Chapter 7 - Surface Mining
Chapter 7 - Surface Mining
Chapter 7 - Surface Mining
Surface Mining
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Surface mining cost estimation is a complex exercise In calculating the mine life, the economic limits of
that requires analysis of a variety of inputs, including the open cut mine must be known to determine the
the geology and physical properties of the deposit, quantity of ore available for mining. This requires
equipment selection, equipment productivity optimising the pit’s limits, which is part of the planning
estimation, workforce roster and personnel planning. process and a complex iterative exercise.
Capital and operating cost estimation for the selected
Ore characteristics
fleet also needs to be analysed.
The physical characteristics of the ore and waste
This chapter details factors to be considered when
materials must be known in order to select appropriate
preparing a surface mining cost estimate. The final
excavation and haulage equipment. The most important
section provides a worked example of the cost
factors are:
estimation techniques applied to a small open pit gold
mining operation. •• excavatability
•• density
PLANNING AND DESIGN •• volume measures.
For surface mining operations the objectives of the Excavatability
planning process are to:
Excavatability is a measure of the effort required
•• define the resource in terms of grade, tonnage and to remove ore or waste from its in situ position. It is
location generally described as one of:
•• determine if a market exists for the products and if •• drill-and-blast
so what are the quality and quantity constraints
•• free digging
•• select a mining method that is the most economic
•• rippable.
given the physical characteristics of the orebody
and rate at which the ore is to be mined Assessment of the excavatability of the material is
not easily determined with accuracy. Many cases can
•• decide if the project is either economically viable or
be cited where contract miners in particular have lost a
could be viable under a given set of conditions.
considerable amount of money as a result of an error of
Selection of the most economically viable mining judgement in its assessment.
method requires an evaluation of the capital and
To gain an understanding of excavatability a
operating costs of the surface mining equipment. In
geotechnical investigation of the ore and waste
order to establish surface mining equipment costs for
materials is required in the early stages of the mine
a given project, the planning process must define the:
planning process. The information required from this
•• mining method study should include:
•• mining sequence (schedule) •• engineering logs of boreholes in ore and waste in
•• ore production rate and hence mine life, including both weathered and unweathered material
the overburden production rate required to sustain •• engineering seismic surveys across the proposed
the ore production rate open cut mine.
•• physical characteristics of the materials to be A typical engineering log includes a description of
handled. the hole, groundwater conditions, rock type, strength,
degree of weathering and discontinuities. All can
Mine life indicate the excavatability.
The life of the mine is determined by dividing the Franklin, Broch and Walton (1971) proposed a method
quantity of ore in the designed pit to be extracted by of assessment, based on joint spacing and point load
the quantity of ore to be mined per annum to meet strength as shown in Figure 7.1.
the marketing requirements for the products. For a
constant rate of production: Density
Ore available The in situ density of the ore and waste must be
Mine life =
Annual production rate assessed in order to determine the volume of material
Volume measures
Difficult Unrippable-
The volume of material is defined depending on its
Ripping Blast to fracture stage in the earthmoving process.
Joint Spacing (m)
Bank measure
This is the in situ volume of material as it lies in the
Rippable ground before the excavation process has begun; it is
typically referred to as bank cubic metres (BCM). Most
Free contract mining is based on volume measurement, as it
is easy to check by surveying.
Operating 3 Maximum
6 d/a 352 1-2-3-5 d/a 365
days/annum days/annum
Scheduled 4 Weather
7 h/shift 12 d/a 13
hours/shift delays
Production (Bm3/h)
400 kw
is excessive, the alternatives of contract mining or
equipment hire should be considered. 300 kw
Further details regarding capital cost estimation are
provided in Chapter 4 – Capital Cost Estimation.
Economic Rip Limit
The most commonly used methods of breaking rock
in open cut mines are ripping with a dozer and drill-
Seismic Velocity (m/s)
and-blast. The selection of the appropriate method will
depend on the nature of the ground. Usually, there is FIG 7.2 - Rock ripping production rate (in bank cubic metres).
a transition point from one method to the other with
increasing depth of excavation and increasing rock down the hole (DTH) drilling, the piston strikes directly
strength as the effects of weathering become less. on the bit and no energy is lost through the joints in the
Excavation by ripping is typically limited to rocks that drill string. The larger mast-type rotary/percussion rigs
are classified as extremely to moderately weathered. often use air-percussion hammers with independent
hydraulic drill steel rotation and hydraulic-powered
Ripping steel handling and traction motors.
Ripping is used to loosen material prior to loading with Rotary drilling has been adapted from oil well drilling
excavators, front-end loaders or scrapers. Engineering to large diameter holes for surface mining. A roller cone
seismic surveys using shallow refraction techniques bit is used with high feed pressure and slow rotation to
have been used extensively to assess rippability of rock. crush the rock. The relationship between pressure and
Dozer manufacturers published diagrams showing rotation speed varies with the type of rock, with lower
ease of ripping against seismic velocity. However, pressure and higher speeds used in softer formations.
seismic velocity alone is not a reliable indicator of the
The selection of a drilling machine for a surface
ease of excavation since it does not necessarily give
operation depends on:
a true indication of the excavation characteristics in
areas with boulders and other non-homogeneities •• hole depth
typically found in the weathered horizon. Techniques •• hole diameter
combining engineering and geophysical parameters •• nature of the terrain
have been developed by Weaver (1975) and Minty and •• rate at which ore and waste is to be removed to
Kerns (1983). Factors that affect the ripping production comply with the mining schedule
of a dozer include: •• rock hardness
•• crawler traction •• rock size that can be handled by the load-and-haul
•• depth of penetration equipment.
