Capacitance Grob's Basic Electronics-11ed-16

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■ A capacitor consists of two conductors separated by an insulator, or dielectric. Its ability to store charge is the capacitance C.
Applying voltage to store charge is called charging the capacitor; short-circuiting the two leads or terminals of the capacitor to
neutralize the charge is called discharging the capacitor. Schematic symbols for C are summarized in Fig. 16–30.

Figure 16–30 Schematic symbols for types of C. (a ) Fixed type with air, paper, plastic film, mica, or ceramic dielectric. (b) Electrolytic type,
which has polarity. (c ) Variable. (d ) Ganged variable capacitors on one shaft.

or or

(a ) (b ) (c ) (d )

■ The unit of capacitance is the farad. is the dielectric constant K of the ■ For series capacitors,
One farad of capacitance stores one material. Air or vacuum has a CEQ  _____ 1
coulomb of charge with one volt dielectric constant of 1. _1 _ 1 _ 1  . . .  etc.
C1 C2 C3
applied. Practical capacitors have ■ The most common types of
much smaller capacitance values ■ The electric field of a capacitance has
commercial capacitors are air, plastic
from 1 pF to 1000 F. A capacitance stored energy   1⁄2 CV 2, where V is
film, paper, mica, ceramic, and
of 1 pF is 1 1012 F; 1 F  1  electrolytic. Electrolytics are the only
in volts, C is in farads, and electric
106 F; and 1 nF  1  109 F. capacitors that require observing
energy is in joules.
■ Q  CV, where Q is the charge in polarity when connecting to a circuit. ■ When checked with an analog
coulombs, C the capacitance in The different types are compared in ohmmeter, a good capacitor shows
farads, and V is the potential Table 16–2. charging current, and then the
difference across the capacitor ohmmeter reading steadies at the
■ Capacitors are coded to indicate their
in volts. leakage resistance. All types except
capacitance in either microfarads
electrolytics normally have very high
■ Capacitance increases with larger (F) or picofarads (pF).
leakage resistance such as 100,000 M
plate area and less distance between ■ For parallel capacitors, or more. Electrolytics have more
plates. CT  C1  C2  C3  . . .  etc. leakage current; a typical leakage
■ The ratio of charge stored in different resistance is about 500 k to 10 M .
insulators to the charge stored in air

Important Terms
Capacitance (C ) the ability of a in a buildup of voltage across the Dielectric strength the ability of a
dielectric to hold or store an electric capacitor. dielectric to withstand a potential
charge. The more charge stored for a Condenser another (older) name for a difference without internal arcing.
given voltage, the greater the capacitor. Discharging the action of neutralizing
capacitance. the charge stored in a capacitor by
Dielectric absorption the inability of
Capacitor a component that can a capacitor to discharge completely connecting a conducting path across
store electric charge. A capacitor to zero. Dielectric absorption is the capacitor leads.
consists of two metal plates separated sometimes called battery action or Electric field the invisible lines of
by an insulator. Capacitors are named capacitor memory. force between opposite electric
according to the type of dielectric charges.
used. Common capacitor types include Dielectric constant, K a factor that
air, ceramic, plastic film, mica, paper, indicates the ability of an insulator to Equivalent series resistance (ESR) a
and aluminum electrolytic. concentrate electric flux, also known resistance in series with an ideal
as relative permittivity, r. capacitor that collectively represents
Charging increasing the amount of all losses in a capacitor. Ideally, the ESR
charge stored in a capacitor. The Dielectric material another name for
an insulator. of a capacitor should be zero.
accumulation of stored charge results

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Farad (F) unit the basic unit of capacitor when voltage is applied Nanofarad (nF) a small unit of
capacitance. 1 F  _ 1C across the capacitor plates. capacitance equal to 1  109 F.
Ganged capacitors two or three Leakage resistance a resistance Picofarad (pF) a small unit of
capacitor sections on one common in parallel with a capacitor that capacitance equal to 1  1012 F.
shaft that can be rotated. represents all leakage paths through Relative permittivity, r a factor that
which a capacitor can discharge. indicates the ability of an insulator to
Leakage current the current that
flows through the dielectric of a Microfarad (F) a small unit of concentrate electric flux, also known
capacitance equal to 1  106 F. as the dielectric constant, K.

