Bharatesh Education Trust'S Global Business School Belgaum: Assignment On Human Resourse Management

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Submitted to : Prof. Sadaf Soudagar

Submitted by:
Ms. Lalita (MB 104118)
Ms. Binali (MB 104109)
Ms. Naziya(MB 104124)
SN PT Key words
1 HUMAN Knowledge,skill,ta
RESOURCE- lents,
it is a total Value, attitudes.
kills creative
talents and
aptitude of
’s workforce
2 HRM One of
POLICY- as,a the
set of personnel
proposals objective
and actions of Indian
that act as a Railways
reference is to
point for provide
managers in equal
dealing with employm
employees. ent
ties to the
people of
resource SectorOR
Human Even
resources is whole
a term used nation
to describe
comprise the
workforce of
although it is
also applied
in labor
economics .

 Maintaning a balance between job available and the job
seekers according to the qualification of needs
 providing suitable and most productive employment which
might bring than psychological statisfaction
 Making maximum utilization of resource in effective
manner paying the employees reasonable compensation in
proposition to the contribution made by him
 Eliminating waste or improper use of HR through
conservation of their normal energy and health
 BY helping people to make their own decision that are in
their interest

Professional significance
 BY providing the healthy working environment it promotes
item work in the environment
 Maintaining the dignity of the employees as a human being
 Providing maximum opportunity for personal development
 Providing healthy relationship between different group so
that work is effectively performed.
 Improving the employee skill and capacity correcting other
errors of wrong posting and property relocation work

Objective of Human resource management

 To create and utlise an able and motivated workforce,to
accomplish the basic oranizantional goal
 To provide fair acceptable and efficient leadership
 To provide anopporunity for expressionand voice in
 To attain effective utilization of human resource in the
achievement of organizational goal
 To provide facilities and condition of work and creation of
favourable atmosphere for maintaining stability of
 To strengthen and appreciate the human asset continuously
by providing training and development of programmes

Needs for HRM Policies

Every organisation should have personnel policies in order to
accomplanish the objective of the personnel as well as the
orangnisation .further organisation need personnel policies in
order to

 Consider tht favouritisim and discrimination in treating the

 Minimize favouritism and discrimination in treating the
 Ensure that action wil be continued though the manager in
key job.
 Have standarad of performance. Actual resultncan be
compared with the policy to determine level and nature of
 Create and develop employee enthusiasm and loyalty
Advanages of HRM Policies
 Delegation:They help manager operating of various levels to
act with confidence without the need for consulting the
superior every time
 Uniformity: they increase the chance that different people in
different level of organisation make similar choices when
independently facing similar situation they make the action of
organizational member more consistent.
 Better control:As personnel policies specify the relationship
among organisation, management and employees,they
permit members to work toward achivments of the objective
of the organisation without friction/conflict,paving the way
for better control
 Confidence:policies make the employees aware of where
they stand in the orangnisaton create confidence in them
while confronting routine and reccurring problems.They
reduce chances of misinterpretation, misinterpretation and
friction. Manager and subordinates can act with confidence.
 Speedy decision:policies can speed up in decision making by
providing a blanket framework within which personnel
decisions could be made. They summarise past experience


 Policies are general instruction
 Procedure are specific application
 Course of action
 Prescribe the specific manner in which a piece of work can be
 They are action guideline and derived for the human resource
 Policies defined the broad field procedure show a sequence
of activities within that area
 Chronological step by step by sequence of action
Difference between personnel management and human
resource management
Personnel management Human resource

1.Always the 1Good communication

communication will be
2.workers participation is
2.Workers participation the upper most preference
is given least
preference 3.supervision is nominal
and always preferencefor
3.More supervision and team work
preference for
individual work 4.They can be partially
ignored if needed be

4.Rules and procedure 5.Along with

are given the atmost recruiting,selec
importance Ting,training,good
5.concerned with Industrial relationsand
recruiting selecting and organisation dev
training Elopement social


