Texas Homeowners Rights Under Foreclosure
Texas Homeowners Rights Under Foreclosure
Texas Homeowners Rights Under Foreclosure
Under Foreclosure
Judon Fambrough
Senior Lecturer and Attorney at Law
1 Summary
Definitions of Key Terms
Three Elements of Foreclosure
6 Notice of Sale
Receivorship Status
Many homeowners facing foreclosure are unaware of their rights. Knowledge of the rules, regulations
and laws governing Texas home foreclosures can help homeowners protect their interests from an improper
or irregular foreclosure process. This report explains the foreclosure process from default on a payment
through sale of the property and targets areas that a homeowner may wish to examine during or after
This report is limited to foreclosures under deeds of trust. It does not cover foreclosures under executory
contracts, sometimes referred to as contracts for deed or under home equity loans, which are conducted
Definition of Key Terms Copies of executed deeds of trust may be secured from the
county clerk's office in the county where the land is located.
Mortgagee. The lender or holder of the security interest in the The lender records the deed of trust to secure an interest in the
property; the lienholder; the mortgage servicer under certain financed property.
conditions. To trigger a foreclosure, the borrower must, among other
Mortgagor. The debtor, borrower and grantor of the security things, default on a periodic payment required by the real es-
interest in the collateral; the owner of the property. tate lien note as described in the deed of trust. The lender then
Mortgage Servicer. The last person to whom the mortgagor has the option of accelerating the collection of the remaining
has been instructed by the current mortgagee to send pay- balance of the note. The entire amount of remaining indebted-
ments for the debt; the original mortgagee or lender may be ness, not just the periodic payment in arrears, becomes due
the mortgage servicer, if it still receives payments from the and payable.
debtor. This provision is known as the acceleration clause. Without
Security Instrument. The deed of trust or mortgage; the docu- it, the lender would be forced into a series of foreclosures,
ment creating the lender’s lien on the collateral and giving foreclosing only on the amount of the installment in default
the trustee the power of sale. and not the entire unpaid balance of the note.
If the collateral securing the note is the debtor’s residence,
Trustee. The person or persons authorized in the deed of trust
the lender may not accelerate the note immediately follow-
to exercise the power of sale under the terms of the security
ing a default. Instead, the lender must give the debtor at least
a 20-day written notice to cure the payments in arrears. The
Substitute Trustee. The person or persons appointed by the
notice must be sent by certified mail. The notice cannot be
current mortgagee or mortgage servicer to exercise the
waived and is required in all instances.
power of sale in lieu of the original trustee designated in the
If the debtor does not make the payments in default during
deed of trust.
the 20-day period, the lender may accelerate the debt by send-
Debtor’s Last Known Address. The debtor’s residence address ing notice of the acceleration to the debtor.
unless the debtor provided the mortgage servicer a written If the collateral serves as the debtor’s residence, the lender
change of address before the date the mortgage servicer must give the following three notices unless they are waived in
mailed a required notice. the deed of trust:
• A demand notice for the installment in arrears and
Three Elements of Foreclosure thereafter affording the debtor an opportunity to remedy
the default
A proper foreclosure has three elements: (1) the real estate
lien note executed by the mortgagor (borrower) at closing for • A clear and unequivocal notice of the lender’s intent
the balance of the purchase price, (2) the deed of trust signed to accelerate the debt after the debtor has been given a
by the buyer at closing giving the mortgagee (lender) a security reasonable time to cure the installment in arrears
interest in the land being purchased and (3) the pertinent Texas • A final notice that acceleration has in fact occurred.
statutory and case law. Generally, a foreclosure is proper as The first notice regarding the demand for the payment in
long as it complies with the procedure outlined in the deed of arrears generally is not required by the deed of trust. However,
trust. Texas law is relevant only where the deed of trust is silent the Texas Supreme Court has suggested that the lender "bring
on an issue or where the deed of trust conflicts with Texas law. home to the borrower that failure to cure will result in accel-
There is no mandatory (or promulgated) Texas deed of trust. eration of the note and foreclosure under the power of sale."
