The MIMF Preamp: This Is The Original MIMF Schematic Designed by Vlad Ardelean. Piezo and Microphone With Blend Control
The MIMF Preamp: This Is The Original MIMF Schematic Designed by Vlad Ardelean. Piezo and Microphone With Blend Control
The MIMF Preamp: This Is The Original MIMF Schematic Designed by Vlad Ardelean. Piezo and Microphone With Blend Control
Circuit Description-
The preamp has two channels and a summer.
Piezo channel: First JFET (Q1) is a high impedance buffer (Zin=10Meg, gain=0db or in other words a gain of 1)
followed by an amplifier (Q2, gain is 18.5 dB or 8.44 times).
Mic channel: Q3 is an amplifier with a gain of 12db (4 times). Note that on an electret mic the sensitivity (output signal
level) can be varied from the load resistor, R16. The bigger the resistor, the higher the mic output. Practical values are
anywhere from 2.2k to 50k.
The summer: passive summer built around the trimpot P1 followed by a JFET (Q4, with a gain of 10.6db or 3.4times).
The output impedance of the preamp is a bit less than 20k (we can consider Zout=20k).
Tips on how to fine-tune the preamp (adjusting the gain and frequency response):
1. Apply 9V from a battery (check the polarity first, the circuit is NOT protected against battery reversal!). Check the
voltages on the source of Q1 and on the drains of Q2, Q3 and Q4 with respect to the ground (the -9V terminal). See
schematic for voltages. A 20% variation from the schematic voltages is acceptable.
2. Turn the trimpot P1 to get only mic sound or only piezo sound (cws or ccws all the way). Compare the loudness of
the two. The goal is to get equal levels from both transducers when played one at a time, to allow for a nice balance
between the two sounds. Most likely, that would not be the case, as the sound level varies a lot among different brands
of transducers, position, mounting, etc. Gain adjustments may be required - read next.
3. To get more gain on the piezo channel: Lower the value of R10 (5k1 in the schematic). You can easily solder
another SMT resistor on the top of the existing one. You would have two resistors in parallel. Or, even better,
temporarily solder a 20k to 50k trim pot on the top of R10 and play with the gain until you get it right. Then, remove the
trimpot, measure the value with an ohmmeter and replace it with a SMT 1206 type resistor as previously mentioned.
4. To get more gain from the mic channel: Lower R14 value using the same method as previously described.
6. To cut some bass on the mic channel: Two choices: a) Replace C8 with a smaller value and b) lower the value of
R15. C8 and R15 form a HP filter with a cutoff frequency fc=1/(2*pi*R15*C8). In the schematic, C8=22nF and
R15=100k, giving a corner frequency of fc=72.3Hz.
7. To cut some bass on the piezo channel: Same as above, but this time with R11 and C5.
9. To add gain at high frequency only: on the piezo, reduce the value of C4, on the mic C7 and overall response C10.
Reducing the value of these caps will change the frequency response (smaller cap values will reduce the gain at low
frequencies, allowing for a boost at high frequencies only). The amount of gain is dictated by R10, R14 and R19 (see
above explanations on how to increase gain). The frequency where the gain starts to increase is dictated more or less
by the combinations R10+C4 for the piezo, R14+C7 for the mic channel and R19+C10 for overall response. With the
values given in the schematic, the frequency response is flat for the above-mentioned gains.
10. Modifying the preamp to make it work with a magnetic pickup instead of a mic: remove R15 and R16 and C8.
Bypass C8 with a short wire. Adjust the gain from R14 (see point #4 above) and the frequency response from C7.
11. Modifying the preamp to make it work with a magnetic pickup instead of a piezo pickup: remove C2, R2, R4, Q1,
R3, C5 and R11. Attach the hot wire from the pickup directly to the gate of Q2. Adjust the gain from R10 and the
frequency response from C4 same as above (#10).
This is the through-hole circuit board design:
The Part Number is for DigiKey Electronics ( and was current June 2011.
