Challenges and Trends in Sustainable Corporate Finance: A Bibliometric Systematic Review
Challenges and Trends in Sustainable Corporate Finance: A Bibliometric Systematic Review
Challenges and Trends in Sustainable Corporate Finance: A Bibliometric Systematic Review
Challenges and Trends in Sustainable Corporate
Finance: A Bibliometric Systematic Review
Tat Dat Bui 1 , Mohd Helmi Ali 2 , Feng Ming Tsai 1 , Mohammad Iranmanesh 3 ,
Ming-Lang Tseng 2,4,5, * and Ming K Lim 6,7
1 Department of Shipping and Transportation Management, National Taiwan Ocean University,
Keelung 202301, Taiwan; [email protected] (T.D.B.); [email protected] (F.M.T.)
2 Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Bandar Baru Bangi 43600, Malaysia; [email protected]
3 School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA 6027, Australia;
[email protected]
4 Institute of Innovation and Circular Economy, Asia University, Taichung 41354, Taiwan
5 Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University,
Taichung 404322, Taiwan
6 College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China; [email protected]
or [email protected]
7 Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK
* Correspondence: [email protected] or [email protected]
Received: 17 September 2020; Accepted: 19 October 2020; Published: 30 October 2020
1. Introduction
Sustainable corporate finance (SCF) is a multi-indicator approach to finance a corporation in a way
such that all social, environmental and financial factors (triple bottom line, TBL) are interconnected
and integrated into an explicit system developed between current and future generations (Soppe 2009).
Johnsen (2003) and Peylo (2012) suggested that SCF is precisely interrelated to social responsibility
investments through the sustainable and conventional optimization of synthesis financing aimed at
achieving higher environmental and social performance while preserving and bringing back additional
income. For instance, Huerga and Rodríguez-Monroy (2019) claimed that an SCF system helps
economies develop balance and not be prejudiced by surplus debt use. Sertsios (2020) proposed
organizational structures directly linked to initial SCF preferences because firms have internal financing
advantages in markets integrated with sustainability drivers that help create sustainable long-term
cash flows. SCF is important for firms to balance the TBL towards sustainability.
Prior studies explored SCF. For example, Esty and Winston (2009) built a sustainable business
model based on the four key value drivers of intangibles, risks, costs, and revenues to measure
benefits and returns. Galaz et al. (2018) explored the relationship between financial aspects and
nonlinear corporate changes to develop a methodology that allowed financing activities to be linked
to economic performance to sustain the Earth’s climate system. Hollindale et al. (2019) highlighted
the magnitude and informed that both financial and sustainability performance integration can be
promoted as a solution to financial reporting of the shortcomings of greenhouse gas emissions’ quality.
Aranda-Usón et al. (2019) presented the influences of financial resources in businesses on achieving
a more advanced circular economy (CE). Thapa et al. (2020) presented the differential effects
between standalone and business group firms on the credit restructuring of intense creditor liberties
that increase credit supply and extend financially constrained firms to achieve higher benefits.
Siegrist et al. (2020) integrated a conceptual SCF framework with risk management, intangible
assets and cost reduction by proficient resource utilization and revenue improvement to highlight
how firms could utilize environmental sustainability in their long-term financial decision-making
frameworks. Banerji and Fang (2020) contributed to the literature on financing and industrial
corporations by featuring a capital utilizing modelled as an all-pay opposition in the digital environment.
Sertsios (2020) combined corporate finance, industrial organizations and corporation economics to
emphasize sustainable developments in market competition, customer-supplier integrations, ownership
structures and organizational forms and initial financial policies’ interactions. Although SCF has been
examined in the literature, systematic methods that form firms’ corporate finance practices are lacking
(Chan et al. 2019).
In addition, Sharma and Starik (2002) proposed sustainability challenges to social welfare
improvements and environmental impact reductions since firms incorporating these activities into
businesses hamper economic development. Chomsky (2007) indicated that unsustainable practices
can lead to externalized costs creates by society, whereas additional returns are privatized. Barton and
Wiseman (2015) declared that incentivizing employees and managers would challenge shareholders’
financial value maximization and lead to difficulties in establishing short-term business sustainability.
Firms create involuntary systems that make the sustainable business model more complex with
respect to implementing reimbursements and dealing with investor pressure and decision-making
factors related to fixing financial reporting systems (Dumay et al. 2016). Additionally, comparability
and consistency between SCF relevance and integrated decision usefulness are lacking (Slack and
Tsalavoutas 2018; Siegrist et al. 2020). Gibson (2010) stated that traditional sustainability frameworks
fail to offer expected outcomes and delivered more integrative tactics instead of trading-off and
balancing stakeholders’ needs. Huerga and Rodríguez-Monroy (2019) claimed that one cause of a
financial crisis is the unnecessary sustainable control taken by capital instruments, such as the share
of debt and equity that allows firms to finance their balance sheets but increase their overall costs
of capital.
