Episode 9-Lesson Planning
Episode 9-Lesson Planning
Episode 9-Lesson Planning
02, 2021
Identifies the factors that affect the climate of a place: altitude, latitude, bodies of
water, wind system, amount of rainfall
Learning Content
Globe or Word Map
Map of the Philippines
Into the Future: Science and Health VI pp. 220-222
Teacher’s Module 8 by Jessie A. Villegas and Celia Nacpil, pp. 66-67
Learning Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review/Checking of ASSIGNMENT:
• How does the latitude of a place affect its climate? Attitude? Bodies of water?
Wind system? Amount of rainfall?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
• What can you say about the weather today?
• Do we have the same weather as of yesterday?
2. Presentation:
• Present a chart showing the different factors affecting climate of a place.
• Do activity 6.9 on p.220 of Into the Future: Science and Health
• Pupils identify the different factors that affect the climate of a place.
3.Concept Formation/Generalization:
• What are the factors that affect the climate of a place?
• How is the climate in Mindoro affected by the bodies of water that surrounds it?
The Department of Education has issued Department Order 42s 2016, Policies
Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
These are the templates for the Detailed lesson Plan (DLP) and Daily Lesson Log
The teacher then asks the students what are the four words in the song and
the teacher will write it in the board and tell the students that this is the
topic for today.
B. Establishing a purpose for the *Hold a paper in your hand and ask the whole class: What is this? Place
lesson stress on “this”.
* Ask the students to answer in a complete sentence: This is a paper.
*Point out to the object placed far (Example: a table, chair, wall, fan) and
ask: What is that? Place stress on “that”. Tell the students to answer in a
*ask the students: if someone or something is placed close to your, which
word used to point out to it; this or that? If someone or something is placed
at a distance from you, which word is used to point to it; this or that?
*Explain them that just like we use the words ‘ye’ and “woh”. We use the
words ‘this’ and ‘that’ in English to point towards things, near or far from
*Ask the students: if there are many people or things placed near you,
which word is used to point to them; these or those? If there are many
people or things placed far from you, which word is used to point to them;
these or those?
*Explain to the students that although same words are used in Urdu to
point towards singular and plural things (Different words used in English
to point towards singular and plural things)
C. Presenting examples/instances of A. The teacher asks the students what they see inside the classroom and use
the new lesson it in forming statements with demonstrative pronouns.
B. Students will be called in the front and tell their own statements of
demonstrative pronouns
During the Lesson . A. The teacher asks questions to the students:
D. Discussing new concepts and *Can we change a statement into a question with demonstrative pronoun?
practicing new skills #1
*How can we change the statements into a question form?
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher gives an example of statements with demonstrative pronouns
practicing new skills #2 and change it into a question form.
1. This is a pen/ Is this a pen?
2. That is a chair/ Is that a chair?
3. These are books/ Are these books?
4. Those are roses/ Are those roses?
B. Students practice the demonstrative pronouns forms in pairs: student (A)
asks a question using this/these or that/those, student (B) answers the
question, and vice versa
F. Developing Mastery A. Group the students into Four:
•Each group will be given a flag
•The Teacher will show a picture and sentences on the board and the
will complete the sentences by putting the correct demonstrative pronouns.
•The group who will first raise their flag will be chosen to answer.
G. Finding practical applications of Open your bags. Get your favorite thing/s in your bag and make a sentence
concepts and skills in daily living about the thing using demonstrative pronouns.
After the Lesson Ask: How do you use demonstrative pronouns in a sentence?
H. Making generalizations and Pronouns that point to specific things: this, that, these, and those, as in
abstractions about the lesson
“This is an apple,” “Those are boys,” or “Take these to the clerk.” The
same words are used as demonstrative adjectives when they modify nouns
or pronouns: “this apple,” “those boys.”
I. Evaluating learning A. Paper and Pencil Test
Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1.___________ was such an interesting experience.
a. That b. These c. Those d. Such
2. Are ___________ your shoes?
a. That b. Them c. Those d. This
3. You’ll have to get your own pen. ______________ is mine.
a. That b. Those c. Such d. This
4. There is no end to ___________.
a. Such b. Those c. This d. None
5. Because of their bad behavior, ____________ of the children were given
a. None b. That c. Those d. Them
6. ____________ of them had seen it before.
a. Those b. Neither c. Such d. This
7. Is ____________ yours?
a. This b. Those c. These d. Such
8. Everyone ate early. When we arrived, ____________ was left.
a. That b. Such c. None d. Neither
9. Please give me one of ____________.
A. That b. Those c. This d. Such
10. ____________ are nice-looking.
a. This b. That c. These d. Such
J. Additional activities for application Construct at least 5 sentences or statements using demonstrative pronouns
or remediation and present in to the class.
