Spices and Coffee PT EAM

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The Increasing demand of tropical

commodities needs to comply with
sustainability aspect. Nowadays, there still lack of
attention about environmental and social impact.

Moreover, the local farmers need to be involved to

create good business practice like assistance them
and educate about the global supply chain of
tropical commodities. it’s intend to create the fair
trade both local farmers and producers and buyer
(exporters, manufacturers, midlemans, and traders)
local community
Most of local farmers commonly have different
type of commodities to be planted for their liveli-
hood. About 55 percent of their area was planted
for staple foods like rice, corn, and the others.
However, they can’t depend by these

40 percent others are utilize to cultivalte

alternative commodities. But, there was a
problem like monopolize practice which buy up
a lot of these commodities bellow the fair price.
By these fact, we summarize that we need to
colaborate and cooperate with local farmers for
accesing broad market by develop the cultivation
and products to compliance the standard.
We targeted the farmers and small processors with
interventions to improve fair practices for

Together, these activity can encourage the purity of

commodities and traceability systems by improving
the management for procurement and increasing
the direct production from local farmers.

Meanwhile, the crucial point for the farmers are

when the harvesting season coming. The problems
like price fluctuation should be resolved

Here, Agrorina comes to aggregate the harvests

season to central market, It is our work how to create
the strategy for procure the commodities. First, it
should enable the company to share its knowledge
about the commodities to the farmers and vice
versa. By knowledge sharing, the company gives the
information what needed for standardization and
regulation at the central market
2016 2017 Q3 2018
RCN, Spices (Nutmeg,
RAW CASHEW NUT RCN, Spices (Pepper) Plus Fishery Products
Cloves), Coffee Beans
Also known as Kemiri in Indonesian, Kukui in
Hawaii, it used as staple in food, beauty, and
health treatments. In Indonesia, this ingredient
for not only its variety of uses but the benefits
it has, here are some popular uses in Indonesia.

We procure only from Florese Island and small

island around of it, because its growth
naturally and it will give the benefit for local
people if we can bring it for better market

Candlenut Oil is very high in Omega 3 and

Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). In fact,
the oil is 69% EFA, which puts it up there with
Flax Seed Oil and Chia Seed Oil (71% and 70%
Indonesia Robusta Coffee
JAVA & Sumatera

“Java coffee” is coffee originating from Java

Island in Indonesia. This coffee is so famous
because Java island is the first place of coffee
plantation in Indonesia since collonialism era.

Javanese coffee does not have the same form

with the coffee from Sumatra and Sulawesi, the
taste is not too rich

Javanese coffee gives off a spice-thin aroma

that makes it better than other types of coffee.
Java coffee has a low acidity combined with soil
conditions, air temperature, weather, and air

Almost all the plantation in

Sumatera area are coffee and Palm
because the area in Sumatera is
a plateau that suitable for coffee

Sumatran coffee most finely

textured coffee varieties and has the
heaviest and most complex flavor
amongst the world’s diverse coffees.

Most of Sumatra’s coffee is dry

processed, but partly through a
semi-washed process. This coffee
gives special taste with “earthy” and

Its our ways to providing the sustainability with the farmers, by pre-harvest
training, hulling process, and comparing every opinions from company and
farmers. Its intend to create productivity and increasing quality of coffee
“Every coffee beans has stories, we
getting involved and blend with farmers.
Every farmer should have good emotional
and perfect relation because coffee not just
for trade and business, it is the ways to
provide a cup of perfection. “
Synergize the Life
Collaboration and commitment to
create sustainable life of community

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