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SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 1

15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)


1. OOP. Object Oriented Programming enables the programmers to group together data and the code
that uses data into discrete units. In OOP the stress is given on object in spite of procedure.
2. Procedural Programming. In procedural programming, we think about functions and the execution
flow through these functions.
3. Object. An object is a self contained abstraction of an item. An instance of a class.
4. Class. A class is user defined data type used to implement an abstract object. It contains members of
three types: private, public and protected. By default the data members of the class and private.
Classes enable the programmer to model objects with attributes and behaviours. Class type can be
defined in C++ using the keyword class and struct, but keyword class is normally used for this
5. Class declaration. The class is declared with a keyword class:
class <class_name>
private :
[public :
6. Members. There are two kinds of members in the class. First, data members and the second and
members functions. Member access specifiers always end with a colon (;) and can appear multiple
times and in any order in a class definition.
7. Data members. Data members are exactly like the variables in a structure. Data members of a class
are normally made private and members functions of a class are normally made public. Some
member functions may be private and serve as utility functions to the other functions of the class.
8. Private section. Private members are available to only members of class and not accessible to
functions outside the class. The default access mode for classes is private so all members after the
class header and before the first member access specifiers are considered to be private.
9. Public section. Any member following public keyword can be accessed from outside the class.
public members of a class present a view of the services the class provides to the clients of the class.
10. Scope resolution operator (::). This operator is used in situations where a global variable exists
with the same name as a local variable. Also, this is used in C++ class when the member functions
are declared outside the class definition; the function name is preceded by the class name and the
binary scope resolution operator (::).
11. Data hiding. The variables and functions declared in a class as private are not accessible to any
outside function. This feature of class declaration is called data hiding.
12. Abstract data type. The data type, which ties the data and its associated function into a single unit,
is called Abstract Data Type (ADT). Otherwise, Abstract Data Types are the data types, which
represent the required features of an item without including any background details, e.g.; class.
13. Encapsulation. Combining data and the required procedures to manipulate this data into a single
entity is known as encapsulation. This is an essential concept of OOP’s which is implemented
through classes.
14. Abstraction. The class member which are private remains hidden from outside world, the public
members from the interface by providing the essential and relevant information to outside world.
Thus only the essential features are represented to outside world without including the background
details, which is called abstraction.
SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 2
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

15. Inline functions. A function is defined as being inline, its implementation is substituted into the
code where the function call was made.
16. Friend function. A function outside of a class can be defined to be a friend function by the class
which gives the friend, free access to the private members of the class.



(i) DATA – ABSTRACTION: It is the act of representing the essential features with including
the background details and explanations.
(ii) DATA – HIDING: It is related concept to data abstraction. Unessential features or
background details are hidden from the world
(iii) DATA – ENCAPSULATION : Wrapping up of data and associated functions in one single
unit. Encapsulation implements abstraction also.
(iv) INHERITANCE : It is capability of one class to inherit properties from another class. The
class which is inherited is base class and known as SUPER CLASS, and the class which
inherits from other class is called derived class or subclass.]
(v) POLYMORPHISM : It is ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one
form. Polymorphism is a property by which the same message can be sent to objects of
several class.
(vi) OBJECT : It represents an identifiable entity with some characteristics and behaviour.


generic medical history ABSTRACTION FOR SALES SYSTEM
history Commission rate
Cars sold family Cars sold
Commission rate

Credit name name

real world

• ELECTRIC SWITCH BOARD (from real world entity) is example, where the internal
connections like wiring etc are not shown, hence it just shows the essential features with
some abstraction.

• Real world objects have Physical characteristics (State) and behaviour (eg) a motor bike
Characteristics → Current gear, wheels etc
Behaviour → braking, accelerating, charging years etc

• In Software objects, state is maintained through variables or data items and behaviour is
implemented through functions (known as methods)
Real world attribute {data, data, - - - - - - }

behaviour {method, method, - - - - }

SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 3
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

• A class binds together data and its associated functions under one unit and hence
implement encapsulation, as encapsulation means wrapping up data and associated
functions together into a single unit.

• A class groups its members into three sections : private, protected and Public: The private
and protected members remain hidden from outside world. Thus through private and
protected members, a class enforces data-hiding.