The literature has confirmed that firms attempt to interpret financing networks as controlling
incomes (El-Gamal 2009; Lizińska and Czapiewski 2018). Galaz et al. (2015) and Galaz et al. (2018)
indicated that major funders increase the pressure on corporations through sustainable investment
policies to improve TBL performance. Investments in the environment and sustainability represent
significant corporate off-balance-sheet expenditures and create significant intangible asset values that
comprise an increasing share of a firm’s market capitalization. Zaman et al. (2018) combined bonus
tax shelters and firms’ benefits to create reasonable and sustainable financing solutions to provide a
firm with sustainable wealth generation. Concerns over firms’ sustainable performance are crucial
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 264 3 of 27
investment aspects to achieving better financing support, specifically, for those undergoing serious
financing constraints (Li et al. 2020). Fatemi and Fooladi (2013) stated that a constant financial regulatory
structure needs to be established that generates efficient resolutions to accomplishing sustainability.
Huerga and Rodríguez-Monroy (2019) measured corporate debt levels under mandatory fiscal ratios
reflecting payments of interest and debt divided by income repayments. However, comprehensive
SCF has not been achieved because of the level of specificity and range in differentiating resource
optimization capabilities, and the existing results only mostly focus on economic and environmental
factors (Portillo-Tarragona et al. 2018).
An integrated SCF approach as an important collective accumulation is needed; however, this is
difficult to obtain in practice because of the influence of uncertainty on mature financing structures and
decisions and because specific corporate financing factors largely remain unexplored. The concept is
attracting attention in sustainability literature but is still poorly established (Gómez-Bezares et al. 2016).
Accordingly, the need exists to corroborate SCF as an integral part of a firm’s sustainability to capture
long-term value (Aranda-Usón et al. 2019; Ang 2019). Key aspects of SCF need to be established
and comprehensively understood (Khoo and Cheung 2020). Thus, an integrated assessment of the
literature review is crucial to identifying the knowledge gap in the extant SCF literature. This study
proposes a systematic review to clarify the state-of-the-art SCF and provide new opportunities and
potential instructions to foster further studies. Hence, this study’s objectives are as follows.
A literature review aims to determine, clarify, structure and evaluate the related existing
literature in an unprejudiced, reproducible and systematic way by highlighting relevant intellectual
boundaries (Tranfield et al. 2003). A systematic review manages a significant diversity in the
literature to provide an exhaustive and in-depth examination and well-defined contextual correlations
(Raghuram et al. 2010). This study uses a bibliometric literature review and network analysis to
systematically approach the literature to enhance future studies. The bibliometric analysis is employed
because of the following reasons. First, the method is easier and more reliable than other text analysis
techniques when managing a large amount of data. Second, bibliometric analysis deeply analyzes
relationships among articles, keywords and citations to deliver comprehensive information in the field.
Finally, bibliometric analysis has a strong visualization capability to identify interests for future studies
in the field (Bhatt et al. 2020; Feng et al. 2017; Geng et al. 2017).
This study contributes to (1) providing valuable directions by examining the bibliometric status
and identifying the SCF knowledge structure from the existing literature and (2) identifying the critical
issues needed to advance future studies and support practical accomplishments. Since the most recent
work has pointed out the complexity and uncertainty of SCF, such as vulnerable corporate investments,
risk premiums and cash holdings, endorsing the concept for clearer structures and instructions is an
urgent issue (Çolak et al. 2017; Brogaard and Detzel 2015; Azzimonti 2018; Jens 2017; Cheng et al. 2018;
Khoo and Cheung 2020).
The remainder of this study is organized into 4 sections. The second section explains in detail
the methodologies, data collection process and proposed analysis steps. The third section presents
the bibliometric results. Then, the literature review discussion and debate on future study trends and
challenges are provided in the fourth section. The last section provides the conclusions, the study’s
limitations and suggestions for future studies.
2. Method
In this section, the steps to the analysis are proposed, and its data collection, bibliometric analysis,
network analysis and co-wording analysis are discussed in detail.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 264 4 of 27
2.1. Proposed
J. Risk Analysis
Financial Manag. Steps
2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 27
This study used a bibliometric and network analysis on a coordinated co-word analysis to
compose vivid diagrams and data compatibility. The steps to the analysis steps were proposed as
deconstruct and understand the definitional SCF issues. VOSviewer software was employed to
compose vivid diagrams and data compatibility. The steps to the analysis steps were proposed
1. follows.
as Identifying search terms to extract SCF publications from the Scopus database.
