Water: Slip Factor Correction in 1-D Performance Prediction Model For Pats
Water: Slip Factor Correction in 1-D Performance Prediction Model For Pats
Water: Slip Factor Correction in 1-D Performance Prediction Model For Pats
Slip Factor Correction in 1-D Performance Prediction
Model for PaTs
Tommaso Capurso * , Michele Stefanizzi , Giuseppe Pascazio , Sergio Ranaldo,
Sergio M. Camporeale , Bernardo Fortunato and Marco Torresi
Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management (DMMM), Polytechnic University of Bari,
70125 Bari, Italy; [email protected] (M.S.); [email protected] (G.P.);
[email protected] (S.R.); [email protected] (S.M.C.); [email protected] (B.F.);
[email protected] (M.T.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-327-915-0352
Received: 29 December 2018; Accepted: 13 March 2019; Published: 19 March 2019
Abstract: In recent years, pumps operated as turbines (PaTs) have been gaining the interest of
industry and academia. For instance, PaTs can be effectively used in micro hydropower plants (MHP)
and water distribution systems (WDS). Therefore, further efforts are necessary to investigate their
fluid dynamic behavior. Compared to conventional turbines, a lower number of blades is employed
in PaTs, lowering their capability to correctly guide the flow, hence reducing the Euler’s work; thus,
the slip phenomenon cannot be neglected at the outlet section of the runner. In the first part of the
paper, the slip phenomenon is numerically investigated on a simplified geometry, evidencing the
dependency of the lack in guiding the flow on the number of blades. Then, a commercial double
suction centrifugal pump, characterized by the same specific speed, is considered, evaluating the
dependency of the slip on the flow rate. In the last part, a slip factor correlation is introduced based
on those CFD simulations. It is shown how the inclusion of this parameter in a 1-D performance
prediction model allows us to reduce the performance prediction errors with respect to experiments
on a pump with a similar specific speed by 5.5% at design point, compared to no slip model, and by
8% at part-loads, rather than using Busemann and Stodola formulas.
1. Introduction
The world electricity demand is increasing year by year, and the shift to renewable energy from
fossil fuels is attracting many investments; at the same time, many financial resources are being spent
to improve the efficiency of existing power plants and energy distribution systems. Hydropower,
which comprises hydroelectric power plants and water distribution systems, is the main field where,
in recent decades, pumps as turbines (PaTs) have been installed en masse. Many researchers strongly
suggest the use of PaTs, i.e., conventional pumps used in reverse mode to recover energy from fluids
subjected to a considerable pressure drop, as an alternative to throttling devices. PaTs are becoming
more and more tempting because pumps are mass-produced, cheaper than conventional turbines and
they cover a wide range of specific speeds and sizes.
Some technical reports by international pump manufacturers, like Sulzer and KSB, started to be
published in the early 80s with Laux [1], who studied reverse-running multistage pumps as energy
recovery turbines in oil supply systems; and Apfelbacher et al. [2] also studied the application of a PaT
in a reduction pressure station in Aachen (Germany).
Large hydropower plants feed the national grid, whereas typical off-grid micro hydropower
plants (MHP), in the range of 5–100 kW, are the most popular solutions for electrification among
rural communities [3]. In MHP, hydraulic turbines represent the critical technological component
for energy production. Their cost significantly impacts the project budget. PaTs fulfill an important
role in hydraulic pumped-storage plants to supply power peak demands; indeed, the oscillations of
the power produced by renewable sources are going to promote the need for energy storage such as
micro hydro, where the same machine needs to be operated both in pump mode and in turbine mode.
Furthermore, PaTs can represent stand-alone small hydro systems in all those remote communities,
where the grid connection is not economical and/or practically possible. In this case, PaTs can satisfy
the energy demand by exploiting natural water sources.
Many works assess the installation of PaTs into Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) in order to
save energy dissipated by pressure reducing valves (PRVs). PaTs found applications not only in the
hydraulic sector, but also in other fields of the process engineering.
Nowadays, the prediction of the performance of a PaT is crucial in order to select the most
suitable machine, starting from its geometric parameters and its specific speed, since pumps are
not usually tested in turbine mode by manufacturers. Because of the lack of experimental data,
considerable attempts have been made by several authors in the prediction of PaT performance,
not only from a theoretical point of view, but also with experimental campaigns of pumps tested in
reverse mode, as shown by Barbarelli et al. [4], Derakhshan and Nourbakhsh [5], Nautiyal et al. [6],
Pugliese et al. [7], Rossi et al. [8], Singh and Nestmann [9], Shi et al. [10], Yang et al. [11], Tan and
Engeda [12], Carravetta et al. [13].
Several models have been proposed for the prediction of the characteristic curve of a PaT. Some
models, based on statistical and normalization approaches or artificial neural networks [14,15], are
adopted when the geometric parameters of the runner are unknown [16], and they are useful to
evaluate the flow rate and the head exploited by the PaTs running at their best efficiency point.
At the same time, other models are based on theoretical approach as for the evaluation of the flow
characteristics through the machine, as proposed by Barbarelli et al. [17], Gülich [18]. These are usually
used by manufacturers, which have detailed information about their machines. The latter models
currently show a lack of accuracy in the prediction of the characteristic curve, especially at part loads
and over loads because of the simplification of the impeller channel and the volute geometry. For this
reason, manufacturers need a tool that could support them not only to predict the turbine mode
operation, but also to design ad hoc PaTs for specific applications by investigating more deeply the
hydraulic behavior of their machines running in reverse mode.
Similarly to in centrifugal pumps, a slip phenomenon can also occur in turbines with a finite
number of vanes, at the outlet section of the runner. As shown by Ventrone [19], the relative velocity
vectors at the outlet of a centripetal turbine (e.g., Francis turbines and PaTs) are subject to a deflection
with respect to the direction defined by the blade congruent angle (slip). Ventrone [19] and Shi et al. [20]
justify the slip phenomenon by demonstrating the presence of fluid flow vorticity between the blades
in planes orthogonal to the rotational axis. Thus, counter rotating vortices appear inside the impeller
channels. This phenomenon shall be more evident in radial PaTs, where the number of blades is lower
than in conventional turbines. In mixed axial-radial runners, additional dynamic effect should be
taken into account.
The resulting flow deflection leads to an increase in the absolute tangential velocity and
consequently a reduction of the extracted hydraulic energy with respect to the available one. Thus,
in this work, the slip phenomenon in PaTs was studied in detail with the aim at focusing on the
influence of the slip phenomenon on the performance prediction of PaTs. Regarding this aspect, the
slip phenomenon is often neglected in prediction models and there are few works in the literature,
which have investigated in detail the effect of the slip phenomenon in PaTs. Indeed, the evaluation of
the slip effect is difficult and there are not many experimental correlations.
Differently from a previous work [21], herein the authors extended their investigations on the
slip phenomenon at the outlet of PaTs. Arranging their work in three parts, the first, (Sections 2
and 3) and the last (Sections 5 and 6) parts being new. Moreover, additional details with respect to
Water 2019, 11, 565 3 of 23
the previous work are added. Initially, the reader is guided through a description of the problem
(from a phenomenological point of view). Indeed, numerical investigations have been carried out
on a simplified PaT runner geometry, designed according to potential flow solution, in order to
study the slip phenomenon and be able to more easily describe the sources of the flow deflection
(see Sections 2 and 3). In the second part, the work deals with the prediction of the performance of
a real commercial PaT, numerically simulated in both direct and inverse mode, with an emphasis
on the flow field through the impeller [21] (see Section 4). The proposed numerical investigation
aims to put in evidence the slip phenomenon on a real configuration. The computational domain
reproduces the entire geometry of the commercial pump, including the suction pipe, the impeller
and the discharge pipe The introduction of a slip factor, σturbine , whose definition is equivalent to the
one used for centrifugal pumps [22], accounts for the difference between the actual work and the
theoretical one. This analysis is based on the evaluation of the axial and tangential velocities at the
mean radius of the trailing edge of the blades at the outlet of the centripetal impeller. Moreover, this
analysis shows the presence of different phenomena, e.g., pressure gradient and secondary flows,
which may occur at the outlet of a centripetal turbine and affect the performance of the machine.
