Chapter 7 PDF
Chapter 7 PDF
Chapter 7 PDF
Dear Colleague,
living cell. the greater gift that came from a year of study in
that biology classroom—a sense of amazement that
returns every time I sit down at a microscope in
my laboratory.
I hope that you and your students will find some
Biology_UnitOpener_Options.indd 187 10/3/08 1:42:20 PM of that amazement written into the pages of this
unit. As a cell biologist, I especially hope to give stu-
dents an appreciation of the roles that cells play in
every aspect of life. In these four chapters, we have
done our best to explain how cells live and grow,
how they transform energy, and how they pass
information along from one generation to the next.
Cells 187
Connect to the Big Idea
Diatoms are single-celled organisms found
Cell Structure
in both fresh and salt water. Use the
photograph of freshwater diatoms to help
students understand that cells make up all living
and Function
things, whether an organism consists of one cell, like
a diatom, or many cells, as in a human or a corn
Cellular Basis of Life, Homeostasis
plant. Emphasize that cells are dynamic. They are Q: How are cell structures adapted to their functions?
equipped with intricate parts, each of which has a
specific function. Have students predict some of the
challenges faced by cells. (Sample answers: They
must take in and give off water and other raw
materials, use energy, reproduce, and live in balance
with their environment. At this point, accept all rea-
sonable answers.) Explain that cells face the same
challenges whether they are a single diatom in a
human body, or in a plant. Tell students that, as they
read this chapter, they should be guided by the
Chapter 7 Essential Question, How are cell struc-
tures adapted to their functions?
Have students read over the Chap-
ter Mystery. Ask what they might
already know about the impor-
tance of water for living things. Have them suggest
reasons why the runner suffered ill effects from the
intake of water rather than benefiting from it. Use
points made during the discussion to help students
start connecting the Chapter Mystery to the Big
Ideas of the Cellular Basis of Life and Homeostasis.
0001_Bio10_se_Ch07_CO.indd 1 6/2/09 6:30:13 PM
Students will build a model cell with detailed parts and explore an analogy that com-
pares a cell to a factory. They will also analyze data about the number of mitochon-
dria in cells of different organs. In a summative task, students will imagine themselves
within a cell and write an account of how the cell functions.
188 Chapter 7
What’s Online
• 7.1 Life Is Cellular Michelle was a healthy Extend your reach by using
• 7.2 Cell Structure 25-year-old running in her these and other digital assets offered at
first marathon. The hot
• 7.3 Cell Transport
and humid weather had
• 7.4 Homeostasis and Cells CHAPTER MYSTERY
made all the runners sweat
profusely, so Michelle
Students use what they learn about cellular homeo-
made sure she drank water at every
stasis to figure out why a runner suffered ill effects
opportunity. Gradually, she began to
when she drank large amounts of water during
feel weak and confused. At the end
a race.
of the marathon, Michelle staggered
into a medical tent. Complaining of
Deep in the ocean, the Untamed Science crew
headache and nausea, she collapsed
explores how fishes maintain homeostasis.
onto the floor. Volunteers quickly
gave Michelle water for dehydration.
Soon, her condition worsened and
Michelle was rushed to the hospital,
where she was gripped by a seizure
and went into a coma. Why did
treating Michelle with water make
her condition worse? As you read this
chapter, look for clues to help you
predict how water made Michelle sick.
Then, solve the mystery.
Students label structures in typical plant cells and
animal cells.
Students are reminded that plants have mitochondria
in addition to chloroplasts.
• Untamed Science Video • Chapter Mystery
Cell Structure and Function 189
Explore diffusion and osmosis with an animation and
an activity.
0001_Bio10_se_Ch07_CO.indd 189 6/9/09 1:34:01 PM
Chapter 7 The different types of active transport are reviewed
Big Ideas: in this short animation.
Cellular Basis of Life
7.1 GQ: Why is it important to study cells? DATA ANALYSIS
and Homeostasis
Students analyze how mitochondrial function is
7.2 GQ: How do cell structures enable a cell related to human health and longevity.
Chapter 7 EQ: to carry out basic life processes?
How are cell
7.3 GQ: How does a cell transport materials
structures adapted
across the cell membrane?
to their functions?
7.4 GQ: How does a cell maintain homeostasis
both within itself and as part of a multicellular
A powerful variation on these staining techniques uses dyes that FIGURE 7–2 Light Microscope and
give off light of a particular color when viewed under specific wave- Cell Stains This specimen of onion ELL Focus on ELL:
lengths of light, a property called fluorescence. Fluorescent dyes can leaf skin has been stained with a
be attached to specific molecules and can then be made visible using a compound called toluidine blue. The Build Background
dye makes the cell boundaries and
special fluorescence microscope. New techniques, in fact, enable scien- nuclei clearly visible. BEGINNING AND ADVANCED SPEAKERS To
tists to engineer cells that attach fluorescent labels of different colors access students’ prior knowledge, begin by
to specific molecules as they are produced. Fluorescence microscopy
makes it possible to see and identify the locations of these molecules writing the word cell on the board. Explain to
and even allows scientists to watch them move around in a living cell. students that the word cell has many meanings,
but in this exercise they should concentrate on
Cell Structure and Function 191 the biological meaning. Say the word aloud,
and then have ELL students pronounce it. Ask
students to say words and phrases they associate
0001_Bio10_se_Ch07_S1.indd 2 6/2/09 6:31:19 PM with the word cell. Write the answers in the form
of a Cluster Diagram around the word cell. If
Quick Facts students do not volunteer the three parts of the
SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPY cell theory, write them on the diagram yourself.
Like scanning electron microscopes, scanning probe microscopes form images of Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S19, Cluster Dia-
surfaces. Scanning probe microscopes use a sharply pointed probe to scan samples. gram. Transparencies, GO2.
This type of microscope includes scanning tunneling microscopes (STM) and atomic
force microscopes (AFM). An STM probe does not quite touch a sample. Instead, an
electric current between the probe and the surface of the specimen tracks the topog-
raphy of the surface. This technique is limited to specimens that are good conductors.
