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Which objects can have This table summarizes which types of objects support which types of
animation. For information about the different types of graphic objects, see
which types of animation? Types of graphic objects on page 291.
You can also attach animation to groups of drawing objects. For more
information, see Apply animation to groups on page 374.
You can attach as many types of animation to a drawing object (except images
and panels) as you like. For example, apply width, height, horizontal position,
and vertical position animation to an object to give it the appearance of
moving into or out of the display as it shrinks and grows.
Use the Animation dialog The Animation dialog box is a floating dialog box, which means you can keep
it open all the time and move it around the screen. While it’s open you can
box select other objects and open other dialog boxes.
For details about the parts of the Animation dialog box, see Help.
Use Object Smart Path to Because the Animation dialog box stays open, you can go back and forth
between the dialog box and the graphic display. This makes it easy to set the
visually set animation
range of motion for an object because you do not have to know how many
pixels you want an object to move. Instead, you can set the range of motion
visually using the Object Smart Path feature. For details, see Use Object Smart
Path on page 367.
Test animation To test the animation you have set up on a graphic display, use Test Display to
switch to test mode. When you finish testing, switch back to edit mode to
continue editing.
Use tag names and tag When setting up animation for objects, you are linking objects to tags. You
can specify a tag name or use tag placeholder.
You can use HMI tags or data server tags that already exist, or you can use a
new tag name.
Tag placeholders allow you to create displays that can be used with different
You can use tag placeholders in:
• The graphic display that opens when the application is first run.
• Graphic displays that are opened using a Goto display button.
• Graphic displays that are opened using a display list selector.
• The graphic display that opens when the logout button is pressed.
• The graphic display that opens when auto logout is used.
• Graphic displays that are opened using the Remote Display Number
global connection.
Use parameter files or parameter lists to specify which tags or folders to
substitute for which placeholders. For global objects, you can specify the tags
or folders of tags using global object parameters. For more information about
using parameter files, parameter lists, and global object parameters, see Use
parameters and global objects on page 403.
The tag placeholder can replace any part of a tag name, including folder
names. For example, you could create a parameter file specifying that the tag
placeholder #1=Folder1. You could assign the folder and a tag name to a
graphic object’s connection: #1\Tag1.
For more information about expressions, see Use expressions on page 379.
Set minimum and maximum Many types of animation require a minimum and maximum range for the tag
or expression. These values determine the start and end points for a range of
values motion.
For example, if you specify a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 100, the object
will not react to values outside of this range. So, even if the expression has a
value of 200, the object does not change from its At maximum position.
Animation that does not use Visibility and color animation do not use a range of motion, because these
types of animation represent a change of state, not a range of values.
a range of motion
Use Object Smart Path With Object Smart Path, you can easily set the range of motion for an object.
The following example shows how Object Smart Path works.
Example: Use Object Smart Path to define the range of motion for
horizontal slider animation
5. On the display, drag the rectangle to the position that will indicate the
lowest number in the range.
7. On the display, drag the rectangle to the position that will indicate the
highest number in the range.
Set up the different types of This section describes the different types of animation and provides tips and
examples for setting up animation.
Set up visibility animation With visibility animation, an object becomes visible or invisible based on a tag
value or the result of an expression. When an object is invisible, it cannot be
selected. Mouse clicks pass through it to whatever object is underneath.
Visibility animation is available for all objects and overrides an object’s Visible
Set up color animation With color animation, an object changes color based on a tag value or the
result of an expression. You can specify up to 16 color changes (A to P) for any
object. Colors can be solid or blinking. For each color change, specify the value
or threshold at which the color is to change and specify the colors to change
to. At runtime, when the value reaches or crosses the threshold, the color
Color animation is available for all drawing objects only except image and
panel objects, which only support visibility animation.
Use the Fill Style option to control the look of the fill color.
Use this fill style To
Solid Change the colors, and they will have a solid look to them.
The following example shows the effects of Shaded and Gradient fill styles.
