Instructions For Virtual Joining at LTI
Instructions For Virtual Joining at LTI
Instructions For Virtual Joining at LTI
- Original copy to be
submitted to Location HR
on the day of physical
joining, Color copy signed
by the HR to be re-
uploaded on the portal
- Document attached in
the joining e-mail.
16. To be filled on the CampBuzz portal NA
Pre-Joining form with details of the Guarantors exactly
as filled in the above LOU document
17. After successful completion of on- 2 Copies of the
boarding formalities, your Appointment letter will be
Appointment letter copy will be issued on the Day of
available on the CampBuzz Portal. Physical joining.
Duly Acknowledge
Appointment Letter
-Kindly acknowledge the letter and 1 Copy to be signed &
provide your e-signature on the submitted to the HR, the
document immediately after the second copy to be re-
letter is enabled on the portal. uploaded on the portal.
Virtual Joining Instructions