9333
creatures, unique magics, and lavish treasures. by RPGA TM Network
Open a new frontier in your FORGOTTEN The port, harbor, ships, crew, and wharf TSR Collector Cards, Set 2
REALMS® campaign: Maztica! areas of Raven’s Bluff, the RPGA™ Networks city AD&D ® 2nd Edition game accessory
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00/£11.99 in the Realms, are detailed in this 64-page vol- by Richard Brown
Product No.: 1066 ume. Pirates, fisherfolk, water creatures, and These collectable cards come 16 to a pack,
adventures wait around every corner of this with full-color art on one side and important
DMGR3 Arms &Equipment Guide colorful area of the city. This book also contains game information on the reverse. NPCs, mon-
AD&D ® 2nd Edition game accessory new businesses and personalities for your sters, and magical items all appear on these
by TSR staff Raven’s Bluff campaign. cards. For quick reference or for the fun of
Within the pages of this 128-page book, you Suggested Retail Price: $9.95/£6.50 collecting, these cards are for you!
will find the most complete listing of AD&D® Product No.: 9315 Suggested Retail Price: $1.00/£.75 incl.
game weapons to date. Profusely illustrated, VAT
with four full-color plates and illustrations of Product No.: 1063
every kind of armor and most every weapon
used in the AD&D® game, this reference guide Vampire of the Mists
will be invaluable to players and DMs alike. This RAVENLOFT™ novel, One
by Christie Golden
volume also includes historical notes on weap- NEW PRODUCTS FOR Jander Sunstar, an elven vampire from the
ons, armor, and equipment.
Suggested Retail Price: $15.00/£9.99
SEPTEMBER FORGOTTEN REALMS® world, is pulled into the
Product No.: 2123 dark realm of Ravenloft. There, he forges an
The Legend of the Spelljammer alliance with that lands most powerful vampire,
AD&D ® Trivia Game AD&D ® SPELLJAMMER™ boxed set Count Strahd Von Zarovich!
AD&D ® 2nd Edition game accessory by Jeff Grubb Suggested Retail Price: $4.95/£3.99
by TSR staff The greatest mystery of the SPELLJAMMER™ Product No.: 8056
This new game tests your knowledge of universe is revealed in detail within this boxed
AD&D® 2nd Edition game rules in a fascinating set. Here you’ll find maps with complete deck Wanderlust
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Suggested Retail Price: $24.95/£19.99 grandest ship in all the spheres flys out of When Tasslehoff Burrfoot accidentally pockets
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Product No.: 1069 Suggested Retail Price: $20.00/£11.99 naturedly defends the top-knotted newcomer to
Product No.: 1065 Solace, a thoroughly unpredictable tale is trig-
RR1 Darklords gered that includes a sinister stranger who has
AD&D ® RAVENLOFT™ game accessory GAZ14 Atruaghin Clans evil in mind for the three new friends.
by Andria Hayday D&D® game accessory Suggested Retail Price: $4.94/£3.99
This 96-page sourcebook offers expanded by William W. Connors Product No.: 8341
information on several of the domain lords who This Gazetteer details and describes five
were not described fully in the RAVENLOFT™ Known World cultures inspired by American Technical Compendium
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mented lords and their domains. This accessory character class, many new spells, and descrip- by Blake “Blakester” Mobley
will be invaluable to anyone running a tions of the Immortals that these cultures re- This 160-page hardbound book contains new
RAVENLOFT™ campaign. vere. Complete your Gazetteer collection! equipment, rules, and information vital to
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95/£6.99 Suggested Retail Price: $10.95/£6.99 fleshing out the twenty-fifth century universe.
Product No.: 9331 Product No.: 9306 Also included are rules for running Digital
Personalities as player characters in the new
HWR1 Sons of Azca SKIRMISHSYSTEM™ miniatures game Digital Universe!
D&D® HOLLOW WORLD™ game rules Suggested Retail Price: $20.00/£11.99
accessory AD&D ® 2nd Edition accessory Product No.: 3577
by TSR staff by Bruce Nesmith Unless otherwise noted:
This is the first title in a new series of acces- Each figure represents one hero, wizard, ® designates registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
™ designates trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
sories that detail the realms of the Hollow soldier, or monster in this fast-paced miniatures ©1991 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
World. This book details the Kingdom of Azca game of AD&D® combat. Exciting battles can be BUCK ROGERS and XXVc are trademarks used under
region and the ancestors of the Atruaghin Clans, created with any assortment of miniature license from The Dille Family Trust.
This 96-page book has information for players, figures. AD&D® characters can be converted MARVEL SUPER HEROES, MARVEL UNIVERSE, Marvel
DMs, and adventures in the Azcan area. easily to this game’s statistics. characters, and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95/£6.99 Suggested Retail Price: $15.00/£9.99 are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. and are
used with permission.
Product No.: 9332 Product No.: 9335

32 AUGUST 1991
roone Chiselbeard crouched across the

The Lay of
main corridor from his doorway, wait-
ing for the lizards to come. He had
been waiting for seven hours, and he
would wait another fifty if need be.

It was time for Droone Chiselbeard
to die.
He felt them through the skin of his back, pressed as it
was to the bare stone. He judged they were four or five
levels above him, and there were many of them. He could
feel the vibrations of each individual’s steps out of the
many hundreds he felt and some of them were not lizards.
Some were giants, he thought, but he couldn’t be sure.
Perhaps hobgoblins or big humans. No matter. He still
had several hours and nothing to do, so he sat, and he
thought about his life.
He was one hundred fifty-eight years old and getting
gray, and he had decided that if he didn’t get about this
business of dying soon, he might not get another chance.
So when the dwarves had gone to the call of the king,
Droone had tousled the hair and pinched the cheek of his
by William B. Crump
youngest son (age eighty-six), patted his wife on the
rump, and gone after his war hammer. He would defend
his home, his tunnels, his door.
It was a good door, he thought, looking at it through the
dimly lit corridor. It was round and made of the roots of
the tree Kollollondor, named by the elves. It was the only
wooden door in all the mountain, the only piece of Kollol-
londor ever cut by a creature. It was ten feet tall.
Behind it was Droone Chiselbeard’s home, the home of
his clan and family since the dwarves had come to Black
Rock Mountain in search of coal and iron for the dwarven
On either side of that huge door were sculptures, set in
the wall itself: one of Droone and one of his eldest son, the
slain hero Hammerfoot. They had been carved by the
finest sculptor who ever lived, and the only human to ever
visit the inside of Black Rock Mountain: the blind sculp-
tor Orius.
Across thirty feet of dark corridor was the history of
Droone Chiselbeard’s life, and as he sat waiting to die, he
allowed himself to be impressed.

He had come here as a pup of only twenty-three and

had made the trek from Ice Cliff Mountain overland. He
knew that the overland would be strange, but he had not
anticipated what he saw. Leaves on trees, now, that was
strange. Droone was familiar with trees, all right, so fa-
miliar that his father used to call him Elf-Beard.
But trees had tendrils at the edges of their roots to sip
water. He had no idea what leaves were for. That was just
one mystery in a world of mysteries he had seen in that
twelve-day hike.
He had gone aboveground only once after. In that, he
was a fairly average dwarf. Most saw the light of day only
once or twice in their lives. He heard that some dwarves
lived out in the open, but he had not believed it until
Hammerfoot moved aboveground to trade with the
He still thought that was damn peculiar. Illustrations by Erik Baker
The lizards were coming slowly. The resistance they

received was far more than they had expected, as they neling around it, careful not to expose too much. He ex-
thought Black Rock was abandoned. But like Droone, amined the rock that she seemed to be reaching for,
those elderly dwarves who had spent their lives making tunneled parallel to her roots, and twice struck rich miner-
Black Rock a home had not left their houses and halls to al deposits with many gems.
be surrendered. They had elected to stay and die with She made him rich, even compared to the other
their mountain. dwarves, and while his twenty-three children grew and his
They fought with a grim determination, and they al- eldest went to trade with the humans, he spent much time
ready knew the lizards would regret this conquest, if not with his hobby, The Tree. He named her different major
this fight. roots and fed her by diverting some of the water from the
water-tunnels (filled every spring by the melting moun-
After the dwarves had found the caves at Black Rock, taintop snow) to her roots. He knew that, aboveground,
they set up housekeeping. For ten years they chiseled and the tree served as some sort of gathering place—he could
broke and picked and chiseled until finally they had some tell by the vibrations through the stone—but he didn’t
decent tunnels. The head of the colony, then Arjan Stone- know the language and he couldn’t tell the race. As long
bone, had given him a new hammer and chisel, put them as they did not hurt his tree, he didn’t mind.
against the wall, and said, “Droone, build yourself a
home.” Droone heard and felt a large thud as the mountain
After another ten years he had a good sized hole, and moved, and he smiled. Undoubtedly, more lizards and
he married to double the effort. Hammerfoot was born a hobgoblins were being taught about stone, he thought. It
year later, and Droone dug with a smile and a young ras- would be less than half an hour before he would find if his
cal on his shoulders. lessons in stonemasonry would be as well delivered. His
The year Hammerfoot came they hit iron, and wealth hammer and chisel had been busy lately.
soon followed. Droone worked the forge with his brothers He looked across at the door made from Kollollondor
all day, leaving no time for his home. So the wife and even and thought how well the wood and stone joined in a use-
precocious little Hammerfoot helped, and they had ten ful door, how pleasing in form and structure. He went
rooms, a mushroom tunnel, metal plates, metal hammers, back to his memories.
and twin daughters by the end of the year.
The colony thrived and sent much iron back to Ice Cliff Still the colony thrived, even more so since Hammer-
Mountain in exchange for food, and the digging went on. foot had gone to trade among the humans. He was said to
be part of a wandering band of heros, slaying dragons and
The lizards were getting closer, but they were running the like, and Droone, who did not quite understand the
into trouble. Droone thought the trouble was probably point, was proud nonetheless.
named Arjan Stonebone, two floors up, defending his Eventually, Hammerfoot returned home wearing a suit
home as Droone was preparing to defend his. of gold scale mail and listened to his father’s lecture about
As Arjan delivered a wise and probably fatal lesson in how poor a material gold was for armor. He settled in as if
stonemasonry to a lizard-man, Droone felt the vibrations, he’d never been gone, except that his stories were much
heard the lizard’s hiss-scream through the rock, and better.
smiled. About another hour and a half, he judged, before The next year, a stricken Droone had begged Hammer-
they reached him. foot to brave the overland once again to look at the tree
from the top.
In his thirty-eighth year of residence, Droone’s, tunnels “It’s dying,” said Droone.
reached almost to the back of the mountain, more than a “I’ll go,” said Hammerfoot, being a dwarf of few words.
mile of corridors and rooms and dining halls and a gem Hammerfoot returned and said that there were many
cutting shop and room for his nineteen children. It was elves around the tree, and they didn’t know why it was
then that he reached Kollollondor, though his name for dying either.
her was The Tree. Several months later, Droone knew the answer. The
She was an old oak, and she sat on a huge plateau on tree, in its ongoing search for food and water, had with its
the side of the mountain. The plateau marked the begin- massive main root broken through the rock ledge and into
ning of the steep rise to the peak but was easily accessible the salt layer below. The salt was getting into the water
to the forest below. She was at least eighty feet tall, and and poisoning the tree.
her root system was enormous. Droone was excited. Not only could he save the tree,
She had much to teach Droone, who alone among the but he could sell the salt and even ship some to Ice Cliff
dwarves paid her any attention. He liked the way her where it was needed. But when they were done, there
blind tentacles sought out the best rock, slowly, over the would be an open space fifteen feet deep below The Tree.
years. He liked the way she seemed to know the stone, to “Simple,” he thought, “We’ll wash the hole out, brace
respect it. He liked that she seemed to eat the rock, and he up the tree as we go, and when we’re done, lower her
thought she must love the rock very much, sort of like he down into the hole. I’ve already dug enough tunnels
himself did. He also thought it must be such a nuisance around the major roots. The tree will be saved, and we’ll
for her to have to feed all that bulk above ground, with the all be richer.”
water and rock from his home. The Tree was Kollollondor, a tree so sacred she had her
He spent many months studying her root system, tun- own druid and her own tribe of elves that worshiped her

36 AUGUST 1991
as a god. She had stood for eight hundred years, and now stabbed the trunk of the tree.
she was dying. Droone yelled and charged.
So the whole colony of dwarves labored to remove the The druid tasted the end of the dagger with the tip of
salt, and Droone’s family labored to prop up The Tree as his tongue. Hammerfoot ran to intercept his father, who
the work progressed. was about to strike the druid with his excavating pick.
About fifteen feet of Kollollondor’s main root had to be The druid said something in a language Droone didn’t
cut off, so saturated with salt that it could not be saved. understand, and a shout erupted from the crowd of elves.
Droone did this himself, saving the root. “He said The Tree is saved,” Hammerfoot muttered to
She would be lowered onto this fifteen-foot hole so that Droone.
her root could continue its progress. Her secondary roots “Tell him to get away from my Tree.”
were tunneled around so that, when the main root was Droone, with Hammerfoot translating, spoke with the
lowered, they would follow with minimum damage. druid, who was very angry.
The salt deposit was somewhat larger than the plateau “The Tree,” Droone said, “Is not the thing of the wind
above, and when the plateau was lowered it would look and sky and birds and elves that you think. She is a crea-
like a pit inside a bowl. The operation would open the ture of rock and tunnels and water. Most of her is under-
mountain up, exposing to the open air about thirty feet of ground. She has been here longer than any dwarf, and she
the tunnels Droone had been digging around Kollollon- will be here when I am gone. She tunnels where she will.
dor, and thus passages into the heart of Droone’s halls and She knows these rocks better than any of us. She knows
the dwarven caves. where gems and ore and minerals are. She is my friend.”
Droone looked with apprehension at seeing the outside The druid, much impressed, asked about the collapsing,
again, but he was curious to see the top of Kollollondor. and Hammerfoot told the story so well that when he got to
The cave would be blocked off and concealed once the the part where the elves opened their eyes, the druid was
operation was finished. shaking with laughter. He dismissed the elves and told
It was finally done. The dwarves, sixty-one of them, Hammerfoot to seal up the tunnel. That the part of the
lined up around that part of the plateau as it and The Tree tree underground was forever Droone’s to care for. This
were lowered. was done.
At the same time, the elves were having another one of
their sacred worship ceremonies. The elves thought the There were more invaders on his level, he felt. He
spirit of their god had come to save The Tree, and they could hear their hissing as they progressed; he could feel
threw themselves to the ground and worshiped as the tree their movements. Ten minutes.
swayed and rocked. As it lowered to its new ground, they
bowed to it and closed their eyes and said prayers to it. He had made the section of salted root into his door and
Thirty feet around the tree on all sides, the plateau continued following the roots of the tree, Kollollondor,
dropped, and with it the tree and the elves. As the elves until one day he had broken through to tunnels of an an-
opened their eyes, they found they had been praying to cient warren and the trouble with lizard-men and hobgob-
sixty-one dirt-covered dwarves. The dwarves laughed, lins had begun, just as it had started at Ice Cliff, when
seeing the lordly, haughty elves bowed in prayer, seeming- they had found the first entrance to the extensive caverns.
ly to them. But now that the lizards knew about Black Rock, it would
And laughed, and laughed. They rolled on the ground. be a target, too.
They laughed until they cried. His son, Hammerfoot, had perished in the first assault,
The elves were not amused. The elves drew their weap- killing twenty-one lizards before a lucky arrow caught him.
ons and advanced. Hammerfoot, of course, screamed his They sealed up the new hole and for good measure
death song and leapt toward the elves. The line of elves most of Kollollondor, but now that the creatures knew the
looked up at the tree, which gave a final tilt. The whole elf location of the colony, the attacks came from overland.
line stopped. Always, for the last forty years, they had been repulsed.
The dwarves, still looking out through the tunnels, One day a human appeared at one of the secret doors
gripped their hammers and axes tightly. Hammerfoot and asked to see Droone. This was the sculptor Orius,
glared at the elf he faced, ready with his hammer. who was blind.
Kollollondor stopped moving, seeming to steady. The “Your son, Hammerfoot, was my friend. He and I did
elves started to close on Hammerfoot, and the dwarves many things together, in many lands. He wanted me to
rushed out to him from the tunnels. carve his likeness in stone if I should hear he had died. He
Suddenly, next to the tree, there was a bright light and told me how to get here.”
a clap of thunder. The dwarves and elves stared. There Droone was skeptical. “A human carve stone! Never!”
stood an old human, looking at Kollollondor, his old he laughed. But he gave the man a chisel and a hammer.
hands against the trunk of the great tree. He watched for fifty days as this human learned the
At his appearance, the elves all bowed and backed away stone with his fingers, felt every crack, every fissure, every
from the dwarves. Not knowing what to do, the dwarves strength and weakness. He tasted the stone, listened to it,
fidgeted uneasily, looking quickly between the old man talked to it, prayed to it, and finally, carved it.
and the elves. It was the most beautiful rendering in stone Droone had
The druid of Kollollondor hobbled about the tree, lean- ever seen.
ing on an old oak staff. He took out a small dagger and Droone begged him to carve another, so he could learn

how by watching. On the other side of the door, they The assaults on Ice Cliff Mountain had grown intense,
carved again, and Droone learned much about stone from and the king had recalled all soldiers and said that Black
a blind human. Rock was to be abandoned.
Dwarves take their wars seriously, and they had gone.
The lizards were just around the corner from Droone, But to Droone, his Black Rock Mountain in the hands of
and he stood stock-still against the rock. A troop of them lizard-men was unthinkable. So when the next lizard-man
went by, and only eight lizard-men and a hobgoblin appeared, Droone would take his hammer and knock
stopped at his door. away the stone support in the corner, and the bottom of
Among the overlanders, dwarves are thought of as loud the cistern holding all the water stored from the spring
and clumsy, but put one in his own cave and he is as are runoff would empty onto the top floor. And the weight of
elves in the trees. all that water would collapse the supports onto the floor
The nearest lizard-man was four feet from him, and below it, which would collapse the floor below that. The
they didn’t even see him. floors would collapse onto each other, and what was not
The hobgoblin opened the door. crushed would be drowned from the water.
As the twelve-foot-square slab of concrete fell from the Kollollondor would be unaffected, having been blocked
ceiling and squashed the hobgoblin and two lizard-men, off years ago.
the two heads carved in the wall on either side of the door The mountain would settle about ten feet, and every-
cackled deafeningly. thing in it would die.
Orius had been a wizard before he was blinded, and he
had still known some tricks. Droone drank and waited, thinking that he was glad to
The lizard-men looked about themselves, confused. be a dwarf. He had cut stone, fired forges, dug tunnels.
Down the hall, Droone heard some other lizards being He was happy that he had finally got to fight. Now he
taught about stone, fatally. He dashed forward with great could die in traditional dwarf fashion, surrounded by the
speed, hitting one lizard square on the spine with his ham- bodies of vanquished foes.
mer. He skittered around the block and squished enemies, He thought about the look on the elves’ faces the last
ducking badly aimed and wide swings, through the door- time the mountain had settled.
way into his home. He wondered if anyone had thought to tell the elves. He
If they were smart, he thought, they would not follow hoped not.
him. He laughed and laughed and laughed.
They were not smart, and it wouldn’t have mattered
Droone was having fun. He dodged behind a corner
and waited as the lizards passed him. He followed them,
resting a little, totally silent on his own stone. When he
felt rested, he raised his hammer and charged, landing a
blow on another lizard, who went down.
Droone grinned and ran.
Two others fell to traps, pits covered with tilting rocks.
Droone watched, gleeful.
There were only two left. Time to die like a dwarf, he
thought, and led them to a room he had prepared, with
enough open space. He stood in the center, and the lizard-
men flanked him.
Using the best in dwarven combat strategy, he charged
the one on the left, hitting him in the knee, and the fight
was joined. The lizard swung back, and his short sword
bit deep into Droone’s leg. He was rewarded for his effort
with a hammer in the face. He went down.
Droone was hurt but still combat ready and whirled to
face the lizard-man left standing. It ran away, and Droone
was too injured to follow.
His first fight, and he was victorious!
He thought he might have missed his calling as a fight-
er, but when he tried to move his leg, he reconsidered.
He sat down in the middle of the floor and looked
around the room that was to be his burial chamber. In one
corner, behind a central support pillar, was a barrel of ale,
just done fermenting last month, and on the other side
was an exposed root of Kollollondor.
Droone dragged himself toward the ale. A dwarf was a
dwarf after all. He settled down with a full stein to wait.

38 AUGUST 1991
strange mirror I had taken from the Rajah
of Jaibul. I could push small objects
through its glassy surface to the other
side—wherever that was. I could not see
what lay beyond. Only parchment or
papyrus could pass, but I was careful not
to let any paper fall completely through.
Wooden, metallic, and mineral objects, as
well as living flesh, would not go through,
for the mirror felt cold and solid to my
hand. Neither could air, water, or the
flame of a candle get through.
Magic did get through, but not all magic.
Some spells related to vision or detection
could sometimes get through the mirror.
By chance, a wizard eye paired with a
spell of infravision made it through. It
revealed an unlit crypt, a scriptorium with
many books, scrolls, and maps. One map
displayed the familiar contour of the Great
Waste desert. On it, little flags were
pinned west of Sind, others very close to
Slagovich. Their symbols looked orcish or
goblinoid in style. These could have been
Hulean-controlled forces.
Then I saw a dark veil on the scriptori-
um’s floor next to the mirror. I realized in
a moment that it was a covering for the
mirror. Perhaps it had slipped off when
one of the pieces of paper I had poked
by Bruce A. Heard Hastmir 25, 2000 AY: This evening, I through disturbed it. I was lucky, for
could hear the hull and the new masts otherwise the wizard eye would not have
This series chronicles the adventures of creak faintly with the ship’s slow pitch. functioned at all. I could not explore fur-
an Alphatian explorer and his crew as The wide sails occasionally fluttered in the ther since the scriptorium’s door was
they journey across the D&D® Known wind, the sound sharing the darkness with closed, but at least I could now spy on that
World in their skyship. The information only the night bell. The crew was still room. If another wizard eye could not
herein may be used to expand D&D cam- learning to work the rigging, but Berylith succeed, my crystal ball would. At last, I
paigns using the Gazetteer series. nevertheless showed satisfaction with her had found a weakness in the dark figure’s
new sails, like a bird with new wings. She defenses and had even learned one useful
enjoyed the sweet feeling of wind filling thing: Keep my mirror covered. As the sun
her sails, and she had maintained a good began to filter through the curtains, I
pace since our departure from Slagovich. dropped a black velvet cloth of my own
I could not get to sleep. The picture of over my mirror (fixing it carefully in place)
the man in black behind the mirror haunt- and left.
ed me. I got up, dressed, and walked down Hastmir 26: At sunrise, we had an
to the laboratory, where I examined the unexpected encounter. Just past the city of

Raska, a small man-o-war descended from part of the Dervishy of Uzümir. The High temple itself looked more like a fortified
the clouds and veered toward the north- Dervish of Uzümir himself sometimes city, with large avenues, smaller temples,
west. A flying warship was already reason resided at a small temple in downtown huge statues, schools, and sprawling mo-
enough to pay attention, but her banner Boyâzka, a meridional retreat of sorts. nastic quarters.
was even more disturbing: a black lion Talasar and I found the temple and posed A man walked in with a broad smile on
over a white field. She was a Heldannic as Heldannic officers who had survived an his face. “Welcome to Hule! I wished to see
Prowler. And I wanted to know why she unfortunate shipwreck. my Brother Knights before your meeting
was here. Soon enough, a cloistress came trotting with . . .” He froze in the middle of his
I had general quarters sounded immedi- to us. “For Hosadu’s sake, be quiet! No one sentence, and we stared at him in shock as
ately. We were at her stern, hiding in the is to know of your arrival. Follow me.” The well. It was Zgozod, the “charming” war-
rising sun; her watch was either sleeping elderly lady brought us to our quarters rior from Slagovich.
or blinded. We got close enough for a and explained that her superior, the High “You!” he cried. “What the—” Talasar’s
warning shot. The light ballistas at the Dervish, had not yet returned. He was up hammer landed on his head before he
bow quickly shredded the Heldanners’ north, meeting with the Most Holy One. uttered another word. We promptly tied
main sail. Despite the surprise, her crew Both of us scouted the temple during the him, gagged him, and hooked him up to
reacted swiftly and competently, returning night. We found the dervish’s personal the highest point of the chamber’s
a volley of arrows in little time. A blinding quarters and browsed about, looking for ceiling—and, for good measure, cast an
ray followed, punching a hole into the side clues on the Heldannic presence. Among invisibility spell on the scoundrel. We
of the Princess Ark. The wood crumpled his papers was a message from the “Mas- could always use him at some other time,
and withered away where the ray had hit, ter,” addressed to the High Dervish of perhaps.
causing Berylith to roar in pain. Berylith Uzümir. It ordered him to escort the A eunuch finally came in and led us to
then responded with a devastating bolt of Heldannic envoys to Darkwood; their ship the cluttered office of the High Dervish of
her own that blew off a large part of the was to remain in Boyâzka until their re- Uzümir. Another reunion—he was the
Prowler’s hull. The Prowler careened turn. Obviously, the Heldannic Order was man in white robes who had appeared at
violently, causing topside crew to fall off conspiring with that “Master.” By the same the court of Slagovich with Zgozod. My
screaming in space. Oil spilled over the token, this made the “Master” the Most heart froze in my chest when I recognized
deck and caught fire, spreading chaos Holy One, Ruler of Hule. him; unlike Zgozod, he could cast spells.
aboard. Almost instantly, the Prowler Hastmir 28: The cloistress came back Ismet did not seem to react, however.
struck her colors as she began to list se- in the morning. She said her superior, His Perhaps I had stood in the dark behind
verely and lose altitude. Alas, I failed to Eminence Ismet Atadervis, the High Der- Stavro when I first saw Ismet, so he could
calm Berylith, and she roared again. With vish, could see us. She brought us to a not recognize me. The thought of facing
horror, I saw the surrendering vessel mirror in an alcove of the temple’s crypt. him was still unnerving.
break up and crash into the sea. It was nearly identical to the mirror I took Addressing Talasar with a smile, Ismet
Infamy! Shame! Even against Heldan- from the Rajah of Jaibul, but perhaps said, “Please enter. General Strohm, I
ners, there were certain rules of engage- larger. This one, however, allowed pas- presume?” Talasar clicked his heels in a
ment by which all respectful commanders sage. It was a magical gate that led to a perfect imitation of the Heldannic salute.
abided. Berylith felt my anger and ceased chamber in a much larger temple— With a slight bow of the head to me, Ismet
further attacks. We came as close as we somewhere north, judging from the cooler added, “Your Grace Urqvart, my respects.
could and rescued what little was left of weather. Outside the windows spread a We are so sorry of the delay on the Sla-
the Prowler’s crew. The captain had dark forest everywhere we looked. The govich affair. We assure you that it is only
drowned, along with many of his officers.
The few I could question knew only of
Table 1
their next stop, a port called Boyâzka in
Essence of Cinnabar Contamination
southern Hule. They could not unveil the
reason of their journey this far away from # of Abilities
Contamination Subject
home. Rats. no special abilities Foreigner
Degree 0
Hastmir 27: Boyâzka was in sight early
Degree 1 no special abilities Normal native
in the morning. Talasar activated the ship’s 1 ability Enhanced contamination
Degree 2
invisibility while I convinced Berylith to 2 abilities Enhanced contamination
Degree 3
fade away. For once, she did not argue.
Degree 4* 3 abilities * Enhanced contamination
Talasar and I landed, while the Princess
took position above the town. Xerdon
* Each subsequent degree adds one additional ability.
remained on board. He looked pale, and
Talasar ordered him to stay.
Boyâzka was a mean-looking little town.
Decrepit and filthy, it harbored no more
than two dozen ships. A handful of mer-
chantmen flew Zvornikian or Hojahite Table 2
banners. Many others displayed unknown Abilities Granted by Essence of Cinnabar
flags that Nyanga said belonged to a series
of shady coastal realms southwest of Hule. Contamination degree
Among them were a number of heavily 1d12 1-4 5-7 8-9 10+
armed warships. Perhaps half of the ships 1-3 #3 #3 #3 #3*
mooring at the docks were Hulean, but 4-5 #3 #3 #3* #4
these were old, rotting merchant or fish- 6-7 #3 #3* #4 #4
ing vessels, barely fit for navigation. Hule 8-9 #3 #4 #4 #5
could hardly qualify as a naval power in 10-11 #3 #4 #5 #5
these waters; any of the regional city 12+ #3* #4 #5 #6
states fared better in that respect.
The people bore the same reddish skin * The player may freely chose any one ability from Table 3, except for the last abili-
as those in Slagovich, and they seemed just ty (Power Fluke).
as poor. We learned that this territory was
a temporary setback, and soon the for- came to negotiate this alternative. We small gong. The eunuch came back. Ismet
tress shall be yours. Meanwhile, you are want the metal now. Do you have a sam- murmured a few words to the man, and
more than welcome to use our ports of ple here?” the eunuch ran off with the scrolls. Free
Boyâzka and Yenigaz.” The dervish sighed in relief and gave me to relax, our host offered us baklava and
Talasar cleared his throat. “Ach ja. But a red, glistening short sword from a shelf. some of that black beverage I once had
your ports need major work, Your “Very well, then,” he said. “Let’s sign the with Yarani. This version was much
Eminenz! Silt threatens to block the main treaty now.” After scribbling several more worse, though, almost syrupy with black
stream, and the state of repair of the lines on a stack of scrolls, Ismet rang a mud at the bottom of the cup. The eunuch
docks is a disgrace. And we expected to
control Slagovich by now!” I thought for a
moment he was overdoing it, but I under- Table 3
stood what he was trying to do. Special Abilities From Essence of Cinnabar: Degrees 1-4
“Yes, yes, of course, general.” Ismet was
clearly embarrassed at Talasar’s rebuke. “I 1d20 Ability and description
shall obtain new funds to begin improve- 1 Altered Dexterity: This permanently adds +2 to the character’s Dexterity
ments right away. Our forces are standing score, up to a maximum of 18 (reroll if 18 has been reached). Use: constant once
by in the desert east of Slagovich. If need activated.
be, we could overrun their puny army.” 2 Altered Strength: This permanently adds +2 to the character’s Strength
I intervened. “Well, there will be no need score, up to a maximum of 18 (reroll if 18 has been reached). Use: constant once
for this. I am sure that you have the situa- activated.
tion well in hand. Now, if we could discuss 3 Amber Paralysis: The character paralyzes one nonmagical creature on con-
what we came for. It is a long way back to tact for 1d6 rounds. A successful save vs. paralysis negates this ability.
Freiburg.” 4 Anti-Magic I: The character becomes immune to the effects of one first-level
Reassured, Ismet agreed. He led us to a spell, either clerical or magical. The first eligible spell affecting the character
large map on the wall. With a wink, he automatically triggers this ability and alerts him of the activation. The character
said, “We bought this wonderful trail map may cast all spells normally.
from the library of Rufus Omnibus in 5 Cinnabar Skin: The character develops a tough skin, improving his natural
Thyatis. Amazing what these Thyatians armor class by +2. This benefit may be combined with normal or magical armor
can do with a piece of parchment, isn’t it?” protection.
With a wide gesture across the eastern 6 Cinnamorphism: The character gains a form of anti-magic due to the essence
portion of the map, he added, “Soon, we of cinnabar. It reduces damage from magical weapons bonuses at the rate of 1
shall share all of this! As agreed, all coastal hp per degree of contamination.
areas on the Western Sea of Dawn will 7 Crimson Fire: The character causes any creature he hits with a red steel
belong to the Heldannic Order, and we weapon to glow with faerie fire.
shall keep the coastal kingdoms from Sind 8 Detect Cinnabryl: The character can detect and locate cinnabryl or essence of
to the Five Shires! Together, we shall cinnabar within a 30’ radius, This ability is similar to a locate object spell.
smash the Thyatian Empire!” 9 Enhanced Corrosion: The character gains the ability to steal iron molecules
I nearly choked on that one. “Have you from a ferrous object he is touching, in order to heal any single wound on a
made plans for a possible Alphatian inter- nonmagical creature, causing a permanent oxidation of the ferrous metal. The
vention? For this to succeed, we will need process rusts 50 cn worth of nonmagical iron or steel per point of damage
major support against their powerful healed.
magic.” 10 Enhanced Life Force: The character’s life force is permanently enhanced,
“Fear nothing. The Glantrian Council is providing an extra 1d4 hp per degree of contamination. The ability remains
unwittingly working for us. It is in their active for each new degree of contamination reached subsequently. Use: con-
power to foment major unrest in metro- stant once activated.
politan Alphatia, possibly destroying their 11 Fiery Mesmer: This power causes a victim who looks the character in the
main skyfleet and perhaps even assassinat- eyes to stare blankly until slapped or attacked in some way. The attempt takes
ing Eriadna the Wise, the hag herself. This one round, A saving throw vs. spell negates the attempt.
should delay the Alphatians long enough 12 Immunity to Fire: The character becomes immune to up to 10 hp damage
for us to reach our goals. Your Knights will from all magical or nonmagical fires,
have to do the rest.” 13 Immunity to Electricity: The character becomes immune to up to 10 hp
“Naturally.” Our recently departed friend damage caused by magical or nonmagical electricity.
Yarani did not jest when he had talked 14 Immunity to Paralysis: The character gains immunity to ghouls’ paralysis
about dark plans. And I was right in the or other paralyzing poisons.
middle of them. I just hoped our masquer- 15 Infravision: The character permanently gains infravision if human, or detect
ade would last long enough for us to ruin invisible if demihuman or humanoid, or if infravision was acquired earlier. Use:
these plans. infravision is constant once activated; detect invisible lasts for one turn and can
I thought for a moment. “But we will be used only once per day.
need Slagovich now.” 16 Repel Metal: The character develops an antimagnetic energy that repels any
“We have already stockpiled enough metal projectile of 60 cn or less. An attacker wielding a metallic weapon attacks
depleted red steel to outfit several of your with a -2 penalty to hit.
armies. We could ship these right now at 17 Ultravision: The character’s vision is altered, allowing him to see up to 60’
our own cost, provided . . . . that you into the Ethereal and Astral Planes.
relinquish your claim on Slagovich’s port 1 8 War Cry: The character gains a powerful metallic voice. His war cry causes an
and its mines.” Hurriedly, he added, “This immediate Morale check to all NPC or monstrous opponents within hearing
would save time in both our plans.” distance (at least a 20’ radius under battlefield conditions).
I seized the opportunity at once. I had 19 X-Vision: The character’s vision is altered to receive X-rays, allowing him to
no doubt we could sink whatever Hule put see the silhouettes of objects up to 6’ through rock, iron, or wood.
to sea, thereby denying the Heldannic 20 Power Fluke: Roll twice more on this table, ignoring scores of 20, or roll
Order access to the red steel (some superi- once more on this table ignoring a score of 20 and gain a +1 bonus to all future
or alloy, probably). At least, it could ruin die rolls on Table #2 (player’s choice of option).
their plans for some time. “Of course. I