In the last part, a slip factor (σturbine ) correlation has been derived from these numerical results.
The definition of σturbine provides a great support in developing and tuning 1-D models for the
prediction of the turbine performance and it could provide the guidelines to successfully improve
PaT geometries. A relationship between the new parameter (σturbine ) and the flow rate is presented
and discussed. This new correlation has been applied to the 1-D prediction model proposed by
Stefanizzi et al. [22] in order to predict the entire characteristic of the same PaT, starting from the
knowledge of its geometrical parameters. Finally, the same model has been applied to another real
PaT with a similar specific speed (nq ) in order to compare the curve predicted by the model with the
experimental one. In conclusion, the results of the new model show a more accurate prediction of the
PaT performance under design and part-load conditions compared to the results of the same prediction
models, employing slip factor correlations already available in the literature [23,24] (see Sections 5
and 6). The work focuses on a specific speed hydraulic turbomachinery; thus, it does not aim to be
exhaustive—to cover the entire range of specific speeds, further analyses are required.
of the absolute velocity, cu1 , causing a decrease in terms of specific work, Y, obtained by the turbine,
according to Euler’s equation
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 24
Y = u2 cu2 − u1 cu1 (1)
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 24
Figure 1. Velocity triangles at the inlet (2) and at the outlet of the runner (1). Both actual (solid line)
and blade
Figure 1. congruent
1. Velocity (red dashed
triangles at the line)
at the
inlet velocity
and attriangles
and at the
the areofrepresented
outlet of
thethe at (1).
runner the
(1). outlet.
Both actual
actual (solid
(solid line)
and blade
and congruent
blade (red
congruent dashed
(red line)
dashed velocity
line) triangles
velocity areare
triangles represented at the
represented outlet.
at the outlet.
Neglecting secondary flows effects, the slip phenomenon at the outlet of mixed axial-radial
runners is mainly
Neglecting due to the
secondary flowsblade
flows loading.
effects, Considering
slip phenomenon
slip the flow
phenomenon at atatthe
the the PaTofoutlet
outlet mixed
of (Figure
mixed 2) with
runners is is and
mainly meridional
due to to
due thethe velocity
blade components
loading. and no
Considering the radial
at PaTPaT the(Figure
outlet fluid
2) 2)
tangential in
and Figure 2,
meridional is subjected
velocity to a
components radialandCoriolis
no acceleration,
radial component,
tangential and meridional velocity components and no radial component, the fluid element, which
the does
fluid not
displayed to
in displayed
Figure 2, is the pressure
Figure 2, togradient along
is asubjected
radial Coriolisthe tangential
to a radial direction,
Coriolis which but rather
does not
acceleration, along
which the
contribute radial
does not direction.
to contribute
modifying to
the 2 schematically represents the acceleration terms in a qualitative
modifying the pressure gradient along the tangential direction, but rather along the radialFigure
pressure gradient along the tangential direction, but rather along the radial way. Based
direction. on this2
schematically the Coriolis
represents the acceleration
acceleration may
terms in introduce
a qualitativesecondary
Figure 2 schematically represents the acceleration terms in a qualitative way. Based on this flows,
Based on which
this will not
representation, be
therepresentation, in this
Coriolis accelerationthework.
Coriolis thesesecondary
may flows, the Coriolis
introduce will not
be flows, does in
which not influence
will work.
not be
Under pressure
these gradient along
simplifications, the
the tangential
Coriolis direction;
acceleration conversely,
does not it
influenceis the
investigated in this work. Under these simplifications, the Coriolis acceleration does not influence main source
pressure of fluid
gradient flow
tangentialin centrifugal
pressuredirection; pumps.
gradient conversely, it is the main
along the tangential source conversely,
direction; of fluid flowitdeflection
is the main in centrifugal pumps.
source of fluid flow
deflection in centrifugal pumps.
Figure Representationofofthe
magnitudes are
drawn qualitatively.
2. Representation of the main velocity vectors and accelerations referred to the particle of fluid
at the outlet of the runner. The vector magnitudes are drawn qualitatively.
Althoughthethe above-mentioned
above-mentioned works [19,20]
works have introduced
[19,20] the slip phenomenon
have introduced in hydraulicin
the slip phenomenon
hydraulic it has often it
turbines, been
often beenin the development
neglected of
in thehave 1-D theoretical
development models, specifically in
Although the above-mentioned works [19,20] introducedof the1-D theoretical
slip models,
phenomenon in
in performance
predicting in
PaT turbine mode
performance operation
in turbine by taking
mode into
by the
taking geometry
into of
account the
hydraulic turbines, it has often been neglected in the development of 1-D theoretical models,
geometry of in
specifically thepredicting
machine andPaTsome complexin
performance phenomena
turbine modelike operation
hydraulic bylosses.
takingObviously, a deep
into account the
the phenomenon in realcomplex
machine and some impellers could improve
phenomena the accuracy
like hydraulic losses.ofObviously,
1-D theoretical
a deep
insight intoin this
the performance
phenomenonprediction of pumpscould
in real impellers operating
improveas turbines.
the accuracy of 1-D theoretical
approaches in the performance prediction of pumps operating as turbines.
Water 2019, 11, 565 5 of 23
machine and some complex phenomena like hydraulic losses. Obviously, a deep insight into this
Water 2019, 11, xin
phenomenon FOR PEER
real REVIEW could improve the accuracy of 1-D theoretical approaches in5 the
impellers of 24
Figure 3. Three single vane geometries of the selected centrifugal pump with different number
of blades.
Figure 3. Three single vane geometries of the selected centrifugal pump with different number of
The meshes were generated by means of Pointwise Gridgen® using unstructured tetrahedral
elements. To guarantee the same grid density, a fixed node spacing has been applied to the connectors.
The meshes were generated by means of Pointwise Gridgen® using unstructured tetrahedral
elements. To guarantee the same grid density, a fixed node spacing has been applied to the
connectors. This means that the wider the vane (i.e., lower the number of blades), the larger the
number of cells. The total number of cells for each geometry is reported in Table 2. The three
Water 2019, 11, 565 6 of 23
Water 2019,
Water 11, 11,
2019, x FOR PEER
PEER REVIEW 6 of6 24
of 24
This means that the wider the vane (i.e., lower the number of blades), the larger the number of cells.
computational domains
total numberdomains areare
of cells displayed
for in in
each geometry
displayed 4 and
is reported
Figures 5,in
4 and where
where details
The three at thethe
details at and
inlet outlet
and outlet
are areare
sections in Figures 4 and 5, where their details at the inlet and outlet sections are shown.
Table 2. Number
Table 2. of cells
2. Number of of the
of cells
cells of centrifugal
of the
the pump
centrifugal vane
pump archetypes
vane studied
archetypes in this
studied in paragraph.
in this
this paragraph.
6 6Blades
6 Blades7 Blades 8 Blades
7 Blades
7 Blades 8 Blades
8 Blades
Discharge pipe
DischargeDischarge 6
pipe (×10 pipe
) (×10 6) 0.46
(×106) 0.46 0.46 0.40
0.40 0.34
0.34 0.34
Channel ×106 ) (×10
(Channel 6)
(×10 )6 0.80
0.80 0.80 0.70 0.70
0.70 0.60
0.60 0.60
Figure 4. Grids
4. Grids
4. Grids of the
of the
of the single
single vane
single geometries
vane with
geometries different
with number
different of
of blades.
of blades.
number blades.
Figure 5. Grid details of the single vane geometry with 7 blades where the outlet and inlet section of
the pump under turbine operating conditions are specified.
