Man Edc
Man Edc
Man Edc
System description
81.99298-7652 1st edition T 160
MAN Truck & Bus AG Systembeschreibung T 160, 1. Ausgabe
Dachauer Str. 667 Elektrische Anlage
80995 MÜNCHEN Power Train Manager (PTM)
oder Trucknology Generation (TGS/TGX)
Postfach 50 06 20 - Englisch -
80976 MÜNCHEN Printed in Germany
System description T 160
1st edition
Electrical system
Power Train Manager (PTM)
Trucknology Generation (TGS/TGX)
This repair manual is intended to provide assistance in performing repairs correctly on vehicles and units.
The technical details were correct at the time of going to press.
This publication assumes that persons who use it possess the requisite technical knowledge in handling
vehicles and units.
Pictures and the corresponding descriptions are typical one-time representations; they do not always
correspond to the unit or peripherals in question, but this does not necessarily mean they are incorrect. In
such cases, plan and carry out the repair work in accordance with the sense of the instructions.
Repair work on complex add-on units should be entrusted to our customer service or to the customer service
of the manufacturing company. These units are mentioned specically in the text.
Important instructions concerning technical safety and the safety of personnel are specically highlighted, as
indicated below.
Type and source of danger
Refers to working and operating procedures which must be followed in order to avoid exposing
people to risk.
Type and source of danger
Refers to working and operating procedures which must be followed in order to avoid material
damage or destruction.
An explanatory note which is useful for understanding the working or operating procedure to be
Comply with general safety regulations when performing any repair work.
Yours faithfully,
Reprinting, copying or translation, even of extracts, is not permitted without the written approval of MAN Truck
& Bus AG.
All rights under the copyright law are strictly reserved by MAN Truck & Bus AG.
If any changes are made without the written approval of MAN Truck & Bus AG then MAN Truck & Bus AG
shall not be liable for any warranty or guarantee claims arising from damage and defects attributable to the
unauthorised modication. Furthermore, MAN Truck & Bus AG shall not be liable for any damage resulting
from the unapproved modication.
Typesetting: SAWAS-Y
Content Chapter/Page
Index 5
Abbreviations 7
Device description
Catchword Page
Accelerator (A410)......................................................................................................................................... 36
Components ............................................................................................................................................. 48
Break box ...................................................................................................................................................... 56
CAN data bus system structure..................................................................................................................... 28
Clutch functional test ..................................................................................................................................... 39
Diagnostic socket HD-OBD (X200) ............................................................................................................... 51
Fan clutch with speed sensor (A968)
Components ............................................................................................................................................. 49
Fan clutch with speed sensor (A968), function.............................................................................................. 41
Fluke ScopeMeter 123 .................................................................................................................................. 58
Diagnostics............................................................................................................................................... 51
System ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Installation location of diagnostic socket ....................................................................................................... 52
Installation locations for location designations .............................................................................................. 24
Interfaces to other systems ........................................................................................................................... 28
LIN data bus
Function.................................................................................................................................................... 45
Main functions of the diagnostics .................................................................................................................. 52
Malfunction indicators.................................................................................................................................... 52
Multi-function measuring device – multimeter ............................................................................................... 57
Multi-function steering wheel (A943)
Components ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Function.................................................................................................................................................... 43
Operating instructions for circuit diagrams .................................................................................................... 23
Pedal unit
Function.................................................................................................................................................... 36
Power Train Manager (A1124)
Components ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Function.................................................................................................................................................... 30
Safety instructions ......................................................................................................................................... 15
General..................................................................................................................................................... 15
SPN – diagnostic code description................................................................................................................ 59
Status display, FMI (Failure Mode Identication)........................................................................................... 53
Structure of the fault texts in the diagnostic message ................................................................................... 54
Test step list................................................................................................................................................. 115
a Acceleration
ABE General operating permit
ABS Anti-lock braking system
ABV Automatic anti-lock braking system
AC Air-conditioning system
ACC Adaptive Cruise Control
ACK Acknowledge
ADC Analogue-digital converter (conversion of analogue signals into digital signals)
ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
AGB Automatic speed limiter
AGND Analogue ground
AGR Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
AHK Trailer coupling
AHV Trailer brake valve
ALB Automatic load-dependent brake force regulation
ALM Axle load monitoring
AMA Antenna mast system
AMR Anisotropic magneto-resistive
ANH Trailer/semitrailer
ANS Automatic shift into neutral
AS Automatic gearbox
ASD Trailer socket
ASM Trailer control module
ASR Anti-spin regulator
ASV Trailer control valve
ATC Automatic temperature control
ATF Automatic transmission uid (automatic gearbox oil)
AU Exhaust-gas inspection
AV Exhaust valve
AVS Automatic preselection system
BA Operator's Manual
BBA Service brake system
BBV Service brake valve
BG Operating unit
BHTC Behr Hella Thermocontrol
BITE Built-in test
BKR Brake force regulator
BUGH Front heater
BV Backup valve
BVA Brake lining wear display
BVS Brake lining wear sensor
BVV Brake lining wear sensor – supply
BW German Army
BWG Braking value sensor
BZ Brake cylinder(s)
CAN Controller Area Network (data bus system with bit-serial transfer)
CAN-H CAN-High data line
CAN-L CAN-Low data line
CATS Computer-assisted testing and diagnostic system
CBU Central brake unit
CDC Continuous damping control
CCVS Cruise control vehicle speed (cruise control)
CKD Completely knocked down
CNG Compressed natural gas
CPU Central processing unit (central computer)
CRT Continuously regenerating trap (exhaust silencer, oxidising catalytic converter, diesel particulate
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CS Comfort shift
DAHL Roof ventilator
DBR Continuous brake relay
DCU Dosing control unit (AdBlue metering)
DF Speed sensor
DFÜ Data communication
DIA Diagnostics and information display
DIAG Complete vehicle diagnostics
DIAG - Complete vehicle diagnostics – multiplex central computer (bus/coach only)
DIAK Diagnostics, communication line
DIAL Diagnostics, L line (response line)
DIAR Diagnostics, further response
DIN German Institute for Standardization
DKE Throttle valve increase (ASR regulation)
DKH Roof duct heating
DKL Roof-mounted air inlets