Keep Original Color Using the Original Fill Style allows for more variations on animating an
object. Instead of a specific color for the object’s non-blink state, the object’s
original color can be used.
If Original is used as a Fill Style on any state, the color palette boxes will not
allow a color change. By selecting the Blink option, a different color can be
used for both the Line and the Fill color or individually.
Control Color Shading Using the Shaded Fill Style along with the Blink option allows control of the
shading aspect of a display object by changing combinations of Line and Fill
and different colors.
For more information about setting up color animation, see Help.
Example: Create a text This example describes how to create a text object that constantly blinks
between two colors. Since the blinking is not based on changes in tag values,
object that blinks the expression is simply a constant value that matches the value for the
selected threshold.
For details about creating text, see Create text on page 301.
1. Select the text object.
2. Open the Animation dialog box, and then click the Color tab.
3. In the Expression box, type 0.
Zero is the default value for threshold A.
4. In the list box, click threshold A. (Leave the value in the Value box as 0.)
5. For the line color, click Blink. (If desired, click Blink for the fill color
6. For each color, click the color box, and then click the color to use.
7. Click Apply.
Example: Create an object This example describes how to create a rectangle object that changes color as
the object’s fill level increases. This example uses a tag called
that changes color as the
Hopper1\FlourLevel. The tag has a range of 1 to 100. When the flour level
fill level changes reaches 80, the rectangle blinks between gray and yellow to warn the operator
• For the line colors, select gray for the first color and yellow for the
blink color. Repeat for the fill colors.
8. Set up the color for the second warning
• In the List box, select C.
• In the Value box, type 95.
• For the line colors, select gray for the first color and red for the blink
color. Repeat for the fill colors.
9. Click Apply.
Set up fill animation Use the Fill option on the Animation menu to change the fill level in an object
when an expression or tag value changes. The object's fill level is proportional
to the minimum and maximum values specified for the expression. For
example, if the value of the expression is halfway between its minimum and
maximum values, the object will be half full.
You can attach fill animation to drawing objects only. The exceptions are the
image and panel objects, which only support visibility animation.
If you select the Inside Only check box, fill animation does not affect objects’
borders, line objects, or objects with transparent backgrounds.
For more information about setting up fill animation, see Help.
Set up horizontal position Use the Horizontal Position option on the Animation menu to move an object
horizontally as a tag value or the results of an expression change. The
animation horizontal position of the object is proportional to the value of the expression.
For example, if the value of the expression is halfway between its minimum
and maximum values, the horizontal position of the object will be halfway
between its minimum and maximum horizontal offset positions.
You can attach horizontal position animation to drawing objects only. The
exceptions are the image and panel objects, which only support visibility
For more information about setting up horizontal position animation, see
Set up vertical position Use the Vertical Position option on the Animation menu to move an object
vertically as a tag value or the results of an expression change. The vertical
animation position of the object is proportional to the value of the expression. For
example, if the value of the expression is halfway between its minimum and
maximum values, the vertical position of the object will be halfway between its
minimum and maximum vertical offset positions.
You can attach vertical position animation to drawing objects only. The
exceptions are the image and panel objects, which only support visibility
Set up width animation With width animation, an object’s width changes based on a tag value or the
result of an expression. The width of the object is proportional to the value of
the expression. For example, if the value of the expression is halfway between
its minimum and maximum values, the width of the object will be halfway
between its minimum and maximum horizontal change percents.
Width animation is available for all drawing objects except image and panel
objects, which only support visibility animation.
For more information about setting up width animation, see Help.
Set up height animation With height animation, an object’s height changes based on a tag value or the
result of an expression. The height of the object is proportional to the value of
the expression. For example, if the value of the expression is halfway between
the minimum and maximum values, the object’s height will be halfway
between its minimum and maximum vertical change percents.
Height animation is available for all drawing objects except image and panel
objects, which only support visibility animation.
For more information about setting up height animation, see Help.
Set up rotation animation With rotation animation, an object rotates around an anchor point based on a
tag value or the result of an expression, with the angle of rotation of the object
being proportional to the value of the expression. For example, if the value of
the expression is halfway between the minimum and maximum values, the
object will rotate half the specified amount.
Rotation animation is available for all drawing objects except images, panels,
and rounded rectangles. If you apply rotation animation to text, the text
rotates around the anchor point but remains in the upright position.
For more information about setting up rotation animation, see Help.
Set up hyperlink animation With hyperlink animation, an object links to a destination. When the object is
clicked at run time, in Test application mode, or in Test Display mode, the
linked destination opens. The destination can be a file, a web page, or a
Hyperlink animation is available for all drawing objects except image and
panel objects which only support visibility animation.
For more information about setting up hyperlink animation, see Help.
Set up horizontal slider Use the Horizontal Slider option on the Animation menu to create a graphic
object that can control the value of a specified tag. With horizontal slider
animation animation, you define a path for the object, then use the mouse to move the
Set up vertical slider Use the Vertical Slider option on the Animation menu to create a graphic
object that can control the value of a specified tag. With vertical slider
animation animation, you define a path for the object, then use the mouse to move the
object vertically along its path. The pixel position of the object is translated
into values that are written to the tag.
A tag that has values input by slider animation can be used in an expression to
attach animation to another object or group of objects. If the tag value is
changed externally, the position of the slider will change as well.
Both vertical and horizontal slider animation can be attached to the same
You can attach vertical slider animation to drawing objects only. The
exceptions are the image and panel objects, which only support visibility
For more information about setting up vertical slider animation, see Help.
Apply animation to groups You can apply animation to objects and then group those objects and apply
animation to the group. When the display is running, animation is applied as
Visibility When the group’s animation visibility is False (the group is not visible),
then no objects in the group are visible, regardless of the animation
status of the individual objects.
When the group’s animation visibility is True (the group is visible), the
visibility of an object within the group is determined by the individual
object animation.
Check the animation on To see what type of animation has been set up for an object or group of
objects, use the Object Explorer, the Animation menu, or the Animation
objects dialog box.
For information about using the Object Explorer to highlight objects that
have animation attached, see Highlight objects in the Object Explorer on page
To see what type of animation has been set up for objects within a group, use
the group edit feature or the Object Explorer. For information about using the
group edit feature, see Edit groups of objects on page 331.
Copy or duplicate objects You can copy or duplicate objects that have animation attached to them.
with animation When you do, the animation attached to the objects is also copied or
duplicated. If you copy or duplicate a group, the copy of the group can be
ungrouped to individual objects, just like the original.
For information about copying and duplicating objects, see pages Copy
objects on page 325 and Duplicate objects on page 327.
Copy animation without If you have attached animation to an object, you can copy the animation and
paste it onto another object. If the object has more than one type of
copying objects animation, all animation is copied and pasted. Note that you can only copy
animation to an object that supports the same type of animation.
Set up animation for global FactoryTalk View global objects allow you to link the appearance and behavior
of a graphic object to multiple copies of that object. When the original base
objects object is updated, the changes are automatically applied to all the copies of the
object. For information about creating base objects, see Use global objects on
page 410.
The copies of the object are called reference objects, and they have the same
properties as the original base object. If desired, you can assign unique
animation to the reference object. For information about creating reference
objects, see Create reference objects on page 412.
Use expressions
Expressions that result in If an expression results in a floating-point value but an integer value is
required, the floating-point value is rounded.
floating-point values
For information about how values are rounded, see How values are rounded
on page 86.
Create an expression by
typing it directly To create an expression by typing it directly
• Type an expression up to 16,000 characters long.
Expressions that you type directly are not checked for syntax.
For details about using the options in the Expression editor, see Help.
Where you can use You can use expressions in these editors:
Use tag names and tag A tag name can be included as part of an expression or can stand alone as the
entire expression.
Use tag placeholders The Graphics editor accepts tag placeholders instead of tag names.
Placeholders allow you to use the same display with different sets of tags.
instead of tag names
You can use tag placeholders in:
• The graphic display that opens when the application is first run.
• Graphic displays that are opened using a Goto display button.
• Graphic displays that are opened using a display list selector.
Symbol Operator (For these examples, tag1 = 5 and tag2 = 7)
+ addition tag1 + tag2
returns a value of 12
You can also use this operator with string operands. See
String operands on page 384.
- subtraction tag1 - tag2
returns a value of -2
* multiplication tag1 * tag2
returns a value of 35
/ division tag1 / tag2
returns a value of 0.7142857
MOD,% modulus (remainder) tag2 MOD tag1
returns a value of 2
The modulus operator is the remainder of one number divided
by another. In the example, the remainder of 7 divided by 5 is
2; so 7 % 5 = 2
Important: This operator is for integers only, not floating-
point numbers.
Symbol Operator (For these examples, tag1 = 5 and tag2 = 7)
** exponent tag1 ** tag2
returns a value of 78125
Be sure that any tag value you use as a divisor cannot at some point have a
value of zero. Expressions that attempt to divide a number by zero produce an
error at runtime.
String operands The + operator can be used to join string operands. For example, the
expression "hello" + "world" returns: helloworld.
You cannot join string tags to analog tags, whether they are HMI or data
server tags.
Relational operators Relational operators compare two numeric or string values to provide a true
or false result. If the statement is true, a value of 1 is returned. If false, 0 is
The relational operators are:
How string operands are String operands are evaluated by case and by alphabetical order. Lower case
evaluated letters are greater than upper case letters. For example, h is greater than H.
Letters later in the alphabet are greater than those earlier in the alphabet. For
example, B is greater than A.
Logical operators Logical operators determine the validity of one or more statements. There are
three logical operators: AND, OR, and NOT. The operators return a non-zero
value if the expression is true, or a 0 if the expression is false.
Any statement that evaluates to a non-zero value is regarded as true. For
example, the statement tag1 is false if the value of tag1 is 0, and true if tag1 has
any other value.
Tip: The parentheses are essential in the above expressions. They determine the evaluation order
of the operators. For more information, see Evaluation order of operators on page 386.
Bitwise operators Bitwise operators examine and manipulate individual bits within a value.
IMPORTANT These operators are for integers only, not floating-point numbers. Do not use them
with tags or expressions that return floating-point values.
Use the left shift operator If the left bit is a 1 an overflow occurs, and an error message is generated. To
prevent this, use the bitwise AND operator with the left shift operator in an
expression. For example:
(dev << 1) & 65535
where dev is a tag whose value is being shifted left, and 65535 is 1111 1111 1111
1111 in binary form.
Evaluation order of Expressions with more than one operator are evaluated in this order:
Mathematical functions Use math functions to calculate the square root, log (natural or base 10), or
trigonometry ratios (in radians or degrees) of a tag.
Security functions Use security functions to control access to your application. These functions
allow you to determine a user’s identity or security rights to limit access to the
application based on these criteria.
Language function The language function shows you which language your application is
currently using.
You can show the current language in a string display, or use it in expressions
to generate language-specific messages for your users.
Language switching alarm, FactoryTalk View 5.00 and later provides direct support for switching
message languages at runtime.
information, and local
For applications that will run in FactoryTalk View ME Station version 4.00,
messages in FactoryTalk use the CurrentLanguage( ) expression function to specify message offsets in
View ME Station 4.00 the information message file. In the file, divide your messages into sections
for each language. To do this, set up trigger value offsets for series of
messages in the Alarm Setup editor, information message files, and local
message files.
Export the text strings in the Alarm Setup editor and message files for
translation. Then paste the translated strings into the editor and original
message files, and assign each string the correct trigger value. For
information about exporting text for translation, see Set up language
switching on page 173.
Nested if-then-else You can also nest an if-then-else structure inside the Then or Else part of an
if-then-else structure.
Use write expressions Write expressions allow the operator to enter a value which is manipulated by
an expression before being sent to the data source. FactoryTalk View
substitutes the value the operator enters for the placeholder in the expression,
calculates the value of the expression, and writes the result to the Value
connection. All write expressions must contain a question mark (?) as a
placeholder for the value the operator enters.
You can use write expressions with the Numeric Input Enable button and the
numeric input cursor point. When the operator presses the button or cursor
point, a keypad or scratchpad opens. The operator enters a value in the keypad
or scratchpad, and this value is substituted for the ? placeholder in the write
Where you can create You can create embedded variables in these editors:
embedded variables • Graphics. Use this editor to insert embedded variables in the captions
for graphic objects or in any text objects. For graphic objects with
multiple states, you can insert different embedded variables in each
state’s caption.
• Local Messages. Use this editor to insert embedded variables in local
• Information Messages. Use this editor to insert embedded variables in
information messages.
• Alarm Setup. Use this editor to insert embedded variables in alarm
• Display Settings. Use this editor to insert embedded variables in the title
bars of displays.
Create an embedded
variable in a graphic To create an embedded variable in a graphic object’s caption
object’s caption 1. Open the graphic object’s Properties dialog box.
2. Click the tab containing the Caption box.
The Caption box is on the Label tab or the States tab, depending on the
type of object.
For text objects, use the Text box on the General tab.
3. Click Insert Variable.
4. Click the type of variable to insert.
5. Fill in the options in the dialog box that opens. For details about the
options, see Help.
Create an embedded
variable in an On Top To create an embedded variable in an On Top display’s title bar
display’s title bar 1. Open the Display Settings dialog box.
2. Select the Title Bar check box if it is not already selected.
3. Click Insert Variable.
4. Click the type of variable to insert.
Numeric embedded variable Use numeric embedded variables to insert analog or digital tag values into
captions, title bars, and messages. You can use both HMI and data server tags.
You can also insert "literal" numbers to show a constant or to specify a tag
placeholder in the caption or message.
Numeric embedded variables use this syntax:
/*LN:# Tag_name Fill_character DP:#*/
• L (optional) indicates it is a literal (constant) number. This symbol
prevents a tag read. If you type a tag placeholder for the Tag_name, the
value of the placeholder is substituted from the parameter file or global
object parameter definition.
• N indicates it’s a numeric embedded variable.
• # indicates the number of digits.
• Tag_name is the tag to show; you can also type a literal number or tag
placeholder here.
• Fill_character is the fill character to use: NOFILL, ZEROFILL, or
• # indicates the number of decimal places.
String embedded variable Use string embedded variables to insert string tag values into captions, title
bars, and messages.
You can also insert "literal" strings of static text. For example, you can type a
word or phrase, a tag placeholder, or a number. To control how constant
numbers are shown, use a literal numeric variable rather than a string
String embedded variables use this syntax:
/*LS:-# Tag_name SHOWSTAR*/
• L (optional) indicates it is a literal (static) string. This symbol prevents
a tag read. If you type a tag placeholder for the Tag_name, the value of
the placeholder is substituted from the parameter file or global object
parameter definition. The value cannot contain spaces.
• S indicates it’s a string embedded variable.
• - (optional). A minus sign (-) before the # indicates that if the string is
longer than the fixed number of characters, the right-most characters
will be shown.
• # indicates the number of characters if you select a fixed number of
characters; type 0 if you don’t want to use a fixed number.
• Tag_name is the tag to show; you can also type a literal string or tag
placeholder here. The string cannot contain spaces.
• SHOWSTAR (optional) specifies that if the string is longer than the
fixed number of characters, an asterisk (*) will be shown to indicate
the string is truncated. If you use the minus sign (-), the asterisk will be
shown as the first character at the left end of the string. Otherwise, the
asterisk will be shown as the last character at the right end of the
/*LS:3 36.5*/
To assign the tag placeholder #1, without a fixed string length, type this:
/*S:0 #1*/
To show the value of the string tag Conveyor_message, with a fixed length of
40, showing the right-most characters, with an asterisk to indicate if the
message is truncated, type this:
/*S:-40 Conveyor_message SHOWSTAR*/
Time and date embedded Use time and date embedded variables to insert the current time or date into
captions, title bars, and messages
variable syntax
Time and date embedded variables use this syntax:
Time_date_format uses one of these character sequences:
A space is placed between the time and date when the embedded variable is
shown at runtime.
How embedded variables At runtime, this is how embedded variables are shown and updated:
are updated at runtime • Graphic objects and title bars — When a display containing a graphic
object or title bar that uses an embedded variable is open, the value of
the embedded variable is updated whenever a new tag value is read
Numeric embedded The value shown for a numeric embedded variable depends on whether the
tag value is a floating-point number or an integer. Integer values are shown
variables as is. Floating-point values are rounded to fit the specified number of digits
for the variable.
For example, if the variable is set up to show 6 digits, 1234.56 is rounded to
1234.6. 1234.44 is rounded to 1234.4. The decimal counts as one of the digits.
For more information about how values are rounded, see How values are
rounded on page 86.
If the tag value, including the decimal point and minus sign, contains more
digits than specified for the variable, the numeric variable is replaced with
For example, if the variable is set up to show 6 digits, and the tag value is -
123456, the variable will be replaced with asterisks.
Literal numbers are shown using the same rules as numeric tag values.
Number formats The numeric variable uses the number format of the current application
language. For example, if the application language uses a comma for the
decimal symbol, the numeric variable uses a comma for the decimal symbol.
For information about using multiple languages, see Set up language
switching on page 173.
String embedded variables For string embedded variables that do not use a fixed number of characters,
the entire string tag value is shown, unless a null character is read. Nothing
after a null character is shown.
If a fixed number of characters is used, the variable shows the value of the tag
up to the number of characters specified, unless a null character is
encountered before the specified length. Nothing is shown after a null
character. If necessary, spaces are used to make up the required number of
Null characters have a hex value of 0. The null character indicates the end of
string input. It does not add to the actual string length.
If the string is longer than the specified number of characters, it is truncated
to fit the number of characters. If the SHOWSTAR option is used, an asterisk
(*) replaces the first or last character shown. If the embedded variable is set up
to show right-most characters, excess characters are truncated at the left end
of the string and the asterisk (if used) appears at the left. Otherwise, the right-
most characters are truncated and the asterisk (if used) appears at the right.
Literal strings are shown using the same rules as string tag values.
Time and date embedded For embedded variables that show both the time and the date, a space is
placed between the time and date when the embedded variable is shown at
variables runtime.
Time and date formats Time and date embedded variables use the time and date formats for the
current application language. For example, if you specify the short date
format, at runtime the display uses the short date format that the application
language uses.
For information about using multiple languages, see Set up language
switching on page 173.
Create parameter files The parameter file specifies which tags to substitute for the placeholders on
the display, by assigning one tag to each unique placeholder on the display.
Use the Parameters editor Use the Parameters editor to create one or more files of tag placeholder
replacements. Each file is stored in the editor’s folder. You can open and work
on multiple parameter files at the same time.
For details about using the Parameters editor, see Help. To open the Help,
press F1 on your keyboard.
2. Create two parameter files, called Corn and Peas, containing these
Corn Peas
#1=Corn_Name #1=Pea_Name
#2=Corn_Temp #2=Pea_Temp
#3=Corn_Weight #3=Pea_Weight
#4=Corn_Level #4=Pea_Level
Create parameter lists You create parameter lists by selecting the tags as you set up the objects that
will open the displays that use them. The first tag in the list will replace
placeholder #1, the second tag in the list will replace #2, and so on. A
parameter list stays with the object when it is copied or duplicated, and with
the graphic display in which it is created, when the display is copied or moved.
Parameter lists can be used anywhere that parameter files can be used. The
parameter list option appears in:
• The States tab of the Display Selector object
• The General tab of the Logout button and Goto display button objects
• The Initial graphic displays option in the Startup editor
• The Runtime tab of the Project Settings editor
• The Display tab of the Global Connections editor
Parameter lists are defined in the object on the display. If the display or the
object is copied or imported to another application, the parameter list stays
with the object.
Parameter passing You can use parameter files or parameter lists to pass (carry forward)
parameters from one display to other related displays that open from it. To
carry the same parameter forward to subsequent displays, assign the same tag
Use global objects FactoryTalk View global objects allow you to link the appearance and behavior
of a graphic object to multiple copies of that object. When you update the
original object, the changes are automatically applied to all the copies of the
You create global objects in global object displays, in the Global Objects folder
of the Explorer window. The objects you create in a global object display are
called base objects.
You can copy or drag base objects into standard graphic displays. The copied
object is called a reference object. You can copy a global object into any
number of graphic displays, and multiple times into the same graphic display.
Global object displays (.ggfx) are stored in the default folder
\Users\Public\Public Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\HMI
projects\Application Name\Global Objects
Create reference objects FactoryTalk View global objects allow you to link the appearance and behavior
of a graphic object to multiple copies of that object. When the original base
object is updated, the changes are automatically applied to all the copies of the
object. The copies of the base object are called reference objects.
You can copy or drag base objects into standard graphic displays. Each copied
object becomes a reference object. You can also copy, drag, and duplicate
reference objects that you have already created to create more copies of the
base object.
Tip: Base objects can be group objects. This provides powerful template capabilities. When you add
or remove objects from the base object group, all the reference objects are automatically updated.
If desired, you can assign unique connections, animation, and size to the
reference object.
Set up reference objects’ FactoryTalk View global objects allow you to link the appearance and behavior
of a graphic object to multiple copies of that object. When the original base
link properties object is updated, the changes are automatically applied to all the copies of the
The copies of the object are called reference objects, and they have the same
properties as the original base object. If desired, you can assign unique size,
connections, and animation to the reference object.
To assign unique properties to the reference object, use the Property Panel to
edit the following properties for the reference object:
• LinkSize — select False to set up the height and width separately for
the reference object. If LinkSize is set to true, when you try to resize
the reference object, it will snap back to its linked size.
• LinkConnections — select False to set up connections separately for
the reference object. Whether you use the base object’s connections, or
set up separate connections, the tags used count towards the tag limit
for the display.
You can assign tag placeholders to the connections for base objects,
and to connections for reference objects with the LinkConnections
property set to False.
• LinkAnimation—select Do not link to set up separate animation for
the reference object. To use the animation set up for the base object
but assign different expressions to the reference object, select Link
without expressions.
If you select Link with expressions, the reference object uses the
animation and expressions assigned to the base object.
Reference objects also have a property called LinkBaseObject, which specifies
the name and location of the base object to which the reference object is
linked. You cannot edit the LinkBaseObject property.
Delete the base object If you delete a base object or a global object display containing base objects,
any reference objects that are linked to the deleted base objects are broken. A
broken reference object is displayed as a red square with an X through it. You
cannot edit broken reference objects.
Difference between global Global object parameters allow you to assign different values to different
instances of the same placeholder. For example, each reference object on the
object parameters and display might have the placeholder #1. Using regular parameter files, you
regular parameters could only assign one value to #1, and this would apply to all objects in the
graphic display. With global object parameters, you can assign a different
value to #1 for each object that uses the placeholder #1.
If a placeholder is defined in a global object parameter for an individual object
and defined in a parameter file, the definition assigned to the object takes
Use global object To use global object parameters with a group object, the parameters are
defined at the group level, not at the level of individual objects. Thus the
parameters with group definition applies to each object within the group. You can assign as many
objects parameters as desired to the group. For example, you might assign #1 to some
members of the group and #2 to other members of the group. If you create a
global object parameter definition for an object and later group the object, the
definition is deleted. In addition, if you create a global object parameter
definition for a group and then ungroup the object, the definition is deleted.
Values are assigned to the global object parameters at the group level as well.
