Leadership Management and Education Planning: Developing The Entrepreneurship Training of Islamic Education

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Elihami, Irman Syarif

STKIP Muhammadiyah of Enrekang, Jl. JendralSudirman No.17, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
STKIP Muhammadiyah of Enrekang, Jl. JendralSudirman No.17, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Developing the entrepreneurship training of Islamic education can be
very challenging due to a number of constraints from different aspects, including the
formation of regulatory, taxation and economic frameworks that are based on
conventional principles. Much emphasis was given to replication of conventional
instruments by restructuring conventional financial products according to the Islamic
law of commercial contracts and eliminating prohibitory elements from these products.
This paper aims to discuss the role of innovation in structuring contemporary
entrepreneurship training of Islamic education. A series of library research is
conducted by reviewing both classical and contemporary texts in areas relevant to the
present study. In addition, we conducted a field study of the practice of innovation made
by the stakeholders of the entrepreneurship training of Islamic education. It was found
that though replication is acceptable, its continuous application may not be suitable.
Hence, it is important for leadership management and education planning and industry
experts to think beyond replication.
Keywords:Leadership Management, Education Planning, Entrepreneurship, Islamic Education

1 INTRODUCTION The focus of Indonesian higher

Since the second half of the 20th education is strictly on training the future.
century, interest in the entrepreneurship There is evidence in the literature that
training of Islamic studies especially entrepreneurship education has helped
university students in Indonesia higher university students develop positive attitudes
education institution has been continually toward the entrepreneurship training and the
improving. One of the remarkable initiatives positive perception of business viability
that took place in the Muslim Indonesia was (Bae, Qian, Miao &Fiet,2014). The positive
the re-introduction of Islamic studies in the attitude toward learning new things and
entrepreneurship training. Politicians and putting creativity into practice, fear of
university leaders have begun to realize the unemployment, personal values, the search
importance of treating entrepreneurship for autonomy, financial independence, and
training of Islamic studies through the law self-actualization, are further individual
that is nationally binding. It must strengthen reasons that lead university students to take
the concept of NKRI (United Country of on their entrepreneurial career.
Republic Indonesia) which is based on of
Pancasila principles.

Elihami, IrmanSyarif

2 LEADERSHIP contingent reinforcement) there is a trace of

Leadership can be described as a fresh air. Earlier harbingers of this shift,
process by which leaders described will give (McCall, M. W, 1986). How creating a new
orders/direction, guidance, or influence the leadership practice-one with a moral
work of others in choosing and achieving the dimension based on purpose, values, and
goals set. Leadership as a general term can beliefs-can transform a school from an
be formulated as a learning process affecting organization to a community(Sergiovanni, T.
the activities of a person or group in efforts J., 1992)). A new leadership practice-one
to achieve goals in certain situations. In any with a moral dimension based on purpose,
situation where one can seek to influence the values, and beliefs can transform a school
behavior of another or a group, leadership is from an organization to a community. An
bound to happen. The leadership is a force or introduction to the subject of leadership, with
process affecting other people or groups of a focus on psychological studies of
people to direct a joint effort in order to leadership behavior, addresses different
achieve a goal or goal that has been aspects of the view that" leadership is a
determined, (AryGunawan, 1996). process, not a position, (Hughes, R. L.,
Leadership is the behavior to influence others 1993). This article indicates how the
so that they provide cooperation in achieving competency approach to leadership could be
goals that they think are necessary and conceived as a repeating refrain that
useful, (Sutisna, 1993). Meanwhile, continues to offer an illusory promise to
leadership is as a process influencing the rationalize and simplify the processes of
activities of a person or group in an effort selecting, measuring and developing leaders,(
toward achieving goals in a particular Bolden, R., & Gosling, J. 2006).
situation(Mulyasa, 2002). The use of an alternative to the
The relationship between collective research strategies employed for the past 20
leadership and governance systems is years and more to investigate leadership
specifically within the non-profit sport produced results which question the
organization context, bringing together traditional models and open new avenues for
notions of collective board leadership and empirical exploration, (Dansereau, F., Graen,
collaborative governance. Neither concept G., &Haga, W. J., 1975). The author
has yet been presented in tandem for the proposes a systematic theory of leadership
benefit of developing sport governance and organizational behavior. He supports this
knowledge and practice. As an outcome of a posteriori theory of group behavior with a
the conceptualizing, the sport management formidable body of empirical evidence and
field is lacking literature that brings together opinion gathered from many disciplines and
leadership and governance, and that secured, (Bass, B. M.,1960). Competency
collective leadership is a topic where the frameworks, models, instruments and
intersection of leadership and governance thinking have long been ingrained and
renders advancement for both bodies of utilized in management and organizational
work(Lesley Ferkins, David Shilbury, Ian life. Not surprisingly they have been
O‟Boyle, 2007). transplanted both swiftly and seemingly
Leadership is a comprehensive easily into the leadership domain, (Carroll,
review of theorizing and empirical research B., Levy, L., & Richmond, D., 2008). The
that can serve as a reference and starting Leadership Challenge would become one of
point for additional research on the the best-selling leadership books of all time
theory(Stogdill, R. M. (1974).There is a (Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z., 2006). The
movement afoot in the social science literature on leadership that culminated in
approach to leadership. After decades of what has been described as the 'New
contingency models (cost-benefit Paradigm', this article discusses the research
formulations, as Bass calls them, based on which has led to the development of what
Elihami, IrmanSyarif

