Reading Quiz 1
Reading Quiz 1
Reading Quiz 1
Todos nos hemos quejado de tener demasiado trabajo que hacer. Bueno,
¿qué tal no tener suficiente trabajo? El síndrome de subcarga es causado por
tener poco o nada que hacer en la oficina. Steven / 'stivən / trabaja como
director de proyectos. “Puedo terminar mi trabajo en unas cuatro horas, pero
tengo miedo de decir algo al respecto. ¡No quiero que me asignen
demasiado trabajo! " Entonces, ¿qué hace? Steven finge estar ocupado.
“Estoy pensando en conseguir un trabajo a tiempo parcial por la noche. Esa
es una idea posible ".
We all know that good habits bring good health, but we don't realize how
much of a difference these habits can make. In the 1970s, scientists at the
university of California- Los Angeles interviewed 7,00 people about their
health habits. Then they followed the people to see how long they lived.
The scientists discovered that seven habits were closely linked with a longer
life. These habits are:
1. eating breakfast every day.
2. Avoiding snacks between meals.
3. Keeping an ideal weight- not too heavy or too thin.
4. Exercising regularly.
5. Sleeping seven to eight hours per night. Not more or less
6. Not Smoking
7. Drinking two or fewer alcoholic drinks per day.
The researcher found that these habits had a powerful effect on health.
People in this study who had three or fewer of these habits lived another
21.6 years. People who had six or seven could expect to live another 33
years! People aged 55 to 65 with all seven good habits were as healthy as
younger people aged 25 to 34 who practiced only one or two of the habits.
But how do you change your habits? A slow approach is the best way. Make
one small change every week and be patient. It takes about 21 days to form
a new habit.
Todos sabemos que los buenos hábitos traen buena salud, pero no nos
damos cuenta de la gran diferencia que estos hábitos pueden hacer. En la
década de 1970, los científicos de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles
entrevistaron a 7,00 personas sobre sus hábitos de salud. Luego siguieron a
la gente para ver cuánto tiempo vivían.
Los científicos descubrieron que siete hábitos estaban estrechamente
relacionados con una vida más larga. Estos hábitos son:
1. desayunar todos los días.
2. Evitar los bocadillos entre comidas.
3. Mantener un peso ideal, ni demasiado pesado ni demasiado delgado.
4. Hacer ejercicio con regularidad.
5. Dormir de siete a ocho horas por noche. Ni más ni menos
6. No fumar
7. Beber dos o pocas bebidas alcohólicas al día.
When the X Games first started out, they were not well-known. Only a few people
watched and competed in them. However, the X Games had an attitude and style
that reflected things many young people cared about, and in time, they became
popular around the world.
In different areas of the world, athletes train and compete in their own versions of
the X Games. The best athletes can advance to the global championship. At the
championship, teams from six regions (Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, South
America, and the United States) face each other. There are summer sports (in-line
skating, biking, and skateboarding) and winter ones (skiing and snowboarding). The
sports are so popular that some are even in the Olympics now!
There are many champions in the X Games, but one woman, Fabiola da Silva, has
always stood out from the crowd. She’s an in-line skater from Brazil, and she’s
easily recognizable with her tank top and nose ring.
There are two different in-line skating categories: park and vert. In the park event,
skaters compete on a course that has ledges, handrails, and other obstacles. In the
vert event, skaters do tricks on a half-pipe.[1] They try to fly high in the air and spin.
Fabiola competes in both events and has won six gold medals in the vert event, her
specialty. She has been skating for years and has dominated[2] the women’s events.
Fabiola is a pioneer. She was one of the first women to get very famous from the X
Games, but she’s not afraid of the guys. Ever since she received her first pair of
skates at the age of 12, she’s played with boys. Now she skates in competitions with
them, and she beats many of them.
Fabiola’s mother was a housekeeper and life was hard, but she saved her money to
buy Fabiola’s skates. It was a good investment. Fabiola has traveled abroad for
events and has become famous in the international skating world.