44 AUGUST 1991
returned and whispered in Ismet’s ear. I took both Talasar and the unconscious my crystal ball. By chance, I saw the man
“The Master waits,” our host declared, dervish with me as I returned to the Prin- in black, the Master, angrily pulling flags
rising. cess Ark. off his maps. I guessed that he would pull
We left the room and entered another Eimir 1: I ordered a course to the back his forces for some time, thus remov-
chamber. There sat—the man in black southwest after dropping the Heldanners ing any proof of the conspiracy. I hoped
from the mirror! Damn! off in the wilderness. Hule was a wee bit Her Imperial Majesty would soon unveil
“Impossstorsss!” he hissed—and disap- risky for us now. Talasar used his magical what Glantrian treachery menaced our
peared before our eyes. If Ismet did not scroll to send a long message to his temple beloved Alphatia. The stakes were dread-
recognize me, the Master made no such in Starpoint. He requested the message be fully high.
mistake. The eunuch shrieked and fled. delivered at once to Her Imperial Majesty. Then there was this red steel, which I
Ismet followed, but I intercepted him with Starpoint acknowledged a few hours later examined. It had to have come from the
a web. Talasar knocked him out promptly and said we could trust the Temple of mines in Slagovich. It was a mighty metal,
and recovered his scrolls. Razud. As for myself, I teleported a mes- hard like true steel yet light like wood. I
We had to leave at once. Already we sage to the Maharajah of Putnabad, warn- had a hunch the nations to the southwest
could hear ominous gongs echoing in the ing him of a possible invasion from the held more clues to that fancy metal.
cavernous hallways. I had barely enough Great Waste. Talasar soon came back with news of
time to cast a travel spell before hordes of Once done with this, I returned to my Ismet. He was found dead in the brig,
fierce janissaries poured into the chamber. quarters and observed the crypt through apparently from the same causes that did
for the ruffian Pustek at the Black Samo-
var. Talasar tried reaching the man’s soul,
Table 4 but failed. Either something held on to it
Special Abilities From Essence of Cinnabar: Degrees 5-7 very tightly, or it no longer was in exist-
ence. Both of these alternatives sent a chill
1d12 Ability and description through my spine. A nasty business this
1 Anti-Magic II: The character becomes immune to the effects of one first- or Master was in. . . .
second-level spell, either clerical or magical. The first eligible spell affecting the To be continued....
character automatically triggers this ability and alerts him of the activation. The
character may cast spells normally. Cinnabryl’s darker uses
2 Amber Sharpness: The character gains the ability to cause slashing or pierc- This section continues the section on the
ing weapons made of red steel to vibrate in such a way as to negate any oppo- shiny red metal cinnabryl and its uses,
nent’s nonmagical protection due exclusively to metallic armor. Thus, red steel from this column in DRAGON® issue #171,
cuts right through the metallic armor. pages 43-44.
3 Cinnabryl Implant: The character can instantly deplete up to 1 Ci, implanting As noted in the last issue, individuals of
the cinnabryl molecules in his body for later use in supporting any abilities de- the Savage Coast are affected by a natural
rived from essence of cinnabar. This allows the character to maintain the re- poison in the soil called seed of cinnabar.
quired contact with cinnabryl without carrying the precious metal itself. The However, contact with a shiny red metallic
absorbed molecules function like depletable cinnabryl in all respects. The im- ore called cinnabryl, produced by geologi-
planted cinnabryl depletes before material cinnabryl does, if the character is cal activity on beds of seed of cinnabar,
carrying both an object of cinnabryl and holding implanted molecules simultane- will undo the effects of the poison. Contact
ously. Use: at will, though implanted molecules must dissipate before this power with living beings also causes the cinna-
can be used again. bryl to become depleted, so that it loses its
4 Crimson Skin: The character’s skin turns silvery red, providing partial immu- healing properties. Fully depleted cinna-
nity to damage from any natural or manmade weapon. In this condition, the bryl becomes red steel, a dull red metal as
character ignores 1d6 hp of nonmagical damage from each successful physical strong as steel but with half the weight.
attack, to a minimum of 1 hp damage per attack. Certain powerful individuals of the
5 Gaseous Form: The character and his equipment turn gaseous, allowing him Savage Coast discovered that they could
to fly 90’ per turn and pass through very small openings (key holes, cracks, cause a sudden, massive depletion of cin-
porous rocks, etc.). nabryl by ingesting essence of cinnabar, a
6 Heroism: This ability produces effects identical to those of a potion of heroism. precious and rare alchemical distillate,
If the character is a spell-caster or a thief, ignore this ability and roll for another while in contact with a sufficient quantity
one on this chart. of cinnabryl. The reaction of this distillate
7 Immunity to Energy, 10' Radius: Negates up to 10 hp of natural or magical in the body allows a character to gain
damage based on fire or electricity within a 10' radius centered on the character. special abilities derived from the magical
8 Invulnerability This ability’s effects are identical to those of a potion of invul- and alchemical properties of cinnabar.
nerability Essence of cinnabar is, however, a virulent
9 Neutralize Cinnabryl: The character instantly causes all cinnabryl within 10' poison, causing an immediate and perma-
around him to become totally inert and stop depleting. This negates all special nent loss of one point of Constitution per
abilities drawn from cinnabryl until those affected move out of the area of ef- dose (no save allowed). Despite this cost,
fect. The ability-neutralizing effects apply to the character using this power as essence of cinnabar has become the object
well, excluding this ability itself, which lasts a turn, This power does not affect of epic adventures, sinister quests, un-
someone using a cinnabryl implant (#3 above). speakable treacheries, and bloody wars. It
10 Pyric Brand: This ability creates a burst of red light equivalent to a light is the Savage Coast’s Unholy Grail!
spell, blinding for 2-12 rounds all creatures facing the character within a 10’ Essence of cinnabar comes in small vials
radius (or a 30’ radius in the dark). A saving throw vs. spells is required to pre- of a single dose. Each dose increases the
vent this blindness. Use: once per day, instantaneous duration. drinker’s contamination by a single degree
11 Quick Silver: The character gains the ability to accelerate his reactions, (a “degree” being a measurement of con-
allowing movement at twice the normal speed and twice as many melee or mis- tamination). One hundred coin-sized units
sile attacks (but not spell attacks) as normally permitted. of cinnabryl (100 Ci) are also required per
12 Regeneration: The character regenerates lost hit points at the rate of 1 hp degree of contamination wanted. For
per turn. At 0 hp, the character passes out normally but could withstand up to example, to reach the second degree of
10 hp of additional damage before actually dying. Use: constant once activated. contamination after having reached the
first, two doses of essence of cinnabar

and 200 Ci would be required; two points else (provided such a use of the wish spell (see the Dungeon Master’s Companion,
of Constitution would be lost as a result. were allowed at all). Constitution points page 21). It would be appropriate to have a
See Table 1 for further details on contami- lost during the absorption of essence of player make several die rolls for life pro-
nation levels. cinnabar can never be restored, even if longation, then have the DM secretly pick
In addition to an innate ability, each dose the character is “cured,” except by use of a one at random every time his character
of essence of cinnabar augments the char- wish (one wish per point). This spell and increases his longevity in this manner.
acter’s longevity at the rate of one year all magical items with wishes are almost Keep them guessing.
per hit die or experience level. For exam- unknown on the Savage Coast because of Very low Constitution can become a real
ple: Gombar the minotaur (6 HD) imbibes their over-use. problem. DMs should be nasty with
two doses, which give him another 12 Note that an “instant cure” of cinnabar power-crazed characters! When a Consti-
years to live. Note that seed of cinnabar, contamination is instantly lethal to some- tution score reaches 2, adjust the PC’s hit
cinnabryl, and essence of cinnabar do not one who has lived past his normal life points further downward (-4 hp per HD/
affect undead or magical creatures like expectancy. Seed of cinnabar also makes Level) and drop Strength and Dexterity 2
dragons. common people more irritable than nor- points. At a Constitution score of 1, apply
High-level characters of the Savage Coast mal, which accounts for the history of a -5 hp per HD/Level penalty; if the char-
are often tempted to sacrifice their stam- violence among the nations of the Savage acter is still alive by then, reduce his
ina in order to gain what is referred to Coast. Strength and Dexterity by half, rounding
among them as “cinnabar’s immortality.” On the subject of life expectancy, it is a down. At a score of 0, the character turns
The more notorious figures gained several good idea not to reveal to a player what into depleted bologna—R.I.P
centuries of life in this way. the exact longevity of his character is
In most cases, an ability generated by
the essence of cinnabar is innate and can
be called upon at any time, as long as the Table 5
user wears pure, undepleted cinnabryl. Special Abilities From Essence of Cinnabar: Degrees 8-9
The character must physically touch cin-
nabryl to use these abilities or maintain 1d8 Ability and description
their effects (hence the use of cinnabryl 1 Anti-Magic III: The character becomes immune to the effects of one first-,
bracers, rings, and so forth). All of the second-, or third-level spell, either clerical or magical in nature. The first eligible
abilities described in Tables 3-6, unless spell affecting the character automatically triggers this ability and alerts him of
noted otherwise, can be used at will only the activation. The character may cast spells normally.
once per day, for a duration of one turn. 2 Contaminate: The character surreptitiously contaminates one living creature
A player usually cannot choose a specific with cinnabar (no save). The contamination takes one day per level or hit die of
ability nor a specific ability table to roll the victim, as long as the character can remain within 10' of the victim for at
from if his character increases his degree least one full turn each day of the contamination process, or in physical contact
of contamination. Each time a character for at least one full round each day, or partake of the same food or beverage
imbibes a dose of essence of cinnabar, roll each day. The attempt fails if any of the above is interrupted. The character
1d12 on Table 2 to find out on which table knows when the contamination takes effect only when the victim’s skin takes a
(Tables 3-6) special abilities are found. reddish color; the victim reaches Degree 1 of contamination. Use: at will, one
victim at a time until the attempt fails or succeeds.
The “catch” 3 Counter Drain: The character causes a level-draining creature to drain its
If a Savage Coast native left his home, own hit dice each time it would affect the character (no save). If the PC counter
the seed of cinnabar poison in his blood drains the creature to 0 HD, the character gains a 5% chance per drained hit die
would eventually pass out of his body, of recovering one lost point of Constitution.
breaking his body’s delicate balance with 4 Life Sublimation: A human character using this power ages 50 years in order
the metal cinnabryl. Remember: Cinnabryl to regain one lost point of Constitution. The character can use this ability at will;
is poisonous to uncontaminated people however, the character will not necessarily know what his exact lifespan is (see
(see DRAGON issue #171). The absence of the Dungeon Masters Companion, page 21). The first time demihumans use this
cinnabryl also prevents the use of all spe- ability, halflings age 75 years, dwarves 150, elves 550. Effects are permanent.
cial abilities drawn from cinnabar and 5 Planar Phase: The character can enter the Astral Plane and remain there for
negates all permanent changes that such up to six hours. While there, the character can see into the Prime Plane up to 60’
abilities may have had on the character. It from his position.
may ultimately bring death to one who has 6 Power Storing: At the character’s discretion, before damage is rolled, he can
already exceeded his normal biological life instantly absorb magical energy such as magic missiles, fire balls or lightning
expectancy, by causing a permanent loss bolts cast at him. The character can later release the absorbed energy through a
of 1 hp per day spent without cinnabryl. red steel weapon, when successfully hitting an opponent or an object. The en-
This explains why no cinnabryl- ergy causes a bonus of 1 hp damage for each hit die absorbed. The energy other-
augmented explorer or conqueror ever wise remains stored in the character up to one hour, after which it dissipates.
succeeded in reaching far beyond the Energy can be absorbed only once a day at the rate of 2 HD per degree of con-
Savage Coast. They all eventually died tamination. Unabsorbed hit dice that remain cause damage to the character
from contact with their cinnabryl talis- normally.
mans, which most of the affected persons 7 Red Blur: The character can move up to 10’ each round at a blinding speed,
jealously kept to themselves, or from the either to automatically dodge all physical attacks that round or to pass through
lack of cinnabryl, for those who grew far solid obstacles (e.g., walls and doors) without damage to either the obstacles or
too old for the Immortals’ taste. Very few himself. The character may not dodge and attack during the same round. He
are those who are aware of the risks in- may move through obstacles and attack normally.
volved in using this dangerous metal in all 8 Scarlet Storm: The character creates a red shimmering force field to repulse
its forms. opponents. The field instantly pushes away inanimate objects of less than 2,000
A wish spell could conceivably remove cn and all man-sized or smaller creatures, shoving them up to 60’ away on a 30’
any contamination, but that would ruin wide front (no save). Any immobile obstacle in the victims’ way inflicts 1d6 point
the character, just as this spell would ruin of damage on the victims. Larger creatures must save vs. spells to move toward
any other standard character class if the character, and do so at half speed.
someone wished his class to be something
46 AUGUST 1991
And monsters, too seed of cinnabar poison faded from their Letters
Over thousands of years, mines and blood. There are many tales about these
caves polluted with cinnabar have allowed horrid creatures. Rumor has it among In GAZ10 The Orcs of Thar, I noticed
for the existence of monsters that can common folk that those who abuse cinna- King Doth had a 12th-level lizard man
assimilate cinnabryl ore. This contamina- bar die loathsome deaths, and return later sidekick. I realize the lizard men were
tion gives the monsters innate abilities that to haunt their foes as cinnabar liches. probably cut from the Gazetteer in edit-
come with the higher contamination de- ing, but I was wondering if they were the
grees normally caused by essence of cin- Special thanks to the D&D Product same as those in the HOLLOW WORLD
nabar. These creatures were never able to Group, the DRAGON Magazine staff, and set? If not, could you please state the
spread beyond the Savage Coast since they my wife for their invaluable help and differences?
carry within themselves the toxic essence patience in the design of Red Steel. The “normal” lizard men found in the
of cinnabryl, which would kill them if the HOLLOW WORLD set are assumed to be
identical to the ones described in the new
D&D game set (or the Basic Set for those
of you who do not yet own a copy of the
City Trail, Shipping Lane Clear Terrain new set). Haarss the Ambusher (a critter
from the HOLLOW WORLD set) is de-
Town Battle Site H i l l s scribed as a 4-HD creature since he is a
“unique” NPC. Nothing there would pre-
Village Ruins Mountains vent you from using the GAZ10 guidelines
for the creation of humanoid PCs to make
Border Plateau Haarss a level 4 lizard man. That’s what
T o w e r
these optional rules were designed for.
Castle Swamp River The same goes for King Doth’s paramour,
Gaakie-Green-Snout. Her adjustments are:
City Temple Steppes Cataract St +1, In -1, Wi -1, Dx +1. Her XP
advancement table would start this way:
Light House Forested Hills Volcano
Teenager: -1,200 XP, 1d8 hp, Lvl -1
Tribesman: 0 XP 2d8+1 hp, Lvl 0
Ship wreck Light Forest Glacier
Scout: 1,200 XP 3d8+2 hp, Lvl 1
Marauder: 3,600 XP 4d8+3 hp, Lvl 2
Camp Heavy Forest Badlands
And so on. Gaakie has 8d8+13 hp at her
level. You can figure the rest!
©1991 TSR, INC.

Cartography by Dennis Kauth DRAGON 47

What about Myojo Katamura? He’s a could be used with the new D&D game set considered running module X10 Red Ar-
rakasta, as found in D&D module X2, but (without the GAZ10 guidelines, that is). row, Black Shield, even though the Gazet-
did you use GAZ10 to flesh him out in teers say that Nomad Wars occur around
issue 165? What sort of racial bonuses did Has the Creature Crucible, series been 1,200 AC. To make a long story short, I
you apply, if any? What would the racial discontinued? thought it would be a good idea for TSR to
bonuses be for a minotaur? No. We are planning a Creature Crucible revise the Desert Nomads modules (1983’s
More humanoid stuff! Rakastas have the on Glantrian lycanthropes for next year X4 and X5, and 1985’s X10) to set them in
same basic hit dice as lizard men, so we’ll (PC4 Night Howlers). Be a party animal! current Known World era. Why not bring
use the same XP advancement table. That in the maniacal Master and his desert
makes Myojo a simple “Tribesman” (a In DRAGON issue #161, you invited fans minions? The FORGOTTEN REALMS®
standard rakasta). Rakasta racial bonuses of the D&D game to send in their prefer- setting has the Horde, so why not threaten
are: St -1, In +1, Dx +3, Co -1. For a ences for future installments of the Gazet- the D&D world with the nomad armies?
minotaur, I’d suggest: St +2, Dx -1, Cha teer series. I’ve responded with a list of Funny you should bring this up just now!
-1. By the way, a box of D&D miniatures my choices, but I have an interesting idea Our staff has been working on a major
is now available from Ral Partha; among and I figured I’d run it by you. project for next year that will include not
other neat figures, it includes a wonderful One of the potential Gazetteer settings only a total revision of the Immortals set but
rakasta! This set also contains a descrip- you mentioned was the Sind Desert. My also a major conflict rippling through the
tion of a PC rakasta. It is simplified com- personal D&D campaign has grown a bit entire known World. And that, of course,
pared to what is suggested here, so it stale, and in an attempt to liven it up, I should include the Desert Nomads faction. If
your campaign has run stale, Wrath of the
Table 6 Immortals will definitely be an eye opener
Special Abilities From Essence of Cinnabar: Degree 10+ This great saga will provide many events,
both innocuous and ground-breaking, over
1d6 Ability and description decades of game time! Expect some earth-
1 Alchemical Ego: The character instantly creates a double of himself. The new shattering changes to affect areas of the
character is in all ways identical to the original at the time of its materialization, Known World. (As Prince Dharjee would say,
including age, contamination degree, abilities, memorized spells, personality, etc. “Elephant dung happens, Sahib!”) As far as a
The double acts as the character’s twin (role-play as if charmed). The twin re- detailed setting for Sind and Hule go, these
mains in play up to one hour. The twin vanishes when its time is up unless the two are definitely on our list for the future.
original character died, in which case the twin permanently becomes the player’s
character; the original body vanishes. This ability does not duplicate magical How does the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®
equipment. If the original character dies, magical equipment remains on the game relate to the ADVANCED DUNGEONS
floor. Note that a temporary twin cannot create an alchemical ego of himself & DRAGONS® game?
while the original character still lives. Use: once per week. The D&D game is a simpler, more flexi-
2 Anti-Magic IV: The character becomes immune to the effects of one first- ble version of the AD&D game. If you are
through fourth-level spell, either clerical or magical in nature. The first eligible a prospective gamer who is unfamiliar
spell affecting the character automatically triggers this ability and alerts him of with role-playing in general, you should
the activation. The character may cast spells normally. purchase the new D&D Basic boxed set.
3 Cinnabar Vampirism: The character may partially “cure“ a victim of cinna- Are the Varellyans just a species of
bar contamination. The victim must save vs. poison or permanently lose one nagpas, or do all the nagpas (including
degree of contamination. This process restores the use of one special ability those on the Flying City) have to return to
(except cinnabar vampirism) that the “vampiric” character has already used that their cocoons? What if they are in space?
day. The victim must be physically touched for this power to work. Do they have any other means of repro-
4 Enhanced Longevity: The character instantly gains 3d10+6 years of life duction? At the time of the Gazetteers, is
expectancy. Further, the character may use this ability each time his degree of the Varellyan Curse broken?
contamination increases. The gain is permanent as long as the character remains Frankly, this is all up to you! If the
contaminated with cinnabar. Use: constant, while contaminated, once activated. nagpas are all related to the Varellyans,
5 Scarlet Gaze: The character causes any nonmagical, living creature within his they would be bound to remain on the
field of vision (a 30’ long, 45° cone) to age 2d6 years per round of exposure (or Known World forever. Should you change
6d12 years for demihumans). The DM secretly rolls Intelligence checks for each the setting, assume someone defeated the
victim each round, until one succeeds and warns the others. Victims otherwise Varellyan curse, so the nagpas become
do not realize what is happening unless someone specifically notices this tiny biologically normal creatures.
scarlet flicker in the character’s eyes (a player must ask the DM if there is “any-
thing unusual” about the gazer’s appearance). A saving throw vs. death ray I noticed a glitch on the Known World
halves the effect of the scarlet gaze (round down effect). planetary map given in the HOLLOW
6 Symptomatic Switch: At one point of his life, the character gains the ability WORLD boxed set. The area between the
to cause all further doses of essence of cinnabar to reduce Charisma instead of Arm of the Immortals and the Orc’s Head
Constitution. Two points of Charisma are lost for each new dose absorbed, caus- Peninsula seems like land territory instead
ing odious deformities or disfigurement, repulsive body odor, detestable voice of water. What happened?
and behavioral alterations, etc. At a Charisma of 2 or less, the character becomes You can see the coastal line in blue that
an evil, psychotic, chaotic creature of horror, a dangerous wretch hated by all, delineates the Yalu Bay and the small spot
and falls under the control of the Dungeon Master. Use: once in a lifetime, at the for the Trident Isle. An unfortunate error
character’s discretion; once made, the decision to switch is irreversible (reroll on in production caused the blue color to end
this chart if this ability has already been acquired). too far south. And, while we’re at it, the
Izondian Deep is also known as the West-
ern Sea (see X9 The Savage Coast for a
Rolling the same ability twice: The character has the option of either selecting a good map of the Orc's Head Peninsula and
twice-rolled ability a second time or rerolling for a new one on the same chart. Most the coastal region north of the Izondian
abilities are usable once during a period of time; if selected twice, the character would Deep). The Midland forest (also known as
then be able to use the ability twice during that same period of time. No other changes the Darkwood) also stretches too far
should be allowed. south; it covers Hule completely

48 AUGUST 1991
“Forum” welcomes your comments and opin- fun. The kender will invariably get into situa- I am writing this letter in response to Mr. Dirk
ions on role-playing games. In the United States tions in which no ordinary PC should be al- Waters’ letter in issue #165. In his letter, Mr.
and Canada, write to: Forum, DRAGON® Maga- lowed to survive, and it is incumbent upon the Waters expressed several negative views about
zine, PO. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147 U.S.A. DM to be “forgiving,” nudge circumstances a bit, thieves. I disagree with many of his points,
In Europe, write to: Forum, DRAGON Magazine, and let everybody have fun. I cannot say at First, most thieves are feared, hated, and
TSR Ltd, 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, what point a kender has misbehaved badly illegally operating black-hearted scoundrels.
Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. We ask enough that his life is forfeit, but it is a lot However, this is not always the case. One has
that material submitted to “Forum” be either further along than it would be for a greedy only to flip through the many literary works
neatly written by hand or typed with a fresh human rogue. that feature honorable thieves. Consider Tas-
ribbon and clean keys so we can read and I am fortunate that I seldom encounter a selhoff from the DRAGONLANCE saga books,
understand your comments. player who wishes to dominate the game. I Sure, he often stole from his companions, but it
cannot claim that I have been very effective, was his nature and he had no evil intentions.
I have been a DM for several years now, and I either. But I do know, in principle, the DM is in Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser were notorious
run a small campaign with a few friends of control. You can turn your attention, blatantly thieves, yet they are also the greatest heroes in
mine. I have grown accustomed to their styles and deliberately, to the other players, and ask all of Nehwon. Bilbo Baggins, of The Hobbit,
of playing, but there is one problem that I have them in turn, “So, what are you going to do?” started out as a thief for a band of dwarves,
yet to solve. I would like some help if possible. The original game had one player speaking to Finally, one of the greatest heroes of all time
I try to be as fair as possible when I run an the DM, and all the other players spoke to that was a thief. In my opinion, this character em-
adventure. I give the PCs and the NPCs an equal player. No crowding or shouting at the DM to bodied the epitome of the honest thief. Of
and fair chance at solving and surviving prob- get your player preferential treatment, there. In course, I am speaking of Robin Hood! I am sure
lems that arise. When I create an NPC for the the worst case, you can get away with favoring even Mr. Waters’ campaign could accept a thief
group, I try to be as fair as possible. I try not to the other players until the pushy one gets the who lived by the creed “steal from the rich and
make the character too powerful, because then point. The hardest situation involves the quiet give to the poor.”
the players have no fun as they sit back and player, whose opinions and interaction are as As can be seen from the characters mentioned
watch the NPC do all the work and get all the hard to solicit as if the player had just had a bad above, a thief is not necessarily distrusted by his
experience. But I also try not to make the char- day with his pet basilisk. He needs tender, party, significantly weaker than his companions,
acter too weak, because then that character is attentive treatment. In time, with more confi- or looked down upon. Sure, Fafhrd, Mouser,
of no use to the adventure. I have made these dence, players like that tend to blossom and are and Robin Hood were feared, hated, and operat-
mistakes before and I have learned from them. fun to have around. ed illegally, but so what? Practically all great
But it seems that every time I create an NPC Many of the games I play, I have only my wife fantasy heroes (the Fellowship of the Ring, the
for the group, the players want to kill him off, to accompany me. And I am too deeply addicted Companions of the Lance, Conan) are feared
get the NPC’s equipment and any valuable items to restrain myself to those occasions where we and hated by somebody, but those who oppose
that might be carried, and keep all the treasure can gather a group. We routinely violate the two them are almost always evil beings trying to
and experience that is gained during the adven- fundamental rules: one player to one PC; and thwart the cause of good. Law is also subject to
ture for themselves. Despite my best efforts to the DM plays nothing but NPCs. It can be done, interpretation. People familiar with the Inquisi-
reason with them, they still have these thoughts All you need is maturity and discipline. You have tion of Blackthorn in Origin’s Ultima V computer
and actions when I introduce any NPC. to have the right goals: fun, challenge, and role- game understand that the heroes (the Avatar
Can any fellow DMs help me with this dilem- playing. I have seen few young players who can and his companions) are hounded by the law of
ma? Any input would be appreciated. let go of the thrill and self-aggrandizing nature a mad monarch (Blackthorn). The fact that
Andrew M. Curtis of PC advancement. It is completely natural but thieves have to go to a thieves’ guild to train and
Warren NH cannot co-exist with multiple PCs or the DM are forced to lie about their occupation is really
playing a PC, for you will almost certainly cheat, beside the point Also, what better way to turn
I have just finished one of the most stimulat- and that takes all the fun out of the game. young urchins into honest thieves than to be
ing “Forum” columns (issue #1651 in years, and I Mistakes: Every DM makes them. There is just trained by one?
just have to add my copper shavings to the pile. too much going on. If you realize it in time, you This letter is not written to put down Mr.
I am providing thoughts in response to the say, “Oh, no, wait—that die roll was good Waters or the DM and his campaign he men-
letters of Dirk Waters, Bonnie Patterson, Ron enough, after all.” If it is too late, you can: a) tioned. I only wanted to defend the thief class
Dippel, Michael Repka, and Rick Maffei. I have start the scene over (not my recommendation); and show that it does have good points. One last
been playing the D&D games for about 12 b) invent a circumstance, on the fly, behind the thing: Aren’t fighters, rangers, paladins, wiz-
years, with perhaps 80% of my games as DM. scenes, that accounts for it (use with caution); or ards, and priest also professions as well as
There is just no substitute for experience in c) make it up to the player in a subsequent character classes?
running an entertaining, durable game. You encounter (usually the most harmless way). For Anjuan Simmons
cannot run a game without great confidence in example, you forget about the cleric’s prayer Wichita Falls TX
yourself. You have to invent rulings on the fly spell, and someone dies of a poison sting that
and judge situations no rulebook could antici- would not have landed. When you realize it,
pate. You have to lean more heavily toward you can decide the character is not dead, only I would like to respond to Dirk Waters’ DM
what is fun (and within reason) than what the deeply comatose, and covertly sneak an elixir of (from the letter in DRAGON issue #165) with a
rules imply. health into the next treasure pile. Alternatively, simple message: Lighten up, will you? This DM
I don’t like the thief class either—when treat- say the character defeated a monster due makes the thief class seem utterly evil and self-
ed as thieves. However, in my world, the various mostly to your mistake and obtained a powerful interested. He seems to have taken too literally
governments invariably train “agents” in skills wand thereby. Well, you can arbitrarily decide the maxim that there is “no honor among
remarkably like those of the thief class, and the the monster had fewer hit points than it ap- thieves.” If this was the case, then they would be
streets generate somewhat less-expert versions peared (it could be an entirely new species, if too busy double-crossing one another to go
of the same skills. The thief class is too interest- necessary), and you can decide the wand only adventuring, and this is clearly not the case.
ing to reject on moral grounds, so tweak it. has one or two charges in it. If an identify spell Although theft is illegal, it is not always hated;
I don’t run DRAGONLANCE® campaigns (I said otherwise, so what? That spell is notorious- for the best example, read the Robin Hood stories.
leave that to my wife). However, I sympathize ly unreliable, anyway (grin). Describing a thieves’ guild as a “wretched hive of
with a DM or player facing a well-played ken- I hope these ideas are of some help to others. scum and villainy” is purely a subjective judgment,
der. The DM is deeply obliged to remember this Lyle Wiedeman If thieves ever want to aspire to great robberies,
is a game, and the people are gathered to have Santa Ana CA there must be order to allow intelligence gathering

