NL Jan Feb 2011 Final

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Build Up to the Deli Build-Out

Or, Breaking
News on
Breaking Ground
When Zingerman’s Delicatessen opened in March 1982, as Paul Saginaw ness of building-making as they learn the business of sandwich-making!
loves to say, “We just wanted to sell a great corned beef sandwich so Most importantly, their involvement ensures that the whole construc- The Deli will be open
that when you brought it up to your mouth and held it with both hands tion process will run more smoothly alongside our daily operations.
while biting into it, the Russian dressing would drip down your arms.” (Remember, we’re open for business every day through construction!) for business as usual
How the heck will it look? The Deli’s front entrance will
throughout construction!
Paul and Ari thought people might also want great ingredients to take
home—great rye bread, great corned beef, great emmenthaler, and remain the same. From Kingsley you’ll have a nice view of a 2-story
great Russian dressing—so in time, a world of food came to pack the glass atrium that will connect the rear of the Deli with a simple 2-story
Deli’s shelves and cases. brick structure (about 10,400 sq ft) on the site of the fire-damaged Where To Get Build-Out Info
Why we’re building. Over the past twenty-eight years, the house on Kingsley. Our architects have integrated the historic “orange 1.
number of guests coming to Zingerman’s has increased by a steady 10% house” that currently sits at the top of our old driveway to become a news (the latest news, architectural drawings,
each year. Between 2004 and 2009, the guest total grew from 310,000 centerpiece for the new brick structure. From the outside it will not photos!)
to 450,000, a 38% increase! We bow down to our loyal guests, old and have moved. From the inside, it will be an adjunct to our guest flow.
new, and to the hardworking Zingerman’s staff who has acrobatically On the patio, we envision an open-air pavilion replacing our well-used 2. Monthly Town Hall Meetings with Grace
met their needs in our maxed out space. big top tent for enjoyable outdoor dining and activities. The grounds Tuesday morning, January 11, 2011 – 7:30-8:30am
will be leveled to tame the incline that currently challenges us. There Tuesday evening, February 1, 2011 – 5:30-6:30pm
The kitchen isn’t the only place where operations are busting at the
will be a nice ADA accessible slope in the section between Deli and
seams. We unload a lot of delivery trucks and store inventory in any
Next Door and level spots for tables. (Don’t tell me you never noticed
3. Next Door’s 2nd Floor Build-Out
nook and cranny. We produce our fair share of garbage but through Bulletin Board
composting and recycling, we divert well over a ton of garbage per how much the picnic tables are tipped!) Along with all these improve-
Check it out near the top of the Next Door
week from county landfills. Our recycling bins overfloweth and take ments come lots more edible landscaping and a green roof.
stairs (adjacent to the men’s bathroom). You’ll
up space. And there’s the nagging question of where to fit more tables, How will our guests benefit? A ground floor restroom see updates on architectural plans, FAQ’s, and
a challenge obvious to any Zingerman’s guest. Plus we constantly ask is at the top of the list for many. We project shorter and faster mov- find out what’s coming next!
ourselves how the heck can we include more people in our food tast- ing lines because of a better layout and a shorter waiting time due
ings, fun classes and theme dinners. to greater kitchen capacity. Retail shopping will be easier and more Our Timeline
The build-out vision belongs to our trio of second generation Deli efficient. There will be more seating options to suit your fancy and We break ground in early 2011 and aim to wrap
Managing Partners & Owners—Grace Singleton, Rick Strutz and most easy accommodation for large parties! Tastings, classes and special up construction by mid 2012.
recently, Chef Rodger Bowser—who carry the mantle for the future of events galore will fit in our expanded space. And we are eager for much
Zingerman’s Delicatessen on their shoulders. Their conclusion: we’ve greater accessibility with full ADA compliance outdoors and indoors. Our Fun New Look!
run out of space and can’t wait any longer. With more room we will The Deli’s entrance will remain the same! A
How will the neighborhood benefit? We’re staying 2-story glass atrium will connect the rear of
deliver a better experience to our guests and our staff (including more
put and contributing to the unique character of this multi-use neigh- the historic Deli building to a new 2-story
restrooms!). Our deli kitchen is causing wear on the building because
borhood where businesses and residences have existed side-by-side brick structure (about 10,400 sq ft) to stand
the old brick walls were never designed for our volume of cooking,
for decades. We’ll increase the neighborhood green space and enhance on the site of the fire-damaged Kingsley St.
humidity and general kitchen use. So moving all kitchen operations out
a community gathering spot near downtown. We’ll address the impact structure.
of the old and into the new will help us preserve our historic home.
of the commercial noise we generate and the commercial deliveries we