• General structure of a C++ class implements OOP concept

{data, data Private
{method, method,
….} Public

A class is defined as
Class < class name >
private : // hidden data members / methods here
protected : // (unimportant implementation details)
Public : // exposed important details


1. MODULARITY : * Source code can be written & maintained independently

* An object can passed easily around

2. INFORMATION :* An object has a public interface for other objects to communicate with
HIDING * An object can maintain private information and methods that can be changed
without affecting other objects.


* INHERITANCE, is implemented by specifying the name of the BASE CLASS FROM WHICH THE
CLASS BEING DEFINED (the derived class) has to inherit from.

Class < derived class name > : < base class name >
← derived class own features


FATHER Inheritance is real world entity

SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 4
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

* SHAPE → is ABSTRACT CLASS, it suggests a state like colour, size etc. It does not specify how to
implement interface like surface area, volume, perimeter etc.



FROM SHAPE CLASS, OTHER Classes like circle class, rectangle class, triangle class inherit.
These classes are CONCRETE CLASSES, As they provide proper functionality for its members

* POLYMORPHISM allows one interface to be used with different situation

Draw ( )

Draw-circle ( ) Draw-Rectangle ( )
Draw-square ( )

* Polymorphism is implemented with the help of FUNCTION-OVERLOADING



* FUNCTION OVERLOADING implements polymorphism and it also reduces number of comparisons in a

program to make it run faster

void see_day FUNCTION 1
cout << “can see through Daylight” ;
void see_night ( ) FUNCTION 2
cout << “can’t see through darkness” ;

In such cases, it is to be decided upon which function should be executed, for example

if (choice = = ‘D’ )
see_day ( ) ; // calling of functn1
if (choice = = ‘N’)
see_night ( ) ; // calling of functn2
SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 5
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)


void prnsqr (int i) F1( )

Function cout << “integers square is “<< i * i ;
name prnsqr ( ) }
is same, but void prn sqr (char c) F2( )
their arguments {
are different cout << “No square for character” ,
void prn sqr (float f) F3( )
cout << “float’s squre is” << f * f ;

Calling of these functions

→ prnsqr (‘z’) ; // calls F2( )
→ prnsqr (13) ; // calls F1( )
→ prnsqr (134-52); // calls F3( )

ADVANTAGES OF OOP (very important)

2. Ease of Comprehension
3. Ease of fabrication and maintenance
4. Easy redesign and extension

Q1. How are data and functions organized in Object Oriented Program?
Q2. Identify the error(s) in the following code-fragment:
class X { int a b;
void count (void)
{ a++ ;
public :
int X,
void init (int, int, int);
void print (void);
void X :: init(int i, int j, int k)
{ a = i;
b = j;
x = k;
void X :: print (void)
{ count ( );
cout << “a =” << a ; << “ b =” << b<< “ x =” << x << “\n” ;
void func(void);
X 01;
int main ( )
{ X 02;
01.init (0, 1, 2);
02.init (2, 3, 4);
SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 6
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

03.init (9, 10, 11);

03.a = 03 . b = 03 . x,
01.count ( );
02.count ( );
03.count ( );
01.print ( );
02.print ( );
03.print ( );

Q32. Identify the error(s) in the following code fragment :

int x = 5;
int y = 3;
class Outer {
public :
int x ;
int a;
static int s;
class Inner { int a ;
public :
void f (int i)
{ x = i;
s = i;
y = i;
a = i;
}; //Inner definition over
//Inner object
Inner I1;
void g(int i)
{ x=i;
}; //outer definition over
Outer O1;
int main ( )
{O1.l1.f(3); //statement1
O1. g(8);
return 0;
What will be the values of ::x, ::y, Outer::x, Outer::a, Outer::s, Inner::a after statement 1 and
statement 2 of above code?

Q4. Given the following code fragment :

# include <iostream.h>
class X {
int x, y;
void count (void);
public :
int a, b ;
SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 7
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

void getval (int, int) ;

void prval (void) ;
: //X’s member functions’ definitions
X 01 ;
int main ( )
{ class y { int i, j ;
void abc (void) ;
public :
float k ;
void get(void) ;
void prin(void) ;
Y 02 ;
X 03 ;
} //end main ( )
void func1 ( ) ;
{ X 04;
} //end fun1( )
void func2( )
{: //end func2( )
Which all members (data & functions) of classes X and Y can be accessed by main ( ), fun1 ( ) and func2( )?
Give reasons.