The limitation was overcome in 1985, when the AFM was introduced. The AFM can
image almost any type of surface and has several modes of operation, making it very
versatile. In the contact mode, the probe of an AFM gently touches the sample sur-
face in a way similar to the needle used on an LP record. The needle slides over the
surface of the sample without causing damage and sends data about the surface
to a processor.
Cell Structure and Function 191
LESSON 7.1 Electron Microscopes Light microscopes can be used to see cells and
cell structures as small as 1 millionth of a meter—certainly pretty small!
Teach continued But what if scientists want to study something smaller than that, such
as a virus or a DNA molecule? For that, they need electron microscopes.
Instead of using light, electron microscopes use beams of electrons that
Use Visuals are focused by magnetic fields. Electron microscopes offer much higher
resolution than light microscopes. Some types of electron microscopes
Make sure students understand that all three images can be used to study cellular structures that are 1 billionth of a meter
in Figure 7–3 are of the same thing—yeast. Use in size.
There are two major types of electron microscopes: transmission
this to reinforce that different kinds of microscopes
and scanning. Transmission electron microscopes make it possible to
produce different kinds of images. Collect images explore cell structures and large protein molecules. But because beams
from other sources to show additional examples of of electrons can only pass through thin samples, cells and tissues must
LMs, TEMs, and SEMs—some black and white and be cut into ultrathin slices before they can be examined. This is the
some with added coloring. Have students look at reason that such images often appear flat and two dimensional.
In scanning electron microscopes, a pencil-like beam of electrons is
other photos in this chapter and identify the types of
scanned over the surface of a specimen. Because the image is formed
microscopes used to create the images from informa- at the specimen’s surface, samples do not have to be cut into thin
tion in the captions. slices to be seen. The scanning electron microscope produces stunning
three-dimensional images of the specimen’s surface.
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Electrons are easily scattered by molecules in the air, which means
samples must be placed in a vacuum to be studied with an electron
LPR Less Proficient Readers Have students reread microscope. As a result, researchers must chemically preserve their
the text to learn, specifically, the characteristics of samples. Electron microscopy, then, can only be used to examine
nonliving cells and tissues.
different types of microscopes. Then, supply students
Look at Figure 7–3, which shows yeast cells as they might look
with a partially completed Compare/Contrast Table Transmission Electron Microscope
under a light microscope, transmission electron microscope, and scan-
that identifies the type of microscope (light, transmis- ning electron microscope. You may wonder why the cells appear to be
sion electron, or scanning electron), whether it forms different colors in each micrograph. (A micrograph is a photo of an
FIGURE 7–3 Micrographs Different object seen through a microscope.) The colors in light micrographs
surface or interior images, and what its limitations types of microscopes can be used to come from the cells themselves, or from the stains and dyes used to
are. Have students fill in the missing information in examine cells. Here, yeast cells are
shown in a light micrograph (LM 500ⴛ), highlight them. Electron micrographs, however, are actually black and
the table. white. Electrons, unlike light, don’t come in colors. So scientists often
transmission electron micrograph
(TEM 4375ⴛ), and a scanning electron use computer techniques to add “false color” to make certain struc-
Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S20, Compare/ micrograph (SEM 3750ⴛ). tures stand out.
Contrast Table. Transparencies, GO3. Infer If scientists were studying a
structure found on the surface of yeast,
In Your Notebook You are presented with a specimen to examine. What
which kind of microscope would they
are two questions you would ask to determine the best microscope to use?
likely use?
Connect to Math
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Draw students’ attention to Figure 7–4 to give them
How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells different? an idea of how small a cell or cell part is compared to
Cells come in an amazing variety of shapes and sizes, some of which a familiar object (the chicken egg). Point out that the
At the hospital,
are shown in Figure 7–4. Although typical cells range from 5 to a sample of
items in the illustration are not drawn to scale; e.g.,
50 micrometers in diameter, the smallest Mycoplasma bacteria are Michelle’s blood in the illustration, the bacterium, mitochondrion, and
only 0.2 micrometer across, so small that they are difficult to see was drawn eukaryotic cell are all roughly the same size, but in
under even the best light microscopes. In contrast, the giant amoeba and examined.
Chaos chaos can be 1000 micrometers (1 millimeter) in diameter, large The red blood actuality, these items have sizes that are very differ-
enough to be seen with the unaided eye as a tiny speck in pond water. cells appeared ent from one another.
swollen. What
Despite their differences, all cells, at some point in their lives, contain kind of microscope was
DNA, the molecule that carries biological information. In addition, all
Then, discuss the abbreviations for units of measure-
most likely used to study
cells are surrounded by a thin flexible barrier called a cell membrane. the blood sample? ment that appear in the illustration. Explain that nm
(The cell membrane is sometimes called the plasma membrane because is the abbreviation for nanometer, and μm is the
many cells in the body are in direct contact with the fluid portion of abbreviation for micrometer. Explain that μ is the
the blood—the plasma.) There are other similarities as well, as you will Greek letter mu.
learn in the next lesson.
Cells fall into two broad categories, depending on whether they FIGURE 7–4 Cell Size Is Relative
contain a nucleus. The nucleus (plural: nuclei) is a large membrane- The human eye can see objects larger DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION
enclosed structure that contains genetic material in the form of DNA than about 0.5 mm. Most of what
interests cell biologists, however, is L1 Struggling Students Call students’ attention to
and controls many of the cell’s activities. Eukaryotes (yoo kar ee ohts) much smaller than that. Microscopes
are cells that enclose their DNA in nuclei. Prokaryotes (pro kar ee ohts) make seeing the cellular and
the conversion table on the right side of Figure 7–4.
are cells that do not enclose DNA in nuclei. subcellular world possible. Go over this conversion scale, explaining all the con-
versions, e.g., that one nanometer is equal to one
DNA one-billionth of a meter. It may help to reverse the
2 nm Chicken egg
Typical 5 cm relationship, i.e., to explain that one meter contains
prokaryotic cell
1– 5 μm
Typical 1 nm = 1/1,000,000,000 m one billion nanometers and one million micrometers.
eukaryotic cell 1 μm = 1/1,000,000 m
10 – 100 μm
Cold virus Chaos chaos 1 mm = 1/1000 m To help students understand the actual relationship
25 nm Mitochondrion 1 cm = 1/100 m
1 mm in size between some of the items in the illustra-
1– 5 μm
0 1 nm 1 μm 10 μm 100 μm 1 mm 1 cm 5 cm tion, you might draw a typical prokaryotic cell and
ELECTRON MICROSCOPE a typical eukaryotic cell to scale on a large sheet of
paper. Use circles to represent the cells. To represent
the prokaryotic cell, draw a circle with a diameter of
0.5 cm. For the eukaryotic cell, draw a circle with a
Cell Structure and Function 193 diameter of 25 cm.
