Commission On Audit: Republic of The Philippines
Commission On Audit: Republic of The Philippines
Commission On Audit: Republic of The Philippines
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City
Pursuant to Section 2, Article IX-D of the Philippines Constitution and Section 43 of Presidential
Decree No. 1445, otherwise known as the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines, we
transmit herewith our report on the results of the audit of the accounts and the transactions of
the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System for the year ended December 31, 2013.
The report consists of the Independent Auditor’s Report, the Audited Financial Statements, the
Observations and Recommendations, and the Status of Implementation of Prior Years’ Audit
The Auditor expressed a qualified opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the financial
statements of the Corporation because:
1. The carrying value of the Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) at P35.408 billion was
not correctly stated due to non-conduct of revaluation/appraisal since CY 1995.
2. The balance of the Land account in the amount of P12.444 billion was not fairly stated
mainly due to:
a. Land with an area of 92.61 hectares, titled under MWSS name, was not
recorded in the books; and
c. The dropping from the books of accounts of land with carrying value of
P89.725 million was not effected because of the discrepancy in land area
by 29.573 million square meters between the accounting records and
TCT No. 36069, with the area per accounting records higher than the
area per land title. Likewise, a difference of 2,594.40 square meters was
noted between the area in the remaining lots per land title and the area
per inventory after the sale of the lots.
3. The year-end balance of Construction-in-Progress account at P6.401 billion was not
correctly stated in view of the written information from the Deputy Administrator for
Engineering & Operations that MWSS had no on-going construction projects as of the
end of CY 2013.
4. Reciprocal accounts between MWSS Corporate Office and MWSS Regulatory Office in
the amount of P1.689 billion and P749.296 million respectively, remained unreconciled
with a difference of P940.177 million due to unsettled issues on sharing of concession
fees and expenses, resulting in the non-elimination of the reciprocal accounts at the end
of the year.
5. The accuracy and validity of the Loans Payable-Domestic account with outstanding
balance of P714.741 million was not established due to unreconciled variance between
the MWSS books of accounts and the confirmed balance from the Bureau of Treasury
with the latter higher by P532.778 million.
6. The validity of the Payables’ aggregated balance of P515.678 million was found
doubtful due to the inclusion of:
a. Accounts totaling P181.548 million outstanding for more than two years;
b. Undocumented Accounts totalling P32.180 million; and
c. Accounts with abnormal or debit balance of P3.281 million.
In addition to the above observations considered in the rendition of the auditor’s opinion, we
invite your attention to the following significant observations and recommendations that need
immediate action as well:
1. The Cash and cash equivalents in the amount of P2.149 billion was not sufficient to
cover the Loans Payable to the Bureau of Treasury (BTr), which have been collected
from the concessionaires and all recognized Trust Accounts, totalling P2.583 billion at
the end of the year. This is indicative that the funds for remittance to the BTr and the
funds intended for specific purposes were used for other purposes.
2. The collections from the two concessionaires for the payment of foreign loans from CYs
2005 to 2013 in the total amount of P1.863 billion were not remitted to the Bureau of
Treasury due to the unresolved issue on whether the loan was equity of the government
or will remain as a loan since the concessionaires continued the implementation of the
Considering that the Bureau of Treasury has billed MWSS for the loan obligation, we
reiterated our previous year recommendation that Management remit immediately to the
Bureau of the Treasury all collections from the two concessionaires for the JBIC and
3. At year-end, 42 General Ledger accounts with net amount of P362.735 million remained
unreconciled with the Subsidiary Ledger and unverified for lack of supporting
We reiterated our previous recommendation that Management facilitate the immediate
reconciliation cited above pursuant to the provisions of IAS 1 in order that their financial
statements will be able to provide the financial users the accurate information about the
Agency’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows.
4. The Pinugay Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) project was not completed/utilized but
MWSS had paid mobilization fees of P70.989 million to the contractor and still has to pay
the ADB Loan 1746 Phi for the project which as of December 31, 2013 amounted to
P196.176 million.
In addition, the concessionaire, Manila Water Company Inc, (MWCI) assumed the
obligation of MWSS to pay the amount of P375.000 million for the progress billings
claimed by the contractor. As a passed-on cost, the amount was included in the rate
rebasing computation, as stated in the Project Continuity Agreement, which added
amount yielded a higher water rate for the consumers who did not even benefit from the
project. Likewise, MWCI did not complete the project as required in the Project
Continuity Agreement which according to MWCI was due to supervening events that
prompted them to revisit and review the timing and implementation of the project.
5. Various parcels of Land with total acquisition value of P143.222 million remained idle
as of December 31, 2013 and have not been serving the purposes for which they were
acquired in previous years.
