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Cprog 08

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CPROG08SZ is a command line version of the PROG08SZ software which programs

EEPROM, EPROM, Flash, etc. either in-circuit or socketed in a Motorola ICS.
P&E manufactures two hardware interfaces for MON08 targets. The MON08-Multilink
(Class 7) is a parallel port interfare designed to in-circuit simple HC08
targets. The MON08-Cyclone (Class 5) is a debug interface as well as a
stand alone programmer unit for in-circuit devices. The CPROG08SZ will work with
Class 1-7 devices.

2. Startup Command Line Parameters

Start the programming software by clicking it's icon, or running it

from the MSDOS prompt. You may have to edit the ICON to add the name of
the configuration (script) file to the command line. Allowed command line
parameters are (use without brackets):

[?] Use the '?' character option to cause the commandline programmer
to wait and display the result of programming in the PROG
window. If the user does not use a batch file to test
this provides a method to display the programming result.
This option should be the FIRST commandline option.

[filename] a configuration file containing programming commands and

default = prog.cfg. See section 3 for more information.

[v] V causes the programmer not to check the range of S

record addresses before programming or verifying. This
speeds up the programming process. The option should be
used with care as all out of range s-records will be ignored.

3. Configuration (Script) file

The configuration file contains two types of commands. The first type are
SETUP commands which configure the parameters which are used when attempting to
contact the target (Detailed in section 5). These SETUP commands include
choosing the proper COM port, delays, and target class to use when contacting
the target. All SETUP commands begin with a colon (:). The entire configuration
file is pre-processed prior to contacting the target in order to properly
process all SETUP commands. After this is complete, the CPROG08SZ software
processes the configuration file for programming commands (detailed in section
6). These commands are used to control erasure, programming, and verification
of target device programming. All programming commands consist of two upper
case letters possibly followed by parameters according to the particular

4. Passing Security

By default, when the programmer starts up, it simply attempts to establish

communications with the target without actually passing security (this can
be changed as specified in section 5.5). When an EM (Erase Module) command
is executed, the programmer will first erase the target and then attempt to
pass security. The idea behind this is that the default configuration file
will almost immediate attempt to erase the target device, and hence passing
security is easier because the programmer knows the security code for an
erased device. With this default configuration, the first two programming
commands (after all SETUP commands processed) should be CM (Choose Module) and
EM (Erase Module). The user can elect, using SETUP commands, to attempt to pass
security on startup by specifying the :FORCEPASS and :SECURITYCODE SETUP
commands in the configuration file.

5. SETUP commands for startup

SETUP commands are all processed before the programmer attempts to contact
the target. The whole configuration file is parsed for these commands prior to
attempting communications. This section gives an overview of using these
SETUP commands to do different type of configuration. The default base for
parameters is decimal with the exception of the :SECURITYCODE command. An
overview of the SETUP commands is as follows:

:TARGETCLASS n - Setsthe target class to:

1 -Motorola ICS Board with processor installed.
2 -Motorola ICS Board without processor.
3 -Serial port direct to target w/with DB9 connection.
4 -Serial port direct to target w/with DB9 connection
and auto-reset circuit built in.
5 - P&E MON08-Cyclone connected to target via MON08
6 - P&E POWER08 Interface to target with DB9 connection.
7 - P&E MONO8-Multilink connected to target via MON08
8 - P&E Cyclone PRO connected to target via MON08 cable.
:PORT n - n may be:
1..8 - Specifies appropriate serial or parallel
interface to use. Class 1-7 Only.
USB1..USB8 - Use appropriate USB port. Class 7-8 Only.
COM1..COM8 - Use appropriate serial port.
#.#.#.# - IP address for ethernet communications.
Class 8 Only.

