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Plague From The Past - Original Scenario
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Plague From the Past - Original Scenario (Old RPG scenario from White Dwarf #069)
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Plague From the Past - Original Scenario (Old RPG scenario from White Dwarf #069)
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Plague From The Past - Original Scenario
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Plague From the Past - Original Scenario (Old RPG scenario from White Dwarf #069)
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ay | Te by Richard Andrews Reb year so, the vltge of Sa Meats ago He Vilage of Saltwater was freed fom he erel dominance ofan ev seep andiseomesty the Ser Malorde, wothen bul their ome upon Manor Hiced, and ruled the area sl At that ime Salwar Bay strctched ight up tothe village, Luredinby the gh from the Beacon {ower (wnlen the @ eaiers ad tiready seized) the pants slain the narow eck of the bay's the presence of his fody- alone with atual sins and Roman Tabu produced the Dyke, and he bones Stille Beneath, The ame ‘The Sait hints ‘his story, now long forpoten by the ete present dy “ Tahe present day, x magic user and b= Mollowersareterne to resurrect the giant, Hpyaeeref spesng incase throughout Saltwater, ney ave terete ol Dries who oulé not cope with tis igi. Posing: beigh drs they have tke cna af there and removed the priest Row they are tapping the mages owe of the ancient stone crcl on Manor cad to resurrect he giant The DMehould decide whether the party arrive at Saltwater by chance, or whether they are sent by some hisher power to mp thigovl inthe bud ore ta aye of spelis wo diet ext or magic i the area wil reveal a pervasive urs of evi nccromantie magic emanating from the tones on Manor Head TIMESCALE This chart designed to give the DM alist | atu reterence forimporcanc dates in thelcenario G66 yours ago: The d Ester kil the ant, bart ueaarcandsee on anor ead (Taemoonm fa), 05 pens ago: The narrow neck of Salt water bay sls up trapping "The Sal behind the Dyke “yeusago: Bertram d'Estrieriskiled sureties, (Themoon nas ws : ER | An AD&D scenario for 4-6 characters of levels 5 to 7 > - ee DA J month ago: ‘Plague’ breaks out in Saltwater 13 days ago: Priest and antiquary killed byamob led by the ‘druids’ fie Tambor (the -user) and friends}, days ago: Tambor finds the eyestone and sets it up on the Beacon Tower to empower the Stones. Te giant starts to reubity 7 days ago: A minor earth-tremor centres om the Dyke, as the giant stirs, Present day: The party arrives in Salt- ‘water. Beftram’s ehost visits them that hight. (The moon is waxing.) * days hence: Itnot before, the giant awakens. CUamiOOH Al etl) SALTWATER VILLAGE A prosperous quarrying centre until resent, Saltwater snow shunned because bf an outburst of plague there. Anyone approaching the village will pass several Defect stone satucs of peasants. scattered eros the feds as though infght (These are rebelious peasantswho become victims Of the ncoromancer's pet gorgors.) Saltwater now a dingy place of pest teame ant vats alana Ae party hase 105 Ghance per day thereof beng atacked by SiS giant rats] Mf]; ACT; FHP: bite for L3damage, 5% chance of disease). Most oF the population i suffering trom a comtagous disease. This disease is indicated by slty éenerustations on the skin, which takes on ‘irowned corpse. All victims fre feduced to minimum strength snd hit clerical spel cure ‘come with a morbid lethargy. The DM should allow players 5% chance per point of their intelligence to realise that these people are not actually zombies ~although they certainly look and smell like them. “Allvillagets are O-level, with 1-6 hit a an ext day: Tamloor rides down tothe vil 4 lage ad tres to dive the party of 7 AT eat Fe points (1 hit point it aiseasea), unarmed, Stupid, gullible and usually unenthusiastic (exten praise of the ‘duis who have st ealseveral pepe), Villagersare neutral in ligament, although the ‘ruids hhave aroused sightevl tendenciesin them, Esch time characters gome into close contact with dieased wllager they have a 1% chance of contracting the disease Rumours and Information ‘Section A comprises general beniets wien Will be related by any villagers whom the party engage in relevant conversation. Each Such villager. if questioned on local topics, ‘salso able to let fall 1-3 rumours from Se¢~ ton B. Section A: A plaguc recently struck Salt water as divine punishment for our priest's Sins. Fwo druids (one of them a hallng) ped st llth priest and is oadies including the antiguary. Ime druids now ieinthe ol gathowe,andarehelpngtoHer Ladyship was no help, She never is, Sheis the lastol the d’Estriers, and has lived ‘alone in the Manor for longer than anyone can remember. Nobody goes up there ‘Section B: Roll d20 to generate a random 1’ Sim the Miller is a werewolf (false). 