Quick Facts
WRITING Answers will vary. Students may mention
Forensic pathology is one branch of pathology. A forensic pathologist is a highly that Dr. Osborne’s research has the potential to help
trained medical doctor who performs autopsies to determine cause of death, usually in the treatment of cancer in humans. Therefore, her
in connection with criminal or legal investigations. Forensic pathologists biopsy tissues research can benefit society.
and analyze blood to determine the time and manner of death, including whether
death was natural or caused by injury. Forensic pathologists work for cities, counties,
states, the military, and hospitals. While most forensic pathologists autopsy dead per- NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS
sons, some clinical forensic pathologists examine and collect tissue samples from live
victims of crime. UCP I, II
Those interested in forensic pathology as a career are encouraged to take all the basic CONTENT E.2, F.6, G.1
sciences, such as biology, chemistry, and physics. College is followed by four years of INQUIRY A.2.b, A.2.c, A.2.f
medical school, four to five years of training in pathology, and on-the-job training.
Careers and Biology 195
Getting Started
Cell Structure
7.2.1 Describe the structure and function of the
cell nucleus.
7.2.2 Describe the role of vacuoles, lysosomes, and Key Questions THINK ABOUT IT At first glance, a factory is a puzzling place.
the cytoskeleton. What is the role of the cell Machines buzz and clatter; people move quickly in different direc-
nucleus? tions. So much activity can be confusing. However, if you take the time
7.2.3 Identify the role of ribosomes, endoplasmic to watch carefully, what might at first seem like chaos begins to make
reticulum, and Golgi apparatus in making proteins. What are the functions
sense. The same is true for the living cell.
of vacuoles, lysosomes, and the
7.2.4 Describe the function of the chloroplasts and cytoskeleton?
mitochondria in the cell. What organelles help make
7.2.5 Describe the function of the cell membrane. and transport proteins? Cell Organization
What are the functions of What is the role of the cell nucleus?
chloroplasts and mitochondria? The eukaryotic cell is a complex and busy place. But if you look closely
What is the function of the at eukaryotic cells, patterns begin to emerge. For example, it’s easy to
Student Resources cell membrane? divide each cell into two major parts: the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Study Workbooks A and B, 7.2 Worksheets The cytoplasm is the portion of the cell outside the nucleus. As you
Vocabulary will see, the nucleus and cytoplasm work together in the business of
Spanish Study Workbook, 7.2 Worksheets cytoplasm • organelle • life. Prokaryotic cells have cytoplasm too, even though they do not
vacuole • lysosome • have a nucleus.
Lab Manual A, 7.2 Quick Lab Worksheet cytoskeleton • centriole • In our discussion of cell structure, we consider each major com-
Lab Manual B, 7.2 Hands-On Activity Worksheet ribosome •
endoplasmic reticulum •
ponent of plant and animal eukaryotic cells—some of which are
Golgi apparatus • also found in prokaryotic cells—one by one. Because many of these
Lesson Overview • Lesson Notes chloroplast • mitochondrion • structures act like specialized organs, they are known as organelles,
cell wall • lipid bilayer • literally “little organs.” Understanding what each organelle does helps
• Activities: Visual Analogy, Art Review, selectively permeable us understand the cell as a whole. A summary of cell structure can be
Tutor Tube • Assessment: Self-Test, Lesson found on pages 206–207.
Assessment Taking Notes
Venn Diagram Create a Venn
diagram that illustrates the simi-
For corresponding lesson in the larities and differences between
Foundation Edition, see pages 164–175. prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
FIGURE 7–6 The
specialization and
organization of work and
workers contribute to the
productivity of a factory.
In much the same way,
the specialized parts in a
cell contribute to the cell’s
overall stability and survival.
196 Lesson 7.2 • Lesson Overview • Lesson Notes • Visual Analogy
I, V
0001_Bio10_se_Ch07_S2.indd 1 6/2/09 6:32:06 PM
Biology In-Depth
In functioning cells, lysosomes take in, fuse with, or engulf materials, which are then
broken down by hydrolytic enzymes. The resulting products are used by the cell or
carried to the cell surface and expelled. The presence of lysosomes in plant cells has
been confirmed by detection of hydrolytic enzymes, even when lysosome structures
are not obvious. Neimann-Pick disease and Fabry disease are examples of diseases
caused by abnormal lysosomal activity in humans. Fabry disease is characterized by
Answers inadequate amounts or the absence of an enzyme in lysosomes that normally breaks
FIGURE 7–8 The pressure of the liquid in the vacuoles down the fat, GL-3. As a result, GL-3 accumulates in blood vessel walls in major body
makes the plant rigid, which allows it to hold up organs. In Neimann-Pick disease, the absence of an enzyme causes a buildup of a
stems, leaves, and flowers. harmful substance in the bone marrow, liver, and spleen.
If students are unable to describe the role of the cytoskeleton, have them work in
pairs to review the text explanation and edit their original responses. Ask volunteers
to share their revised summaries with the class. Answers
FIGURE 7–8 Cilia project from cells and enable them
to move through liquids.
Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S5, Directed Reading- Endoplasmic Reticulum Eukaryotic cells contain an internal mem-
brane system known as the endoplasmic reticulum (en doh plaz mik
Thinking Activity. rih tik yuh lum), or ER. The endoplasmic reticulum is where lipid
components of the cell membrane are assembled, along with proteins
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION and other materials that are exported from the cell.
