Persuasive Messages.: Q2 Performance Task

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Sta. Monica, San Simon, Pampanga

SY 2020-2021

English 8
Q2 Performance Task

Goal: Your goal is to write a persuasive speech that uses opinion-marking signals and
persuasive messages.
Role: You are a contributor in the Opinion Section of Manila Bulletin.
Audience: The editor-in-chief of the newspaper.
Situation: The editor-in-chief of Manila Bulletin invited you to write a persuasive essay that
will be published next month.
Product/ Performance: Persuasive essay
You will be graded based on the following criteria.

4 3 1
Criteria Approaching
Above Standard Meets Standard Below Standard
Mini Performance Task
The claim is sound The claim is sound
The claim is sound This part was not
and all the and almost all the
Draft 1 and one evidence done or not
evidences support evidences support the
supports the claim. submitted.
the claim. claim.
All arguments are
in paragraph form All arguments are in Two arguments are One argument is
Draft 2 already. The paragraph form in paragraph form in paragraph form
conclusion has already. already. already.
been started.
Performance Task
The introduction The introduction
The introduction
provides a vivid The introduction somehow
somehow provides
glimpse of what provides a glimpse of provides a
a glimpse of what
the speech is what the speech is glimpse of what
Introduction the speech is about.
about. The thesis about. The thesis the speech is
The thesis
statement is catchy statement is clearly about. It has no
statement lacks an
and clearly written. thesis statement.
First The paragraph
Argument concisely and The paragraph The paragraph
Second clearly explains concisely and clearly somehow explains
The paragraph
Argument the argument. explains the the argument.
does not explain
Evidences are argument. Sufficient Some evidences are
the argument.
Third enumerated and evidences are given given but need
Argument exhaustively and explained. further elaboration.
The conclusion The conclusion
The conclusion The conclusion
summarizes the somehow
Conclusion summarizes the did not summarize
essay and leaves summarizes the
essay. the essay.
an appealing essay.

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impression to the

The speech uses 2 The speech uses 1

The speech uses 1 The speech does
Visual Aids relevant visual almost relevant
relevant visual aid. not use visual aid.
aids. visual aid.
The speech uses 3 The speech does
Opinion- The speech uses 2 The speech uses 1
and above not use any
Marking opinion-marking opinion-marking
opinion-marking opinion-marking
Signals signals. signal.
signals. signal.
Three or more
References Two sources are cited One source is cited No source is cited
sources are cited
and Citation in the paper. in the paper. in the paper.
in the paper.
Correct Correct
capitalization, Correct capitalization,
Conventions in
usage, capitalization, usage, usage, punctuation,
writing are present
punctuation, punctuation, spelling, spelling, and
Conventions but with a
spelling, and and grammar are grammar are
grammar are present with minimal present with a
amount of errors.
present with no errors. reasonable amount
errors. of errors.
The work is
The work is
The work is The work is submitted two
submitted a day
Punctuality submitted ahead of submitted on the set days or more after
after the set date of
time. date of submission. the set date of
The member
The member
actively and The member
participates actively The member does
Participation submits work on participates but
and submits work on not participate.
time. He initiates submits work late.
and gives relevant
Total: 40

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Go back to your four modules. The concepts presented in these modules will help you in
accomplishing your performance task which is a persuasive essay. Before delivering a
persuasive speech, it is good to come up with your script first and that is a persuasive essay. In
writing your persuasive essay, follow the format of the persuasive speech.

Review the topic assigned to you. Decide your claim. Do you agree with the topic or not?
Why? Cite three (3) evidences to support your claim.

Claim: ____________________________________________________________________

Evidence 1: _________________________________________________________________

Evidence 2: _________________________________________________________________

Evidence 3: _________________________________________________________________

After identifying your claim and three (3) evidences, compose your thesis statement in one (1)
sentence. Be guided by this sample thesis statement:
I believe that we should start planting crops because it provides fresher air, it allows us de-
(claim) (evidence 1) (evidence 2)

stress, and it helps us save money.

(evidence 3)

Thesis Statement: ___________________________________________________________


Note: You may print this file as a scratch. However, you still need to send your work in my email
account [email protected] so I can check it.

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Once you have your thesis statement, write your introduction, body paragraphs, and
conclusion. Each evidence is thoroughly discussed in one paragraph. Hence, you are expected
to come up with 5 paragraphs for this essay.


Body 1:
Body 2:

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Body 3:


Note: You may print this file as a scratch. However, you still need to send your work in my email
account [email protected] so I can check it.

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Cite Sources.
Make sure that you list the websites and books that you used to write your essay. Compile
them under the heading ‘References’.

Highlight the opinion marking signals.

Use blue highlighter in marking them.

Follow the format.

Type Performance Task in English 8, boldfaced, left-align
Name (Surname, Given Name, MI), left-align
Alphabetically arranged, all boys first
Indicate the part that the member did enclosed in parenthesis
Indicate the member’s participation grade
Title of the speech, boldfaced, centered
Font Type: Times New Roman, 12 pt., justified

Put a check mark () if you have done the following:

 Instructions
We cited our sources and put them at the bottom of the essay.
We followed the format in citing sources.
We followed the overall format specified by our teacher.
We proofread our essay before turning it in.

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