2 Dragon bones have been found in the matty (alse) Bie oh perce nel (rc) 4 There are anceat magical stones on Manor Head (tue) Sere ets iy uss the Dyke (party true) 6"The old manor house is bursting with ol (alse). 7 He ghost ot Bertram Heartrender stil roants at night (Ur), 8 Her Ladyship was deserted on her wed- ding night (7), 9 The Minox was bul by dragon ling nights (us 1o Treacher’ Marsh is haunted by a Eset tailor (Cale) a eee Bey 11 ‘The Stones on Manor Head were setup Grommets trad) 12 Bias tme es cx fot corms 18 Lettre batman mp off TenperBhafi(falso), 14 You gemaddieamst'youslep in Ber- trams Folly (ae) Sere seo rere teers * Mash (alse) 6 The pan toed at ciget wher noboxy'sfoking (alse 17 Brtiog fom the Salt ves you mad (case) 18 Beacon Tower mas once used 10 guide Secret (eos) 19 feta were rent mrirs 20 A tbr earth reor recently centred onthe Dyke (ue) ‘Th DM shoul feel roe io ar olen Tumours ois or her parties campaign Background, orto select a gven rumour if the convertion pare eevan 0, Saltuater % Saltwater Hall f Worship. tia d ees a at Mutlng ‘Hall 5 ase A. aloe * Bectham’ Folly _) 1 Te Bid tho eee POINTS OF INTEREST ‘Sim's Mill Sim the Miller lives alone. He is totally aranoid [DAIG. pp83-84, He will attack ‘iyene apron, fora ofthe pape ‘Although only level heiias the equiva- tentof 185 strength. He wieldsaslingand ‘theaging bill (which does 28 points of damage, or 1-8 against large creatures, He has 8 hit points and leather armour (AC) He is areutly feared in the village, and the druids’ have decided tis not worth bother- ing him, Be Theta should hone relevant a een ancee ae seceegeaenet oon uaa ‘heavens in divine retribution (so the necro-be ont Reaphroe Winkew Aeroaalit onss Busch Maeahworthless eto age. faded wallapestey depstefeastinginSaltater by pslaln-ike fees, while ge gnc the nae tow ack of the adacent Bay do tian ie Beacon Lowe re 'Rallcrsnlid jewellery-case250pp) on the dresser containe two plain gold rigs an ees ola mer and contest de bagcies ster marked by ar obv- stot hare ee 1 che Perpoime of mcligence oreo tha ts Ieracele worth only gp, was orgmally2 oe Selah hess arson nop val they are Horseshoes 9 Spee Toe Celis cs ect beneath the ltehen and isesched through a trap dori eich, lth a as longstnce gone leaving #1 dr tothe oor The elarContains crates non sony more et eck an three fscundont cxleot mre sou sity aie One particulary sour fort contains wine werd This shouldbe vested exactiy SeGierwe (aay AC EHDS oa: HHPIB; drowning) cit he addition that tiny veto shitby tne wine werd mist to save aginst poeon or instal besome ireusy iments [Oe pees) ‘Asectt stone doorinthenest wal opens info a narow funn leading to 100 (8) oF the Guchouse: ‘Q Rerilng oro oe sine Seeder yet Re Stables, Deserted although the suisse afew somes S: Harmes Room. Along with mouldy leather saddles and bids tis sty Poe sien Plate barding for hore, Tance (now asees) "T'The Privy. 10% chance to find one of cng cule tO in nete answering all ff nature, and thus surprised on (ton Sepece sey tere nce tttnouph obviously nos. TC Another crumbing sor-howe, con taining nothing but ew empty erates meat ot six heavy Her Ladyehip ‘The d'Estriet family has dwindled to a single member because Her Ladyship was ‘eserea by Bertram (thus named Heart- fender) on the fist night oftheir martiage, 533 years ago, Her Ladyship dwelling greta nthe main which sc has Kept unchanged since the i-fated day) has become a crypt thing [FF | through her brooding hated of en and fein general Her skeletal nature is hard to ascertain heneath the wedding veils which she sill She isnot interested in helpingthe party, the vilagers, or anyone. Her sole hobby Uwarting males in anyway although she's kind towards female), She knows and cares nothing of Saltwater’ history, and cannot bear to hear the name of Bertram, Charas- {ers are welcome o explore oF even sta themanor, bat notte change oF remove anything. rp thing ACO, HG: HPD: attacks for 8damage, teleportation of anyone who annoys her. Anyone who is teleported downwards will fartive in the cellar (room P) ‘She wears silver and zokt pins, bracelets anda necklace worth atotal of 1900gp, and. carries a purse of 31pp. ‘The Stones ‘These ow, mossy monoliths, sing ona keno by the elifflops of Manor Head, show no sign of change sace very ancient times, ‘excep that Rangers may detect sets of Fecent human or humanoid pris (trom ‘Tambor'sparty) tsalso clear from alittle ‘exploration that bloodhas been pilton the ‘conte stone within the Inst fw Ange The area radiates faint magic and evil (tis hoticeabe thatthe Beacon Towerstandson ‘actly the same level directly eastwards. ‘Theritingsunsends shaft of bribant ight through the amber eve-stone set atop this tower, to alt for a minute on the central ‘altar stone betore fading as the sun moves. (See The Beacon Towerforurther details) ‘This ray infits 2-12 points of damage to ‘anyone inits path, andlempovkersthe stones ‘asa source of magical potency which is esurrecing the sea giant This only Works atthe present time of the year, and only this Year (Gob yrs after the plan's death, iver