The portion of the ER involved in the synthesis of proteins is called
LPR Less Proficient Readers For students who Nucleus rough endoplasmic reticulum, or rough ER. It is given this name
are overwhelmed by applying the Directed because of the ribosomes found on its surface. Newly made proteins
Reading-Thinking Activity to all the text on these leave these ribosomes and are inserted
1 Proteins are
two pages, have them begin by focusing on ribo- Rough into the rough ER, where they may be
assembled on ribosomes.
endoplasmic chemically modified.
somes. Assist them by drawing their attention to reticulum Ribosome
the blue heading, Ribosomes. Show them that this 2 Proteins targeted for export to the
heading gives them a clue about what the text that cell membrane, or to specialized
Protein locations within the cell, complete
follows the heading will explain. After students have their assembly on ribosomes bound
skimmed the text about ribosomes and Figure 7–11, to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
made their predictions, and written what they have
3 Newly assembled
learned, ask them to identify the function of ribo- proteins are carried from
somes. (Ribosomes produce proteins according to a the rough endoplasmic
reticulum to the Golgi
code derived from DNA.) apparatus in vesicles.
Smooth Vesicle
If most students write essentially the same questions, discuss these topics with the
class as a whole. Answer the questions, referring to specific content in the text and
Figure 7–11. Then, to determine whether students now understand the concepts,
ask volunteers to explain the answers to the questions in their own words. Work with
students individually or in small groups to address any topics that only a few students
do not comprehend.
Quick Facts
In a cell, the Golgi apparatus is analogous to a person who takes a product that has
been only roughly manufactured and, with hundreds of separate orders to fill, fin-
ishes off the rough edges, makes requested changes, and turns out products that
meet specific individual orders. The Golgi apparatus has two general regions: the cis Answers
end and the trans end. The end closer to the endoplasmic reticulum is referred to as FIGURE 7–11 Ribosomes are sites of protein
the cis end. It receives materials from the ER enclosed in membranous vesicles. The production. When a cell has more than the typical
vesicles deliver their newly manufactured proteins by fusing with the membranes of number of ribosomes, you might infer that it
the cis end. The materials are then passed through the layers, or cisternae, of the produces more proteins than other cells.
Golgi apparatus. They leave from the opposite, or trans, end, which is farther away
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Flowcharts should summarize
from the ER. In transit, the proteins are modified and finished by enzymes before
being distributed. Materials that will leave the cell are packed in vesicles that bud off the steps in Figure 7–11.
from the Golgi apparatus and eventually fuse with the cell membrane.
Cell Structure and Function 201
LESSON 7.2 Organelles That Capture
Teach continued and Release Energy
What are the functions of chloroplasts and mitochondria?
All living things require a source of energy. Factories are hooked up to
Lead a Discussion the local power company, but how do cells get energy? Most cells are
Make sure students understand how important powered by food molecules that are built using energy from the sun.
energy is to living things. Discuss why chloroplasts Chloroplasts Plants and some other organisms contain chloroplasts
might be referred to as “solar collectors” and mito- (klawr uh plasts). Chloroplasts are the biological equivalents of solar
chondria as “power plants.” Have students discuss power plants. Chloroplasts capture the energy from sunlight
and convert it into food that contains chemical energy in a process
why animals must consume food to obtain energy,
called photosynthesis. Two membranes surround chloroplasts. Inside
whereas plants are able to produce their own food, the organelle are large stacks of other membranes, which contain the
using energy from sunlight. green pigment chlorophyll.
Mitochondria Nearly all eukaryotic cells, including plants, contain
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION mitochondria (myt oh kahn dree uh; singular: mitochondrion).
L1 Struggling Students Pair struggling students
Mitochondria are the power plants of the cell. Mitochondria
convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that
with more proficient students to create a Flowchart are more convenient for the cell to use. Like chloroplasts, two
beginning with “Sunlight” and ending with “Release membranes—an outer membrane and an inner membrane—enclose
of energy from food.” mitochondria. The inner membrane is folded up inside the organelle,
as shown in Figure 7–12.
Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S25, Flowchart. One of the most interesting aspects of mitochondria is the way in
Transparencies, GO8. which they are inherited. In humans, all or nearly all of our mitochon-
dria come from the cytoplasm of the ovum, or egg cell. This means
LPR Less Proficient Readers Ask students to pre- that when your relatives are discussing which side of the family should
view the first three paragraphs on this page, keeping take credit for your best characteristics, you can tell them that you got
in mind the following questions: your mitochondria from Mom!
FIGURE 7–12 Cellular Powerhouses Another interesting point: Chloroplasts and mitochondria contain
Chloroplasts and mitochondria are
• Which organelle captures energy from sunlight and both involved in energy conversion
their own genetic information in the form of small DNA molecules.
converts it to chemical energy in cells? (chloroplast) processes within the cell. Infer What
This observation has led to the idea that they may be descended from
kind of cell—plant or animal—is independent microorganisms. This idea, called the endosymbiotic
• Which organelle converts or releases chemical shown in the micrograph? How do theory, is discussed in Chapter 19.
energy from food in cells? (mitochondrion) you know?
Address Misconceptions
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Some students may
think that mitochondria are found only in animal
cells and chloroplasts are found only in plant cells.
Cellular Power Plants
Clarify that mitochondria are found in nearly all Cellular Solar Plants
Mitochondria convert chemical
eukaryotes, including plants. Chloroplasts are found Chloroplasts, found in plants and
energy stored in food into a
some other organisms such as
outside of the plant clade, in photosynthetic “pro- form that can be used easily
algae, convert energy from the TEM 4500⫻
by the cell.
tists,” such as red and brown algae and euglenas. sun into chemical energy that is
Try to get students to associate mitochondria and stored as food.