50 AUGUST 1991
and planning. How could these things ever happen Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, in which the PCs are more powerful if controlled by a
if no one trusted each other? theft is licensed by the government, and there power-hungry DM. In the gaming session that I
And why can’t a party trust its thief? As Mr. are strict quotas to stop arbitrary thefts. have played in, the DM kept his PCs out of the fray
Waters (rightly) says, thieves are weak, so if Graham Ross if they were not needed. He did not use them to
they are ejected from their parties, they will London, U.K. find or keep treasure, but they were most helpful
have big problems unless very near civilized in healing and other skills, if the PCs had them.
areas. My thieves never robbed directly from I would also like to comment on the place-
their companions simply for this reason. ment of magical items in the game. In the ses-
I am writing in response to Michael Repka’s
Thieves should not be looked down upon, letter in issue #165. In it, he states: “This prac- sions mentioned above, my DM gave us certain
because they add essential skills to any dun- tice [when a DM plays one of his characters as a magical items, but he used circumstances that
geoneering group. If their weaknesses give caused us to use those items rarely and wisely.
PC] is grossly unfair to the other players.”
cause to look down upon them, what do we say One of the PCs had an amulet that could reveal
As a DM, I have played some of my characters
of 1st and 2nd-level magic-users or 1st-level invisible creatures. He almost died when he
as PCs, and I treated them like any other PC.
clerics in the D&,D® game? You shouldn’t judge a Now, you’ll notice the previous sentence was in
tried to use the amulet on a retriever (needless
character by lists of skills but by how that the past tense. This is because I had a character, to say, lightning was always his phobia there-
character is played. after). Even though his game was a Monty-Haul
an assassin, and as a DM I knew where there
Why should thieves have to make such feeble campaign, the money and sometimes the magi-
was a sword that made its user invisible. The
excuses about their origins when they excel at cal items were used to buy information or more
player characters came to a place where they
deception? A title such as “Professional Treasure supplies. The campaign had all the alignments,
could either swim in this green stuff and find
Hunter,” as used in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, classes, and races that any DM would be proud
the sword, or they could take a rickety old
is far enough from “thief” to be usable without of. These differences often caused plots and
bridge across. The players’ PCs took the bridge,
causing trouble. Thieves could act as henchmen grudges among the PCs that were quick to
and my PC swam and found the sword. As soon
or guards, or cloak themselves so that any resolve themselves in the thick of battle. Having
as the players realized I had “found” a magical
possessions would be unnoticed. Starting money thieves in the party never made any difference
sword, they said it was unfair, and the game
for fighters can be as low as only 30 gp, barely until our semi-powerful deep gnome tried to
stopped because everyone started arguing.
enough for leather armor and a decent sword, pick a high-level ranger’s pocket. We did not kill
Upon thinking about my mistake, I realized
so the “I’m a fighter” answer is reasonable. So him for his crime; we had a high-level cleric in
the players were right, and now I don’t use my
long as the thief stays out of trouble, no one the next town put a quest on him. This was
characters as PCs. I guess this all boils down to
would have reason to suspect him. funny for the players and even that character.
the fact that I agree with what Michael said.
Mr. Waters’ DM seems to regard all thieves as My advice for DMs is that you should play
Here is a warning to all DMs: Never use your
irredeemably chaotic evil, but this is just not the your PCs as if they knew only what the party
own characters as PCs.
case. The scout he created does exactly what knows, and that you should always listen to
Scott Wilbur
my groups’ thieves always did, and they had your players if they think that things are unfair
Carver MA
none of the magical protection that the 15th- or you are favoring certain PCs. Remember, this
level scout he mentions had. is only a game, and the players should have fun
As a final note, if that group wants to see how playing and not arguing with the DM.
thieves can be used with humor but still as an I would like to comment on the letter by Michael Eric Durfee
effective class, I suggest they read any of the Repka in DRAGON issue #165. Yes, he is correct, Barstow CA

I am writing in response to Michael Repka’s preach a problem from the wrong angle, with- series of modules (FRE1-3). These were particu-
letter in DRAGON issue #165. I am now in an out having to resort to the sudden appearance larly lethal due to the disruption of magic and
AD&D campaign in which there is a total of of the ubiquitous crazy-old-man-type NPC. I the lack of higher-level healing magic—we had
three people. I am the head DM, and my cousin have a ready-made character for inveigling 14 fatalities (including one execution and two
and his friend DM some adventures. It usually characters into adventures, and I have a backup ex-PCs belonging to players who dropped out)
ends up with each person having two or three to aid the party if needed, all rolled into one during the three adventures. My own character
PCs per adventure, even the DM. character. The character will be far more trust- was killed twice, a record shared jointly by two
We have found that it is very hard for the DM ed by the party than an NPC, making it possible other characters. There were a reasonable
to play his PCs in a dungeon that he created. I for me to get the characters into adventures amount of means to raise slain characters about.
even played my PCs as if they were totally more easily and logically than have the NPC However, characters were raised only if the
stupid. Soon I found out that a DM cannot play meet the party at an inn and hire them. party (i.e., the players) were happy to have that
his character in a dungeon that he created The third reason for a DM having a character character back, and if the player indicated that
because a PC should give input about what to do in a party isn’t one that I personally have had to he wanted to continue with that character. Both
next and not just sit there. To fix this problem, I face. This is the case where the DM only has times, my character was raised without any
let one of the other people in my campaign play two or three players in his group. In this situa- intervention or pleading on my part, as the
my PCs at some kind of risk. Because no one tion, a DM-run character can cover areas where players felt that Morag was an essential part of
believed a DM would kill his own PCs, the other the party is weak or lacking in useful skills. the group and deserved to be raised.
members of the campaign always made my The final reason that I can see for using a DM- As far as treasure and experience are con-
characters go first in dangerous or scary situa- run character is actually the reason that I start- cerned, my own character receives no more
tions. To fix this problem, I let the players see ed doing so in the first place. When you are the favoritism than any other character. Yes, I will
that by putting my PCs in front was not going to only DM in a group, with no other gamers put magical items especially for her, but then
help them. They were once facing a trap and around, this is the only way you get to actually I will also do the same for the other characters.
said that my character would try to get through play a character, rather than a cast of NPCs who Regarding experience points, I feel that my
it first and deactivate it. I rolled to see if he appear and disappear regularly. character deserves more than the usual 50% XP
would make it, and he didn’t, so I killed him. To use a DM-run character fairly, the DM award given to normal NPCs, but not as much
This surprised the other players because they must remember that although this could be a as the actual characters played, and I don’t
didn’t think that I would kill one of my PCs so favored character, the character is still actually consider my character eligible for idea points,
easily. I told them that I can always start a new only an NPC and must be treated as such-no role-playing points, or the constant goals points.
character, and that they need to play my PCs as pampering, unbelievable immunities, grand- The first two categories normally make up at
if they were their own. standing during adventures, or overpowered least 25% of the award I give out. The charac-
Now, we have a lot of fun in our campaign magical items. The DM must use character ter I ran in the Avatar series, Morag Rowanman-
because the DM can bring his character knowledge in his dealings with other characters, tle, did end up the highest level (9th) of the PCs,
through an adventure that he created. I know though I feel it is acceptable for a DM’s PC to act but this was because of the characters who
that I can let other people play my PCs safely, as a conduit of useful information that the started back in Arabel at the start of FRE1, only
and all the other members know that I will play character could logically know. Morag and two others lasted through to the
their PCs as if they were my own. This way gets For example, a low-level party is exploring end. The other two were both multiclassed; a
rid of the DM character that knows about every some ruined tombs when it disturbs an old fighter/cleric and druid/mage. They obviously
last trap, treasure, monster, and secret door in casket containing a wight. The party hasn’t didn’t progress as quickly as Morag did, and the
an adventure. This also allows everybody to found the enchanted sword the DM had placed druid/mage was slain during FRE2. In general, I
have a PC in an adventure and not get into a in the area so they could fight this creature. have found that my own character ends up the
DM-only-and-players-only situation all the time. They have never encountered a wight before lowest level of the party, as he effectively gets
This way of playing works in our three-person and are ready to leap to their doom. The DM, less experience than the other PCs.
campaign, but it could also work in a larger not wanting to slaughter characters and deprive I will admit that the potential is there to abuse
campaign. If a DM is going to have a PC in an them of hard-won levels unfairly, can have his the system when using a DM-run PC. If you feel
adventure he created, then the DM must let own character remember a bit of information that you can’t be fair to the players and other
someone else play his character, because it is he heard in a tavern tale, about how creatures PCs if you run your own character, then don’t
hard for the DM to run the adventure and play that looked like this one are only supposed to be use the PC when you are DMing. If, on the
a PC at the same time. vulnerable to enchanted or holy weapons, or other hand, you do feel that you can run the
Christiaan Stoudt some such thing like that. In other words, warn character and be fair to the others, then go on
Fort Worth TX them using DM knowledge, but in such a way ahead and do so. However, you should also
that it sounds as though it’s character knowl- listen to the feedback from the players. They
I’d like to reply to Michael Repka’s letter in edge. Certainly, the DM often should fudge rolls will give a very good guide as to whether you
issue #165 on the subject of DMs running a for his character, but only where it is of benefit are abusing the system.
character in an adventuring party in an adven- to the flow of the adventure, not to the benefit In conclusion, if I was to try even half of the
ture that he is DMing. of his or any other character. A DM’s character things attempted by the DM described in
Basically, my conclusion after reading over can be very useful for finding secret doors, Michael Repka's letter, then I would have a
Michael’s letter was that his problem doesn’t lie spotting the vital clue that has been missed, etc. graveyard full of dead characters (mine) and no
with this practice, but with the DM in question. But the DM mustn’t abuse this; he must do this players. The DM he writes about should be
To elaborate, I have been playing and DMing for only when the characters have tried and failed, spoken to by the players and told to reform (or
over seven years. In all my campaigns—no or have neglected to search the area. else). Everything he describes is a result of bad
matter the gaming system being used—the DM The DM must always keep in mind that the DMing, not the policy of a DM running his own
always has a character in the party. There are players are the integral factor with which his character in an adventure.
several reasons for this. adventure either succeeds or fails, not an awe- Des Garrett
First, we normally alternate DMs within the struck audience for the grandstanding heroics Ballincollig, Ireland
same campaign. I’ll be a DM for a time, then of his own character. Yes, you can have your PC
another DM takes over and runs an adventure, perform (or attempt) an act of heroism to save
taking up from the point where I ended. This the party, but not until the PCs have had a
gives myself and our other DM a chance to play chance to do this for themselves. What Michael
a character fully. As our adventuring parties said about the character being invulnerable to
tend to travel extensively (one campaign motto dragon breaths that injured the rest of the
was: “Are we wanted here?” with the straight- party—that was an abuse of the character by
Changing your address? If so, tell us
faced reply: “Not yet!“), this precludes the option that DM, and was grossly unfair to the other immediately. The Post Office will not
of the DM’s character from staying behind at a players. Under no circumstances can the DM’s forward second-class mail without
campaign base while the other characters go character be invulnerable or have powers that prior notice, and we cannot replace
adventuring. the other PCs cannot have. In fact, as far as I’m issues that are lost in this manner.
Second, I have always felt that, by having a concerned, my character is often more likely to Please send us your address change
character in the party, I can feed information be the victim of an attack, rather than a as soon as possible (with your most
and hints about puzzles and problems to the character—especially when the next blow could recent mailing label) so that you won’t
players, especially when their line of reasoning kill a PC who doesn’t deserve to die. For exam- miss any issues!
meanders down the wrong track or they ap ple, we have just completed the AD&D Avatar
52 AUGUST 1991
Darkspyre (Event
Horizon Software)

It’s save-the-world time again in Darkspyre

Reviews And if he can’t master these tests, the 300 years given mankind to succeed and
world will be totally destroyed. However, prove that it is worthy of continued exist-
here the plot becomes somewhat strange. ence. Should you manage this, the gods
Darkspyre ***½ There are three gods who are intent on will leave the world alone, pledging no
Event Horizon Software (412-527-1519) destroying mankind. Yet, should your hero further interference in human ways.
PC/MS-DOS version $49.95 find the five runes of power and unlock You can create your character quickly
With Darkspyre, a new game-publishing the five magic portals, each god has left by having all of his stats generated by the
company has made a good attempt to behind a special gift that will aid him in computer. One nice aspect of this method
enter the lucrative world of PC/MS-DOS the final portion of the adventure. (That’s is that you can sometimes gain exceptional
software entertainments. There is nothing a mighty fine way for enemies of mankind characters. A second method allows you to
revolutionary about Darkspyre; in fact, to act, if you ask us. If the gods are so assign a pool of points to the character’s
you might mistakenly believe you were intent on destroying mankind, why assist different attributes, while a third method
playing an action/adventure game created the would-be champion of humanity in is a combination of the previous methods.
about two years ago. You control a single preventing their victory?) We enjoyed the quick-start method of play,
character who must make his way You’ve got 100 years left of the original as it negates the laborious story that is
through various mazes, battling all man- played for you each time you start a char-
ner of vile opponents and finding a variety acter from scratch. Your quick-start char-
of goodies and not-so-goodies, all in an Computer games’ ratings acter is also assigned a weapon profi-
attempt to overcome the various trials ciency, which might be with large weap-
within the Darkspyre itself. X Not recommended ons, thrown weapons, or other types.
The Darkspyre was created by the gods * When your hero reaches Darkspyre’s
to locate a champion, one who could win ** armory, you’ll note that he can enter only
this final test of mankind. If your hero *** one of the special-weapons areas to arm
cannot find the five runes of power within **** Excellent himself for the game. He’ll need that weap-
Darkspyre, he cannot enter the levels of ***** on when he takes on the first mage!
the three gods: War, Magic, and Intellect. Throughout the adventure, you’ll find
magic spells, potions, armor, and weapons
lying about, usually after your hero de-
feats someone or something to get them.
Your character will need lots of keys to
open various doors. Don’t avoid the tele-
porters; we found that the majority of
them led to beneficial things.
What’s not well implemented? After all,
we enjoyed the adventure. However, the
scrolling of the 3-D overhead map that
reveals your character’s progress is abys-
mally slow. Granted, we ran the game on a
80286 machine, but most gamers just don’t
have the funds to run out and purchase
80386 or faster PC/MS-DOS clones. Pity
those who run this on a 8086 machine!
Secondly, the character screen and the
3-D overhead map are poorly implement-
ed. To obtain information about your
character, you must drag the character
screen up from the bottom of the monitor
and superimpose it on the overhead map.
This slows down game action quite a bit as
you change your character’s inventory and
the weapons he holds. To proceed, you
Darkspyre (Event Horizon Software)
must once again lower the character
screen. We found that we could lower the
character screen so that we could see all ability to link with another computer by When you are using a grenade or missile
items our character possessed and the modem for head-to-head play. launcher, ammunition is limited. A number
character’s head and hands, while also In each game, you and a friend can next to the weapon identification informs
viewing the overhead map, but it was not battle each other, as well as one or two you as to the number of rounds available
a convenient mode of play. computer-controlled robot teams. This is with that weapon. We attempted to save
Far better would have been to create a set up at the quick-start window, where our missiles and grenades for sure hits,
smaller overhead map portion to occupy you decide each team’s name, color, and when we identified an enemy robot in a
the top half of the screen, with the charac- home area (a corner of the square battle- particular area and were close enough for
ter screen and all of its information availa- field). If you are playing against a friend a kill. Usually, a direct hit with a missile or
ble in the bottom half of the screen. The and want to include a computer-controlled a grenade will destroy an enemy robot,
mouse interface is quick, so weapon team, order two computer-controlled whereas a rifle shot normally only causes
changes or armor additions could quickly teams. Otherwise, you’ll find out (as we injury—the enemy robot can return fire!
be made without moving windows around did) that the computer-controlled robots A message bar atop the display informs
to accomplish your orders. go all-out against one of the human teams, you as to the current robot’s name and
Darkspyre is a decent first effort for this causing much consternation as your forces location. Your team’s turn consists of sev-
new game company, but it requires more are decimated by both your friend and the eral moves, with 1-40 seconds assigned for
thought as to how gamers will appreciate computer team. each turn. Each action consumes time.
its interface. This game was reviewed Once you’ve named the teams, it’s off to Therefore, it takes a great deal of thought
using VGA graphics and an AdLib sound the battlefield. You position your robots, to plan each robot’s activities without
board. one at a time, in their home area. From wasting valuable time when ordering it to
there, it’s a simple matter of clicking the undertake specific actions.
RoboSport ***** mouse cursor on the appropriate com- With the program bar, each move is
Maxis (415-254-9700) mand in the Edit window. Here, you can depicted with icons. Should a particular
Macintosh version $59.95 select an appropriate height for your move you make not be to your liking, you
Those who claim nothing new is re- robots; reducing a robot’s visibility to can highlight that move and delete it. You
leased in the way of gaming for the Macin- enemy robots makes it less likely that it can even order your last remaining robot
tosh should bite their tongues! Maxis, the will be struck by incoming fire. into kamikaze mode and hope that when it
publisher of the smash-hit SimCity, has Your robots are able to move to selected blows up, it’ll take enemy robots with it.
released Robosport, a totally engrossing areas on the battlefield, aim and fire at Your on-screen cursor is an informative
robot-combat simulation that is bound to targets, or scan and fire. For “scan & fire” tool. If your pointer is over an area that
rack up amazing sales for the company. actions, you use the programming control your current robot can enter, it turns into
RoboSport could be described as a think- panel to select the direction in which a a target sight and the location indicator
ing man’s shoot-em-up, as the package robot will scan and the length of scanning displays an “x,y” position. Should your
cover indicates, but this game is highly time. Should the robot detect a target cursor be atop an area your robot cannot
playable by everyone, and we guarantee during the time you have designated for enter, it turns into an X and the location
enjoyment for all. the scan, it will fire the weapon you desig- indicator tells you why the move is impos-
RoboSport features 24 battlefields, a nated as “in-hand.” Below the Height and sible (e.g., “blocked” —perhaps a wall is in
well-written tutorial to get you into new Scan icons is the weapons box, which has your way). If the cursor turns into a par-
combat scenarios quickly, an amazingly icons that represent a rifle, burst gun, tial target sight with the word “OUT”
simple user interface to program your automatic rifle, missile launcher, and gre- beneath it, it means you have used up the
robots, limitless options for gamers to nade launcher. The weapons that your allotted time for the current robot’s
customize the environments, the ability to current robot carries are detailed in black; moves. If you are targeting with your
view a complete movie of an entire battle, the weapons not carried are grayed out. cursor and the target sight turns black as
the ability to be played on black-and-white You simply click on the weapon you want you move across an enemy, it means the
or color Macintosh computers, and the in active use. opposing piece is within the optimum
56 AUGUST 1991
obtain is a wizard, who is not only power-
ful but also has 52 movement points per
turn. However, just because a hero enters
an interesting site and begins a search for
allies or items of power, he is not guaran-
teed to survive the encounters awaiting
him, We found it highly advisable to save
the game just prior to issuing the com-
mand for the hero to search.
The game comes with a small full-color
map of Illuria. Each empire’s city control is
shown on-screen in one of eight colors.
Each empire has specific strengths and
weaknesses that you can employ to your
advantage and to the enemies’ detriment.
Warlords’ interface is simple to use. We
preferred the mouse control on the PC/
MS-DOS version. The playing map is de-
picted in the large window on the left side
of the screen with a strategic map on the
right side. The bottom window is the
information area that offers such informa-
tion as the current turn, how much gold
you have, what armies are being built, and
what items a hero might have found in a
Darkspyre (Event Horizon Software) ruin (perhaps a monster like a dragon or
a powerful weapon).
range of your robot’s current weapon. The software package won’t gather dust. You can estimate not only your own
lighter the target sight, the worse the forces’ sizes but those of the enemy as
chance of an accurate hit. Don’t waste Warlords ***** well. Each army’s icon carries with it a
your shots! Not only does it take important Strategic Studies Group (904-494-9373) flag; the length and number of flags
time away from additional moves, but it PC/MS-DOS version $49.95 present indicates a force’s total strength.
also allows the enemy to pinpoint your with VGA and AdLib sound As you can stack as many as eight armies
position. As we write this, we’ve been totally together, watch those forces with two
One of the most unusual battlefields is engrossed in playing this outstanding flags; this means at least five armies are
the computer background, on which your medieval-strategy fantasy game from SSG stacked together. It is also a good idea to
robots hide behind and scramble over for the past five days. The graphics aren’t note, with great caution, where all heroes
integrated circuits and resistors. Rubble is revolutionary, and the sound is minimal at and their allied forces are located. Though
an interesting battlefield, as partial walls best. But the play’s the thing. each army possesses an easily identifiable
allow a robot who is using height to his The basic scenario is that eight kingdoms icon, the only icon you see once they’re
advantage to become a highly accurate (whether player or computer controlled) stacked is the lead icon.
sniper. With the arena menu, you can are struggling to control the Kingdom of Empires with the ability to build navies
select one of eight sizes for the arena, as Illuria. This is no easy task. For each move will find themselves at an advantage in
well as magnify or reduce the arena to you make, one of the seven competing racing to points of interest, such as weakly
allow for a single screen view of the powers tries to counter you while establish- defended enemy cities on the coast. They
action. ing footholds for its armies within the can also manage the transport of heroes to
The movie concept plays an important kingdom. To win, you must be bent on the highly valuable ruins and temples. Pegasi
role in RoboSport. At the conclusion of total destruction of each enemy. can fly heroes to locations within the
each turn, you and your human opponent The cities you conquer not only add empires, but they carry only the hero and
watch the turn unfold before your eyes. cash to your coffers but also produce a none of his allies. Once the hero arrives at
You can select the speed of the replay and variety of armies, such as light infantry a point of interest, only he can enter the
can track each move, trying to learn the (what we began calling spear-fodder), ruin or temple to confront what lurks
moves of your enemies. At the end of the pegasi, and wolfriders. The stronger the inside. (By the way, enter a temple and
game, when one side has won, you can army, the more expensive it is to produce your hero and any associated armies
watch all of your moves spliced together and maintain over the course of the game. might obtain a blessing, or your hero
in a long movie, observing each opponent’s You must keep an eye on your treasury to might have his strength increased.)
attacks and maneuvering. This latter op- ensure that you have enough funds to Other specialty commands include the
tion does require disk space, so if you are continue any production in progress as ability to build the defenses of a city that
not running RoboSport from a mass stor- well as maintain your forces in the field. your troops occupy, and to build defensive
age device but rather from a floppy disk, We found that by limiting production to towers on the plains. These activities all
we recommend you don’t activate this the stronger armies as the game pro- require money. Movement costs for your
feature. gressed, we were able to build our trea- armies vary with the terrain.
RoboSport offers extremely high dollar- sury to a level that attracted heroes. You may establish any city you own as
to-play value in that no encounters will Heroes can lead armies and are formidable the capital city of your territory. You can
likely be similar. The manual is superbly fighters. They also sometimes manage to also disband any of your army units and
written and possesses graphic as well as bring allies to the picnic, such as devils, remove them from the game, which you
textual explanations. With a variety of demons, dragons, wizards, and the un- can do if you lack the funds to maintain
game-winning options such as Capture dead. You stack a hero with two or three your forces. Once you have captured an
The Flag or all-out Fire Fight, multiplayer units of dragons and devils, and there is enemy city, you can raze it, destroying it
capabilities, and play by modem or serial little opposition from an enemy (unless the completely (this can cause some hard
connections, this strategy game is an excit- enemy has managed to attract similar feelings, however).
ing offering for Macintosh gamers. This forces!). One of the best allies a hero can The reports menu is very useful. Here

you receive bar graphs identifying how returns to Mushashi’s side at a smaller simply headlong combat. Patience is re-
many armies each empire possesses, size, no longer useful until Mushashi res- quired to win these latter encounters,
which cities are controlled, how much cues a captive or uses magic. Mushashi There are many parts of the land to
gold each empire has, which empires are isn’t invincible, either, and perishes after discover in both books. (Darm Tower, a
in production, and who is winning the taking one hit. place Adol must visit in Book I, has 21
game. Additionally, a “hatred chart” shows Mushashi’s mission, in addition to defeat- levels!) Adol will find villages, shrines,
which enemies truly detest or loathe you, ing the Union Lizard, is to rescue hos- towers, mines, forests, and dens. Lots of
or simply hold you in distrust or just plain tages. He is well rewarded when rescuing time is spent traveling between all such
apathy. As for those whose hatred is captives and receives points, extra lives, or locations, as there are mini-quests that
high-well, look no further for where an a power up. With the latter, Mushashi has help Adol accomplish his overall task.
attack might spring forth. a beam shot instead of his throwing stars, Along the way, Adol runs into important
Warlords is a fine entertainment product and his punches and kicks are stronger. characters whose voices can actually be
combining elements of fantasy and strat- Another opportunity for additional heard, courtesy of the Turbographx CD
egy in a medieval setting. You’ll obtain high points is a bonus stage after completing a player. Cinematic sequences at the begin-
dollar-to-play value. Given that you may level. Mushashi jumps off a skyscraper, his ning, middle, and end of the game are well
have as many as eight friends involved, object being to hit the ninja who come out done and are extremely satisfying to
you’ve got a great game for group partici- of the windows during his descent. Bonus watch. The CD-quality music is quite good,
pation. Warlords is one of those products points are awarded on the number of although hearing it over and over again
that should be ported to other systems, eliminated ninja. does make one edgy. Fortunately, there is
such as the Macintosh and Atari ST, and Shadow Dancer offers incredible, enough musical variety to keep almost
should make its way into video entertain- flicker-free animation. The music and anyone happy.
ment systems as well. Currently available sound effects are good, though not up to The animation in the cinematic se-
for PC/MS-DOS and Amiga computers, Revenge of Shinobi’s standards. The details quences is the best we’ve seen for a Turbo-
Warlords is one of those rare strategy are outstanding (enemies actually duck graphx game. Y’s Books I and II is well
games that will appeal to fantasy role- behind boxes to reload their weapons worth the investment, as you get two
playing gamers and adventurers from all after firing at Mushashi), and the back- games in one offering. Book II of Y’s was
walks of life. It is highly recommended. grounds are stunning. This is another not included in other computer or video
game that shows off the high quality of game versions, but it is packed in with this
Shadow Dancer ***** the Genesis machine, and we highly rec- CD. Y’s is a great adventure game that
Sega (415-742-9300) ommend it. offers long play value, music, cinematic
Sega Genesis version Price n/a sequences, and role-playing action, It is
After breaking up the Neo Zeed organi- Y’s Books I and II ***** definitely a must-get for any Turbographx
zation in the Sega game Revenge of Shino- NEC (708-860-9500) CD owner,
bi, Mushashi (also known as Shinobi) spent TurboGraphx-16 version $60.00
some time in New York with his former NEC’s entrance into role-playing games Zombie Nation **½
student, Kato, and his dog, Yamato. Kato through the use of CD-ROM technology Meldac of America (213-286-7040)
learned of kidnappings at a local elementa- makes this game an awesome hit. In Book NES version Price n/a
ry school; he tried to stop them but was I, you play Adol, a warrior who must Zombie Nation is a fast arcade shoot-em-
killed. Mushashi must now stop the Union recover six ancient books that hold the up that scrolls horizontally. A strange
Lizard who killed Kato. key to returning prosperity to the land of projectile from space has landed, releasing
Shadow Dancer is an extremely well- Y’s Once that task is accomplished, Adol an evil being, named Darc Seed, who turns
done sequel to the visually stunning Re- sets out in Book II to return those books to the population of the U.S. into zombies
venge of Shinobi. Mushashi must complete six statues and face the source of the evil and the Statue of Liberty into a creature
four levels of action in order to enter the that has been plaguing the land for over that does his bidding. To make things
Lizards hideout, where he will face the 800 years. worse, Darc Seed takes control of many
leader of this new and powerful organiza- This game is played from an overhead deadly weapons, including the most pow-
tion. Each level consists of three stages. point of view, with Adol, other characters, erful weapon of all, the samurai sword,
The first two stages call for Mushashi to and his surrounding area displayed on the Shura. You play Namakubi, a samurai in
rescue hostages. The last stage is a fight screen. At the bottom of the screen, Adol’s Japan who knows of the true power of
with the boss of that level, who must be hit points, magic points (in Book II), experi- this sword. You hear the news of Darc
defeated before you can continue to the ence points, and gold are displayed. A bar Seeds successes and fly to the U.S. to
next level. at the bottom of the screen displays Adol’s rescue innocents and to prevent Darc Seed
Mushashi wields a sword, fists, feet, and hit points. from using the sword.
throwing stars in battle. An option allows Adol must gain experience to increase Namakubi flies through the air to de-
the player to handicap himself by not his hit points, strength, defenses, and (in stroy Darc Seed’s earthly weapons as well
allowing Mushashi to have the throwing Book II) magic points. This is accomplished as the zombies. Namakubi fires two shots
stars, thus completing the game with only by finding items such as swords, armor, at once: one falls toward the ground and
close-combat fighting techniques. He is and shields that increase his strength or the other moves horizontally, being useful
also armed with ninjutsu magic, which he defenses, or by using money to purchase against airborne targets. Along the way,
can use once per stage to defeat his ene- these items that might help him on your hostages can be rescued to recover Nama-
mies. Columns of fire, tornadoes, or mete- quest. Gold is found by defeating the evil kubi’s health or add to his shot power. The
orites can be summoned to quickly alter creatures throughout the land. number of heads at the bottom of the
the odds in Mushashi’s favor. Combat is initiated by causing Adol to screen show Namakubi’s health; when all
Finally, Mushashi can send Yamato to run into one of the creatures. A bar that of them have turned into skulls, the game
hold an enemy. This is particularly effec- displays the opponent’s hit points appears is over.
tive when an enemy is shooting at beneath Adol’s hit-point bar. The game The graphics are decent, but flickering
Mushashi from a distance, and Mushashi determines the relative strengths and during this game occurs many times. This
cannot defeat the foe without being shot. defenses of both combatants; To win the is not an original game, nor is it the best
Yamato holds an enemy long enough for combat, Adol must continue to run into arcade entertainment out on the market.
Mushashi to finish the job, but he cannot the opponent until the enemy’s hit-point It is an average game that we would rec-
stop every type of enemy, nor can he hold bar is gone. Adol will also encounter evil ommend only after you have played and
one for long. If he begins to lose, Yamato bosses who require more strategy than won other shoot-em-up games.
58 AUGUST 1991
5. Save the monster.
6. Add him to the party and give the
items to the characters.
7. Outside, drop the monster from the
8. Reenter the inn and add the monster
to your party.
9. Repeat the last three steps until you
are satisfied. Remember, don’t save the
monster in the inn after he has dealt out
the items!
Ian Burt
Edina MN