The forms may vary from lender to lender. The deed of trust It has been held proper to combine the first notice concerning
prepared by the State Bar of Texas serves as the basic guideline the default with the second one involving the intent to
for this report. Other deeds of trust may contain different accelerate.
Waivers of Notice for Commercial Loans office reopens. By doing so, the effective dates of the post-
ings and filings relate back to the date of the closure.
If the collateral is not the debtor’s residence, it is possible
• The written or printed notice likewise must be sent by
for the debtor to waive the described notices in the deed of
certified mail, postage prepaid, to each debtor obligated
trust. Texas courts disagree somewhat on the proper language
on the indebtedness. The notices must be forwarded to
for an effective waiver. Some courts have held that certain
the debtor’s most recent address as shown by the lend-
language waives the notice of acceleration but not the notice
er’s records. (The day the notice is postmarked counts as
of intent to accelerate. The majority of courts, however, have
the first day of the required 21.)
upheld the effectiveness of most waivers. In cases of doubt, the
courts tend to prevent acceleration of the note without proper
notices. Contents of Notice
The lender’s conduct may forfeit the right to accelerate with- There is little Texas statutory law regarding the contents of
out notice even where an effective waiver has been included the notice. Because the purpose of the notice is to alert the
in the deed of trust. The case in question involved a lender borrower and prospective purchasers of the sale, the notice
who had accepted seven consecutive late payments and then should contain the date of the deed of trust along with the
attempted to foreclose without giving notice of acceleration volume and page where it is recorded; the name of mortgagor,
after the eighth default occurred. The courts held the lender’s mortgagee and trustee; a statement of default and a request for
past conduct destroyed the clear and unequivocal intent to the trustee to sell property; and the time, date, terms and place
accelerate once the debtor defaulted on a payment. of sale.
If the debt has been properly accelerated, the mortgagee However, all notices for the foreclosure for deeds of trust
(lender) may proceed to foreclose on the property by a non- executed on or after Sept. 1, 2005, must include the name and
judicial sale. No lawsuit is required. If the foreclosure sale is street address of the trustee(s) or substitute trustee(s). Conse-
conducted in accordance with the deed of trust and Texas law, quently, if a substitute trustee is appointed after the notice of
the sale is effective in transferring title to the highest bidder. the sale has been posted, filed and sent, this may require a
postponement of the foreclosure sale to allow time for new
Steps in Foreclosure Process notices to be posted, filed and sent in compliance with the
Steps leading to the foreclosure sale are described in the The actual foreclosure sale is a public auction conducted by
deed of trust and in Section 51.002 of the Texas Property the trustee at or near the courthouse in the county where the
Code. First, the lender or mortgage servicer sends a residential land is located. The trustee conducts the auction on the first
debtor 20 days notice to cure the default. If not, the next step Tuesday occurring 21 days after posting, filing and sending
may be initiated. the required notices. The sale may occur anytime between
Second, the lender or mortgage servicer requests the trustee 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. but must be within three hours of the time
designated in the deed of trust (or the substitute trustee, as the specified in the notices.
case may be) to sell the property. If the Tuesday occurs on a legal holiday, the sale is still valid.
Third, the trustee begins the process by giving a 21-day If the trustee fails to conduct the sale on the correct Tuesday,
advance notice of the sale by posting, sending and filing the the entire process of posting, sending and filing the required
various notifications: notices must be repeated.
• A written or printed notice must be posted at the court- Effective September 1, 2005, the commissioners' court may
house door in the county where the property is located. designate a public place other than the courthouse as the
If the property is located in more than one county, post- place to conduct the public auction (the foreclosure sale) as
ing must occur in all counties where the land is located long as the area is in reasonable proximity of the courthouse,
and specify the county in which the sale will occur. The and it is as easily accessible to the public as the courthouse
day of posting counts as the first day of the required 21. door. The commissioners court must record the designation in
It has been held that the phrase "at the courthouse door" the real property records. However, no sale may occur at the
means near any main access door to the courthouse. designated location until 90 days expire after the recording.