•• dozer power and weight Small top-hammer drills are used for small diameter
•• groundwater conditions drilling of shallow holes in situations where a larger
•• joint type, spacing and orientation rig cannot be used. For holes about 85 to 200 mm in
•• length of rip diameter and up to 20 m deep, DTH hammer drilling
is commonly used. Rotary drilling is generally used
•• number of rippers per machine
for larger diameter drilling of up to about 400 mm in
•• rock type.
diameter and up to 100 m deep, mostly using tricone
Figure 7.2 shows ripping production against seismic bits, although drag bits have some application in soft
velocity for various sized dozers. It can be used ground.
for preliminary estimates in the absence of more
It is necessary to design a drilling pattern in order to
comprehensive site information.
determine the number and type of drilling machines
Drilling required. The procedure to be followed for a first-pass
design is given in publications issued by drilling and
The principal rock-drilling methods are rotary/
blasting companies and explosives manufacturers as
percussion and rotary. Rotary/percussion drills may
well as in various texts. Essentially, the design process
be air, air-hydraulic or hydraulic and may have the
involves the selection of the following key parameters:
hammer located at the top or bottom of the drill string.
With top-hammer drilling, the hammer’s piston hits •• bench height (H)
the shank adaptor and creates a shock wave that is •• burden (B)
transmitted through the drill steels to the bit. With •• hole diameter (D)
•• spacing (S) Table 7.6 lists some average rates that may be used as
•• subdrill (SD). a guide in preliminary studies in the absence of specific
The volume (V) of rock per drill hole can then be data. The rates assume a 67 per cent drilling efficiency.
determined by:
V = H × B × S (m3) Average drilling rates.
The length of drilling (L) per cubic metre of rock is Class of Average drilling speed (m/h)
given by: rock
Jack- Air-track Air- Rotary Rotary
hammer hydraulic tricone drag bit
L = (H + SD)/V (m/m3)
Soft 8 - 12 25 - 35 30 - 45 21 - 30 35 - 70
If Q is the volume of rock to be excavated per hour Medium 5-8 12 - 25 15 - 30 12 - 21 0 - 35
to comply with the mining schedule, then the required
drill metres per hour (M) is given by: Hard 0-5 0 - 12 0 - 15 0 - 12 N/A
conditions. The rated operating load is defined as the power to the shovel and relocate cables during shovel
lesser of 50 per cent of wheel loader tipping load or moves creates operational problems and extra costs.
100 per cent of lifting capacity. Manufacturers often When comparing diesel units like hydraulic excavators
provide a rating in tonnes for a machine. This figure is and front-end loaders to rope shovels, it is important to
the sum of the bucket load and bucket weight. include the cost of power distribution.
Standard bucket sizes are usually based on a loose The effective use of power in front-end loaders is
density of about 1.7 t/m3. If the density is substantially limited by tyre traction and equipment tipping.
different from this value, then either a smaller or larger Table 7.9 gives the average engine power per cubic
bucket may be required. metre of bucket capacity. Hydraulic excavators have a
higher ratio, which gives them an advantage in digging
Bucket fill factor ability.
Bucket fill factor is a measure of the real volume
excavated compared to the stated bucket size. Typical TABLE 7.9
bucket fill factors are provided in Table 7.7. Loader horsepower to bucket capacity ratio.
•• clean-up by the loading unit or dozer Electric shovel 0.92 0.88 0.82 0.75
•• crusher and dump slow-downs Hydraulic excavator 0.90 0.86 0.77 0.70
•• fuelling Front-end loader 0.88 0.84 0.75 0.65
•• inspections Truck 0.90 0.85 0.75 0.65
•• loading unit movement
•• operator experience 25. Use of availability – input value depending on
•• under trucking the operating philosophy, roster, management
•• unusual delays due to weather. efficiency and whether shift change and meal losses
Efficiency is measured either as a proportion of an are included in reduction hours. Some typical
hour or as the number of productive minutes in an values are given in Table 7.17.
hour. Table 7.15 gives typical values.
TABLE 7.17
TABLE 7.15 Use of availability.
Efficiency factors.
Conditions Losses in No losses in
Conditions Proportion Minutes/hour reduction hours reduction hours
Good 0.87 52 Good 0.90 0.80
Average 0.83 50 Average 0.85 0.75
Poor 0.75 45 Poor 0.75 0.65
19. Propel factor – accounts for time lost due to 26. Utilisation – operating time divided by scheduled
movements of the loading units around the mine. time, also equals mechanical availability × use of
The efficiency factor accounts for the normal availability.
movements of a loading unit as it moves itself along
27. Operating hours/annum – the potential operating
the face during excavation. This factor depends on
hours that a loading unit could work in a year, if
the type of loading unit, size of pit and amount of
movement required. Typical values might be 0.95
28. Production/annum – hourly productivity ×
for a rope shovel or 1.0 for a front-end loader.
operating hours.
20. Presentation factor – attempts to account for the
29. Refer to 28.
time a loading unit must wait for a truck. This
area is covered in more detail in the sections on 30. Required production/annum – input value.
queuing theory and simulation. It can also take into 31. Required operating hours/annum – calculated
account the priority a loading unit gets for trucks. operating hours for shovel fleet to excavate the
A primary production unit would probably have a required production input in the line above.
presentation factor between 0.95 and 1.0, while an 32. Required units – number of loading units required
ancillary unit could be substantially less at maybe to achieve required production considering, for
0.80. example, mechanical availability.
21. Productivity – tonnes of production excavated in Other equipment
an operating hour.
Equipment that does not use a single bucket, including
Productivity = efficiency/(load + spot) × truck dozers, draglines, bucket wheel excavators and surface
payload × propel × presentation factor miners.