For 5. Grid
this details of case,
the single vane geometry with 7 blades
the where thethe
outlet andand
inlet section ofFluent ®,
Figure 5. simplified
Grid details of thesimulations
single vane were run
geometry with
with commercial
7 blades where CFD
outlet code ANSYS
inlet section of
applying pumpunder
a single turbine
under turbineoperating
frame conditions
operating are
conditions specified.
the next paragraph, when bigger meshes have to be
analyzed, an open-source CFD code with no restriction on parallelization has been employed in order
to For this simplified case, simulations were run with thethe
commercial CFD code ANSYS Fluent ®,
For the
this computational
simplified case, time. With respect
simulations were torun
the centrifugal
with pump the
commercial inlet
CFD and
code the outlet
ANSYS as well
Fluent ®,
as a single
the angular
applying a single reference
velocity frame
reference technique.
been technique.
reversed. AtIn the next paragraph,
inlet paragraph,
In the next when
the absolute bigger
when meshes
and tangential
bigger have
meshes have to be
to be
analyzed, an anopen-source
have beenCFD
open-source CFDcode
imposed codewith
with withnono
restriction onintensity
on equal to
parallelization has
hasbeen employed
been uniform
employed inpressure
in order
to was
to set the
reduce upthe computational
at the outlet. Due
computational time.
to With
time. With respect
y+ value to to
respect centrifugal
on pump
the stator
centrifugal andthe
pump rotorinlet
the and
inlet andthe +outlet
(ythe =150),
wellSSTthe angular
as the angular velocity
by Menter have
withbeen reversed.
thereversed. At
application the inlet
of the
At the the
inlet absolute
thefunctions radial and
has been
absolute radial tangential
andused velocity
for turbulence
tangential velocity
components have
This have been
turbulence imposed
been modelwith
imposed theflow
is with turbulent
flow intensity
for performing
turbulent intensityequal to to
equal 3%,3%,while
while uniform
in pressure
uniform turbo
was set up
was set up at
machinery. at the outlet. Due
the outlet. Due
It automatically to the
uses y + value calculated on the stator and rotor surfaces (y+ =150), the
to the yk-ωvalue
+ model calculated on the stator
in the near-wall and
regions, the k-ε model
rotor surfaces
whereas (y =150),
+ the
is used
k-ω model
SST model
from bywalls.
the Menter
by Menter
[26] with
SST the application
model can giveof
application anthe wall
the functions
wall functions
predictionhas been
of been
flow used
its This
common Thisturbulence
use for themodel
model is the
numerical is thestandard
of numerical
flow inside numerical analyses
the centrifugal in hydraulic
pumps [27].turbo
hydraulic Aturbo
shear It
stress It automatically
has automatically uses
been applieduses the
to the thek-ω model
k-ω belonging
walls in
model in thethe near-wall
to thenear-wallregions, whereas the k-ε
regions, whereas the k-ε model
stator parts. model is is
used away from the walls. The k-ω SST model can give an accurate
used away from the walls. The k-ω SST model can give an accurate prediction of flow separation, prediction of flow separation,
explaining its its
common useuse
numerical investigations
investigations of flow inside
of flow insidethethecentrifugal
centrifugal pumps
pumps [27].
A zero shear stress has been applied to the walls belonging
A zero shear stress has been applied to the walls belonging to the stator parts. to the stator parts.
Water 2019, 11, 565 7 of 23
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24
Evaluation of theofPressure
Evaluation andand
the Pressure thethe
Evaluation of the Pressure and the Velocity Deflection
At the Atend
the end of the
of the simulation,
simulation, theabsolute
the absolute tangential velocity
velocity(𝑐 ) and thethe
static pressure werewere
At the end of the simulation, the absolute tangential
tangential velocity (𝑐(c)u1and
) and static
the static pressure
pressure were
calculated at
at the the outlet of the channel for the three geometries. The results were calculated along an an
calculated at outlet
the outletof the channel
of the channelforforthe
three geometries.
geometries. The Theresults
resultswerewere calculated
calculated along along
arc atarc
at mean
mean radius
at mean
(0.0435 m), m),
(0.0435 see see
see 6a 6a
Figure and
andonon iso-clips,see
see Figure6b,
iso-clips, seeFigure
6b, in correspondence
Figure 6b, in
correspondence with
in correspondence with with the
the channel outlet section. As explained in Section 2, a flow deflection occurs at the outlet of the
the outlet
channelsection. As explained
outlet section. in Section
As explained 2, a flow
in Section 2, a deflection occurs
flow deflection at the
occurs outlet
at the of the
outlet runner
of the
runner with respect to the blade congruent angle. Furthermore, considering that the higher the
with runner
to therespect
the blade angle.
congruent angle. Furthermore,
Furthermore, consideringconsidering
that thethat the higher
higher the of
the number
number of blades, the lower the blade loading, the pressure gradient at the outlet between the
blades, of blades,
the lower the lower
blade the the
loading, blade loading,gradient
the pressure gradient at the outlet between the
pressure and the side should bepressure
lower in the at the
case with outlet
8 blades between
than thewith
in the case pressure and the
6 blades.
suction side and
should thebesuction
lower side
in should
the case be lower
with 8 in the
blades case
in 8
case than
with in
6 the case
blades. with
The 6 blades. ratio
The 𝑝⁄𝑝 ratio was plotted along an arc at the mean radius in correspondence of the vane outlet mean
The 𝑝⁄𝑝 ratio was plotted along an arc at the mean radius in correspondence of the vane outlet
was plotted along an arc at the mean radius in correspondence of the vane outlet (z = 0 mm).
(z = 0 mm).
(z = 0 mm).
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 6.
6. View View of
of the the arc
arcarc (a)
andand the
the iso-clips (b) where the pressure and the velocity were evaluated.
Figure 6. View of the and theiso-clips
(b) where thepressure
where the pressureand
thethe velocity
velocity were
were evaluated.
Figure 7 points
7 points out the
out that that the higher the number of blades, the lower the pressure difference
Figure 7 points out thathigher the number
the higher of blades,
the number the lower
of blades, the pressure
the lower difference
the pressure between
the two the
sidesthe two
of two sides
the sides
blade.of the blade.
Moreover, Moreover, the
the maximum maximum
p/pmean𝑝 ⁄𝑝 value occurs for the impeller
between of the blade. Moreover, the maximum 𝑝⁄value
𝑝 occurs
value for the
occurs impeller
for the with 6
with 6 blades and all the maxima are placed roughly between 15 and 35% of each arc from the
blades and6all
with the maxima
blades are maxima
and all the placed roughly between
are placed roughly15between
and 35%15ofand
from theto the
pressure to the suction side.
suction side. to the suction side.
Figure 7. Pressure trends vs. the fraction of each arc from pressure side to suction side along the mean
Figure 7. Pressure
Figure trends
7. Pressure vs.vs.
trends thethe
each arc from
to to suction
suction sideside along
along the mean
the mean
radius at the vane outlet of the three geometries.
radius at theatvane
the vane outlet
outlet of the
of the three
three geometries.
Table 3 highlights the increase of the pressure difference between pressure and suction side with
the decrease in the number of blades. These values were calculated from the previous Figure 7, as the
difference between the extreme ends of the arcs.
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 24
Water 2019, 11, 565 8 of 23
Table 3 highlights the increase of the pressure difference between pressure and suction side with
the decrease in the number of blades. These values were calculated from the previous Figure 7, as the
Table 3. Pressure the extreme∆p,
betweendifference, ends of the arcs.
between pressure and suction side of the blades for the three
geometries with different number of blades and nq equal to 20.