might be regarded as a 'New governance, (Vroom, V. H., &Jago, A. G.,

NewParadigm'model, (Alimo-Metcalfe, B., 1988).
& Alban-Metcalfe, J., 2005). There is demand among citizens for
Foundational study of how authorities to practice, and be seen to
institutions work and how leadership practice, ethical leadership. Although these
promotes them are important. It is often cited conditions have been favourable for research
in many fields and consistently assigned to into ethical leadership, extant research
classes in a variety of departments--including privileges westernized perspectives on
sociology and business, and executive ethical leadership and is largely silent on the
training in management and military meaning and practice of ethical leadership in
leadership(Selznick, P., 2011).The the context of the „big‟ ethical questions. In
managerial grid has popularized the task and consequence, most research into ethical
relationship dimensions of leadership, leadership, although well meaning, offers
(Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H., 1969). little guidance about how to imagine and
The original Vroom-Yetton implement sustainable, ethical solutions to
leadership model has been of enormous systemic problems. In this research note, we
significance in the academic community, outline a proposal to reimagining ethical
business, and government organizational leadership as leadership for the greater good
settings. This model is made obsolete by a and identify three avenues of research into
new leadership model introduced for the first leadership for the greater good that
time in. his study provided a comprehensive complement existing critical perspectives on
examination of the full range of ethical leadership, (Samuel Wilson, 2017).
transformational, transactional, and laissez- High-quality athlete leadership is positively
faire leadership. It is purposed of this paper related to team effectiveness. Given the
is to introduce and explore a working importance of high-quality athlete leadership,
conceptualization of collective board the study highlights the need for well-
leadership in a federal sport network. In this designed empirically-based leadership
paper, the authors examine the relationship development program, (FilipBoen. 2017).
between collective leadership and
governance systems specifically within the 3 MOTIVATION
non-profit sport organization context, In the world of psychology, the
bringing together notions of collective board. problem of motivation is always given
Neither concept has yet been presented in special attention by experts. Because the
tandem for the benefit of developing sport motivation itself is a symptom of the soul
governance knowledge and practice. As an that can encourage people to act or do
outcome of the conceptualizing, the authors something desires and needs. Motivation is
make explicit the multiple levels of the sport the power of energy, the support/support in
governance system and pose two broad doing something to achieve the goal to be
research directions that will help advance achieved, (Eggen, Paul and Don Kauchak).
theory and drive a better understanding of Motivation is the internal state of the
collective board leadership within these types organism, both human and animal that
of governance systems. A central premise of encourages him to do something,
this paper is that the sport management field (MuhibbinSyah, 2007). In this case,
is lacking literature that brings together motivation means power suppliers to behave
leadership and governance, and that in a directional way. Meanwhile, Sabri
collective leadership is a topic where the interpreted motivation as everything that
intersection of leadership and governance became the driver of the emergence of a
renders advancement for both bodies of behaviour. Motivation is the personal
work. The authors offer implications for circumstance of people who encourage
future work in collective leadership for sport individuals to perform certain activities to
Elihami, IrmanSyarif

achieve a goal, (Suryabrata, 1995).