• The same written or printed notice posted at the court- However, the posting of notices of the sale continue at the
house door also must be filed with the county clerk of courthouse even though the sale occurs elsewhere.
each county in which the property is located. These notices are the minimum requirements necessary for
The county clerk does not file the notice in the deed records. a valid foreclosure sale. However, if the deed of trust requires
Instead, the county clerk is required to keep all such notices in more, the additional requirements must be strictly followed.
a file conveniently available to the public for examination dur- For example, many pre-1976 deeds of trust require posting at
ing normal business hours and until after the date of the sale three public places, not just at the courthouse door.
specified in the notice. Only the debtors and guarantors (those obligated to pay
the debt) must receive personal notices at their last known
Note. Effective Sept. 1, 2007, special rules apply to clo-
addresses. Junior lienholders are not required to receive notice
sures. If the courthouse or county clerk's office is closed
unless a contractual agreement mandates it. As a matter of
because of inclement weather, natural disasters or other
policy, all lienholders and other interested partners should be
acts of God, the required postings and filings may occur
contacted to ensure spirited bidding.
within 48 hours after the courthouse or county clerk's
The trustee is the central character in the foreclosure pro- trustee may proceed with the sale on the first Tuesday of the
cess. The trustee has the sole authority to sell the collateral and following month anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. but
to convey title. The debtor grants this authority to the trustee in within three hours of the time designated in the notices.
the deed of trust. Generally, the sale is conducted at the courthouse. How
There are few restrictions on who can serve as trustee. Prac- ever, the county commissioners may designate another loca-
tically any competent person or persons qualify. The debtor tion. It must be a public place, within reasonable proximity
may select the trustee, but in practice, the lender designates. to the courthouse and as easily accessible to the public as the
The trustee may be the mortgagee or the mortgagee’s agent but courthouse door. The location must be recorded in the real
probably not the mortgagor. property records. No sale may occur at the new location until
Regardless of who serves as trustee, the trustee's sole duty is 90 days expire after the recording occurs.
to conduct the sale in a prescribed manner to reduce the loan The sale begins by the trustee reading a copy of the posted
as much as possible by securing a fair price. The office is one notice, followed by stating the terms of the sale and then by
of personal confidence to the debtor. However, it does not rise opening the bidding.
to the level of a fiduciary duty to either the lender or debtor. Generally, the trustee will require cash-only sales. Section
If the designated trustee is unavailable, a substitute trustee 51.002 of the Texas Property Code contains no restrictions on
may be appointed in strict compliance with the deed of trust. the type of consideration required. If the deed of trust dictates
Only the party or parties designated in the deed of trust may cash only, only cash bids may be received.
appoint the substitute trustee. Effective June 15, 2007, the purchase price for the property
Effective September 1, 2005, lenders may authorize a sold at a nonjudicial foreclosure is, by statute, payable im-
mortgage servicer to appoint a substitute trustee or trustees to mediately on acceptance of the bid by the trustee or substitute
serve under the deed of trust. The mortgage servicer may then trustee. This may pose a hardship for cash-only sales. How-
authorize an attorney to appoint a substitute trustee or trustees ever, under the statute, the trustee or substitute trustee may set
on behalf of the lender. The appointment or authorization may reasonable conditions for conducting a nonjudicial foreclosure
be made by power of attorney, corporate resolution or other sale if the conditions are announced before bidding begins for
written instrument. The name and street address of the substi- the first sale.
tute trustee or trustees must be disclosed on the appointments The trustee or substitute trustee may use the opportunity
and in the notices posted and filed at the courthouse and sent to place some reasonable time limts on "coming up with the
to the debtor. cash." There is little guidance as to what constitutes a reason-
The conditions contained in the deed of trust for the ap- able time. However, without a doubt, the cash must be forth-
pointment of a substitute trustee, if any, must be strictly coming before 4 p.m. on the day of the sale.
followed. For instance, if the deed of trust provides that a sub- At the sale, all parties present may bid. Third parties, the
stitute trustee can be appointed only where the original trustee lender and even the debtor are qualified.