DKR Throttle valve reduction (reduction request from ASR to EDC/EMS)
DKV Throttle valve setpoint (load sensor signal from EDC/EMS pedal-travel sensor)
DLB Compressed-air brake system
DM Diagnostic message
DNR Drive Neutral Reverse (multi-function switch for automatic)
DPF Diesel particulate lter
DRM Axle modulator
DRS Yaw rate sensor
DS Pressure sensor
DSV Pressure control valve
DTC Diagnostic trouble code (OBD diagnostic code)
DTCO Digital tachograph
DV Throttle valve
DWA Anti-theft warning system
DZG Speed sensor
DZM Rev counter
E-AGR Position-controlled exhaust gas recirculation (E-EGR)
EBS Electronic brake system
ECAM Electronically controlled air management
ECAS Electronically controlled air suspension
ECE Emergency shut-off according to ECE 36
ECU Electronic control unit
EDC Electronic diesel control
EDC S Electronic diesel control slave
EDM Electronic diesel consumption measuring system
EDR Maximum speed governor
EEC Electronic engine controller
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFR Electronic running gear control
EFS Electric driver's seat
EHAB Electro-hydraulic shut-off device
EHLA Electro-hydraulic steering system
ELAB Electrical shut-off device
ELF Electronically controlled air suspension (ECAS)
EMS Electronic engine control
EMV Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
EOBD European on-board diagnosis
FAP Driver's workplace
FAQ Frequently asked questions
FBA Parking brake system
FBM Footbrake module
FDR Ride dynamics control
FDF Vehicle data le
FFR Vehicle management computer
FGB Road speed limiter
FGR Cruise control
FIN Vehicle identier (17 digits)
FM Vehicle management
FMI Failure mode identication (fault type)
FMS Fleet management standard (manufacturer-independent telematics standard)
FMR Vehicle engine control
FOC Front omnibus chassis (bus/coach chassis with front-mounted engine)
FSCH Windscreen heating
FSG Tracks for difcult terrain
FSH Window mirror heater
FTW Driver's partition
FUNK Radio installation
FZA Destination system
FZNR Vehicle number (7-digits)
GDK Regulated diesel catalytic converter
GEN Alternator
GET Gearbox
GGVS European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
GND Ground
GP Gearbox planetary group (range-change group)
GS Gearbox control
GV Gearbox splitter box
HA Rear axle (RA)
HBA Secondary braking system
HD-OBD Heavy duty on-board diagnosis
HDS Urea metering system
HGB Maximum speed limitation
HGS Hydraulic gearshift
HLUE Hydrostatic fan
HOC Rear bus/coach chassis (bus/coach chassis with rear engine)
HSS Highside switch
HST Main control panel
HU Main inspection
HYD Hydronic auxiliary heater
HYDRIVE Hydrostatic front-wheel drive control unit
HYDRO MAN HydroDrive
HVA Hydrostatic front-axle drive
Hz Hertz (change/period per sec)
IBEL Interior lighting
IBIS Integrated on-board information system
IC Integrated circuit
ICOM VDO-specic data bus
ID Identication
IMR Integrated mechanical relay (start control)
INA Information display (e.g. check lamp)
INST Combined instrument
IR Individual regulation (ABS)
IRM Individual regulation modied (ABS)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IWZ Incremental angle and time measurement system
KBZ Combination brake cylinder
KFH Fuel lter heating
KITAS Kienzle intelligent tachograph sensor
KLI Air-conditioning system
KNEEL Kneeling
KSM Customer-specic control module (control unit for external data exchange)
KSW Customer special request
KWP Key word protocol (protocol for diagnostics with MAN-cats KWP 2000)
LBH Air tank
LCD Liquid crystal display
LDA Charging pressure-dependent full-load stop
LDF Charging pressure sensor
LDS Air suspension damper system
LED Light emitting diode
LF Air suspension
LGS Lane Guard System
LIN Local Interconnect Network (data bus system)
LL Idling speed
LLA Idling speed increase
LLR Idling speed control
LNA Steered trailing axle
LNG Liqueed natural gas
LOE Steering oil monitoring
LPG Liqueed petroleum gas
LSVA Heavy vehicle fee (HVF)
LWR Headlight beam regulator
LWS Steering angle sensor
M-TCO Modular EU tachograph
MAB Solenoid valve stop (engine shut-off via high-pressure solenoid valve in the injection pump)
MAN-cats MAN-computer-assisted testing and diagnostic system
MAR Solenoid valve stop relay (redundant engine shut-off relay)
MDB Main control board
MES Flow regulator
MFL Multi-function steering wheel
MIL Malfunction indicator lamp (OBD fault lamp)
ML Midline
MMI Man-machine interface
MOTB Engine brake
MP MP box (cable channel at engine block)
MR Engine regulator – ASR
n Speed
NA Power take-off (PTO)
NBF Needle movement sensor
NES New electronics structure
NFZ Commercial vehicle
NLA Trailing axle (TA)
NOx Nitrogen oxides
NSL Rear fog lamp
NSW Fog lights
OBD On-board diagnosis
OBDU On-board diagnostic unit (subsystem of the central on-board computer)
OC Occurrence count (error frequency counter)
OEAB Oil separator
OENF Oil top-up
p Pressure
P Powertrain (driveline)
PBM Pulse breadth modulation (pulse-width modulated signal, see also PWM)
P-Code Powertrain code (powertrain/driveline diagnostic code)
PDF Diesel particulate lter
PLM Programmable logic module
PM-Kat PM catalytic converter
PSC Pneumatic supply controller – replacement for ECAM
PSG Pump control unit (EDC)
PTM Power Train Manager (replacement for vehicle management computer)
PTO Power take-off
PWG Pedal-travel sensor
PWM Pulse width modulation (pulse-width-modulated signal, see also PBM)
RA Repair manual
RAH Cab heating
RAM Random Access Memory (volatile read/write memory)
RAS Rear axle steering (steered rear axle)
RAS-EC Rear axle steering, electronically controlled (electronically controlled steered rear axle)
RDRA Tyre pressure control system
RDS Radio Data System
RET Retarder
RET P Primary retarder
RET S Secondary retarder
RKL Revolving beacon
RKS Tyre monitoring system – replaced by TPM
RLV Relay valve
RME Rape methyl ester (biodiesel)
ROM Read-only memory
SA Optional equipment
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAMT Semi-automatic mechanical transmission
SB Service outlet
SBW-RA Steer by wire rear axle (electronically controlled steered trailing axle)
SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction
sec Second
SER Standard
SG Control unit (CU)
SH Select high control (ABS)
SKD Semi knocked down
SL Select low control (ABS)
SML Side marker lights
SPI Serial peripheral interface
SPN Suspect parameter number
SRE Stoneridge Electronics
SSG Standard control unit (heater unit, air conditioner)
STA Engine start/STOP
SWR Headlight cleaning system
t Time
TBM On-board telematics module
TC Traction control (anti-spin regulator)
TCM Trailer control module
TCO Tachograph (MTCO, DTCO, TSU, etc.)
TCU Transmission control unit
TEPS Twin electronic platform systems (bus/coach only)
TGA Trucknology Generation A
TGL Trucknology Generation Light
TGM Trucknology Generation Mid
TGS Trucknology Generation S
TGX Trucknology Generation X
TKU Technical customer document
TMC Trafc Message Channel
TPM Tyre pressure module
TRS Technical guideline for roads
TSC Torque speed control (brake torque)
TSU Tachograph simulating unit (for vehicles without MTCO/DTCO)
TUER Door control
UBat Battery voltage
UDF Conversion data le
UDS Accident data memory
v Speed
VA Front axle (FA)
VDF Vehicle data le
VG Transfer case or in accordance with defence equipment standards
VIN Vehicle Identication Number
VLA Leading axle (LA)
VSM Transfer case lock management
WA Maintenance manual
WAB Water trap
WaPu Coolant pump, intarder
WLE Swap body unit
WR Warning relay
WS Displacement sensor
WSK Converter-clutch unit
z Braking
ZBR Central on-board computer
ZBRO Central on-board computer, bus/coach
Only trained personnel are permitted to perform operating, maintenance or repair work on trucks and buses
The following sections include summaries of important regulations listed according to major topics. These
must be observed, in order to avoid accidents which could lead to injury, damage and environmental pollution.
They constitute only a short extract from the numerous accident prevention guidelines. Of course, all other
safety regulations must be followed and the necessary measures must be taken.
Additional references to danger are contained in the instructions at points where there is a potential danger.
Accidents may happen in spite of all precautionary measures having been taken. In such an eventuality,
obtain immediate medical assistance from a doctor. This is particularly important if the accident involves skin
contact with corrosive acid, fuel penetration under the skin, scalding by hot oil, antifreeze spraying into eyes,
crushing limbs, etc.
Suspended loads
– Persons may not stand or walk underneath suspended loads.
– Only use suitable hoists that are in top condition technically. Please also make sure that the load suspension
devices used have sufcient load capacity.
– Only measure voltage with suitable measuring devices! The input resistance of a measuring device should
be at least 10 MΩ.
– Connect/disconnect the plug connectors of electrical control units only when the ignition is switched off.
Electric welding
– Connect the “ANTIZAP SERVICE SENTRY” protection device (MAN item number 80.78010.0002) as
described in the instructions accompanying the device.
– If this device is not available, disconnect the batteries and rmly connect the positive cable to the ground
cable in order to make a conductive connection.