Motivation is the power to move someone in
doing something or the conditions within the
individual that drive, direct, and determine
the level of effort may even determine the
results obtained in achieving goals, (Mc.
Graw Hill Book Coo., 1962).
The motivation for starting a business
has been related to economic factors,
(Schumpeter, 2002), the search for
opportunities in the competitive market, Figure 1: An innovation of leadership management
(Shane&Venkataraman, 2000) and the lack
or dissatisfaction with job opportunities, 4 TYPES OF MOTIVATION
(Kautonen&Palmrooms, 2010) and even to There are different types of
the need for self-actualization, motivation. The differences are based on
(McClelland,1965. The point of that the need differences in research and point of view.
for achievement is the strongest among those Dimyati in his book divides the motivation to
in their models. The need for achievement the first: primary motivation, that is
can be defined as a pattern of motivation that motivation based on basic motives (Freud).
reveals self-confidence, great initiative, These basic motives generally come from
guided by clearly established goals, assuming biological or physical terms of man. Humans
moderate, responsibilities and risk, and are physical beings, so their behaviour is
favouring situations that can provide affected by instincts or physical needs.
feedback for performance improvement, Among the important instincts are nurturing,
(McCelland‟s,1961). Such characteristic are searching, eating, escaping, grouping,
strongly associated with the entrepreneurial defending, curiosity, building, and mating.
profile, (Aschuler, 1967). A few years later, Second motivation, that is motivation
it was proposed ways to develop the need for learned. This is different from primary
achievement among young people, which can motivation. As an illustration, a hungry
be summarized on four fronts; goal setting, person will be interested in food without
motive syndrome (promoting the integration learning. To get the food people have to
of thinking, action and context allowing work first. In order to work well, people must
young people to adjust their goals to the learn to work. "Working well" is a secondary
particular situation in which they find motivation.
themselves), cognitive supports (promoting
intense reflections so young people can
connect their motives to their actual reality), 5 DISTRIBUTION OF MOTIVATION
and groups supports (use the group to Suryabrata classifies three types of
promote better insight and provide feedback), motivation: first, organic needs, which
(McCelland‟s 1965). include the need for drinking, the need to eat,
the need to breathe, the sexual needs, the
need to do, and the need to rest. Second, the
emergency motivation that includes the drive
to save oneself, the drive to retaliate, the
drive to try, and the drive to hunt. This
encouragement arises from an external
stimulus. Basically, these impulses have
existed from birth, but certain forms
corresponding to specific stimuli develop as
Elihami, IrmanSyarif

they are learned. Third is objective There are various notions of work motivation
motivation, which includes the need for and its characteristics. It can be concluded
exploration, the need for manipulation, and that the motivation of work is the process of
the need for interest. This motivation arises generating motion or encouragement in a
from the drive to be able to deal with the person to perform an action, so as to achieve
outside world (social and non-social) the best results. Thus, motivation as an inner
effectively. factor serves to cause, underlie, direct action.
Meanwhile, Shah distinguishes the Motivation can determine whether or not to
motivation in two kinds, namely extrinsic achieve goals so that the greater the
motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation will be the greater success of
motivation is the thing and circumstances work. A man of great motivation will work
that come from outside the individual hard, seem determined not to give up,
learners who also encourage them to do diligently read books to improve his
learning activities. Moderate intrinsic achievements to solve his problems.
motivation is a thing and circumstance that Conversely, those whose motivations are
comes from within the learners who can weak, seem indifferent, easily discouraged,
encourage them to take action learning. his attention is not fixed on the job, often
Included in the intrinsic motivation of leaving the job as a result of many work
learners is the feeling of enjoying the difficulties.
material and its need for the material, for
example, for the future life of the learners 6 POTENTIAL AND EXPERIENCED
concerned. Thus, a person with high work ENTREPRENEURS
motivation always wants to compete to Potential entrepreneurs are those who intend
achieve goals by prioritizing certain to start a new business or expect to be in the
standards, by working hard, doing a good situation of owners or partners of new
job, and always choosing the best. company, (Sieger, Fueglistaller,&Zellweger).
Meanwhile, the characteristics of Experienced entrepreneurs are those who
highly motivated people are: have owned a business for more than four
a) Free choice, that is, highly motivated years, (Hooks, 2010). The reason that lead to
individuals will create more achievement the creation of a new business appear similar
activities, link success with stronger abilities between entrepreneur intending to start their
and efforts, gain a more proud experience for business and those who already have them,
success, thereby increasing the confidence to reasons such as financial security,
excel and seeming to do more in relation to independence, self-actualization, and
achievement. autonomy, (Reynolds et all., 2004).
b) Persistence Behavior (Persistent However, potential entrepreneurs tend to
attempt), Individuals who have high overestimate their skills, motivation, and
motivation to consider the failure is due to effort, (Gartner & Shaver, 2002). Satisfaction
lack of effort, so hope to succeed remains with life also differs between new
high. Therefore, efforts to succeed remain. entrepreneurs, those who are in the
c) Intensity of Performance (intensity undertaking for less than three years, and
of appearance), individuals who have high those with experiences, who have been in
work motivation requires hard work and business for than years. This is probably
greater intensity of appearance, (J.M. Keller, because novelty of the business, the freedom
1978). to express innovate tendencies and put
The results are divided into section, acquired knowledge into practice, rather than
according to the objectives of the study. the immediate financial return, (Krueger
First, descriptions are presented that &Carsud, 1993).
characterize the two groups (potential and Practiced entrepreneurs, though, take
experienced) in relation to the variables. benefit of finding and creating opportunities
Elihami, IrmanSyarif