1. involves planning of human resource,
requirement,selection, training,etc it involves forecasting of
personnel need, changing values,attitudes and behaviour of
employees and their impact on organisation.
2. Oraganising. An organisation is a means to an end. It is
essential to determine sto course of action in the
wordJ.C..massie,an organisation is a”structure and a process
by which co-operative group of human being allocates its task
among its members, identifies relationship andintegrates its
activities towards common objective.
3. Directing.The next logical function after completing planning
and organizing is the execution of the plan.the willing and
effective co-operation of employees for the attainment of
organizational goal, it is possible through proper direction
.tapping the maximum potentialities of the people is possible
through motivation and command.Thus, direction is an
important managerial function in building sound industrial
and human relation besides securing employee contribution.
Coordination deals with the task of blending effort in order
to ensure successful attaintment of an objective.
4. Controlling.controlling involves checking, verifying and
comparing of actual with plan and identification of deviation ,
if any, and correcting of identified deviation thus, action and
operation are adjusted to predetermined plans and
standareviation thus, action and operation are adjusted to
predetermined plans and standarad through control. Auditing
training programmes, analyzing labour turnover record,
directing morale surveys, conducting separate interviews are
some of the means for controlling the personnel function
2.Operative Functions
1.Employment:it is the first operative function of
covers the function such as job analysis, human resource
planning , recruitment, selection, placement, induction.
1. analysis: it is the process of study and collection of
information relating to the operations and responsibilities of
a specific job .it includes
 Collection of data, information information, fact and ideas
relating to various aspect of jobs including men, machine and
 Providing the guides, plans and basis for job design and for all
operative function ofHRM
 Preparation of job description, job specification, job
requirement and employee specification which will help in
identifying the nature, level and quantum of human
2. Human Resources Planning:it is a process of determination
and assuring that the organisation will have an adequate
number of qualified and person ,available at proper
times,performing jobs which would meet the needs of the
organisation and which would be statisfaction for the
individuals involves
 Estimation of present aturend fu ture requirement and supply

of human resources based on objective and long range plans

of the organisation
 Preparation of action programmes to get resources from

outside the organisation and to develop the human resource

of existing employees
3. Recruitment:it is the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an deals with:
 Identification of existing source of applicants and developing
 Creation/identification of new source of applicants

 Stimulating the candidates to apply for the jobs in the

 Striking a balance between internal and external sources

5 . Selection:it is the process of ascertaining the qualification

with a view to appraising his/her suitability to a job .this
function includes:
 Creatingand developming valid and reliable testing

 Framing and developing application blanks.

 Checking of references.

 Setting up the medical examination policy and procedure.

 Line managers’s decision.
 Sending letter of appointment and rejection.
 Employing the selected candidates who report for duty.
6.placement:it is the process of assingning the selected
candidate with the most suitable job in the terms of job
requirements. It is matching of employees specifications with
job counseling requirements.this function includes:
 Counselling the functional manager regarding placement.
 Conducting follow-up study,appraising employee
performance in order to employees adjustment with the job.
 Correcting misplacement,if any.
7.Induction and orientation:induction and orientation are
techniques by which a new employee is rehabilitated in the
changed surrounding and introduced to the
practices,policies,purposes and people,etc of the
 Acquiant the employee with the company
philosophy,objective,careerplanning and
development,opportunities,product, market share,social and
community standing,company history
 Introduce the employee to the people with whom he or she
has to work such as peers,supervisors and suboridinates.
 Mould the employee attitude byorienting him to the new
working and social environment.
3. Compensation:it is the process of providing
adequate,eqitable and fair remuneration to the employees. It
includes job evaluation, wage and salary administration,
incentives,bonus,fringe benefits, social security
1.Job evaluation:it is the process of determing relative worth
of jobs
 Select suitable job evaluation techniques.
 Classify jobs into various categories.
 Determining relative value in jobsvarious categories
2.wage and salary administration:This is the process of
developing and operating a suitable wage and salary
programme it covers:
 Conducting wage and salary survey,
 Determining wage and salary rates based on various factor.
 Adminstering wage and salary programmes.

 Evalvating its effectiveness.

4. Icentives: it is the process of formulating,administering and

reviewing the schemes of financial incentives in addition to
regular payment of wages and includes:
 Formulating incentive payment schemes.

 Helping functional managers on the operation.