TABLE 7.19
Dragline specifications.
Capacity (m3)
0.75 2.5 5.0 15 50 75 135
Weight (t) 25 80 150 900 3 200 6000 9000
Maximum suspended load (t) 2.4 6 11 40 135 225 415
Power (kW) 90 165 300 1600 4000 7500 13 500
Boom length (m) 15 22 30 80 95 100 100
Dumping radius (m) 14 20 27 65 85 95 95
Dumping height (m) 7 10 15 40 35 40 40
Digging depth (m) 10 12 18 55 40 50 55
Cycle time a
Easy digging (min) 0.40 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.75
Medium digging (min) 0.45 0.60 0.65 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.85
Hard digging (min) >0.50 >0.70 >0.80 >0.95 >1.00 >1.00 >1.00
Walking speed (km/h) 2.5 1.5 1.2 0.27 0.22 0.22 0.20
Average life (h) 14 000 16 800 28 000 70 000 180 000 180 000 180 000
a. 90° swing, optimum dig depth, casting specifications and typical overburden material characteristics.
TABLE 7.20 miner. This can be either loaded directly onto a truck
Bucket wheel excavator specifications. or conveyor or indirectly by windrowing where the
material will be picked up later.
Wheel diameter (m)
Typical cut depth is 0.3 m. Because surface miners
5.5 7.5 10 12.5 can take time to turn and set up at the end of each
Theoretical capacity (LCM/h) 1200 2500 4500 6200 cut, a minimum of about 600 m of strike is required.
Consideration needs to be taken into account of
Effective output (BCM/h) 480 1150 1950 3250
any hard zones that might be cut across on a bench.
Bucket volume (m3) 0.25 0.60 1.20 2.35 Otherwise pick wear can be high.
Machine weight (t) 170 415 850 3 000
The haulage equipment covered in this section
Bucket drive (kW) 200 500 900 1250 includes dump trucks, scrapers and conveyors. With
Connected load (kVA) 400 1000 1850 4000 the exception of conveyors, which provide continuous
haulage, the equipment is cyclical and the estimation of
Bench dimensions
the number of units required is dependent on accurate
Bank height (m) 9.0 14.0 19.0 30.0 estimation of the productivity of a haulage unit.
Below grade reach (m) 5.0 7.0 10.0 5.0
Truck types
Cut width (m) 13.0 19.0 26.0 50.0
Trucks can be classified as:
Bench conveyor width (mm) 900 1350 1600 1800 •• dumping
Typical usage (hours/a) 3500 3500 3500 3500 •• rear dump
Average life (year) 20 20 20 20 •• bottom dump
•• side dump
Notes: BCM = bank cubic metres; LCM = loose cubic metres.
•• steering
C bucket capacity (m3) •• front wheel steer
S swell factor •• articulated steer
The bucket fill factor typically equals one for the types •• drive
of material commonly excavated. •• rear wheel
The typical effective output in BCM/h for each •• all wheel
machine specified is given in Table 7.20. The figures •• centre drive
include the effect of material swell, excavator and •• axles
conveyor availability, mining efficiency and conveyor
•• two axles
•• three axles
Surface miners
•• more than three axles
Several designs of surface miners are applied in open cut
•• power train
mining where medium-strength materials (up to 50 MPa)
are to be excavated. Their advantages are eliminating the •• mechanical
need to drill-and-blast, mining with minimal dilution, •• electric.
eliminating the need for primary crushing and providing The following sections discuss some of the distinctions
a continuous flow of material from the face. However, among these types.
pick wear and power consumption can be high in hard
abrasive material, making them more suitable for coal Dumping configurations
mining applications in similar materials. Rear and bottom dumps only are discussed in this
There are two main types of cutting head used on section.
the machines. One type is similar to underground Rear dumps
continuous coalminers and has an oscillating drum
head with picks attached. Cut material is fed onto a In these units the body is mounted on the truck
central conveyor by gathering arms at floor level for frame. Dumping is carried out by a hydraulic hoist
discharge at the rear of the machine. The other type system raising the body to greater than 45°. These
of head has some features in common with the bucket are very flexible units capable of handling all types of
wheel excavator, including that the cutting is done by material. They have good gradeability and are easily
a drum with bucket-type segments across the width of manoeuvred. They are the most common haulage unit.
the machine. Buckets lift the cut material and discharge The standard haul unit has two axles with two wheels
it onto a conveyor for delivery at the rear of the on the front axle and four wheels on the rear axle. The
rear wheels are usually the only ones driven. Three-axle •• rimpull curve
trucks are less common in mines, but are used for on/ •• braking curve
off highway hauls. An example is a coal unit loaded in- •• drive system type
pit, but which does most of its hauling on good roads
•• power
at high speed. The extra axle reduces the tyre loadings
and so improves tyre life at high speeds. •• tyres.
Bottom dumps Payload, net vehicle weight and gross vehicle weight
These units provide faster dump times and higher The amount of useful material carried by trucks is
payloads for the same engine horsepower, but at the measured either as bank cubic metres (BCM) or tonnes.
cost of gradeability and manoeuvrability. In general, It is the weight of the load that is important in terms of
their use is in strip coal mines where the ramp gradients the vehicles performance. Manufacturers either define
are kept at five per cent or less. the capacity of their trucks in terms of nominal payload
(tonnes) or as a maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW).
Articulated steering
The GVW system is very sensible as it accounts
Articulated units tend to be smaller and of lighter for the changes in net vehicle weight (NVW) due to
construction. Maximum size would be of the order specification differences between units:
of 50 t. Their main application is in wet and poor
underfoot conditions. Their lighter construction results Payload = GVW - NVW
in a shorter life.