1. Conducting a bibliographic
Identifying search analysis
terms to extract SCFtopublications
classify the from
SCF literature
the Scopusstructure
database.using VOSviewer
2. software.
Conducting a bibliographic analysis to classify the SCF literature structure using VOSviewer software.
3. Approaching
Approaching thethenetwork
network analysis
analysis for clarification
for data data clarification
to extractto extractdescriptive
available available information,
such as publication
information, such as time, journal,time,
publication countries/territories and keywords.
journal, countries/territories and keywords.
4. Analyzing the keywords, co-occurrence frequencies and keywords clustering
Analyzing the keywords, co-occurrence frequencies and keywords clustering using
using co-word
analysis to specify future study implications.
analysis to specify future study implications.
The data analysis systematic diagram was obtained as in Figure 1.
The data analysis systematic diagram was obtained as in Figure 1.
Risk Financiala Manag.
2020, and the
size of each node represents the frequency of the co-occurrence of
13, 264 6 ofthe
keywords (Hernández-Linares and López-Fernández 2018). In a graph or network, the edge between
two nodes, if they exist, represents the link between two keywords. A cluster is formed among the
keywords atokeyword, and the
describe their size interrelationships
closed of each node represents the frequency
in similar of the
documents. Moreco-occurrence of the
influential cluster
keywords (Hernández-Linares and López-Fernández 2018). In a graph or network, the
sets are determined to be more related to studies and to supplementary developing study fieldsedge between
two nodes,
depicted as ifpotential
they exist, represents
study the link
topics (Ertz and between two keywords.
Leblanc-Proulx 2018). A cluster is formed among the
keywords to describe their closed interrelationships in similar documents. More influential cluster sets
are determined to be more related to studies and to supplementary developing study fields depicted
3. Results
as potential study topics (Ertz and Leblanc-Proulx 2018).
The data collection, bibliometric and network analysis and co-word analysis results are reported
in this section.
3. Results
The data collection,
3.1. Bibliometric bibliometric
and Network and network analysis and co-word analysis results are reported
Analysis Results
in this section.
The data collection result shows that 227 articles and reviews were generated with a pool of 705
3.1. keywords.
Bibliometric andConsistent with the
Network Analysis default constraints in VOSviewer, 30 keywords were listed at
least three times, and corporate finance, sustainability, sustainable development, corporate social
The data collection result shows that 227 articles and reviews were generated with a pool of
performance, corporate sustainability and corporate governance had the highest frequent
705 author keywords. Consistent with the default constraints in VOSviewer, 30 keywords were listed
occurrences. Author keyword distribution is illustrated through bibliographic coupling. The
at least three times, and corporate finance, sustainability, sustainable development, corporate social
visualization reveals the corporate finance, sustainable development and sustainability node
performance, corporate sustainability and corporate governance had the highest frequent occurrences.
represented as the central keywords, which then have interrelationships with other keywords. The
Author keyword distribution is illustrated through bibliographic coupling. The visualization reveals the
exact SCF term has not yet been indicated or become popular in the literature. Indeed, SCF is only a
corporate finance, sustainable development and sustainability node represented as the central keywords,
small node in the network, confirming that the concept started to be a concern in 2016 (Gómez-
which then have interrelationships with other keywords. The exact SCF term has not yet been indicated
Bezares et al. 2016)—presenting growth in attracting literature and a promising potential topic for
or become popular in the literature. Indeed, SCF is only a small node in the network, confirming
future studies (see Figure 2). The yellow nodes, such as for environmental management accounting,
that the concept started to be a concern in 2016 (Gómez-Bezares et al. 2016)—presenting growth in
eco-innovation, CE and stakeholder engagement, represent the latest occurring keywords since 2018
attracting literature and a promising potential topic for future studies (see Figure 2). The yellow nodes,
as the newest, most recently considered topics.
such as for environmental management accounting, eco-innovation, CE and stakeholder engagement,
represent the latest occurring keywords since 2018 as the newest, most recently considered topics.
In total, 48
In total, 48 countries/territories
recordedasas publication
publication geographic
geographic distributions,
distributions, withwith
the minimum number of documents for a country equal to 1. This study acquired bibliographic
minimum number of documents for a country equal to 1. This study acquired bibliographic coupling
coupling by year,
by year, with with the
the most most productive
productive countries/territories
countries/territories being the being
United the United
States andStates and
China, China,
followed by Italia, Spain and Australia. The top cited countries with the highest citation
by Italia, Spain and Australia. The top cited countries with the highest citation weights and having weights
and having
the most the mostcountry
influential influential country
impacts impacts
on the on the
field were thefield were
United the United
States, States,
Australia, Australia,
Germany and
Germany and Hong Kong (see Table 1). The latest countries/territories with publications listed in the
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 264 7 of 27
field—since late 2018—were Turkey, Vietnam, South Korea and Brazil (see Figure 3). These results
show that SCF study trends are moving towards developing countries (Lizińska and Czapiewski 2018;
Aranda-Usón et al. 2019) and, in particular, emerging markets with incomplete and changing financing
systems that require sustainable improvements; thus, more empirical investigations in various
conditions are needed.
which concerns corporate governance, ethics, supply chain management and sustainability. This
cluster consists of studies on ethical issues in supply chain management and corporate financing aims
related to sustainable development.