4. Bonus: it includes payment of statutory bonus according to
the Payment ofBonus.Act1965, and its latest amendments.
5. Fringe Benefits: These are the various benefits various at
fringe of the wage. Management provides these benefits to
motivate the employees and to meet their life’s
 Housing facilities.
 Canteen facilities.
 Credit facilities.
 Legal clinic.
 Company stores.
 Educational facilities to employees and children.
6 .SecurityMeasures:Management provide social security to
their employees in addition to the fringe benefits
 Maternity benefits to employees.
 Sickness benefits and medical benefits.
 Retirement benefits like providen fund, pension, gratuity,etc
Objective of human resource planning
 To recruit and retain the human resource of required
quantity and quality.
 To make the best use of its human resource
 To estimate the cost of human resource.
 To improve the standard ,skill,knowledge,ability,
 To meet the need of the programme of expansion,
 To foresee the impact of technology on work, existing
employees and future human resources requirement:
 To foresee employees turnover and make the arrangement
for minimiasing turnover and filling up of consequent
 To minimize imbalances caused due to non-availability of
human resources of right kind, right number in right time and
right place.
 To maintain congenial industrial relations by maintaining
optimum level and structure of human resources;

Needs for human resource planning

 The shortage of certain categories of employees and/or
variety of skills despite the problem of employment
 The rapid change in technology, marketing, management, etc,
and consequent need for new skills and new categories of
 The change in organization design and structure affecting
manpower demand.
 The labour laws affecting the demand for and supply of
 Pressure from trade union, politician, sons of the soil,
 Introduction of computer, robot, etc
 The involvement of lead time in manning the job with most
suitable candidate
Benefits of human resource planning
 It checks the corporate plan the organisation
 It help to anticipate the cost of salary enhancement, better
benefits, etc
 It provide scope for advancement and development of
employees through training, the formulation of budget in an
 It gives an idea of type of tests to be used and interview
techniques in selection based on the level of skills,
qualification, intelligence ,values,etc of future human
 To plan for physical facilities, working conditions and the
volume of fringe benefits like
canteen,schools,hospital,conveyance,child care
center,quarters,company stores,etc
 It causes the development of various sources of human
resources to meet the organizational needs
 It help to take steps to improve human resource
contributions in the form of increased productivity, sales,
 It facilitates the control of all function, operations
contribution and cost of human resources
External factors
 Government policies: policies of the government like labour
policy, industrial relations policy, policy towards reserving
certain jobs for different communities and sons-of the –
soils,etc.affect the HRP.
 Level of Economic Development: level of economic
development determines the level of HRD in the country and
thereby the supply of human resources in the future in the
 Business Environment: external business environmental
factor influences the volume and mix production and their
the future demand for human resources.
 Level of Technology: Level of technology determines the kind
of human resources required.
 International Factor: international factor like the demand for
resources and supply of human resources in various
 Outsourcing: Availability of outsourcing facilities with
required skills and knowledge of people reduces the
dependency on HRP
Internal factors
 Company policies and stratergies:company’s policies and
stratergies relating to expansion, diversification,alliance,etc
determines the human resource demand in the term of
quality and quantity
 Human Resources policies: Human resource plan of the
company regarding quality of human resource, compensation
level, quality of work life, etc. influences human resource
 Job analysis: Fundamentally human resource plan based on
job analysis, job description and job application determines
the kind of employees required.
 Type Horizons: Companies with stable competitive
environment can also plan for the long run whereas the firms
with unstable competitive environment can plan for only
short term range.
 Type and Quality of information: Any planning process needs
qualitative accurate information. this is more so with human
resource plan, strategic, organizational specify information.
 Trade unions: influence of trade union regarding number of
working hour per week, recruitment sources etc affect the
 Anal organizational plan: The process of human resource
planning should start with organizational plan into production
plan, technological plan, plan for expansion,
diversification,etc, marketing plan, sales plan, financial plan.
Each plan can be further analyzed into sub unit. Detailed
programmers should formulate on the basis of unit-wise
plans. Practicability of each programmers should be ensure
human resource as it provides the quatum of future work
 Incase of future surplus plan for redeployment ,retrenchment
and layoff
 Incase of future deficiet forecast the future supply of hr from
all sources with reference the plan of other companies
 Plan of recruitment development of and internal mobility if
future supply is more than or equal to the net hr requirement
 Plan to modify or adjust the organizational plan if future
supply wiil be in adequate with reference to future net
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for job in
 To attract people with multi –dimensional skills and
experience that suit the present and future organizational
 To induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the
 To develop an organizational culture that attract competent
people to the company,
 To infuse fresh blood at all level of the organisation,
 To search for talent globally and not just within the company,
 To anticipate and find people for position that do not exist
Centralised- All function of recruitment are performed at
central office where as decentralized recruitment function
are divided unit\zonal level etc
MERITS OF Centralised recruitment
 Average cost recruitment per candidate should be less.
 More expertise.
 Ensure uniformity among human resource of various zone in
respect of educational skill knowledge.
 It enables the organisation to have centralized selection
procedure,promotionaland transfer procedure.
 It ensure the most effectiveand suitable placement of
 Concentrates only on those source where it normally get
suitable candidate s.cost of recruitment would be less.
 Most suitable candidate with regard cultural traditional
 The unit can recruit candidate as and required without any
 The unit would enjoy freedom in finding out, developing the
sources, in selecting and employing the techniques to
stimulate the candidates
 The unit would enjoy better familiarity and control over the
employees it recruit rather
Than employees selectedbuy the central recruitment agency.