Prepared by:
Lindelie G. Capoy
School: Grade Level: V1
Teacher: LINDELIE CAPOY Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates: Quarter: 3rd
Teaching Time: Section:
II. (Content) Physical Activity Fitness Indicators Physical Activity Pyramid Dance
A. (References)
1. (Teacher’s Guide
2. (Learner’s
Materials pages)
3. (Textbook 21st Century 21st Century Mapeh 21st Century Mapeh in 21st Century Mapeh
Pages) Mapeh in Action 6 in Action 6 pp.180-181 Action 6 pp.184-185 in Action 6 pp.218-
pp.184-185 220
4. (Additional
Materials from LR
A. (Other Learning Laptop, speaker Test
Resources) Questionnaires,
test notebooks,
e-class record,
A. (Review What is the physical What is the different Recall their past
previous Lesson) activity pyramid? health related fitness? lessons.
Preparation of
test materials
B. (Establishing Give examples of Identify the following Do you remember our What is our national Why should you
purpose for the unhealthy living activities in the lesson about the Philippine dance? get a high score
lesson/ among children picture. Physical Activity Pyramid? in any given
Motivation) now a day? Why do we need to be What are the activities it test?
1. Eating junk active? recommends?
foods How can we classify them?
2. Drinking soft
3.Not exercising
What are the ways
that we can stop
these unhealthy
practices that we
do every day?
D. (Discussing new What are the What is the health- What are the activities in Name some Distributes test
concepts and activities that we related components? the pyramid you do in your Philippine folkdance materials to the
practicing new should do Give its importance. daily life as recommended that you are familiar pupils.
skills) regularly? by the chart? with.
What are the
activities that we
should do
minimally? Why?
E. (Discussing new Why do you think What are the things Why do we need to do as How do you describe Answering of
concepts & these pyramids do that we do that what the chart Maglalatik folk test items
practicing new recommend prevents these health- recommends us? dance? Itik-Itik?
skills #2) activities that related skills? Can you perform those
requires a lot of activities?
body movement?
F. Developing Identify the What is the different Is it difficult to dance
Mastery following activities health related fitness? Maglalatik?
(Leads to that we should do Enumerate them. Who among you
Formative Minimally, Often, Group activity. knows the steps?
Assessment 3) Regularly, Divide the group into 4. (Watching of the
Habitually. Assign each group with video of maglalatik
1. Watching different classification of and Itik-Itik.)
television (M) activities in the Philippine
2. Swimming (O) Physical Activity Pyramid.
3. Doing house Ask them to act out all
chores (R) activities that are included
4. Running errands in their respective name of
(R) groups.
5.Playing computer Give them time to plan for
games (M) their presentation
G. (Finding to What activities If you are asked to buy Why do we need to keep
Practical that we should something at the our body active during the
Application of change or nearby store would day? What activities
concepts and skills minimize in the you ride a jeepney or should be avoided based
in daily living/ physical activity just walk? Why? What on the pyramid?
Valuing) pyramid? Why? are the benefits of
H. (Making What are activities What health related What is the importance of What are the
Generalization & that we should do skills do you possess the Philippine Physical Philippine
Abstraction about minimally? as of now? Activity pyramid in our day folkdances?
the lessons) Regularly? Often? What should you do to day living?
Habitually? to acquire the skills
What is the you can’t do?
Physical Activity
I. (Evaluating Enumerate the What is the health- Let each group present Dancing of Maglalatik Checking and
Learning) activities that you related fitness? their planned activity for the Boys and Itik- recording of test
should do (5 Itik for the Girls. results
activities each) Rubrics:
a. Minimally 5-4 each member of the
b. Often group participated
c. Regularly actively. They clearly act
out the activities to be
d. Habitually
guessed by the other
2-3 one or two of
members of the group did
not fully participate in the
activity, some acts were
not clearly presented
0-1 only one member
presents the activity/the
group did not participate
at all
J. (Additional List down your Identify the health-
activities for daily activities in related fitness
application or your notebook and performed in the
remediation) identify them following exercise.
according to the 1. 1-minute step test
Philippine physical (Cardio)
activity pyramid. 2. Curl-
3. Sit and Reach
4. 50-meter sprint
5. Paper juggling
V. (Remarks)
VI. (Reflection)
A.(No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners
who requires
additional acts for
remediation who
scored below 80%)
C.(Did the remedial
instruction really
work? No of
learners who
caught up with the
D.(No. of learners
who continue to
E. (Which of the
strategies work
well? Why did this
F. (What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal/
supervisor can help
me solve?)