Quick Facts
The health of an individual organism depends on the health of its organelles. For
example, defects in mitochondria cause some forms of deafness, blindness, and dis-
eases that affect muscles and nerves. Cells are dependent on energy that is normally
released by chemical reactions in mitochondria. Many mitochondrial diseases affect
muscles, which may have thousands of mitochondria in each cell. If mitochondria lack
oxidative-phosphorylation enzymes, toxic substances accumulate, and energy cannot
be released from food. The muscle weakness that appears in muscular dystrophy is
Answers related to defective mitochondria. Other conditions related to mitochondrial dysfunc-
tions are retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes mellitus, and some forms of deafness. Mito-
FIGURE 7–12 The cell is a plant cell, because it
chondrial diseases can result from mutations in nuclear DNA or mitochondrial DNA.
contains chloroplasts.
Cell membrane
L1 Special Needs Make sure that students under-
As you know, some things are allowed to enter and leave a factory, with Question 5b, have them review Figure 7–13
and some are not. The same is true for living cells. Although many and the text under Cell Membranes.
substances can cross biological membranes, some are too large or too
strongly charged to cross the lipid bilayer. If a substance is able to cross
a membrane, the membrane is said to be permeable to it. A membrane
is impermeable to substances that cannot pass across it. Most biologi-
Students can check their under-
cal membranes are selectively permeable, meaning that some sub-
stances can pass across them and others cannot. Selectively permeable standing of lesson concepts with the Self-
membranes are also called semipermeable membranes. Test assessment. They can then take the
online version of the Lesson Assessment.
Assessment Answers
1a. cytoplasm with organelles, nucleus 4a. converting chemical energy in food into 5c. Selective permeability allows needed sub-
1b. The nucleus controls cell activities as a compounds the cell can use stances to enter the cell and wastes to
captain controls plays and players. 4b. a plant or photosynthetic protist leave, while keeping out molecules that
are not needed.
2a. Their enzymes break down nutrients and 5a. because, like a real mosaic, it is made of
old organelles. many parts that can float around in the
2b. by pumping out excess water membrane
6. Students’ labeled illustrations should
3a. Rough ER has surface ribosomes; smooth 5b. Hydrophilic lipid heads are attracted to
reflect characteristics of all three types
ER does not. water; hydrophobic fatty acid tails turn
of cells and include all lesson vocabu-
away from water. A bilayer forms when
3b. Students should describe the steps in lary terms.
lipid heads turn toward water inside and
Figure 7–11.
outside the cell.
Biology In-Depth
The idea that chloroplasts and mitochondria originated in symbiotic relationships with
prokaryotic cells is called the endosymbiotic hypothesis. According to this hypothesis,
chloroplasts may have originated when cyanobacteria became established in larger
Answers prokaryotes, either as parasites or as prey that were not digested. Mitochondria may
have been anaerobic heterotrophs that found a safe existence inside larger prokaryotes
FIGURE 7–14 Prokaryotic cells have a cell membrane,
as oxygen became more abundant in the atmosphere. Over time, host and symbionts
DNA (though not enclosed in a nucleus), and
became more and more interdependent, and the organisms merged to become a
ribosomes in common with animal cells. Prokaryotic
single eukaryotic cell. The endosymbiotic hypothesis is covered in Chapter 19.
cells have a cell membrane, cell wall, DNA (though
not in a nucleus), and ribosomes in common with
plant cells.
That Build
Assembles proteins
and lipids ELL Focus on ELL:
Proteins Access Content
Modifies, sorts, and
apparatus lipids for storage or Have students use Figure 7–14 and Lesson 7.2
transport out of the cell
to complete a Jigsaw Review. Form groups of
Convert solar energy In some prokaryotic cells,
photosynthesis occurs in five. Tell students this is their “learning circle.”
Chloroplasts to chemical energy
stored in food
association with internal Assign each student a number from 1 to 5
photosynthetic membranes.
That Capture
and Release within each group. Then, form “study groups”
Prokaryotes carry out
Convert chemical energy
Energy by having students with the same number (all
Mitochondria in food to usable
these reactions in the
cytoplasm rather than the 2s, all the 5s, and so on) come together.
in specialized organelles.
Assign each study group a cell characteristic
Shapes, supports, and from the table. (See the left-most column of the
Cell wall
protects the cell table—Cellular Control Center, and so on.)
Boundaries Tell students they will have 10 minutes to use
Regulates materials
the information in the figure and text to create
Cell membrane entering and leaving
cell; protects and a presentation on their assigned characteristic.
supports cell
Finally, have students return to their learning
circles. Each student in the learning circle should
present his or her assigned characteristic to the
Cell Structure and Function 207
rest of the group.
Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S7, Jigsaw Review.
If students have difficulty relating structures, have pairs use the table in
Figure 7–14 to discuss how their different structures might be related. Then,
have students exchange cards and write new sentences that show the relationship
between the listed structures.
In Your Notebook Explain how you can demonstrate diffusion by LPR Less Proficient Readers If students have trou-
spraying air freshener in a large room. ble answering the caption question, rephrase it to
read: What would be different if the high concentra-
tion had been inside the cell to start with?
Cell Structure and Function 209
Biology In-Depth
FIGURE 7–15 If the concentration of solute particles
In simple diffusion, concentration is the only factor that affects rate. In facilitated dif- had been higher on the inside of the cell, more
fusion, the rate also depends upon the number of specific carrier protein molecules solute particles would have moved out of the cell
in the membrane, because the diffusing molecules can move across the membrane than into the cell.
only through those proteins. An example is the diffusion of glucose into cells. Such
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Students’ answers should
diffusion occurs most of the time as facilitated diffusion. No matter how much the
reflect an understanding that in diffusion, molecules
cell “needs” glucose or how great the difference in concentration is between the
move randomly from an area where they are
inside and outside of the cell, the rate at which the glucose can diffuse into the cell
more concentrated to areas where they are less
has a limit because of the limited number of glucose carrier protein molecules in the
concentrated. So, when air freshener is sprayed in a
lipid bilayer.
room, the smell will diffuse from its point of origin
until it can be detected everywhere.
