Death by Scrabble
Death by Scrabble
Death by Scrabble
Charlie Fish
It's the hottest day for ten years and my wife is turning
on the kettle. This is why I hate my wife. I play ZAPS,
with the Z doubled, and she gets a static shock off the air
conditioning unit. I find this remarkably satisfying. 35
She sits back down with a heavy sigh and starts fiddling
with her letters again. Clack clack. Clack clack. I feel a
terrible rage build up inside me. Some inner poison
slowly spreading through my limbs, and when it gets to 40
my fingertips I am going to jump out of my chair,
spilling the Scrabble tiles over the floor, and I am going
to start hitting her again and again and again.
I steal a blank tile from the letter bag when she's not 50
looking, and throw back a V from my rack. She gives
me a suspicious look. She sits back down with her cup
of tea, making a cup-ring on the table, as I play an
8-letter word: CHEATING, using the A of READY. 64
points, including the 50-point bonus, which means I'm
beating her now.
She plays IGNORE on the triple-word for 21 points.
The score is 153 to her, 155 to me.
I need to play something unambiguous. Something that
cannot be misinterpreted. Something absolute and final.
Something terminal. Something murderous.
Death by Scrabble
by Charlie Fish
Learning Activity 1
A. Do you play Scrabble? Share with your neighbour what you know about the game and
whether you enjoy it. Alternatively, conduct an information search and share with your
neighbour what you have found.
B. Before you start to read ‘Death by Scrabble’, you should get to know some of the more
difficult vocabulary in the text. Below is a crossword puzzle that should help you find your
way through the story. All of the words in the puzzle are either words that are played in
the game of Scrabble in the story, or words which the players want to play at a particular
point in the game. Not only are these words part of the text, but they are also part of the
development of the plot, so they are essential to understanding what is going on.
The Quiz
e 2 Cut with a knife
2 3i
slash g Winning by breaking the
n 4
cheating r 6 Crime of killing someone
cauton 5
f 7 Start
6 a
murder n 8 Unlucky
begin 10 Kill violently
8 9
jinxed d
e Down:
10 t
slay h
1 Shake very quickly
The box on the next page contains the words that you need to complete the crossword. But
before you look at them, try completing as many as you can. When you have answered every
question that you know, check with your neighbour and then look at the words on the next
page together.
Crossword Answers
Below are the words that you can use to complete the crossword.
cheating begin jinxed murder sleep fan
Additional vocabulary with meanings
The list below contains vocabulary not covered in the crossword activity. The words all appear
in the text and their meanings have been given to help you. The number in brackets is the
number of the line where you will find these words.
chewing (15) from the verb to chew – what we do when we are eating our
sweatier (23) comparative adjective from the noun sweat or the verb to sweat
- the drops of water on our body when we are hot
static shock (32) sudden shaking caused by electricity that collects on the surface
of objects when they come into contact with each other
surfing the thermals (72) thermals refers to the hot air that rises from the ground; the
expression functions as a metaphor for the way the fly hovers
around the teacup
C. Before reading the story, answer the following questions.
There are two characters in the story. Look back at your answers to the crossword you
completed and guess:
1. What do you think their relationship is? Are they friends? Brother and sister? Husband
and wife? Girlfriend and boyfriend?
Learning Activity 2
A. Read the story once. Then go back to the pre-reading questions and see if your answers
are correct.
because _____________________________________________________________
because _____________________________________________________________
because _____________________________________________________________
Learning Activity 3
Try answering the questions below which will help you understand the story better.
1. Fill out the blanks in the table below. It contains the words that the husband thinks will tell
him what to do with his wife.
a. M_ _ _ _ _ b. K_ _ _ c. S_ _ _
2. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F).
b. He is in a bad mood because his wife prefers playing scrabble to going out.
c. The husband has the habit of chewing on the tiles while playing.
d. Although the letters the husband has are not very good, he does get to play
one of the words in Question 1.
3. Why does the husband feel pleased when he plays the word ZAPS?
4. What is the eight-letter word the husband plays that enables him to come from behind and
lead in the game? What does the word tell us about his action?
5. Name the three words which make things happen and which lead the husband to think the
game is controlled by some evil power.
a. E_______ b. _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ c. _ _ PS
6. What happens to the husband when his wife plays the word DEATH?
Learning Activity 4
A. From your understanding of the text, what do you think the answers to the questions
below are? Support your answers with information and examples from the text.
Learning Activity 5
Insert an 80-100 word dialogue after paragraph 16 which will intensify the tension between the
man and his wife before they return to the scrabble board. The first line has been given to you
She plays FAN, with the F on a double-letter, and gets up to fill the kettle and turn on the air
WOMAN: ____________________________________________________________________
MAN: ______________________________________________________________________
It's the hottest day for ten years and my wife is turning on the kettle. This is why I hate my
wife. I play ZAPS, with the Z doubled, and she gets a static shock off the air conditioning unit.
I find this remarkably satisfying.