A.P State Subordinate Service - Rules MCRH

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These rules are issued in
G.O.Ms.NO.436, G.A.D (Ser-D) Dept.
Rule 1:

State Services Subordinate Services

All Gazetted Posts All Non-Gazetted Posts

• Apply to holders of posts under State and
Subordinate Service whether temporary or
• Do not apply to the holders of the posts
appointed by contract or on agreement

• Rule 2 : Certain Important Definitions:

• Rule 3: These rules prevail over the other


Rule 4: Method of Appointment:

• Direct recruitment

• Recruitment/Appointment by transfer

• Promotion, or

• Contract/Agreement/Re-employment

Rule 5:
a) Selection Posts : All Gazetted
b) Non-selection posts : All non-gazetted

Rule 6: Method of Preparation of Panels in respect of
selection posts
 The appointing authority prepares in consultation with
 Panel year : 1st September to 31st August of succeeding year.
 Currency of panel : 1st September to 31st December of
succeeding year or date of approval of panel for next year.
 Vacancies arising from 1st September to 31st August
 The zone of consideration : 1:3.
 The Panel can be reviewed after a period of 6 months after
its approval to consider unqualified candidates who become
qualified subsequently.

Estimate of vacancies :
 Existing vacancies
 Vacancies to arise owing to retirement.
 Consequential Vacancies due to promotion
or appointment by transfer
 10% of the total estimate of vacancies
towards reserve for
(i) Deputation
(ii) Training
(iii) long Leave or

Rule of Reservation for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
when the cadre strength is more than
Sanctioned strength is 6,7 or 8, one
vacancy has to be filled by ST.

Rule 6 (i): Non-Selection Posts:
Basis: Record Sheet and the qualifications
prescribed in the special rules.

Rule 7: Appointing authority:

State Services : Regional officers where
1st Gazetted Regional officers exist
otherwise H.O.D.
2nd Gazetted : H.O.D
3rd Gazetted & : Government

Rule–8: An approved probationer Eligible
for promotion or Appointment by
Rule 10 (a):
Temporary appointment by direct recruitment/
appointment by transfer or by promotion
in public interest
Ad hoc promotions in exigencies of

Rule 11:
The time limit for joining
 a) Direct Recruitment – 30 days
 b) Otherwise than by Direct Recruitment – 15 days.

Rule 12: Qualifications for Direct Recruitment:

 Sound Health, Good habits etc.,
• Good character and antecedents
• Academic qualifications
• Citizen of India
• Training

Age limit: Min. 18 years
Max. 34 years as on 1st July for
General candidates.
Relaxation: 5 years for S.C’s, S.T’s and
B.C’s. For B.C’s age should
not exceed 40 years

Rule 13: Pass in Language Test in Telugu
within the period of probation.

Rule 14 Exemption from Passing of Language

Test in Telugu
(i) in case of pass in X class in Telugu medium
or Telugu as one of the subject
(ii) on attaining the age of 45 years.

Rule 15 (a): Newly prescribed tests should be
passed within the period of probation, one year or
two examinations, which ever is later.
Commences: from date of appointment .
Minimum Service : 60 days in case of promotion.
Period of Probation (i) for direct recruits 2 years
duty within 3 years of service
(ii) for promotees/appointment by transfer one year
duty within 2 years of service

Tests to be passed during probation.

If does not pass tests. probation has to

be extended for one year by the
appointing authority and subsequently
by Government till passing the tests.
If does not pass within the period of
extended period, the date of
commencement of probation be
changed to a date two years anterior to
the date of passing the tests and the
seniority be reckoned from such date.
Failure to pass the tests the appointing authority
Under Rule 17:
Probation can be suspended for want of a

Probation can be terminated for unsatisfactory

work or for failure to pass the prescribed tests.

Probation can be extended in case of failure of

passing tests.