Biology In-Depth
Encourage students to use Inter-
Active Art: Diffusion and Osmosis to rein- AQUAPORINS
force diffusion of water through a selectively Osmosis is easily observed in cells, yet for a long time, it was a mystery as to how
permeable membrane. water could cross cell membranes so quickly. Water is a polar molecule and is not
soluble in lipids. Water would not be expected to cross a membrane made up of a
lipid bilayer. In 1990, Peter Agre discovered channels through which water molecules
can cross cell membranes. The channels, called aquaporins, are proteins that span the
depth of the membrane. Polar water molecules are able to move through channels
because of how they relate to charges within the proteins. Aquaporins have been
Answers found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Eleven different types of aquaporins have
been found in humans. One type plays an active role in water balance in the kidneys.
FIGURE 7–17 Osmosis is a form of diffusion. It does
Some aquaporins in plants appear to close in response to stress. For his discovery,
not require energy.
Peter Agre received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2003.
L1 Special Needs Use an analogy of going into a
Quick Facts
One of the most important examples of active transport is the sodium-potassium
Answers pump, in which sodium ions are maintained at a lower concentration inside a cell
than outside, and potassium ions are maintained at a higher concentration inside
FIGURE 7–19 Facilitated diffusion and active
the cell than outside. The active transport of these ions by protein molecules is vital
transport by protein pumps are similar, because they
to the production of electrochemical impulses along nerve cells. At one time, scien-
both make use of protein carriers to get materials
tists thought the protein molecules rotated as they transported substances through
across the cell membrane. They differ, because
the cell membrane, picking up molecules on the outside, rotating, and then dump-
facilitated diffusion acts in the direction of the
ing them into the cell. Now, scientists think the transported molecules are squeezed
concentration gradient and does not use energy,
through the transport proteins, because it has been observed that the proteins
while active transport requires energy to transport
change their configuration to accommodate the incoming molecules.
materials against the concentration gradient.
vacuole within the cytoplasm. Large molecules, clumps of food, stand endocytosis, use clay to model a macrophage
even whole cells can be taken up in this way. engulfing a bacterium.
Phagocytosis (fag oh sy toh sis) is a type of endocytosis, in
which extensions of cytoplasm surround a particle and pack-
age it within a food vacuole. The cell then engulfs it. Amoebas
use this method for taking in food, and white blood cells use
phagocytosis to “eat” damaged cells, as shown in Figure 7–20.
Assess and Remediate
Engulfing material in this way requires a considerable amount EVALUATE UNDERSTANDING
of energy and is considered a form of active transport.
In a process similar to phagocytosis, many cells take up liquid Ask students to write a paragraph distinguishing
from the surrounding environment. Tiny pockets form along the active transport from diffusion. Then, have them
cell membrane, fill with liquid, and pinch off to form vacuoles TEM 5300⫻ complete the 7.3 Assessment.
within the cell. This type of endocytosis is known as pinocytosis
(py nuh sy toh sis). REMEDIATION SUGGESTION
FIGURE 7–20 Endocytosis
䊳 Exocytosis Many cells also release large amounts of material, a process The white blood cell seen here L1 Struggling Students If students have trouble
known as exocytosis (ek soh sy toh sis). During exocytosis, the membrane is engulfing a damaged red blood
cell by phagocytosis—a form of answering Question 2a, have them use a Venn
of the vacuole surrounding the material fuses with the cell membrane,
forcing the contents out of the cell. The removal of water by means of a
endocytosis. Extensions, or “arms,” of Diagram to compare the two processes.
the white blood cell’s cell membrane
contractile vacuole is one example of this kind of active transport. have completely surrounded the red Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S33, Venn Diagram.
blood cell.
Transparencies, GO18.
Assessment Answers
1a. Particles move from a more to a less con- moves materials across a cell membrane in sis, a vesicle fuses with the cell membrane
centrated area. the direction of a concentration gradient, and forces the material to be expelled out
1b. Water diffuses across a selectively perme- without using energy. of the cell.
able membrane from a more to a less con- 2b. In molecular transport, energy is used by
centrated area. protein pumps to carry small molecules
1c. Diffusion occurs when molecules spread across the cell membrane. In bulk trans- 3. Sample answers: Iso- means “same”;
out by moving randomly. Facilitated dif- port, vesicles or vacuoles are used to move hyper- means “over”; hypo- means
fusion occurs when protein channels help large molecules across the cell membrane. “under”; isometric, hyperbole, hypodermic
molecules move across the cell membrane. 2c. In endocytosis, a vesicle forms from an 4. The word part -cytosis refers to cells.
2a. Active transport uses energy to move infolding of the cell membrane, surrounds Phagocytosis is the engulfing of foreign
materials across a cell membrane against a large molecules entering the cell, and particles. Pinocytosis is the ingestion of
concentration gradient. Passive transport breaks off into the cytoplasm. In exocyto- fluid.
Cell Structure and Function 213
Getting Started
Homeostasis and Cells
7.4.1 Explain how unicellular organisms maintain
7.4.2 Explain how multicellular organisms maintain Key Questions THINK ABOUT IT From its simple beginnings, life has spread to
homeostasis. How do individual cells every corner of our planet, penetrating deep into the earth and far
maintain homeostasis? beneath the surface of the seas. The diversity of life is so great that you
might have to remind yourself that all living things are composed of
How do the cells of multi-
cells, have the same basic chemical makeup, and even contain the same
Student Resources cellular organisms work together
to maintain homeostasis? kinds of organelles. This does not mean that all living things are the
same: Differences arise from the ways in which cells are specialized
Study Workbooks A and B, 7.4 Worksheets
Vocabulary and the ways in which cells associate with one another to form multi-
Spanish Study Workbook, 7.4 Worksheets homeostasis • tissue • organ • cellular organisms.
organ system • receptor
Lab Manual B, 7.4 Data Analysis Worksheet
Taking Notes The Cell as an Organism
Lesson Overview • Lesson Notes Preview Visuals Before you How do individual cells maintain homeostasis?
• Activity: Data Analysis • Assessment: Self- read, look at Figures 7–22 and Cells are the basic living units of all organisms, but sometimes a
7–23. Then write two questions
Test, Lesson Assessment single cell is the organism. In fact, in terms of their numbers, unicel-
you have about the micrographs.