Related Formulas
Q  CV coulombs CT  C1  C2  . . .  etc. (parallel capacitors)
C Q CEQ  _____ 1 (series capacitors)
V 1 _
_ 1 _ 1  . . .  etc.
Q C1 C2 C3
C Energy    1⁄2 CV 2 joules
A  8.85  1012 F
C  K 

Answers at back of book. 5. A capacitor consists of b. electrolytic.
a. two insulators separated by a c. mica.
1. In general, a capacitor is a conductor.
component that can d. air-variable.
b. a coil of wire wound on an iron
a. pass a dc current. core. 9. One of the main applications of a
b. store an electric charge. c. two conductors separated by an capacitor is to
c. act as a bar magnet. insulator. a. block ac and pass dc.
d. step up or step down an ac voltage. d. none of the above. b. block both dc and ac.
c. block dc and pass ac.
2. The basic unit of capacitance is the 6. A capacitance of 82,000 pF is the
same as d. pass both dc and ac.
a. farad.
b. henry. a. 0.082 F. 10. When checked with an ohmmeter,
c. tesla. b. 82 F. a shorted capacitor will measure
d. ohm. c. 82 nF. a. infinite ohms.
d. both a and c. b. zero ohms.
3. Which of the following factors c. somewhere in the range of 1 to
affect the capacitance of a 7. A 47-F capacitor has a stored 10 M .
capacitor? charge of 2.35 mC. What is the
voltage across the capacitor d. none of the above.
a. the area, A, of the plates.
b. the distance, d, between the plates. 11. The equivalent capacitance, CEQ,
c. the type of dielectric used.
a. 50 V. of a 10-F and a 40-F capacitor
b. 110 V approx. in series is
d. all of the above.
c. 5 V. a. 50 F.
4. How much charge in coulombs is d. 100 V. b. 125 F.
stored by a 50-F capacitor with c. 8 F.
20 V across its plates? 8. Which of the following types of
d. 400 F.
a. Q  100 C. capacitors typically has the highest
leakage current?
b. Q  2.5 C.
a. plastic-film.
c. Q  1 mC.
d. Q  1 C.

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12. A 0.33-F capacitor is in parallel 17. The voltage rating of a capacitor is 22. The equivalent series resistance
with a 0.15-F and a 220,000-pF not affected by (ESR) of a capacitor should ideally
capacitor. What is the total a. the area of the plates. be
capacitance, CT? a. infinite.
b. the distance between the plates.
a. 0.7 F. b. as high as possible.
c. the type of dielectric used.
b. 0.007 F. c. around 100 k .
d. both b and c.
c. 0.07 F. d. zero.
d. 7 nF. 18. The leakage resistance of a
capacitor is typically represented 23. The charge and discharge current
13. A 5-F capacitor, C1, and a 15-F as a(n) of a capacitor flows
capacitor, C2, are connected in a. resistance in series with the a. through the dielectric.
series. If the charge stored in C1 capacitor plates.
equals 90 C, what is the voltage b. to and from the capacitor plates.
across the capacitor C2? b. electric field between the capacitor c. through the dielectric only until the
plates. capacitor is fully charged.
a. 18 V.
c. resistance in parallel with the d. straight through the dielectric from
b. 12 V. capacitor plates. one plate to the other.
c. 9 V. d. closed switch across the dielectric
d. 6 V. material. 24. Capacitance increases with
a. larger plate area and greater
14. A plastic-film capacitor, whose 19. A 2200-F capacitor with a distance between the plates.
coded value is 333M, measures voltage rating of 35 V is most
0.025 F when tested with a likely a(n) b. smaller plate area and greater
capacitor-inductor analyzer. The distance between the plates.
a. electrolytic capacitor.
measured capacitance is c. larger plate area and less distance
b. air-variable capacitor. between the plates.
a. well within tolerance.
c. mica capacitor. d. higher values of applied voltage.
b. barely within tolerance.
d. paper capacitor.
c. slightly out of tolerance. 25. Two 0.02-F, 500-V capacitors in
d. right on the money. 20. A capacitor that can store 100 C series have an equivalent
of charge with 10 V across its capacitance and breakdown
15. Capacitors are never coded in plates has a capacitance value of voltage rating of
a. nanofarad units. a. 0.01 F. a. 0.04 F, 1 kV.
b. microfarad units. b. 10 F. b. 0.01 F, 250 V.
c. picofarad units. c. 10 nF. c. 0.01 F, 500 V.
d. both b and c. d. 100 mF. d. 0.01 F, 1 kV.