As the above formula shows, payload is the difference
Power train between GVW and NVW. The NVW for the same trucks
The two basic power trains in large haul units are at different mines can be quite large. This is because
electric and mechanical. different options selected by each operation include
Electric tyres, wear packages, air conditioning, size of fuel tank
and body size.
Electric units use a generator-alternator, driven by a
diesel engine to power electric motors in the hubs of When calculating productivities we are usually only
the rear wheels. Retarding (braking) is provided by interested in average payloads. However, it must be
working the system backwards. The electric motors understood that payloads follow a distribution of some
are used as generators with the electric power created sort. This will not necessarily be a normal distribution.
as feed to large resistor banks. This retardation will However, as a rule-of-thumb it can be assumed that a
reduce the speed to a few kilometres per hour where standard deviation will be ten per cent of the average
the disc-drum braking system (service) can be used. payload and that payloads will be normally distributed.
The engine of the electric drive units runs at set Therefore, assuming an average payload of 172 t and
revolutions per minute (rpm) all the time. This means a ten per cent standard deviation (17.2 t) with a normal
that it uses substantial fuel even under braking distribution, the truck payloads could be expected
conditions. to range from 138 t to 206 t for 95 per cent of loads
Electric drive manufacturers counter that their units (Figure 7.6).
are cheaper to maintain. Electric drive trucks can be The two equations below give the calculations for
matched to a particular haul cycle and may outperform maximum and average payloads:
mechanical drive trucks in this situation; however,
mechanical drive trucks are more flexible. Maximum payload = average payload + number of
SD × SD as a per cent of mean
These operate in much the same manner as a car with Maximum payload
Average payload =
an automatic gearbox. Trucks are available in a range % SD
c1 + 100 # number of SD from meanm
of sizes up to a payload of more than 300 t.
The main advantages of mechanical drive units lie in where:
their better gradeability and lower fuel consumption.
SD standard deviation
Truck specifications Example
This section discusses truck specifications that can be What will be the average payload if the maximum
important in analysing truck shovel systems. Some GVW of a truck is 317 t and the NVW is 130 t?
important specifications are: Assuming a normal distribution, a standard deviation
•• payload, net vehicle weight and maximum gross of seven per cent of average payload and acceptance of
vehicle weight five loads in 100 being more than the maximum, the
•• dimensions maximum load is:
determines vehicle acceleration. Rimpull from the Although each manufacturer’s charts differ to some
charts is useful for input into computer simulations. To extent, the general principles are the same. Note that on
pick rimpull from the chart: electric trucks the speed curve will be smooth. Figure 7.10
•• choose velocity and move vertically up until the is an example of an electric truck rimpull curve.
speed curve is hit
Braking/retarding charts
•• move horizontally from that point toward the
The braking/retarding curves are read in a similar
rimpull axis and read off the value.
way to the performance chart. In this case the speed
Example 1 obtained will be the maximum speed that the vehicle
What is the rimpull of the vehicle at 30 km/h? Figure 7.9 can travel and still stay within the braking envelope of
shows the rimpull is 15 000 kg force. the unit.
The rimpull curve can also be used to estimate power Different braking systems have different
train efficiency using the following formula. characteristics. For example, the curves shown in
Figure 7.11 are the braking curves for the Cat 789.
Efficiency = (Rm × V)/(Power × 367) The Cat 789 uses disc brakes as the primary braking
system. The longer the period of braking required, the
where: hotter and less efficient the brakes become. Caterpillar
Rm rimpull (kg) supplies a series of curves for various distances on
V velocity (km/h) grade. Thus the maximum speed on a 450 m grade
distance will be higher than that for 1500 m.
Power engine power (kW)
Example 2
What is the maximum speed for a loaded unit on a
What is the power train efficiency of the vehicle at
ten per cent downhill grade with two per cent RR over
30 km/h if the gross engine power is 1342 kW?
grade distances of 450 m and 1500 m?
Efficiency = (15 000 × 30)/(1342 × 367) Total resistance = 2% + (-10%)
= 0.91 or 91% = –8% or 8% favourable
Selected Speed
FIG 7.11 - Sample retarding curves for the Cat 789 truck.
Maximum speed on a 450 m grade is 41 km/h in fifth distance the maximum speed drops to 22 km/h in third
gear or 30 km/h in fourth gear. Over a 1500 m grade gear (Figure 7.12).
Heaped Portion
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
•• high gradients, where dumping is difficult A trolley pole or pantograph system is used to collect
•• poor floor conditions, where sidewall cuts are the electricity from the overhead power line. The truck
common can be used in either the trolley assist mode or in normal
•• sharp switchbacks, where tyre flexibility can cause diesel mode. The main advantages for trolley assist are:
rubbing on the flange. •• decreased diesel engine maintenance – less work
Operating tyres at temperatures above their carried out by motor
capability will result in ply separations and other •• decreased fuel consumption – uses electricity rather
temperature-related failures. Heat is generated in tyres than fuel
as they roll and flex. If heat is created faster in the tyre •• increased productivity – faster speed on loaded
than it can be expelled to the atmosphere, then heat uphill section
build-up occurs. In the extreme, this can reverse the
•• improved deep pit performance – can run for longer
vulcanisation process and initiate tyre failure. Even if
periods up ramp.
this critical level is not reached, the tyre loses strength
as temperature increases and becomes more liable to The main use for trolley assist is in deep pit operations
damage from braking, cornering, impact and cuts. where fuel is very expensive while electric power is
cheap. Disadvantages include:
The tonne kilometre per hour (TKPH) formula is
designed to predict such potential failure. Temperature •• capital cost of truck modifications
is a function of speed, load and the time that tyres are •• cost of initial power distribution and maintenance
not working and are allowed to cool: •• relocation of power system as pit expands.