Recruitmen Strategy Searching Screening Evaluation

t Planning Developme and Control
1) Recruitment Planning: The first step involved in the recruitment
process is planning. Here, planning involves to draft a comprehensive job
satisfaction for the vacant position, outlining its major and minor
responsibilities; the skills, experience.

2)Strategy Development: Once it is known how many with what

qualifications of candidates are required, the next step involved in this regard
is to devise a suitable strategy for recruiting candidate in the organization .

3)Searching: This step involves attracting job seekers to the organization.

There are broadly two sources used to attract candidates. These are:
 Internal Sources, and
 External Sources

4)Screening: Though some view screening as the starting point selection,

we have considered it as an integral part of recruitment. The reason being
the selection process starts only after the applications have been screened
and shortlisted.

5)Evaluation and Control: Given the considerable cost involved in the

recruitment process, its evaluation and control is therefore, imperative. The
costs generally incurred in a recruitment process include:

 Salary of recruiters
 Cost of time spend for preparing job analysis advertisement, etc,
 Administrative expenses.

Selection meaning and definition

After identifying the sources of human resources searching for prospective
employees& stimulating them to apply for jobs in organization ,the
management has to perform the function of selecting the right employee for
right job.

Process of the selection

1) Preliminary Interview
2) Application Blank
3) Selection Test
4) Selection Interview
5) Reference Checks
6) Physical Examination
7) Final Selection

1) Preliminary Interview: Preliminary Interview follows

screening like screening; the purpose of preliminary interview
is to eliminate unsuitable or unqualified candidates from the
selection process.

2) Application Blank: Application blank is the commonest device

for getting information from prospective candidates. Almost
all the organization requires job seeker to full up an
application. This serve as personal record of the candidate
bearing personal history profile, detailed personal activities
skills and accomplishment.

3)Selection Test: A test is a systematically procedure for

comparing behavior of two or more person.
4) Selection Interview: -“A Selection interview is a purposeful
exchange of ideas, the answering of questions and
communication between two or more persons”.
5 )Reference Checks: The reference checks as yet another
step in the selection process used for the purpose of verifying
information and also obtaining additional feedback on
application. The candidate is asked to supply two-three
names of persons i.e. refer who know him/her personally.
University professors, neighbors, and friends can act as
1)Physical Examination: - The main purpose of conducting
physical or medical examination is to have proper matching
of job requirement with the physical ability of the candidate.

2)Final Selection: - The last step in the selection process is the

final selection of the candidate for job. The candidate who
has clear all the above hurdle are family selected and a letter
of job offer is issued to them. The job offer i.e. appointment
letter contain the details like pay – scale, allowances and
other terms and condition of the job. It also contains when
and whom he/ she should report for joining the duty.
Difference between Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment Selection
Recruitment technically Selection follows
preside Selection. Recruitment.

Recruitment refers to the Selection involves choosing

process of identifying and the best out of that
encourages potential recruitment.
candidates to apply for jobs
in the organization.