As you read, write answers to
lular organisms dominate life on Earth. A single-celled organism does
your questions. everything you would expect a living thing to do. Just like other living
For corresponding lesson in the things, unicellular organisms must maintain homeostasis, relatively
Foundation Edition, see pages 181–183. constant internal physical and chemical conditions. To maintain
homeostasis, unicellular organisms grow, respond to the environ-
ment, transform energy, and reproduce.
Unicellular organisms include both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Build Background Prokaryotes, especially bacteria, are remarkably adaptable. Bacteria
FIGURE 7–21 Unicellular Life live almost everywhere—in the soil, on leaves, in the ocean, in the air,
Ask students how often during the day they encoun- Single-celled organisms, like this
even within the human body.
freshwater protozoan, must be
ter single-celled organisms. Many students may not able to carry out all of the functions Many eukaryotes, like the protozoan in Figure 7–21, also spend
realize that they come in contact with millions of necessary for life (SEM 600⫻). their lives as single cells. Some types of algae, which contain chloro-
bacteria every time they brush their teeth, eat a piece plasts and are found in oceans, lakes, and streams around the world,
of fruit, touch a doorknob, or take a breath of air. are single celled. Yeasts, or unicellular fungi, are also widespread. Yeasts
play an important role in breaking down complex nutrients, making
Ask students why these organisms are so success- them available for other organisms. People use yeasts to make bread
ful. Ask what these organisms need to stay alive. and other foods.
(water, energy) Introduce the term homeostasis. Tie Don’t make the mistake of thinking that single-celled organisms
the discussion to what students have already learned are always simple. Prokaryote or eukaryote, homeostasis is still an
about cell organelles and their specific functions issue for each unicellular organism. That tiny cell in a pond or on the
surface of your pencil still needs to find sources of energy or food, to
by asking how a single cell can stay in balance in keep concentrations of water and minerals within certain levels, and to
its environment. respond quickly to changes in its environment. The microscopic world
around us is filled with unicellular organisms that are successfully
maintaining that homeostatic balance.
214 Lesson 7.4 • Lesson Overview • Lesson Notes
0001_Bio10_se_Ch07_S4.indd 1 6/2/09 6:35:27 PM
FIGURE 7–22 Specialized Animal Cells: Human Trachea FIGURE 7–23 Specialized Plant Cells: Pine Pollen (LM 430⫻)
Epithelium (LM 1000⫻)
䊳 Specialized Animal Cells Even the cleanest, freshest 䊳 Specialized Plant Cells How can a pine tree, literally
air is dirty, containing particles of dust, smoke, and rooted in place, produce offspring with another tree
bacteria. What keeps this bad stuff from getting into hundreds of meters away? It releases pollen grains,
your lungs? That’s the job of millions of cells that work some of the world’s most specialized cells. Pollen
like street sweepers. These cells line the upper air pas- grains are tiny and light, despite tough walls to protect
sages. As you breathe, they work night and day sweep- the cells inside. In addition, pine pollen grains have
ing mucus, debris, and bacteria out of your lungs. two tiny wings that enable them to float in the slightest
These cells are filled with mitochondria, which pro- breeze. Pine trees release millions of pollen grains like
duce a steady supply of the ATP that powers the cilia these to scatter in the wind, land on seed cones, and
on their upper surfaces to keep your lungs clean. begin the essential work of starting a new generation.
Cell Structure and Function 215
Quick Facts
A tissue is a group of specialized cells that have a common structure and a com-
mon function. In most instances, all the cells in a tissue look alike. Despite the great
diversity of animals that have evolved, there are only four basic types of animal tis-
sues: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissues. Epithelial tissue consists of
tightly packed cells, which line the cavities inside the body and cover the outside of
the body. A primary function of epithelial tissue is protection against injury, invaders,
and fluid loss. Connective tissue connects and supports other tissues. It includes fat, Answers
bone, cartilage, blood, and fibrous strands such as tendons and ligaments. Muscle tis-
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Sample answer: in the digestive
sue consists of long cells that contract. It is the most abundant tissue in most animals.
system, because enzymes are needed to break down
Nervous tissue includes cells that sense stimuli and transmit signals from one part of
the body to another.
Cell Structure and Function 215
Teach continued
Use Visuals
Use Figure 7–24 to introduce students to the way
specialized cells are organized in humans. Point out
Muscle cell Smooth muscle tissue Stomach Digestive system
the progression from muscle cell, to smooth muscle
tissue, etc. Ask students to brainstorm some other FIGURE 7–24 Levels of Organization From least Levels of Organization The specialized cells of multicel-
kinds of cells in the body that are organized into complex to most complex, the levels of organization lular organisms are organized into tissues, then into organs,
in a multicellular organism include cells, tissues,
organs and systems. (Sample answer: nerve cells→ organs, and organ systems. and finally into organ systems, as shown in Figure 7–24. A
nervous tissue→brain→nervous system) tissue is a group of similar cells that performs a particular
function. Many tasks in the body are too complicated to be
Remind students that plants are multicellular organ- carried out by just one type of tissue. In these cases, many
isms, as well. Ask if there are specializations in plant groups of tissues work together as an organ. For example,
each muscle in your body is an individual organ. Within a
cells and, if so, what organs there are in plants. muscle, however, there is much more than muscle tissue.