Q5. Define a class to represent a book in a library. Include the following members :
Data Members
Book Number, Book Name, Author, Publisher, Price, No. of Copies, No. of copies issued
Member Functions
(i) To assign initial values (ii) To issue a book after checking for its
(iii) To return a book (iv) To display book information.

Q6. Declare a class to represent fixed-deposit account of 10 customers with the following data members:
Name of the depositor, Account Number, Time Period (1 or 3 or 5 years), Amount. The class also
contains following member functions:
(a) To initialise data members.
(b) For withdrawal of money (after half of the time period has passed).
(c) To display the data members.

Q7. Define a class to represent batsmen in a cricket team. Include the following members ;
Data Members
First name, Last name, Runs made, Number of fours, Number of sixes,
Member Functions
(i) To assign the initial values
(ii) To update runs made
(It should simultaneously update fours and sixes, if required).
(iii) To display the batsman’s information.
Make appropriate assumptions about access labels.
SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 8
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

Q8. Define a class to represent bowlers in a cricket team. Include the following members :
Data Members
First name, Last name, Overs bowled, Number of Maiden overs, Runs given, Wickets taken.
Member Functions
(i) To assign the initial values
(ii) To update the information
(iii) To display the bowler’s information
Make appropriate assumptions about access specifies.

Q9. Write a program to manage a room’s statistics. The room class includes the following members:
Data Members
Length, Width, Height
Member Functions
(i) To assign initial values (ii) To calculate area
(iii) To display information (length, width, height & area)

Q10. Modify the above program so that length, width and height become objects of class distance that
Data Members
Meters, Centimeters
Memory Functions
(i) To assign values (ii) To print values.

Q11. Declare a class to represent bank account of 10 customers with the following data members. Name of
the depositor, Account number, Type of account, (S for Savings and C for Current). Balance account.
The class also contains members functions to do the following:
(i) To initialize data members
(ii) To deposit money
(iii) To withdraw money after checking the balance (minimum balance in Rs. 1000)
(iv) To display the data members
[Note: You are also required to give detailed function definitions.]

Q12. Define a class worker with the following specification:

Private members of class worker
wname 25 characters
hrwrk, wgrate float (hours worked and wagerated per hour)
totwage float(hrwrk * wgrate)_
calcwg( ) A function to find hrwk * wgrate with float return type
Public members of class worker
in_data( ) a function to accept values for wno, wname, hrwrk, wgrate and invoke
calcwg( ) to calculate totwage.
out_data( ) a function to display all the data members on the screen you should
give definitions of functions.

Q13. Define a class Teacher with the following specification:

private members :
name 20 characters
subject 10 characters
Basic, DA, HRA float
Salary float
Calculate ( ) function computes the salary and returns it.
Salary is sum of Basic, DA and HRA
SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 9
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

public members:
Readdata( ) function accepts the data values and invoke the calculate function
Displaydata( ) function prints the data on the screen.

Q14. Define a class Student with the following specification:

private members:
roll_no integer
name 20 characters
class 8 characters
marks [5] integer
percentage float
Calculate( ) function that calculates overall percentage of marks and returns the percentage of marks.
public members:
Readmarks( ) a function that reads marks and invokes the calculate function
Displaymarks( ) a function that prints the marks.

Q15. Define a class employee with the following specifications:

private members of class employee
empno integer
ename 20 character
basic, hra, da float
netpay float
calculate( ) A function to find basic + hra + da with float return type
public member function of class employee
havedata( ) function to accept values for empno, ename, basic, hra, da and invoke
calculate( ) to calculate netpay.
dispdata( ) function to display all the data members on the screen

Q16. Define a class BOOK with the following specification :

Private members of the class BOOK are
BOOK_NO integer type
BOOK_TITLE 20 characters
PRICE float (price per copy)
TOTAL_COST ( ) A function to calculate the total cost for N number of copies, where N
is passed to the function as argument
Public members of the class BOOK are
INPUT( ) Function to read BOOK_NO, BOOK_TITLE, PRICE
PURCHASE( ) Function to ask the user to input the number of copies to be purchased.
It invokes TOTAL COST( ) and prints the total cost to be paid by the
Note: You are also required to give detailed function definitions.