G. ( What
innovations or
localized materials
did I used/
discover which I
wish to share with
other teacher?)
1. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/ learning plans?
• The difficulties I have encountered while writing my lesson plan is that I
have difficulties in designing lesson plans related to students'
differences, designing lesson plans related to students' interests and
needs, developing reading and writing behavior; and using
cohesiveness of themes, subject matter, learning aspects and cultural
2. What feedback was/were given by your Resource Teacher in your first
draft / succeeding lesson / learning plans?
• The teacher said that my lesson plan was very detailed and the learning
object was met throughout the process. She was very impressed with
my lesson plan. Moreover, she also said that in making a lesson plan we
should put our heart into it so that it will have a good result.
3. What were the best features /areas for improvement of your/lesson
learning plans?
• It has a flow that excites students about the topic, gives them time to
study or learn new material, and apply what they learn.
Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the given
matrix. Take note that you must have Provisions to do this lesson on a face-to-
face, modular or through online learning.
1. How did you arouse students’ interest? What I arouse my student’s interest by knowing
motivational techniques did you indicate in your them first and knowing the things they're
plan? good at and of course, their interests and
skills. And in my lesson plan I use real life
situation that my students can surely relate
and apply it in their own lives.
2. How did you respond to the diverse types of As a teacher we are not only concern with the
learners? students’ academic achievement but we
must also concern with the whole being of a
2.1 gender, needs, strengths, interests and students’ as a person it includes social,
experiences emotional, physical needs and strength and
2.2 linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and a family context. I will be going to identify
religious backgrounds their strengths and weaknesses so that I can
2.3 with disabilities, giftedness. and talents give my lesson suited to their needs.
2.4 in difficult circumstances
2.5 from indigenous groups
3. What instructional strategies will you employ in The instructional strategies that I will going to
face-to-face or in a remote learning delivery for this employ in this lesson are Differentiation. I will
lesson? Explain. differentiate my teaching by allocating tasks
based on my students’ abilities, to ensure
that no one will be left behind. Assigning
classroom activities according to students’
unique learning needs means individuals
with higher academic capabilities are
stretched and those who are struggling get
the appropriate support.
4. Was the language used appropriate to the level Yes, the language used is based on the level
of the students? Explain your answer briefly. of the students. It is important to avoid
profanity, slang, or terms that other students
may find offensive.
5. What types and levels of questions did you The type of questions that I formulate is
formulate? Are they of the higher order thinking higher order thinking skills. Some examples
skills (HOTSP Write two (2) examples. of this are the following:
-Can we change a statement into a question
with demonstrative pronoun?
-How can we change the statements into a
question form?
6. What instructional resources will you use? Why? these include the lectures, readings,
Cite the possible online resources that you can textbooks, multimedia components, and
utilize whether done in the classroom or in remote other resources in a course. These materials
learning? can be used in both face-to-face and online
classrooms; however, some must be
modified or redesigned to be effective for the
online environment.
7. Are your modes of assessment aligned with your Yes, for example giving a test to my students
learning outcomes and activities? Cite a specific which challenge them to think the proper
example. demonstrative pronouns and they will be able
to use them in real life.
8. Will your performance tasks ensure the mastery Yes, because my performance task is very
of the learning competencies? Explain through and interesting in which my students
would mastered the lesson.
9. In scale 1-10, How will you rate you learning plan I will rate my lesson plan to 8, because I
(s)? Justify your answer? believe that it is effectively done and it is very
interesting and clear in which my students
will surely learn from the lesson.