– The manually operated main battery switch is in the driving mode position. If an electronic main battery
switch has been tted, bypass the “negative” at the power relay contacts (jumper cable > 1 mm2) and
bypass the “positive” at the power relay load contacts. Also switch on numerous power consumers, such
as: starter switch (ignition) in driving mode position, hazard warning system switch “on”, lighting switch in
position “low-beam headlights on”, fan ventilation to “maximum”. The more consumers are switched on,
the higher the protection.
When welding is complete, rst switch off all consumers and remove all jumpered connections (reset to
original condition) before connecting the batteries.
– Always ground the welding equipment as close as possible to the welding area. Do not route the welding
equipment cable parallel to the electrical cables in the vehicle.
Painting work
– During painting work, electronic components may only be exposed to high temperatures (max. 95°C) for
short periods; a period of up to approx. 2 hours is permissible at max. 85°C; disconnect the batteries.
Do not paint the bolt connections of the high-pressure section of the injection system. Danger of ingress of
dirt when repair work is carried out.
– After having nished all work and inspections, switch off the ignition rst, then connect the plug connector(s)
for the airbag and belt pretensioner and, as a last step, connect the battery. Please ensure there is no one
in the cab when doing this.
– Only place airbag units individually, with the impact cushion facing up.
– Do not apply grease or cleaning agents to airbags and belt pretensioners.
– Store and transport airbag and belt pretensioner units in their original packaging only. It is not permitted to
transport them inside the passenger compartment.
– Airbag and belt pretensioner units may only be stored in storage areas that can be locked, and up to a
maximum of 200 kg.
– Units are only built for the purpose designated in the scope of delivery (according to their intended use),
which is dened by the device manufacturer: Any other use is classied as not in accordance with the
designated use. The manufacturer does not assume liability for any damage resulting from this. Any other
use is carried out at user's risk only.
– The intended use also includes compliance with the operating, maintenance and repair conditions dened
by the manufacturer.
– The unit must only be used, maintained and repaired by personnel who are acquainted with it and have
been instructed about any potential danger.
– The manufacturer does not assume any liability for damage resulting from unauthorised modications to
the engine.
– Manipulation of the injection and control system may also affect the performance and exhaust-gas values
of the unit. Compliance with legal environmental regulations would then no longer be guaranteed.
– Should faults occur during operation, the cause must be determined and rectied immediately.
– Thoroughly clean the units prior to repair work and ensure that all openings where the ingress of dirt could
cause functional or safety issues, are sealed.
– Never run units dry, i.e. always make sure that they have been lled with lubricating oil before running them.
– Never run engines that have not been lled with coolant beforehand.
– Use a suitable information sign to clearly indicate units that are not ready to be operated.
– Use service products only in accordance with MAN service product recommendations; otherwise the
manufacturer's warranty is rendered void.
You can nd approved products on the Internet at: > Products & Solutions >
– Comply with the specied service intervals.
– Do not ll engine/gearbox oil above the maximum level mark. Do not exceed the maximum permitted
operational tilt.
– The special measures described in MAN Works Standard M 3069 Part 3 are necessary if buses/coaches
or trucks are to be withdrawn from service or held in storage for longer than 3 months.
Please use only accessories approved by MAN Truck & Bus AG and MAN genuine parts for your MAN vehicle.
MAN Truck & Bus AG does not assume any liability for any other products.
service products, process materials, diluting agents or solvents to clean your skin. Apply a moisturising skin
cream after cleaning your skin.
Treat undiluted antifreeze as hazardous waste. Follow the instructions issued by the relevant local authority
when disposing of used coolant (mixture of antifreeze and water).
Engine/gearbox oil, lter cartridges, inserts and box-type lters, desiccant cartridges
Filter inserts, cartridges and box-type lters (oil and fuel lters, desiccant cartridges for the air dryer) are
classied as hazardous waste materials. Please observe instructions issued by the relevant local authority
on the disposal of uids and process materials mentioned above.
– Fuel jets can cut through the skin. There is a re risk due to atomisation of the fuel.
– Never undo the bolt connections on the high fuel pressure side of the Common Rail system when the engine
is running (high-pressure line from the high-pressure pump to the rail, at the rail and on the cylinder head
to the fuel injector). When the engine is running, the lines are under a constant fuel pressure in excess of
1800 bar. Wait at least one minute before opening the bolt connections until the pressure has dropped.
Check pressure reduction on the rail with MAN-cats, if applicable.
– Do not remain in the vicinity of the engine when it is running.
– Do not touch live parts at the electrical connection of the fuel injectors when the engine is running.
– Any change to the original wiring may lead to the limit values of the heart pacemaker regulations being
exceeded, e.g. untwisted fuel injector wiring or insertion of a break box (terminal tester).
– Vehicle operators and persons with heart pacemakers are not at risk from systems with MAN Common Rail
engines in approved operation.
– Fuel jets can cut through the skin. There is a re risk due to atomisation of the fuel.
– Never undo bolt connections on the high fuel pressure side of the Common Rail system when the engine
is running (fuel injection line from the high pressure pump to the rail, at the rail and on the cylinder head to
the fuel injector).
– Do not remain in the vicinity of the engine when it is running.
– When the engine is running, the lines are under a constant fuel pressure in excess of 1800 bar.
– Wait for at least one minute before undoing bolt connections to allow the pressure to drop.
– If necessary, check that the pressure has dropped in the rail with MAN-cats.
– Do not touch live parts at the electrical connection of the fuel injectors when the engine is running.
General information
The units have an electronic control system that monitors itself (self-diagnostics) and the unit.
As soon as there is a malfunction, the malfunction is evaluated and one of the following measures is initiated:
7. Assembly information
Assembling pipes
– Pipes must not be mechanically deformed during assembly work; risk of fracture.
Mounting gaskets
– Only use MAN genuine gaskets
– Make sure that the areas to be sealed are undamaged and clean.
– Do not use adhesive agents or sealing agents. If necessary, to facilitate installation, use a little grease to
stick the seal to the part to be mounted.
– Tighten the bolts evenly to the specied tightening torque.
Mounting O-rings
– Only use MAN genuine O-rings.
– Make sure that the areas to be sealed are undamaged and clean.
Engine overhaul
– The engine's service life is inuenced by very different factors. For this reason, it is not possible to state
specic operating hours or mileage values for general overhauls.
– We are of the opinion that opening an engine or performing a general overhaul is not required, as long as
the engine has good compression values and the following operating values do not deviate considerably
from those determined at start-up.
– Charging pressure
– Exhaust gas temperature
– Coolant and lubricating oil temperatures
– Oil pressure and oil consumption
– Smoke behaviour
The following criteria have considerable inuence on the engine's service life:
– Correct performance setting according to deployment
– Correct installation
– Approval of the installation by authorised personnel
– Regular maintenance according to the maintenance record
System description T 160 (1.) Power Train Manager (PTM) applies to the vehicles listed below.
(C1) Bumper
(C2) Step unit, right
(C3) Step unit, left
(E6) Central electrical system area
(E7) Control unit plug-in modules
(E8) Cab rear wall
(F) Instrument panel
(F1) Middle section
(F2) Steering column/steering wheel
(F3) Pedals
(F4) Front wall, inside left
(F5) Front wall, inside right
(F6) Driver's seat
(F7) Co-driver's seat
(F8) Gearshift console
(G) Battery box
(H1) B-pillar, driver's side
(H2) A-pillar, driver's side
(J1) B-pillar, co-driver's side
(J2) A-pillar, co-driver's side
(L) Ceiling/roof
(N) Front axle
(P) Rear axle
(R1) Frame, front part
(R2) Frame, rear part
(S1) Door, left
(S2) Door, right
The Power Train Manager (A1124) replaces the vehicle management computer (A403) that was used
previously. The management variables for the control units in the driveline are specied by the Power Train
Manager as a primary control unit. The trend data is recorded and service intervals calculated via the Power
Train Manager (A1124), which has the same features as the vehicle management computer.