The result Figure
shows3.that clusters 1, 5 and 6 represent older publications, are particularly influential
Bibliographic coupling of countries/territories by publication year.
on the studies’Figure 3. Bibliographic
concepts and have the coupling
most of countries/territories
references in the coreby SCF
publication year. of their higher
set because
3.2. Co-Wordweights
occurrence Analysisand average citation index (see Table 2). The newer clusters cover broader topics
3.2. Co-Word
supporting Analysis
analysis,sustainable development,
which is a content analysissuch as environmental
technique, reveals theaccounting,
co-occurrencestakeholder and
of keywords
public relations,
in a dataset or resource
and which
effectively management
mapsis athe
content and CE
strengths concepts.
andtechnique, These
traces the reveals topics reveal that
the co-occurrence
relationship current studies
structure in aofconceptual
in a considered
dataset and influential
effectively works
maps on
the business
strengths analytics
and traces approaches,
the necessitating
network. In total, 30 author keywords were extracted from the databases and were indicated structure a
a practical
in six
alignment and greater precision regarding problem-solving angles.
clusters considered to be the six study groups (see Figure 4). Detailed labelling is conducted ininthis
network. In total, 30 author keywords were extracted from the databases and were indicated six
study considered
(see Table 2). to be the six study groups (see Figure 4). Detailed labelling is conducted in this
study (see Table 2).
Cluster 1 performs corporate finance-related theoretical developments in corporate
sustainability. The cluster explores and conceptualizes the foundation of the SCF field and covers the
primary works of corporate environmental performance, corporate social performance, corporate
sustainability, environmental management, environmental sustainability, SCF and TBL. Cluster 2 is
largely a collection of studies on sustainable competitive advantages and investment practices. The
cluster is composed of competitive advantage, firm performance, environmental performance and
carbon emissions and socially responsible investments and returns on equity. Cluster 3 entails works
on sustainable stakeholder engagement comprising environmental accounting, environmental
policy, stakeholder engagement, sustainable performance and sustainable development. The cluster
mainly focuses on stakeholder behaviors and leadership regarding corporate decision making and
the SCF managerial approach. Cluster 4 focuses on the SCF as related to the CE concept, including
CE, eco-innovation, environmental management accounting and the resource-based view. The
cluster mostly concentrates on exchange resource management practices in circulation systems
involving financial aspects and cash flow management. Cluster 5 emphasizes SCF innovation and
risk management involving corporate finance innovation, risk management and venture capital. The
cluster identifies the need for SCF innovation, conceptualizes the foundation for the SCF transition
from the traditional system and empirically builds and tests risk management in the market and
changing processes. Cluster 6 comprises
Figure of SCF
4. Co-occurrence studieskeywords
of author related toby sustainable
clusters. supply chain ethics,
Figure 4. Co-occurrence of author keywords by clusters.
ID Keywords Cluster Occurrences Published
1 environmental 8 2017.125 40.625
Corporate social
2 16 2015.0625 30.8125
3 17 2016.4706 20.2353
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 264 9 of 27
Average Average
ID Keywords Cluster Occurrences
Published Year Citations
Corporate environmental
1 8 2017.125 40.625
Corporate social
2 Corporate finance in 16 2015.0625 30.8125
3 Corporate sustainability 17 2016.4706 20.2353
4 3 2011.6667 36.6667
5 3 2015 113.3333
Sustainable corporate
6 3 2015.6667 11.3333
7 Triple bottom line 4 2011.5 37
8 Carbon emissions 3 2017.3333 23.6667
9 Competitive advantage 3 2015 19
10 competitive 6 2017.6667 3.8333
11 Firm performance 3 2017.3333 36
12 Return on equity 3 2018.3333 1
Socially responsible
13 4 2015.75 18.5
14 Environmental accounting 3 2010 3
15 Environmental policy Sustainable 3 2019 9.3333
16 Stakeholder engagement stakeholder 4 2018 20.25
17 Sustainability performance engagement 8 2016.375 10.5
18 Sustainable development 24 2015.8333 25
19 Circular economy 4 2018.75 7.75
20 Eco-innovation 4 2017.75 10
Circular economy
21 3 2019 9.6667
management accounting
22 Resource-based view 3 2019 9
23 Corporate finance Sustainable corporate 35 2015.9429 8.2571
24 Innovation finance (SCF) 3 2011.3333 2.6667
25 Risk management innovation and risk 3 2015 5.6667
26 Venture capital management 3 2008.3333 4.3333
27 Corporate governance 14 2017.2857 4.7143
28 Ethics Sustainable supply 3 2016.6667 60
29 Supply chain management chain ethics 3 2016.6667 60.3333
30 Sustainability 33 2016.4545 31.2727
empirically builds and tests risk management in the market and changing processes. Cluster 6 comprises
of SCF studies related to sustainable supply chain ethics, which concerns corporate governance, ethics,
supply chain management and sustainability. This cluster consists of studies on ethical issues in supply
chain management and corporate financing aims related to sustainable development.