Why not be greener? Another added benefit of this project receive in a comprehensive manner. And we anticipate adding over 60 The historic “orange house” will be architec-
is the chance to green up our act, reduce our carbon footprint and new jobs to help fuel our local economy. We pride ourselves on being turally integrated into the new brick structure
become more efficient in our energy usage. With the space and oppor- caring, committed, responsible corporate citizens in our community. and aid guest flow inside the Deli.
tunity to completely re-vamp kitchen and mechanical equipment, we The build-out allows us to dig our roots deeper into this place we love.
can get as green as possible without disruption of service. The project We’re in motion now. By early 2011, we’ll put a shovel in the ground. On the patio, an open-air pavilion will replace
is registered with the Green Building Association and our goal is to A tree was removed in November in preparation for eliminating the our well-used big top tent surrounded by lots
achieve LEED Silver at a minimum. Woot! Woot! The LEED point system fire-damaged Kingsley structure affectionately referred to as “Smokey.” of outdoor space and edible landscaping.
measures the environmental sustainability of our design, construc- There’s already been prep work done in anticipation of the acrobatic
tion, operations and maintenance. This is big news! It means that the lifting of our “orange house” from its foundation.
Why We’re So Happy!
environmental impact of the build-out is being considered in every The 1st floor of the new building will house
With construction fences up and traffic re-routed every which way, we
decision—sourcing, construction, daily use and into perpetuity. (More a bigger kitchen, our sandwich line, and
will be doing back flips to maintain incredible service and offer a great
green news to come!) improved delivery and storage systems!
experience to everyone who visits. We are committed to doing every-
What a puzzle! A construction project is a jigsaw puzzle. You thing necessary to make it a blast for you to dine and shop as always. Both the 1st and 2nd floors of the new building
glimpse the big picture on the box cover. Then begins the long ordeal Check out the construction magic happening daily. Our mandate is to will offer more guest seating options and new
of examining every piece to find its relation to all the others. Time and STAY OPEN THROUGH THE ENTIRE PROJECT. restrooms!
attention to detail get all the pieces to fit perfectly. The design team The heart of Zingerman’s Delicatessen remains the same! The Deli “post
collaborating on this project brings a wide spectrum of opinions and build-out” will still be a hustling, bustling place to meet your friends, We’ll have more retail space in the old Deli for
skills to the table and it’s exactly what this gargantuan task requires! bring your family, enjoy great, full-flavored traditional foods and get the wonderland of foods we showcase!
It’s been a long haul. We truly appreciate the City of Ann Arbor and the the trademark Zingerman’s customer service experience. The menu
By regrading the site, all our buildings will
Historic District Commission for recognizing the merits of the project will be the same, if not expanded. Servers will happily give you a taste
be more accessible to our guests with wheel-
and voting in September 2010 to grant us permission to clear the area of anything you want. There will be more elbow room to engage with
chairs, walkers and strollers!
we need to build the new 2-story structure that will house most every- retail staff, exchange food stories and recipes. The sandwich runner
thing on our wish list. will still yell out your name. Morning regulars will still have spots to sit
We have the chance to become a greener busi-
and read their New York Times. Bikers will have more bicycle parking
Who are the architects? After interviews with many com- ness. Our project is a LEED-NC (new construc-
and access to emergency repair tools. Students will have quiet spots to
petent firms, we chose to work with Quinn Evans Architects whose Ann tion) certified green building! The LEED point
study. People will still converge for meetings. Even though there will
Arbor office is right around the corner on N. Main Street. Their renova- system, developed by the US Green Building
be some nostalgia for the old cramped Deli, we think you will be very
tion of Hill Auditorium and their collaborative work style made us feel Council, measures the environmental sustain-
pleased with how the new space merges with the old, still feels familiar,
we could partner well in tackling our challenging project. ability of a project’s design, construction,
and allows us to provide better service, better food, and an even better
operations and maintenance.
Who are the contractors? We brought Phoenix overall experience. Same great rye bread, same great corned beef, same
Contractors on board early in the process. Owners Bill Kinley and Mark great emmenthaler, same great Russian dressing and same great experi- The Deli Build-Out is all about a better
Hiser along with site manager Chris Love help us address a multitude of ence that Zingerman’s has provided since the day we opened our door. Zingerman’s Experience to be enjoyed by
potential construction roadblocks and snafus. We learn about the busi-
many more people for generations to come!


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