16. Which type of capacitor could 21. Calculate the permissible

explode if the polarity of voltage capacitance range of a ceramic
across its plates is incorrect? disk capacitor whose coded value
a. air-variable. is 0.068Z.
b. mica. a. 0.0544 F to 0.1224 F.
c. ceramic disk. b. 0.0136 F to 0.0816 F.
d. aluminum electrolytic. c. 0.0136 F to 0.1224 F.
d. 0.0544 pF to 0.1224 pF.

Essay Questions
1. Define capacitance with respect to physical structure and 4. Define 1 F of capacitance. Convert the following into
electrical function. Explain how a two-wire conductor has farads using powers of 10: (a) 50 pF; (b) 0.001 F;
capacitance. (c) 0.047 F; (d) 0.01 F; (e) 10 F.

2. (a) What is meant by a dielectric material? (b) Name five 5. State the effect on capacitance of (a) larger plate area;
common dielectric materials. (c) Define dielectric flux. (b) thinner dielectric; (c) higher value of dielectric
3. Explain briefly how to charge a capacitor. How is a
charged capacitor discharged?

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6. Give one reason for your choice of the type of capacitor 11. Define the following: (a) leakage resistance; (b) dielectric
to be used in the following applications: (a) 80-F absorption; (c) equivalent series resistance.
capacitance for a circuit where one side is positive and
the applied voltage never exceeds 150 V; (b) 1.5-pF 12. Give two comparisons between the electric field in a
capacitance for an rf circuit where the required voltage capacitor and the magnetic field in a coil.
rating is less than 500 V; (c) 5-F capacitance for an
audio circuit where the required voltage rating is less 13. Give three types of troubles in capacitors.
than 25 V.
14. When a capacitor discharges, why is its discharge current
7. Give the capacitance value of six-dot mica capacitors in the direction opposite from the charging current?
color-coded as follows: (a) black, red, green, brown,
black, black; (b) white, green, brown, black, silver, brown; 15. Compare the features of aluminum and tantalum
(c) brown, green, black, red, gold, blue. electrolytic capacitors.

8. Draw a diagram showing the fewest number of 400-V, 16. Why can plastic film be used instead of paper for
2-F capacitors needed for a combination rated at 800 V capacitors?
with 2-F total capacitance.
17. What two factors determine the breakdown voltage
9. Suppose you are given two identical uncharged rating of a capacitor?
capacitors. One is charged to 50 V and connected across
the uncharged capacitor. Why will the voltage across
both capacitors then be 25 V?

10. Describe briefly how you would check a 0.05-F capacitor

with an ohmmeter. State the ohmmeter indications when
the capacitor is good, short-circuited, or open.