Table 3. Pressure difference, ∆𝑝, between pressure and suction side of the blades for the three
geometries with different number of blades and nq equal
6 Blades to 20.
7 Blades 8 Blades
∆p (Pa) 10,500
6 Blades 9000 8 Blades 6050
7 Blades
σturbine Δp (Pa) 0.947 10500 0.951
9000 6050 0.953
σturbine 0.947 0.951 0.953
After that, the velocity profiles were plotted on a dimensionless axis indicating the fraction of each
After that, the velocity profiles were plotted on a dimensionless axis indicating the fraction of
arc from the pressure side to the suction side, where ∆θ = 360◦ /Zblades ; specifically, the velocities refer
each arc from the pressure side to the suction side, where ∆𝜃 = 360°/𝑍 ; specifically, the
to the blade congruent absolute tangential velocity, cu1,th . By comparing their trends, the maximum
velocities refer to the blade congruent absolute tangential velocity, 𝑐 , . By comparing their trends,
deflection occurs towards
the maximum deflection30% of the
occurs arc, and
towards 30% this increases
of the by decreasing
arc, and this increases by the number
decreasing theofnumber
blades, see
Figureof8.blades, see Figure 8.
FigureFigure 8. Absolute
8. Absolute tangential
tangential velocity
velocity calculatedvia
calculated via CFD
CFD (𝑐
overthe blade
the congruent
blade value
congruent for the
value for the
three three geometries
geometries (𝑐 )., ).
TheseThese results
results are coherent
are coherent with
with thethe trend
trend ofofthe
pressure at
at the
the outlet
(Figure 7).
The 6 blades geometry shows steep variations close to the blades which leads to deflections upup
7). The 6 blades geometry shows steep variations close to the blades which leads to deflections to to
+100% compared to the blade congruent value; on the other hand, the 8 blades geometry is subjected
compared to the blade congruent value; on the other hand, the 8 blades geometry is subjected to
to smooth excursions and it displays a flat profile. To describe the flow deflection at the outlet of a
smooth excursions and it displays a flat profile. To describe the flow deflection at the outlet of a
centripetal hydraulic turbo machine, the slip factor, 𝜎 , has here been defined as the specific
centripetal hydraulicvia
work calculated turbo
𝑌 , over the
theslip factor, σspecific
theoretical turbine , has here
work, 𝑌 been defined as the specific work
calculated via CFD, YCFD , over the theoretical specific work, Y1D,th
𝜎 = (3)
𝑌 ,
σturbine = (3)
The results obtained by applying Equation (3) are Y1D,th
summed up in Table 3, where it is evident that
the slip factor decreases with the reduction of the number of blades. Hence, it can be stated that the
The results
higher obtained
the number by applying
of the blades, theEquation
better the (3)
floware summed
guidance at up
the in
of the3,vanes
where it is evident
(Figure 8); this that
the slip factor decreases
guarantees with
lower losses andthe reduction
greater of the number
work extraction by the of blades. Hence, it can be stated that the
higher the number of the blades, the better the flow guidance at the exit of the vanes (Figure 8); this
guarantees lower losses and greater work extraction by the runner.
Moreover, the value of the absolute tangential velocity was evaluated on iso-clips (Figure 6b) by
means of the following expression
(cu u)ρc∆dA
cu1 = (4)
Water 2019, 11, x565
of 24
where G is the ideal mass flow rate (kg/s) that flows through each iso-clip in Figure 6b. This calculation
allows the evaluation of the variation of the absolute tangential velocity moving tangentially from
pressure side (θ/∆θ = 0) to suction side (θ/∆θ = 1), see Figure 9. In this case, the velocity component
is weighted
Water 2019, 11,by thePEER
flow rate, which actually flows through each iso-clip. 9 of 24
Figure 9. Trend of the absolute tangential velocity calculated on the iso-clips with Equation (4).
𝑐 , , = 6.03 m/s, 𝑐 , , = 4.77 m/s.
Moreover, the value of the absolute tangential velocity was evaluated on iso-clips (Figure 6b) by
means of the following expression
Figure 10. Contours of the meridional velocity over the theoretical value and representation of the
Figure 10. Contours of the meridional velocity over the theoretical value and representation of the
Coriolis force and its effect at the outlet of the vane.
Coriolis force and its effect at the outlet of the vane.
The meridional velocity over the theoretical value at the outlet of the vane is displayed in Figure
10. In conclusion, pressure gradients along the tangential and radial direction and secondary flows
Figure 10. Contours of the meridional velocity over the theoretical value and representation of the
Coriolis force and its effect at the outlet of the vane.
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 24
Water 2019, 11, 565 10 of 23
due to the Coriolis effect occur at the vane exit. These, together with the blade loading, promote the
flow deflection at the outlet of the vane.
A local
A local reversed
reversed flowflow (negative
(negative velocity)
velocity) cancan be evidenced
be evidenced across
across thethe outlet
outlet of the
of the vane
vane andand
inlet of the draft tube, as depicted by the velocity contours on the meridional plane (see Figure 11).11).
inlet of the draft tube, as depicted by the velocity contours on the meridional plane (see Figure
Figure 11. Contours of the meridional velocity over the theoretical value on a meridional plane, across
the vane
Figure outlet and
11. Contours the meridional
of the initial part velocity
of the draft
the theoretical value on a meridional plane, across
the vane outlet and the initial part of the draft tube.
4. Numerical Study of a Real PaT
After the
4. Numerical evaluation
Study ofPaT
of a Real the slip phenomenon at the outlet of the runners with no blade thickness,
numerical investigations of a real double suction centrifugal pump have been carried out with the
After the evaluation of the slip phenomenon at the outlet of the runners with no blade thickness,
open-source CFD code OpenFOAM by solving the 3D U-RANS equations. The unsteady RANS
numerical investigations of a real double suction centrifugal pump have been carried out with the
equations were considered adequate to model the flow through the pump, where quantities have to be
open-source CFD code OpenFOAM by solving the 3D U-RANS equations. The unsteady RANS
considered averaged over a time period short enough with respect to global unsteady phenomena
equations were considered adequate to model the flow through the pump, where quantities have to
but long enough for statistical significance. The transient simulations were run with an OpenFOAM
be considered averaged over a time period short enough with respect to global unsteady phenomena
application, pimpleDyMFoam, which is able to run transient simulations, including moving meshes,
but long enough for statistical significance. The transient simulations were run with an OpenFOAM
with incompressible flow. This application is based on the PIMPLE algorithm: a combination of
application, pimpleDyMFoam, which is able to run transient simulations, including moving meshes,
the PISO (Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operator) and SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Method for
with incompressible flow. This application is based on the PIMPLE algorithm: a combination of the
Pressure-Linked Equations). The turbulence model applied for the system closure is the k-ω SST
PISO (Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operator) and SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-
by Menter et al. [26].
Linked Equations). The turbulence model applied for the system closure is the k-ω SST by Menter et
This procedure has been validated in the past against experimental data of a double suction
al. [26].
centrifugal pump [28].
This procedure has been validated in the past against experimental data of a double suction
centrifugal pumpDomain
4.1. Numerical [28]. and Boundary Conditions
The geometry
4.1. Numerical Domain of anda Boundary
commercial pump with a specific speed nq ∼
Conditions = 21 was simulated in both direct
(pump) and inverse mode (turbine). The numerical domain studied in this work is represented in
The geometry of a commercial pump with a specific speed 𝑛 ≅ 21 was simulated in both direct
Figure 12. It includes the suction pipe, the impeller and the discharge pipe. Herein, the impeller
(pump) and inverse
investigated mode (turbine).
is a double The numerical
suction impeller, actuallydomain studied
two single in this
suction work is represented
centrifugal pump impellers in
Figure 12. It includes the suction pipe, the impeller and the discharge pipe.
with seven blades in a back-to-back configuration. This kind of centrifugal pump is employed to Herein, the impeller
minimize is thea double suction
net positive impeller,
suction headactually
requiredtwo single
when suctionincentrifugal
operating pump mode. pump impellers
Moreover, thewith
seven blades in
is doubled toabalance
back-to-back configuration.
the radial loads on theThisrotorkind
and of centrifugal
allow pump
high-speed is employed
operation, also attopart
load [18].
positive suction curve,head required
see Figure 13, when operating
of the pump was in pump mode.