Q17. Declare a class to represent bank account of 10 customers with the following data members. Name of
the depositor, Account number, Type of account, (S for Savings and C for Current), Balance amount.
The class also contains member functions to do the following:
(i) To initialize data members (ii) To deposit money
(iii) To withdraw money after checking the balance (minimum balance in Rs. 1000)
(v) To display the data members
Note: You are also required to give detailed function definitions.

Q18. What are advantages and disadvantages of inline functions?

SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 10
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

Q19. Identify the errors in the following code fragment :

class X {
int x;
static int ctr;
public :
void init (void)
{ x = xtr = 0;
static void prn(void)
{ cout << ctr << x ;
Q20. Identify and correct the errors in the following code fragment :
class X {static int a;
int b;
char c ;
static float x,
float y,
void getval (int i, int j, char k)
{ a=i;
void prn (void)
} cout < < a < < b < < c < < x < < y < < “\n” ;

Q21. Define a class student with the following specifications:

private members of class student
admno integer
sname 20 character
eng, math, science float
total float
ctotal( ) A function to calculate eng + math + science with float return type
public member functions of class student
Takedata( ) function to accept values for admno, sname, eng, math, science and invoke
ctotal( ) to calculate total.
Showdata( ) function to display all the data members on the screen

Q22. Write the output of the following program.

#include <isostream.h>
class Counter
{ private :
unsigned int count ;
public :
Counter( ) {count = 0 ; }
void inc_Count( ) {count ++ ;}
int get_Count( ) {retu’n count ;}
SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 11
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

void main( )
{ Counter C1, C2 ;
cout << “\n C1 =” << C1 get_Count( ) ;
cout << “\n C2 =” << C2.get_Count( ) ;
C1.inc_Count( ) ;
C2.inc_Count( ) ;
C2.inc_Count( ) ;
cout << “\nC1 =” << C1.get_Count( ) ;
cout << “\nC2 =” << C2.get_Count( ) ;

Q23. Identify the errors in following program segment

class abc
int read( );
char display val( );
int x ;
char choice;

Q24. What is wrong with the following clas declaration:

int a, b;
void read( );

Q25. Identify the errors in the following program code :

#include <iostream.h>
class myclass {
int a, b;
void set(int I, int j) {a = I; b = ;}
void show( ) { cout <<a << ‘ ‘ << b << ‘\n’;
class yourclass {
int a, b;
void set(int I, int j) {a = I; b = j;}
void show( ) { cout << a << ‘ ‘ << b << ‘\n’;
int main()
myclass 01 ;
yourclass 02;
o1.set(10, 4);
o2 = 01 ;
return 0;
SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 12
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

Q26. Identify the errors in the following program segment:

#include <iostream.h>
class myclass {
int a;
void set_a(int num);
int get_a();
void myclass:set_a(int num0
a = num;
int myclass::get_a()
return a;
int main()
myclass ob1, ob2;
ob1.a = 10;
ob2.a = 99;
cout << ob1.get_a( ) << endl;
cout << ob2.get_a( ) << endl;
return 0;

Q27. Rewrite the given program after correcting all errors.

Class Student
int age;
char name[25];
student(car *sname, int a)
strcpy(name, sname);
age = a;
void display()
cout <<”age = “<< age;
cout << “Name = “<< name;
Student stud;
student stud 1(“Rohit”, 17);

SPECTRUM STUDY CIRCLE (The Acme of Excellence) 13
15/22 IInd Floor Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110018. Ph.: 25499279, 55711031(O), 9810865706(M)
Class: XII C++ Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

Q28. Identify the errors in the following program segment:

class X
int a, b;
void intial()
{ a = b = 0; }
float sum();
float sqr();
float sum()
return a + b;
float sqr()
return sum() * sum();

Q29. Identify the errors in the following program segment:

Class X
static int a,b,c;
void read(int I, int j, char k)
a = I;
b = j;
c = k;
x = y = 0;
void display()
cout << a << b << c << x << y << endl;

Q30. Declare a class employee having following members:

Data Members:
Employee name
Employee address
Employee number
Member Functions:
To read data members
To display the data members

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