fails to act, or where the original trustee resigns or dies, then The trustee may bid, but it is important to ascertain for
these conditions must occur before a valid substitute trustee whom the bids are entered. If the trustee is the mortgagee, all
may be appointed. bids must be for the mortgagee. If the trustee is not the mort-
The wording used in the State Bar deed of trust contains no gagee, the trustee cannot bid the property either on his or her
conditions or contingencies for the appointment of a substitute behalf or on the account of a corporation the trustee controls.
trustee. It simply states that the lender may appoint a substitute However, the trustee may purchase the property in the name
trustee without any formality other than that the designation of a disinterested third party.
must be in writing. If the mortgagee enters the highest bid, the mortgagee can
Unless the deed of trust provides otherwise, a trustee or acquire the property without any out-of-pocket costs as long
trustees need not formally resign before another is appointed. as the bid price does not exceed the balance of the debt. The
If the original trustee has posted, filed and sent the required lender simply applies the purchase price as a credit against the
notices, the substitute trustee or trustees should postpone the mortgagor’s debt.
sale. Because the statute requires the name and street address As mentioned, the mortgagor (borrower) may bid at the
of the trustee or substitute trustee to be placed on the notices foreclosure sale, but this is unlikely. If the borrower had suf-
after 2005, new notices should be posted, filed and sent to ficient funds, he or she would have paid off the installment in
comply with the statute. The sale may then occur 21 days after arrears to prevent the lender from ever accelerating the note.
the new notices have been properly posted, filed and sent. After the note is accelerated, the borrower still can prevent the
foreclosure sale by redeeming the entire unpaid balance of the
Valid Sale by Trustee note anytime before the actual sale begins. This is known as an
equity of redemption.
The trustee is the only person who can conduct a valid sale. In addition to the equity of redemption, many states give the
However, agents of the trustee may sign, post, file and send mortgagor a right of redemption for a certain period after the
the notices. Once the notice is posted, the trustee or the agents sale occurs. The right of redemption enables the foreclosed
need not check the courthouse to ensure the notice remains in borrower to repurchase the property for the price it brought
place. at the foreclosure sale. The right of redemption attempts to
After the necessary notices have been posted, filed and ensure that the property will generate adequate revenue at the
sent and the required 21-day waiting period has elapsed, the foreclosure sale. Unfortunately for foreclosed Texas homeown-
ers, there is no right of redemption in this state.
Administration of Foreclosure by entitled "Deficiency Judgments," applies only to nonjudicial
foreclosures. It provides:
Mortgage Servicer
• The lender has two years to recover a deficiency judg-
The lender is not the only entity that may initiate and com- ment after the foreclosure sale (formerly it was four
plete the foreclosure process. The mortgage servicer has the years).
same authority as long as these conditions are met:
• the lender grants the current mortgage servicer the ad- • If the lender seeks a deficiency judgment, the debtor
ministrative authority to act on its behalf in the servicing may request the court to determine the fair market value
agreement; of the collateral as of the date of sale.
• all notices, filings and postings preceding the foreclo- • The fair market value shall be determined by the finder
sure sale show that the mortgage servicer represents the of fact after the introduction of competent evidence of
mortgagee under the service agreement between the value by the parties. Competent evidence of value may
two and include but not be limited to: expert opinion testimony;
• the notices, postings and filings preceding the foreclo- comparable sales; anticipated marketing time and hold-
sure contain the name and address of the mortgagee ing costs; cost of sale; and the necessity and amount of
or the name and address of the mortgage servicer if the any discount to be applied to the future sales price or
lender has granted the mortgage servicer the authority to the cash flow generated by the property to arrive at a
service the mortgage. current fair market value as of the date of the foreclosure
Division of Proceeds • If the debtor does not request the determination of
value, the foreclosure price shall be used to compute
Once the sale occurs, the proceeds are divided in the fol-
the deficiency.
lowing manner and in the following order:
• The expenses of advertising the sale and making the • If the court determines that the fair market value is
conveyance, including any commission to the trustee greater than the sales price, the debtor is entitled to an
and attorney’s fees other than those provided in the real offset against the deficiency for the amount.
estate lien note (the State Bar deed of trust includes a 5 • Any money received by the lender from a private mort-
percent commission for the trustee) gage guaranty insurer shall be credited to the debtor’s
• The full amount of the unpaid principal, interest, attor- account prior to the suit for a deficiency. However, the
ney’s fees and other charges due and unpaid as provided private mortgage guaranty insurer may then sue the
in the real estate lien note debtor for the amount of the payment.
