Sop Sertu

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Revision no: 0 Prepared by: Siti Sarah Approved by: Effective date:
binti Abdullah


To ensure to manage the sertu process for premise area including equipment, clothing, or human
limbs that are contaminated with najs mughallazah to ensure that all such things are sacred in
terms of Shariah.


Applicable to all the staff


The staff that are involved or department that have been contaminated with najs al-mughallazah


4.1. To comply with the shariah law, the company must make sure that sertu process have been
implemented if there’s any contamination with najs al-mughallazah

4.2. The implementation of sertu should refer to the sertu guidelines from the Islamic perspective
issued by JAKIM to meet the requirements of Malaysian Halal Certification.

4.3. The act of cleansing with an intention to purify the body, clothing, spaces, utensils and
equipment that was in contact with najs al-mughallazah, by washing seven times using mutlaq
water, one of which shall be water mixed with soil.

4.4. The company or the applicant must carry out the sertu internally or independently if it has a
complete procedure for the implementation of the sertu that has been confirmed by the
competent authority.

4.5. Records and reports of sertu implementation must be kept properly as well as can be
consulted during the audit or monitoring of Halal Certification Malaysia.

4.6 The water used in the sertu method must be:

i. Clean/pure water (absolute water).

ii. Not musta'mal water (water that has been used).

iii. Water that is not contaminated with any najs
4.7. There are two ways to do sertu according to shariah law, which are:

i. use soil.

ii. use clay soap.

4.8 The preparation of the soil including

The to be used for sertu must be sacred soil which is not contains najs elements, free from any
impurities such as oil and not the soil that has been used for tayammum (musta’mal). Either
way good soil preparation is as follows:

i. A well -used soil is clay like soil to make pottery, taken at least 4 meters below the ground

ii. The soil should be dry, crushed until it becomes dust and be sure not to be contaminated
with any najs.

iii. The accumulated dust is used as the main material for the sertu process to be

iv. However, if it is difficult to get good soil, then it is enough to simply use any part of the land
that is believed pure and clean only.

4.9 When something sacred is exposed with najs mughalazah in wet conditions then must be
upon to purify it as steps following:

i. The first step is to eliminate all existing impurity and clean it and invisible with the naked eye

ii. Provide adequate water by mixing a little soil into it so that the soil changes the colour of
the mutlaq water into the colour of the soil and levelling the compound.

iii. Wash the place or object affected by najs mughallazah with mixed water.

iv. After completing of the first wash, then the place or object shall be washed with then
repeat the same process six more times use mutlaq water until seven washes are completed
in all.

v. On the second or third wash it is permissible to mix with any cleaning agents such as soaps
that are believed pure if needed, also can mixing fragrance on the last wash.
4.10 Sertu Guidelines for Manufacturing machine, container, pipe and tank If the plant has complex
equipment that is inconvenient to be opened, then sertu can be done in the situation the following:

i. The mixture of water and soil must exceed 0.6% to 2.5% respectively the required water

ii. For sensitive items then the water compound is mixed with the soil can be placed in a
‘spray’ bottle and sprayed onto a surface to be washed until the water flows as the first

iii. To remove the part of the head that compresses the dust to be medicinal then it is
necessary to prepare a moist soil compound and can be mixed with drug -making materials
(which are empty - ‘base component ’) and passed into the manufacturing machine as a
wash first, while thereafter may be followed by six (6) times the compound moist the other.

iv. To connect the ‘operational line’ part such as ‘convey belting’ then should be wetted
cloth/sponge with water mixed with soil and drained the entire ‘operational line’ for the first
wash. After that the process the same shall be repeated six (6) more times using water a
regular cleaner or one having a mixture of pure ingredients.

v. For a container, an adequate groundwater compound should be prepared then sprayed

onto the surface of the container until flowing and rubbed with a broom to level the water
all over the surface of the container involved.

vi. For pipelines that need to be connected, a compound must be prepared sufficient ground
water is mixed and passed into the pipe in question either using a pump or a suitable tool.
viii. The storage tank then shall be leveled compound water to surface in the tank.

surface in the tank.


5.1 Sertu process record

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