SECTION 16–3 THE FARAD UNIT OF CAPACITANCE 16–4 Determine the voltage, V, across a capacitor if
16–1 Calculate the amount of charge, Q, stored by a capacitor a. Q  2.5 C and C  0.01 F.
b. Q  49.5 nC and C  330 pF.
a. C  10 F and V  5 V.
c. Q  10 mC and C  1,000 F.
b. C  1 F and V  25 V.
d. Q  500 C and C  0.5 F.
c. C  0.01 F and V  150 V.
e. Q  188 nC and C  0.0047 F.
d. C  0.22 F and V  50 V.
f. Q  75 nC and C  0.015 F.
e. C  680 pF and V  200 V.
f. C  47 pF and V  3 kV. 16–5 Determine the capacitance, C, of a capacitor if
a. Q  15 C and V  1 V.
16–2 How much charge, Q, is stored by a 0.05-F capacitor if
b. Q  15 C and V  30 V.
the voltage across the plates equals
c. Q  100 C and V  25 V.
a. 10 V?
d. Q  3.3 C and V  15 V.
b. 40 V?
e. Q  0.12 C and V  120 V.
c. 300 V?
f. Q  100 C and V  2.5 k V.
d. 500 V?
e. 1 kV? 16–6 List the physical factors that affect the capacitance, C,
of a capacitor.
16–3 How much voltage exists across the plates of a
200-F capacitor if a constant current of 5 mA 16–7 Calculate the capacitance, C, of a capacitor for each set
charges it for of physical characteristics listed.
a. 100 ms? a. A  0.1 cm2, d  0.005 cm, K  1.
b. 250 ms? b. A  0.05 cm2, d  0.001 cm, K  500.
c. 0.5 s? c. A  0.1 cm2, d  1  105 cm, K  50.
d. 2 s? d. A  1 cm2, d  5  106 cm, K  6.
e. 3 s?

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16–8 Determine the capacitance and tolerance of each of the capacitors shown in Fig. 16–31.

Figure 16–31

472M 103J 224K 273J 101J

200 V 200 V 100 V 100 V 250 V

(a) (b) (c) (d ) (e)

569F 104K 332M 680J

100 V 250 V 250 V 500 V

(f ) (g) (h) (i )

16–9 Determine the capacitance and tolerance of each of the capacitors shown in Fig. 16–32.

Figure 16–32

.0033Z .022P 182K .0047Z 104J .15M

1 kV 500 V 1 kV 500 V 1 kV 1 kV

(a) (b) (c) (d ) (e) (f )

16–10 Determine the capacitance and tolerance of each of the capacitors shown in Fig. 16–33.

Figure 16–33
Red Brown Yellow
Violet Black Violet
Black Black Black

Red Black Red Red Red Brown

Gold Silver Silver
(a) (b) (c)

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16–11 Determine the capacitance of each chip capacitor in 16–15 Determine the permissible capacitance range of the
Fig. 16–34. Use the coding scheme in Fig. 16–17. capacitors in
a. Fig. 16–31a.
b. Fig. 16–31d.
Figure 16–34 c. Fig. 16–31f.
d. Fig. 16–32c.
Q3 L4 W2 N4 e. Fig. 16–32d.

(a) (b) (c) (d ) 16–16 Explain the alphanumeric code, Z5U, for the capacitor
in Fig. 16–32b.


16–12 Determine the capacitance of each chip capacitor in 16–17 A 5-F and 15-F capacitor are in parallel. How much
Fig. 16–35. Use the coding scheme in Fig. 16–18. is CT?

16–18 A 0.1-F, 0.27-F, and 0.01-F capacitor are in parallel.