The result shows that clusters 1, 5 and 6 represent older publications, are particularly influential
on the studies’ concepts and have the most references in the core SCF set because of their higher
occurrence weights and average citation index (see Table 2). The newer clusters cover broader topics
supporting empirical sustainable development, such as environmental accounting, stakeholder and
public relations, or resource management and CE concepts. These topics reveal that current studies
are considered influential works on business analytics approaches, necessitating a more practical
alignment and greater precision regarding problem-solving angles.
to clarify the foundation of a firm’s finance decisions and activities or funding accomplishments,
to imply control rights structures and to establish monitoring guidelines. Another important area is
sustainability connections because the relationship between social and environmental performance
and financial performance still lacks discussion (Lassala et al. 2017; Oh et al. 2017; Marti et al. 2015;
Hong and San 2016; Maciková et al. 2018; Wagner 2010). Determining the use of sustainable
corporate criteria that generate sustainable returns in a financial crisis, such as market risk controls,
industry affiliations, book-to-market value and market capitalization, is missing from the literature
(Cheung 2011; Ziegler 2012). Investigating the corporate sustainability impacts on stock market returns,
as well as the sustainability index’s inclusion and exclusion consequences on corporate value, is
proposed (Lizińska and Czapiewski 2018; Moneva and Ortas 2008).
Overall, setting a sustainable competitive scale and guideline actions for firms according to their
capabilities to create unique organizational process combinations to collect strategic knowledge and
improve performance is recommended.
any general conclusions. For instance, enhancing corporate innovation is informed by the impacts
of political connections and not by nonconnected firms (Su et al. 2019); whereas firms’ earnings
declines related to more government substitutes is reported as not necessarily helpful to improving
stakeholder information (Zhao et al. 2019). Corporate decision making becomes more complex when a
firm attempts to balance its financial performance (Salzmann et al. 2005). Problems arise when firms
inadvertently incentivize employees and executive systems that do not exploit stakeholder benefits
and turnover margin, and higher leverage may create inconsistencies between consumers and firms’
interests, whereas the alignment of investors and managers could distress debtholders, indicating
adverse debt requisites for borrowing firms (Freund et al. 2018).
The literature on the connection between sustainability and firm performance is fragmented.
It cultivates a concentration on a single dimension of the TBL rather than a balance between the TBL
and the relationship with profitability and aspects of shareholder gains (Gómez-Bezares et al. 2016).
Establishing sustainable development is difficult in the short-term, making the implementation of the
sustainable business model complex (Barton and Wiseman 2015). Therefore, firms need to change
their major stakeholders’ ownerships depending on the relevant stakeholder extent in their turnover.
Multidimensional approaches to the sustainable development concept instantaneously connect to the
TBL, and various value creation aspects must be further investigated, particularly during economic
and financial crises and their aftershock and recovery stages. If a firm is ready with wealth-protective
possessions during market fractures, then it can develop sustainable frameworks for highly desirable
investment assets.
Furthermore, a conventional synthesis and optimization of sustainable investments with higher
environmental and social performance achievement while preserving excess financial returns is needed
(Peylo 2012). Finding the causal relationship between sustainable practices and stakeholder added
value is urgent because the sustainable development process fundamentally relies on demand-driven
interrelationships (Hansen et al. 2013; Margolis and Walsh 2003; Soppe 2009). From a societal dimension,
sustainable practices for indirect subventions and social grants or regulatory burgling as a market
failure are lacking because they would signify considerable costs to the public and would be paid by
the community while the extra returns are privatized. Inclusively, investors’ archetype extended to
a stakeholder’s approach includes long- and short-term multidimensional arrangements consistent
with the overall sustainable performance throughout the entire management network, and stakeholder
information flow used to criticize distinct resources and expertise is missing.
of financial provision through subsidies and other inducements in the recycling industry is highlighted,
where investments in technology development are important (Pan et al. 2015; Masi et al. 2017).