Battletech: Crescent Hawk’s

Revenge (Infocom)
1. In the fourth mission, the ‘Mech at the
gates is an Assassin. Tie it up with your
two ‘Mechs while the ammo carrier sneaks
2. To complete the final mission on Paci-
fica, you must either knock out the mobile
HQ before it reaches the DropShip or
destroy all other opposition (this is where
everything you didn’t destroy in the pre-
Zombie Nation (Meldac of America) vious missions comes back to haunt you).
The former alternative is far easier to
Letters systems when used for class work. For accomplish. lo do so, send two ‘Mechs
Our thanks to Young J. Park of Ed- those who will use a system more for with long-range firepower to the north-
monds, Wash., for his recent letter. In games than anything else, either the Ami- west when the mission begins. Ignore all
reply to some of his questions: The print ga 2000 or 3000 or the new Atari 1040 ST other opposition. The Mobile HQ appears
size of the text is determined by the are bound to please. For dedicated game directly north of your starting position.
DRAGON® Magazine editorial staff. Yes, we machines, the 16-bit video game systems Head towards the DropShip at the far
would like additional space for more gam- such as the Sega Genesis or the NEC west side of the map. It moves a lot faster
ing reviews and tips, but pages within this Turbographx-16 can’t be topped. Please than your ‘Mech, so try to cut it off (don’t
magazine are at a premium and must be remember, however, that any computer worry about getting in the DropShip’s
parcelled out equitably to cover all of the system is of value to a user who enjoys sights, as it will not fire on you). If you fail,
topics of interest to the magazine’s broad that system. (Our personal preference you can still duke it out with the other
readership. As far as game coverage, we happens to be the Macintosh, for those ‘Mechs and tanks.
also review video-game software, as many who are keeping score.) 3. For your first mission on your first
adventures are being released for these 8- Several good questions came in this trip to Luthien, choose the forest route,
and 16-bit systems. We do focus on month from software gamers, and they then switch to the mountain route where
software-based fantasy and science-fiction require our readers’ collective brilliance in the two routes meet at the top of the map.
role-playing games, combat/strategy answering. This is both the fastest and safest route.
games, and other adventure simulations The first query comes from Eric Korman You’ll have to fight through a couple of
for both computers and video-game sys- of Maryland, concerning Might and Magic tanks and maybe a light ‘Mech or two, but
tems, but we sometimes come upon an II: “How do I get past the force field pro- you will not have any opposition for the
arcade game that is too good to ignore. We tecting Corak’s body? I already possess his rest of the mountain route.
feel other computer and video-game en- soul.” 4. Two warnings that concern the
thusiasts would appreciate knowing of its J. David Glaes of Los Angeles, Calif., has Luthien mountain route: Keep your forma-
existence. We hope this explanation en- been searching for the Shard of Coward- tions tight, because stragglers can get lost
hances your enjoyment of the column. ice in Ultima V for weeks. “Would you for good; and do not continue out of the
We receive many letters from readers please tell me where it is located? If it is mountains if you are not allowed to save
like Bryce Harrington of Lake Oswego, beneath the Dungeon Doom, could you tell and continue at the end of the mountain
Ore., asking us which computer system me where Doom is? I am at an impasse. I route. If this happens, start the mission
we recommend for purchase. As Bryce would like to start Ultima VI, but cannot over, as a glitch in the game prevents you
stated in his letter, his motivation for pur- until you or a fellow reader helps me.” from entering the city.
chasing a computer system is not game 5. After leaving the mountains, defeat all
related. Yes, we do have our personal opposition and send all but one hovercraft
favorites, but we feel it would be unfair to Clue corner down to the eastern city gates (do not
specify one or two systems to every user. complete the mission with these vehicles,
After all, your system purchase depends The Bard’s Tale series (Electronic Arts) however). Send the remaining hovercraft
upon which software you need to use for This trick allows you to acquire useful up the north road to the ‘Mech base, then
school, home, or office. If for the office, items quickly by copying them. return it to the other vehicles. If you do
then a Macintosh or a PC/MS-DOS com- 1. Go adventuring until you have an so, then you will be rewarded by having a
puter would probably be your best bet; important item. lance of heavy ‘Mechs at your disposal for
both are also superb when running games. 2. Let a wandering monster join your the next two missions.
Certainly, if for school, an Apple computer party (or, better yet, summon one). 6. In the city, the first attack comes
is hard to beat, but check with your com- 3. Go to the inn where you can save the almost immediately from the top left road.
puter instructor to see which system he individual characters. Move accordingly, or the APC will get
prefers for students. Usually, you can 4. Transfer the item(s) to the monster toasted. After this, the only real opposition
obtain a special student price for such and enter the inn. before reaching the prison is the infantry.
However, you’ll meet some stiff opposition 6. To get the Golden Toad Jumping Boots right/left combination, but he’s still hard to
at the prison. from the priests of the Yellow Mud Toad, hit. I also found it is easier to hit him
7. For the “seize ground” training sce- patch the wall that has tar leaking out of it when he bounces up and down after
nario later in the game, move your ‘Mechs with a Create Wall spell. attacking. I was able to hit him twice each
close to (but not in sight of) the objective, 7. You need a 17 strength to successfully time, but you have to be very quick. Don’t
then do nothing but shell the enemy wrestle Enkidu and impress him into bother trying your overhead attack, be-
‘Mechs for about 17 minutes. At around 18 granting you the knowledge of the druids. cause his guard is too good. Try using
minutes, launch an all-out attack and get Jae Brock rights and lefts until you find an attack
Jason’s ‘Mech to the objective, regardless Montpelier VT that works for you.
of the combat. Do not seize the objective Russ Krook
until near the deadline; otherwise, you’ll 1. With the Golden Boots, you will prob- Bemidji MN
have to contend with wave after wave of ably try to jump the bay and the Sword of
enemy reinforcements. Freedom. Don’t do this! It’s a trap. You Neuromancer (Interplay Productions)
8. Stopping to help at New Vandebury have to MAKE the sword. 1. Make sure to get Larry Moe arrested.
will get you chastised by Morgan Kell, but 2. In the Dragon Valley, do not fight the To do so, link with the Chiba Tac Police
it won’t hurt you in the end (all damage to Brood Queen. This is suicide! (Keisatsu, Supertac) and edit a warrant.
your ‘Mechs is repaired at the conclusion 3. Also, in the Valley, you will find some His BAMA is 062788138.
of this scenario). really nice spells, a holy lance, some drag- 2. Don’t bother with the AIs until you’ve
9. The first mission on the return trip to on eyes, and teeth. The latter can be sold raided the Turing Registry. You can seri-
Luthien is probably the toughest in the for a bundle of cash. ously upgrade all of your AI break skills
game. Several groups of Elementals will 4. Push over the Statue of the Deity of there. The coordinates are 3-432-240.
come in from the far east to start, and a Home Computers. You’ll be pleased! 3. Half a million dollars is waiting to be
lance of Puma ‘Mechs will eventually fol- Sonny Gelvan stolen at the Bank of Berne (3-336-160). All
low. You cannot survive a pitched battle Irving TX the necessary codes are in the message
against these adversaries, so hold your bases there. Just make sure you already
‘Mechs in a tight formation near the ammo Hillsfar (SSI) have an account (write the number down)
carriers and use a lot of extremely aggres- 1. Some of the buildings in Hillsfar at Bozobank for loot transfer. Oh, by the
sive strafing. Update your strafing targets where secret rooms may be found include way, beware of GOLD.
every couple of real-time minutes; the the thieves’ guild, fighters’ guild, temple, 4. Speaking of Bozobank, use Sequencer
more opposition you knock out this way, haunted mansion, castle, and wizards 1.0 to get in. This also works at Chiba
the better your chances for survival. Use tower. Rooms can be found in the upper- Central Justice.
the satellite map when possible, because most section of a building. They are hard 5. To get the ROM construct of McCoy
the mountains may obscure targets from to find at first, but after a few tries it Pauley, the Dixie Flatline, first buy the
visual sighting until they are only a couple becomes easier to spot the area where the Sense/Net pass from Lupus Yonderboy.
of squares away from you. For the best secret door is located. Then enter the Sense/Net building and
chance of surviving this mission, do not 2. Some buildings require a special lock- access file 0467839.
play it at a game speed faster than 2 (in pick to open the entrance, such as the 6. The Bank Gemeinschaft Orbital pass-
fact, playing the entire mission at game castle and the wizards tower. word is BG1066. Inside the vault is jack 5.
speed 1 is highly advised). 3. You can overhear interesting gossip in 7. To get Cybereyes, first break into the
10. In the succeeding mission, avoid the the taverns, but if you are caught eaves- Maas Biolabs Database (6-112-480), wipe
Clan ‘Mechs as much as possible. Be care- dropping, you might be beaten, sent to the Sangfroid (the AI), then shut off the secu-
ful not to get the Kurita leader’s ‘Mech arena, and lose some gold. rity systems. Return to Earth, and buy a
destroyed when he shows up, because you 4. To gain success in the arena, go to the gas mask from Julius Deane. Enter the
cannot finish the mission without him. tavern and listen to the gossip. These are Maas building (wearing the mask!) and
Theron Martin and Marvin Rush some of the fighting tips I’ve heard: Lefty have Cybereyes installed.
Elkhart IN the Orc drops his guard right before he 8. The Phantom has Hemlock 1.0, which
attacks. If he attacks with a left, you he’ll trade for Battlechess 4.0 (7-320-464).
Dragon Wars (Interplay) counter with a left; if he tries a right, you Hemlock will kill Greystoke (2-208-208),
1. There is a secret room in the middle try a right. He also fights in a pattern of who in turn has Kuang Grade Eleven 1.0.
of the Lansk underground. Show the ankh three left blows followed by a right blow. This program will (probably) kill Neuro-
to the dragon there, and it will give you Before Morin attacks, the feathers on his mancer.
the dragon gem. With it, you can convince helm move; whichever end of his staff is 9. To kill Neuromancer, remember one
the Dragon Queen to aid you in your fight higher is the end that will try to hit you. thing: Thanks to modern technology,
against Namtar. He has a strange pattern; he seems to death is only temporary, and revenge is
2. Do not take the Sword of Freedom attack with his left for a while, then with sweet.
from the island in Freeport. It is a trap set his right for a while, then he’ll catch you 10. The program Easy Rider is essential
up by Namtar. off guard with a quick, low blow between in winning the game. It allows the cyber-
3. Do not leave the Kingshome dungeon the legs. The Red Minotaur twitches his space cowboy to cross the jack boundaries
until you have thoroughly explored it, as head before each attack, twice when he and thus is the only way to get to several
you will not be able to go back; the magic plans to ram you with his head. He usually databases. It can be found at Screaming
quiver is there. With the quiver and the attacks with a left, followed by a ram, then Fist (3-464-160), which can be reached
Gatlin Bow, you have a very powerful an attack from the right. Ssslader tries to through jack three in the Bank of Berne,
weapon. fake you out by opening one of his hands. orbital.
4. Do not take anything from the dwar- When he does that, you know he’s going Following is a list of all the AIs, their
ven mines until you have awakened them to hit you with the other one. If his left locations, and their weaknesses. ICE
with a Soften Stone spell; otherwise, they hand is open, then smack him with a quick strength is provided where available. They
will be angry. right. He usually uses a right/left combina- should be wiped out in this order.
5. To leave the Snake Pit, get the signet tion, but sometimes he opens both hands 1. CHROME—Computer Psychologist—
ring and the other items from the secret and attacks you with his tail. If you can hit Philosophy
room in the middle of the large building, him right after he attacks with his tail, 2. MORPHY—World Chess—Logic
then show the ring to the boy guarding he’ll be dizzy and you can probably land a 3. SAPPHIRE—Citizens Free Matrix—
the dock house. few more blows. Ottis the Orc has a basic Sophistry

62 AUGUST 1991
4. HAL—NASA—Logic approximately six. 2. Pay attention to dreams.
5. XAVIERA—Free Sex Union— 2. Before entering the training hall, re- 3. The zipper should be the main place
Phenomenology—768 move the armor from the characters you for storage. It seems to have unlimited
6. GOLD—Bank of Berne—Philosophy wish to engage in the duel. During the duel, room.
7. LUCIFER—KGB—Logic your opponent (who is a clone of your 4. The ogre will get tired of you eventu-
8. GREYSTOKE—Musabori Industries— character in every respect) will not wear ally, as he has allergies. What commonly
Hemlock his armor. Thus, you can equip your char- causes allergies? Where can you get this?
9. SANGFROID—Maas Biolabs— acter with the armor and kill your oppo- How can it become really big?
Phenomenology—6114 nent quite easily. You will be awarded 100 5. Stop time when big chunks of disaster
10. WINTERMUTE—Tessier Ashpool— XP for each level of the opponent you slay. are coming directly toward you, then
Sophistry—12288 3. There is a jewelry shop in Phlan that climb the chunks.
11. PHANTOM—Phantom—Logic—24576 sells a fine composite bow that is the 6. Visit the Roc’s Nest before stopping
12. NEUROMANCER—Allard Tech— equivalent of +3 to hit. I suggest that you this disaster, as you will obtain a hopeful
Kuang Eleven + Logic—49152 get this bow for all of your fighters as spell.
David Grau soon as you get enough money. The bow 7. Make sure nothing you have can be
Howell NJ costs 25,000 gp! ruined by water before moving out of an
4. In Mantor’s library are five special air bubble (like spell books, especially).
Pool of Radiance (SSI) books that you will need. 8. While it’s nice to shrink things, it’s
1. “Lux” is the word that causes the 5. You will need a certain holy symbol to nice to be small sometimes, too, especially
ghostly figure in the Temple of Bane, enter the Temple of Bane, located next to when you’re in an oubliette. Remember
guarded by the hobgoblin army and orcs, the wealthy area. the previous hint when you get small.
to reveal his name and some other useful 6. Make certain you search everywhere 9. You aren’t the only thing that can
information. This word can also be used in Kovel Mansion. There are tons of trea- shrink.
on other ghostly figures that you’ll en- sure, including +4 leather armor. 10. The idol may have a cube in his
counter in Sokal Keep. 7. The kobolds at the nomad camp are mouth, but he won’t swallow it. He also
2. Samosud is for use against the remain- tough as well as tedious. Save your game won’t open his mouth unless a state (alive
ing undead in Sokal Keep. between each wave, and help the chief in and something else, caused by a spell)
3. Be kind to all prisoners and bands of the final battle. demands him to. The other state has to be
weak, scrawny monsters. Parlay with 8. In the buccaneer camp, buy a pass to timed, or it won’t work.
them kindly, and you could obtain useful see the captain. Make certain you have a 11. Don’t move around on the glacier!
information. Detect Magic spell, then attack him. His 12. Haggle with the merchant, but re-
Geoff Morton armor, shield, and sword are very powerful. member how much money you possess.
Spokane WA Mike Rhodes Start with something far below that, un-
Roscoe IL der one-quarter of your cash. Make sure
1. There is a way to get the Manual of you initially state which rug you want.
Bodily Health from the library more than Search for the King (Accolade) 13. Did the merchant give you the right
once. To do this, you must have two par- This rhythmic hint comes from Accolade rug?
ties of characters (you probably could do it itself to assist you in solving Accolade’s Andrew Mussell
with one party). Have the party that won’t first graphic adventure: Brandon WI
complete the game go into the library and
get the manual (the basilisk has it). Then, Poor Les, though gallant, is a rather mea- Spirit of Excalibur (Virgin Mastertronic)
save the party and reboot the program. ger fella 1. Constantine has to use his mouth in
Load up the party that has the manual, And desperately wants to win the heart of the first scenario.
and remove the character that possesses lovely Stella 2. Ector and Nineve should be sent to
it. Reboot the program, load the party that If he could gain some brawn, he might seek Lancelot.
is to complete the game, and remove one claim his precious Queen 3. Bedivere is best suited to go to Dover,
character (he will be added later). Add the Not to mention another step in his Search but don’t forget the Dragon’s Bane.
character with the manual to the party, for the King. 4. Mass your forces at either St. Albans
trade the manual to a fighter, remove the The Lessers or Rochester, then move them to London
character, and add back the original party after that city has been attacked once.
member. This can be done a number of Secret of the Silver Blades (SSI) 5. Search through Camelot to find some
times to enhance your player characters. 1. The old man in the unlabeled house useful items.
Manuals work best on fighter types. Man- south of the mayor’s house can give you Kelly T. Loucks
uals must be used in camp, and one must some great information and artifacts. Cooperstown NY
rest for approximately 20 game days for 2. The well (once you’ve killed the an-
the effect to take place. cient red dragon) and the Temple of Tyr
2. If there is no way for your level-one are safer places to encamp than the may- Thanks for staying with us for another
character to rest, save the party, then or’s house (unless Marcus and the Fire column. Please send in your comments,
reboot and modify the characters’ hit Knives are all dead). and most especially your game hints, to:
points back to their full value. This works 3. You really don’t need a thief in this The Lessers, 521 Czerny Street, Tracy CA
only on characters who have not been adventure; you can live without backstab- 95376. If you wish to send us a fax, our
trained. bing. You’ll also be bashing a lot of locked fax number is 1-209-832-5742. Remember,
Jonathan Witt doors. your hints and tips save desperate folk
Orangeville, Ontario 4. Check all of the acolytes’ and priests’ from untimely demises. Take care, and
rooms in the Temple of Tyr. Check the game on!
1. In the slums, as well as in other blocks glass behind the altar for a secret door.
where you need to vanquish random Kevin Chase
encounters, locate an area with a wall in Pennington NJ
front of and flanking your party. Run into
the wall in front of you while searching. Spellbreaker (Infocom/Activision)
This causes random monsters to flock to 1. Be certain to get some refreshments,
your party and lowers their numbers to even though you are never hungry.
64 AUGUST 1991
score. The spell doesn’t allow characters
to gain experience or skills. Spell-casters
are not affected by anything from which
the target suffers, such as Fear, Fanati-
cism, or Demoralize. The spell may be cast
on those with fixed or normal INT, but the
latter resist the attempt by matching their
Magic Points against the POW of the cast-
er The user generally has to name what
he is looking for before casting the spell.
For example, a caster could say he is look-
ing for the whereabouts of a friend of the
target by searching the target’s mind. The
caster can find one piece of information
per search; then the spell must be recast.

Mind Trap Variable

ranged, temporal, passive
Some spells and mental attacks require
the attacker to enter the mind of the tar-
get. Mind Trap can fed off such spells such
as Spirit Magic’s Mind Delve, Control (Spe-
cies), and Mindspeech; Divine Magic’s
Mindlink and Mind Read; Sorcery’s Telepa-
thy or Implant; or even spirits that can
possess someone. This spell sets a trap for
anyone that attempts to violate the caster’s
mind, springing the trap by attacking the
invader’s INT. The attacker, now turned
victim, suffers the permanent loss of
(1D3 + Magic Points spent) INT and is
treated as though Mindblasted (as per the
Divine Magic spell) for 20 —(CON/2) melee
rounds. The Mind Trap remains in effect
for the spells duration or until it is sprung
(whichever is less); then it must be recast
to stay in effect. This spell takes effect
Mind Alter 2 points only if the caster has been successfully
©1991 by Michael DeWolfe ranged, instant, passive attacked against his will. For example, if a
This spell allows the caster to implant character has Mindspeech cast on him and
This article is a collection of new spirit memories in the mind of an intelligent the same character consents to this, Mind
and divine magic spells for The Avalon Hill creature; it also allows the caster to take Trap has no chance of working; but, if the
Game Company’s RUNEQUEST® game. memories away. When attempting to alter same character is Mind Read successfully
a minor memory, the caster must first against his will, the spell applies.
Hibernation Variable successfully use his percentile skill with
active, self temporal the spell, then match his Magic Points vs. Reanimate 2 points
This spell gives a caster the ability to the target’s INT -2. If the caster is at- ritual Enchant spell
hibernate for the duration of the spell. tempting to alter a major memory, he must With this spell, a caster may spark life
During Hibernation, wounds heal and match his Magic Points vs. the target’s into a dead body, allowing it to behave as
Magic Points are regained. To regain INT +2. For example, a minor memory is if it were alive. The spell must enchant
points, the spell-caster must sleep in an something such as a tally of the money in each hit location that the caster wishes to
unwaking trance for eight hours for each one’s possession; a major memory is some- bring to life. This must be done in a scien-
point regained. During this time he is thing on the level of one’s own identity. tific manner. For example, a dead friend is
completely unconscious, requiring spells Once cast, the alteration stays without to be Reanimated. If the head location is
such as Dispel Magic to awaken him. the victim noticing it. The victim, however, Reanimated, the dead friend can now
While hibernating, the caster regains is allowed a roll equal to his POW each think and use his head; but because his
Magic Points and heals at the normal 8— (INT/3) weeks to attempt to remember chest and abdomen locations are not Rean-
speed. Food and other sustenance are not what alteration has taken place. If the imated, he cannot breathe, his brain has
required during the spell. As a result, a victim is successful, he has recollections no fresh blood, and he begins to asphyxi-
starving adventurer could enter the spell first in dreams or nightmares, then re- ate. A caster thus must first Reanimate the
to hold off the effects of starvation (but membrances when fully awake. The caster chest and abdomen, then the head, and
not disease). Air and proper conditions are must know in advance exactly what is finally the legs and arms.
required, and a hibernating character going to be altered, then must do so. Mind For a dead humanoid adventurer to be
could die without knowing it if consumed Delve can be used to find if what the fully Reanimated, it takes seven points of
by flame, attacked, asphyxiated, or such. caster is looking for is actually there. POW from the caster and seven enchant-
At the end of Hibernation, the caster has ments. When revived, Hit Points are again
zero Fatigue Points. Also, match the Magic Mind Delve 1 point equal to (CON + SIZ)/2, and all locations
Points the caster currently has (the active ranged, temporal, passive have normal hit points. When Reanimated,
portion of the check) with those he had This spell enables the caster to read the loss of limbs cannot cause death and do
right after the casting of Hibernation (the mind of another being for information, not reduce from general hit points.
passive portion of the check). If successful, memories, or facts. The spell can be cast The greatest drawback of Reanimate is
this allows for a POW gain roll. against only those creatures with an INT that the target is still technically dead.

66 AUGUST 1991
Every day after his death, he loses 1D3 possessing an INT. If removed, the object Forget 1 point
STR, CON, DEX and APP. When these loses one point of INT per melee round ranged, instant, stackable, reusable
abilities drop to zero, the adventurer is until it is placed near a living being as Moon Goddess
actually dead and cannot be resurrected defined earlier. This spell causes a spell-casting target to
or Reanimated. He cannot heal damage, If the object of intelligence is placed on involuntarily forget a spell not currently in
and any ingested foods sit in his stomach another being, spirit combat ensues be- use. For each point of this spell, either two
until they rot or burst his belly. The char- tween the object and intelligent being. The points of Spirit Magic, one point of Divine
acter’s body continues to rot and degener- winner controls the body of the intelligent Magic, or one sorcery spell may be strick-
ate, giving off a putrid odor that cannot be being, and the other being is suppressed en from the mind of the target and com-
stifled. Additionally, while Reanimated, the and unable to act. This suppressed intelli- pletely forgotten. Once done, the
adventurer can use POW only for Magic gence cannot be drawn upon for spells, spellcasting target must either rememorize
Points, not for ability rolls or sacrifices. skills, memories, or use of INT for spell the spell (if it was written down some-
This spell is used to bring an adventurer memorization. The being dominant in the where), completely relearn the spell, or
back to life so he may tell an important body uses its own skills and spells; only sacrifice POW again at a temple to relearn
fact, cast an important spell, walk to a the INT of the being is changed if pos- it. The caster can cast Forget at only those
temple for resurrection, etc. sessed by this person., When the object is spells he knows are possessed by the
removed, the natural being either regains target. Learning of the existence of these
Sustain 2 points control of the body, or, if the body had no spells may be gained through using the
touch, instant INT (as with the original possessor of the Lankor Mhy Mind Read; by seeing the
This spell heals the effects caused di- object’s intelligence), it falls into a trance spell in operation, then postulating what it
rectly by hunger, thirst, and exposure. for a number of rounds equal to its CON. was; or by asking the spell-caster what
Each casting heals 1D6-1 points of dam- It then loses one general Hit Point per spells he has. If the caster believes the
age done by these conditions. If the target melee round after that. Obviously, the target has a certain spell when he actually
is for some reason unwilling, the caster separation of the object and being it domi- doesn’t, his effort to eliminate it via Forget
must make a Magic Point vs. Magic Point nates could prove fatal in a number of fails automatically.
resistance check. minutes. As a result, this spell is rare and
should be found only with experienced Group Casting 2 points
Transform to Undead 6 points Shamans. ritual Ceremony spell, stackable, reusable
ritual Enchant spell *memorization only Common
This spell allows the caster to enchant This Ceremony allows members of the
himself to the form of an undead. A caster Transfer Wound 2 points same cult to cast spells and add their ef-
may place his essence in the form of a touch, temporal, passive fects. The Group Casting spell can be used
ghoul, mummy, vampire, or zombie. The This spell allows a caster to exchange
spell costs the full POW of the caster, and wounds with a single target, meaning that
if it fails, he dies. When the spell is cast, a caster can heal the damage of another
the caster appears to die; any procedure by casting this spell and receiving the
for creating the specific undead must then target’s wounds. For the spell to work, the
be performed on the body. As an example, caster must first match Magic Points vs.
a mummy requires evisceration, spicing, Magic Points with the target on the resist-
binding, and drying. On the other hand, ance table. Once this is done, the spell
ghouls, vampires, and zombies need no trades the damage to one location with the
real preparation. Upon emergence from damage to the same location on the target.
the ceremony, the undead has Magic All protection from armor is ignored in
Points equal to what they were before the the trading of damage. For example, if a
spell was cast, and he has all attributes, caster is unharmed, and he casts this spell
alterations, and special abilities of that on the arm of a stricken companion who
specific undead. Magic Points must be has taken four points of damage to the
regained through the method used by the arm, the caster then has an arm with four
specific undead. If the APP formula is points of damage and general hit points
different from the natural one, it must be down by four. The target has the opposite
rerolled. This spell is rare for two reasons: effects and is thus four points better. If the
It is an especially vile and evil one, and it is damage were reversed in this case (the
used only once by the caster. Once used, caster being damaged), the target would
the undead caster is reluctant to teach it instead have received four points of dam-
to anyone else. age and the caster would be better off.
If this spell is used between creatures
Transfer Soul 4 points* with different hit locations, the nearest
ritual Enchant spell location is affected. For example, a dragon
Transfer Soul allows a caster to transfer has wings and a tail, thus a human caster
the seat of intelligence, memories, and can only transfer damage to the dragon’s
knowledge of spells and skills to an inani- corresponding hit locations; he can, how-
mate object. This provides the obvious ever, have damage traded from the wings
asset of rendering spells such as Mindblast and tail. In such a case, the damage to
ineffectual; it also does the same to blows wings goes to the other party’s chest and
to the head. The target object for this spell the damage to the tail goes to the other’s
must be inanimate. The method of en- abdomen. Only one location can be affect-
chantment is the same one used for cap- ed per casting; subsequent locations that
turing creatures within items, though the are given attention need their own cast-
Control spell is unnecessary. If the en- ings. This spell is useful as both a weapon
chantment fumbles, the caster dies. If the and a healing implement.
spell is successful, the target object must
always be kept on the person of a being
only by members of one cult; if one or Remove Characteristic (Except free if the owner expends Magic Points to
more casters are not of that cult, the spell POW) 3 points match against the STR of the withholder;
automatically fails. Members of the Group touch, instant, unstackable, one use the more Magic Points expended, the
Casting spell can share the same Divine Ruling Deity better the chance of the weapon being
spells, Magic Points, INTs, and effects of This Divine spell can remove any spe- freed. When restrained from returning to
the spell cast using the Group Casting. The cific characteristic and make a creature its owner, the weapon hums faintly. The
casting time for this spell is one melee incomplete, as per the rules in the Crea- weapon cannot be ordered to return while
round per member. The cost is one Magic ture Book (pages 4-5). The characteristic it is attacking something. If a weapon has
Point per member, in addition to the must first be lowered to one or zero, been moved beyond 100 meters from its
points spent on the actual spell. At the temporarily or permanently, before this owner, it cannot be ordered to return.
end, the spell previously chosen to be spell may be cast. Once cast successfully,
stacked with this spell may be cast. the affected creature or character be- Undetectable to Species Variable
For example, an Orlanthi may choose to comes incomplete, unable to use that no range, temporal, stackable, reusable
cast Shield 2 using Group Cast with seven characteristic, its related skills, and tallies. Ruling Deity
other Orlanthi adventurers. For the next This spell makes the caster’s target com-
seven rounds, those involved can do noth- Retrieve Weapon 1 point pletely undetectable by one particular
ing without causing the spell to fail. At the ritual Enchant spell, stackable, reusable species. This creates invisibility, silence,
end of seven rounds, all seven casters War God, Hunting God and any other masking effect to the senses
have Shield 2 cast on them. As another When cast on a weapon by its owner, and sensibilities of the members of the
example, the Orlanthis above wish to cast this spell gives the weapon the ability to affected species. The point value needed
Lightning. Four of them have the Divine return to the owner’s hand. When en- pertains to the Danger Class in which the
spell at one casting, and the spell is stack- chanted, a point of POW is expended on species is placed; a god or a Gloranthan
able. One uses Group Casting, and the the weapon; it can then be magically re- dragon needs a 10- or 12-point spell, but
others stack their Lightning spells to pro- trieved. If a weapon is lost, taken, or these cases are exceedingly rare. The
duce a four-point effect capable of doing thrown, the caster need only think of the target remains undetectable until it either
4D6 damage to one hit location. Also, the weapon and expend a Magic Point. If the initiates a definite act (such as attacking,
Magic Points matched against the target’s weapon is within 100 meters, it flies or speaking aloud, or casting an offensive
are equal to the total of the seven: 60 crawls back to the owner at one meter per spell) or the spell duration elapses. Re-
points. This spell is uncommon and is second, taking the shortest route possible; member that only a particular species is
found only with priests of cults, not with the choice of which mode it uses for move- affected by a spell. This may have some
initiates or mere adventurers. ment is defined by the spell-caster when effect in the course of an adventure if
the weapon is enchanted. If the weapon is some of the antagonists see a
grabbed by someone, it can only be pulled foe and some do not.