(roots, stems, leaves, flowers) There are nervous tissues and connective tissues too. Each
type of tissue performs an essential task to help the organ
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION function. In most cases, an organ completes a series of
specialized tasks. A group of organs that work together to
LPR Less Proficient Readers Have students look perform a specific function is called an organ system. For
at Figure 7–24. Then, have them reread the text on example, the stomach, pancreas, and intestines work together
this page. Help students connect the text to the dif- as the digestive system.
ferent parts of the illustration by showing how each
of the highlighted words is represented by a part of
the figure. Mitochondria Distribution
Students can analyze how the com- Scientists studied the com- Liver
pound resveratrol affects mitochondrial func- position of several organs Pituitary gland
tion and its implications for human health in the mouse. They found
that some organs and tissues 0 10 20 30 40 50
and longevity in Data Analysis: Maximizing contain more mitochondria (Approximate %)
Mitochondria. than others. They described
the amount of mitochondria 1. Interpret Graphs What approximate percentage of cell volume in
present as a percentage of total the mouse liver is composed of mitochondria?
cell volume. The higher the 2. Calculate Approximately how much more cellular volume is
percentage volume made up of composed of mitochondria in the left ventricle than in the pituitary
mitochondria, the more mito- gland?
chondria present in the cells of
3. Infer There are four chambers in the mouse heart, the right and left
the organ. The data are shown
in the graph. ventricles, and the right and left atria. Based on the data given, which
chamber, the left ventricle or left atrium, do you think pumps blood
from the heart to the rest of the body? Explain your answer.
Assessment Answers
1a. Homeostasis is the maintenance of rela- 2a. Cellular specialization describes how, in
tively stable internal physical and chemical multicellular organisms, groups of cells
conditions by an organism. play different, specific roles. 3. Sample answer: The members of a basket-
ball team are like specialized cells, because
1b. They maintain homeostasis by grow- 2b. Cellular junctions help organisms maintain
different members play different roles. For
ing, responding to changes in their homeostasis by connecting cells to their
example, the point guard calls the plays
environment, transforming energy, neighbors, thus enabling communication
and the center shoots the ball. The whole
and reproducing. between cells. Receptors allow cells to
team is like a body system, because team
1c. The contractile vacuole helps maintain respond to chemical messages.
members work together to try to win
water balance in paramecia by expelling 2c. Answers may vary. Predictions should note the game.
excess water that would otherwise accu- that muscle cells need energy to move
mulate and burst the cell. and, therefore, probably contain a large
number of mitochondria.
Cell Structure and Function 217
Introduce students to the concepts they will explore
in the chapter lab by assigning the Pre-Lab questions.
Pre-Lab: Detecting Diffusion
Problem How can you determine whether solutes 2. Draw Conclusions How will you be able to tell
Lab are diffusing across a membrane? whether glucose has diffused across the membrane
in Part B?
Materials dialysis tubing, scissors, metric ruler,
Tell students they will perform the chapter lab 250 mL beakers, twist ties, 10-mL graduated cylinders, 3. Use Analogies How is a window screen similar to a
cell membrane?
Detecting Diffusion described in Lab Manual A. 1% starch solution, iodine solution, forceps, 15% glu-
cose solution, glucose test strip
L1 Struggling Students A simpler version of the Chapter 7
Pre-Lab Questions
UCP II, V Preview the procedure in the lab manual.
CONTENT C.1.a, C.1.d 1. Draw Conclusions How will you know whether
starch has diffused across the membrane in Part
INQUIRY A.1.c A? How will you know whether iodine has dif-
fused across the membrane?
Performance Tasks
SUMMATIVE TASK Have students imagine they are small enough to live within a
one-celled organism. Have them write a seven-day account describing how the cell
obtains, manufactures, and/or uses such things as food, proteins, and sufficient
water. Students should describe how they got into the cell and how they will leave.
Students need to include all of the parts of the cell they have studied and the
processes of active and passive transport. Answers
TRANSFER TASK Have the class plan a series of five newspaper articles that will run
in a hypothetical newspaper over a period of five days. Have students decide on five THINK VISUALLY
topics that will cover cell structure and function and answer the Essential Question: Answers may vary. Check the accuracy of concept
How are cell structures adapted to their functions? Each group should submit a maps. To make certain that students clearly under-
storyboard showing what the article will say, how it will be illustrated, what its stand the differences among these concepts, suggest
headline will be, and how it will be presented to the class. they add a caption or small drawing by each term.
Golgi apparatus: Eu
nucleus: Eu
0001_Bio10_se_Ch07_SCA.indd 220 6/3/09 4:11:43 PM
33. Active transport is one way in which organisms molecules that can diffuse across a lipid bilayer. 35. Formulate Hypotheses Which of the follow-
maintain homeostasis. For example, an amoeba ing is a logical hypothesis based on the graph
Size of Molecules
uses phagocytosis to take in food. The amoeba Carbon a. Cells contain more glucose than oxygen.
needs the food for energy and growth. dioxide b. Oxygen molecules diffuse across the cell
B a nuclear envelope. D a nucleolus.
3. The human brain is an example of a(n)
300 8. D
A cell. 200 9. A
B tissue.
C organ. 100 10. D
D organ system. 0 11. A typical cell in fresh water will take in water,
0 10 20 30 40
4. Which cell structures are sometimes found Concentration of Sucrose (mmol/L) swell, and may burst.
attached to the endoplasmic reticulum?
A chloroplasts
B nuclei 8. In this experiment, sucrose probably entered the
C mitochondria cells by means of
D ribosomes A endocytosis. C osmosis.
B phagocytosis. D active transport.
5. Which process always involves the movement of
materials from inside the cell to outside the cell? 9. The graph shows that as the concentration of sucrose
A phagocytosis increased from 10 to 30 mmol/L, the plant cells
B exocytosis A took in sucrose more slowly.
C endocytosis B took in sucrose more quickly.
D osmosis C failed to take in more sucrose.
D secreted sucrose more slowly.
6. Which of the following is an example of active
transport? 10. Based on the graph, the rate of sucrose uptake
A facilitated diffusion A increased at a constant rate from 0 to 30 mmol/L.
B osmosis B decreased at varying rates from 0 to 30 mmol/L.
C diffusion C was less at 25 mmol/L than at 5 mmol/L.
D endocytosis D was constant between 30 and 40 mmol/L.
Test-Taking Tip
Tell students that when answering a question based on experimental data, they
should read the description of the experiment carefully to determine the steps fol-
lowed. They should also examine the description of the experiment and the labels on
the graph axes to determine the independent and dependent variables. Suggest they
look for any trends in the data. For example, when studying a graph, they should ask,
“If x increases, what happens to y?”