• Rule 18: A decision as to extend/suspend
or discharge from service should be
taken within 8 week on expiry of
probation period.
• If no such order is passed with in one
year of expiry of probation period, such
employee be deemed to have
satisfactorily completed the period of
probation and a formal order should be
• In case of charges pending, the above
position does not apply
Rule 19: Rights of a probationer and
approved probationer for re-appointment:
a) First preference in filling up of a vacancy to
approved probationer or probationer .

a) i) Discharge of a Probationer or Approved


A probationer or an approved probationer shall be

discharged for want of vacnacy in the order of

Rule 21: Confirmation:
Employee declared to have satisfactorily completed his
probation, shall be confirmed as a number of that service.

Rule 22 Special Representation (Reservation):

• Out of 100 vacancies
• 15 for S.C’s,
• 6 for S.T’s
• 29 or B.C’s ( A-7%; B-10; C-1%;D-7% and E: 4%)
• 3 for P.H (6 VH, 31 HH 56 OH) .
• 2 ( 12 and 37) for Ex-Serviceman.
• In respect of S.A’s, J.A’s, Junior Steno’s, Typists
etc., in H.O.D’s and A.S.O’s etc., in Secretariat, 2
points at 48 and 98 for meritorious sports men.
Rule 22-A: Women reservation:

33 1/3 % w.e.f. 28-5-1996 in respect of

all categories

For solitary post the rule of special representation shall
not apply.(j)

Provided that the rule of special representation shall be

applicable for appointment if the number of posts is more
than one even though selection is to be made against only
one vacancy at any recruitment other than limited

• In respect of appointments by promotion or recruitment
by transfer from subordinate service to state service, the
claims of S.C’s & S.T’s shall be considered on the basis of
seniority subject to fitness.

Provided that a member of the S.C or the S.T

possessing superior merit & ability shall be allowed to
supersede not only others but also the members of S.C’s or
S.T’s as the case may be.

• The vacancies in respect of SC, ST, B.C’s (Group-A to

Group-D) Women . Handicapped shall be carried forward

SC and sT Vacancies are not inter-

The vacancies for backward classes are inter-

transferable only among the different groups.

The members belonging to SC, ST, and BC can

also be considered against OC vacancies

Rule 23: Appeal, Revision and Review of
orders of appointment to Higher Posts:
Order can be revised within six months by the
appellate authority on its own motion or on appeal
filed by the aggrieved employee. Revision can be
made within three months on the appellate authority
Rule 24: Revision of lists of approved candidates
(panels) or list of eligible candidates for appointment
by promotion or by transfer by placing before the
DPC/SC within six months from the date of original
Rule 25: Review:
The State Government may review its order
or any order of revision passed by them under
Rule 24 if it was passed under any mistake,
whether or fact or of law or in ignorance of any
material fact or for any other sufficient reason.

Rule 26: Appeal against seniority or other

conditions of service:
Appeal against seniority or assignment of notional
seniority on par with junior be entertained by the
appellate authority within a period of 90 days from the
date on which junior was promoted.

Rule-28: Relinquishment of rights by members:
Relinquishment of any privilege by the employee
may be accepted if it is in public interest.
Rule-30: Resignation:

Resignation forfeits past service. It takes effect from the

date of relief. If on leave it takes effect from the date of
expiry of leave. The employee may withdraw his resignation
before it takes effect. Government sanction is required if the
withdrawal is made after the resignation takes effect.
The Resignation of a Government Servant against whom
departmental proceedings are pending shall not be accepted .
(Amended in G.O.Ms.No.250, GA (Services - D) Department
dated 14-07-2000)

If the resignation is accepted, but has not taken effect
and he withdraws his resignation before it has taken effect,
he should be deemed to be continuing in service. If the person
is permitted to withdraw his resignation after it has taken
effect and is reappointed to the post from which he resigned,
such reappointment shall be subject to the conditions
specified in sub-rules (c) and (d).

A member of service, shall, if he resigns his

appointment, forfeit not only the service rendered by him in
the particular post held by him at the time of resignation but
all his previous service under the Government.


