Commercial Partnership Agreement - RAPID
Commercial Partnership Agreement - RAPID
Commercial Partnership Agreement - RAPID
This Quarry Lease Agreement is made and entered into by and between:
CADT 252, Awarded Higaunon ICCs/ IPs Ancestral Domain of Hinandayan, Nasipit,
Agusan del Norte, Philippines represented herein by its Indigenous People
Mandatory Representative (IPMR) Datu Salangkuan Revise Mandahinog
hereinafter referred to as “Second Party”;
WHEREAS, CADT 252, is one of the focus in the road development that stimulates
social and economic progress among people belonging to the community;
Section 2: Termination
This agreement can only be terminated for cause such as, the failure to carry out its
commitments, violations of the terms and conditions. The party requesting for
termination or pre-termination shall formally issue a written Notice of Termination to
other party copy furnished and subject to the review, evaluation and agreement by all