Successful Installation and Startup of An S-300 Ammonia Converter Basket
Successful Installation and Startup of An S-300 Ammonia Converter Basket
Successful Installation and Startup of An S-300 Ammonia Converter Basket
W. Clark Liddon
CF Industries
Brian G. Copeland
CF Industries
Bent J. Dahlstrom
Haldor Topsoe, Inc.
fter 26 years of successful operation of
a Haldor Topsoe S-200 (2-bed radial idad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom.
flow) ammonia converter, CF Indus-
tries’ Yazoo City Plant decided to up- The Yazoo City Nitrogen complex in Mississip-
grade its internals with a new S-300 (3-bed radi- pi became part of CF Industries in 2010. The
al flow) converter basket. The converter retrofit site was developed in the late 1940’s to produce
project is exceeding expectations. nitrogen based fertilizers for the lower Missis-
sippi River valley deltas of Arkansas, Louisiana,
The planning and execution for this once every and Mississippi. In 1965, the site commissioned
20 to 30 year project is a challenge and the level the world’s first 1,000 STPD (907 MTPD) sin-
of associated safety is significant. The turna- gle train ammonia plant
round implemented several other major projects
as part of a historic outage. Haldor Topsoe is a privately owned company
located in Lyngby, Denmark with a wholly
owned subsidiary, Haldor Topsoe, Inc., in Hou-
Background ston, Texas. The company was founded in 1940
by Dr. Haldor Topsoe and has since then pro-
CF Industries is one of the world’s largest man- vided catalyst and technology to the fertilizer
ufacturers of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer industry.
Project Execution
Basket Manufacture
The S-300 basket was schedule to be shipped
from the manufacturer’s shop 14 months from
the date of contract execution. The detailed en-
gineering began immediately from Haldor Top-
soe headquarters in Lyngby, Denmark. Figure 2. Transport of basket to site
E. Zanon in Schio, Italy was awarded the basket
fabrication. The shop began ordering materials Pre-Turnaround Activities
in February 2011.
Several mechanical contractors were inter-
An initial shop visit by CF Industries and Hal- viewed for the installation of the new S-300
dor Topsoe in May 2011 kicked off the fabrica- basket. The scope of work included all rigging
The primary ammonia separator (106-F) first After the new S-300 converter had stabilized, a
produced aqua product 36 hours into the pro- set of operating data was collected on January 9,
cess. The product strength was 5% ammonia. 2013. Based on this data set, the converter per-
Nine hours later, product strength was greater formance was evaluated and found to exceed the
than 50% aqua ammonia. The outlet water va- expectations. The key parameters from this
por concentration in the converter exit gas was evaluation are also included in Table 3 (Case 2).
1,000-2,500 ppmv water.
The performance of the new S-300 converter at
The first product from the plant with high water start of run is compared to the S-200 converter
content was diverted to the 40 °F (14 °C) prod- at end of run in Figure 5. It is evident that the
uct line to intermediate storage (spheres). It was S-300 converter exhibits a much higher effi-
consumed in the nitric acid, ammonium nitrate ciency. This efficiency is mainly due to the 3-
and urea processes. When the primary ammonia bed design, which allows a larger part of the
separator strength reached 70%, the product dis- conversion to take place at a higher average re-
charge was set up for normal operation. action rate (higher temperature). Of course, the
new catalyst adds to the efficiency.
(Case 1). S-300 Curve, Beds 1, 2 and 3 S-200 Curve, Beds 1 and 2