:BAUD n - Set the baud rate to n. This is for class 1-4 only. Class
5, 6, 7, and 8 use autobaud detection.
:POWERDOWNDELAY n - Amount of time to delay when the power to the target is
turned off for the targets power supply to drop to
below 0.1v. n is the time in milliseconds.
:POWERUPDELAY n - Amount of time to delay when the power to the target is
turned on OR the target is reset, and before the software
attempts to talk to the target. This time can be a
combination of power on time and reset time (especially
if a reset driver is used). n is the time in milliseconds.
:IRQ n - Class 5, 7, and 8 targets only.
Sets the value of the IRQ pin on reset. This pin can
be set to high voltage (n is 1) or to ground (n is 0).
:FORCEPASS - Specified that security should be passed on startup of the
software instead of waiting for an EM (Erase Module)
command. The :SECURITY code command must also be provided.
:SECURITYCODE hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh
- Specifies the 8 bytes of security code to use at startup
which corresponds to the addresses $FFF6-$FFFD of the
target HC08 device. The parameter for this is a
string containing 8 bytes of data in HEX
separated by white spaces.
:DEVICETYPE str - For Class 5, 6, 7, and 8 only. Specifies the target device
family. As an example, the device type for a 68HC908KX8
would be KX. The allowed device type values are :
:DEVICECLOCK n - For Class 5, 6, 7, and 8. Controls whether the P&E
interface should drive a clock to the target or whether
the P&E interface should tristate it's clock output. Valid
values of n are:
0 : Clock driven by P&E Interface
1 : Target self-clocked, P&E Clock output disabled
:CLOCKDIVIDER n - For Class 5, 6, 7, and 8. Often one of the port pins of
the target processor controls the ratio of the BUS clock
to the External clock. Valid values of n are:
0 : Divide by 2 (usually and if applicable)
1 : Divide by 4 (usually and if applicable)
:DEVICEPOWER n - For Class 5, 6, 7, and 8. This setting incorporates both
the target voltage as well as whether the P&E interface
is generating/switching the power or whether the user
should be prompted to cycle the target power. Valid values
of n are:
0 : 5 Volts, Generated/Switched by P&E Interface
1 : 5 Volts, User Switched (when prompted)
2 : 3 Volts, Generated/Switched by P&E Interface
3 : 3 Volts, User Switched (when prompted)
4 : 2 Volts, Generated/Switched by P&E Interface
5 : 2 Volts, User Switched (when prompted)
:POWEROFFONEXIT n - Determines whether power to the target should be turned
off when the CPROG08SZ application terminates (class
5, 6, 7, and 8 only). Valid values of n are:
0 : Turn power off upon exit (default)
1 : Keep power on upon exit

6. Programming Commands

Commands all start with a two character sequence followed by white space
(blanks or tabs). Lines starting with characters which are not commands
are listed as REMarks. The values for starting, ending, byte, word, user_par
and base_address are given in hexadecimal. The term filename means a full
path to a file. Commands use the same two letter codes as used in the
interactive programmers PROG08SZ. The same .08P files used by PROG08SZ are
used to set up for a particular device to be programmed. If a user function
is specified for a particular device, it's two character command and the
meaning or user_par are specified in the .08P file.

BM - Blank check module.

BR starting ending - Blank check range.
EB starting ending - Erase byte range.
EW starting ending - Erase word range.
EM - Erase module.
PB starting byte ... byte - Program bytes.
PW starting word ... word - Program words.
PM - Program module.
CM filename base_address - Choose module .08P file.
VM - Verify module.
VR starting ending - Verify range.
VC - Verify module CRC-8
UM filename - Upload module.
UR starting ending filename - Upload range.
SS filename - Specify S record.
SM starting ending - Show module.
QU - Quit.
RE - Reset chip.
GO - Start Device Running (optionally use as last
if you want the device to run for testing. Should
immediately preceded with an 'RE' command).
DE timeinms - Delays "timeinms" milliseconds
xx user_par - user function specified in .08P file.

Example User functions: - User functions are listed in the .08P file

PT - "PT" Program Trim function available in the

- QT or QY algorithms.
E1 - "E1" Erase EEPROM 1 Module

7. Example Programming script file for P&E MON08 Cyclone -> 908SR12 target

The programming script file should be a pure ASCII file with one command per
An example is:

; Example Configuration for in-circuit programming a 68HC908SR12 device

; using a P&E MON08 Cyclone.
; Pinouts of the SR MON08 target header from the manual:
; 1 2
; NC * * GND
; NC * * NC
; NC * * IRQ
; NC * * NC
; NC * * PTA0
; NC * * PTA2
; OSCout * * PTA1
; Vout * * PTC1
; 15 16

:TARGETCLASS 5 ; P&E MON08 Cyclone Interface
:DEVICETYPE SR ; SR Device. See manual for header.
:DEVICECLOCK 0 ; OSCout Clock driven by P&E Interface
:CLOCKDIVIDER 1 ; Bus is XTAL Divide by 4
:DEVICEPOWER 0 ; MCU voltage is 5 Volts, and is
; Generated/Switched by the MON08 Cyclone
CM C:\PEMICRO\PROG08SZ\908_SR12_highspeed.08P ; Choose Flash Algorithm
EM ; Erase Flash Module
BM ; Blank Check Flash Module
SS C:\PEMICRO\PROG08SZ\TESTSR12.S19 ; Specify S-record for program
PM ; Program Flash Module
VC ; Verify programmed data CRC-8