Vehicles with an automatic gearbox have a different Power Train Manager (A1124) than the one tted to
vehicles with a manually operated gearbox.
The differences compared with the vehicle management computer (A403) are:
The diagram below shows part of the signal and bus structure for the control and display functions of the
Power Train Manager (A1124):
(9) (A330) TipMatic AS-Tronic gearbox (11) (Y281) Solenoid valve for engine brake
control unit (12) (A968) Fan clutch with speed sensor
(10) (Y307) Valve block (13) (A435) EDC control unit
Example: a control unit fails completely and no longer takes part in communication. The central on-board
computer 2 sends the signal to the combined instrument via the combined instrument CAN data bus. The
fault is displayed on the combined instrument using check lamps, symbols and texts.
– Cooling
– Engine warming
– Cruise control/maximum speed control
– Intermediate speed control
– Power take-offs
– Saving data
– Trend data
– Maintenance data
The driveline CAN data bus (T-CAN) links the Power Train Manager (A1124) to the control units for the brakes,
gearbox, air suspension, retarder, central on-board computer etc. The Power Train Manager is connected to
the EDC control unit via the engine CAN data bus (M-CAN). The Power Train Manager is connected to the
multi-function steering wheel, DNR switch or stalk switch via the LIN data bus.
Various switches, sensors and actuators are connected for other functions on the Power Train Manager.
The Power Train Manager (A1124) is EOL-programmed (End of Line). At the end of the line, the vehicle
manufacturer inputs vehicle-specic parameters alongside the already entered system manufacturer
parameters. The entered parameters can be checked – or changed if necessary – using MAN-cats® II.
The diagnostic codes stored in the diagnostic memory of the Power Train Manager are read out via the 16-pin
HD-OBD X200 diagnostic socket using MAN-cats® II.
There are 10 holes to drain away condensation on the bottom of the Power Train Manager. At least one drain
bore must be open so that the condensation can drain away. The Power Train Manager is therefore installed
MAN-cats® II
After selecting “Main menu”, select the menu item “Central computer / instrumentation” and then the
system type “FFR/PTM/MFR”. Then, under “Selection menu diagnosis PTM”, select the item “Control unit
All important control unit and vehicle data can be found under this menu item.
Plug assignment
Pin Line no. H/L Designation
1 31000 L I Ground
2 —– —– —– not used
3 60044 H I Power supply to terminal 15
Pin Line no. H/L Designation
4-5 —– —– —– not used
6 60027 H I Fuse F371, terminal 30
Plug connector A
Pin Line no. H/L Designation
1 —– —– —– not used
2 60353 H O Valve block for low splitter box
3 60633 H O Valve block for comfort split
4 - 13 —– —– —– not used
14 60354 H I Valve block for high splitter box
15 -
—– —– —– not used
17 31050 L O Ground clutch servo
18 -
—– —– —– not used
20 40329 H O Solenoid valve for PTO 1
21 40330 H O Solenoid valve for PTO 2
22 -
—– —– —– not used
26 60372 H O Valve block for gate lock (single-H)
27 60370 H O Valve block for low range (single-H)
28 31025 L O Ground for single-H valve block
29 31023 L O Ground for split valve block
30 -
—– —– —– not used
39 60371 H O Valve block for range-change group (single-H)
40 -
—– —– —– not used
Plug connector B
Pin Line no. H/L Designation
1-3 —– —– —– not used
4 185 H I/O Diagnosis CAN data bus, high signal
5 159 H I/O Engine CAN data bus, high signal
6 blue/red H I/O Driveline CAN data bus, high signal
7 —– —– —– not used
8 60614 H I Gearbox input speed
9 16129 H I Oil level sensor, positive
Pin Line no. H/L Designation
10 60146 H I Pedal-travel sensor 2
11 31017 L O Ground, ambient temperature
12 —– —– —– not used
13 43012 H O Supply to EVBec module
14 -
—– —– —– not used
16 186 L I/O Diagnosis CAN data bus, low signal
17 160 L I/O Engine CAN data bus, low signal
18 blue/white L I/O Driveline CAN data bus, low signal
19 -
—– —– —– not used
21 blue H I Exhaust gas back pressure sensor signal
22 60143 L O Clutch displacement sensor
23 60614 L O Fan clutch speed sensor (-)
24 —– —– —– not used
25 61104 H O Supply, fan clutch hall switch (+)
26 -
—– —– —– not used
31 99125 H I Immobiliser
32 —– —– —– not used
33 16138 H I Temperature sensor - engine oil temperature
34 60142 H I Clutch displacement sensor
35 60613 L O Gearbox input speed (+)
36 31016 L O Ground for analogue inputs (-)
37 43329 H O Solenoid valve for engine brake
38 61304 H O Fan clutch
39 64515 —– I/O LIN DNR switch
40 —– —– —– not used
LIN, PTM - multi-function steering wheel - stalk switch - combined
41 64512 —– I/O
42 —– —– —– not used
43 61305 H I Hall switch signal, fan clutch
44 —– —– —– not used
45 60145 H I Pedal-travel sensor 1
46 brown L O Ground, exhaust gas back pressure sensor
47 31027 L O Ground, oil level sensor
48 —– —– —– not used
Plug connector C
Pin Line no. H/L Designation
1 60147 H I Ambient temperature sensor
2-3 —– —– —– not used
4 40631 H I Off-road gear engaged
5-6 —– —– —– not used
7 50320 H I Request, external engine start
8 40142 H I Check lamp, PTO 2
9 —– —– —– not used
10 43568 H I Engine brake switch
11 —– —– —– not used
12 60632 H I Button for comfort split
13 —– —– —– not used
14 60634 H I Switch, single-H
15 -
—– —– —– not used
17 50300 H I Engine start request (terminal 50)
18 —– —– —– not used
19 43315 H I Button, engine stop
20 16109 H I Parking brake check pressure switch - relay K
21 60606 H I Switch, splitter box request
22 —– —– —– not used
Intermediate speed control (ZDR) 1 request as well as ZDR 3, 5, and
23 60525 H I
7 in combination with pin C35 and C47 (binary coding)
24 -
—– —– —– not used
Maximum speed limitation (HGB) request via resistor group R134
26 60523 H I
(HGB in 3 stages)
27 -
—– —– —– not used
31 40354 H I Power take-off 1 - request
32 —– —– —– not used
33 60665 H I Comfort Shift button
34 60610 H I Intelligent linking
Intermediate speed control (ZDR) 2 request as well as ZDR 3, 6, and
35 60526 H I
7 in combination with pin C23 and C47 (binary coding)
36 —– —– —– not used
Torque speed limitation (MDB) request via resistor group R134 (MDB
37 60524 H I
in 3 stages)
38 -
—– —– —– not used
43 40355 H I Power take-off 2 - request
44 40141 H I PTO1 status (feedback, power take-off 1 active)
45 —– —– —– not used
Pin Line no. H/L Designation
46 60521 H I Cruise control/road speed limiter switch
Intermediate speed control (ZDR) 4 request as well as ZDR 5, 6, and
47 60641 H I
7 in combination with pin C23 and C35 (binary coding)
48 60144 H I Gearbox limit switch, neutral
Technical data:
Operating voltage: 16 - 32 V
Overvoltage: 36 V/1 hour at 40°C ambient temperature
Nominal voltage: 24 V
Test voltage: 27.6 V
Maximum power consumption at terminal 30: 10 A
Maximum power consumption at terminal 15: 2A
Repair instructions
– Removing and tting the control unit
Parametrisation is not required if an existing Power Train Manager needs to be removed and tted.
– Replacing the control unit
If the Power Train Manager is replaced, the Power Train Manager needs to be parametrised.
