Flase: Topics: Confidence Intervals
Flase: Topics: Confidence Intervals
Flase: Topics: Confidence Intervals
I. The sample size of the survey should at least be a fixed percentage of the
population size in order to produce representative results.
→ Flase
A Sample size of 40 is considered large enough,but that may or may not
be adequate.
II. The sampling frame is a list of every item that appears in a survey sample,
including those that did not respond to questions.
→ True
The Population is generic & the sampling frame is a specific list of all items in the
population hence the sampling frame includes those that did not respond to questions
III. Larger surveys convey a more accurate impression of the population than
smaller surveys.
→ True
II. If the 95% confidence interval for the number of moviegoers who purchase
concessions is 30% to 45%, this means that fewer than half of all moviegoers
purchase concessions.
The 95% confidence interval for the number of moviegoers who
purchase concessions is 30% to 45% this means that there is a 95% chance that
only 30 to 45% of moviegoers purchase concessions which is less than 50%
hence we can infer that fewer than half of all the moviegoers purchase
III. The 95% Confidence-Interval for μ only applies if the sample data are nearly
normally distributed.
A. ¼
B. ½
C. ¾
D. 1 ✓
→ D.1
Mean of sample means is equal to population mean
I. If the sample were based on 2,000 users, could Microsoft conclude that
Mozilla has a less than 5% share of the market?
→ No
II. WebSideStory claims that its sample includes all the daily Internet users. If
that’s the case, then can Microsoft conclude that Mozilla has a less than 5%
share of the market?
5. A book publisher monitors the size of shipments of its textbooks to university
bookstores. For a sample of texts used at various schools, the 95% confidence
interval for the size of the shipment was 250 ± 45 books. Which, if any, of the
following interpretations of this interval are correct?
C. The procedure that produced this interval generates ranges that hold the
population mean for 95% of samples.→ correct
D. If we get another sample, then we can be 95% sure that the mean of this
second sample is between 205 and 295.→ correct
E. We can be 95% confident that the range 160 to 340 holds the population
mean.→ Incorrect
6. Which is shorter: a 95% z-interval or a 95% t-interval for μ if we know that σ =s?
Questions 8 and 9 are based on the following: To prepare a report on the economy,
analysts need to estimate the percentage of businesses that plan to hire additional
employees in the next 60 days.
A. 600 ✓
B. 400
C. 550
D. 1000
→ For a 95% confidence interval
Z = 1.960
n = (1.960/0.04)² (0.5)(1-0.5)
n = 600.23
ANS:- 600
8. Suppose we want the above margin of error to be based on a 98% confidence level.
What sample size (minimum) must we now use?
A. 1000
B. 757
C. 848 ✓
D. 543