Considering the land’s acquisition dates and their original intended purposes, we
recommended that Management identify alternative and other appropriate uses of these
properties for the purpose of optimizing their values and/or to at least recover the
amount invested by MWSS.
The other audit observations, together with the recommended courses of action which were
discussed by the Audit Team with concerned Management officials and staff during the exit
conference conducted on May 16, 2014 are discussed in detail in Parts II and III of the report.
We respectfully request that the recommendations contained in Parts II and III of the report, be
fully implemented and that this Commission be informed of the actions taken thereon by
accomplishing the Agency Action Plan and Status of Implementation form (copy attached) within
60 days from the date of receipt hereof.
We acknowledge the support and cooperation that the Management extended to the Audit
Team, thus facilitating the completion of the report.
Director IV
Copy furnished:
Pursuant to Section 2, Article IX-D of the Philippines Constitution and Section 43 of Presidential
Decree No. 1445, otherwise known as the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines, we
transmit herewith our report on the results of the audit of the accounts and the transactions of
the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System for the year ended December 31, 2013.
The report consists of the Independent Auditor’s Report, the Audited Financial Statements, the
Observations and Recommendations, and the Status of Implementation of Prior Years’ Audit
The Auditor expressed a qualified opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the financial
statements of the Corporation because:
1. The carrying value of the Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) at P35.408 billion was
not correctly stated due to non-conduct of revaluation/appraisal since CY 1995.
2. The balance of the Land account in the amount of P12.444 billion was not fairly stated
mainly due to:
a. Land with an area of 92.61 hectares, titled under MWSS name, was not
recorded in the books; and
c. The dropping from the books of accounts of land with carrying value of
P89.725 million was not effected because of the discrepancy in land area
by 29.573 million square meters between the accounting records and
TCT No. 36069, with the area per accounting records higher than the
area per land title. Likewise, a difference of 2,594.40 square meters was
noted between the area in the remaining lots per land title and the area
per inventory after the sale of the lots.
3. The year-end balance of Construction-in-Progress account at P6.401 billion was not
correctly stated in view of the written information from the Deputy Administrator for
Engineering & Operations that MWSS had no on-going construction projects as of the
end of CY 2013.
4. Reciprocal accounts between MWSS Corporate Office and MWSS Regulatory Office in
the amount of P1.689 billion and P749.296 million respectively, remained unreconciled
with a difference of P940.177 million due to unsettled issues on sharing of concession
fees and expenses, resulting in the non-elimination of the reciprocal accounts at the end
of the year.
5. The accuracy and validity of the Loans Payable-Domestic account with outstanding
balance of P714.741 million was not established due to unreconciled variances between
the MWSS books of accounts and the confirmed balance from the Bureau of Treasury
with the latter higher by P532.778 million.
6. The validity of the Payables’ aggregated balance of P515.678 million was found
doubtful due to the inclusion of:
a. Accounts totaling P181.548 million outstanding for more than two years;
b. Undocumented Accounts totalling P32.180 million; and
c. Accounts with abnormal or debit balance of P3.281 million.
In addition to the above observations considered in the rendition of the auditor’s opinion, we
invite your attention to the following significant observations and recommendations that need
immediate action as well:
1. The consultant’s final report and other deliverables in the consultancy services contract
for the MWSS Regulatory Office 2013 Rate Rebasing in the total amount of P61.397
million contracted by MWSS Regulatory Office (RO) and Isla Lipana & Co. Joint Venture
with Lahmeyer IDP Consultant, Inc. was not submitted within the six-month contract
period reckoned from the receipt of the Notice to Proceed to the Consultant due to the
request of the Regulatory Office for the consultant to do further evaluation of the items
that were raised/disputed in the arbitration.
2. The Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) accounts exclusive of land, with net book
value of P22.907 billion as at year-end were not reasonably valued due to:
a. Items with acquisition cost below P10,000.00 are included in the PPE
accounts with corresponding accumulated depreciation, contrary to COA
Circular No. 1997-005;
c. The Physical Inventory Report was not reconciled with accounting records
and was not signed by the committee-in-charge of the inventory taking and
approved by the Acting Chief Regulator.
c. Require the Inventory Committee to sign the inventory report and have it
approved by the Acting Chief Regulator; thereafter, require the Finance &
Administrative Division to reconcile the physical inventory report with the
accounting records.
The other audit observations together with the recommended courses of action which were
discussed by the Audit Team with concerned Management officials and staff during the exit
conference conducted on May 16, 2014 are discussed in detail in Part II of the report.
Director IV
Copy furnished: