Writing A High Level of Proficiency and Reads Various Text Types Materials To Serve Learning Needs in Meeting A Wide Range of Life's Purposes

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Maigo Central Elementary School

Performance Tasks No. 1 for Second Quarter in Grade 6

(SY. 2020-2021)

GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in
writing a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types materials to serve learning
needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.

Subject Most Essential Learning Competencies Week

Math Solves routine and non-routine problems involving finding the 3
percentage, rate and base using appropriate strategies and tools
TLE Allocates budget for basic and social need such as food and 1
clothing TLE6HE-0b-3
Health Practices proper waste management at home, in school, and in the 6
community H6CMH-IIh-8

1. Ask your parents about the total income of the family and how much is the allocated amount
of money for rice/corn grits consumption for 1 month.
2. Using your family’s monthly income, what percentage of the total income will be allocated
for rice/corn grits consumption? Show your solution.
3. Write 3 sentences on the ways of proper waste management at home.
Role: This time make yourself as a budget officer and a mathematician.
Audience: Your audience will be your immediate family member.
Situation: You are a budget officer, ask your parents on how many kilograms did the family consume
for 1 month. How much will be allocated for its monthly income on rice consumption?
Show your solution
Write 3 sentences on the ways of proper waste management at home.
Standard: The performance task is to be assessed with the following guides:
Rubrics for Assessing the Output
Homemade Disinfectant
Points Criteria Rating
5 All materials like vinegar/suka, water, detergent powder,
calamansi, and empty plastic container are all complete, and
100% effectiveness in disinfecting kitchen sink, tables, kitchen
floor and bathroom.
4 All materials like vinegar/suka, water, detergent powder,
calamansi, and empty plastic container are all complete, and
90-99% effectiveness in disinfecting kitchen sink, tables, and
kitchen floor.
3 All materials like vinegar/suka, water, detergent powder,
calamansi, and empty plastic container are all complete, and
85-89% effectiveness in disinfecting kitchen sink, and tables.
2 All materials like vinegar/suka, water, detergent powder,
calamansi, and empty plastic container are all complete, and
85-89% effectiveness in disinfecting kitchen sink only.
1 In compliance only in preparing the raw materials without

Rubrics for Assessing the Output

Writing Sentences
Criteria Close to Proficient Proficient (3 Excellent (5
(1 point) points) points)
Punctuation Some punctuation Punctuation is There are no
is correct, but close to correct mistakes.
there are 3-4 and there are less
mistakes. than 2 mistakes.
Spelling There are 3-4 There are less than There are no
spelling mistakes. 2 spelling spelling mistakes.
Content Sentence Sentences are Sentences make
construction is simple but clear. sense and have a
slightly unclear. complete

Activity 1 : Homemade Disinfectant for Kitchen and Bathroom

1. Mix water, vinegar/suka, detergent powder and calamansi in a basin/palanggana.
2. Put the mixture in empty plastic container available at home.
3. Spread the mixture using a piece of cloth to disinfect your kitchen sink, tables,
kitchen floor and bathroom.

Follow the proper measurement of materials given in performing the task.

Materials: 4 cups of water

½ cup vinegar/suka
1 table spoon detergent powder
1 piece of calamansi
Activity 2:
Directions: Put check beside the materials on the table present at home.
Materials Available Not Available
Detergent Powder

Fill in the correct measurement of the materials in making Homemade Disinfectant

Materials Measurement
Detergent Powder

Activity 3: Answer the following questions.

1. What are the materials used in making homemade disinfectant for kitchen and bathroom.

2. Have you experienced disinfecting in your home? (Yes/No)

If Yes, how many times? _________________________________________
If No, why? ____________________________________________________