calculated by meansMoreover, the volute
of unsteady is
doubled to balance theand
The methodologies radial loads on
the results thebeen
have rotordeeply
and allow high-speed
described operation,
by Capurso et. al.also
[21].at part load
[18]. The characteristic curve, see Figure 13, of the pump was calculated
For all the analyzed cases, the mass flow rate has been imposed at the inlet considering by means of unsteady
a uniform
simulations. The methodologies and the results have been deeply described
inlet velocity distribution and a constant turbulent intensity equal to 3%. Moreover, by Capurso et.the
al. [21].
value of
For all the analyzed cases, the mass flow rate has been imposed at the inlet
the mass flow leakage, which flows through the annular seal, has been modeled as exiting from theconsidering a uniform
inlet velocitycase
impeller distribution and aaxially
and incoming constant turbulent
upstream theintensity
impellerequal to 3%.
eye with Moreover,
a 45 the value
◦ of swirl with of the
respect to the
mass flow leakage, which flows through the annular seal, has been modeled
tangential direction. The leakage was calculated a priori according to a one-dimensional empirical as exiting from the
modelcasebecauseand incoming
the geometryaxially upstream
of the seal hasthe notimpeller eye with
been included in athe
45° of swirl with domain
computational respect to the
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24
tangential direction. The leakage was calculated a priori according to a one-dimensional empirical
tangential direction. The leakage was calculated a priori according to a one-dimensional empirical
model because the geometry of the seal has not been included in the computational domain [21].
Water 2019,
model 11, 565the geometry of the seal has not been included in the computational domain [21].
because 11 of 23
Suction pipe
Suction pipe
Discharge pipe
Discharge pipe
Double volute
Double volute
Figure 12.
Figure 12. Front
Front and
and side
side view
view of
of the
the CAD
CAD representing
representing the the centrifugal
centrifugal pump;
pump; the
the areas
areas of
of Flange
Flange 11
Figure 12. Front and side view 22of the CAD representing the centrifugal pump; the areas of Flange 1
and 22 were
and were equal
equal to
to 0.02840 m and
0.02840 m and 0.01941
0.01941 m
m 22, respectively.
, respectively.
and 2 were equal to 0.02840 m2 and 0.01941 m2, respectively.
Figure 13.
Figure 13. Characteristic
Characteristic curve
curve ofof the
the commercial
commercial pump
pump calculated
calculated by
by means
means of
of numerical
numerical simulations
Figure 13. Characteristic curve of the commercial pump calculated by means of numerical simulations
with CFX and 4040 million
million of
of cells.
with CFX and 40 million of cells.
A uniform pressure distribution was imposed at the outlet of the the domain.
domain. Straight pipes were
A uniform pressure distribution was imposed at the outlet of the domain. Straight pipes were
added atat the
the inlet
reduceuncertainties due
uncertainties to
added at the inlet and the outlet to extend the numerical domain in order to reduce uncertainties due
to boundary conditions.
conditions. TheThe
three parts
three of the
parts geometry,
of the which
geometry, werewere
which merged together,
merged communicate
together, communicatewith
to boundary conditions. The three parts of the geometry, which were merged together, communicate
with other
each by means
other by of interfaces.
means In OpenFOAM,
of interfaces. the boundary
In OpenFOAM, condition used
the boundary on these
condition interfaces
used is
on these
with each other by means of interfaces. In OpenFOAM, the boundary condition used on these
named cyclicAMI
interfaces is named(i.e., Cyclic Arbitrary
cyclicAMI (i.e., CyclicMesh Interface).
Arbitrary Mesh Interface).
interfaces is named cyclicAMI (i.e., Cyclic Arbitrary Mesh Interface).
An important feature is the wall roughness; indeed, different values of the equivalent sand grain
An important feature is the wall roughness; indeed, −−5 different values of the equivalent−sand
5 m) grain
roughness have
imposedtotothe thestator
(5.6××1010 m) and
surfaces(5.6 10−66 m). These
roughness have been imposed to the stator (5.6 × 10−5 m) and the rotor surfaces (5.6 × 10−6 m). These
values are typical values measured on real impellers manufactured manufactured for experimental
experimental test [29]. Further
values are typical values measured on real impellers manufactured for experimental test [29]. Further
details about grid refinement
refinement study study and boundary
and boundary conditions
conditions employedemployed for the simulations
for the numerical numerical
details about grid refinement study and boundary conditions employed for the numerical
are describedare in adescribed
previous in a previous
work [21]. Theworkresults[21]. The in
shown results shown inparagraphs
the following the following
simulations are described in a previous work [21]. The results shown in the following paragraphs
on calculated
a grid made of on11a million
grid made of represented
cells, 11 million cells, represented
in Figure 14. in Figure 14.
were calculated on a grid made of 11 million cells, represented in Figure 14.
Water 2019, 11, 565 12 of 23
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 24
Figure 14. Front and side view of the CAD representing the centrifugal pump; the areas of Flange 1
Figure 14. Front and side view of the CAD representing the centrifugal pump; the areas of Flange 1
and 2 were equal to 0.02840 m22 and 0.01941 m22 , respectively.
and 2 were equal to 0.02840 m and 0.01941 m , respectively.
4.2. Pump Mode Operation
4.2. Pump Mode Operation
The numerical set up has been assessed in a previous work [21] by comparing the results obtained
The numerical
with OpenFOAM andset
theup has been assessed
consolidated commercial in aCFD
code CFX.workThese
[21] results
by comparing
show a fairlythe results
obtained with OpenFOAM and the consolidated commercial
agreement with each other, as already experienced by Nilsson [30]. CFD code CFX. These results show a
good agreement with each other, as already experienced by Nilsson [30].
the transient flow simulations were carried out with a time ∆t = T/(256 Zblades ) = 4.5 × 10 s, − 6
∆P ∆𝑃 Q𝑄
ηP𝜂= = 𝐶𝜔 (6)
where the total pressure variation is 𝑃 −𝑃 , 𝐶 is the torque (Nm) resulting from the forces
where the total pressure variation is Ptot,2, − Ptot,1, , C is the torque (Nm) resulting from the forces
acting on the blades, hub and shroud of the impeller, comprising the disk friction losses, and 𝜔 is
acting on the blades, hub and shroud of the impeller, comprising the disk friction losses, and ω is the
the rotational speed (rad/s).
rotational speed (rad/s).
4.3. Turbine
4.3. Turbine Mode
Mode Operation
Eventually, campaign ofof simulations
simulations waswas carried
carried out out
withwith the machine
the machine operated
operated in reverse
in reverse mode
mode applying the same setup previously described for the pump mode. However, the
applying the same setup previously described for the pump mode. However, the flow direction andflow direction
the the rotation
of theofimpeller
the impeller
werewere inverted,
inverted, see Figure
see Figure 15. 15.
In this case, the efficiency, 𝜂 , is defined
In this case, the efficiency, ηT , is defined as as
𝜂 =Cω (7)
ηT = ∆𝑃 𝑄 (7)
∆Ptot Q
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 24
Water 11,11,
2019, 565 PEER REVIEW
x FOR 13 13
of of
Discharge pipe
Discharge pipe
Suction pipe
Double volute
(a) hydraulic turbo machine performance in both pump and turbine operating
Plot of the
Figure 16. Plot
modes: (a) head curves calculated with Equation (5)(5)
with runaway curve; (b) Efficiency calculated with
Figure 16.(a) head
Plot curves
of the calculated
hydraulic with
turbo Equation
machine with
performance runaway curve;
in both pump (b) Efficiency
and calculated
turbine operating
with (6) and
Equations (6)(7).
and (7).