and have a more accurate systematic view of Bass, B. M. (1960). Leadership, psychology,
potential risk, (Baron & Ensley, 2006). New and organizational behavior.
potential entrepreneurs evaluate Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006).
opportunities intuitively with a focus on Transformational leadership.
novelty, (Azoulay& Shane, 2001) may fail to Psychology Pres.
devote sufficient attention to various Carroll, B., Levy, L., & Richmond, D.
financial and commercial factors that impede (2008). Leadership as practice:
the success of new related. The participants Challenging the competency
were studentsfromstateuniversities in paradigm. Leadership, 4(4), 363-379.
Indonesia. As for distribution by degree Fiet, Bae, Qian, Miao.(2014). “The
university in Indonesia is; Java (2,162), relationship between entrepreneurship
Sumatera (1,183), Sulawesi (500), between entrepreneurship education
Kalimantan (262), Nusa Tenggara (160), and entrepreneurial intention: A meta-
Papua (105), Bali (78), Maluku (66). The analytic review: entrepreneurship
total is 4, 516 universities, (Source: PD Theory and Practice” Vol.38, No . 2.
Dikti, 10th April 2017). Frandsen Arden.(1974). How To Children
Learn, An Educational Psychology
7 CONCLUSION (New York: Mc. Graw Hill Book
The objective of this study was to Stogdill, R. M. Handbook of
compare the entrepreneurship training of leadership: A survey of theory and
Islamic studies especially university students research. Free Press.
in Indonesia higher education institution. In Gunawan H, Ary.(1996).Administrasi
conclusion, there are two arguments Sekolah: Administrasi Pendidikan
explaining the involvement of the Mikro, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
entrepreneurship training of Islamic studies Gosling,Bolden. (2006). Leadership
in university: ideological and political competencies: time to change the
argument, juridical, social, and cultural tune?. Leadership, 2(2), 147-163.
argument. In addition, the dialectic of the Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. (1969). Life
university students in Indonesia higher cycle theory of leadership. Training
education institution in development of the & Development Journal.
entrepreneurship training of Islamic studies Hughes, R. L. (1993). Leadership:
in Indonesia can be found in important Enhancing the lessons of experience.
aspects. They are the formulation process, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1333 Burridge
the substances, and implementation of the Parkway, Burridge, IL 60521.
curriculum act in institution. They are two Kauchak Don, Eggen,
the involvement of the entrepreneurship Paul.(1997)Educational Psychology,
training of Islamic studies in university Windows on Classroom. (New Jarsey:
namely those who already had business Prentice Hall, Inc.
(experienced) and those who intended to start Lesley Ferkins, David Shilbury, Ian
one (potential entrepreneurs). On the O‟Boyle.(2017).Leadership in
contributions of the study, it is emphasized governance: Exploring collective
that from the theoretical point of view, the board leadership in sport governance
study contributes to the theory of systems (Sport Management
motivations, going beyond the widely. Association of Australia and New
Zealand. Published by Elsevier.
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