It has positive aim at It rejects a large number of

increasing the number of job unqualified applicants in
seekers for wider seekers. order to identify those who
are suitable for job.
In sum, recruitment involves Selection involves comparing
searching. that already search.

Various types of tests

On the basis of Ability

 Aptitude test:
 Achievement Test:
 Intelligence Test:
 Judgment Test:
1)Aptitude Test: Aptitude test measures ability and skills of those the taste.
These test measure and indicate how well a person would be able to perform
after training. It used to predict the future ability/ performance of a person.
2) Achievement Test: It measure a person’s potential in a given areas/ job.
It measure what a person can do based on skill or knowledge already
acquired by him/ her.

3)Intelligence Test: It measure general ability for intellectual performance.

The concept underlying in intelligence test is mental age.

4) Judgment Test: These tests are designed to know ability to apply

knowledge in solving a problem.

On the basis of Personality Test

 Interest Test:
 Personality Test:
 Projective Test:
 Attitude Test:

Interest Test:
These tests are design to discover a person’s area of interest and identify the
kind of work that will satisfy him.

Personality Test: These tests are also known as ‘personality inventories’.

It designed to measure the dimension of personality that Is interpersonal
competence, self confidence, ability to lead and ambition.

Projective Test: These tests are based on picture or incomplete items.

The taste asked to narrate or project his own interpretation on these.
Attitude Test: These tests are designed to know the taste’s tendencies
towards favoring or otherwise to people, situation, actions and a host of such
other things.


SELECTION :it is the function ton perform buy the
management of selecting the right employee ata right time
after identifying the source of human resource searching for
prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job
in an arganisation.

Selection procedure cannot be effective

 Requirement of the job to be filled have been clearly
specified(job analysis)
 Employee specification (physical mantal, social
behavioural)have clearly specified
 Candidate for screening have been attracted.
1. Reception of applications or preliminary screening
2. Application bank that gives a detail about the applicant's
background and life history
3. A well conducted interview to explore the applicant's
4. The physical examination
5. Psychological testing that gives an objective look at a
candidates suitability for that job
6. A reference check
7. Final Selection approved by the manager
8. Communication of the decision to the candidate.

Factors affecting Recruitment:

1. The size of the organization.
2. The employment conditions in the community where the
organization is located.
3. The effects of past recruiting efforts which show the
organization's ability to locate and retain the good
performing people.
4. Working conditions, salary and benefit packages offered by
the organization.
5. Rate of growth of the organization.
6. The future expansion and production programs.
7. Cultural, economic and legal factors.
However these factors may be divided specifically as Internal
and External factors.
Internal Factors:
1. Recruitment policy of the organization
2. Human resource planning strategy of the company
3. Size of the organization and number of people employed
4. Cost involved in recruiting employees
5. Growth and expansion plans of the organization
External Factors:
1. Supply and demand of specific skills in the labour market.
2. Political and legal factors like reservations of jobs for
specific sections of society etc
3. The job seekers image perception of the company.



 Aptitude test:These test measure whethere an individual has

a the capacity or talent ability to learn a given job if given
adequate training.
 Mechanical test:Test measure abilities likespatial
visualization, perceptual speed and knowledge of mechanical
matter.these test are useful for selecting apperentices,
skilled, mechanical employees,technicianetc.
 Psychomotor test:The test measure abilities like manual
dexterity, motor ability andeye hand coordination of
candidates.these test are useful to select semiskilled workers
and workers for repititve operations.
 Clerical Aptitude tests:Mesaure specific capacities involved in
office work. Items of ths test include spelling,
computation,copying word.
B.Achivement test:measure the value of specific
 Job knowledge test:under this test a candidate is tested in the
knowledge of a particular job for example,if junior lecturer
applies for the job of a senior lecturer in commerce,he may
be tested in job knowledge where he is asked question about
Accoutancy principles, banking law, business management.
 Work sample test: under this test a portion of the actual work is
given to the candidate to do it if candidate applies for a post
lecturer in management he may also a be tested in job
knowledge where he has asked to deliver a lecture on
management information system as work sample test.
C.Situational test:this test evaluates a candidate in a similar
real life this test the candidate is asked either to
cope with the situation or solve critical situations of the job.
 Group discussion test:it is intiating valuable ideas ,oral
communicationskills, coordinating skills,conciliating skills.
 In Basket:Situational test is administered through in basket.
The candidate ,in this test ,is supplied with actual letters,
telephone and telegraphic messages, by various officers of
the organisation,adequate information about the job and
orgabisation. The candidate is asked to take decision on
various item based on the in basket information regarding
requirements in the memoranda.