The reappointment of a person, who has resigned from

Government service and who is re-appointed to any service,
shall be treated as a first appointment to such service by
direct recruitment and all rules governing such appointment
shall apply; and on such re-appointment, he shall not be
entitled to count any portion of his previous service for any
benefit or concession admissible under any rule or order:


Where a member of a service is selected for appointment by

direct recruitment to another post and is appointed to it, his lien
on the service or his probationary right, if any, in the former post
shall be retained for a period of three years or until he becomes
an approved probationer in the latter post , whichever is earlier;
and if before the expiry of three years he is not an approved
probationer in the latter post, unless he reverts to the parent
department, he shall be deemed to have resigned to the former
post with effect from the date on which the three years period


provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall

affect the benefits accrued to such member
of a service in the previous post or posts,
except the lien or probationary right on such
post or posts;

Rule 31: The Governor has the power to
relax rules in public interest or where the
application of such rule or rules is likely to
cause undue hardship to the person or class
of persons concerned.
• Rule 32 : The Head of the Department is
competent to relax rules relating to
transfer promotion or other service
conditions governed by these rules or
special rules in respect of posts carrying a
scale of pay less than that of Junior
Assistant in his Department.

Rule 33: Seniority:
a) Seniority is to be determined with reference to the
date of first appointment to a service, class or
category or grade.
b) Regarding fixation of seniority among two persons
who join service simultaneously, the order of
preference fixed by the competent authority is the
Regarding candidates allotted by the A.P.P.S.C,
Seniority shall be determined with reference to the
order of merit or order of preference assigned to
them in the said list.

• Whenever a notional date for promotion is assigned such
date shall be taken into consideration for computing the
qualifying length of service in the feeder category for
promotion to next higher category. Such notional date
should be counted for the purpose of declaration of
probation also in the feeder category (Rule 33 c).

• The seniority of retrenched employee on reappointment
shall be determined in accordance with the date of
reappointment (Rule 33 – f)

• Rule 34: Preparation of integrated or common seniority

list of persons belonging to different units of
• The list should be prepared with reference to the
provisions of sub rule (a) of Rule 33, provided that the
seniority list of the persons inter-se belonging to the same
units shall not be disturbed.

Rule 35: Fixation of Seniority in the cases of
transfers on request or on administrative grounds:
• Administrative Grounds: Date of Seniority in the former
unit of appointment.
• Request: Date of his joining in the letter unit of
Rule 36: Inter-se Seniority where the dates of
commencement of probation are same:
• In respect of candidates selected by A.P.P.S.C the ranking
assigned irrespective of the date of commencement of
• In respect of persons promoted or appointed by transfer, the
dates from which they were placed on their probation.
• In respect of the above if the date of commencement of
probation is same, whoever is aged shall be the Senior.
• In respect of persons appointed on transfer on administrative
grounds, the seniority shall be from the date on which the
individual was placed on probation in the original dept.
Rule 37: Seniority of directly recruited
candidates, re-allotted in consultation with
Seniority shall be assigned below the last
regular candidate in the concerned class or
category in the unit to which such candidate is re-

Clarificatory orders issued in Cir.Memo.No.16/Ser-
A/98-99 Dt.21.04.99 of G.A (Ser-A) dept.
• For Determining the seniority of the employee the provisions
contained in Gen.R.33 shall be followed.
• The Seniority of a Direct Recruit is to be determined only from
the date of his/her joining duty but not from the date on which
the vacancy earmarked for direct recruitment arose.
• If an employee is promoted to a post earmarked for Direct
Recruit, his probation shall be reckoned from the date on
which he would have occupied the vacancy meant for
• The inter-se Seniority of Direct Recruits shall be as per the
ranking assigned to them by the recruiting agency irrespective
of their dates of joining provided they all joined within the time
allowed for them to join as per Rule. 11
• The Seniority lists already finalized as per court orders need
not be disturbed, if they are finalized. If not yet done, they
should be finalized as per these instruction.

• 38. Postings and transfers
Transfer to a post within the unit of
appointment or within in the jurisdiction of
local cadres
Appointing authority or any authority superior
to appointing authority or any subordinate
authority delegated such power.
HoD from one unit to another unit where the
Presidential Order does not apply including on
tenure basis.
All inter local cadres transfers in public
interest and on reciprocal basis be made by
Government only .


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