Florence College of Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing: Health Talk ON
Florence College of Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing: Health Talk ON
Florence College of Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing: Health Talk ON
Irba, Ranchi
Medical Surgical Nursing
Submitted To:
Anand Kujur Submitted By:
Assistant Professor Sunil Kumar
Head of the Department M. Sc (Nsg) 1st Year
Medical Surgical Nursing Batch-2020-2022
Florence College of Nursing Florence College Of
a) Name of the student teacher: - Sunil Kumar
b) Name of the Topic: - Poliomyelitis
c) Date: - 25/08/2020
d) Time: - 11:30 to 12:00
e) Duration: - 30 minute
f) Venue: - General ward (3rd year)
g) Method of Teaching: - Lecture cum discussion
h) Media of teaching: - Flash card and chart paper
i) Previous knowledge about the topic: - Patient and group have less knowledge Regarding
about Poliomyelitis
After the end of my health teaching the patient and the group will acquire adequate knowledge
regarding the poliomyelitis.
At the end of health teaching patient and the group will be able to:-
a) Define poliomyelitis
b) List the causes of poliomyelitis
c) List out the risk factors of poliomyelitis
d) List out the signs and symptoms of poliomyelitis
e) Explain exam and tests for poliomyelitis
f) Explain the treatment of poliomyelitis
g) Enumerate the complication of poliomyelitis
h) Explain the prevention of poliomyelitis
S. Time Specific Content Student Learns Media of Evaluation
No objective teacher activity teaching
01. 2 Define Define Lecture Listing Define
min poliomyelitis Poliomyelitis is a cum and poliomyelitis
viral disease that can Discussion question
affect nerves and s
can lead the partial
or full paralysis.
Alternative name
Polio, infantile
paralysis post polio
Poliomyelitis is a
disease caused by
infection with the
poliovirus the virus
02. List the causes spreads by
3 of Direct person – Lecture Flash card List the cause
min poliomyelitis To – person contact cum Listing of
with infected mucus discussion and poliomyelitis
or phlegm from the question
nose or mouth
contact with
infected faeces.
The virus enters
through the mouth
and nose multiplies
in the throat and
intestinal tract and
then is absorbed and
spread through the
blood and lymph
system. The time
being infected with
the virus to
symptoms of disease
(incubation) ranges
from 3-35 days
( average 7-4 days )
most people do not
develop symptoms
Tests include
Cultures of throat
washings , stools, or
spinal fluid .
Spinal top and
examination of the
spinal fluid c 5f
Test for levels of
antibodies to the polio
06. 3min Explain the Using PCR
treatment of
poliomyelitis Treatment
The goal of treatment is to
control symptoms while the
infection runs its course . there
is no specific treatment for this
viral infection .
People with severe cases may
need lifesaving measures
especially breathing help
symptoms are treated based
on their severity treatment
may includes –
Antibiotics for urinary
tract infections
Moist heat (heating
pads warm towels) to
reduce muscle pain and
Painkiller to reduce
headache . muscle pain
and spesms (narcotics
are not usually given
because they increase
the risk of breathing
Physical therophy
braces or corrective
shores or orthopaedic
surgery to help recover
muscle strength and
Poliomyelitis is a viral disease that can effect nerves and can lead the partial or full paralysis.
Poliomyelitis is a disease caused by infection with the poliovirus. lack of immunization against
polio travel to an area that has experienced a polio outbreak can still accur in the developed
world these are three basic patterns of polio infection subdinical infection non – paralytic and
paralytic the health care provider may find abnormal reflexes. Back stiffness Tests include
cultures of throat washing stools or spinal fluid the goal of treatment is to control symptoms
while the infection runs its course possible complication that is aspiration pneumonia lack of
movement . prevention of polio that is immunization (vaccine) effectively prevents poliomyelitis
After this health talk I conclude that my patient and the group gets the knowledge about
definition of poliomyelitis, causes of poliomyelitis, Risks includes poliomyelitis the signs and
symptoms of poliomyelitis, exam and tests for poliomyelitis treatment of poliomyelitis, possible
complications of poliomyelitis, How to prevent from poliomyelitis.
SOUTH ASIAN EDITION. Page No – 639 – 643
2) W.W.W. GOOGLE.COM :- WWW.Poliomyelitis,com
Risks includes
Lack of immunization
against polio travel to an
area that has experienced a
polio outbreak can still
occur in the developed
world usually in groups of
people who have not been
vaccinated. polio often
occurs after someone
travels to a region where
there has been an outbreak
of disease As a result of
03. 3 massive global vaccination
List out the Risk campaign over the past 20 Discussion Listing Flash card List out the
factor of year polio exists only in a cum and risk factor of
poliomyelitis free countries in Africa and lecture questio poliomyelitis
Asia . n