Monthly Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Summary: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Monthly Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Summary: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Monthly Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Summary: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
A Monthly Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Summary must account for all gallons of fuel purchased and all miles traveled.
If you obtain a substitute vehicle, complete a separate Monthly Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Summary
to account for the fuel purchased and mileage accumulated by the substitute vehicle.
1. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or the unit number of the power unit only.
2. Fuel Type (e.g., (D) Diesel, (G) Gasoline, (P) Propane, (GH) Gasohol, (NG) Natural Gas).
3. Fuel or IRP Fleet number of the power unit only.
4. Fuel and/or IRP Account Number.
5. Name of the IRP Registrant or fuel tax licensee.
6. Report Month – Enter the month that the fuel was purchased and mileage was accumulated.
7. Report Year – Enter the calendar year that the fuel was purchased and mileage was accumulated.
8. Miles and Fuel (Gallons) Received – Enter the jurisdiction name, miles traveled and fuel received in each
jurisdiction for each day of the month. The days of the month are listed at the left side of each line.
9. Total – Enter the total miles traveled and fuel received for each jurisdiction for each day of the month.
10. Totals – Enter the total miles traveled and fuel received for each jurisdiction for the month.
X. Total of All Jurisdictions Miles. Total jurisdictional miles should match total odometer miles.
Y. Total of All Jurisdictions Fuel (Gallons) Received.
A. Odometer Start – Odometer reading at the start of the month. This should match odometer end for the
previous month.
B. Odometer End – Odometer reading at the end of the month. This should match odometer start for the
next month.
C. Odometer Miles – The difference between Odometer Start (A) and Odometer End (B).
The odometer miles should match jurisdictional miles in (X).
D. Miles per Gallon (MPG) – This is Total Miles (X) divided by Total Gallons (Y).
You should track this number from month to month and verify that any large changes are correct;
it may indicate that a calculation error was made.