Stakeholders’ collaboration in codecision and coproduction, as well as in financing projects, are indicated
to escalate the transition to a CE (Daddi et al. 2017; Velenturf and Purnell 2017). Small and medium
firms are confirmed as needing more government support to adopt sustainable manufacturing practices
given their insufficient capital (Moktadir et al. 2018). These advanced CE solutions are proven to
recover firms’ environmental investment costs (Ghisellini et al. 2018). In this context, fiscal availability,
the quality of a firm’s financial resources and public subsidies must be implemented in SCF to perform
in a CE.
CE is a complex model concerning various environmental issues and different investments areas,
such as eco-innovation, a firm’s environmental improvements, or energy savings and renewables
(Ekholm et al. 2013; Portillo-Tarragona et al. 2018; Fondevila et al. 2019; Ng and Tao 2016). The CE
embodies an adequate capability for investing in activities to close loops, and a higher level of related
accomplishments are carried out. Hence, the CE involves adapted financial mechanisms showing
that large financial resources are needed to invest in pilot projects (Su et al. 2013). Prior studies also
concentrated on financial resource interests (Halila and Rundquist 2011; Cruz-Cázares et al. 2013),
capital assessments, venture capital or credit institutions, cash flows and own funds expansions or
public funds obtainability (Johnson and Lybecker 2012; Chertow 2000). However, the limited financial
capability for CE investments is affirmed as a primary management issue (Aranda-Usón et al. 2019;
Shahbazi et al. 2016).
The adoption of a CE in businesses has yet to establish circular processes and in-depth
analyses in the sustainable corporate financial literature. It should be noted that the literature
refers to a firm’s internal resources and capabilities that are not precisely associated with the CE
(Del Río et al. 2017; López and Montalvo 2015; Kiefer et al. 2019; Portillo-Tarragona et al. 2018). This is
because of the great difficulty in applying each specific resource and capability (Aragón-Correa and
Sharma 2003; Scarpellini et al. 2020). In particular, the financial behavior in a CE is influenced by
not only internal factors but also the external context (Liu and Bai 2014). Therefore, future studies
on corporate social responsibility may have effective impacts on investigating the CE in SCF since
it is framed in the TBL of sustainability (Sihvonen and Partanen 2017; Stewart and Niero 2018;
Merli et al. 2018). Collaboration within the CE, as an example, is industrial symbiosis, which is
proposed in advanced literature (Daddi et al. 2017; Tseng and Bui 2017). External ventures, which give
investing firms opportunities to form new and distinctive potentialities that are intensely successful or
even possibly terrorize corporate capabilities (Rossi et al. 2019, 2020; Ma 2020), could be exploited,
supported and expanded by future studies.
The investigation into the characteristics of different financial resources for the CE remains
unsolved. Financing synergy partnership problems are limited in eco-industrial development because
the literature discusses taxes and government subsidizations (Aid et al. 2017). The related uncertainty
and complexity imply stronger confidence for loans granted in high-risk environments and reduces
the funds that flow to investment activities (Kim et al. 2016; Cecere et al. 2018; Polzin et al. 2017).
Furthermore, some research areas are rarely explored at the micro-scale, such as financial resources’
characteristics involved in circular businesses. Many unexplored factors still remain in the transition
to a CE, such as financial resources scarcity, insufficient financial systems and a shortage in support
from communal institutions, causing slow CE adoption even when the concept’s benefits are being
increasingly recognized (Rizos et al. 2016; Ormazabal et al. 2016, 2018). Inadequate investments
and the risks related to circular infrastructures and activities, as well as insufficient investments,
are obstacles to the transition to a CE. Further investigations should address the financial risks in
circular businesses and should encourage the initiation of business strategies, learning and innovation
and enable cross-cooperation and coordination.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 264 15 of 27
affect total risk through cost reductions, sustainable capital assessments and process innovation related
to (1) stable stakeholders and financial community relationships; (2) reductions in lawsuits and political
risk; (3) high material and energy efficiency; (4) effective financial planning and business scheduling;
(5) productivity improvement; (6) better employees and communally sensible customer attraction;
and (7) income improvement (Brammer and Millington 2008; Funk 2003; Gómez-Bezares et al. 2016;
Soppe 2009). Future studies on how to voluntarily balance environmental, social and financial
performances and stakeholders might enable the accomplishment of lower volatility. By linking to
qualitative risk categories, firms can achieve more stable cash flows and extensive cost reductions in
potential financial crisis.