You cannot assign separate values to individual objects in the group.
Data Log Models A data log model defines which tags to log data for, as well as how and where
the data is logged.
You can set up multiple data log models, but you can run only one data log
model at a time. For information about running a different data log model,
see Change the data log model used at runtime on page 422.
Create Data Log Models Use the Data Log Models editor to create one or more data log models. Each
data log model is a file stored in the editor’s folder. You can open and work on
multiple models at the same time.
For detailed information about the options in the Data Log Models editor, see
Each data log model has a unique name, and an optional description.
You can log a maximum of 1,000,000 points for version 7.00.00 or later, and
you can log 300,000 points for release versions earlier than 7.00.00. The
default is 1000. When the maximum number of data points have been logged,
the oldest data is deleted to make room for the new data.
Data storage locations You can store data log files in any one of these locations:
• On the runtime computer
• On another computer on the network
• On a memory stick for a MobileView terminal
• On an SD card for a PanelView Plus 7 or PanelView Plus 6 terminal
Log to a network location To log data to a network location, the network drive must be shared, and the
runtime computer must be logged in to the same domain as the computer on
the network. To do this, the user must have access rights for the domain.
The PanelView Plus 7, PanelView Plus 6, PanelView Plus, PanelView Plus
Compact, or PanelView Plus CE terminal cannot be part of a domain.
However, you can verify that the user who is logged into the terminal is on a
user list that is part of a domain.
For more information about logging in to a Windows domain or
authenticating users, see Log in to the application on page 230.
Data logging methods There are two methods for triggering data logging. You can set up logging so
tag values are logged:
• Periodically (periodic logging)
• Only when a tag value changes (on-change logging)
Log periodically Periodic logging is used to take a snapshot of all tag values at a particular
point in time. Tag values are logged even if there has been no change.
You cannot change the periodic log rate at runtime.
Log on change On-change logging is used to log only tags whose values have changed.
For HMI tags, before logging occurs, the change must equal a specified
percentage of change in the tag value. The percentage is based on HMI tags’
minimum and maximum values as set up in the Tags editor. Only the tags
that change by the specified percentage are logged. If you specify a percentage
of 0, all changes are logged.
If a tag does not have a minimum or maximum attribute (for example a data
server tag in Logix 5000), when you specify on-change logging, all changes are
logged for that tag. You don’t need to specify a percentage.
Use a heartbeat rate You can also specify a heartbeat rate, to log values at specified times even if no
tag value changes have occurred. The heartbeat ensures that the data in the
log file is current. The heartbeat is also a good way to ensure that data logging
is working and acquiring valid data.
The heartbeat cannot be less than the maximum update rate, which is the rate
at which data servers send tag values to FactoryTalk View.
If you specify a heartbeat of 0, the heartbeat is not used.
Tags in the data log model The data log model can contain up to 100 analog or digital tags, including
both HMI and data server tags.
Delete tags from the model If you delete a tag from the data log model, previously logged data for the tag
is not accessible unless you add the tag back to the model.
Change the data log model Your application can run only one data log model at a time. Follow this
procedure to switch data log models.
used at runtime
Show data logs using the You can use the trend graphic object to show the data that you have logged. At
runtime, when the operator opens a graphic display containing a trend, the
trend graphic object trend shows values from the data log file for the data log model that is
running. The data log model specifies which data to collect in the data log file.
In addition to showing historical values from the data log file, trends can
show current values for the tags in the model. Trends can also show current
values for tags or expressions that are not in a data log model. For more
information about trends, see Set up trends on page 433.
Problems with data logging Problems with data logging occur under these circumstances:
• When your application starts at runtime, if any of the tags specified in
the current data log model do not exist, an error message is sent to
FactoryTalk Diagnostics.
• If the data log file is corrupted or invalid, the file is deleted and
recreated, and an error message is sent to FactoryTalk Diagnostics.
• If logging to a folder on a networked computer, and the runtime
computer is not logged in to the Windows domain of the network