3. What is the importance in making homemade disinfectant?


4. How are you going to make a homemade disinfectant?


Prepared by:
Grade 6 – Ginto Grade 6 - Rubi


Grade 6 – Diamante Grade 6 - Brilyante

Checked by:
School Principal II
Rubrics for Assessing the Output

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Rating
Organization Construction Construction of Construction Construction of Construction of
of simple simple sentences of simple simple sentences sentences with
sentences with with correct sentences with with incorrect multiple error of
complete punctuation, correct punctuation punctuation,
thought/ideas, grammar with punctuation, grammar/spelling grammar/spelling
punctuation ,c one incorrect and incorrect
orrect spelling grammar and
grammar and spelling
Content The sentences The sentences The sentences The sentences The sentences
presented presented have presented presented have presented have 40%
have 100% 80-90% have 60-79% 40-59% accuracy. below accuracy.
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
The ideas The ideas The ideas presented
presented in The ideas The ideas presented in the in the sentences have
the sentences presented in the presented in sentences have non-sense of
have sense of sentences have the sentences unsatisfactory understanding
deepest moderately have minimum sense of
understanding sense of sense of understanding
. understanding. understanding
Creativity The ideas The ideas written The ideas The ideas written The ideas written in
written in in sentences are written in in sentences are sentences are
sentences are varied form sentences are in the form of incorrect and
varied form complex and varied form simple sentences unsatisfactorily
simple, compound complex and constructed.
compound, sentences compound
and complex sentences
Audience It is shared to It is shared to 4- It is shared to It is shared to 2-3 It is shared to 1-2
5-6 readers or 5 readers or 3-2 readers or readers or readers or member of
member of the member of the member of the member of the the family with
family with family with family with family with unsatisfactorily of
complete complete complete satisfactorily of constructive criticism
numbers of numbers of numbers of constructive
constructive constructive constructive criticism
criticism criticism criticism
Teacher Feedback:
Maigo Central Elementary School
Performance Tasks No. 2 for First Quarter in Grade 6
(SY. 2020-2021)

GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in
writing a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types materials to serve learning needs in
meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.

Subject Most Essential Learning Competencies Week

ArPan Nabibigyang halaga ang mga kontribusyon ng mga natatanging 7
Pilipinong nakipaglaban para sa kalayaan (AP6PMK-1h-11)
EPP/TLE Uses technology in the conduct of survey to find out the market 1
demands for fruits (TLE6AG-0b-2)
Arts Creates own cartoon character to entertain, express opinion, ideas, 7
etc. (A6PR-1h)
PE Observe safety precautions (PE6GS-21b-h-3) 2

Goal :
1. Interview at least 10 mothers in your purok or barangay about the kinds of fruit their family
usually consumed in a day.
2. Make a tabular presentation on the kinds of fruits consumed in a day.
3. Write at least 3-5 sentences on safety health precautions in conducting an interview.
4. Make a poster of any cartoon character you like best showing yourself as one of the New
Normal Heroes who fight against COVID-19.

Role : You are an artist , and a researcher.

Audience: Mothers within the purok/barangay, neighbors, and friends.

Situation: As a researcher, you gather information through conducting interview to mothers about the
kinds of fruits their family usually consumed in a day.

Fill in the table based on the information gathered during interview.

Write 3 sentences on health safety precautionary measures being observed during interview.

As an artist, you make a poster and slogan showing your favorite cartoon character hero to
inform the community the nutritive value of fruits as one of the foods to boost our immune
system with the theme: “Kumain ng Prutas, Panlaban Kontra COVID”.

Product: Tabular presentation on the kinds of fruits their family consumed in a day, 3 sentences,
poster with slogan

Standard: The performance task is to be assessed with the following guides

Activity 1
Kinds of Fruits Consumed in a Day

Directions: Put a check (/) on the kind of fruit the family consumed.

Name of mother Banana Mango Watermelon Pineapple Langka


Activity 2:
Directions: Write 3 sentences on health safety precautionary measures being
observed during an interview.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________


2. _______________________________________________________________________________________


3. _______________________________________________________________________________________


Rubrics for Assessing the Output

Writing Sentences

Criteria Close to Proficient Proficient Excellent

(1 point) (3 points) (5 points)
Punctuation Some punctuation Punctuation is There are no mistakes.
is correct, but close to correct
there are 3-4 and there are less
mistakes. than 2 mistakes.
Spelling There are 3-4 There are less than There are no spelling
spelling mistakes. 2 spelling mistakes.
Content Sentence Sentences are Sentences make sense
construction is simple but clear. and have a complete
slightly unclear. thought.

Activity 3 :

Directions: Make a poster and slogan showing your favorite cartoon character hero to inform the
community the nutritive value of fruits as one of the foods to boost our immune system with
the theme: “Kumain ng Prutas, Panlaban Kontra COVID”. Use long bond paper and color your

Rubrics for Assessing the Output


Criteria 8 points 9 points 10 points

Organization of Poor organization of Satisfactorily Well-pleasing
shape, color, value, elements organization of organization of
texture, form and elements elements
a. Emphasis Weak emphasis on Moderately use Strong emphasis on
the object through emphasis on the the object through
the use of ideas object through the the use of ideas.
use of ideas.
b. Balance Unequal weight is One fourth is used One half is of the
seen in the object as visual weight of same visual weight
the object as the other half of
the object
c. Process Hand-made/hand- Hand-made/hand- Digitally-made/
drawn drawn hand-drawn

Prepared by:
Grade 6 – Ginto Grade 6 - Rubi


Grade 6 – Diamante Grade 6 - Brilyante

Checked by:
School Principal II

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