Tomonobu Itagaki On DOA Fanservice

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"Divided" is the keyword for this comment, so keep it in your head.

It's time for you guys to know the facts, you loyal
DOA fans have been divided by current Team Ninja. No one can deny the truth.

I created the DOA universe with the goal that many types of players could all enjoy that universe together. More than
anything else, being able to enjoy the game just by touching it was a fundamental design method.

"A game that everyone could enjoy"

What's the meaning of everyone? At least for the DOA universe, I and my fellows were imagining a few kinds of
players. Let's try listing a few:

- serious fighting game fans

- casual fighting game fans (it's important that even if you lose you can still have fun)
- action game fans
- people who love Japanese animation
- people who love "characters"
- people who like to romp around in beautiful environments
- people who enjoy taking a little risk,like almost getting hit by a car outside a casino (being able to avoid that risk
through skill is important also)

And lemme add a couple more to that list:

- people who love sexy women

- people who hate games that take eroticism way over-the-top

That's about it, I guess. I can't forget about any one of those types of people. Reason being is that all of these kinds
of gamers from many different positions have supported the DOA universe we created for a long long time. Thank
you guys, honestly.

Now, back to the "divided."

It's obvious that you guys, the loyal DOA fans, have been divided. Lemme explain in a way anyone can understand. I
made the fighting game "DOA", and the action game "Ninja Gaiden." As the third pillar, I also created "DOA:Xtreme."
Why did I create DOAX? The major purpose of DOAX was to act as a firewall for the main DOA fighter series, so that
it wouldn't become excessively erotic.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love sexy women, that's also one purpose. But in a fighting game, there's no need for
really excessive sexual imagery. Naturally, there're definitely people in the DOA fanbase who are looking for that. But
at the same time, there're also those who don't wanna see that. So I decided to make a spin-off title to solve that
dilemma with Zack Island, a paradise on an island in the south. As the creator of the DOA universe, I wanted to make
and keep all DOA fans as happy as possible, so I've set up that barrier.

In other words, DOA and DOAX were two games with completely different purposes, and you absolutely CANNOT
lump them together. But what did DOA5 blah blah blah do? I'm sure you guys already know. But lemme proclaim.
Current Team NINJA was/is injecting too much sexualism into a game where it's not needed for several reasons. It's
like attempting to prolong its almost dead body with a life-sustaining serum (or poison, in this case). As a result, those
fans who don't like super-sexualized games have backed away from the fighting game DOA. What the hell kind of
game designer would do something as insane as that? But they did.
All DOA fans shouldn't avert their eyes from this issue.

Next, I'll talk about game systems.

It's really difficult to make a game that appeals to serious, hardcore users, while at the same time being a game that's
just fun to play. To accomplish that, the game system needs to be able to meet the desires of both types of players.
That's our goal, the raison d'etre of DOA. There're many fighting games. Virtua Fighter, Tekken, Street Fighter - they
are all amazing, fantastic games. But there is zero meaning in changing DOA to mimic them. But what did DOA5 blah
blah blah do? You all know the answer already. By this crazy change, a large portion of the
casual fans, now pissed off and upset with a game system too focused only on winning and losing, have backed
away from the fighting game DOA.
Here also was a ludicrous decision that split the DOA community. You can't ignore that either.

Now, I can sit here and pick apart the game forever, but lemme get to the point.
"Because of a series of ridiculous decisions from the current Team NINJA, the loyal DOA fanbase has been gradually
cut up and divided into narrow uncomfortable positions."

This is the situation DOA fans now face. In my original post, I said that "some people misunderstand DOA's situation."
Maybe some people also misunderstood that. But I think if you read this comment now, you'll know what I'm saying.

Who divided you guys?

Why were you divided?

Is there anything sadder than watching friends who've been divided turn their eyes away from what's important, and
instead turn against each other? Innocent gamers just wanna enjoy DOA universe, who have had their playground
plundered, who used to be one but divided due to some fatal blemish, just bashing on each other...

Hey! Is that what you want!?

Please remember that the reason the DOA universe has been going for 20 years now is due to you fans - all of you
fans. I always appreciate all DOA fans. Don't mistake the real reason why you've been divided. That's what I want to
ask you warriors who know the facts.

Never take your eyes off the target.

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