68 AUGUST 1991
Armored fighting vehicles on the roll in the TOP SECRET/S.I. game

SHINING ARMOR by Thomas M. Kane

When you’re surrounded by 50 tons of (APC) for insertion. An enemy tank might until the bullets come too close.
steel and shooting bullets the size of your make the perfect getaway car, too. The For game purposes, the crew of a
arm, you’re unstoppable, right? Administrator may also want to know buttoned-up (hatches closed) AFV cannot
These are guidelines and rules for using what the commandos meet if they stumble see anything within 30’ of the tank. Be-
tanks in a TOP SECRET/S.I.™ Commando across an enemy armored force. Put the yond this, the driver can observe objects a
campaign. Commandos do not use tanks following information in your portfolio, maximum of 45° to his left and right. The
often, but never take anything for granted just in case. gunner may only see things within 30° to
in the covert line of work. If your game the left and right. If the tank crew at-
agent or commando finds himself support- Tank tactics tempts an INT check to hear something, it
ing a guerilla movement, the movement Driving a tank would be easy except for suffers a -10 penalty if the engine is
might give him an armored fighting vehi- two things: Tank drivers can neither see running and a -3 penalty if it is not.
cle (tankers call them AFVs). Most insur- nor hear anything outside the tank. With Characters have normal vision when ex-
gents keep a few tanks, whether they’re the hatches closed, an AFV crew sees the tending their heads through the hatches,
any real use or not. Guerillas figure at world through metal slits, while head- but they still suffer a -5 penalty on hear-
least the tanks will look mean in a victory splitting noise shakes the tank from all ing INT checks if the engine is running.
parade if they win. In the meantime, they sides. Anyone outside can waltz up and When tanks stumble into a trap, though,
let the foreign advisors (i.e., your charac- write his initials on the tank’s turret. they usually have help. Armored vehicles
ters) drive them. On other missions, agents Therefore, smart tankers seldom close never travel alone. They operate in pla-
might use an armored personnel carrier their hatches. They keep their heads out toons of three to five vehicles and almost
always have infantry with them, men who classes of offensive ammunition: high mount an AAMG (antiaircraft heavy ma-
can clear away ambushes. The foot sol- explosive and antitank. High-explosive chine gun); it is not mounted for antiper-
diers ride armored personnel carriers shells cause more damage in a wider radi- sonnel use, although characters might
which keep them from slowing the ar- us to exposed targets but always have an modify it with a successful metalworking
mored column too badly. antivehicle (AV) rating of zero. The AV check.
Tanks can also hide. In defense, they rating of antitank shot, along with explo- AIFV: This vehicle is used in the Nether-
routinely use hills and other obstacles to sion types for both kinds of shells, appears lands, Belgium and the Philippines. Armies
protect their hulls, leaving only the turrets on Table 2. often use it to recover damaged tanks
and guns exposed. Consult page 73 of the When a vehicle is hit by a cannon round, from the battlefield.
TOP SECRET/S.I. Player’s Guide for the it must immediately roll on the Crash Table AMX-10: Many models of this APC exist.
effects of cover. Armored vehicles use a (page 86, Player’s Guide). A high-explosive hit The French often put a 105 mm gun on
special “reverse slope” tactic to protect causes a crash only if the operator fails a the AMX APC, converting it to a light tank
themselves on inclines. They go to the side driving check. After checking the Crash with a crew of four. The French export
of a ridge that is away from the enemy Table, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, the tank loses its these tanks widely.
and lower their guns as far as possible. largest functional weapon. This can be fixed AMX-30: This widely exported and often-
Then they drive upslope until only the gun only at a military garage by a character with modified tank can reload its main gun in
and turret protrude over the crest. The the appropriate weapons skill (Tank Gun, four game turns.
hill provides hard cover for the hull, but Machine Gun, etc.). ASU-85: The Soviets air-land this light
the tank can shoot into the valley beyond. Cannon may also fire smoke or illumina- tank hunter to protect paratroopers and
To determine whether a shot hits an ex- tion rounds. Each smoke shell blankets a other elite forces from enemy armor.
posed part of its target, consult Table 1. circle 50’ in diameter. Anyone attempting BMP: This is a light APC often used by
One can use the normal called shots and to fire through the smokescreen suffers a paratroopers or special forces.
bumping rules (page 73, Player’s Guide) in -100 penalty on weapon skill checks. The BMP: The BMP is often adapted for
vehicular combat. When moving, armored wind disperses smoke after 1d6 turns, or scouting or carrying radar.
vehicles dash between “bounds” or cov- faster if the Administrator rules that the Centurion: This tank is used throughout
ered areas. Ideally, a bound protects the wind is especially strong. A flare shell the Third World.
tanks behind it but allows them to fire in drops burning magnesium by parachute, Chieftain: A gunner can reload this
support of other tanks. If no suitable cover illuminating a 1,000’ radius for 3d6x10 tanks main gun in four game turns.
is available, gunners create it by firing seconds. Leopard II: A gunner can reload this
smoke shells (noted later). No tank cannon holds more than one tanks main gun in four game turns.
Gunners suffer a -40 penalty to their round at a time. Most AFVs carry 50-70 Merkava: This inventive Israeli tank has
skill checks when firing cannon from rounds for the main cannon. Standard wide rear doors, allowing the crew to load
moving vehicles. Therefore, tanks move loading times appear in Table 2. Certain and change its ammunition quickly. Its
using “overwatch” maneuvers, in which tanks have specialized loaders, described large interior allows four passengers to
half of a platoon remains still and ready to on Table 3. ride along with the crew.
shoot while the other half advances. The The Administrator may design vehicles M4 Sherman: This World War II tank is
faster form of overwatch, called “leap- with customized devices. One example still used in the Third World.
frog,” works as follows: 1) Group A ad- would be a flail, a rotating bar in front of M48, M60: Both are still in the U.S. arse-
vances to a firing position behind a bound; the tank that beats the ground with nal and widely used in the Third World.
2) Group B drives to group A and passes it, chains. It detonates all mines in the vehi- PT-76: This light Soviet tank requires 10
to a new bound; 3) Group A drives to cle’s path, harmlessly and automatically. game turns to reload its main cannon.
group B and passes it; etc. This leaves the See “Watch Your Step!” in DRAGON® issue Scorpion: This tank is widely used in the
platoon divided at any given moment. #148 for more details on land mines. Middle East.
Cautious tankers use “caterpillar” move- Advanced tanks also carry night-vision S-Tank: This famous “defensive” tank has
ment, in which, at step #2 above, group B equipment, which functions like a triple- a low profile that allows it to protect
joins group A at the bound before either range version of the infrared flashlight everything but the gun behind cover while
advances to a new position, and so on. and goggles described on page 11 of the still firing. It carries a bulldozer blade to
Overwatch maneuvers give the station- Equipment Inventory entrench itself. The S-Tank cannot shoot
ary tanks a “watch’ bonus of +5 on initia- In the near-future setting of the TSAC4 while moving, and its fixed gun can only
tive (pages 62-63, Player’s Guide). The real ER.E.E.Lancers supplement, vehicles may fire straight forward. However, once it
advantages of tactics appear through depend on elaborate electronic equipment starts shooting, the crew can reload their
common sense, not numbers. Caterpillar and can be hermetically sealed against main cannon in two game turns. Sweden
movement does not receive any movement chemical weapons. In order to steer, these is the only country that uses this tank, but
penalty, but the tanks only go half as far in vehicles must depend on video cameras, others experiment with it.
each step. For the same reason, this ma- which make wonderful targets for sharp- T-34: The Soviets and Czechs ship this
neuver makes it harder for enemies to shooters. A mad scientist’s custom-built World War II tank to their less reliable
catch the groups separated. If the Admin- tank might have hi-tech sensors, geiger Third World allies, including some insur-
istrator keeps track of which tank is counters, computer brains, or force-field gent groups like the PLO.
where and who can see what, astute tac- generators. If any of this equipment is T-series: The Soviets export all these
tics work the same way they do for real mounted outside the tank, gunners can tanks to the Third World. Only the T-80 is
tanks, by concentrating maximum fire- disable it with called shots. exclusively Russian. The T-55 requires 10
power at minimum risk. game turns to reload the main cannon.
Vehicle notes The T-62 requires seven game turns to
Gunnery and equipment The following are special notes and reload. T-72 and T-80 tanks can be reload-
Tanks carry many specialized sorts of comments on the vehicles described in ed in four turns, but their automatic load-
ammunition. Common sorts include solid Table 3. The “Weapons” column shows the ers break easily. Add five friction points to
shot for carving through armor; high bore in millimeters of a vehicle’s main any mission that involves them (see pages
explosive for use against infantry; HEAT, cannon. Cannon and ATGMs (antitank 36-38, TSAC5 Commando).
which uses a shaped charge to penetrate guided missiles) are described in Table 2. UDES: This experimental vehicle is intend-
tanks; and Hetz, HESH, and other special- Page 5 of the Equipment Inventory covers ed to correct the disadvantages of the S-
ized shells to defeat composite armors. For HMGs (heavy machine guns) and LMGs Tank. Current models use a Marder APC
game purposes, assume that there are two (light machine guns). Many tanks also chassis. If it is ever produced, the Swedes

will probably develop a new body, more like usually make their own repairs, using tool through an APC’s gun slits, in addition to
the S-Tank. A special UDES, the XX-20, uses a kits in their vehicle or from nearby bases. penalties for firing while moving, etc.
jointed hull that can twist itself into new Generally, if characters have gotten a tank, (page 74, Player’s Guide).
shapes for crossing obstacles or taking cover. they can get the tools to fix it. Up to eight An APC’s foot soldiers ride as long as
Tank driving performance: Armies people may work on the same vehicle they can, usually leaving their vehicles
neither build nor rate AFVs for fancy (thereby reducing time to one hour). How- about 600’-900’ behind the front. Climbing
driving. Assume that all AFVs have the ever, anyone without the basic mechanic out of the vehicles is dangerous in enemy
generic acceleration, handling, and brak- skill must pass a default roll of ¼ DEX to fire. APC units try to release their infantry
ing statistics shown on page 15 of the contribute useful work. simultaneously, to keep enemy machine-
Equipment Inventory. gunners from concentrating on the dis-
Tank destroyers mounting squads one at a time. Once on
Life inside Main battle tanks are always getting foot, soldiers advance about 300’ behind
Tanks are hot, cramped, noisy, and often bigger, faster, heavier, and more expen- the tanks, and 300’ in front of their empty
broken down. In the USSR and France, the sive. A lot of forces would rather not try APCs. They communicate with tank com-
army selects the shortest 5% of its recruits to keep up. However, they do not want manders using hand signals, loud voices,
for tank crews. People over 5’6” can bare- main battle tanks to massacre them. Thus, or, in some cases, telephones on the backs
ly squeeze into their tanks. Tankers regu- they use tank destroyers, which are weak of the vehicles. In defense, infantry stands
larly suffer slashes, fractures, and tanks designed to ward off bigger ones. in front of everything, to stop troops with
amputations from their machinery. Com- Little nations, notably Austria, favor these light antitank weapons (LAWS) from creep-
mandos in tanks lose half a psychological- vehicles since their governments cannot ing up on their vehicles (see “Hunting
index point per hour (pages 27-28, afford armies of super-tanks. Special- Tanks is Fun and Easy!” in DRAGON issue
Commando). P.I. losses increase to a full operations groups also use tank de- #171 for details on antitank weapons).
point in Soviet or French tanks. Anyone stroyers, since 80,000-lb. monsters will Like other armored vehicles, APCs are
over 5’6” suffers doubled PI. penalties in complicate airdrop insertion. Further- finicky and uncomfortable. Characters
any country’s vehicles. more, a 90 mm cannon may be small in a receives five friction points for using an
Typical tanks carry four crewmembers. tank battle, but it usually satisfies com- APC. Riders on transports do not need to
The driver sits in the hull and can put his mandos who otherwise get only handguns. perform the maintenance associated with
head out his own personal hatch when he tanks. Passengers in armored personnel
dares. A commander, gunner, and loader The “little” APCs carriers also pay one PI. point per day,
squeeze into the turret. If characters try In brushfire operations, “armor” does two in the BMP or BMD, but only one-half
to operate a tank without the loader, it not need to mean the latest juggernaut fit point in the M2, M3, M113, AMX-10 and
takes twice as long to prepare each shot. for World War III. Guerillas and their Marder. The comfortable LVTP-7 has no
Modern Soviet tanks use mechanical feed- enemies usually use APCs and reconnais- PI. cost at all.
ers and do not need a loader. sance cars in place of main battle tanks.
U.S. vehicles break down on average Little vehicles often go faster, and, to an Conclusion
every 180 miles. We like to tell ourselves insurgent’s AK-47, 2” of metal plate might Heavy weapons add more to the game
that Soviet tanks malfunction every 150 as well be 2’. An armored transport makes than simply being deadlier toys for secret
miles. Commandos accumulate 10 friction a useful base for commandos on long agents. They force characters to think
points on any mission in which they use missions, since it has room for supplies, before they fight. With clever tactics,
tanks and 12 if they use Soviet models. rescued friends, captured enemies, etc. agents can defeat tanks. Since their ene-
The Israeli Merkava, however, contains Furthermore, main battle tanks cost for- mies can do this, too, game balance re-
large doors for easy servicing and costs tunes, and the recent ones have secret mains unchanged. Armored vehicle data
only five friction points. instrumentation on board. Anyone issuing also makes the TOP SECRET/S.I. world
Characters suffer double friction-point ordinance for risky work prefers to give more complete. Special forces must expect
costs if they fail to provide normal mainte- out APCs. to meet heavy weapons. It seems much
nance for their AFVs. All tanks require Against light opposition, APCs behave more plausible for agents to trap a T-34 in
eight man-hours of work per day. Tankers like tanks. In an armored battle, they some steamy jungle than to chase through
disgorge their passengers and provide New York firing Uzis from red Porsches.
cover while the foot soldiers and tanks Articles of this sort traditionally include
Table 1
advance. An APC’s infantry must dismount reminders that the TOP SECRET/S.I. game
Hit Location Against AFVs
before it can fight. The Soviet Union once is not a war game. It may not be, but
instructed foot soldiers to stay in their spies—and especially commandos—certainly
1d10 Location
vehicles and fire through gunnery slits, take an interest in military activity.
0 Cannon barrel
but this tactic worked so poorly for Syria
1-2 Turret
in the 1973 Middle-East war that all armies
3-8 Hull
abandoned it. Riflemen suffer a -30 pen-
9 Treads
alty on weapons skill checks when firing

Table 2
Tank Weapons

Weapon AV Dam/Exp Min. Med. Long Load Weight Speed
20-50 mm +25 1d8/Gre — 1,500 4,500 3 — —
51-80 mm +50 1d8/Mis — 1,500 3,000 4 — —
81-110 mm +70 Gre/Tan — 2,000 6,000 5 — —
111+ mm +90 Gre/Tan — 3,000 10,000 5 — —

AV = antivehicle rating; Dam/Exp = damage for antivehicle shot, and type of explosion for high-explosive shot; Gre = grenade-
type explosion; Mis = missile type explosion; Tan = tank projectile (see page 80, TOP SECRET/S.I. Player’s Guide).

72 AUGUST 1991
The information in this article is authen- Bond, Ray. Modern Weapons. London: 1988. For details on many AFVs, all
tic, although standard trench/obstacle/ Salamander Books, 1985. with color drawings, consult this book.
grade data has been extrapolated to cover Dunnigan, James F. How To Make War. U.S. Army. The Army Almanac. Washing-
Soviet tanks where such information is New York: Quill, 1983. ton, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
unknown. The following sources were Lewis, Robert. Modern Fighting Vehicles. Office, 1950.
consulted: Stamford, Conn.: Longmeadow Press,

Table 3
Armored Vehicle Statistics Table
Vehicle (Nation) Speed Prot. Crew + Pas. Range Trench Obstac. Grade Weapons
AIFV (NATO) 38/3.9 -80 3+7 304 5.3 1.5 60 25 mm, LMG, ATGM
AMX-10 (Fr) 40/4.4 -90 3+8 372 8 2.3 60 20 mm, LMG
BMD (USSR) 36/6 -80 3+6 199 8 2.6 60 73 mm, LMG, ATGM
BMP (USSR) 49.7/5 -80 3+8 310 8 2.6 60 73 mm, LMG, ATGM
BRDM (USSR) 60/6 -70 3 466 8 2 60 HMG, LMG
BTR-50 (USSR) 26/6 -70 2+14 156 8 2 60 LMG
BTR-60 (USSR) 48/6 -70 2+14 300 8 2 60 HMG, LMG
4K (Au) 40 -80 2+8 323 6.9 2.6 75 LMG
LAV 25 (Swi) 63/6 -80 3+6 485 8 2 70 25 mm, LMG
LVTP 7 (US) 45/8.4 -80 3+25 300 7 2 60 HMG
M2/M3 (US) 41/4.5 -100 3+6 300 8.3 3 60 25 mm, LMG, ATGM
M113 (US) 42/3.6 -70 2+11 300 5.5 2 60 HMG, LMG, ATGM
Marder (Ge) 46.6 -100 4+6 323 8 3.3 60 30 mm, LMG
MCV 80 (US) 46.6 -80 2+8 310 8.2 2.6 60 30 mm, LMG
MTLB (USSR) 38/3.7 -80 2+11 310 7 2.3 60 LMG
Main battle tanks
AMX-30 39 -100 4 295 9 4.1 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG
Chieftain (UK) 30 -135 4 280 10 3 60 120 mm, HMG, 2xLMG
Centurion (UK) 21 -125 4 150 8 3 60 105 mm, 2xHMG, LMG
Leopard I (Ge) 39 -125 4 225 9.8 3.7 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG
Leopard 2 (Ge) 35 -140 4 210 10 3 60 120 mm, 2xLMG
M1 (US) 39 -140 4 336 8 3 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG
M4 Sherman (US) 25 -100 4 120 7.5 2 60 75 mm, HMG, LMG
M48 A3 (US) 30 -100 4 288 8.5 3 60 90 mm, HMG, LMG
M48 A5 (US) 30 -125 4 288 8.5 3 60 105 mm, HMG, 1-2xLMG
M60 (US) 29 -125 4 280 8.5 3 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG
Merkava (Is) 27 -130 4+4 311 10 3 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG
OF-40 (Is) 40 -120 4 373 9.8 3.6 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG, AAMG
PT76 (USSR) 26/6 -70 4 250 7 3 60 76 mm, 2xLMG
S (Swe) 30/4 -125 4 242 7.5 2.9 60 105 mm, 3xLMG, AAMG
T-34 (USSR) 32 -90 4 150 8 3 60 85 mm, HMG, LMG
T-55 (USSR) 30 -90 4 180 8 3 60 100 mm, HMG, LMG, AAMG
T-62 (USSR) 36 -100 3 288 8 3 60 115 mm, LMG, AAMG
T-72 (USSR) 36 -130 3 300 8 3 60 125 mm HMG, LMG, AAMG
T-80 (USSR) 36 -135 3 240 8 3 60 125 mm, HMG, LMG, AAMG
TAM (Ar) 46 -120 4 342 8.2 3.2 65 105 mm, HMG, LMG, AAMG
Type 61 (Ja) 36 -100 4 248 8 3 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG
Type 69 (Ja) 31 -110 4 248 8.8 2.6 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG, AAMG
Type 74 (Ja) 26 -110 4 166 8.9 3.3 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG, AAMG
UDES (Swe) 46.6 -80 3 323 8 3.3 60 120 mm, HMG, 2xLMG,
Vickers (UK) 31 -100 4 373 8 3 60 105 mm, HMG, LMG, AAMG
Tank destroyers
ASU-85 (USSR) 28 -100 5 161 7 3.6 70 85 mm, HMG, AAMG
IK-91 (Swe) 43/6 -100 4 342 9.7 2.6 50 90 mm, HMG
Jagdpanzer (Ge) 43 -100 4 249 6.6 2.5 60 90 mm, LMG, AAMG
Panzerjager (Au) 40 -100 3 323 7.9 2.6 75 105 mm, HMG
Scout vehicles and light tanks
Ratel (SA) 62.2 -80 3+7 620 6 1.5 60 20 mm, LMG
Type 63 (Ch) 25 -80 3 150 7 2 60 85 mm, HMG, LMG
Type 73 (Ja) 43.5 -80 3+9 186 7 2.3 60 HMG,LMG
Scorpion (UK) 50 -80 3 400 6 1.6 60 76 mm, HMG
Speed = Maximum speed (land/amphibious); Prot. = Protection; Crew + Pas. = Passengers (necessary crew + extra passengers);
Range = range in miles; Trench = maximum width in feet of trench that can be crossed; Obstac. = Maximum height in feet of
obstacle that can be overridden; Grade = maximum grade climbed, in percent.
Nations: Au = Austria; Ar = Argentina; Ch = China; Fr = France; Ge = Germany; Is = Israel; Ja = Japan; NATO = North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization; SA = South Africa; Swe = Sweden; Swi = Switzerland; UK = United Kingdom; US = United States; USSR
= Soviet Union.

The Complete Fighter’s Handbook is an
excellent supplement to the AD&D® 2nd
Edition rules, particularly for campaigns
with a majority of warrior characters. It
has detailed rules on fighting, new weap-
ons, and tips on role-playing. Best of all are
the warrior kits, which create warriors
with specialized backgrounds and appro-
priate abilities.
There are a few quirks and gray areas in
the book, however. For instance, a com-
ment on page 58 implies that single-class
fighters, paladins, and rangers can special-
ize in more than one weapon; they can’t.
The Player’s Handbook, on page 52, states
that such specialization is “an optional rule
that allows a fighter (only) to choose a
single weapon and specialize in its use.”
Other gray areas involve the races and
classes allowed to the warrior kits. While
the book generally leaves these areas wide
open, the following seems logical:
Assassins, nomads, and northmen
Kits allowed by class
Fighter: All warrior kits are allowed. —fighters all
Paladin: The amazon, cavalier, gladiator,
myrmidon, noble warrior, peasant hero,
and outlaw/pirate (in evil lands) are al- by David Howery
lowed. The barbarian, beast rider, savage,
and wilderness warrior seem too primitive
but could be allowed. The swashbuckler is
too roguish and chaotic, while the ber-
serker is definitely too chaotic.
Ranger: The amazon, barbarian, beast
rider, berserker, peasant hero, outlaw (in
evil lands), savage, and wilderness warrior Assassin
are allowed. The cavalier, gladiator, myr- Description: This kit was detailed for
midon, noble warrior, and swashbuckler thieves in the Complete Thief’s Handbook,
are too city-based for a ranger’s back- on pages 26-27, and this section is recom-
ground, while the pirate is in the wrong mended for reading by the players of
environment. fighter assassins. While “assassin” is a
general term for people of all classes who
Kits allowed by race kill for pay, here it describes a particular
The barbaric kits (barbarian, beast rider, type of hired fighter. An assassin may
berserker, savage, wilderness warrior) work freelance or belong to an assassins’
seem best restricted to humans, since the guild. He must have a minimum strength
demihumans are usually clannish and and dexterity of 12, a minimum intelli-
civilized, lacking the barbarian’s grim gence of 11, and be of any non-good align-
demeanor. The amazon also seems unique- ment. Thus, only fighters among all
ly human but could be extended to other warrior classes can be assassins.
races. The cavalier, noble warrior, and Role: Assassins are paid killers. They
swashbuckler are appropriate for humans, care nothing about fair play or honorable
elves, and half-elves (it’s hard to imagine combat, wishing only to carry out their
the shorter races being good at horseman- contracts in the safest and most secret
ship or dueling). The gladiator, myrmidon ways possible. Fighter assassins rely more
and outlaw/pirate are appropriate to all on brute force than thief assassins, and
races. The peasant hero seems right for the handiwork of the former is more
humans, halflings, and half-elves. evident as deliberate murder—which
serves as a warning to other potential
These are only suggestions, and the victims. While some assassins are dedi-
are excellent examples of making a fight- cated to evil, others are just cynical or
er’s background affect his abilities. But the mercenary (neutral); a few might see their
list of kits cries out for expansion. This work as a necessary evil for a greater
article gives three new kits, using the cause, particularly if they slay only evil-
same format as the handbook. aligned beings. The assassin’s goal is to