modes: (a) head curves calculated with Equation (5) with runaway curve; (b) Efficiency calculated
4.4.with Equations
Evaluation (6) and
of the (7). at the Outlet of the Runner
4.4. Evaluation of the Velocity at the Outlet of the Runner
4.4. Evaluation the main flow
Velocity is subject
at the Outlet ofto a deflection in the same direction of the machine rotation,
Actually, the main flow is subject tothe Runner in
a deflection the same direction of the machine rotation,
which could be justified by different sources as explained in Sections 2 and 3, e.g., the vorticity inside
which could the be justified by different
subjectsources as explainedtheinto Sections 2 andof 3, the
the vorticity inside
channel and the main flow
pressure isgradient. to a deflection
This deflectionin
leads same direction
a reduction of the rotation,
work extracted by the
which channel
could and the
be justifiedpressure gradient.
by different This
sources as deflection
explained leads
in Sections 2 and 3, e.g., the vorticity insideby
to a reduction of the work extracted
runner according to specific work equation (Equation (1)).
the runnerand
channel according
the of to specific
pressure work This
gradient. equation (Equation
deflection leads(1)).to
With the aim quantifying this phenomenon, using thea results
reduction of the
of the work extracted
numerical by
the With the aim
runner according of quantifying this phenomenon, using the results of the numerical simulations,
absolute tangential to andspecific
axial work equation
velocity (Equation
components were (1)).evaluated in Section 1, see Figure 1, by
With tangential
the aim of and axial velocity
quantifying this components were
phenomenon, using evaluated
the results in Section 1, see Figure
of the exit.
numerical 1, by means
means of area-weighted averages on surfaces downstream the impeller Thesesimulations,
values were
of area-weighted
absolute tangential averages
and axial on surfaces downstream the impeller exit. These values1, were time-
time-averaged over the lastvelocity components
3 rotations were evaluated
of the machine. The mean in Section
value 1,ofsee
absolute by means
ofvelocity over
area-weighted the last
averages3 rotations of
on surfaces the machine.
downstream The mean value
the impeller of the absolute
exit. These tangential
values velocity
were time-
is 4.40 m/s. This value has been compared with the theoretical value [21] computed at the
averaged over the last 3 rotations of the machine. The mean value of the absolute tangential velocity
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 24
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 24
is 4.40 m/s. This value has been compared with the theoretical value [21] computed at the same flow
is 4.40
2019,m/s. This with
11, 565
congruently valuethehasblade
comparedat thewith theoftheoretical
outlet value
the impeller (𝛽 [21]
). Forcomputed
the machine at the same
14 offlow
this congruently
work, with the
the theoretical blade angle
tangential at the
velocity, outlet of by
calculated themeans
impeller (𝛽 blade
of the ). Forcongruent
the machine flowstudied
atthis work,
the BEP the theoretical tangential velocity, calculated by means of the blade congruent flow theory
same flowof thecongruently
rate, turbine, is equal
2.08 m/s.angle
blade Furthermore, the presence
at the outlet of the blades
of the impeller (β 1B ). induces a strong
For the machine
and the BEP
localized of the turbine, is equal to 2.08 m/s. Furthermore, the presence of the blades induces a strong
studied in this deflection of the flowtangential
work, the theoretical field. It was noted
velocity, that this by
calculated might
meansbe ofjustified
the bladebycongruent
the tangential
and localized
pressure gradient deflection
that of the
occurs flow field.
between It was
pressure andnoted that
suction thisofmight
side the be justified
blades (see by the
Figure tangential
17). This is
theory at the BEP of the turbine, is equal to 2.08 m/s. Furthermore, the presence of the blades induces
also shown gradient
in Figure that
18, occurs between
displaying the pressurealong
pressure and suction
an arc side
at theofmean
the blades
radius.(see Figure 17). This is
a strong and localized deflection of the flow field. It was noted that this might be justified by the
also shown in Figure 18, displaying the pressure along an arc at the mean radius.
tangential pressure gradient that occurs between pressure and suction side of the blades (see Figure 17).
This is also shown in Figure 18, displaying the pressure along an arc at the mean radius.
Figure 17.
17. Contours
Contours of the static
of the static pressure
pressure (N/m
(N/m22))evidencing the
the pressure
pressure gradient
gradient across
across the
the blade
Figure 17. Contours of the static pressure (N/m 2evidencing
) evidencing the pressure gradient across
the blade
trailing edge and at the mean radius.
trailing edge and at the mean radius.
trailing edge and at the mean radius.
Figure 18. Pressure over the mean pressure (p/p ) along the mean radius at the trailing edge of the
Figure 18. Pressure over the mean pressure (p/pmean
mean) along the mean radius at the trailing edge of the
blade at the
Figure 18. BEP.
Pressure over the mean pressure (p/p mean) along the mean radius at the trailing edge of the
blade at the BEP.
blade at the BEP.
To point out this contribution, axial and tangential velocity components were evaluated along the
To point out this contribution, axial and tangential velocity components were evaluated along
mean radius of the
To radius
point out blades close to theiraxial
contribution, trailing edge. The curve trends show a periodic behavior along
the mean of the close to their and tangential
trailing velocity
edge. The curvecomponents
trends showwere evaluated
a periodic behavior
presence of the blades
radius ofofthe (see Figure 19).
due to the presence theblades
(see to their 19).
Figure trailing edge. The curve trends show a periodic behavior
dueThis means
to the that the
presence of main
the flow (see
blades at the outlet19).
Figure of the turbine is subject to a deflection not only due to
means that the main flow at the outlet of the turbine is subject to a deflection not only due
the vortex inside the channel but also to the pressureof gradient acting in the same direction.not
To only
to the This means
vortex insidethat
thethe main flow
channel at thetooutlet
but also the turbine
the pressure is subject
gradient acting to
in athe
same direction. due
to the vortex inside the channel but also to the pressure gradient acting in the same direction.toTo
the velocity vector components let’s have a look at a short arc of the curve close to a blade
evaluate the tangential velocity component downstream of the runner.
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 24
Figure 19. Representation of the axial and tangential components of the absolute velocity vector along
Figure Representation
19. radius
the mean of theedge
at the trailing axialofand
blade (BEPcomponents of the absolute velocity vector along
operating point).
Figure 19. Representation of the axial and tangential components of the absolute velocity vector along
the mean radius at the trailing edge of the blade (BEP operating point).
the mean radius at the trailing edge of the blade (BEP operating point).
The tangential velocity was plotted on the same curve at different axial distance from the trailing
edgeThe tangential
(closer velocity
the curve, higherwastheplotted onproximity
peak). In the same to
curve at different
the blade, there isaxial distance
a great from
increase of the
trailing tangential
edge velocity
(closer the was
curve, plotted
higher on the same
the gradient curve
peak). Incomparedat different
proximitytotothe axial
there from
is a greatthe trailing
tangential component due to the pressure flow, whereas towards the
of the(closer the curve,
tangential higher due
component the peak).
to the In proximity
pressure to thecompared
gradient blade, thereto is a great
the main increase
flow, of the
discharge, the velocity becomes more uniform and the peak gradually becomes smoother (see Figure
towards thecomponent
discharge, due to the pressure
the velocity becomes gradient compared
more uniform andto the
the main
peak flow, whereas
gradually becomes towards the
(see Figurethe20).velocity becomes more uniform and the peak gradually becomes smoother (see Figure
(a) (b)
Figure 20.
Figure 20. Local
Local analysis
(a) of ofthe
tangential velocity
velocity distribution: (a)(b)
distribution: (a) representation of
representation of an
an arc
and three
and three different
different distances
distances from
+2a); (b)
(b) absolute
absolute tangential
Figure 20. Local analysis of the absolute tangential velocity distribution: (a) representation of an arc
alongan anarc
the blade
blade at
and three different distances from the trailing edge of the blade (0, +a, +2a); (b) absolute tangential
the BEP.
velocity along an arc at three different distances at the mean radius at the trailing edge of the blade at
the BEP.