Financial entities, such as banks, credit rating agencies and institutional investors, are increasing
their interest in financial risks and related opportunities (Galaz et al. 2018). Stakeholders benefit
from risk-taking by favorably reacting to debt over equity issuances, whereas the trade-offs between
organizational growth and higher financial risk might have a negative effect on internal corporate
firmness (Wu et al. 2012). Internal debt combines managers’ and external debtholders’ interests,
which encourages managers to practice risk-reducing behavior (Cassell et al. 2012; Edmans and Liu 2011;
Phan 2014). However, because of unbalanced information between managers and investors,
stakeholders become less sensitive to debt information (Freund et al. 2018). Simultaneously,
nonexecutive employees are more sensitive to firm risk because their income is more closely related
to the firm’s wealth than shareholders’ income (Sertsios 2020). The nonexecutive extension affects
firms’ strategic plans, and firms may take lower risks when nonexecutive ownership is high and,
consequently, acquire less expensive loans (Bova et al. 2015). In contrast, conflicts of interest between
debtholders and equity holders make firms take higher debt levels for more risky technology, implying
a perilous decision in corporate finance. In equilibrium, both safe and risky technologies are evenly
beneficial and (1) some firms prefer a risky technology with higher debt, whereas (2) others choose a
safer technology with lower debt (Chen et al. 2020).
Insufficient investments and risks associated with conservational performance improvements
have been implemented through direct public funding, such as research and development project
grants, operational infrastructures and supporting incubations (Aranda-Usón et al. 2019). It has also
been demonstrated that the associated uncertainty implies a higher collateral level for loans granted
with high investment risk and low funding flows (Cecere et al. 2018; Kim et al. 2016; Polzin et al. 2017).
Firms operating in industries with higher risk tend to have higher cash holdings for precautionary
changes (Haushalter et al. 2007). Furthermore, reputational risk has become part of financial risk.
A firm that is financed in a sustainable manner creates more normative mission statement choices to
impute an equal interest to all stakeholders (Soppe 2009). For instance, the financial decision-making
process is affected by environmental pressures, energy cost increases or other activities, such as risk
management policies or financial provisions for social responsibilities, environmental contamination or
wildlife habitats restoration, and is becoming more urgent (Scarpellini et al. 2020). SCF has the potential
to deliver a broad range of new sources of competitive advantages that influence value creation in both
the short- and long-term. Sustainable financial flows related to natural disaster, war, terrorism and
pandemic risks are argued as becoming relevant data for firms resilient to corporate finance risk.
apprehensions are part of a financial decision remain unclear (Ang 2019). Ethics in a corporation are
currently only supposedly distributed because firms’ financial rewards prefer cost efficiency rather
than ethical behavior and punish unethical but profit maximizing behavior.
The fundamental foundations on the applicable ethical framework are expectations of personal
behavior and financial choices, interpreted as a standard for ethics pricing and relative cost control
assistance. The SCF adopts behavioral developments by increasing the human morality of economic
entities through encouraging business ethics. In particular, trust in finance is found to be the foundation
of all transactions in the supply chain because firms deal with those they can trust, and financial
markets cannot perform without trust (Ang 2019). However, the nature of the firm’s economic behavior
diverges from severely selfish to optimally managing relationships, making firms face the challenges
related to assimilating corporate financial events while also concentrating on social stakeholders,
such as staffs, supply chain partners and the public (Dunphy et al. 2003). Human nature is characterized
not only by environment corporal superiority but also by firms’ morality and mental abilities
(Soppe 2004). A broad evaluation of the ethical and behavioral framework is required to determine
the moral character of the financial agents and the relative cost of firms’ ethical behavior. However,
the literature only addresses the requests for the moral pricing that a firm chooses to apply in a
sustainable financial policy that only incorporates a broader definition of firms’ targets (Kaptein and
Wempe 2002; Soppe 2004, 2009). This leads to serious corollaries, such as greater debt and further
conflicts between a company’s shareholder and board. For instance, firms with a highly intense green
governance structure and social responsibility have an intensely instituted corporate culture, strategy,
vision and morality (Li et al. 2020). In the progression of financing transactions with these companies,
there is less evasion risk and moral hazards (Allen et al. 2005), whereas the time lag between the
prerogative money makes transactions more morally vulnerable (Soppe 2009).
However, studies on sustainable corporate finance aim to fulfil the gap between finance and a
corporate sustainability strategy that entered the business ethics literature, and interior management
and corporate responsibility are still lacking. Sustainable financial policies are needed to optimize
the business ethics variable. From the viewpoint of the supply chain, collaborative capabilities
based on the moral standard is yet to be clarified for firms to actively collaborate with their partners
(Portillo-Tarragona et al. 2018). Additionally, demographic and gender equality problems also demand
to be exceeded because prior corporate policies and practices may have been biased against females
(Ang 2019).