How much is CT?
Figure 16–35
16–19 A 150-pF, 330-pF, and 0.001-F capacitor are in parallel.
How much is CT?
56 C3 U4 22
16–20 In Fig. 16–38,
(a) (b) (c) (d )
a. how much voltage is across each individual capacitor?
b. how much charge is stored by C1?
16–13 Determine the capacitance of each chip capacitor in c. how much charge is stored by C2?
Fig. 16–36. d. how much charge is stored by C3?
e. what is the total charge stored by all capacitors?
f. how much is CT?
Figure 16–36
Blue Green Black Violet

Figure 16–38
(a) (b) (c) (d )

16–14 Determine the capacitance and tolerance of each VA  10 V C1  C2  C3 
capacitor in Fig. 16–37.  100 F 220 F 680 F

Figure 16–37

Silver Gold


Yellow Blue
Violet Orange Red 16–21 A 0.1-F and 0.4-F capacitor are in series. How much
Yellow Green is the equivalent capacitance, CEQ?

16–22 A 1500-pF and 0.001-F capacitor are in series. How

much is the equivalent capacitance, CEQ?
(a) (b)
16–23 A 0.082-F, 0.047-F, and 0.012 F capacitor are in
Silver Gold series. How much is the equivalent capacitance, CEQ?

16–24 In Fig. 16–39, assume a charging current of 180 A

Brown Gray flows for 1 s. Solve for
Yellow Green Green Red
Blue Violet a. CEQ.
b. the charge stored by C1, C2, and C3.
c. the voltage across C1, C2, and C3.
(c) (d) d. the total charge stored by all capacitors.

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Figure 16–39
16–27 How much energy is stored by a 100-F capacitor
which is charged to
a. 5 V?
C1  10 F
b. 10 V?
c. 50 V?

 16–28 How much energy is stored by a 0.027-F capacitor

VT  36 V C2  30 F which is charged to

a. 20 V?
b. 100 V?
c. 500 V?
C3  15 F
16–29 Calculate the energy stored by each capacitor in Fig. 16–39.


16–30 Make the following conversions:
a. 0.047 F to pF.
16–25 In Fig. 16–40, assume a charging current of 2.4 mA b. 0.0015 F to pF.
flows for 1 ms. Solve for
c. 390,000 pF to F.
a. CEQ.
d. 1000 pF to F.
b. the charge stored by C1, C2, and C3.
c. the voltage across C1, C2, and C3. 16–31 Make the following conversions:
d. the total charge stored by all capacitors. a. 15 nf to pF.
b. 1 nF to pF.
c. 680 nF to pF.
d. 33,000 pF to nF.
Figure 16–40 e. 1,000,000 pF to nF.
f. 560,000 pF to nF.

16–32 A plastic-film capacitor has a coded value of 154K. If

the measured value of capacitance is 0.160 F, is the
C1  0.04 F
capacitance value within tolerance?

16–33 A ceramic disk capacitor is coded 102Z. If the measured

value of capacitance is 680 pF, is the capacitance within

VT  120 V C2  0.12 F tolerance?

16–34 A plastic-film capacitor has a coded value of 229B. If
the measured value of capacitance is 2.05 pF, is the
capacitance within tolerance?
C3  0.06 F
16–35 What is the ohmmeter reading for a(n)
a. shorted capacitor.
b. open capacitor.
c. leaky capacitor.
16–26 How much capacitance must be connected in series 16–36 Describe the effect of connecting a 0.47-F capacitor
with a 120-pF capacitor to obtain an equivalent to the leads of an analog ohmmeter set to the R  10K
capacitance, CEQ, of 100 pF. range.

Critical Thinking
16–37 Three capacitors in series have a combined equivalent 16–38 A 100-pF ceramic capacitor has a temperature
capacitance CEQ of 1.6 nF. If C1  4C2 and C3  20C1, coefficient TC of N500. Calculate its capacitance at
calculate the values for C1, C2, and C3. (a) 75C; (b) 125C; (c) 25C.

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16–39 (a) Calculate the energy stored by a 100-F capacitor (c) Is the energy stored by both capacitors in part (b) less
charged to 100 V. (b) If this capacitor is now connected than the energy stored by the single capacitor in part (a)?
across another 100-F capacitor that is uncharged, If yes, where did the energy go?
calculate the total energy stored by both capacitors.