8. Example Programming script file for USB MON08 Multilink -> 908GP32 target

The programming script file should be a pure ASCII file with one command per
An example is:

; Example Configuration for in-circuit programming a 68HC908GP32 device

; using a USB MON08 Multilink.
; Pinouts of the GP MON08 target header from the manual:
; 1 2
; NC * * GND
; NC * * RESET
; NC * * IRQ
; NC * * PTA0
; NC * * PTA7
; NC * * PTC0
; OSCout * * PTC1
; Vout * * PTC3
; 15 16

:TARGETCLASS 7 ; P&E MON08 Multilink Interface

:PORT USB1 ; USB Port 1
:DEVICETYPE GP ; GP Device. See manual for header.
:DEVICECLOCK 0 ; OSCout Clock driven by P&E Interface
:CLOCKDIVIDER 1 ; Bus is XTAL Divide by 4
:DEVICEPOWER 0 ; MCU voltage is 5 Volts, and is
; Generated/Switched by the MON08 Multilink

CM C:\PEMICRO\PROG08SZ\908_GP32_highspeed.08P

9. Example Programming script file for ICS programming of socketed devices

The programming script file should be a pure ASCII file with one command per
An example is:

:TARGETCLASS 1 ; Socket device in ICS
:BAUD 9600

CM C:\PEMICRO\PROG08SZ\908_GP32_highspeed.08P

10. Sample Batch File

Here is an example of calling the commandline programmer and testing it's error
code return in a simple batch file. Sample batch examples are given for both
Windows 95/98/XP and also Windows NT.

Windows NT/2000:

if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto good
ECHO done

Windows 95/98/ME/XP:


if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto good
ECHO done

11. Error Returns

Error returns are provided so they may be tested in .BAT files. The
error codes used are:

0 - Program completed with no errors.

1 - Cancelled by user.
2 - Error reading S record file.
3 - Verify error.
4 - Verify cancelled by user.
5 - S record file is not selected.
6 - Starting address is not in module.
7 - Ending address is not in module or is less than starting address.
8 - Unable to open file for uploading.
9 - File write error during upload.
10 - Upload cancelled by user.
11 - Error opening .08P file.
12 - Error reading .08P file.
13 - Device did not initialize.
14 - Error loading .08P file.
15 - Error enabling module just selected.
16 - Specified S record file not found.
17 - Insufficint buffer space specified by .08P to hold a file S record.
18 - Error during programming.
19 - Start address does not point into module.
20 - Error during last byte programming.
21 - Programming address no longer in module.
22 - Start address is not on an aligned word boundary.
23 - Error during last word programming.
24 - Module could not be erased.
25 - Module word not erased.
26 - Selected .08P file does not implement byte checking.
27 - Module byte not erased.
28 - Word erase starting address must be even.
29 - Word erase ending address must be even.
30 - User parameter is not in the range.
31 - Error during .08P specified function.
32 - Specified parallel printer port is not available.
33 - Command is inactive for this .08P file.
34 - Cannot enter background mode. Check connnections.
35 - Not able to access processor. Try a software reset.
36 - Invalid .08P file.
37 - Not able to access processor RAM. Try a software reset.
38 - Initialization cancelled by user.
39 - Error converting hexadecimal command number.
40 - Configuration file not specified and file prog.cfg does not exist.
41 - .08P file does not exist.
42 - Error in io_delay number on command line.
43 - Can not talk to MON08 interface.
44 - Error specifying decimal delay in milliseconds.
45 - Can not talk to MON08 interface.
46 - Error. You must erase a secured device before you can program it.
47 - Error in script file.
48 - Error contacting target.
49 - Error communicating to MON08 interface board.
50 - S-Record file does not contain valid data.
51 - CRC-8 Verification failure - S-record data does not match MCU memory.
52 - Sorting must be enabled to verify flash checksum.
53 - S-Records not all in range of module. (see "v" commandline parameter)
54 - Error detected in settings on commandline for port/interface
99 - Can't Communicate with target (lost communications)

12. Information

For more information on CPROG08SZ and PROG08SZ, please contact:

P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. VOICE: (617) 353-9206

P.O. Box 2044 FAX: (617) 353-9205
Woburn, MA 01888-0044 WEB: http://www.pemicro.com

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