5. Concluding Remarks
Although SCF has been examined in the literature, it is still an underdeveloped concept. SCF is
attracting a greater focus from studies on sustainability; however, the systematization that forms
firms’ corporate finance practices is lacking. An integrated assessment of the literature review is
crucial to identifying the knowledge gaps in existing SCF literature. This study proposed a systematic
bibliometric literature review to clarify the state-of-the-art SCF and provide opportunities and potential
instructions to foster further studies.
A pool of 227 publications and 705 author keywords were indicated using the VOSviewer software.
In total, 30 keywords were listed at least three times, in which corporate finance, sustainability,
sustainable development, corporate social performance, corporate sustainability and corporate
governance had the most frequent occurrences. In total, 48 countries/territories were recorded
as publication geographic distributions, and the most productive ones were the United States,
China, Italia, Spain and Australia. The countries/territories with the most recent publications listed
were Turkey, Vietnam, South Korea and Brazil, showing that studies are moving to developing
countries, especially emerging markets with incomplete and changing financing systems that require
sustainable improvements.
This study contributed to examining the bibliometric status of SCF and providing directions
for future studies and practical accomplishments. A total of 30 author keywords were extracted
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 264 18 of 27
from the databases and were indicated into six study groups, including corporate finance in
corporate sustainability, sustainable competitive advantages, sustainable stakeholder engagement, CE,
SCF innovation and risk management and sustainable supply chain ethics. SCF players can refer to this
study as a reference during decision making. Further, governments, professionals and firms can convey
this study for useful material to support SCF practical design, planning and policy implementations
related to sustainable performance. The knowledge gaps and future study directions are as follows.
• Future studies on corporate sustainability can inspect novel resources of competitive advantages
and the value creation related to a firm’s activities or funding accomplishments in both the
short and long term. Requirements exist for implications regarding control structure rights,
the establishment of monitoring positions and sustainable return generation studies, such as in
financial crises and market risks control. Additionally, the consequences of sustainability index
inclusion and exclusion on corporate value also need to be further investigated.
• Sustainable competitive advantages can possibly offer better SCF performance. However, there are
still gaps remaining in financing and investment decision interactions, the competitive environment
and organizational structure, sustainable investments, sustainable technologies and strategies.
To create unique combinations of organizational processes to gather strategic knowledge and
better performance, how to set a sustainable competitive scale and guideline actions for firms
according to their capabilities is recommended.
• Sustainable stakeholder engagement, ownership responsibility, public pressure, social network
and political connections remain unclear. The multidimensional approaches to the sustainable
development concept instantaneously connect to the TBL, and various value creation conventional
syntheses and optimizing sustainable investments and financial returns need to be explored.
• CE still requires many studies on fiscal availability; for example, the quality of the firm’s financial
resources and public subsidies, interest in financial resources, capital assessments and venture
capital need to be addressed. Collaboration within the CE, such as on financial issues in industrial
symbiosis, external ventures, financing synergy partnerships, circular infrastructure and activities,
learning and innovation and enabling cross-cooperation and coordination among the circular
network, is recommended.
• Novel financial innovation models that indicate systemic attributes and constraints and
circumstances forecasts, debt provision and loan contracts and collaborative innovation among
supply chain partners represent potential study opportunities to balance environmental, social and
financial performances. However, qualitative risk categories still tolerate firms having more stable
cash flows and extensive cost reductions. In potential financial crises, studies on financial
entities, such as banks, credit rating agencies and institutional investors, are needed for
financial decision-making processes. Risk management policies or financial provisions for social
responsibilities, environmental contamination or wildlife habitat restorations are becoming more
urgent. Sustainable financial flows related to natural disasters, wars, terrorism and pandemic
risks are arguably becoming relevant data on firms’ resilience to corporate finance risk.
• A sustainable supply chain ethical framework is necessary for SCF ethical apprehensions because
financial decisions remain unclear. Trust in finance, a firm’s behavior, moral pricing requests
and sustainable financial policy must be further discovered. From the supply chain viewpoint,
collaborative capabilities based on the moral standard and demographic and gender equality
problems also call for future studies.
Some limitations to this study exist. First, this study used data from the Scopus database.
Future studies may utilize other databases or combine various sources for improved generalizability of
the results. Second, the review process used only articles and review papers, where future studies can
also focus on related books and book chapters to extend the range of the data. Third, the complexity
and uncertainty of SCF and financing decisions remain mainly uncultivated (Khoo and Cheung 2020).
Future studies are suggested to develop a more in-depth quantitative analysis to explore the
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13, 264 19 of 27
recommended sector, and applying expert systems and fuzzy tools to fill this weakness is proposed for
both academic and practical investigations.
Author Contributions: Writing—original draft preparation and Conceptualization, T.D.B.; review and editing,
M.H.A.; writing—review and editing, F.M.T.; review and editing, M.I.; writing—original draft preparation, M.-L.T.;
and review and editing, M.K.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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