29 Production/annum BCM 27/22 980 943 Conditions Rear (min) Bottom (min)
17. Wait time – time the truck must wait before being 22. Productivity – BCM of production hauled in an
served by the loading unit. In general, this number operating hour.
will not be known and is handled by other methods 23. Scheduled h/a – as discussed in the previous section
(eg queuing theory or simulation). If this number on ‘Scheduling’.
is known, because of time studies, it can be added
24. Mechanical availability – input value depending on
in here.
machine type, age and maintenance philosophy.
18. Cycle time – round trip time for the truck. It is the Typical values are shown in Table 7.16.
sum of fixed, travel and wait times.
25. Use of availability – input value depending on the
19. Efficiency – measure of how much productive
operating philosophy, roster and management
time is achieved in one hour of operating time (ie
efficiency, and whether shift change and meal
to excavate material). This does not mean that the
losses are included in reduction hours. Typical
non-productive time is useless, only that it does not
produce primary material movement. The sort of values are given in Table 7.17.
activities that the efficiency factor includes is: 26. Utilisation – operating time divided by scheduled
•• clean-up by the loading unit or dozer time; also equals mechanical availability × use of
•• crusher and dump slow-downs
27. Operating hours/annum – potential operating
•• fuelling
hours that a trucking unit could work in a year,
•• inspections if required.
•• loading unit movement 28. Production/annum – hourly productivity ×
•• operator experience operating hours.
•• under trucking 29. Refer to 28.
•• unusual delays due to weather. 30. Required production/annum – input value.
Table 7.15 gives typical values of efficiency. Efficiency 31. Required operating hours/annum – calculated
is measured either as a proportion of an hour or as operating hours for truck fleet to move the required
the number of productive minutes in an hour. production input in the line above.
20. Queue factor – accounts for time lost due to 32. Required units – number of trucks required to
queuing. It is another measure of wait time. In achieve required production, considering both
general, it should be left at 1.0 unless some estimate mechanical availability and use of availability.
of queuing losses is available. A typical queuing The use of spreadsheets for calculating productivity
factor might be 0.90. has a number of advantages, including the ability to:
Productivity – tonnes of production hauled •• carry out sensitivity analysis
in an operating hour •• compare different truck/loading unit combinations,
by copying the last column
21. Figure 7.15 shows how the various factors interact
to affect productivity. •• carry out back-analyses to check various factors.
To make the best use of this system, it is necessary
Productivity = efficiency/(cycle time) × to develop a set of factors that are suitable for each
truck payload × queuing factor
Spot Load Dump Travel
Truck travel time
The four ways of calculating travel time – that most
Fixed Variable
important factor of truck productivity– include:
1. time study
cycle 2. rimpull curves
Queue Job 3. empirical
factor efficiency 4. computer simulation.
Trips per With the availability of cheap personal computers,
hour simulation is now open to all. There are a number of
good and readily available programs such as Talpac
by Runge Associates and FPC by Caterpillar. These
(t/h, BCM/h) not only calculate travel time, but also go through the
whole process of calculating productivity. This section
FIG 7.15 - Factors influencing truck productivity. will briefly discusses items 1 to 3.
Speed Factor
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Road Length (m)
Speed Factor
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Road Length (m)
Speed Factor
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Road Length (m)
be constantly graded and repaired. Motor graders equal to the rate of evaporation to maintain constant
are the main item of plant required. The frequency moisture content in the pavement material.
of grading is dependent on the standard of road The number of water trucks required can be calculated
construction and traffic density. The grading frequency by analysis of the haul cycle time. The time to fill is
can be as often as once per hour or up to once per shift. dependent on filling-point arrangement. If an overhead
Grader specifications are given in Table 7.24. tank is installed, filling can be very rapid. If filling is
directly from a suction pump at a lagoon, the filling time
TABLE 7.24 will depend on the pump capacity. In rare situations,
Grader specifications. no filling facilities are provided and the spray pump
Blade width (m) 3.7 4.3 4.9 7.3 on the truck is used for filling, which can be quite slow.
Typical times are 2.5 minutes for overhead facilities,
Power (flywheel kW) 100 - 120 190 220 400 five minutes for pup-stand-type arrangements and
Machine weight (t) 13 - 15 21 27 62 15 minutes for self-loading. Discharge time depends on
the truck-mounted pump size.
Typical operating
5.0 5.0 6.5 6.5
speed (km/h) Dewatering plants
Typical pass width (m) 2.0 2.4 2.8 4.5 Surface mining operations accumulate water from
Area covered per groundwater ingress, surface run-off and rainfall. The
7800 10 300 14 250 22 300 amount of water to be pumped from an excavation must
47 min/ha (m2)
be determined by a hydrological study for each site.
Average life (h) 30 000 30 000 30 000 30 000
The quantity can be reduced by constructing surface
a. This is the efficiency, as discussed and shown in Table 7.15. water diversion drains and channels and levee banks
around the excavation. A sump must be maintained at
The number of graders required can be calculated by the lowest point in the excavation for the collection of
dividing the surface area of roads to be maintained by water and to facilitate pumping. Various pump types
the hourly production per machine. are available, including submersible, suction centrifugal
The other essential item for haul road maintenance and diaphragm. Motors can be diesel or electric.
is the water truck. The surface of an unsealed haul
road should be kept moist (but not wet) to reduce
Lighting plants
dust, and hence improve driver visibility. Watering Mining operations carried out in the field at night
roads also keeps the surface compact and prevents the require good illumination for safety and efficient
development of surface irregularities. The amount of operation. Relatively permanent installations, such as
water required depends on: dump hoppers, can be lit by mains-powered lights.