10. If this lesson is not implemented face-to-face, If the lesson is not implemented in face to
how are you going to do it remotely? face, then I will do it remotely by doing the
best that I can. I will invest myself, my heart,
soul and time to it to teach my students
Lesson planning is integral part of the instructional cycle because the process of
planning instruction, delivering instruction, assessing learning, and reflecting on
teaching that continuously repeats. Moreover, planning for the classroom is an
important part of educating and behavior management. Proper classroom planning
will keep you organized and on track while teaching, thus allowing you to teach
more and manage less. Part of classroom planning is developing effective lesson
plans. Lesson planning helps teachers break down each lesson into a defined flow
with specific classroom activities – and gives them a schedule they can stick to.
Plus, the lesson planning process allows teachers to evaluate their own knowledge
with regards to the content to be taught, it gives the regular teacher confidence
knowing that class time is being used effectively and that he or she won't need to
repeat the lesson later. A teacher with a plan, then, is a more confident teacher.
The teacher is clear on what needs to be done, how, and when. The lesson will
tend to flow more smoothly because all the information has been gathered and the
details have been decided upon beforehand. The teacher will not waste class time
flipping through the textbook, thinking of what to do next, or running to make
photocopies. The teacher’s confidence will inspire more respect from the learners,
thereby reducing discipline problems and helping the learners to feel more relaxed
and open to learning.
• This is one of the roles of a teacher. I will need to study the strengths
and weaknesses of those children through this, I can identify what
technique or lessons will I give to them in accordance with their
capabilities. I will apply my different learning strategies based on their
identified weaknesses and develop further their identified strengths.
• https://cte.smu.edu.sg/approach-teaching/integrated-design/lesson-
• https://www.kean.edu/~tpc/Classroom%20Management/EFFECTIVE%
• https://www.aeseducation.com/blog/what-is-a-lesson-plan
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPoLs7gwRq0
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zED1YIdBhikRealizing the various
skills that you need to master in preparing the learning/lesson plans,
which are the most difficult? the easiest to write? Conduct a simple
survey from among your peers by requesting them to answer this
simple questionnaire.
Instruction: These are the basic skills in lesson plan writing. Rate yourself on the level
of difficulty of doing the following based on your experience.
4 - very difficult
3 – difficult
2- Moderate to difficulty
1- Not difficult
4 - very difficult 3 – difficult 2- Moderate 1- Not
to difficulty difficult
1. Stating Learning /
2. Identifying learning /
resources to be used
3. Sequencing the /
lesson in an engaging
and meaningful manner
4. Planning specific /
learning activities
5. Identifying strategies /
to be used
6. Formulating higher
order thinking questions
7. Integrating lesson /
concepts to real life
8. Integrating values to /
9. Formulating /
assessment tools
10. Identifying /
performance tasks
11. Giving assignments /
12. Planning for lesson
closure/ synthesis
Paste one (1) lesson plan and write your sample reaction.
School Grade Level FOUR
*Hold a paper in your hand and ask the whole class: What is this? Place stress on “this”.
Teacher LINDELIE G. CAPOY Learning Area
8:30-9:30 am * Ask the students to answer in a complete sentence: This is a paper.
Time & Dates Quarter THREE
December 02, 2021
*Point out to the object placed far (Example: a table, chair, wall, fan) and ask: What is that? Place stress on
A. Content Standards “that”.
The learners acquire relevant information and demonstrate confidence in Tell the students to answer in a sentence.
forming statements using demonstrative pronouns.
*ask the students: if someone or something is placed close to your, which word used to point out to it; this or
B. Performance Standards The learners use demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those in
that? If someone or something is placed at a distance from you, which word is used to point to it; this or that?
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Use demonstrative pronouns (this, /that, these/those) *Explain them that just like we use the words ‘ye’ and “woh”. We use the words ‘this’ and ‘that’ in English
Write for the LC code for each
to point towards things, near or far from us.
Demonstrative pronouns
III. LEARNING RESOURCES *Ask the students: if there are many people or things placed near you, which word is used to point to them;
A. References K TO 12 Curriculum Grade 3 – English page 40-41 these or those? If there are many people or things placed far from you, which word is used to point to them;
Guided Notes: Demonstrative Pronouns these or those?
English for You and Me 4 (Language)
*Explain to the students that although same words are used in Urdu to point towards singular and plural
Let’s Begin in English 4 things (Different words used in English to point towards singular and plural things)
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
A. The teacher asks the students what they see inside the classroom and use it in forming statements with
2. Learner’s Materials pages
demonstrative pronouns.
3. Textbook pages
B. Students will be called in the front and tell their own statements of
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
demonstrative pronouns
Laptop, video, pictures, PowerPoint presentation