• The remaining balance to the mortgagor Sections 51.004 and 51.005 are entitled "Judicial Foreclo-
Should the foreclosure sale not generate sufficient revenue sure–Deficiency" and "Judicial or Nonjudicial Foreclosure
to cover the first two categories, the borrower is still personally after Judgment Against Guarantor–Defeciency" respectively.
liable for the balance. To recover the deficiencies, the lender The two sections were added primarily to protect both debtors
may institute and obtain a judgment against the borrower. This and guarantors in the event of either a judicial or nonjudicial
is sometimes called a deficiency suit or deficiency judgment. foreclosure. Either party may challenge the fair market value
of the collateral within 90 days after the sale or 90 days after
Deficiency Judgments the guarantor receives actual notice of the sale, whichever is
later. The procedure for determining fair market value and the
In 1991, the 72nd Texas Legislature enacted new legislation
offset against the deficiency is the same as specified in Section
altering the way deficiency judgments are handled.
In the past, mortgagors (debtors) complained that the prices
The primary differences between Section 51.003 and Sec-
brought at foreclosure sales were below the fair market value
tions 51.004 and 51.005 are that the latter two sections:
of the collateral. When the mortgagee (lender) was the pur-
chaser, a possible double recovery occurred. In the case of Ol- • apply to both judicial and nonjudicial foreclosure sales,
ney Savings and Loan Association v. Farmers Market of Odessa, • provide for the debtor or guarantor to challenge the fair
764 S.W. 2d 869 (Tex. App. 1989), the lender purchased the market value of the collateral even before a lender seeks
property at the foreclosure sale for $150,000 and immediately a deficiency judgment and
sold it for $200,000. The lender then sued the debtor for a • can be used offensively by plaintiffs while Section
deficiency based on the foreclosure price of $150,000, even 51.003 can be used only defensively by a defendant.
though a $50,000 profit had been realized in the interim. Note. Although the statutes attempt to remedy an ineq-
Texas case law has held consistently that the debtor has uitable position for debtors, substantive and technical legal
no recourse. As long as the lender complies strictly with the questions persist.
procedural rules specified in the deed of trust and in Chapter The statute may be unconstitutional. A similar law was
51 of the Texas Property Code, both the foreclosure sale and passed in 1933. The Texas Supreme Court declared it unconsti-
price will be upheld. tutional because it impaired existing contract rights. Langever
To remedy this situation, Texas legislators added Sections v. Miller, 76 S.W. 2d 1025 (Tex. 1934). However, similar legis-
51.003–51.005 to the Texas Property Code. Section 51.003, lation has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court not to be in
violation of the U.S. Constitution. Richmond Mortgage & Loan fraudulent transfer if the debtor files for bankruptcy within one
Corp. v. Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., 300 U.S. 124 (1937). year of the sale.
The lender has three choices in the event of a default: (1) If the debtor does attack the sale under Texas law because of
to seek a judgment for the unpaid balance of the note and an irregularity, the attack most likely will be for damages and
perhaps foreclose later on the collateral, (2) to foreclose on not to rescind. To set aside the sale, the debtor first must repay
the collateral and then seek a deficiency judgment or (3) to or offer to redeem the property from the purchaser at the price
seek a judgment on the note and foreclose simultaneously on brought at the foreclosure sale. If the debtor possessed such re-
the collateral. The statutes are inapplicable when the lender sources, the foreclosure probably would never have occurred.
sues on the real estate lien note but does not foreclose on the
collateral. Statute of Limitations
The phrase fair market value is not defined but the statutes The statute of limitations may be a barrier. With minor ex-
describe five possible ways to determine it. However, the five ceptions, an action to set aside a sale must be initiated within
guidelines are not inclusive. four years. And, if the property has been resold during the
And finally, debtors still may be losers. When the differ- interim to a purchaser unaware of the irregularities, the action
ence between the fair market value and the foreclosure price to rescind the sale (but not for damages) may be lost.