74 AUGUST 1991
remain unknown and unseen, a feared
agent of his guild.
Secondary skills: Any urban back-
ground skill is appropriate for the assas-
sin. Agricultural or wilderness skills are
possible, but unlikely.
Weapon proficiencies: The assassin
can use any weapon, though many prefer
small stabbing weapons that are used with
one hand (particularly the dagger and
short sword, but not the bastard sword or
spear) and small, piercing missile weapons
(e.g., a hand crossbow or short bow, or
thrown daggers, shuriken, etc.). Assassins
can specialize but only with a melee weap-
on, as restricted earlier; such favored
weapons are frequently seen and serve as
“trademarks” for a particular assassin’s
Nonweapon proficiencies: Assassins
may choose proficiencies from the gen-
eral, warrior, or rogue lists, all at the listed
costs (i.e., rogue skills are not doubled in
cost). However, he cannot learn agricul-
tural or wilderness skills. Required: Dis-
guise, Trailing. Recommended: Alertness,
Blind-Fighting, Gather Intelligence, Herbal-
ism, Land-Based Riding, Observation,
Tightrope Walking, Tracking, Tumbling,
Voice Mimicry. (See the Complete Thief’s
Handbook, Chapter 2, for details on new
Equipment: Assassins prefer to wear
only leather armor. If they wear any heavi-
er type of armor, they are unable to use
their special benefits. Different types of
deadly devices and unusual weapons are Nomad Recommended: Bowyer/Fletcher, Animal
used by assassins, and fighter assassins Description: The nomad is a horseman Handling, Endurance, Survival (Desert),
might be trap or weapon collectors. In from the vast steppes, similar to Mongols Direction Sense.
general, see the Complete Thief’s Hand- from our world. He excels at riding horses Equipment: When created, the nomad
book, chapter 5, for details on items that and shooting bows. A nomad’s life is harsh, must purchase either a riding horse or a
fighter assassins might be allowed to use. and he may place a low value on human pony. The nomad must also buy a bow as
Poison is also widely used because of its life. Nomad armies of mounted archers are soon as possible.
rapid killing power; see the Complete fearsome opponents because of their mobil- Special benefits: The nomad’s back-
Thief’s Handbook, chapter 7, for details. ity. Horses, cattle, and sheep are vital to a ground includes intensive training in arch-
Special benefits: The fighter assassin nomads life, and loyalty to one’s clan and ery and riding. Because of this, the nomad
is able to move silently as a thief of equal chief is demanded of all. Nomads spend suffers no penalties to attack rolls or rate
level (use Table 19 in the Dungeon Master’s most of the day in the saddle. To be a no- of fire (see the DMG, page 76) when firing
Guide, page 23; dexterity and racial bo- mad, the character must have a constitu- from a moving horse. However, range
nuses apply). If an assassin surprises an tion of 14 and dexterity of 13. penalties are still in effect.
opponent, is not himself surprised, has a Role: A nomad in an AD&D campaign Special hindrances: Nomads prefer
melee weapon in hand, and is within me- will likely be an outcast if the campaign is mobility over heavy protection; thus, they
lee range, the assassin can automatically set in a civilized land. Nomads rarely leave will wear only leather, studded leather,
hit his opponent once and do double dam- their clans. Others may consider him to be ring, scale, or chain mail armor. Since they
age; this is in addition to his normal attack. cruel and taciturn. Nomads value their spend so much time on horseback, no-
This ability works only against humanoid- friends highly but tend to be curt with mads walk with a bowlegged gait and
shaped creatures of small or medium size, outsiders. Rangers and fighters may be suffer a -1 to their base movement rate
and it assumes that the assassin does not nomads, but paladins may not. on foot.
require a magical weapon of greater Secondary skills: Most of the second- Wealth options: Nomads receive the
power than he has in hand to hurt the ary skills are urban in nature and thus normal 5d4x10 gp. As with other barbar-
target. inappropriate here. Nomads’ skills could ic kits, the nomad must spend all but 3 gp
Special hindrances: The assassin’s include bowyer/fletcher, hunter, and or less. As noted above, the nomad must
main drawback is the unlawfulness of his trapper/furrier. All nomads have a basic buy a horse or pony and a bow.
trade. If found out as an assassin and knowledge of livestock and horsemanship. Races: Only humans may be nomads.
captured, he can expect no mercy from Weapon proficiencies: When cre- Note: The Horde boxed set for the
the law. If an assassin is identified but not ated, a nomad must take proficiency with AD&D FORGOTTEN REALMS® campaign
captured, a bounty of 10x1d100 gp will the short composite bow or short bow, the describes a setting appropriate for nomad-
be placed on his head. scimitar, and the lance. The fourth slot type characters.
Wealth options: The assassin receives may be used for any desired weapon.
the normal 5d4x10 gp. Recommended: lasso, knife.
Race: Humans and half-elves (and half- Nonweapon proficiencies: Bonus
orcs, if such are allowed) may be assassins. proficiency: Land-Based Riding (horse).
otic and carefree, while others are grim volunteers, and go raiding to gain land and
Northman and fatalistic. All have a zest for combat. treasure. Ultimately, he wants to die glori-
Description: The northman is a war- Northmen adventurers are easily notice- ously in battle.
rior from the cold fjords and mountains of able out of their home environment be- Special benefits: The benefit of being
the far north (obviously, he can be from cause of their size and appearance. Nobles a northman lies in his bonus proficiencies.
the far south, too, and be known as a often hire them as personal guards. In addition to being a fine swimmer, the
“southman”). In our own history, we can Northmen are loyal to the death if they northman is skilled in oars, sails, and
draw on the example of the Vikings. vow service to a chief or employer. keelboats.
Northman lands are poor for farming, so Secondary skills: The sailor skill is Special hindrances: Because of their
the northmen take to the sea and raid appropriate. raiding reputation, northmen have a +3
warmer lands for food and treasure. Weapon proficiencies: Required: penalty on reaction rolls when in lands of
Northmen are superb and daring sailors. battle axe, long sword. If the PC is a fight- the people who suffer from their raids.
Although they seem similar to the barbari- er and wishes to specialize, he must Wealth options: Northmen receive the
ans, northmen have a real civilization. choose one of these above two weapons normal 5d4x10 gp.
They make excellent boats, armor, and for specialization. Recommended: short Races: Only humans may be northmen.
weapons. Northmen are physically large, bow, knife, spear, hand axe. Note: This warrior kit would fit very
much more so than other peoples. They Nonweapon proficiencies: Bonus well into the Norse campaign setting pub-
have pale skin, blue or gray eyes, and proficiencies: Swimming, Seamanship. lished in HR1 Vikings Campaign Source-
blonde or red hair. Rangers and fighters Recommended: Navigation, Survival (cold), book. This 96-page sourcebook (TSR
may be northmen, but paladins may not. Endurance, Rope Use, Fishing. Product No.: 9322) details a fantasy Viking
When rolling height and weight, the play- Equipment: Northmen are disdainful civilization using the AD&D 2nd Edition
er should use the above average random of armor heavier than chain mail and rules and includes deck plans of ships
rolls. Northmen must have a minimum often wear armor lighter than that. In boats, a map of the Viking’s world, and
strength of 14. combat, they prefer large shields. A north- character classes and magic unique to the
Role: As with other cultures, northmen man’s goal in life often is to command a setting.
have a variety of attitudes. Some are cha- longship with full crew, either hired or
76 AUGUST 1991
Oratory and mob rule
in your AD&D ® campaign
by Thomas M. Kane
Duke Dedric had expected more merce- and mob rule fit excellently into AD&D® er’s range by 20’. Orators suffer a +2
naries around the old rabble-rouser’s campaigns, both because of their inherent penalty on this roll unless they have ideal
hideaway, but his troops had little trouble excitement and because the DM can accu- acoustical conditions, such as those in a
breaking inside. He had watched for some rately depict the behavior of an irrational theater, cathedral, forum, or stone grotto.
sort of trick until the end, when a cell crowd with reaction rolls and ability One can find a natural amphitheater in a
door finally slammed shut on the traitor, scores. From a game-mechanics point of city or countryside by passing an intelli-
Jiak Pierus. Apparently, the rebels never view, rules for crowd behavior open new gence check on 1d20. The site will be 1-8
had any real strength at all—except at strategies for adventuring by restoring miles from where the character began
talking. Now that Duke Dedric had eradi- importance to the charisma statistic, searching. Finding a speaking site does not
cated the crown’s enemies, he could start which too many players ignore. require any special proficiency, but the
dreaming about his reward. The king character must have lived in or at least
always enjoyed hearing about triumphs, Getting the point across explored the area.
and as the duke urged his carriage Persuasive speech influences only people The Speaker’s Maximum Audience Table
through the streets, he happily anticipated who hear it. In a world without electronic shows the maximum number of people
telling his tale. He would describe the brief amplification, orators with strong lungs likely to be within an orator’s range. As-
skirmish in a bland tone, and then observe have a potent advantage over quieter sistant speakers can repeat a speech for
that compared to baiting dragons, dispers- rivals. A clear, carrying voice certainly distant parts of the audience, but this sort
ing the Young Dynasty conspiracy consti- forms part of one’s charisma score. Still, of oratory by committee negates all cha-
tuted no more than a trifle. even the loudest speakers also relied on risma bonuses on the crowd’s reaction
It was at this point when Duke Dedric techniques such as posting friends rolls. It does not prevent charisma penal-
smelled the smoke. throughout an audience to relay the ties though, since an unpopular person
A bonfire burned in the intersection speech to people in the back of the crowd. has a stigma to overcome whether his
ahead, fueled by furniture from a nearby Alexander the Great liked to assemble his representatives reinforce the public preju-
villa. Townspeople flooded the streets on troops in natural amphitheaters before dice or not.
all sides. Urchins ran among them, delight- addressing them.
ed at the excitement of an insurrection. A For game purposes, a speaker can ad- Getting results
red glow around the castle walls indicated dress quiet listeners as far away as 120’. In Whether the audience decides to obey a
that the people had surrounded the palace the typical crowd, words carry only 60’. speaker is one of those questions that can
with their barricades. The mobs stamped, Members of a shouting, frenzied mob only be answered in the context of an
shook fists, and yelled slogans. It wasn’t cannot hear anyone until quieted. A speak- adventure. However, one can establish
difficult to hear what they were shouting: er may attempt a single charisma check on general principles. Determine a crowds
“Down with the king! Hang the duke! Free 1d20 to hush an audience with gestures. If response to oratory using charisma reac-
Pierus! Free Pierus!” the roll succeeds, a mob will become a tion modifiers and the table on page 103 of
Duke Dedric decided to attend on his crowd (60’ speaking radius) and a crowd the 2nd Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide.
sovereign another evening. Right now, he will become an audience (120’ speaking Note which favorable reaction adjustments
had to worry about escape. radius). To appeal for silence, a character from the table on page 18 of the 2nd Edi-
must be on a rooftop, at a podium, or tion Player’s Handbook should be subtract-
Orators ruled the Roman mob, the otherwise at the center of attention. Wiz- ed, not added, to the die roll. When
Greek polis, and the Paris bourgeoisie. ards might use spectacular magic to get deciding if the speaker is friendly, indiffer-
Adventurers will certainly want to sway noticed. ent, threatening or hostile, consider not
the crowds of fantasy worlds too, follow- After beginning to speak, an orator can only the orator’s demeanor but what the
ing the tradition of Marc Antony, Pericles, attempt a second charisma check on 1d20. crowd expects. A beloved hero may roll on
and the heroes of the Trojan War. Oratory If this roll succeeds, it extends the speak- the “Friendly” column even when he deliv-
ers a scathing rebuke. When a hated ty-
rant pleads with a peasant mob, he must
roll on the “Hostile” column no matter
how obsequiously he behaves.
If a speaker gets a hostile reaction, the
mob will attack. Its assault can take
many forms. Patrons of the theater
might throw fruit, while angry
peasants prefer stones.
Politically astute demonstrators might Panic and insurrection should impose morale checks on mobs
simply gaze sullenly while one of their Some mobs respond much more readily liberally. Even revolutionary leaders suffer
spokesmen makes arrangements with a to leadership than others. Panicked mobs a +3 penalty on reaction rolls when urg-
local hit man. When the masses throw have no organization and often have only ing their followers to take such risks as
things, assume that 2-12 missiles come in vague ideas of why they are rioting. Ora- provoking a battle with guards by striking
each victim’s direction per round, in addi- tors must calm them before giving further the first blow. Therefore, leaders prefer to
tion to any missiles fired by particularly orders. Speakers suffer a +3 penalty on give their followers no choice, by enticing
important (i.e., dangerous) characters. all reaction rolls to reflect the crowd’s the police into attacking first.
Even in a full riot, the adventurers deserve irrational mood. Until someone takes Crowd leaders generally carry weapons
a chance to survive. Naked weapons can control, rioters mill about without pattern, that they use to provoke attacks by the
clear a path through all but the angriest often wandering toward danger rather constabulary. Missile weapons obviously
throngs. If intimidation fails, remember than away from it. Looters lurk around provide the smallest chances of arrest.
that a maximum of six people can fight a the fringes of such gatherings; if nobody However, in a crowd of semi-armed peo-
single victim at once. The DM should also suppresses them, thousands of people may ple, it can be hard for guards to identify
make a morale check for the attackers join in the robbery. If something startles the source of a sword stroke or pike
every time one of them falls; although the people—be it an earth tremor, a mon- thrust. Resolve individual combats in a
crowds can be vicious, they are seldom ster, or archers firing into the crowd—the crowd using the normal AD&D rules.
brave. mob will panic (a general wisdom check After each round, anybody friendly to the
The following guidelines show what on 1d20 may be rolled for the mob as a mob may attempt to escape among the
reaction an orator needs for various feats. whole, assuming an average wisdom of people. On a successful dexterity check on
10). A panicked mob runs in a random 1d20, the fugitive gets 10’ farther from his
1. To get a crowd to do what it wants to direction. It is impossible to address run- pursuers than he was when he started
do anyway, any reaction above “cautious” ning people, and any important character (this benefit is undone if the pursuers also
will succeed. “Cautious” merely means the caught in such a mass must pass a dexteri- make their dexterity checks!). If the above
speaker needs to keep talking and make ty check or take his armor class in hit was successful, the fugitive may attempt a
another roll. On a roll of “Friendly,” the points of trampling damage (e.g., AC 8 second check on the next round to vanish
crowd gets a +1 bonus to its morale. This means 8 hp damage, AC 0 or less means into the crowd, ending the chase. When
applies to actions like a prebattle “pep no damage). city guards cannot capture their antago-
talk.” Crowds of political revolutionaries dis- nists, they must pass a collective wisdom
2. A speaker volunteering information play almost the opposite characteristics. check to avoid attacking the crowd in
the crowd wants (“He went thataway!“) They are decidedly hungry for oratory, general. If you do not have ability scores
needs a reaction of “Friendly” or “Indiffer- have definite objectives, and almost always for the guards, assume they have a wis-
ent” to make people believe him. obey established leaders. Even “spontane- dom of 12.
3. To inspire a crowd with an attractive ous revolts” against tyrants cannot occur Agitators usually display cunning strat-
but new idea, an orator needs a result of unless enough people know when and egy in streetfighting. They can escape
“Friendly.” On a result of “Indifferent,” the where to meet. Therefore, one can usually pursuit through windows or sewers and
crowd will listen long enough for the find manipulators behind a revolution, be know how to maneuver detachments of
speaker to attempt another roll. they beggars’ cartels, trade guilds, reli- their mobs around city blocks, thereby
4. To calm an excited crowd, a speaker gious sects, discontented nobility, or pro- isolating guards in specific streets. Mobs
must achieve a result of “Friendly.” “Indif- fessional agitators. If the party helped can also wall up alleys as forts, using fur-
organize a revolt, it gains a -1 bonus on niture, wagons, dead animals, etc. If the
ferent” or “Cautious” mean the people
refuse to listen, no matter how long the reaction rolls from the crowd. insurgents have effective missile weapons,
orator rants. A result of “Threatening” Adventurers who want to put down a even trained soldiers will suffer terrible
actually increases the chaos, if possible, revolution must cope with the NPC agita- losses in storming such barricades. The
and “Hostile” has the obvious effect. tors who will try to revive it. To simulate a BATTLESYSTEM™ rule book can be used
debate before the crowd, have each oppo- to produce details on “mob units” in war.
5. To dissuade a crowd from its intent nent attempt a reaction roll for his speech. Once a rebellion consolidates, an insur-
(e.g., to break up a lynch mob), one must If both succeed, the crowd remains unde- rection can take either of two courses.
first calm it, as described under #4, then cided, and both debaters must roll again. When the insurgent leaders have common
obtain a “Friendly” result on a second If both fail, the crowd drifts away either ground with established authority, they
reaction roll. to pillage or follow a third leader. When can often reach a compromise with the
6. When the adventurers are members resolving debates, remember that anyone government. This gentlemanly sort of
of a crowd, rather than speakers, they can opposed to a crowd-desired revolution uprising occurred fairly often in Paris of
instigate applause, boos, or calls for justice must roll on the “Hostile” column of the the late 1600s, when disgruntled noble-
by setting a vigorous example and getting reaction table. Any outsider who attacks a men incited riots against Cardinal Ma-
a “Friendly” reaction. The DM may decide mob leader must immediately roll on the zarin. (Gamers with an interest in this
what constitutes “vigorous,” but PCs are “Hostile” column to see if the crowd surges period should read Twenty Years After, by
encouraged to be flamboyant. Cheerlead- forward to kill him. Note, however, that Alexandre Dumas.) When the rebels insist
ing involves far less danger than speaking use of this table can also make the mob on completely overthrowing society, their
before a mob. Although rioters might run away (probably trampling people, as uprising must usually end in a battle. Two
surge forward to attack an irritating described earlier). To win the crowd’s classic examples are the French and Rus-
speaker, a dissenter who merely shouts sympathy, a speaker must prove that he is sian Revolutions. Note that, in both cases,
from the crowd can usually lose himself a loyal rebel who simply believes in nonvi- the bloodiest fighting occurred not during
among the people. When the PCs are olence, considers armed struggle prema- the overthrow of the government, but in
merely spectators in a crowd, any reac- ture, and so on. fighting among the victorious factions.
tions of “Threatening” or “Hostile” apply to Despite their leadership, revolutionaries
only 1-12 NPCs in the immediate area. seldom achieve the discipline of armies. The price of fame
Note: Among many other things, point People generally begin a revolt in a state Public heroes often create crowds with-
#6 applies to the moment when a trium- of euphoria, thrilled by their collective out meaning to—or wanting to. For exam-
phant gladiator lets the audience choose ability to defy authority. But, once the ple, any priest known for miracles can
life or death for his victim by signaling demonstrators suffer setbacks, the upris- expect lepers and dying folk to dog his
“thumbs up” or “thumbs down.” ing risks degenerating into a riot. The DM steps, hoping that the brush of his robe or
80 AUGUST 1991
start hurting themselves by imitating his his publicity agent distributed souvenir
ring from his finger might cure them
Each such gathering steals 1-10 items feats and a crowd of swooning damsels chisels with stone tablets, and promised all
(including torn pieces of clothing) as should thrill any bard, until he learns that the fans autographs.
“relics.” PC is quite aware of these
thefts. Attacking these supplicants might
Start a riot. It would take 1-6 hours to
attend to everyone in such a mob, but if Speaker's Maximum Audience Table
the PC grows callous, one of the suppli-
cants can always be a current or future Speaker's range (round down)
emperor in disguise. Further excitement Type of crowd 60' 80' 120' 140'
could occur if the PC's reputation exceeds Village street 1 2 4 6
his power, and many of the petitioners ask Village market* 10 20 50 65
for the impossible. This becomes worse 30 50 108 150
City market***
yet if the priest has a false reputation for Arena*** 300 530 1,200 1,620
curing highly contagious disease. Mob 600 1,200 2,660 4,000
Other character classes can have related
problems. People might follow a notorious *Includes city streets.
thief to catch him in the act. Revolution- **Includes crowds that gather around carnival acts, popular heroes, magic dis-
aries might proclaim a popular knight as plays, public executions, etc.
their leader, hoping to force him into the ***Includes theaters or assembled troops.
role. No matter where his true loyalties lie, Note: This table assumes that a speaker's voice projects forward in an arc extending
the knight may have to join the rebels or 90° to the front of the speaker: A few extra people might hear by standing di-
face arrest by constables who have heard rectly behind the orator; but these will be scarce enough not to matter unless
and believed what the insurgents say. they are PCs or major NPCs.
The dangers of fame reach their full
potential in a light-hearted campaign.
Groupies, innocents, and admirers can
plague any hero. A paladin might face
moral dilemmas when young admirers

WINCON II, Aug. 16-18
This SF convention will be held at King Al-

CONVENTION fred’s College, in Winchester, Hants, U.K. Guests

include Bruce Sterling, Brian Stableford, and
Josef Nesvadba. Themes include “The Image of
the Future” (books/films/comics), and “The Art

CALENDAR and Science of Storytelling” (books and films).

Registration: £20 in advance, £25 at the door.
Write to: WINCON, 38 Outram Rd., Southsea,
Hants, PO1 5QZ, UNITED KINGDOM; or call:
(0705) 754934.
* Indicates a product produced by a company other than TSR
Inc. Most product names are trademarks owned by the
Convention Calendar Policies companies publishing those products The use of the name of VIKINGCON 12, Aug. 16-18 WA
any product without mention of its trademark status should not This SF convention will be held on the campus
This column is a service to our readers be construed as a challenge to such status of Western Washington University in Bel-
worldwide. Anyone may place a free listing lingham, Wa. Guests include Lois McMaster
for a game convention here, but the follow- Bujold, Freeman Dyson, Poul Anderson, Marion
ing guidelines must be observed. Zimmer Bradley, and Spider Robinson. Activities
In order to ensure that all convention include AD&D®, SHADOWRUN*, and GURPS*
listings contain accurate and timely infor- GEN CON ® GAME FAIR 1991 games, with panels, a masquerade, an art show,
mation, all material should be either typed Aug. 8-11 WI a dealers’ room, and 24-hour gaming. Registra-
double-spaced or printed legibly on stand- Join in the fun of the worlds largest gam- tion: $24 at the door. Write to: VIKINGCON,
ard manuscript paper. The contents of ing convention at the MECCA Convention WWU Viking Union 202 Box V-1, Bellingham WA
each listing must be short and succinct. Center in Milwaukee, Wis. Take part in over 98225; or call: (206) 733-9366.
The information given in the listing must 500 role-playing game events, sit in on
include the following, in this order: informative and entertaining seminars and BUBONICON 23, Aug. 23-25 NM
1. Convention title and dates held; demos, visit the worlds largest game auc- This convention will be held at the Albuquer-
2. Site and location; tion, browse through the art show, and shop que Four Seasons Inn in Albuquerque, N.M.
3. Guests of honor (if applicable); yourself silly in the huge dealers’ area. To Guests include Simon Hawke, Arlan Andrews,
4. Special events offered; register, write to: Game Fair HQ, P.O. Box and Alan Gutierrez. Activities include readings,
5. Registration fees or attendance re- 756, Lake Geneva WI 53147. panels, movies, a masquerade, filking, huck-
quirements; and, sters, and parties. Registration: $20 until Aug.
6. Address(es) and telephone number(s) 5th, or $23 thereafter. Write to: NMSF Confer-
where additional information and confirma- COMMUNICON ’91, Aug. 9-11 ence, PO. Box 37257, Albuquerque NM 87176.
tion can be obtained. This SF/fantasy convention will be held at the
Convention flyers, newsletters, and other Chipman House of Acadia University in Wolf- GATEWAY 11, Aug. 30-Sept. 2 CA
mass-mailed announcements will not be ville, N.S. Events include AD&D®, BATTLE- All types of family, strategy, and adventure
considered for use in this column; we TECH*, and PENDRAGON* games, with movies, board, role-playing, miniatures, and computer
prefer to see a cover letter with the an- a masquerade ball, an art show and auction, gaming will be available. Catch the bargains at
nouncement as well. No call-in listings are comics, and fanzines. Tickets: $15 Canadian the flea markets, auction, and exhibitor areas.
accepted. Unless stated otherwise, all (club rate), $17 (advance rate), $20 (at the door). Sit in on seminars and panels with our special
dollar values given for U.S. and Canadian Write to: COMSTAR Society, 198A Oakdene Ave., guests. Write to: STRATEGICON, PO. Box 3849,
conventions are in U.S. currency. Kentville, N.S., CANADA B4N 2C1; or call Brian Torrance CA 90510-3849; or call: (213) 326-9440
WARNING: We are not responsible for at: (902) 679-0563. for details.
incorrect information sent to us by conven-
tion staff members. Please check your COLLECTOR’S EXPO, Aug. 10 TN NANCON XIII, Aug. 30-Sept. 2 TX
convention listing carefully! Our wide This convention will be held at the Ramada This convention will be held at the J.W. Mar-
circulation ensures that over a quarter of a Inn-Opryland in Nashville, Tenn. Events include riott hotel in Houston, Tex. Tournaments will
million readers worldwide see each issue. TALISMAN*, AXIS & ALLIES*, and open gam- include D&D®, BATTLETECH*, CALL OF
Accurate information is your responsibility. ing. Game masters are welcome. Other activities CTHULHU*, PARANOIA*, STAR FLEET BAT
Copy deadlines are the last Monday of include a fantasy art contest, door prizes, a TLES*, DIPLOMACY*, and CHAMPIONS*
each month, two months prior to the on- video area, and a dealers’ room. Admission: $1. games. Other activities include an auction, a
sale date of an issue. Thus, the copy dead- Write to: Dana Pinkard, c/o Legends, 2549 large open gaming area, and a dealers’ room.
line for the December issue is the last Redmond Circle, Rome GA; or call: (404) 234- Special hotel rates are available. Mention the
Monday of October. Announcements for 8210. convention. Registration: by mail only; $18/
North American and Pacific conventions weekend before Aug. 10; and $22 thereafter.
must be mailed to: Convention Calendar, ORGANIZED KAHN-FUSION HI Send check, or M.O. with an SASE to: NANCON
DRAGON® Magazine, PO. Box 111, Lake Aug. 10-11 PA XIII, PO. Box 631462, Houston TX 77263-1462.
Geneva WI 53147, U.S.A. Announcements This gaming convention will be held at the
for Europe must be posted an additional New Villa Inn in New Cumberland, Pa. Activities PACIFICON ’91, Aug. 30-Sept. 2 CA
month before the deadline to: Convention include a dealers’ area, a miniature-figure paint- This gaming convention will be held at the
Calendar, DRAGON® Magazine, TSR ing contest, and over 60 role-playing, board, and Dunfey Hotel in San Mateo, Calif. Activities
Limited, 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, unusual games. Space is limited. Write to: M. include role-playing and board games, a flea
Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. Foner’s Games Only Emporium, 200 3rd St., market, seminars, movies, painting contests,
If a convention listing must be changed New Cumberland PA; or call: (717) 774-6676. auctions, and SCA demos. Write to: PACIFICON,
because the convention has been can- PO. Box 2625, Fremont CA 94536.
celled, the dates have changed, or incor- REALMS OF ROLEPLAY III, Aug. 16-18
rect information has been printed, please This convention, organized by TRoA, will be CHAMBERICONE ’91, Sept. 6-13
contact us immediately. Most questions or held at Taarnhoejskolen, Aalborg, Denmark. This gaming convention will be held at the
changes should be directed to the maga- Guest of honor is Mads Lunau Madsen, Events MJC de Chambery in Chambery, France. (Special
zine editors at TSR, Inc., (414) 248-3625 include AD&D® 2nd Edition, ELFQUEST*, HIGH room rates are available from a nearby hotel.)
(U.S.A.). Questions or changes concerning NOON*, MERP*, BUCK ROGERS® XXVc™, CALL Events include an RPGA™ AD&D® tournament,
European conventions should be directed OF CTHULHU*, CYBERSPACE*, SPACE HULK*, with AD&D®, BATTLESYSTEM™, ROLE-
to TSR Limited, (0223) 212517 (U.K.). and WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE* games, MASTER*, SPACE HULK*, BATTLETECH*, and
Registration: DKK 60/weekend or DKK 30/day. DIPLOMACY* tournaments, and PARANOIA*,
indicates an Australian convention. GMs are welcome. Write to: Realm of Adventur- STAR WARS*, MERP*, CALL OF CTHULHU*,
indicates a Canadian convention. ers, Hvidkildevej 20 A, 9220 Aalborg Oest, TOON*, TORG*, and RUNEQUEST* games.
indicates a European convention. DENMARK; or call: +45 98 15 95 82. Other activities include a costume contest, a
video room, an auction, and 24-hour gaming.
Prizes will be awarded for all tournaments and

82 AUGUST 1991
most events. Registration: about $9/day and $20/ Center in South Bend, Ind. Events include an NOWSCON ’91, Sept. 28-29 OH
weekend until Aug. 31; about $10/day at the RPGA™ AD&D® tournament, Napoleonic minia- This convention, sponsored by the Northern
door. Send an A4 + SASE to: Vincent Graux, 10 tures games, and a dealers’ area. Registration: Ohio Wargaming Society (NOWS), will be held at
Boulevard Leon Gambetta, f-73000 Chambery, $7. Write to: Mark Schumaker, P.O. Box 252, the Brookpark National Guard Armory in
FRANCE; call: (33) 79 96 18 16 at GMT +2; or Elkhart IN 46515; or call: (219) 294-7019. Brookpark, Ohio. Events include an RPGA™
use Internet: [email protected] or graux- tournament, AD&,D®, and American Civil War
.imag.UUCP. FRON 007, Sept. 14-15 miniatures games. Other activities include a
This convention will be held from 10 A.M. to dealers’ area and a game auction. Registration:
SPUTRAEF VII, Sept. 6-8 10 P.M. at the Stadthalle in Frankfurt Bergen $15/weekend or $10/day, both of which include
This convention will be held at Sankt Hans Enkheim, Germany. Activities include role- a one-year membership in the NOWS. Event
Skole, Skibhusjev 188 in Odense, Denmark. playing games in German and English, SCA fees are included. Write to: NOWSCON ’91, PO.
Events include AD&D® 2nd Edition, CALL OF demos, live-action RPGs, a miniatures-painting Box 29116, Parma OH 44129.
CTHULHU*, VIKING*, and BLOOD BOWL* contest, a PBM meet, and SPACE HULK* and
games. Registration: DKK 60/weekend. Write to: BLOOD BOWL* tournaments. Registration: DM NOVACON, Oct. 4-6 TX
Benny Miller, Solfaldsvej 12, stuen 4, DK-5000 3/day, or DM 5/weekend. GMs and those in This gaming convention will be held at the
Odense C, DENMARK; or call: +45 66 12 05 81. costume are admitted free of charge. Lodging is Memorial Student Center on the campus of
available. Write to: “252,” c/o Martin Kliehm, In Texas A&M University in College Station, Tex.
GAMEFEST ’91, Part 3, Sept. 13-15 IL der Roemerstadt 164, D-6000 Frankfurt am Events include AD&D®, CHAMPIONS*, TRAVEL-
The Gamemaster’s Guild of Waukegan, Ill. Main-50, GERMANY; or call: (49) 69-574579. LER*, CYBERPUNK*, TWILIGHT: 2000*,
presents convention at Friends’ Hobby Shop. GURPS*, AXIS & ALLIES*, CAR WARS*, STAR
Events include miniatures games and fantasy CAFE CASABLANCA, Sept. 27-29 CT FLEET BATTLES*, DIPLOMACY*, TITAN*,
and adventure role-playing games. Registration: This live-action role-playing game convention will TALISMAN*, CIVILIZATION*, and microarmor
$6/day, or $9/weekend. RPGA™ Network and be held at the Days Hotel in West Haven, Conn. games. Other activities include 24-hour Japani-
HMGS members will receive discounts. Write to: Players will take the roles of characters from mation and open gaming. Registration: $8/
Gamemaster’s Guild of Waukegan, c/o Friends’ movies like Casablanca and The Maltese Falcon. weekend. Write to: MSC NOVA, Box J-1, College
Hobby Shop, 1411 Washington, Waukegan IL Registration: $35 preregistered. Write to: Cruel Station TX 77844-9081; or call: (409) 845-1515.
60085; or call: (708) 336-0790. Hoax Prod., c/o Lawrence Schick, 226 N. 2nd St.,
New Freedom PA; or call: (717) 235-2929. RUDICON 7, Oct. 4-6 NY
TACTICON ’91, Sept. 13-16 CO This convention will be held on the campus of
This convention will be held at the Ramada VALLEYCON XVI, Sept. 27-29 MN the Rochester Institute ofTechnology (RIT) in
Hotel of Denver/Boulder, Colo. Events include This convention will be held at the Regency Rochester, N.Y., and is sponsored by RWAG and
games of all kinds, RPGA™ tournaments, auc- Inn in Moorhead, Minn. Guests include Marga- the RIT student government. Events include
tions, figure-painting contests, seminars and ret Weis and Erin McKee. Activities include an RPG and war-gaming tournaments, miniatures-
demos, and a live-action role-playing game. art show and auction, video rooms, RPGs, pan- painting and art contests, a large dealers’ room,
Registration: $15/weekend preregistered. Write els and workshops, a banquet, and a live game historical miniatures games, and a con party
to: Denver Gamers’ Assoc., P.O. Box 440058, show. Registration: $5/adults, $4/13-17 yr. olds, complete with a costume contest. Registration:
Aurora CO 80044; or call: (303) 363-8967. $3/3-12 yr. olds, preregistered. Children under 3 $5/weekend. Dealers are welcome. Write to:
free. Dealers are welcome. Write to: VALLEY RUDICON 7, c/o Student Gov’t., 1 Lomb Memori-
EMPEROR’S 21st BIRTHDAY, Sept. 14 IN CON XVI, P.O. Box 7202, Fargo ND 58108. al Dr., Rochester NY 14623.
This convention will be held at the Century
CON*CEPT ’91, Oct. 5-6
This convention will be held at the Nouvel
Hotel in Montreal, Quebec. Guests include Diane
Duane and Peter Morwood. Activities include
panels, exhibits, a dealers’ room, a masquerade,
an art show, an auction, and gaming. Registra-
tion: $20 before Sept. 21; $23 at the door. Write
to: CON*CEPT ‘91, PO. Box 405, Station “H,”
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H3G 2L1; or call
(days): (514) 453-9455.