– Parameterising the control unit
Parametrisation is also required if the Power Train Manager was not parametrised correctly.
Pedal unit
The pedal unit is a pre-assembled and tested unit and supports the following on the base plate:
MAN-cats® II:
After selecting “Selection menu monitoring”, select the “Pedal unit” menu item. In this menu item you can
check the various pedal functions.
Accelerator (A410)
Accelerator description
A steel spring is tted in the accelerator in order to generate the accelerator forces.
Feedback on the accelerator position is provided by means of two non-contact hall sensors. Two internal
electronic circuits convert the analogue signals into two PWM signals. The output PWM signals indicate the
current accelerator position. The PWM signals are displayed graphically on the MAN-cats® II screen.
The PWM values of the mechanical stops are stored as parameters in the ash memory of the Power Train
Manager (A1124) – this applies to both PWM signals. The accelerator position is standardised between the
mechanical stops based on PWM1. In the event of a fault, PWM2 is used.
If an accelerator fault occurs, a parametrisable engine speed and torque limiter is activated.
In conjunction with the current engine speed, the accelerator pedal map is used to determine the accelerator
pedal torque characteristic map between idling-speed position and full-load position.
The “Idling speed” and “Kickdown” signals are determined based on the standardised accelerator position.
If the accelerator position is below the closed-throttle (idle) threshold, active idling is detected. If it is above
the threshold, the accelerator pedal torque is output. This reaches 100% (90%) at the parametrised full-load
point. If the accelerator is pressed beyond this point (and exceeds the threshold for kickdown), the kickdown
function is activated. This threshold has a hysteresis. The function is deactivated as soon as the accelerator
position is below the full-load threshold.
The accelerator position is checked for plausibility in conjunction with the brake pedal information. If the
accelerator position is above the idling speed point when the brakes are applied, the current accelerator
position is taken as the idling value. As soon as the accelerator position falls back below this value, the idling
value is corrected so that it is once again equal to the calibrated value in the Power Train Manager ash
In order to enable the brakes to be applied when moving off on a hill, for example, the value is queried only
if the accelerator is pressed before the brake pedal. However, a fault is only entered in the Power Train
Manager's diagnostic memory if the closed-throttle (idle) position is not reached on 5 occasions.
Plug assignment
Technical data
Power supply: 10 - 32 V
Overvoltage: 36 V for max. 1 hour
Nominal voltage: 24 V
All inputs and outputs as well as the PWM signal lines are short-circuit-proof and protected against polarity
Idling speed stop PWM1 Pedal angle 0° PWM 18 - 29% duty factor
Idling speed stop PWM2 Pedal angle 0° PWM 82 - 71 % duty factor
Full lock PWM1 Pedal angle 20° PWM 32 - 15 % duty factor
Full lock PWM2 Pedal angle 20° PWM 68 - 85 % duty factor
Adjustment range: 20° 52% duty factor (setpoint value)
Load point: 5° before full lock 13% duty factor before full lock
Kickdown force increase: 3.25° before full lock
Measurement of kickdown
force (controller-side kickdown 1.6° before full lock 4.16 % duty factor before full lock
The accelerator can only be fully depressed by forcefully pressing the accelerator and reaching a hard
mechanical full lock (including kickdown).
An oscilloscope can be used to see the duty factor and the opposing paths of PWM signals.
(1) Accelerator (A410) not pressed (3) Accelerator (A410) fully pressed
(2) Accelerator (A410) partially pressed
(1) Accelerator (A410) not pressed (3) Accelerator (A410) fully pressed
(2) Accelerator (A410) partially pressed
In MAN-cats® II, you can see the PWM1 and PWM2 signals concurrently (see gure).
Repair instructions
– Removing/tting, replacing an accelerator
If an existing accelerator needs to be removed and tted, it does not need to be calibrated.
Clutch pedal
The disengage point and/or biting point of the clutch is/are determined in the “Clutch disengage point/biting
point” window. This information is used to determine the cause of noises that occur when shifting gears.
To calibrate the clutch travel, the system needs to be bled.
The calibration and/or adjustment of the clutch pedal is carried out using MAN-cats® II. After selecting the
“Selection menu diagnosis PTM” select the “Calibration” menu item.
Keep the pedal in this position for around 3 seconds, then release the clutch pedal. Repeat this process two
or three times until there is no change in the full locks.
The values determined during calibration (minimum and maximum) must be saved. Next, turn the ignition off.
The values are saved; then turn the ignition back on again. The clutch pedal is calibrated.
If the load on the engine is small, the headwind owing through the radiator is sufcient to keep the coolant
temperature in the optimum range. This means that the fan clutch only operates at low speed, i.e. the engine
rotates faster than the fan clutch.
As the load on the engine increases, e.g. when driving uphill or with a trailer, the temperature in the engine
compartment and thus also the coolant temperature increases signicantly. The fan clutch then operates at
full speed.
The Power Train Manager activates a solenoid valve in the fan using a PWM signal. The speed sensor in the
fan returns a signal to the Power Train Manager.
If the supply voltage fails, the fan clutch is fully activated, i.e. the engine cannot overheat as the fan is
operating at maximum possible speed.
24 V voltage activates solenoid which attracts armature plate. Valve spring closes hole and fan clutch is
deactivated. Zero voltage deactivates solenoid, armature plate returns to starting position. Valve spring
opens hole and fan clutch is activated.
In conjunction with the PWM signal, the fan speed is therefore continuously variable.
– Coolant temperature
– Ambient temperature
– Charge-air temperature
– Secondary retarder or PriTarder
The function of the fan clutch should be checked when the engine is running. Otherwise, it will not be possible
to check the speed control. Since this relates to a speed-controlled fan clutch (type of actuation: controlled),
the main fan speed must be valid when the engine is running. If this is the case, the fan clutch is working
properly. If this is not the case, there is a fault at the speed sensor.
Technical data:
Operating voltage: 20 - 32 V
Current consumption: Minimum current at a voltage of 20 V Imin = 0.6 A
Maximum current at a voltage of 32 V Imax = 1.2 A
Typical current at a voltage of 28 V Itype = 0.9 A
Resistance: Minimum resistance at a voltage of 20 V Rmin = 27 Ω
Maximum resistance at a voltage of 32 V Rmax = 33 Ω
Typical resistance at a voltage of 28 V Rtype = 30 Ω
Frequency: Minimum frequency at a voltage of 20 V fmin = 1 Hz
Maximum frequency at a voltage of 32 V fmax = 12 Hz
Typical frequency at a voltage of 28 V ftype = 10 Hz
Power output 26 W
Plug assignment
Repair instructions
– Removing and tting a fan clutch with speed sensor
See section “Removing and tting the fan clutch” in the repair manual.
– Replacing a fan clutch with speed sensor
See section “Removing and tting the fan clutch” in the repair manual.
Buttons 6-10 can be used to call up and operate the different menus, which are called: Vehicle menu, Audio
and Telephone. Buttons (1-5) are used for the cruise control and road speed limiter.
See the Operator's Manual for instructions on how to use the multi-function steering wheel (A943).
MAN-cats® II:
After selecting the “Selection menu monitoring”, select the “Multi-function steering wheel (MFL)” menu item.
Under this menu item you can check the multi-function steering wheel by pressing a button on the steering
wheel and checking under Monitoring whether the corresponding display has changed.
Technical data:
Operating voltage: 16 - 32 V
Nominal voltage: 24 V
Overvoltage: 36 V/1 hour at 40°C ambient temperature
Test voltage: 27.6 V
min. current at a voltage of 16 V: 3 mA (lighting only)
max. current at a voltage of 32 V: 7 mA (lighting only)
Plug assignment
Repair instructions
– Removing and tting a multi-function steering wheel (MFL)
See the “Removing and tting the steering wheel” section in the repair manual.
