Leadership Management and Education Planning: Developing The Entrepreneurship Training of Islamic Education
Leadership Management and Education Planning: Developing The Entrepreneurship Training of Islamic Education
Leadership Management and Education Planning: Developing The Entrepreneurship Training of Islamic Education
STKIP Muhammadiyah of Enrekang, Jl. JendralSudirman No.17, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
STKIP Muhammadiyah of Enrekang, Jl. JendralSudirman No.17, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Developing the entrepreneurship training of Islamic education can be
very challenging due to a number of constraints from different aspects, including the
formation of regulatory, taxation and economic frameworks that are based on
conventional principles. Much emphasis was given to replication of conventional
instruments by restructuring conventional financial products according to the Islamic
law of commercial contracts and eliminating prohibitory elements from these products.
This paper aims to discuss the role of innovation in structuring contemporary
entrepreneurship training of Islamic education. A series of library research is
conducted by reviewing both classical and contemporary texts in areas relevant to the
present study. In addition, we conducted a field study of the practice of innovation made
by the stakeholders of the entrepreneurship training of Islamic education. It was found
that though replication is acceptable, its continuous application may not be suitable.
Hence, it is important for leadership management and education planning and industry
experts to think beyond replication.
Keywords:Leadership Management, Education Planning, Entrepreneurship, Islamic Education
Elihami, IrmanSyarif
they are learned. Third is objective There are various notions of work motivation
motivation, which includes the need for and its characteristics. It can be concluded
exploration, the need for manipulation, and that the motivation of work is the process of
the need for interest. This motivation arises generating motion or encouragement in a
from the drive to be able to deal with the person to perform an action, so as to achieve
outside world (social and non-social) the best results. Thus, motivation as an inner
effectively. factor serves to cause, underlie, direct action.
Meanwhile, Shah distinguishes the Motivation can determine whether or not to
motivation in two kinds, namely extrinsic achieve goals so that the greater the
motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation will be the greater success of
motivation is the thing and circumstances work. A man of great motivation will work
that come from outside the individual hard, seem determined not to give up,
learners who also encourage them to do diligently read books to improve his
learning activities. Moderate intrinsic achievements to solve his problems.
motivation is a thing and circumstance that Conversely, those whose motivations are
comes from within the learners who can weak, seem indifferent, easily discouraged,
encourage them to take action learning. his attention is not fixed on the job, often
Included in the intrinsic motivation of leaving the job as a result of many work
learners is the feeling of enjoying the difficulties.
material and its need for the material, for
example, for the future life of the learners 6 POTENTIAL AND EXPERIENCED
concerned. Thus, a person with high work ENTREPRENEURS
motivation always wants to compete to Potential entrepreneurs are those who intend
achieve goals by prioritizing certain to start a new business or expect to be in the
standards, by working hard, doing a good situation of owners or partners of new
job, and always choosing the best. company, (Sieger, Fueglistaller,&Zellweger).
Meanwhile, the characteristics of Experienced entrepreneurs are those who
highly motivated people are: have owned a business for more than four
a) Free choice, that is, highly motivated years, (Hooks, 2010). The reason that lead to
individuals will create more achievement the creation of a new business appear similar
activities, link success with stronger abilities between entrepreneur intending to start their
and efforts, gain a more proud experience for business and those who already have them,
success, thereby increasing the confidence to reasons such as financial security,
excel and seeming to do more in relation to independence, self-actualization, and
achievement. autonomy, (Reynolds et all., 2004).
b) Persistence Behavior (Persistent However, potential entrepreneurs tend to
attempt), Individuals who have high overestimate their skills, motivation, and
motivation to consider the failure is due to effort, (Gartner & Shaver, 2002). Satisfaction
lack of effort, so hope to succeed remains with life also differs between new
high. Therefore, efforts to succeed remain. entrepreneurs, those who are in the
c) Intensity of Performance (intensity undertaking for less than three years, and
of appearance), individuals who have high those with experiences, who have been in
work motivation requires hard work and business for than years. This is probably
greater intensity of appearance, (J.M. Keller, because novelty of the business, the freedom
1978). to express innovate tendencies and put
The results are divided into section, acquired knowledge into practice, rather than
according to the objectives of the study. the immediate financial return, (Krueger
First, descriptions are presented that &Carsud, 1993).
characterize the two groups (potential and Practiced entrepreneurs, though, take
experienced) in relation to the variables. benefit of finding and creating opportunities
Elihami, IrmanSyarif
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opportunities intuitively with a focus on Transformational leadership.
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Sumatera (1,183), Sulawesi (500), between entrepreneurship education
Kalimantan (262), Nusa Tenggara (160), and entrepreneurial intention: A meta-
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contributions of the study, it is emphasized governance: Exploring collective
that from the theoretical point of view, the board leadership in sport governance
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Zealand. Published by Elsevier.
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Elihami, IrmanSyarif