Oct. 6-7 OH
This convention will be held at the University
of Toledo, Scott Park campus. Over 150 role-
playing, strategy, tactical, and miniatures games
will be run. Other activities include an auction,
demos, painting contests, non-stop movies, open
gaming, and a dealers’ area. Send an SASE to:
Toledo Gaming Convention IX, c/o Mind Games,
2115 N. Reynolds Rd., Toledo OH 43615.


This convention will be held at the Holiday
Inn Airport in Tampa, FL. Guests include Piers
Anthony, Andre Norton, Richard Lee Byers, and
Joseph Green. Activities include a banquet, a fan
cabaret, panels, an art show and auction, a
dealers’ room, dances, and an auction to benefit
Wildlife Rescue. Registration: $15 until Sept. 15;
$20 or $8/day thereafter. Write to; NECRONO-
MICON ‘91, PO. Box 2076, Riverview FL 33569.

QUAD CON ’91, Oct. 11-13 IA

This convention, held by the Riverbend
Gamers’ Assoc., will be held at the Palmer
Auditorium, in Davenport, Iowa. Guests include
Sam Lewis. Events include BATTLETECH*,

84 AUGUST 1991
LEGION*, CALL OF CTHULHU*, RIFTS*, and BORDERCON, Oct. 12-13 NH contest. Registration: $12 before Sept. 20; $15
historical games, with a silent auction of game This convention will be held at the Salem, NH, thereafter. Send an SASE to: BORDERCON ’91,
materials, a miniature-panting competition, a Econolodge between Boston, Mass. and Con- PO. Box 7457, Kansas City MO 64116-0157; or
dealers; room, and food. Registration: $4/day or cord, N.H. Events will include TITAN*, STAR call: (816) 455-5020.
$7/weekend before preregistered; $5/day or FLEET BATTLES*, TWILIGHT: 2000* games, and
$10/weekend at the door. Game fees range from an APPA Baseball tournament. Other games and CUBECON ’91, Oct. 19 PA
$2 to $4. Send large SASE to: The game Empori- a dealers room are also featured. Write to: Sponsored by the BCCC Gaming Guild and the
um, 3213 23rd Ave., Moline IL 61265; or call: Denice Keller, c/o Econolodge, 1 Keewayden Dr., Circle of Swords, this convention will be held at
(309) 762-5577. No collect calls, please. Salem NH 03079. Butler Community College in Butler, Pa. Activi-
ties include RPGA™ events, board, miniatures,
WARP II, Oct. 11-13 OK P.E.W. KHANU I, Oct. 12-13 PA and role-playing games, with a dealers’ area,
Sponsored by the War and Role-Playing Games This convention, organized especially for and a miniatures-painting contest. Registration:
Assoc., this convention will be held at the South gamers who enjoy political, economic, minia- $5 until Sept. 5; $7 thereafter. Send an SASE to:
west Airport Hotel in Tulsa, Okla. Events include tures, and board games, is being held at the Circle of Swords, P.O. Box 2126, Butler PA
an AD&D® 2nd Edition tournament, with New Villa Inn in New Cumberland, Pa. Beyond 16003; or call Dave at: (412) 283-1159.
RAVENLOFT™, BATTLETECH*, CHAMPIONS*, the types of games listed above, other activities
SHADOWRUN*, and AXIS & ALLIES* games, as include a dealers’ area and our guest of honor, CONTRARY ’91, Oct. 24-26 MA
well as a dealers’ room, combat demos, and a Craig Taylor. Registration: Fees vary from $5 to This convention will be held at the Quality Inn
movie room. Registration: $8/weekend in ad- $11, depending on date and length of registra- & Conference Center in Chicopee, Mass. Events
vance, $12/weekend at the door. Write to: tion. Write to: M. Foner’s Games Only Empori- include several first-run RPGA™ events, AD&D®,
WARP, 5103 S. Sheridan, Tulsa OK 74145; or call um, 200 3rd St., New Cumberland PA 17070; or GURPS*, CALL OF CTHULHU*, SHADOWRUN*,
(918) 743-1025. call: (717) 774-6676. TORG*, and RUNEQUEST* games. Other activi-
ties include a Halloween costume party, a paint-
TITANCON ’91, Oct. 11-13 VA BORDERCON ’91, Oct. 18-20 MO ing contest, and an auction. Registration: $15 in
Sponsored by the Historical Simulation Socie- Cohosted by the Role-Players Guild of Kansas advance, or $20 at the door. Write to: CON-
ty, this TITAN* game convention will be held at City and the Heart of America Historical Minia- TRARY ’91, 626 N. Main St., East Longmeadow
Old Caball Hall, on the campus of the University tures Gaming Society, this convention will be MA 01036; or call: (413) 731-7237.
of Virginia in Charlotte, Va. Our Game Point held at the Rodeway Inn in downtown Kansas
Average system insures continuous TITAN* play City, MO. Events include RPGA™ sessions, with GAELCON ’91, Oct. 26-28
for all to see, and is used to determine Team AD&D®, PARANOIA*, CALL OF CTHULHU*, This convention will be held at the Royal
Champions and seeding of individuals for the TORG*, SHADOWRUN*, TALISMAN*, WAR- Hospital Kilmainham, Kilmainham, Dublin 8,
Individual Championships games on Sunday, HAMMER*, AXIS & ALLIES*, BATTLETECH*, Ireland. Events include AD&D®, CALL OF
Trophies will be awarded. Registration: $5 until MARVEL SUPER HEROES™, and CHAMPIONS* CTHULHU*, PARANOIA*, WARHAMMER FAN-
Oct. 4; $10 at the door. Write (and make checks games. Guests include Harold Johnson and Tim TASY ROLEPLAY*, and MEGATRAVELLER*
payable) to: Brian Bouton, 5 S. Dooley Ave., Beach of TSR, Inc. Other activities include a games, plus trade stands and special guests.
Richmond VA 23221; or call: (804) 358-5517. dealers’ area, an auction, and a miniatures Registration: £3/day, or £8/weekend. Write to:
Irish Games Assoc., c/o 49 Russell Ave., Clonliffe
Rd., Drumcondra, Dublin 3, IRELAND.


OCT. 26-27 OH
This convention will be held at the Charles I.
Lathrem Senior Center in Kettering, Ohio.
Events include FRP board, miniatures, com-
puter, and RPGA™ games. A special feature is a
Masters of Gaming tournament based, on “Dou-
ble Exposure” by Piers Anthony. Write to: Bob
Van Gruenigen, 804 Willowdale Ave., Kettering
OH 45429; or call: (513) 298-3224.

STAR CON ’91, Oct. 26-27

This SF&F/gaming convention will be held at
Americano’s Centre in Menasha, Wis. Write to:
STAR CON ‘91, 1112 N. Lake St., Neenah WI

How effective was your convention listing?

If you are a convention organizer, please
write to the editors and let us know if our
“Convention Calendar” served your needs.
Your comments are always welcome.

86 AUGUST 1991
Skullport have found their way into Skullport. it, “a whole ring of these skulls there!
A sect of drow have taken over the They were talking low, so I didn’t hear
Continued from page 14 abandoned temple complex to the north- much, but they were talking fast and
behind-the-scenes proprietress. Vhondryl east of Skullport and dedicated it to Eilis- furious. There were even a couple of fresh
lets people believe she owns the establish- traee. Sources tell of their growing skulls hanging there, still having beards
ment, while Raella, a lawful-neutral 8th- numbers, not only from new worshipers and flesh, but talking just the same!”
level mage, acts as a simple barmaid. but from soldiers and slaves. Their pur- When the adventurer moved and made
Raella and Vhondryl have been compan- poses are mysterious, and they guard the some noise, the lights went out and the
ions for years, having saved each other’s complex closely and fiercely. There are skulls disappeared. The fighter claimed to
lives numerous times. Vhondryl knows fears abroad that this growing temple may find this “Council of Skulls” somewhere on
that Raella uses The Deepfires as a place disrupt the delicate balance of power Level Seven of Undermountain. This can’t
to collect information for the Lords of within Skullport. be confirmed, since from the night he told
Waterdeep, but this secret is kept between Iljrene, a purported witch, has stunning- this to patrons of the Burning Troll, the
the two of them. Raella and Laeral are ly executed one of the Hired Horrors in adventurer has been missing.
relatively close acquaintances and ex- plain sight on the streets of Skullport with
change information often. Laeral describes various pyrotechnic spells. To everyone’s An ominous exit
Vhondryl as a “powerful but vain and surprise, the Skulls didn’t respond in any Laeral paused thoughtfully, and we
petty potion peddler.” way whatsoever. waited attentively for her to continue.
Of late, an assemblage of silent phantom “Alas, kind chroniclers, that is all I can
The rumor mill turns humans has been wandering the streets readily impart to you now. Milord Khelben
A lone adventurer was fished out of the and catwalks of the port. Ephemeral, mute, anticipates my return hence, and the
Sargauth two weeks ago. He died soon and totally oblivious to their surroundings, Blackstaff is not one to be kept waiting.”
after being rescued, muttering about “gold these phantoms are dressed in ancient She readied herself to leave, and then
awash with blood, and thousands of eyes, battle armor, rich court clothing, or drab paused, her black and silver gown swirling
horrible green eyes!” muslin robes. The figures seem to be from with her sudden action. Enigmatically
There are rumors of a cave under Skull all walks of life with no connection to each smiling, she left us a final warning: “Do ye
Isle—a cave with walls and floor of solid other at all. No one has successfully com- and yours tire of this dangerous port and
mithril! Local dwarves have laid claim to municated with the phantoms, and they plan to tread a path back into Undermoun-
it, despite a number of threats from pow- disturb the patrons of Skullport, absently tain? Some advice for ye, then: Avoid the
erful foes. The cave is reached through walking through people and buildings. passage known as Taglath’s Gap, which is
the Skullpool river basin, and only small A recent adventurer entered Skullport named for the ghost that lurks there,
demihumans can fit through the tunnel with a wild story regarding the Skulls of where he was murdered. Your pardon—
that surfaces into the cavern. No mithril the port. He claimed to have stumbled which gap is it? Oh, but that would be
has been mined yet, though a few nuggets across a cavern in which he saw, as he put telling!”

88 AUGUST 1991
by Skip Williams

If you have any questions on the games creatures will be dust before the spell will character suffer damage if his clone
produced by TSR, Inc., “Sage Advice” will hurt them. If an object is consumed by this is hurt? Can the clone automatically
answer them. In the United States and spell, the spell ceases to function. pass for the character? Could the
Canada, write to: Sage Advice, DRAGON® clone steal a dragon’s egg and frame
Magazine, PO. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI What is the duration of the second- the character for the deed?
53147, U.S.A. In Europe, write to: Sage level ghoul touch spell from page 98 There is a link between a clone and its
Advice, DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 of The Complete Wizard’s Hand- original; this unfailingly alerts each crea-
Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge hook? The summary at the begin- ture to the other’s existence, but it does
CB1 3LB, United Kingdom. We are no ning says one round per level, but not transfer damage between the two or
longer able to make personal replies; the text says 3-8 rounds. provide any additional information, such
please send no SASEs with your questions The caster’s ability to use ghoul touch as how far apart the two beings are. The
(SASEs are being returned with writers’ lasts one round per level. Victims who are clone is almost indistinguishable from the
guidelines for the magazine). touched and fail their saves vs. paralyza- original, as it has all the original’s memo-
Join the sage this month as he looks at tion exude a carrion stench and remain ries and abilities. A particularly clever
spells and magical items in the AD&D® paralyzed for 3-8 (1d6+2) rounds. clone might try to make mischief by com-
2nd Edition game. mitting crimes in the originals name, but
Can an anti-magic shell be cast on note that the clone’s prime motivation is to
a building in conjunction with per- slay the original before insanity sets in,
Just how quickly will a continual manency? If so, could spells be cast which usually takes a week. Note also that
light spell consume an object it’s inside the building? Could spells be beings who know the original quite well
cast on? If cast on a creature, will it cast from inside at targets outside? might be able to detect the clone, as the
cause harm if left in place long Anti-magic shell cannot be made perma- original invariably has at least 2-8 months’
enough? If so, how quickly? Does nent. (Permanency affects very few spells; worth of recent knowledge that the clone
the spell run out when it consumes see the Player’s Handbook, pages 190-191.) does not. (The clone has the originals
the object it’s cast on? In any case, anti-magic shell has a spheri- abilities and memories at the time the
This is up to the DM, but the process cal area of effect; it does not conform to flesh sample was taken; once this is done,
takes hundreds of years for soft materials the shape of the area where it is cast. No it takes 2-8 months to grow the clone. The
such as wood, and thousands of years for spell can pass into, through, or out of an gap in knowledge might be even longer if
hard substances such as gemstones. Per- anti-magic shell. the clone wasn’t started immediately after
ishable materials, such as most foodstuffs, the flesh sample was taken.)
will rot normally long before a continual What happens to a character when Finally, note that dragons are pretty
light spell can affect them. Likewise, most he co-exists with his clone? Does a hard to fool and even harder to steal from.
A clone would have to be exceptionally
clever and lucky to successfully make off
with a dragon’s egg, and a dragon hunting
for a stolen egg isn’t very likely to attack
the wrong suspect. Very smart dragons,
however, might try to force or convince
the original to join the hunt for the egg
and confront the clone.

Is the sunray power of a sun blade

the same as the seventh-level priest
spell of the same name? Can the
wielder attack while using the sun-
ray power?
This question sparked quite a bit of
debate among my colleagues at TSR, Inc.
However, the consensus is the swords
sunray power works exactly as described
in the swords description (see the
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 185), not

90 AUGUST 1991
like the sunray spell. DMs are free to ever, an unknown and variable duration saving throw when the enchant an item
decide if the swords sunray power can be might make casting this high-level spell far spell is cast at the beginning of the proc-
used while attacking; it’s reasonable to too chancy for some campaigns. A reason- ess. If the save fails, the item is destroyed
assume the vigorous overhead swinging able compromise might be to keep the (it crumbles to dust). If the save succeeds,
required to evoke the sunray would pre- total duration secret from the caster, but no more saves are required, as charges
clude attacks. On the other hand, the rules tell him if the spell has ended before he replaced in the item are not “new” spells
aren’t precise about what vigorous over- declares his actions for the round (see the cast into it.
head swinging really is, so it’s not unrea- PHB, page 93).
sonable to assume that the wielder can’t Can a vorpal weapon be used to
just add an overhead flourish or two while The description for the ring of sever an extremity, such as a tenta-
attacking. If you decide to allow attacks spell storing says a “character of cle from the Evard’s black tentacles
while maintaining the sunray, you might appropriate class and level” can spell or a dragon’s tail, if the wield-
want to impose a to-hit or initiative penal- restore spells cast from the ring. er is attacking the dragon from be-
ty (say, -2), or both. Note that a dim glow Does this mean the ring can be re- hind? Can a weapon of sharpness
persists for one turn after the swinging charged without using an enchant sever a head or neck, or only ex-
stops, no matter which option you choose. an item spell? Or is the enchant an tremities such as arms, legs, tails,
item spell required, as stated in the and tentacles?
What are the dimensions of the rules about recharging magical Vorpal weapons sever only heads and
beams created by the sunray spell? items on page 88 of the DMG? necks; if the DM decides the wielder can-
Is the caster continually surrounded One of the unique properties of the ring not reach the neck, nothing is severed.
by a sunny glow while the spell of spell storing is that it can be recharged Weapons of sharpness can sever all types
lasts? If not, does the caster know easily. Any spell-caster who can memorize of extremities except for heads. Whether
when the spell will end? the appropriate spell can recharge the or not the tentacles from Evard’s black
This question sparked only slightly less ring. This is an exception to the general tentacles qualify as extremities in this case
spirited arguments that the previous one. rules on recharging magical items. is up to the DM. Since the tentacles can be
The “beams” are spherical bursts of light damaged by weapons, they probably
with a 5’ radius. No glow surrounds the When an enchant an item spell is should be treated as part of a creature,
caster, but the caster can create one burst used to prepare an item for recharg- vulnerable to severing by weapons of
each round (unless he is attacking or per- ing, does the item have to make a sharpness and precisely targeted spells
forming some other action other than saving throw for each spell cast into such as magic missile.
movement) anywhere within the spell’s it? If the save fails and the item’s
range. I can’t think of any overwhelming enchantment is disturbed, can the How does the gender change
reason to assume that the caster should item be reenchanted? caused by a girdle of femininity/
know how long the spell will last. How- An item to be recharged must make one masculinity change the victim’s

ability scores? What if the victim metal, leather, or heavy cloth. A glove at going to be just as overly powered as a
changes to neuter gender? least covers the palm and back of the character wearing three or more rings.
There’s nothing in the girdle’s item de- hand, though it can go from the fingers all Furthermore, game logic assumes a magi-
scription to suggest that the victim’s ability the way above the elbow. A girdle is a cal garment must fit reasonably well to
scores change at all. Only the victim’s belt, simple or elaborate, worn about the function. The items cease to function if a
gender changes. Note that the AD&D 2nd waist or hips. A robe is a garment fitted to character layers them on until he looks
Edition game assumes gender has no mea- the body and usually worn over other like a walking laundry basket.
surable affect on a character’s ability clothing; minimally, a robe covers the Some garments do overlap in normal
scores. torso from the neck to the waist, but use. A robe can be worn with a cape,
usually is longer. A robe may or may not mantle, or cloak, but a character can wear
Can magical gauntlets be worn have sleeves. Any garment that covers the only one robe and one cape, mantle, or
over magical gloves? Can magical body, from a shirt to a dress, might be cloak. Bracers can be worn with gloves or
bracers be worn with magical called a robe. A cloak, cape, or mantle is a gauntlets. Some gauntlets are made to be
gauntlets? Can two different types loose, usually sleeveless outer garment worn over gloves; indeed, there is no
of magical bracers be worn at the hung from the shoulders and worn over reason why a campaign can’t have some
same time (e.g., bracers of defense other clothing. Generally, a cloak is long gauntlets that fit over gloves and some
and bracers of archery)? Can two and full, covering the body from the neck that do not. Many people in the Middle
different girdles be worn at the to below the knees and sometimes to the Ages wore two belts; one was high on the
same time (e.g., a girdle of many ankles. A cape is shorter and narrower waist to hold up breeches or hose and to
pouches and a girdle of giant than a cloak, covering the back from the hold pouches and tools, and one rode on
strength)? Can magical cloaks be neck to the waist. but sometimes longer. A the hips, usually to support a sword or
worn with magical robes? Can magi- mantle covers the shoulders, front and other large weapon. Sometimes people
cal boots be worn over magical slip- back. Cloaks, mantles, and robes can be wore two belts crossed over the hips and a
pers? hooded, but capes are not. Boots are stur- third on the waist. I suggest that two
First, let’s define a few terms for gaming dy, close-fitting garments that cover the magical belts or girdles be the absolute
purposes: A bracer is a forearm protector. foot from toe to ankle and sometimes the limit, and only if they have different func-
It can be as compact as a very wide brace- entire leg as well. Slippers are lightweight tions (e.g., one that augments ability scores
let or large enough to cover the whole and cover the soles of the feet, toes, and or skills, such as a girdle of giant strength,
forearm; bracers are made of metal, leath- heels, but might cover the ankles as well. and one for carrying equipment, such as a
er, or heavy cloth. A gauntlet is a hand Generally, two or more items can be girdle of many pouches). A character can
protector that covers at least the wrist and worn together if they cover different parts wear only one set of outer footgear. Any
back of the hand, although it might also of the body. There are both logical and garment thin enough to be worn inside a
cover the fingers and most of the forearm; game-balance reasons for this. Obviously, a pair of shoes or boots would be called a
gauntlets are made of metal, leather and character wearing two or more cloaks is sock, not a slipper.

92 AUGUST 1991
94 AUGUST 1991
by Marlys Heeszel

RAVENLOFT™ and SPELLJAMMER™ novels premiere

More of the innovative fiction for which strange lands and stranger beings. The livelihood of a young farmer, Teldin
TSR, Inc. is known will appear in book- characters in the RAVENLOFT books, on Moore, who up to the time of the crash
stores this fall, as Gothic horror and space the other hand, are brought to that realm didn’t even know space travel was possi-
travel are mated with fantasy adventure in by its sinister mists. The dark powers that ble. When a dying alien gives Teldin a
two exciting new series. Lovers of the dwell inside evil souls attract the mists, mysterious cloak and a cryptic message,
dark will get their ghoulish fill with the which then entrap those individuals to pull the Cloakmaster Cycle begins and the
introduction of the RAVENLOFT™ novels, them into Ravenloft. The mists, however, young man’s future is no longer his own.
our new Gothic-horror line. And space- are indiscriminate and often take innocent Matters are further complicated when
adventure fans will feel the thrill of dis- travelers as well. the sole survivor of the crash, a giff
covery as the SPELLJAMMER™ novels, our named Private Gomja, takes it upon him-
new space-fantasy series, take them SPELLJAMMER™ novels self to become Teldin’s bodyguard. Al-
through the reaches of wildspace and The SPELLJAMMER series began with though Teldin at first considers the giff a
beyond. Both series add new dimensions the July release of book one of the open- nuisance, he is later grateful for the crea-
to the fantasy genre and broaden the ended Cloakmaster Cycle, Beyond the ture’s stouthearted companionship as the
scope of reading available to fantasy aficio- Moons. It was written by David Cook, who two are hunted by murderous neogi,
nados everywhere. also wrote Horselords, book one of the pursued by mercenaries, and nearly dis-
The introduction of these two series Empires Trilogy. Cook, a game designer for sected by curious gnomes.
allows characters from all of the worlds to more than 10 years, is the creator of Kara- Moore and Gomja travel to see Astinus
intermingle oh common—or, should we Tur, the Oriental lands of the FORGOTTEN of Palanthas in the hope that the great
say, uncommon—ground. In the REALMS® fantasy campaign setting, and historian will be able to aid them in their
SPELLJAMMER books, magical helms was the designer/developer of the AD&D® quest to find the cloaks creators. There
allow normal ships to fly from one crystal- 2nd Edition game. they are told only that they must seek the
enclosed solar system to another. Along Beyond the Moons begins with the crash aid of the gnomes of Mt. Nevermind, who
the way, they pass through the swirling, of an alien spaceship on the planet Krynn. live far across the ocean. Travel-weary and
brightly colored phlogiston to encounter The ship destroys both the home and disheartened, the two companions take to

the seas in a seemingly endless search for round it, only to realize they not only have Empires Trilogy, has also written gaming
answers. There they are faced with new no hope of ever finding their way back material for several TSR products and
problems, as the elves who reluctantly out, but have no hope at all. Others come works as a book editor for TSR, Inc.
give them passage also demand labor in willingly, eager to bargain with the deni- Knight of the Black Rose tells the story
payment. The farmer and the giff are zens of the dread demiplane, uncaring of of Soth, an undead knight. Lord Soth
forced to learn the skills of sailing, skills the price that will be extracted bit by sends his seneschal, a ghost named Cara-
that stand Teldin in good stead as he con- agonizing bit over all eternity. The land doc, on a mission to the Abyss. A member
tinues the search that eventually takes him eagerly welcomes those who are truly evil, of the Knights of Solamnia before his
into Krynnspace and beyond aboard a luring them with open arms into a place defection to the dark queen Takhisis, Soth
gnomish dreadnought, the Unquenchable. designed just for them—a place from seeks the soul of Kitiara Uth Matar. He
Book two of the Cloakmaster Cycle will which there is no escape. already has her body, now a rotting corpse
be available in October. Into the Void, by The first of the RAVENLOFT novels for with a permanent expression of fear and
Nigel Findley, continues the story of Teldin 1991 is Vampire of the Mists by Christie horror on its face. Known in life as the
Moore and his search for the mysterious Golden, which will be available in Septem- Death Knight because of the merciless way
cloaks creators. When the Unquenchable ber. Golden, a member of the Society for he ruled his lands (and because of the
is attacked by space pirates, Moore is Creative Anachronism, is a contributor to wives who conveniently died when he
rescued by Aelfred Silverhorn of Toril and such publications as USA Today and Orbit tired of them), Lord Soth wants Kitiara to
is taken aboard the hammership Probe. Video. This is her first novel. spend eternity with him.
Moore’s relief is short lived, when he Vampire of the Mists tells the story of Soth inhabits the moldering remains of
discovers that the friendly human he Jander Sunstar, an elven vampire from the Dargaard Keep, where he is kept company
assumed to be the captain of the ship in Forgotten Realms who is pulled by the by banshees and other undead spirits. He
actuality answers to a mind flayer! mists into the realm of Ravenloft. Jander eagerly awaits Caradoc’s return, anxious
Unsure at this point whether possession forms an uneasy alliance with Count to place Kitiara’s soul again within her
of the cloak is a blessing or a curse, Teldin Strahd Von Zarovich, who is also a vam- body. When the ghost returns empty
Moore finds it ever more difficult to know pire, although a far more willing one than handed, Soth goes into a rage, but before
who to trust and conceals the cloak and its the golden elf from Evermeet. he can finish wreaking vengeance on the
powers. He remains uneasy about travel- Strahd was once a warrior who fought poor ghost, the mists of Ravenloft wind
ling on the mind flayer‘s ship, but finds on the side of right. Worn down by too their way into the castle to entrap both
that he has little choice. Then the ship is many years and too many wars, he be- Soth and the luckless Caradoc in their
attacked by neogi spiderships, and Moore came embittered and settled in the land of possessive vapors.
accidentally reveals the cloaks powers, Barovia. Longing for a youth that was long The mists finally clear, and Soth and
forcing him to take Silverhorn and the past and jealous of a love he would never Caradoc find themselves in a strange land,
alien captain into his confidence. experience, Strahd made a pact with a surrounded by huge wolves. When the
When a female pilot is rescued from her dark power, bringing death and destruc- wolves depart, zombies approach, and
damaged mosquito ship and comes aboard tion to his family and his land. Barovia was Caradoc heads for the hills, leaving Soth to
for the duration of the journey through drawn into the mists and became the first face the attack of the mindless creatures
wildspace to the planet Toril, Moore’s mind land in Ravenloft, with Count Strahd Von by himself. The death knight is victorious,
turns to thoughts of love and what might Zarovich its ruler and chief vampire. but it is a hollow victory. He knows he is
have been, if only he hadn’t been given the In contrast to Strahd, Jander Sunstar being tested but is unsure why or by
enormous responsibility of the cloak. finds vampirism an eternal hell from whom. He follows the sound of the howl-
Rianna Wyvernsbane is a welcome distrac- which he cannot gain release. His elven ing wolves to a Vistani encampment and
tion, but in Teldin’s case distraction could nature longs for the sunlight and all things meets an old gypsy seeress. True to form,
be deadly, as an ever-growing ring of evil beautiful, but these things are denied the death follows in Seth’s path as he leaves
closes in around him. undead. Only creatures of the night do not the camp in ruins and kidnaps Magda, a
In future volumes, the Cloakmaster fear the elf. Brown and silver wolves hunt young Vistani woman, to be his guide
Cycle will continue to follow the adven- at his side. Zombies and skeletons guard through the strange land he now knows is
tures of Teldin Moore as he seeks to dis- the dark halls of Castle Ravenloft, mindless Barovia.
cover the secret of the magical cloak of his presence. A beautiful young woman The two travel to—of course—Castle
entrusted to him by a desperate, dying keeps him company in the daytime dim- Ravenloft, and once again Count Strahd
alien. No one knows where that search ness of the castle rooms, but changes Von Zarovich welcomes his visitors gra-
will take him, or which of his traveling nightly into a werewolf who answers ciously. The undead knight and the vam-
companions will prove to truly be friends. eagerly to Strahd’s beckoning call. pire count have much in common,
For Jander, time in Ravenloft passes including the total lack of fear each has
RAVENLOFT™ novels slowly. At first he searches diligently for for the other. Soth seeks a portal through
Far from the limitless dimensions of the identity of the person who drove which he can leave Barovia, so that he can
space lies another dimension, one of un- Anna, the woman he loved, insane. But the continue his quest for Kitiara’s soul.
speakable horror: Ravenloft, the demi- land feeds itself on what remains of Jan- Strahd seeks that same portal and agrees
plane of dread, where evil spawns evil and der’s soul as he teaches Strahd vampire to aid Soth, but his reasons for assisting
creatures of the night hunger for human lore and reluctantly slakes his bloodlust on the stranger are ultimately self-serving.
blood. It is a land of enchantment that the frightened citizens of Strahd’s domain. A black-hearted dwarf and a priest who
bewitches with its beauty, even as its evil Resigned at last to his fate, Jander’s memo- remembers Seth’s part in the fall of Palan-
grows and spreads around the unwary ries of Anna dim and his desire for re- thas complicate matters, as does the Vis-
and unsuspecting, enabling it to hold both venge fades. tani girl who wants nothing more than to
the innocent and evil forever in its malevo- But fate is not yet done with Jander escape her captors with her life intact.
lent grasp. Sunstar. A Vistani seeress, a thief, and a However, nothing is as it seems in
The realm of Ravenloft is almost sentient priest of the Morninglord are all players in Ravenloft, and even the undead learn that
in nature. Constantly changing and shift- a drama that will not end as long as vam- there is yet something to fear.
ing, it stays in a state of flux, growing and pires freely stalk the nights of Ravenloft.
receding as necessary to accommodate the Book two of the new Ravenloft series, In October, we will take a look at an-
evil within its amorphous boundaries. Knight of the Black Rose, by James Low- other new fantasy world, as the DARK
Many luckless souls wander into Ravenloft der, will be available in December. Lowder, SUN” novels make their premiere with the
after becoming lost in the mists that sur- who wrote Crusade, book three of the publication of The Verdant Passage.