– Replacing the multi-function steering wheel (MFL)
See the “Removing and tting the steering wheel” section in the repair manual.
Installation location
The Power Train Manager (1) is located next to the central electrical system in the control unit holder on the
co-driver's side (remove device cover).
Accelerator (A410)
Installation location
The accelerator (1) is the pedal on the right (shown without front wall cover).
Installation location
The fan clutch with speed sensor (1) is located at the front of the engine.
Most control units that can be tested using MAN-cats® II are connected with diagnostic socket X200 pin 3/4
via a communication line. The diagnostic system stimulates a specic control unit via the communication line.
The control unit responds and transmits the faults stored in its diagnostic memory via the communication line
in digital code.
Control units that are addressed via the driveline CAN and thus no longer have a communication line, such
as TBM, ECAS2 or EBS, are addressed via the diagnosis CAN of the PTM. In this case, the PTM acts as a
The 16-pin diagnostic socket HD-OBD according to ISO 15031-3 replaces the former 12-pin MAN diagnostic
socket. HD-OBD stands for Heavy Duty On-Board Diagnosis. Heavy duty in this case refers to heavy
commercial vehicles.
In future, this OBD standardisation will make it possible for the rst time for almost all vehicles worldwide to
have a uniform diagnostic system for exhaust-relevant components.
The diagnostic socket HD-OBD X200, 16-pin (1) is located on the co-driver's side under a cover, which has
to be folded down. The central electrical system is located above the socket.
Malfunction indicators
The electronic control unit has self-diagnosis functions for all outputs and various inputs. The faults at the
inputs and outputs, as well as internal faults, are detected, analysed and stored in the control unit diagnostic
The faults are also indicated on the combined instrument display and/or by the central warning lamp (H111)
in conjunction with the check lamp of the corresponding system.
In the case of STOP commands, the word STOP also appears on the display and the central warning lamp
(H111) ashes RED at 1-second intervals.
The red warning lamp has priority over a yellow warning lamp. Functions or warnings (YELLOW) are always
overridden by malfunctions (RED).
In the event of a CAN failure (combined instrument – central on-board computer), the central warning lamp
(H111) lights up RED.
All current malfunction indicators are available when the ignition is switched ON (terminal 15), irrespective of
the vehicle status.
The faults diagnosed and stored in the control unit may involve different risks. Therefore, each individual fault
is assigned a priority.
FMI 12 Disconnection or
FMI 0 Fault not specied FMI 6 Short-circuit to +UBat
short-circuit to +UBat
FMI 5 Short-circuit to ground FMI 11 Loose contact FMI Fault active and has been
Colour of central
Symbol Indicator meaning Diagnostics meaning
warning lamp (H111)
For display of fault texts, see system description of combined instrument T 62.
One message
In the case of a single message, only the fault, system name and priority are indicated.
If there are several faults, this can be seen by the double left edge (1). If more than 9 faults occur, this is
indicated by the plus sign (4) in the status line.
The double edge indicates that there are several messages, while the two lower rectangular elds indicate
the possible button functions for the buttons shown on the next graphic.
The combined message shows precisely the rear axle and side on which the tyre with insufcient pressure is
located. The values allow a comparison. The incorrect value has a black background.
SPN diagnostic codes shown on the display, software versions R22 and R24
The display is integrated in the combined instrument (A407). All the driver and service information is displayed.
The gure above shows a fault message from the ACC system. If you now call up the diagnostics in the
menu, you will see the SPN diagnostic code on the display, as shown by the next illustration.
The fault is active and has a priority of 5. The SPN is 02201 and the FMI (Failure Mode Identication) is 3
(specic fault text message).
Break box
The break box is used to check the functioning of all the Power Train Manager components in installed state.
Sensor signals such as speeds, measurement impulses from the oil level sensor or clutch displacement
sensor and PWM signals should, if necessary, be checked with a Fluke ScopeMeter 123.
Troubleshooting program
The following troubleshooting program contains the faults that can be detected by the diagnostic memory.
The sequence of tests corresponds to the numerical succession of diagnostic codes (SPNs), irrespective of
the evaluation of the fault.
During initial vehicle testing, the entire diagnostic memory must always be read out and all the stored
faults documented. This is important because cables and/or components have to be disconnected during
troubleshooting and this means the corresponding fault messages may be set and saved. Consequently,
the diagnostic memory should always be deleted after intermediate inspections. If parts are replaced, send
a printout from MAN-cats verifying the fault together with the returned part in order to claim back the costs.
(The printout is an extract from the diagnostic memory, see above.)
Other procedures are only permitted subject to consultation with the Service Department in Munich!
Likewise, control units may only be exchanged under warranty subject to consultation with the Service
Department in Munich.
Repeat the check and delete the diagnostic memory after rectifying the fault and checking the repair work.
Always delete the diagnostic memory and observe the fault before replacing any components or
control units. If there are several diagnostic memory entries, always take test information into account
rst that does not require any components or control units to be replaced. Always switch off the
ignition before carrying out the repair and replacing components or control units. Failure to switch
off the ignition will lead to diagnostic memory entries (SPNs) in the various electronic control units.
Break the connection to the control unit before measuring resistance values.
Resistance measurement
– Ignition “OFF”
– The break box is connected between the Power Train Manager and the vehicle.
– All jumpers must be closed in the break box. The jumper at which the value is being measured must be
Voltage measurement
– The break box is connected between the Power Train Manager and the vehicle.
– Ignition “ON”
– All jumpers must be closed in the break box. Measurement for the "cruise control/gearbox" stalk switch is
also performed with the jumper open.
Voltage is measured with the engine running and the vehicle stationary.
Test description
In the test step list indicated in this section (example: test step 1), the rst test contact is designated as “pin
C/19”. The second test contact is designated as “pin VS/1”.
A cover plate is placed onto the break box. This cover plate indicates the Power Train Manager plug
The measuring mode to be set on the multi-function measuring device (multimeter) is shown between the
test contacts listed in column 2.
Once the test conditions have been met, the value displayed on the multi-function measuring device
(multimeter) (actual property) can be compared with the setpoint value (nominal property).
The break box is connected between the Power Train Manager and the vehicle. All jumpers must be closed
in the break box. The jumper at which the value is being measured must be open.
Read out the diagnostic memory of the Power Train Manager using MAN-cats® II. Use the test step
list to locate the entered active faults.
– Use brief overviews and/or circuit diagrams for the specic vehicle in question when troubleshooting.
– Voltage measurements are taken with the ignition switched on, the engine running and the vehicle stationary.
– Resistance measurements are taken with the ignition switched off.
– Voltage and resistance values are measured between the positive connection (pin+) and negative
connection (pin-) on the multi-function measuring device (multimeter).
– Never measure at the plug contacts themselves without using suitable test probes! Danger of
bending open the contacts!
Resistance measurement
– Ignition OFF
– The break box is connected between the Power Train Manager and the vehicle.
– All jumpers must be closed in the break box. The jumper at which the value is being measured must be
Comment: Pin VS/1 is connected to terminal 31 - battery ground.
Digital inputs
For this purpose, the vehicle side must be completely disconnected on the terminal tester in order to prevent
incorrect measurements!
Frequency inputs
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Gearbox speed sensor
Inductive pickup, gearbox input speed B/8 VS/1
(B368) ~= 1.85 kΩ .........
Analogue inputs
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Maximum speed limitation request
ZDR interface (X1996), EDC resistor C/26 VS/1
group (R134) ~= 11 kΩ .........
Analogue outputs
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
5 V supply to exhaust gas back
pressure sensor/brake pedal sensor B/13 VS/1
EVB module (Y355) ~= 155 kΩ .........
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Resistance betw. driveline CAN High
B/6 B/18
and driveline CAN Low ~= 120 Ω .........
Cable colour Blue/red Blue/white
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Resistance betw. engine CAN High
B/5 B/17
and engine CAN Low ~= 120 Ω .........