The distances “a” = 0.5 cm and “2a” = 1 cm were chosen to be short enough to stay far from the
The distances “a“= 0.5 cm and “2a” = 1 cm were chosen to be short enough to stay far from the
of the
the curved
curved suction
suction elbow,
to investigate
investigate the
the area
The distances “a“= 0.5 cm and “2a” = 1 cm were chosen to be short enough to stay far from the
affected by the flow deflection.
affected by the flow deflection.
influence of the curved suction elbow, but sufficiently close to the leading edge to investigate the area
As previously described, the slip factor gathers different sources of deflection, e.g., counter
affected by the flow deflection.
rotating vortex and pressure gradient at the trailing edge of the blade. Applying Euler’s equation
in order to compute the work both via 1-D theoretical model, Y1D,th , and CFD calculi, YCFD , at the
turbine BEP, the σturbine is equal to 0.967.
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 24
As previously described, the slip factor gathers different sources of deflection, e.g., counter
Water 2019,vortex
rotating 11, 565 and pressure gradient at the trailing edge of the blade. Applying Euler’s equation 16 of in
order to compute the work both via 1-D theoretical model, 𝑌 , , and CFD calculi, 𝑌 , at the
turbine BEP, the
Similarly 𝜎 theory
to the is equal to 0.967.
of pumps where the slip factor corrects the ideal work transferred by the
machine to the flow, the slip factor herewhere
Similarly to the theory of pumps the slip
introduced factor
might becorrects
appliedthe ideal
under work operating
turbine transferred by the
mode in
machine to the flow, the slip factor here introduced
order to correct the ideal work extracted by the PaT. might be applied under turbine operating mode
in order
Theto correct
slip factorthe
was ideal work extracted
computed by operating
at different the PaT. points, i.e., different mass flow rates, and the
The slip factor was
results are shown in Figure 21. computed at different operating points, i.e., different mass flow rates, and
the results
Then, are shown
a model of in
theFigure 21. was obtained by least-squares fitting, stated as follows
slip factor
Then, a model of the slip factor was obtained by least-squares fitting, stated as follows
σturbine = 0.2365 𝑄 − 0.5537 𝑄 + 1.2846 (8)
σ = 0.2365Q BEP,P − 0.5537 Q BEP,P 1.2846 (8)
𝑄 , 𝑄 ,
Numerical simulations
Numerical simulations at
at different
different flow
flow rates
rates are
are suggested
suggested for
for the
the purpose
purpose of
of further
further exploring
the slip factor behavior.
the slip factor behavior.
Figure 21.
21. Slip
Slip factor
factor in
in turbine mode, σ
turbine mode, σturbine ,, vs
rateratio, 𝑄 ⁄𝑄BEP,T
ratio,Q/Q , ..
5. Theoretical
5. Theoretical 1-D
1-D Prediction
Prediction Model
The results
The results of of numerical
numerical investigations
investigations were were applied
applied to to aa new
new 1-D
1-D model,
model, which
which was
was previously
developed by
developed by Stefanizzi
Stefanizzi et et al.
al. [22].
[22]. TheThe work
work aims
aims at at adding
adding thethe slip
slip phenomenon
phenomenon effect
effect in
in order
order to
improve the model in terms of PaT performance prediction. The model is
improve the model in terms of PaT performance prediction. The model is accurately described in [22]accurately described in [22]
in order
in order toto predict
predict thethe entire
entire characteristic
characteristic of of aa PaT,
PaT, starting
starting from
from the
the knowledge
knowledge of of its
its geometrical
parameters and
parameters and available
available related
related tests
tests inin turbine
turbine mode
mode operation.
Figure 22
Figure 22 schematically illustrates how
schematically illustrates how the
the model
model works: thanks to
works: thanks to the
the knowledge
knowledge of of detailed
geometrical data,
geometrical data,flow rate,𝑄,Q,
flowrate, and and rotational
rotational speed, 𝑛, itn,
speed, it is possible
is possible to accurately
to accurately calculate
calculate the
the correct
correct velocity
velocity triangles triangles
and the andtheoretical
the theoretical 𝐻 ,Hin
head,head, th , reverse
in reverse modeoperation.
mode operation.Afterwards,
Afterwards, volute
(𝑍 ,
)) and
and runner
runner (Z (𝑍 runner,tot
)) losses
losses are
are modelled,
modelled, whereas
whereas the the theoretical
theoretical head
head isis reduced
reduced by by
means of
means of the
the slip
slip factor,
factor, σ𝜎turbine , ,proposed
proposedin inthis
this paper.
paper. All All these
these contributions
contributions are
are summed
summed up up to
finally predict the real PaT head, 𝐻turbine .
finally predict the real PaT head, H .
Some researchers,
Some researchers, suchsuch as as Barbarelli
Barbarelli et et al.
al. [17]
[17] and
and Gülich
Gülich [18],
[18], have
have developed theoretical
developed theoretical
approaches in order to predict PaT performance by taking into account velocity triangles, hydraulic
losses on simplified geometries rather than than using
using statistical
statistical and
and experimental
experimental correlations.
correlations. However,
simplification of the geometry of impeller channel or volute could determine significant errors
the simplification
(±20%) interms
termsof ofperformance
2019,2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
11, 565 17 of1723of 24
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 24
Figure 23. Division of the double volute: inner volute (a) and outer volute (b).
Figure 23. Division of the double volute: inner volute (a) and outer volute (b).
5.2. Runner Figure
Losses 23. Division of the double volute: inner volute (a) and outer volute (b).
As Runner
stated in Losses
Equation (10), runner losses have different contributions. The first, Zrunner,1 , is
5.2. Runner Losses
connected to the friction
As stated in Equation loss inside the impeller
(10), runner losseschannel.
have different Furthermore,
contributions.with respect to Gülich’s
The first, 𝑍 , , is
As stated
connected the current
in the
to model(10),
friction introducesinsidenew
lossrunner the hydraulic
losses parameters,
have different
impeller channel. as depicted
Furthermore, Thein Figure
with first, 𝑍24. to
respect A Gülich’s
, is
approach, to the
loss is
the friction
contemplated loss at
current model inside
the the section
introduces impeller
new of channel.
hydraulic runner, Zrunner,2 , as
parameters, with to
in depicted
order respect
take to Gülich’s
in Figure account
24. A flow
the difference
incidence theloss
between model introduces
the inlet
is contemplated bladeat the new section
inlet hydraulic
angle, parameters,
ofβthe2,B ,runner,
and the 𝑍flow as depicted
, , in β in.
2 Figure
to take24. A
into flow
blockage loss
factor is contemplated
is used in order at the
to inlet
consider section
the of the
contractionrunner, of 𝑍
the difference between the inlet blade congruent angle, 𝛽 , , and the flow angle, 𝛽 . Moreover, inlet, , in order
cross-area. to take
This into account
modifies the a
the blade
velocity between
triangle, the
causing inlet
a blade
loss due congruent
to the angle,
blockage factor is used in order to consider the contraction of𝛽 the
, , and
radial the flow
velocity angle,
of the inlet cross-area. This . Z
Moreover, .a
bladetheblockage factor istriangle,
inlet velocity used in order
causing to consider
a loss due thetocontraction
the variation of theofinlet
the cross-area.
radial velocityThis modifies
the 𝑍inlet velocity triangle, Z
causing a
runner,tot =
loss Z due to
runner,1 + Z
the variation
runner,2 + Z of the
runner,3 radial velocity component, (10)
, .
𝑍 , .
𝑍 , =𝑍 , 𝑍 , 𝑍 , (10)
𝑍 , = 𝑍 , 𝑍 , 𝑍 , (10)
Water 2019,
Water11, 565
2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 24 18 of 23
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 24
24. Runner
FigureFigure losses:
24. Runner losses:(a)(a)the
flow incidence loss;
incidence loss; (b)(b) variation
variation ofradial
of the the radial component
component of the inlet
of the inlet
relative velocity.
Figure velocity.
24. Runner losses: (a) the flow incidence loss; (b) variation of the radial component of the inlet
relative velocity.