thatitdepends upon arare conjuction Df the planets 8. ‘The Beacon Tower ‘A disuved elif pat, barely dics nible, jsdown tothe rocksat the eastern tip of ‘Manor Head. Atlow tide, these rocks ean easily be scrambled! across, and a similar path leads up the cits of Beacon Ish ‘Ancient, weatherbeaten tower is of crude ‘workmanship, clearly older than the manor buildings. A jagged doorway leads inside, through a finge of vy “The darkness inside conceals the mossy lair of three shadows {MM}; ACT; HD3+3: Ino, tens dain magiowen por to hit ‘These shadows are the malevolent spirits of the giant's minions slain here when the Grestrers seized ne tower, 060 years ago ‘A few seraps of rusty armour and weapons, along with the bugbear-like appearance of the shadows if soem in continual light, wi attest fo this, In the debris of their den wil be found a silver Horn of Vathalla which, being of chaotic evil alignment, may be Father annoying: the fighters smemane ‘wil attack the user if he i not chaotic evil, ‘The horn is engraved with a scene of gian- tish creatures riding asea-cost ‘A set of irregular steps, showing signs of recent clearance of rubble and ivy for Tam- bor and crew were reoently here) winds up { the crumbling rooftop. Here stands a7 fasfone statue seats ured ae ‘ofawarsior with onehand upraised,Inthis hhand fits snugly the amber eye-stone which ‘Tambor took from the antiquary's house, plasngitpererweveda sbetore the party! Arrival. Thus in place, the eye-stone aligns perfectly withthe central stone ofthe stone Grele on Manor Head. The evesto ‘radiates evil and magic, ts function is to focus power from the rising sun upon the stones of Manor Head, which thus accum- jates and sprealy an evil power capable of dyeing used by Tambor to resurrect the sea- {iant. This process is now under way, and very day on which the eyestone remains in place aes the giant one ht de more jemoving the eyestone isthe only way to stop this process (which cannot then testert) ht this will nat prevent the Hom arg (0 The Glan Under The © 2 eyestone, when in place, ako glows at night; dis was used asa beacon by the hat on iat Korae when be preyed i i ‘upon ‘Because of the lie o land, this glow is only visible from the land Ward side by observers upon Leaper's Blatt Orth cote end of Mor Het The eyestone has no magical properties once femoved ftom the Hand ino which i fits i worth only 30gp. ‘The Giant Under The Dyke ‘Thea hare oh he Dake gradually coming back to life, through Tam- firatue ttre Stones on Manor Hea his elready sired once, causing 2 miner= azth tremor, But his prosence te nat other wisednernble: Each fully on which the Amber evestone remains in place on the Beacon Tower sivesthe giant one hte; it has already been in place for twelve days. so the giant has twelve hit dice so far. He can have amaximumn of 18 hit dice before he sakens ie he wil awaken in six days time {om the partysarivaly atthe latest), Butin siny eventhe will awaken immediately ifthe eyéstone is removed or fhe sdug up, how- ‘Sermmany Int dire be has repsnes He's about 40" tal, but in othe rs he should be treated as a neutral evi fog grat] sa upto Si di ACI. 1 attack for-24 with ta; can hush ocks up to 24” for 2-20 points of damage.) “The power ofthe Stones means that he bbecomesaetive immediately upon Fs eng Say enabes mn re sb from vader the Dyke. Tis Get aim will be to try und find whoever has resurrected ‘and kil them for to expect his gratude Attack any armoured men. on the assump ton that they are Stirs, or such ke: ing stamped out any opporition to ie fenomediyeanns over Saltater e wl Tecover his treasure from wherelie dropped it(Gee The Giant's Treasure) and wade off dens uae te pany see fit to alter events.) ‘The Giant's Treasure ‘When the giant was originally slain, he dropped an urn he had just stolen from a Sinking ship —the target of one of his boul- fers. ining na cate way to onen the Sipned ur. the dtsters elt i bured ‘where itfell, planted a sapling to mark the and scereted a eryptic note to this effect in the manor library. ‘The sapling is ow awizened old oak tree Some of the soil ‘peneath its twisting roots has been dug ‘away, asif by burzowing animals (actually by Bertram d-estrer, 3 vearsago). A vic- ‘ous giant weasel [MM] now lives there, (ACé; HD3+3; HP22; attacks for 2-12 amass, blood dain.) ‘Beneath the htter ofits den willbe found the heat-fused remains of a longsword, Inscribed: "To Bera from his bethrothed’ ‘Alice digging will reveal the top of large Stone urn, witha stone stopper sealed by ‘van, and marked as originating from a dis- tant sea-pot, The giant never opened “los og on itamwhich likewise dseodragedthefistd Enrers and aca led por Bertram when ound ‘them, Only one giyph now remains undis- ‘charged it ca inet 22 hit points of fire ‘damage (asthe third level clerical spell, abphop warding). wae ehintains 2AR7gp. 707s. 7 gems (oss valu ip, Foti of Sper rota, « Ring of Protection +3 anda scroll of ighonng bolt.
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