The Informational Interview

On the opposite end of the stress spectrum from screening interviews is the
informational interview. A meeting that you initiate, the informational interview is
underutilized by job-seekers who might otherwise consider themselves savvy to
the merits of networking. Job seekers ostensibly secure informational meetings in
order to seek the advice of someone in their current or desired field as well as to
gain further references to people who can lend insight. Employers that like to
stay apprised of available talent even when they do not have current job
openings, are often open to informational interviews, especially if they like to
share their knowledge, feel flattered by your interest, or esteem the mutual friend
that connected you to them. During an informational interview, the jobseeker and
employer exchange information and get to know one another better without
reference to a specific job opening. 

This takes off some of the performance pressure, but be intentional nonetheless:

 Come prepared with thoughtful questions about the field and the company.
 Gain references to other people and make sure that the interviewer would be
comfortable if you contact other people and use his or her name.
 Give the interviewer your card, contact information and resume.
 Write a thank you note to the interviewer

Unstructured Interviews: are a method of interviews where
questions can be changed or adapted to meet the respondent's
intelligence, understanding or belief. Unlike a structured interview
they do not offer a limited, pre-set range of answers for a
respondent to choose, but instead advocate listening to how each
individual person responds to the question.
The method to gather information using this technique is fairly
limited, for example most surveys that are carried out via telephone
or even in person tend to follow a structured method. Outside of
sociology the use of such interviews is very limited.
 This type of interview consists of the candidate facing a panel
of interviewers. Usually three to ten members constitute the
interview panel. The interview focuses on group management
and presentation skills of the candidates. Government
organizations practice this kind of interview for their
 The candidate should maintain eye contact with all the
members of committee as he/she is answering them.
 He/she must consider the committee as one.
 The candidate must pay a note of thanks to all the members
individually after the interview

Process of requirement
Identifying vacancy
Prepare job descriptions and process spoliations
Managing the responses
Short listing
Arrange for interview
Conduct interview
Make decicision
Convey the decision
Appointment activities

Pre interview
Prepare advertisement
Media select mentions
Response handling
Initial interview online telephone
Short sting interviewers
Interview management
Sending e mail or calling short listed candidates
Interview detail to short listed candidates
During interview
HR interview
Technical interview
Conducting test(attitude / mathematical/analytical)
Initial final list of the candidates
References cheek(if required)

post interview
email or telephone call to unsuccessful candidates
technical manager approval for in start up date
e mail or telephone call to successful candidates
HRM prepare a letter of appointment

Selection is a process of differentiating between
applicants in order to identifier and heir those with a greeter
likely wood of success on the jobs
Selection procedures
Job analysis
Application form
Written examination
Preliminary exams
Business games
Medical examinations
Line manager decisions

Essential of selection process

Job analysis
Significant of selection procedures
Organizational goals largely depend on selection
It is crucial, complex and continuing process
The employee contribution and commitment
Employer-employee relations will be congenial
Valuable asset to the organizations

Placement and induction process:

Placement is a process of assigning the selected
candidates with the most suitable job. this function includes
Consoling the personal manager regarding placement
Conducting follow-up study from a apprising the
employee perform in order to determined employee
adjustment with the job
Correcting the miss placement if any.
Retirement and separations
Retirement termination of services of an employee after
super annulations
Type of retirement
Permanent retirement
Compulsory retirement
Voluntary retirement
Golden hand shack scheme
Training and development:
Training provides technical’s skills and knowledge and
improves changes, skill, behavior, attitude, aptitude, towards
the requirements of the job and organizations
Benefits of training
Improve t he job knowledge and skills
Import the moral of the workers
Helps create a better corporate image
Helps people identify with organizational goals
Learns from the training

Need for training

Technical advances
Organizational complexity
Human relations
change in the job assignment

stages in training
1. Needs of the training
2. Program design
3. Implementation
4. Evaluations

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