Cable number 159 160
PWM outputs
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Engine brake
Solenoid valve for engine brake B/37 VS/1
(Y281) ~= 143 kΩ .........
Digital outputs
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Power take-off 1
Solenoid valve for power take-off 1 A/20 VS/1
(Y153) ~= 143 kΩ .........
Assemblies, sensors
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Oil temperature sensor - engine oil
temperature B/33 B/47
Oil level sensor (B270) ~= 1.9 kΩ .........
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Solenoid valve for range-change
group, low
A/27 A/28
Solenoid valve for splitter box and ~= 131 Ω .........
range-change group (Y307)
Cable number 60370 31025
Solenoid valve for gate lock
Solenoid valve for splitter box and A/26 A/28
range-change group (Y307) ~= 131 Ω .........
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Ground of resistor group for engine
torque limitation/maximum speed
B/36 VS/1
limitation Innite .........
EDC resistor group (R134)
Cable number 31016 31000
Ground, temperature sensor, outside
B/11 VS/1
Temperature sensor, outside air Innite .........
Cable number 31017 31000
Ground of oil level sensor - engine oil
level/engine oil temperature B/47 VS/1
Oil level sensor (B270) ~= 4.3 MΩ .........
Setpoint Measured
Measuring device
PTM pin designation value [Ω] value [Ω]
Pin+ Pin- PTM PTM
Ground, clutch displacement sensor
B/22 VS/1
Clutch displacement sensor (B362) ~= 175 kΩ .........
Cable number 60143 31000
Ground of gearbox speed sensor
inductive pickup B/35 VS/1
Gearbox input speed (B368) Innite .........
Voltage measurement
– The break box is connected between the Power Train Manager and the vehicle.
– Ignition “ON”
– All jumpers must be closed in the break box. Measurement sequences for "Accelerator monitoring",
"Immobiliser" and "Diagnosis" are also carried out with the jumper open.
– Engine idling
Voltage is measured with the engine running and the vehicle stationary.
The operating voltage is approximately 28 V and the operating voltage range is 16 - 32 V. The current
consumption is > 1 A for manually-operated gearboxes and < 1 A if a fan clutch is connected and there are
no power take-offs. The current consumed by the Power Train Manager, not including consumers, is less
than 0.5 A.
Power supply
Digital inputs
Measured value
Measuring device Setpoint value [V]
PTM pin designation
Switch Switch Switch Switch
Pin+ Pin-
open closed open closed
External engine stop request
C/19 VS/1
Reverse-gear interlock 0 V ~= UBat .......... ..........
Cable number 43315 31000
External engine start request
Parking brake relay for start/stop C/7 VS/1
(K266) 0 V ~= UBat .......... ..........
Measured value
Measuring device Setpoint value [V]
PTM pin designation
Switch Switch Switch Switch
Pin+ Pin-
open closed open closed
Cruise control/road speed limiter
Cruise control/road speed limiter
C/46 VS/1
switch (S284) 0 V ~= UBat .......... ..........
Closed: Road speed limiter
Open: Cruise control
Cable number 60521 31000
Power take-off 1 request
C/31 VS/1
Power take-off 1 switch (S222) 0 V ~= UBat .......... ..........
Cable number 40354 31000
Power take-off 2 request
C/43 VS/1
Power take-off 2 switch (S223) 0 V ~= UBat .......... ..........
Cable number 40355 31000
Splitter switch request
Gear selector lever switch
(S477) C/21 VS/1
Closed: Split Low 0 V ~= UBat .......... ..........
Open: Split High
Cable number 60606 31000
Comfort Shift 1 request
Gear selector lever switch C/12 VS/1
(S477) 0 V ~= UBat .......... ..........
Measured value
Measuring device Setpoint value [V]
PTM pin designation
Switch Switch Switch Switch
Pin+ Pin-
open closed open closed
Power take-off 1 feedback
Power take-off display switch
C/44 VS/1
(S219), power take-off switch ~= UBat 0 V .......... ..........
Cable number 40141 31000
Power take-off 2 feedback
Power take-off 2 display switch
C/8 VS/1
(S220), power take-off 2 switch ~= UBat 0 V .......... ..........
Cable number 40142 31000
Engine brake request
Pl. con. for multi-function
steering wheel (X4397 pin 5), C/10 VS/1
continuous brake tip switch ~= UBat 0 V .......... ..........
Cable number 43568 31000
Parking brake feedback
Parking brake check switch C/20 VS/1 Residual
(B369) ~= UBat voltage .......... ..........
< 1 V
Cable number 16109 31000
Analogue inputs
Analogue outputs
Digital outputs
Measured value
Measuring device Setpoint value [V]
PTM pin designation [V]
Power take-off 1
Solenoid valve for power take-off A/20 VS/1
1 (Y153) ~= UBat ~= 0 V ........ ........
PWM outputs
Clutch servo
A/3 VS/1
Clutch servo (Y308) ~= UBat ~= 0 V ........ ........
No more active faults are allowed to be stored in the diagnostic memory once all tests have been performed
and no faults are found!
Before deleting the diagnostic memory, read it out using MAN-cats® II and if it contains any non-diagnosed
faults, these must be archived. Then delete the diagnostic memory.
There must not be any faults in the memory when the ignition is switched back on. Otherwise, search for the
fault and remedy the problem.
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Gearbox speed sensor
B/8 Oscilloscope B/35
Inductive pickup, gearbox input speed (B368)
Cable number 60614 60613
Measurement is taken between pin B/8 (signal) and B/35 (ground) - inductive pickup, gearbox input speed
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Immobiliser data line
B/31 Oscilloscope VS/1
Immobiliser electronics (A477)
Cable number 99125 31000
Measurement is taken between pin B/31 (data signal) and pin VS/1 (ground) - immobiliser (A477).
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Main fan speed sensor
B/43 Oscilloscope VS/1
Fan clutch with speed sensor (A968)
Cable number 61305 31000
Measurement was taken at 20°C ambient temperature and with a cold engine.
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Oil sensor ll level - engine oil level
B/9 Oscilloscope VS/1
Oil level sensor (B270)
Cable number 16129 31000
Measurement is taken between pin B/9 (data signal) and pin B/47 (ground) - immobiliser (A477).
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Pedal unit 1st input
B/45 Oscilloscope VS/1
Accelerator unit (A410)
Cable number 60145 31000
Measurement is taken between pin B/45 (data signal) and pin VS/1 (ground) - pedal unit 1 (A410).
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Pedal unit 2nd input
B/10 Oscilloscope VS/1
Accelerator unit (A410)
Cable number 60146 31000
Measurement is taken between pin B/10 (data signal) and pin VS/1 (ground) - pedal unit 2 (A410).
(1) Accelerator (A410) not pressed (3) Accelerator (A410) fully pressed
(2) Accelerator (A410) partially pressed
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Clutch displacement sensor signal detection
B/34 Oscilloscope VS/1
Clutch displacement sensor (B362)
Cable number 60142 31000
Measurement is taken between pin B/34 (data signal) and pin VS/1 (ground) - clutch displacement sensor
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Voltage between driveline CAN High and ground B/6 Oscilloscope VS/1
Cable number/colour Blue/red 31000
Voltage between driveline CAN Low and ground B/18 Oscilloscope VS/1
Cable number/colour Blue/white 31000
Voltage between engine CAN High and ground B/5 Oscilloscope VS/1
Cable number/colour 159 31000
Voltage between engine CAN Low and ground B/17 Oscilloscope VS/1
Cable number/colour 160 31000
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
Voltage between HD OBD CAN High and ground B/4 Oscilloscope VS/1
Cable number 185 31000
Voltage between HD OBD CAN Low and ground B/16 Oscilloscope VS/1
Cable number 186 31000
The diagram shows signal characteristics for the CAN data bus High signal (channel A) and the CAN data
bus Low signal (channel B).