96 AUGUST 1991
When you meet someone who travels alone,
remember your manners
by Ed Greenwood
In the Forgotten Realms, there are many
fireside tales of lone adventures who
appear out of the wilds to slay brigands,
guide caravans out of danger, destroy
taverns— and worse. Most tales grow in
the telling, and over the years many loners
have fallen victim to age, disease, swords,
the elements or monsters. A few may still
be met in the wilder stretches of Faerun;
two are presented here. They know each
other and have cordial (though distant)
relations. They do not ride together.

Elsura Dauniir
Female human
19th-level wizard

ARMOR CLASS: 7 (6 in cat form)

MOVE: 12 (16 in cat form)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By spell or weapon
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Shape shifting (cat
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
PROFICIENCIES: Weapon: dagger, dart,
staff; nonweapon: cooking, direction
sense, fishing, herbalism, singing, spell-
craft, swimming, weather sense
ration and divination spells often used
when sighting potential foes; alteration
and invocation/evocation spells used
heavily in combat; few enchantment/
charm spells and no necromancy spells

S 14 D 17 C 18
I 18 W 17 CH 16

HT: 6' WT: 140 lbs.
HAIR: Black EYES: Gold-green
98 AUGUST 1991 Artwork by Stephen Schwartz
POSSESSIONS: Necklace of missiles (two Elsura is “a shapeshifting witch,” accord- forest creatures or of wandering alone.
4-HD globes left), dagger +1 (enchant- ing to many who travel the Sword Coast While still a youth, Elsura met and be-
ment upon it makes it invisible to all North. She is said to be unpredictable and friended the old archmage, Tasirin, and
but Elsura and beings able to see invisi- whimsical, with a temper as black as her soon became his cook and companion.
ble), wand of magic missiles (19 charges long, raven-dark hair when she is aroused. Some in Silverymoon made efforts to
left), two potions of extra-healing (in Elsura is known to hate slavers and those confine Elsura to within the city walls and
steel vials), a teleport spell scroll, and a who hunt for sport and not the feast. She forbid her to see Tasirin. One night, how-
magical pouch (see text) is also said to prowl the wilds often in the ever, she vanished, and was not seen in
TREASURE: 1-20 gp, 1-12 sp, 1-10 cp shape of a dainty black cat. When in this any city for many a year, returning only at
form, Elsura can be distinguished from the death of her father, Aumar “The Lion”
feral common cats by her eyes, a distinc- (a guards’ captain of Silverymoon famed
tive gold-green hue. for his battle valor and reasoned leader-
Born in Silverymoon, Elsura grew up in ship). At Aumar’s funeral, Elsura, now a
the company of elves and Harper folk, tall and mysterious beauty, appeared at
playing in the old, deep woods just north the tomb in cat form. While still a cat, she
of the city walls. She was always adept at cast a wall of stone spell to seal her fa-
recognizing plants and knowing where she ther’s resting place.
was in the forest, and was never afraid of Alustriel, High Lady of Silverymoon,
befriended Elsura at this time and invited
her to learn the Art with mages of the
Harpers. The adventuress Sharanralee
taught Elsura much about the trails and
hiding places of the northeastern
wilderlands, but found Elsura “a wild
thing” —moody, shy, and very slow to
trust. Elsura remains a friend to many
Harpers and will aid those Harpers she
meets, but she is fiercely independent of
any ruler, band, or authority.
In cat form, Elsura is able to leap up to
30’ forward and can both speak and cast
spells. She retains her own intelligence
while gaining a superb sense of smell and
90’ infravision. The origin of Elsura’s
feline shape shifting ability is unknown;
Elminster believes it is the result of an
ancient and powerful curse-spell of a sort
used in long-ago Netheril. Change from
form to form requires six seconds and
never involves system-shock rolls.
Weapons, items, and clothing cannot
make the shift to cat form. Elsura custom-
arily wears only a waist-and-baldric pouch
for material components; the pouch magi-
cally shifts size to fit both her forms snug-
ly. By touch and will, she can make the
pouch invisible for up to four turns, or use
telekinesis (by will, not requiring a spell)
on it for up to three rounds. Both such
powers of the pouch can be utilized once
every nine turns. In the pouch, Elsura
typically carries material components, a
pair of sandals, a pair of leather leggings, a
bit of coin, and her possessions.
‘Rappers and hunters in the forests of
the North often report meeting a black cat
that sings or hums as it prowls. Most
salute it and pass on, knowing they face
Elsura. Those less wise—including such
creatures as kobolds and quicklings, who
regard the cat as a meal—soon learn wis-
dom, to their cost.

Baelam “The Bold”

Male human
12th-level wizard (10th-level thief)

MOVE: 12
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 (hand), or by spell until, of course, he robbed the wrong affect it, however.
or weapon type person. Baelam went through much pain during
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Magical weapon-hand In Baelam’s case, it was the mage Thron the grafting of the hand to his own flesh.
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil thimm Blacksilver. Blacksilver’s hoard Now, he cannot be adversely affected in
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good included many traps and guardian crea- combat by severe pain or nausea, even
PROFICIENCIES: Weapon: long sword, tures that Baelam adroitly avoided or from magical causes such as a symbol of
short sword, dagger sling, staff, dart, destroyed. It also contained a chest that pain. He has also given up thievery for
knife; nonweapon: appraising, astrolo- chopped off all hands entering it. Baelam study of the Art. Admiration of Irritym’s
gy blind-fighting, cooking, herbalism, lost his left hand and barely escaped alive. care and intelligent seeking after knowl-
rope use, spellcraft, tightrope walking, Hurt and still beset by the mage’s guard- edge blossomed into an interest in magic—
weather sense ians, the thief dropped all his loot to seize first for what it could do, and then for the
LANGUAGES READ & SPOKEN: Common, up a man-sized metal automaton, and he Art itself.
others possible but unrevealed bore it away. Irritym was later slain by thieves seeking
SPELLS COMMONLY MEMORIZED: Abju- The automaton soon came to animated to plunder his house of magic. An enraged
ration spells often used when sighting life and nearly slew him, but Baelam used Baelam found and bloodily slew the
potential foes; alteration and a precious item of magic to destroy its thieves, but lacked the Art necessary to
invocation/evocation spells used heavily head and then sever the still-deadly limbs bring Irritym back to life. The grieving
in combat; few enchantment/charm, of the wizards strange metal golem. He Baelam then sat down to learn all he could
divination, or necromancy spells used then took the golem’s still-moving left arm of Irritym’s Art.
and sought out the mage Irritym Wonder- For months he studied, learning little.
S 15 D 18 C 15 star of Waterdeep. Then he hid many of the mage’s most
I 18 W 15 CH 13 The process that followed was long, powerful grimoires somewhere beneath
difficult, and took most of Baelam’s trea- the city of Waterdeep and began a careful
sure, but when Irritym at last was done, program of trading away the lesser items
HT: 6'1" WT: 207 lbs. Baelam had a dextrous, perfectly con- and tomes he found in Irritym’s home, in
HAIR: Black EYES: Hazel
trolled metal left hand and wrist mated to return for training at the hands of others.
POSSESSIONS: Ring of the ram, dagger +3 his own flesh. The hand cannot be re- In between, Baelam roamed the Sword
(when grasped and commanded to do moved. It is a +2 magical weapon for Coast cities, slaying thieves known to him
so, the dagger causes its wielder to attack purposes, can be made to glow with and taking their stolen wealth to further
blink for up to seven rounds, once blue or amber faerie fire as Baelam wills, finance his training. In the process he
every 200 turns), rope of entanglement, is AC 0, and has 66 hp of its own (it will made many enemies, including the sorcer-
ring of vampiric regeneration, and a take that much damage before being ham- er Garthagul of Calimport and the infa-
potion of healing pered in any of its functions, and can fight mous thief Ssilban “The Silent” of
TREASURE: 2-20 gp, 1-12 ep, 3-30 sp, 2-20 on, animated by Baelam’s will, even if Theymarsh.
cp, 60% chance of 1-10 gems (any types severed from Baelam’s body or upon his In the end, a band of lesser thieves gath-
and sizes possible) death or disintegration). The hand strikes ered in Waterdeep to slay Baelam and
for 2-8 hp damage and can handle ex- seize Irritym’s remaining treasure. One
Baelam “The Bold’ was once an infa- tremes of heat and cold without impair- night, they swarmed into the mage’s non-
mous thief of the Sword Coast lands. He ment of function or discomfort on descript house, armed to the teeth with
was very successful and grew very rich- Baelam’s part. Acid and electricity will magical protections and weapons. In an
epic battle still told of in the taverns of
Waterdeep, Baelam slew them all. Much of
Irritym’s house was destroyed in the
process—and Baelam’s mastery of the Art
was convincingly revealed, with all in the
city that night as witnesses.
When it was all over, Baelam strode
through the smoking streets in the morn-
ing sunrise to Blackstaff Tower. There he
gave what was left of Irritym’s Art to
Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun, apologized
for the mess he had made (much of the
debris from his battle was strewn about
the streets and alleys around Irritym’s
house), and vanished from Waterdeep.
Baelam now wanders the Realms, aiding
those he wishes to and smiting thieves and
evil mages alike, seizing the latter’s trea-
sure for his own. The DM should use rare
and unique spells (such as those found in
the “Pages From the Mages” series or in
“Arcane Lore” in this magazine) extensive-
ly in determining Baelam’s spells; he is said
to use “strange magicks” gleaned from his
many sources.
Baelam appears as a tall, broad-
shouldered man with jet-black hair and a
hooked nose. He is grim and black-
humored, but he can be both gentle and
courteous if he so desires.

100 AUGUST 1991

102 AUGUST 1991 By Barbara Manui & Chris Adams
104 AUGUST 1991
106 AUGUST 1991
108 AUGUST 1991
110 AUGUST 1991
I want to honor all of the forces that
participated in the Persian Gulf War by
introducing you to some of the equipment
they used and some gaming items that will
let you see how the war could have come
out differently. One of the first things that
I recommend for gamers interested in this
action is Victory Games’ second-edition
GULF STRIKE* game, with the Desert
Shield module included. This game pro-
vides you with a detailed map of most of
the area of the conflict and a numbered-
hex system that allows you to play a stra-
tegic game or a blind game in which you
move by preplotted turns. The game con-
©1991 by Robert Bigelow tains most of the units available for the
battle, including naval forces for all of the
Photography by Mike Bethke possible combatants. The game also con-
tains counters that represent the planes
and helicopters of all nations involved.
These counters and the numbered
counters to denote unit strength can be
used in place of aircraft miniatures or as
dummy raids. This game, although not
strictly oriented toward miniatures, can
demonstrate how such campaigns are run,
and it will let you see some of the alterna-
tive outcomes of the war.
We also have pictures of miniatures of
some American naval vessels involved in
the Persian Gulf War, available from GHQ.
Figure pack HN-2 represents a battleship,
the U.S.S. Iowa (its sister ships, the U.S.S.
Wisconsin and U.S.S. Missouri, participat-
ed in the Gulf War, serving long and hard
as both missile-launching and gunnery
platforms). Figure pack HN-1 contains an
aegis cruiser (the U.S.S. Bunker Hill), two
fast frigates of the Reuben James class,
and three PHM Pegasus craft. Figure pack
HN-3 represents three Knox-class frigates.
All of these miniatures are excellent and
could serve as gifts for the men stationed
aboard these ships, as well as being highly
recommended playing pieces. (I’m just a
HN-1: The U.S.S. Bunker Hill and friends (GHQ) bit proud of my branch of service, being
an ex-Navy man). I want to extend a
hearty “well done!” to the British and
Nice products from small companies French navies as well; unfortunately, I
have not received any miniatures of their
ships to photograph and review.
August is traditionally a busy month, as Club/Game Masters’ Guild booth. I will include more equipment and ideas
we get ready to attend the GEN CON® for miniature gaming in the Persian Gulf
game fair and a raft of smaller conven- Gaming Desert Storm theater in future columns. We owe every-
tions that mark the final flight of summer. It is worth contemplating just how frag- one who served in the Gulf conflict a
This month’s reviews will focus on many ile the calm is that surrounds our enjoy- sincere “Thank you.” As a veteran of an-
of the smaller miniatures-manufacturing ment of gaming conventions. One year other conflict, I welcome you back, and
companies that we talked about at the ago, Iraqi forces drove into Kuwait in an congratulations.
start of last month’s column. Keep in mind unprovoked attack, attempting to annex
that there are many small companies that smaller country as a new province. Reviews
whose products are not shown here but American, British, French, and other
which will be tucked away in places here forces mustered to face this threat, and a Stan Johansen Miniatures
and there on convention floors. Look naval blockade began. 128 Peterson Rd.
closely when you get to your next conven- Lake Worth FL 33467
tion, and see what you can find.
Miniatures’ product ratings
I will be wandering around the GEN SM023—Hawk Missiles on Grav
CON game fair this year, as my club is * Vehicle ***½
putting on several events, including an * * Throughout history, the winners of
Below average
expanded PUPPY POUNDERS* (soon to be * * * battles have usually been those who got
FLUFFY HEROES)* game with the assist- Average
**** the most firepower to the scene of the
ance of Inner City Games. If you want to Above average
***** battle first, and delivered it quickly and
find me, check at our Great Lakes Hobby Excellent
accurately. Today, armies use multiple
Hawk battery. The other trooper is a sit-
ting gunner with no personal armament.
The fusion gun consists of three sepa-
rate barrels bound together with a metal
band. A power line is wrapped around the
barrels then feeds back to the breech.
Both sides of the gun support have instru-
ments. A large radar dish is mounted on
top of the gun, and a laser sight is mount-
ed on the left side, with a lever and sight
accessible from the gunner’s seat on the
same side of the gun. The gun has one
visible mold line but is otherwise well
done. Assembly is easy, but you will proba-
bly have to enlarge the hole in the base
pedestal. If you get this gun, remember
that the sights go in the groove on the
upper left side of the gun assembly.
This miniature sells for $8.50 and is
highly recommended. Both of these vehi-
cles can be used for Games Workshop’s
WARHAMMER 40,000* game, GDW’s
Hawk Missiles on Grav Vehicle (Stan Johansen) MEGATRAVELLER* system, or many other
SF games with little modification. It is
rocket launch systems (MRLS) to deliver missile. A light mold line runs the length always nice to find inexpensive pieces that
tremendous firepower over large areas. of the missile, but this is easily cleaned up. have multiple uses.
These systems are mounted on trucks or Care should be taken during assembly to
tracked vehicles that can go most places, keep the platform level and to stack the
but are still restricted since they must missiles together in straight rows. Houston’s Ships/Lyzard’s Grin
drive on the ground. The vehicles of the The two troops are dressed identically in P.O. Box 14522
future will probably be used in even more helmets with radios and large faceplates, Oklahoma City OK 73113
places if they forsake the need for ground and oxygen packs on their backs with lines
contact. leading to the helmets and suits. The suits C+G29—Belgium: Liege
These Hawk missiles represent a futuris- also have equipment holders and automat- Gunboat ****
tic MRLS system that could be used ic weapons. One trooper holds a rocket The colonial era in our world’s history
against flying vehicles or ground targets. reload, and the other holds a keypad that set the stage for many of the problems
They are mounted on an anti-grav vehicle is the remote control for the unit. Both that ultimately produced World War I. The
with the assumed ability to go anywhere. figures are kneeling and have flash around rapid expansion of many countries’ territo-
This vehicle is scaled in the 20-25 mm the legs that is easily cleaned. ries and colonies led to open conflict with
range and includes two infantry operating This vehicle does have some problems, the natives of those areas. Often, these
as a gun crew. The vehicle is 73 mm long including a lack of assembly instructions, clashes forced armies to explore and use
and about 35 mm wide in front, and is but the miniature is still highly recom- strategies and weapons foreign to them,
made of lead. The crew “cab” covers the mended. It shares many of the problems which later became internal parts of their
first third of the vehicle and is not quite that plague many large lead models, but at armies. GDW’s SPACE: 1889* game has
large enough for the crew to sit inside in $8.50, it is a value. reintroduced these times with an influx of
comfort. Two headlights rest on hatches in Jules Verne-style SF and the ability of
front, with two doors on the side, several Frantz Fusion Cannon on Grav these Victorian-era armies to take to the
other hatches, and a control dome on the Vehicle * * *½ air as well as by land through the use of
roof. The weapons system is mounted on a Firepower is not limited to just artillery. the ether and antigravity liftwood.
raised pedestal molded to the flatbed that Direct fire weapons clear the field of The armies of the SPACE: 1889 universe
covers the rest of the vehicle. The bed is enemy vehicles and fortifications that include the small country of Belgium.
undetailed, with only a ridge on the two impede the movement of your own forces. During this period in the real world, this
sides and a box structure on the rear. The These weapons can come out as either small country was busy colonizing a sec-
vehicle body has a rough mold line along mobile fortresses that can take huge tion of Africa known as the Congo. (Pop
both sides of the bed that can be fixed amounts of damage before being de- quiz: What is the Belgian Congo’s modern-
with some work. The bottom is rough but stroyed (but are very expensive) or as day name?) This country was not as pros-
has a bolted pattern where the pedestal is, lightly armored but heavily armed vehi- perous as many of the other European
with nine propeller units scattered evenly. cles. The last is a common solution, as countries and built smaller vessels than
One detraction is that the cab area is hol- these vehicles are cheap, and many of those other countries were building. This
low and open to the bottom, which defeats them can be fielded in place of one more- science-fantasy gunboat, named the
the purpose of detailing the rest of the expensive vehicle. They fight from am- Belgium, is made of lead and scaled to
bottom. If you want to have a detailed bush or hidden positions, and though they 1/1200th scale; it is 54 mm long. The boat
model, fill the cab using the impeller (the die quickly when found, they usually take has an arrowhead-type bow that widens
antigravity units) for a pattern. The mis- many foes with them. out sharply at one-third of its length to an
siles for the system come in three rows of This vehicle uses the same chassis as the almost square back. The rear consists of
three that must be glued first to each Hawk battery, but it has fewer mold lines the hull and two other decks connected by
other and then to a firing platform that and problems than the Hawk battery base, stairs. The rudder for this ship is shaped
attaches to the pedestal with a peg. These and the flatbed has an evident raised like a fish’s tail fin. Two long shafts jut
nine missiles are identical, each measuring diamond pattern. The pedestal remains from support decks and end in two large
30 mm long and just short of 5 mm wide the same. Of the two infantrymen with propellers. Several weapons grace the
at the base. Each firing tube includes this vehicle, the one with a remote control deck, and lifeboats are visible, as are deck
inspection parts and a wire for igniting the unit is identical to his counterpart with the and hull plate lines. The stack top is slight-

114 AUGUST 1991

Game Designers’ Workshop
P.O. Box 1646
Bloomington IL 61702-1646

#1843—Kraag Warriors ****½

Every good game has strong antagonists,
and one of the main enemies in the SPACE:
1889* game are the Kraag warriors of
Mars. These beastmen live in competing
kingdoms in the mountains of Mars and
attack all that moves in the air, other
Kraags included.
These lead 25 mm figures are produced
for GDW by RAFM Miniatures and come
as a boxed set. The set contains 20 figures,
divided between flying and standing poses.
The flying figures are supported by wires
in 18 mm square bases. All figures share
large-veined wings that extend from their
sides to their wrists, and out-thrust chest
cavities with ribs and pectorals visible.
First is a king, shown both standing and
Franz Fusion Cannon on Grav Vehicle (Stan Johansen) flying. He has long layered hair, a long
moustache, and body hair on his back
ly off angle but can be fixed easily. There Several details are shared by both of shoulders. The king wears a T-shaped
are some rough spots on the hull itself, but these SPACE: 1889 miniatures. Each vessel crown, a chain belt, and a criss-crossed
these are also easily fixed with some light has a reinforced 25 mm hex base that loincloth. His armament consists of both a
putty or can be accented to portray battle supports the miniature with a 2” length of hammer-mace and a spear held in his
damage. sturdy wire. Both vessels include sheets “feet,” with his right arm out.
that help you fill out your battle sheets Second is the war chief, with a long
C+G01—Heavenly Archer **** (which is good, since the Belgians do not beard and moustache and windswept hair.
The Heavenly Archer is the Martian appear at all in the Ironclads & Ether He wears a girdle and loincloth, and
response to human intrusions on their Flyers book from GDW). Both are easy to wields a huge mace in his right hand. The
planet in the SPACE: 1889 universe. This is assemble, and both survived the ultimate figure comes in both in-flight and standing
a ram-equipped vessel with numerous miniatures-gamer’s nightmare, which versions, too.
other weapons. The model is 46 mm long occurred when a large weight fell on them Next are two sets (standing and flying) of
and is 25 mm at its widest point, the rear both as I returned from a convention. two warriors carrying short tridents.
control stabilizers. Two propellers are Minor repairs were all that were needed These figures have no facial hair, and their
joined to the hull by very short shafts that to fix them. You also must be careful when hair is swept straight back. Each also
are protected by the tail structure. A mast painting these miniatures, as thick paint wears a cross-chest belt that holds a short
and pennant adorn the front of the ship. coats will wipe out the shallow grooves in sword in scabbard at the back. The flying
There is one upper deck, a standard deck, the deck. Both models retail at $3 each and versions are horizontal, each with a hole
and a below deck. Deck plating is en- are highly recommended if you wish to about where a navel would be. The stand-
graved on the upper deck and hull, with expand your ether-flyer collection. ing figures are crouched in fighting
lifter vents on the bottom. stances.
Then come two sets of three shouting
warriors with swords. None of these fig-
Kraag Warriors (GDW)
ures have facial hair, scabbards, or chest
straps, and all have expressions that look
like they are sucking lemons,
Finally are two sets of three screaming
warriors carrying spears, These have no
facial hair and wear protective chest ar-
mor of fabric or metal, with good detailing
and ribbing. Each spear has both a large
sharp double-edged arrow-shaped head
and a sharp hook on the other end. The
standing figures are thrusting with the
sharp point rather than the cutting edge.
The flying figures are almost standing and
are fighting using their feet.
All the figures have strong, well-defined
muscle structure that is accurate for their
positioning. You will have to open almost
all the holes where the wires will go, but
the end result is well worth it. Also includ-
ed with the set is a detailed painting and
history book that is done in black and
white, but is effective if followed. The
figures could also be used as demons or
flying fiends in other fantasy games. These
are well recommended at $22 per set.
6 AUGUST 1991
The Viking Forge while the eyes look more pig-like than small, 15 mm Hobgoblin character from
1727 Theresa Lane trollish. the Spider-Man comics, dressed as he is in
Powhatan VA 23139 The figure is very well done, but it the most recent issues, with a sword in his
would be much more believable in AD&D right hand, a round shield protecting the
games as an ogre or a giant orc. It might left arm, and a provision bag on his belt.
FM-27—Giant Armored Troll fit the definition of troll in other fantasy Fix his legs so he can ride a wolf instead of
w/Axe **** games, however. This could be a nasty a sky sled, and you have these goblins.
Trolls are nasty, obnoxious creatures figure to fight, but even with the detail, it’s The figures are about 13 mm tall, so they
that most characters hate to fight. Viking very expensive at $5 each. are a little large for 15 mm even though
Forge has now marketed a figure that will their legs look a little stubby.
cause nightmares in even the staunchest This pack is worth the price at $3 per
character: an armored troll! pack, even if you don’t play in 15 mm. You
This 25 mm lead figure is an old Table- Simtac Inc. have an entire pack of 25 mm wild dogs
top Miniatures piece that has been cleaned 20 Attawan Rd. and can use the riders as whatever you
up and reintroduced. The figure is 38 mm Niantic CT 06357 want. These figures do lack much of the
tall, fitting within the eight plus feet cate- sharp detail and fine lines we are used to
gory specified in the AD&D® game’s Mon- from companies such as Ral Partha.
strous Compendium, if you are using that FGB-7—Goblin Cavalry
set of rules. The troll stands straight up, w/Swords ***
daring anyone to fight with it. However, at Goblins are among the AD&D game’s
this point, the figure deviates significantly simpler monsters, but many are the par- Black Dragon Pewter
from AD&D game references. ties that I have seen wiped out by goblins Unit 303
The figure is barefoot but has cloth and and their “pets,” whatever they may be. 2437 Bay Area Blvd.
splint-type protection on his shins and Goblins travel in packs and seem to be Houston TX 77058
ankles, with bare muscled thighs and everywhere that you’re not during a fight.
knees. A set of high-riding chain mail This package represents five giant #0357—Vincent, Limited
drops to barely cover his groin and ex- wolves and their goblin riders in 15 mm Edition *****
tends up to his neck and shoulders. This scale, all made of lead. The riders share One of the most enjoyed fairy tales is the
chain is covered with a fur pelt that ex- identical poses, but two different poses story of Beauty and the Beast, which has
tends from his rear up his back and joins are provided for the wolves. The wolves been told and retold in books, movies, and
an animal skull that forms part of his measure 29 mm from snout to tail, making even a television series. And the hero of
helmet. The fur wraps around his front them useful in 25 mm scale as wild dogs that TV series is the subject of this pewter
and is held by a belt with a skull buckle. or small wolves, but they are a little big figure.
He wears plate protectors at midchest and for 15 mm scale. All the wolves appear to This figure is 120 mm tall, not including
a shoulder protector that looks like a be very hungry, as ribs and spines are the wood base. The metal base of the
form-fitted former shield, with long spike clearly visible through their fur. One pose figure is done in an old block-type motif,
on his left shoulder. His right hand holds a has the wolf in almost a crouch, with its such as found on an old walk or a sewer.
large, double-bladed axe by the haft; his ears straight up and tail straight out be- The figure itself is striking, so much so
left hand is wrapped in chain and is cov- hind. This animals eyes are hidden by that it could have just walked out of the
ered by a heavy metal mitten and spike. A molded fur coming back from the muzzle, TV show. Vincent stands with his legs
spiked plate also protects his left knee. A and the animals mouth is shut. The sec- apart slightly as if at ease. Ragged, sewn
large sheathed sword, worn horizontally ond wolf pose is strolling along with tail boots cover from his feet up to mid-shin,
on his left side, completes the weaponry. up and mouth open as if baying. There is and an old, wrinkled, but neatly patched
The face deviates the most from that of only one piece of flash on any of the pair of pants are tucked into these boots
the average AD&D game troll. The face is wolves, but their bases all need filing to and held up by a stretch belt. His right,
flat, and his mouth has two large lower stand steady. fur-covered hand clutches a worn book to
tusks. His nostrils are wide and flared. The The goblins are strange. For those of his chest, which is covered by an old tur-
ears are triangular and fold over slightly, you who read Marvel Comics, imagine a tleneck and jacket. His left hand clutches a

Giant Armored Troll w/Axe (The Viking Forge) Goblin Cavalry w/ Swords (Simtac)

118 AUGUST 1991

Danuvian Swordswomen (Lance and Laser Models)
patched, hooded coat. Lance and Laser Models Inc.
By far, the most striking feature is Vin- P.O. Box 14491
cent’s face. His long hair frames his feline Columbus OH 43214
face with its particular humanity. His eyes
and expression denote intelligence but also T-016—Danuvian Swords-
project apprehension. women ****
While I realize this is not a gaming fig- The Danuvian culture is Bard Games’
ure, it is one that will interest many read- TALISLANTA* version of amazon culture.
ers who were fans of this TV show. This All three women in this miniatures pack
would make a wonderful present for a have flexible boots that extend to mid-
female relative or girlfriend. It’s very well thigh, girdles of metal that protect their
done but expensive at $100. stomachs and backs, and under-armor
clothing. All three are bare armed except
for bracelets on the upper arms and brac-
Vincent, Limited Edition (Black Dragon Pewter) ers on the wrists. Their faces are set with
war cries on their lips. Mohawk haircuts
fall in back to their shoulder blades. All
the figures measure out to 25 mm scale,
although they’re not standing straight up.
The archer is standing, bent slightly
forward, with a longbow in her left hand
and an arrow nocked. Unfortunately, her
method of firing would be very clumsy in
real life. The arrow is well done, if a bit
thick, and a laced quiver on her back is
filled with arrows. There is also a
sheathed sword on her right leg.
Figures two and three are both front-
line fighters. Figure two has a two-handed
sword held behind her like a baseball
player swinging a bat. There is an empty
sheath on her back and a knife on her leg.
Figure three has a long polearm that looks
like a peculiar combination of an axe and a
bayonet on a pole. This weapon could be
very efficient at stopping cavalry. Flash lies
around the weapon end and where there
should be empty spaces on the figure. (I
would hesitate to lash my weapons togeth-
er, as figure three seems to have done.) A
sheathed long sword is on her back.
With their hairstyles and slightly pointed
ears, these figures could work well as
female elves or half-elves in GW’s WAR-
HAMMER FANTASY* game or as barbarian
fighters or amazons in the AD&D game.
These are well worth the $3.50 price per
pack, especially after cleaning.
* indicates a product produced by a company other
than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks
owned by the companies publishing those products.
The use of the name of any product without mention
of its trademark status should not be construed as a
120 AUGUST 1991 challenge to such status.

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