Answers to Self-Reviews 16–1 a. dielectric 16–7 a. 0.03 F

b. farad b. 150 pF

16–2 a. 14.5 V 16–8 a. 0.1 F

b. 0 V b. 25 V
c. yes c. 33.3 pF

16–3 a. 10 F 16–9 a. true

b. ceramic b. true

16–4 a. true 16–10 a. true

b. false b. true
c. true c. false
d. true d. false

16–5 a. true 16–11 a. 0

b. true b. good
c. true c. electrolytic

16–6 a. false
b. true
c. true
d. true

Laboratory Application Assignment

In this lab application assignment you will examine the coding Is the measured value of any capacitor out of tolerance?
systems used to indicate the capacitance and tolerance of a ___________ If so, which one(s)? _______________________
capacitor. You will also measure the value of a capacitor using
either a Z meter or a DMM capable of measuring capacitance Series Capacitors
values. And finally, you will examine how capacitance values Connect a 0.1-F capacitor in series with a 0.047-F capacitor
combine when connected in series and in parallel. as shown in Fig. 16–41a. Calculate and record the equivalent
capacitance, CEQ, of this series combination. CEQ  ________
Equipment: Obtain the following items from your instructor.
Next, measure and record the equivalent capacitance, CEQ, across
• Assortment of plastic-film capacitors terminals A and B. CEQ  ________ Add another 0.022-F
• Z meter or DMM capable of measuring capacitance values capacitor, as shown in Fig. 16–41b. Calculate and record the
equivalent capacitance, CEQ, of this series combination.
Measuring Capacitance CEQ  ________ Finally, measure and record the equivalent
Obtain five plastic-film capacitors from your instructor. Make capacitance, CEQ, across terminals A and B. CEQ  ________
sure each capacitor has a different coded value. In the space
provided below, indicate the coded value of each capacitor. Next,
indicate the capacitance (in pF) corresponding to the coded
value, including the tolerance. Finally, measure and record each
capacitance value using either a Z meter or a DMM capable of
measuring capacitance values. (If a measured value is displayed
Figure 16–41
in nF or F, convert it to pF.) C1 C2
Coded Value Capacitance Value Measured Value 0.1 F 0.047 F
__________ __________ __________ (a )
__________ __________ __________
C1 C2 C3
__________ __________ __________ A B
__________ __________ __________ 0.1 F 0.047 F 0.022 F
__________ __________ __________ (b )

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Parallel Capacitors Capacitor Leakage
Connect a 0.1-F capacitor in parallel with a 0.047-F Because there is no such thing as a perfect insulator, all
capacitor, as shown in Fig. 16–42a. Calculate and record the total capacitors have a small amount of current flowing through the
capacitance, CT, of this parallel combination. CT  ________ dielectric. This current is called leakage current. For a good
Next, measure and record the total capacitance, CT, across capacitor, this leakage current is usually insignificant and
terminals A and B. CT  ________ Add another 0.022-F can therefore be ignored. Due to the very nature of their
capacitor, as shown in Fig. 16–42b. Calculate and record the total construction, electrolytic capacitors have a much higher leakage
capacitance, CT, of this parallel combination. CT  ________ current than other types of capacitors. If a Z meter is available,
Finally, measure and record the total capacitance, CT, across have your instructor demonstrate how it can be used to measure
terminals A and B. CT  ________ the leakage current in a plastic-film and an electrolytic capacitor.
When checking for leakage, be sure to apply the rated working
Do capacitors in series combine the same way as resistors in
voltage across the capacitor. Your instructor can also show you
parallel? ________
how to test the ESR value of a capacitor.
Do capacitors in parallel combine the same way as resistors in
series? ________

Figure 16–42

C1 C2 C1 C2 C3
0.1 F 0.047 F 0.1 F 0.047 F 0.022 F

(a ) (b )

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