Success hasn’t gone to her head[3], though. She’s still a typical young woman: she
has a boyfriend, likes to listen to rock music, and prefers healthy foods. And she
doesn’t seem to care much about the attention she gets.
[1] A half-pipe is a curved structure with high sides, used for doing tricks.
[2] If you dominate, you are powerful and successful.
[3] If something goes to your head, it makes you think you are very important
[1] Un medio tubo es una estructura curva con lados altos, que se
utiliza para hacer trucos.
LECTURA NR0. 2 WOOKBOOK. Adventurous Race
It’s a team sport. It can include mountain climbing, biking, boating, and trail
running. It has lots of “special mystery events”—like climbing over a five-
meter wall and carrying a team member for three kilometers. What is it?
Adventure racing has become a popular way for people to test their strength
and endurance, while also facing the unpredictability of nature. Because
some races can be 24 hours long or more, the challenge is not only physical,
but also mental. Participants must train before the event, but not all
competitors are athletes. For many, just completing the race is an
accomplishment. In the Bitter Pill, a race in Vermont, teams of two or three
men or women race for 12 hours over 25 miles, beginning at 5 AM. They
run, swim, climb, hike, and paddle, and they do it all while navigating with a
map or compass. They are not given the race route, and are not allowed to
use their phones for guidance.
Another popular race, the World’s Toughest Mudder, is a 24-hour obstacle
course. It takes place in the desert of Las Vegas, Nevada, so it’s very hot in
the day, but very cold at night.
Although the course is only five miles, competitors run the course over and
over again, as many times as possible, for a whole day and night. The team
that runs the most complete laps is the winner. Speed and stamina are very
important for adventure racers, but there’s one more unusual thing about
the sport. To win the race, all team members must finish together. This
focus on teamwork is one of the things that seems to attract participants to
these events year after year.
El artículo habla sobre los beneficios de un programa intergeneracional.
¿Sabía que, en los Estados Unidos, más del 25 por ciento de las personas mayores
(personas mayores de 65 años) viven solas? Sin suficientes amigos y familiares
cerca, las personas mayores corren el riesgo de sufrir depresión. [1] Este es un
problema grave. Los estudios muestran que las personas con depresión tienen más
probabilidades de tener otros problemas de salud también.
Ahora, muchas comunidades están tratando de encontrar una solución a este
problema. Providence Mount St. Vincent, una casa de retiro cerca de Seattle,
Washington, ha lanzado recientemente un programa intergeneracional. Más de 400
personas mayores viven en Providence Mount St. Vincent, y más de 40 niños desde
unos pocos meses hasta los cinco años van a la guardería allí. Los niños pasan el día
allí con los ancianos mientras los trabajadores observan.
Un programa intergeneracional como el de Providence Mount St. Vincent tiene
claros beneficios. Para las personas mayores, su vida social mejora; les leen y juegan
con los niños y los animan en una amplia gama de otras actividades. Estar
involucrado con los niños hace que las personas mayores se sientan útiles y felices,
y si se sienten felices, su salud mental y física en general puede mejorar. Los niños
también se benefician del programa. Tienen un grupo de personas entusiastas y
pacientes con quienes jugar en un ambiente seguro. Algunas de las personas
mayores también son discapacitadas, [2] y los estudios también muestran que si los
niños están expuestos a personas con discapacidades a una edad temprana,
aprenderán a ser más tolerantes y comprensivos con personas como esta.
Providence Mount St. Vincent incluso apareció en un documental llamado Present
Perfect . A medida que las familias de los jóvenes y los ancianos ven los beneficios,
los programas intergeneracionales se están expandiendo. El mensaje de la película
está comenzando a difundirse: incluso si los muy jóvenes y los muy mayores no
tienen un pasado o un futuro compartido, su presente compartido puede ser perfecto.
[1] Una persona con depresión se siente muy infeliz y no puede hacer nada.
[2] Una persona discapacitada tiene una enfermedad o lesión que le dificulta realizar
determinadas actividades físicas o mentales (como caminar o pensar).