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
LIN data bus, multi-function steering wheel - stalk
B/41 Oscilloscope VS/1
switch - combined instrument and ground
Cable number 64512 31000
Measuring device
PTM pin designation
Pin+ Pin-
LIN data bus, DNR switch and ground B/39 Oscilloscope VS/1
Cable number 64515 31000
No more active faults are allowed to be stored in the diagnostic memory once all tests have been performed
and no faults are found!
Before deleting the diagnostic memory, read it out using MAN-cats® II and if it contains any non-diagnosed
faults, these must be archived. Then delete the diagnostic memory.
There must not be any faults in the memory when the ignition is switched back on. Otherwise, search for the
fault and remedy the problem.
A100 Central electrical system
A407 Combined instrument
A434 Gearbox DNR switch
A942 Stalk switch for retarder/gearbox
A943 Multi-function steering wheel
A1124 Power Train Manager
F1029 PTM fuse (terminal 15) for switches/sensors
K250 Reverse light relay
X1644 Cab ground point next to central electrical system
X1827 Crimp connector for line 31000
X2002 Pl. con. for B-pillar preselector switch
X4397 Pl. con. Multi-function steering wheel
X4644 Potential distributor for line 60028
——– ————————————————————————
64512 LIN bus, PTM data line – multi-function steering wheel – stalk switch –
combined instrument
64515 LIN bus, PTM data line - DNR switch
——– ————————————————————————
E6 Installation location, central electrical system area
E7 Installation location, control units, plug-in modules
F Installation location, instrument panel
F1 Installation location, middle section
F2 Installation location, steering column/steering wheel
F8 Installation location, gearshift console
H1 Installation location, B-pillar on driver's side
A100 Central electrical system
A407 Combined instrument
A429 Stalk switch for cruise control/gearbox
A434 Gearbox DNR switch
A437 Continuous brake tip switch
A1124 Power Train Manager
F1029 PTM fuse (terminal 15) for switches/sensors
K250 Reverse light relay
X1644 Cab ground point next to central electrical system
X1827 Crimp connector for line 31000
X2002 Pl. con. for B-pillar preselector switch
X4397 Pl. con. Multi-function steering wheel
X4644 Potential distributor for line 60028
——– ————————————————————————
64512 LIN bus, PTM data line – multi-function steering wheel – stalk switch –
combined instrument
64515 LIN bus, PTM data line - DNR switch
——– ————————————————————————
E6 Installation location, central electrical system area
E7 Installation location, control units, plug-in modules
F Installation location, instrument panel
F1 Installation location, middle section
F2 Installation location, steering column/steering wheel
F8 Installation location, gearshift console
H1 Installation location, B-pillar on driver's side
A100 Central electrical system X4644 Potential distributor for line 60028
A302 Central on-board computer V1022 Diode group V783, V818, V921, V922
A410 Accelerator unit Y281 Solenoid valve for engine brake
A407 Combined instrument Y355 for EVB module
A477 Immobiliser ——– ————————————————————————
A1124 Power Train Manager bl blue
B269 Ambient temperature sensor br brown
B369 Parking brake check switch ——– ————————————————————————
F236 Engine control fuse, terminal 15 1 Reverse-gear interlock
F1026 PTM fuse (terminal 30) ——– ————————————————————————
F1027 PTM fuse (terminal 15) B1 Installation location, engine
F1028 PTM fuse (terminal 15) ZDR interface C Installation location, front
G101 Battery 2 E6 Installation location, central electrical system area
K266 Parking brake relay (for start/stop device) E7 Installation location, control units, plug-in modules
K371 Reverse light relay F Installation location, instrument panel
K871 Starter interlock relay for refrigerated body F1 Installation location, middle section
Q101 Steering wheel lock F2 Installation location, steering column/steering wheel
S284 Cruise control/road speed limiter switch F3 Installation location, pedals
S1133 Continuous brake button F4 Installation location, front wall, inside left
X669 Pl. con. for starter interlock F5 Installation location, front wall, inside right
X1544 Pl. con. for frame III G Installation location, battery box
X1547 Pl. con. Door, left R1 Installation location, front frame section
X1559 Pl. con. for engine/EDC/gearbox IV R2 Installation location, rear frame section
X1642 Cab ground point behind combined instrument
X1644 Cab ground point next to central electrical system
X1827 Crimp connector for line 31000
X1904 M6 threaded bolt (MP box)
X1966 Pl. con. for ignition lock
X1971 Pl. con. Immobiliser
X1996 Pl. con. for ZDR interface (vehicle management computer/PTM)
X2408 Pl. con. for EVB module
X2541 21-pin potential distributor for line 31000
X3385 Pl. con. for engine brake/EVB
X4397 Pl. con. Multi-function steering wheel
A143 ECAS/EFR control unit bl/wt blue/white
A144 Retarder control unit ye yellow
A302 Central on-board computer wt/bl white/blue
A312 Customer-specic control module wt/ye white/yellow
A330 TipMatic control unit (on gearbox) ——– ————————————————————————
A402 EBS control unit B1 Installation location, engine
A435 EDC control unit B2 Installation location, gearbox
A479 ACC control unit E7 Installation location, control units, plug-in modules
A609 LGS control unit F1 Installation location, middle section
A626 Hydrostatic front-wheel drive control unit F3 Installation location, pedals
A968 Fan clutch with speed sensor F4 Installation location, front wall, inside left
A1124 Power Train Manager F8 Installation location, gearshift console
B362 Clutch displacement sensor H1 Installation location, B-pillar on driver's side
B368 Inductive pickup, gearbox input speed
R283 Terminating resistor HD OBD CAN
S172 Gearbox neutral position switch
S477 Gear selector lever switch
X200 Pl. con. for diagnosis (MAN-cats)
X1551 Pl. con. for engine/EDC/gearbox II
X1553 Pl. con. for engine/EDC/gearbox III
X1559 Pl. con. for engine/EDC/gearbox IV
X1604 Pl. con. for switch in gearshift knob
X1904 M6 threaded bolt (MP box)
X1948 Pl. con. for engine/gearbox (MP box)
X1972 Pl. con. for pedals, outside
X1983 M6 threaded bolt (MP box)
X3934 Crimp connector for line 185
X3935 Crimp connector for line 186
X4644 Potential distributor for line 60028
Y307 Valve block
Y308 Clutch servo
——– ————————————————————————
bl blue
bl/rd blue/red
A437 Continuous brake tip switch R1 Installation location, front frame section
A1124 Power Train Manager
B270 Oil level sensor
G101 Battery 2
R134 EDC resistor group
S219 Switch, display, power take-off
S220 Switch, display, power take-off II
S222 Switch, power take-off I
S223 Switch, power take-off II
X327 Plug connector to solenoid valve in frame
X656 Pl. con. for cab/frame
X1551 Pl. con. for engine/EDC/gearbox II
X1552 Pl. con. for power take-off I/ADR heating
X1554 Pl. con. for power take-off II/ADR heating
X1557 Pl. con. for frame, left
X1559 Pl. con. for engine/EDC/gearbox IV
X1644 Cab ground point next to central electrical system
X1983 M6 threaded bolt (MP box)
X2541 21-pin potential distributor for line 31000
X3462 Pl. con. for engine power take-off
X4397 Pl. con. Multi-function steering wheel
X4644 Potential distributor for line 60028
Y153 Solenoid valve for power take-off I
Y154 Solenoid valve for power take-off II
——– ————————————————————————
B1 Installation location, engine
B2 Installation location, gearbox
E6 Installation location, central electrical system area
E7 Installation location, control units, plug-in modules
F1 Installation location, middle section
F2 Installation location, steering column/steering wheel
F4 Installation location, front wall, inside left
F5 Installation location, front wall, inside right
G Installation location, battery box