C1 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C2 10n 478-1542-1-ND SMT cap 1206
C3 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C4 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C5 22n 478-1546-1-ND SMT cap 1206
C6 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C7 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C8 22n 478-1546-1-ND SMT cap 1206
C9 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C10 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C11 0.1uF 478-1556-1-ND SMT cap 1206
R1 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R2 10M P10MECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R3 100k P100KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R4 33k P33KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R5 27k P27KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R6 51k P51KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R7 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R8 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R9 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R10 5k1 P5.1KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R11 200k P200KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R12 39k P39KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R13 75k P75KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R14 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R15 100k P100KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R16 5k1 P5.1KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R17 10k P10KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R18 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R19 10k P10KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R20 200k P200KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R21 200k P200KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
P1 100k ST4ETA104CT-ND SMT 4mm POT
This is the slide pot SMT board design:
This parts list is identical to the previous except R21 is replaced with P2.
The Part Number is for DigiKey Electronics ( and was current June 2011.
C1 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C2 10n 478-1542-1-ND SMT cap 1206
C3 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C4 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C5 22n 478-1546-1-ND SMT cap 1206
C6 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C7 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C8 22n 478-1546-1-ND SMT cap 1206
C9 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C10 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C11 0.1uF 478-1556-1-ND SMT cap 1206
R1 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R2 10M P10MECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R3 100k P100KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R4 33k P33KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R5 27k P27KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R6 51k P51KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R7 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R8 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R9 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R10 5k1 P5.1KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R11 200k P200KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R12 39k P39KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R13 75k P75KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R14 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R15 100k P100KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R16 5k1 P5.1KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R17 10k P10KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R18 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R19 10k P10KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R20 200k P200KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
P1 100k
P2 50k
This is Schematic #3
The circuit has the same basic topology as the Piezo/Mic preamp. It uses a slide pot for blending the sound from piezo
and electric pickup (as opposed to a trim pot) and a slide pot for volume control.
The diode D1 is not absolutely required (it can be by-passed). The only reason for its presence is to protect against
accidental battery reversal.
Use a trimpot (or a real pot) outside the board and connect it instead of Rx with two short wires.
Make sure you don't scratch the guitar (use some tape on the guitar, where the pot is going to be hanging). You may
get some extra hum due to the wires, but it should go away once you replace the pot with a fix resistor.
The trimpot could be anywhere from 1meg to 5megs and should have a 100k resistor connected in series to it. With
the pot at max, you would have 5.1megs (the value of the pot plus the 100k resistor) and with the pot at min you would
have only the 100k resistor from gate to ground. Notice the effect on the sound. A lower value ( i.e. 100k, pot at
minimum) would give a flatter response, lower peaks and lower volume. A high value would yield more treble and
higher output.
Attach Cx to the pot, from hot (gate) to ground. Try different values. If you want to get fancy, use a rotary switch. Start
with no cap at all, and increment up to 2.2nf or more (0pF, 100pf, 220pF, 330pF, … 2200pF). Leave the Rx at max
when you're adjusting the cap. This way you only change one variable at a time. Notice the influence on the sound.
You will clearly hear the peak resonant frequency changing with the cap value (the bigger the cap, the lower the
resonant frequency) and the peak amplitude going down with lower Rx.
Combine the two variables to get the sound you want. Disconnect the pot with the resistor from the circuit and
measure the value of the combined 100k resistor plus pot. Replace it with a fix resistor of the measured value. Same
for the cap - once you've found a cap that gives the tone you like, solder it directly it on the board.
This is the SMT board design for slide pots and 3-3V batteries:
The CUT and NEW CONNECTION reverses the polarity of the battery connection, see discussion.
The Part Number is for DigiKey Electronics ( and was current June 2011.
C1 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C2 10n 478-1542-1-ND SMT cap 1206
C3 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C4 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C5 22n 478-1546-1-ND SMT cap 1206
C6 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C7 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C8 not used
C9 4u7 478-2350-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C10 10u 478-1654-1-ND 10V Tantalum Cap
C11 0.1uF 478-1556-1-ND SMT cap 1206
Cx ?? (See circuit description to determine value)
R1 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R2 10M P10MECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R3 100k P100KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R4 33k P33KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R5 27k P27KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R6 51k P51KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R7 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R8 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R9 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R10 5k1 P5.1KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R11 200k P200KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R12 39k P39KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R13 75k P75KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R14 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R15 100k P100KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R16 1k0 P1.0KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R17 10k P10KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R18 20k P20KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R19 10k P10KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
R20 200k P200KECT-ND 5% SMT 1206 Res
Rx ?? (See circuit description to determine value)
P1 100k
P2 50k
This is Schematic #4
Piezo only with Volume, Treble, and Bass Control