exceeds the deficiency, the debtor has no right to a refund of For these reasons, most debtors who attack a foreclosure
the excess. sale seek damages. To recover damages from a wrongful fore-
closure, the debtor must prove how much the property would
Debtors' Alternatives have brought if the irregularity had not occurred. In any event,
and Remedies the maximum recovery is limited to the difference in the fair
market value of the property and unpaid balance of the note
Many debtors faced with the possibility of foreclosure at- at the time of sale. Where the conduct of the lender or trustee
tempt to convey the property back to the lender. If the lender can be proven to have been intentional or malicious, exem-
accepts the deed in lieu of foreclosure, it saves time, the plary or punitive damages also may be recovered.
expense of conducting the sale and possible litigation costs Any action to recover damages must be initiated within four
associated with an irregular or improper foreclosure. Although years of the sale. Because only one remedy may be pursued,
the law is not conclusive on the issue, a deed in lieu of fore- the borrower must be careful to choose the correct one. The
closure will satisfy the entire debt held by the lender against following example is based on an actual case.
the property. Deficiency suits will be eliminated. A Texas debtor sought damages for the wrongful appoint-
If the original borrower resells the property before the exist- ment of a substitute trustee. The irregularity, but no result-
ing note is retired, the new buyer may or may not be liable for ing damages, was proven at trial. Consequently, the debtor
a deficiency judgment. If the new buyer does not get indepen- recovered nothing. However, the court stated that the irregu-
dent financing, he or she must either assume or "take subject larity was sufficient to rescind the sale if such a remedy had
to" the existing note. If the note is assumed, the new buyer and been pursued first. Because it was not, the debtor was without
the seller are mutually liable for the monthly installment pay- further recourse.
ments. Likewise, both are jointly responsible for any deficien- Foreclosure will continue to play an important role in the
cy judgments. However, if the new buyer takes "subject to" the Texas real estate market into the 1990s. Even though the
note, he or she avoids personal liability both for the payment homeowner may have defaulted on an installment payment,
of the existing note and for any deficiency judgments. This Texas law requires that a subsequent foreclosure be conducted
leaves the original borrower solely responsible for both. in strict conformity to Texas law and the deed of trust. Failure
The borrower may complain that the reason the property did to comply with either may enable the homeowner to set aside
not bring sufficient revenue was because of an impropriety, the sale or sue for damages.
two possible remedies are available: setting aside (rescinding)
the sale or suing for damages.
The borrower may pursue only one of the two. An election
Examining Foreclosure Procedures
to pursue one bars any action to pursue the other later. Here are some of the more strategic procedural points that
An exceedingly low price generated at the foreclosure sale a homeowner may wish to examine during or after a foreclo-
is not sufficient in itself to render a sale invalid. However, the sure. The list is not comprehensive and is not a substitute for
greater the disparity between the sales price and the market legal counsel. The appropriate remedies for an irregularity are
value of the property, the more readily the courts will find any not included.
irregularity sufficient for the debtor to successfully challenge Did the circumstances prompting the foreclosure actually
the sale. The irregularity, however, must have contributed to occur? For instance, was there a default on an installment pay-
the inadequacy of the consideration (low price) received at the ment as specified and required by the deed of trust?
sale. Did the foreclosure take place within four years of the de-
Further, the inadequacy of the consideration can be grounds fault? The Texas statute of limitations is four years and applies
to have the sale set aside under federal bankruptcy laws. If only to the delinquent payments due within the four years.
the sales price does not equal or exceed 70 percent of the If the collateral serves as the debtor’s residence, did the
property’s fair market value, the sale can be voided as a lender give the debtor a 20-day notice to cure the payments
in default before accelerating the note? (This is mandatory and the bidders when it would reconvene? Did the trustee bid
nonwaivable.) If the collateral did not serve as the debtor’s and purchase the property in his or her own behalf? (If the
residence, did the lender notify the debtor of the lender’s foreclosure sale has not occurred yet, the debtor may want to
intent to accelerate the note after the debtor defaulted on the videotape the sale to preserve evidence of any irregularities.)