However, other areas, such as loading points for mobile
•• density of traffic
machines, will change position as mining progresses.
•• evaporation In these cases, portable lighting plants are often used
•• humidity and typically consist of a diesel generator with lamps,
•• natural ground moisture located on a mast about 10 m high.
•• rainfall Many factors are involved in determining the number
•• surface material type. and location of lights. The most important factor is the
type of work undertaken, and hence the intensity of
Of the above, the most important factor is the
evaporation rate. Values of evaporation per day for light required and the area to be illuminated. On an area
various climatic regions and months are given in of relatively low-level illumination, such as a haul road,
Table 7.25. Under conditions of little rainfall, it will be one 1000 W tungsten halogen lamp should illuminate
necessary to apply water to the road surface at least about 0.25 ha. The same wattage high-pressure sodium
lamps would cover about 0.75 ha. However, areas of
TABLE 7.25 high activity could require more than ten times this
Average daily evaporation rates for four Australian sites. illumination level.
Servicing involves checking and topping up hydraulic fleet will be predominantly Caterpillar equipment.
and lubricating oils, greasing, cleaning and changing Mining equipment will be selected to suit the size and
filters, adding air to tyres and carrying out preventative selectivity of the selective mining unit block size.
maintenance. Two people operating from a well-
equipped service truck can complete the average mobile Operating hours
equipment service in about ten minutes. Refuelling in The equipment operating hours determine the
the field is undertaken from fuel tankers, equipped with production and cost of a mining unit. The mining
pumps that deliver about 5 L/s of fuel. Thus, with extra operation will run on a three-panel, 12-hour shift basis.
tasks such as connecting and disconnecting hoses and The mine is planned to be operated 365/a, 24 h/d. An
caps, a machine requiring 500 L of fuel can normally be allowance has also been made for bad weather, other
refuelled in about five minutes. Tyres often have to be stoppages and unproductive time. Table 7.27 gives
replaced in the field and, unless a custom tyre-changing the estimated annual operating hours for the mining
facility is close at hand, this can best be accomplished operation.
with a tyre servicing truck. A well-equipped tyre truck
Table 7.28 gives the operating hours potentially
comprises a tray body large enough to hold the largest
available for the main production equipment.
tyre, hydraulic crane and a compressor.
TABLE 7.27
WORKED EXAMPLES Possible production calculation.
This section provides a worked example of how mining
costs could be estimated for a small contract gold Line Calculation Material Units Resulting
mining operation. It is planned to run the operation no time
on a contract mining basis, with a workforce roster of Maximum
1 d/a 365
two weeks on followed by one week off. All personnel days/annum
would operate on a fly-in, fly-out basis.
2 Holidays d/a 0
The mining schedule developed during a feasibility
study is provided in Table 7.26. 3 Weekends d/a 0
The anticipated annual production rate for this study Possible
4 d/a 365
is a mill ore feed rate of 2 Mt/a. days/annum
The load-and-haul equipment for this study is: 5 Weather delays d/a 13
TABLE 7.26
Mining schedule.
Material quantities Units 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
Total movement Mt 11.50 16.80 14.60 15.00 12.10 9.45 79.45
Strip ratio Waste:ore 22.0 7.4 6.3 6.5 5.1 6.0 7.1
Waste Mt 11.00 14.80 12.60 13.00 10.10 8.10 69.60
Ore Mt 0.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.35 9.85
Au g/t 1.90 1.93 1.99 2.01 1.94 1.96 1.96
Au recovery % 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
Au in situ oz 30 543 124 102 127 960 129 246 124 745 85 071 621 656
Au produced oz 25 962 105 487 108 766 109 859 106 033 72 310 528 417
TABLE 7.29
Excavator productivity model for Cat 6030 excavator.
TABLE 7.30
Haul truck segment speeds.
Haul segment Speed full Speed Haul segment Speed full Speed
(km/h) empty (km/h) (km/h) empty (km/h)
First 50 m 20 25 Dump ramp uphill (downhill return) 12 45
Pit floor 25 30 Dump ramp downhill (uphill return) 26 26
Hair pin 20 20 Dump flat 35 45
Downhill ramp (uphill return) 26 26 Dump last 50 m 25 25
Uphill ramp (downhill return) 10 30 Ore ramp downhill (uphill return) 26 26
Ex-pit flat 35 45 Ore ramp uphill (downhill return) 10 30
TABLE 7.31
Estimated haul truck requirements.
waste hole parameters and drilling productivities are Assumptions regarding ancillary equipment fleet
summarised in Table 7.32. requirements are:
TABLE 7.32 •• one tracked dozer is assigned to each primary
Drilling parameters. loading tool
•• two tracked dozers are assigned to the dumps and
Parameter Units Ore Waste general works
Bench height m 5.0 5.0 •• one rubber-tyred dozer provides mobile support
Hole depth m 5.8 5.8 •• one grader is assigned to cover the pit, dump and
infrastructure roads
Hole diameter mm 127 127 •• one 90 t water truck covers the pit dump and
Average penetration rate m/h 31 31 infrastructure roads.
Grade control
Blasting productivity
Grade control samples will be collected during blasthole
It has been assumed that emulsion explosive will be drilling. An allowance has been made for 20 per cent of
produced and delivered to the hole by a specialist the waste to be sampled and 100 per cent of the ore at a
third-party subcontractor. The blasting parameters are rate of one sample per metre drilled.
given in Table 7.33.
TABLE 7.33 Personnel
Blasting parameters. Crewing considerations include the roster and the
number of tradespeople and operators.