5.3. Application of the
5.3. Application σturbineLeast-Square
of the Fitting
Least-Square Fitting Curve
Curve to ato a 1-D
1-D ModelModel
5.3. Application of the σturbine Least-Square Fitting Curve to a 1-D Model
The 1-D
The model was
1-D model applied
was appliedto tothe
the machine numerically
machine numerically investigated
investigated in thein the previous
previous section 4.Section 4.
FigureFigure The
25 shows 1-Dthe
25 showsmodel
the was appliedbetween
comparison to the machine
between the numerically
proposed investigated
model, Gülich’s in themodel
Gülich’s previous section
and theand the4.current
Figure 25 shows
manufacturer’s the used
model comparison between the
in the prediction proposed
of the model,curve
characteristic Gülich’s model
during and mode.
turbine the current
manufacturer’s model used in the prediction of the characteristic curve during turbine mode.
predicted model
curves were used in the
compared withprediction
respect toofthat
characteristic curveofduring
by means turbine
a numerical mode. All
All predicted curves were compared with respect to that obtained by means of a numerical simulation
performed curves wereetcompared
Capurso al. [21]. with respect to that obtained by means of a numerical simulation
performed by Capurso
performed et al.et[21].
by Capurso al. [21].
Figure 25. Comparison of different prediction models for the PaT characteristic curve.
FigureFigure 25. Comparison
25. Comparison of differentprediction
of different prediction models
modelsfor thethe
for PaT characteristic
PaT curve.curve.
As a result, the use of detailed geometrical information, the introduction of the slip factor and a
As As a result,
a result, the
theofuse use
theof of detailed
detailed geometrical
losses information,
have determined
geometrical thethe
a more
information, introduction
accurate of theof
introduction offactor
the the and
slipPaT a and
new modelling
performance under of the
design hydraulic
and losses
off-design have determined
conditions. Indeed, a
the more accurate
a new modelling of the hydraulic losses have determined a more accurate prediction of the PaT1-D prediction
model shows of the
the PaT
prediction under
at the lowestdesign andhighest
and the off-design
flowconditions. Indeed, equal
rates (respectively the proposed
to −2.4%1-D
0.1%)shows the best
with respect
performance under design and off-design conditions. Indeed, the proposed 1-D model shows the best
toprediction at the(respectively
Gülich’s model lowest and the highest
equal to 5%flow
andrates (respectively
18.1%) and to the equal to −2.4% and
manufacturer’s 0.1%)
model with respect
prediction at
to the
to Gülich’s
equal model andasthe highest
and 11%), equal
indicated inflow
to 5% rates
Table and (respectively
4. 18.1%) and to theequal to −2.4%model
manufacturer’s and 0.1%) with respect
to Gülich’s
to 2.4%(respectively equal toin5%
and 11%), as indicated and4.18.1%) and to the manufacturer’s model (respectively
equal to 2.4% and 11%), as indicated in Table 4.
Table 4. Comparison of different prediction models for PaT characteristic curve in terms of head
prediction errors.
Figure 26 shows the contribution of each hydraulic loss considered in the proposed model in order
to predict the characteristic curve obtained by CFD. The introduction of volute and runner losses causes
an increasing of the turbine head, whereas the slip factor decreases the theoretical work calculated
Table 4. Comparison of different prediction models for PaT characteristic curve in terms of head
prediction errors. Q/QBEP,T 0.67 0.82 1 1.17
Gülich 5.0% 17.5% 19.7% 18.1%
Q/QBEP,T 0.67 0.82 1 1.17
Proposed Model −2.4% 2.6% −1.5% 0.1%
Manufacturer 5.0%
2.4% 17.5%
4.8% 19.7%
7.0% 18.1%
Proposed Model −2.4% 2.6% −1.5% 0.1%
Water 2019, 11, 565 Manufacturer 2.4% 4.8% 7.0% 11.0% 19 of 23
Figure 26 shows the contribution of each hydraulic loss considered in the proposed model in
order to predict the characteristic curve obtained by CFD. The introduction of volute and runner
Figure 26 shows the contribution of each hydraulic loss considered in the proposed model in
by meanslosses causes anequation,
of to
Euler’s increasing and
of thethus
turbine head, whereas
involves a betterthe slip factor for
prediction decreases the theoretical
the different work
order predict the characteristic curve obtained by CFD. The introduction of volute and runner points.
calculated by means of Euler’s equation, and thus involves a better prediction for the different
Furthermore, the flow
losses causes incidence
an increasing loss
of the and the
turbine variation
head, of slip
whereas the the factor
component of the relative
the theoretical work inlet
operating points. Furthermore, the flow incidence loss and the variation of the radial component of
show by
their means of
remarkable Euler’s equation,
contribution and thus
at lower involves
flow rate. a better prediction for the different
relative inlet velocity show their remarkable contribution at lower flow rate.
operating points. Furthermore, the flow incidence loss and the variation of the radial component of
the relative inlet velocity show their remarkable contribution at lower flow rate.
Figure 27. Comparison of different slip factor definitions (i.e., σturbine , σ proposed by Busemann [23], σ
proposed by Stodola [24] and σ = 1) with the CFD results.
Figure 28. 28. Comparison
Comparison of different
of different slipslip factordefinitions
factor definitions in
in the
curveprediction model
prediction (i.e., σ(i.e.,
model turbine,σ
turbine ,
σ proposed
σ proposed by Busemann
by Busemann andand
σ =σ1)= 1) withthe
with theexperimental
experimental curve.
a least-squares fitting curve, which describes the turbine slip factor, σturbine , at various flow rates, has
been proposed by the authors. Indeed, the proposed 1-D model, including the slip factor correlation,
shows good results over a wide range of mass flow rates, i.e., an improvement of the head prediction
at the BEP (−5% error compared to no-slip, σ = 1 = const, 1-D models) and at part-load (−8% error)
compared to the σ correlations proposed by Stodola [23] and Busemann [24].
In the future work, further investigations of a simplified geometry by varying its number of blade
and its flow rate will be carried out in order to draw a map of the PaT slip factor, which could be useful
for manufacturers.
Author Contributions: T.C. and M.S. wrote the paper; T.C. performed CFD analysis and M.S. developed the 1-D
prediction model; G.P., M.T. and S.R. co-operated with T.C. and M.S. on the theoretical aspects concerning this
topic. M.T., S.M.C. and B.F. supervised the work.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge Nuovo Pignone for their experimental support. During
the review process of this article, we were saddened by the death of our colleague and friend, Bernardo Fortunato,
who was one of the co-authors of this paper. Bernardo passed away on 31 January 2019, at the age of 68. Full
professor at the age of 36, he was a preeminent researcher at the Polytechnic of Bari, serving it in several academic
roles and as a responsible of research projects, always promoting studies on renewable energies. He supported
and encouraged us in carrying out activities in the field of hydraulic pumps and PaTs, which underlie this paper.
We had the pleasure and the honor to work with him and we hope to continue his work despite of his absence.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
BEP Best Efficiency Point
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamic
MHP Micro Hydropower Plant
PaT Pump as Turbine
WDN Water Distribution Network
ac [m/s2 ] Coriolis acceleration
aw [m/s2 ] Relative acceleration
C [Nm] Torque
c [m/s] Absolute velocity
D [m] Diameter
fq [-] Number of impeller entries
G [kg/s] Mass flow rate
g [m/s2 ] Gravitational acceleration
H [m] Head
l [m] Blade height
n [rpm] Rotational speed
Specific speed number (n in rpm,
nq [-]
Q in m3 /s and H in m)
p [Pa] Pressure
Q [m3 /s] Flow rate
r [m] Radius
u [m/s] Tangential velocity
w [m/s] Relative velocity
Y [J/kg] Specific work
Zblades [-] Number of blades
Zrunner [m] Volute loss
Zvolute [m] Runner loss
Water 2019, 11, 565 22 of 23
Greek Symbols
α [rad] Absolute flow angle
β [rad] Relative flow angle
η [-] Efficiency
θ [rad] Angular coordinate
ρ [kg/m3 ] Density
σ [-] Slip factor
ω [rad/s] Angular velocity
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