payment? Did the lender notify the debtor that acceleration of Did the sale conclude by 4:00 pm? Case law exists that
the note had actually occurred? If not, was the right to receive indicates the sale cannot linger beyond 4:00 pm on Tuesday
such notices waived by the debtor in the deed of trust? (The the day of the sale.
interpretation of an effective waiver may require the services Did the deed records show a chain of title between the
of an attorney.) original beneficiary (the original lender or mortgagee) named
If the notices were effectively waived (except for the 20-day in the deed of trust and the present lienholder conducting the
notice to cure for a debtor’s residence), has the lender received foreclosure sale? Basically, the lienholder "of record" must
late payments in the past without resorting to foreclosure? If be the same lienholder in charge of the sale. Most loans are
so, the right to foreclosure without giving the required notices assigned or sold to another lender. There must be a copy
at a later date may be deemed improper. of this assignment or transfer recorded in the deed records.
Otherwise, the wrong party may be conducting the sale and/or
Notice of Sale appointing the substitute trustee. This is a prevalent problem in
today's market.
Did the trustee (or substitute trustee) or the trustee’s agents
Did the expenses and charges levied against the debtor’s in-
post notice of the intended sale on the courthouse door, file
terest following the sale constitute usury? Among other things,
notice of the sale with the county clerk and send notices to the
were the interest charges calculated to the date of sale or
debtors at least 21 days in advance of the actual sale? (The day
were they calculated over the duration of the note as if there
of posting, filing and sending counts as the first day of the re-
had been no default? In other words, were there charges for
quired 21.) If a pre-1976 deed of trust requires posting at three
unearned, unaccrued interest?
public places 21 days in advance of sale, was this requirement
Did the street address of the trustee or substitute trustee who Receivorship Status
conducted the sale appear on the notices that were posted, Was the property in receivorship at the time of the sale? A
filed and sent? receiver may have been appointed for an insolvency proceed-
If the land was located in more than one county, was the ing or a divorce. If so, the trustee under the deed of trust has
notice posted and filed in each county? Did each notice con- no authority to sell the land unless authorized by the court in
tain information specifying the county in which the sale would which the receivorship was pending.
be conducted and the time the sale would begin? Was the debtor alive at the time of the foreclosure? If not,
Were personal notices sent to each person liable on the note the administrator of the decedent’s estate generally has the
by certified mail to their last known address according to the unconditional right to revoke the sale for up to four years after
lender’s records? (If the husband and wife have separated, an the debtor’s death. (There are several exceptions to this rule.)
individual notice may need to be sent to each spouse.) Was the debtor a minor? If so, the property may not be
Was the substitute trustee, if any, properly appointed by foreclosed except under the probate court’s supervision if the
the rightful parties in accordance with the terms of the deed deed of trust was executed by the minor’s guardian on behalf
of trust? Among other things, did the deed of trust require the of the minor.
original trustee to resign? Did the deed of trust require the Was the debtor in the armed services or discharged within
appointment of the new trustee to be recorded 21 days in three months of the proposed sale? If so, without a court order
advance of the sale? the foreclosure is prohibited by the Federal Soldiers’ and
Did the trustee conduct the sale in the area of the court- Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940. See Volume 50 of the United
house designated by the commissioners court and in ac- States Code Annotated, Section 532(3). This federal statute ap-
cordance with the deed of trust and state law? Was the sale plies only if the property was owned by the person before he
conducted at the courthouse? If not, had 90 days elapsed since or she went into the service.
the commissioners recorded the notice of the new location in
the deed records? Among other things, was the sale conducted Related publications:
on the first Tuesday of the month between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
(but within three hours of the time specified in the notices) fol- "Foreclosure for Dummies," reprint 1786. Free down-
lowing the expiration of the 21-day notice period? load at http://recenter.tamu.edu/pdf/1786.pdf.
If cash bids were required in the deed of trust, did the "DILF or No DILF: Deed in Leiu of Foreclosure," reprint
trustee comply? Did the trustee acknowledge and accept all 1806. Free download at http://recenter.tamu.edu/
bids at the sale after the notice of the sale was read? Did the pdf/1806.pdf.
trustee leave the sale before it was completed without telling