Blasting parameters Units Waste Ore
Hole diameter m 0.127 0.127 Crew roster
Spacing m 5.18 5.18 The roster is a continuous three-panel crew roster. The
roster parameters provided in Table 7.34 have been
Burden m 4.50 4.50 based on these assumptions. The roster is 14 days on
Depth m 5.0 5.0 followed by seven days off.
Rock density t/m3 2.80 2.80 TABLE 7.34
Hole depth m 5.8 5.8 Personnel roster parameters.
Subgrade m 0.8 0.8 Item Units Resulting time
Stemming length m 2.4 2.4 Days on d/roster 14
Explosive density t/m3 1.20 1.20 Days off d/roster 7
kg explosive per metre kg 15.2 15.2 Maximum days/annum d/a 365
Explosive per hole kg 51.7 51.7 Weather delays d/a 13
Rock/hole t 326 326 Annual leave d/a 20
Rock/hole BCM 116 116 Sick leave d/a 10
Powder factor kg/t 0.16 0.16 Funeral leave d/a 5
Powder factor kg/BCM 0.44 0.44 Absenteeism d/a 10
Rostered off d/a 122
Note: BCM = bank cubic metres.
Training d/a 12
Ancillary equipment Total worked d/a 186
The ancillary fleet provides services to ensure continued
Personnel paid/possible shift person/shift 1.31 (use 1.30)
production and perform any general pit and dump
work not directly involved in the mining operations.
Services include: Operator and trades requirements
•• dust suppression Operator numbers are based on effective hours
•• in-pit refuelling and lubrication of equipment with labour factor added to cover
availability, vacation, sickness and compassionate
•• lighting of work areas
leave. Absenteeism is unpaid, so is not considered in
•• mobile maintenance the cost model.
•• personnel transport The personnel numbers assume an efficient
•• road construction and maintenance workforce operating with high levels of multi-skilling
•• waste dump and in-pit bench maintenance. and flexibility.
TABLE 7.39
Summary of main equipment operating costs – excluding labour ($/h).
Machine Model Capital Operating Life Ownership Fuel + Parts, Overhaul Tyres, GET, Opex Capex
cost hours/a (op.h) costs lube workshop ($/op.h) tracks body, excl + Opex
($M) (h/a) ($/op.h) ($/op.h) ($/op.h) ($/op.h) bucket, labour excl
etc ($/op.h) labour
($/op.h) ($/op.h)
Excavator 15 m3 5.9 5745 50 000 159.68 248.86 65.61 58.92 51.46 100.96 525.82 685.50
6 m3 1.7 5069 48 000 49.34 44.84 4.62 3.57 23.27 1.36 77.66 127.01
Truck 90 t 2.4 5027 48 000 69.87 84.08 9.78 6.73 34.52 15.31 150.42 220.29
Drill mm 1.0 4731 60 000 26.11 67.26 3.90 2.36 11.92 0.93 86.37 112.48
4.3 m
Grader 0.9 4752 36 000 32.38 33.63 4.91 3.30 16.27 9.16 67.27 99.65
Track 300
1.2 4752 40 000 40.15 67.26 6.19 4.42 30.60 15.30 123.77 163.93
dozer kW
Wheel 340
1.4 4752 40 000 46.84 78.47 5.31 3.90 13.26 1.46 102.40 149.24
dozer kW
90 t 2.4 5027 48 000 69.87 84.08 9.78 6.73 34.52 15.31 150.42 220.29
TABLE 7.40
Summary of ancillary equipment operating costs – excluding labour ($/h).
Machine Capital Operating Life Ownership Fuel Lube Repairs and Opex Capex
cost hours/a (years) costs ($/a) ($/a) maintenance excluding + Opex
($M) (h/a) ($/a) ($/a) labour ($/a) excluding
labour ($/a)
Shift change
0.150 3000 5.0 35 012 4750 713 6000 11 463 46 474
Light vehicle 0.070 3600 3.0 25 006 2850 428 2800 6078 31 084
Person haul
0.100 2000 5.0 23 341 4750 713 4000 9463 32 804
Ambulance 0.100 500 10.0 14 213 950 143 4000 5093 19 305
Fire truck 0.250 500 10.0 35 532 1425 214 10 000 11 639 47 170
Fuel/lube truck 0.300 3000 10.0 42 638 3800 570 12 000 16 370 59 008
0.125 3000 5.0 29 176 3800 570 5000 9370 38 546
Lighting plant 0.060 3590 10.0 8 528 5700 855 2400 8955 17 483
Sump pump 0.120 3000 10.0 17 055 5700 855 4800 11 355 28 410
Tyre handler/
0.200 3000 10.0 28 425 950 143 8000 9093 37 518
Compactor 0.285 1500 10.0 40 506 19 000 2850 11 400 33 250 73 756
Crane 0.400 3000 20.0 39 867 2850 428 16 000 19 278 59 144
TABLE 7.41
Summary of main fleet costs – excluding labour ($/h).
Machine Operating Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
cost ($/h)
Hours 7083 7760 6744 6929 5589 4365 38 469
Excavator – ore + waste 685.50
Cost ($’000) 4855 5320 4623 4750 3831 2992 26 371
Hours 5069 5069 5069 5069 5069 5069 30 413
Front-end loader 127.01
Cost ($’000) 644 831 831 831 831 831 4798
Hours 52 076 75 815 74 117 85 568 76 191 67 725 431 492
Trucks – ore + waste 220.29
Cost ($’000) 11 472 16 701 16 327 18 850 16 784 14 919 95 052
Hours 5370 8966 9091 9340 7534 5884 46 185
Drill 112.48
Cost ($’000) 604 1009 1023 1051 847 662 5195
Hours 4752 4752 4752 4752 4752 4752 28 512
Grader 99.65
Cost ($’000) 474 474 474 474 474 474 2841
Hours 15 363 15 923 15 083 15 235 14 127 13 115 88 846
Tracked dozer 163.93
Cost ($’000) 2518 2610 2472 2497 2316 2150 14 564
Hours 4752 4752 4752 4752 4752 4752 28 512
Wheel dozer 149.24
Cost ($’000) 709 709 709 709 709 709 4255
Hours 3379 3379 3379 3379 3379 3379 20 275
Water truck 220.29
Cost ($’000) 744 744 744 744 744 744 4466
Total cost ($’000) 157 543
TABLE 7.42
Summary of ancillary fleet costs – excluding labour ($/h).
Ancillary plant Annual Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
cost ($/a)
No units 4 4 4 4 4 4
Shift change bus 46 474
Cost ($’000) 186 186 186 186 186 186 1115
No units 20 20 20 20 20 20
Light vehicles 31 084
Cost ($’000) 622 622 622 622 622 622 3730
No units 6 6 6 6 6 6
Person haul vehicles 32 804
Cost ($’000) 197 197 197 197 197 197 1181
No units 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ambulance 19 305
Cost ($’000) 19 19 19 19 19 19 116
No units 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fire truck 47 170
Cost ($’000) 47 47 47 47 47 47 283
No units 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fuel/lube truck 59 008
Cost ($’000) 59 59 59 59 59 59 354
No units 1 1 1 1 1 1
Maintenance truck 38 546
Cost ($’000) 39 39 39 39 39 39 231
No units 5 5 5 5 5 5
Lighting plants 17 483
Cost ($’000) 87 87 87 87 87 87 524
No units 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sump pumps 28 410
Cost ($’000) 57 57 57 57 57 57 341
Ancillary plant Annual Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
cost ($/a)
No units 1 1 1 1 1 1
Tyre handler/fork-lift 37 518
Cost ($’000) 38 38 38 38 38 38 225
No units 1 1 1 1 1 1
Compactor 73 756
Cost ($’000) 74 74 74 74 74 74 443
No units 1 1 1 1 1 1
Crane 59 144
Cost ($’000) 59 59 59 59 59 59 355
Total cost ($’000) 8898
TABLE 7.43
Remuneration according to personnel level.
TABLE 7.44
Blasting parameter and unit cost estimate.
Explosive cost Units Ore costs Waste cost
Emulsion $/t 1120.00 1120.00
Emulsion $/hole 57.89 57.89
Fixed cost $/hole 2.00 2.00
Downhole detonators and nonel $/hole 13.63 13.63
Boosters $/hole 10.69 10.69
Surface delay $/hole 9.41 9.41
Blasting total $ 93.62 93.62
Cost/tonne $/t $0.29 $0.29
TABLE 7.45
Estimated blasting costs.
TABLE 7.46
Drill operating hours.
TABLE 7.47
Grade control cost estimate.
Grade control Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
Ore metre drilled m 8895 30 672 30 672 30 672 30 672 20 704 152 287
Waste metres drilled m 39 138 45 395 38 647 39 874 38 034 24 845 225 933
Total m 48 033 76 068 69 320 70 547 68 706 45 549 378 223
Samples number 16 723 39 752 38 402 38 647 36 868 25 673 196 065
Cost of assaying $/sample 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total cost $’000 502 1193 1152 1159 1106 770 5882
TABLE 7.48
Other overhead costs.
Ancillary plant Annual cost (A$) Ancillary plant Annual cost (A$) Ancillary plant Annual cost (A$)
Service truck 708 313 Maintenance truck 38 546 Ambulance 19 305
Lowbed and prime mover 61 919 Tyre handler/fork-lift 37 518 Fire truck 47 170
Person haul vehicles 32 804 Shift change bus 46 474 Crane 59 144
Compactor 73 756 Lighting plant 17 483 Light vehicles 31 084
Tipper – 6 t 14 752 Pit dewatering pump 28 410 Fuel/lube truck 59 008
TABLE 7.49
Miscellaneous costs.
Cost Units 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
Consultants $’000 250 250 250 250 250 250 1500
Contractors – other $’000 225 225 225 225 225 225 1350
Technical services $’000 275 275 275 275 275 275 1650
Head office $’000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dewatering $’000 250 250 250 250 250 250 1500
Mobilisation/establishment $’000 60 000 0 0 0 0 0 60 000
Unallocated maintenance
$’000 317 408 391 428 380 336 2260
Unallocated operating
$’000 79 102 98 107 95 84 565
Total miscellaneous $’000 61 397 1510 1488 1535 1474 1420 68 824
TABLE 7.50
Cost summary.
Mine operating costs Units 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
Labour $M 30.23 35.03 34.77 36.00 33.83 32.10 202.0
Fleet $M 23.50 29.88 28.69 31.39 28.02 24.96 166.4
Blasting $M 3.30 4.82 4.19 4.31 3.47 2.71 22.8
Miscellaneous $M 61.40 1.51 1.49 1.53 1.47 1.42 68.8
Grade control $M 0.50 1.19 1.15 1.16 1.11 0.77 5.9
Subtotal $M 118.94 72.43 70.29 74.39 67.91 61.97 465.9
Contingencies $M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Profit $M 17.84 10.87 10.54 11.16 10.19 9.29 69.9
Total $M 136.78 83.30 80.84 85.55 78.09 71.26 535.8
Unit cost/t rock $/t 11.89 4.96 5.54 5.70 6.45 7.54 6.74
Unit cost/t ore $/t 273.56 41.65 40.42 42.78 39.05 52.79 54.40