Doctor Who Magazine - Issue 568 - October 2021
Doctor Who Magazine - Issue 568 - October 2021
Doctor Who Magazine - Issue 568 - October 2021
CULTURE Marco Polo
How to own The Myth Makers
a piece of The Massacre of
the series St Bartholomew’s Eve
The Savages
The Smugglers
in the 1980s
h e m i s s i n g
Kee p i n g t
e s a l i ve
Pull to Open 54
40 34
Props & Replicas
The Web of Fear
‘Glorious Goodwood’
A stint as a Radio 1 DJ
began some time
after I stopped
listening to that
particular station, but I’m well
aware of her mighty reputation.
I was intrigued to see her on a recent
edition of Newsnight, being interviewed
about her decision to leave Radio 1. In
a thought-provoking conversation, Kirsty
Wark asked Annie (pictured above) whether
the choice offered by streaming services
meant that the role of the radio DJ was
in danger of becoming redundant.
Annie argued with some conviction that
the opposite was the case – with so much
music easily available to so many people,
the need for human curators was now
greater than ever. “When you have such
a vast array of music at your fingertips
at any time the concept of old and new
is kind of obsolete,” she added, underlining
the point that music lovers are now faced
with an overwhelming number of options.
“There are no boundaries between old
and new anymore.”
Doctor Who is now part of the streaming
revolution that Kirsty Wark referenced,
with nearly every surviving episode readily
available on either BritBox or BBC iPlayer.
The programme’s past has become an
epic, sprawling present that must seem
daunting to the uninitiated. But it’s here
that the similarities with popular music
end – because BritBox and iPlayer can only
offer us Doctor Who episodes that still exist. so much television, even though it now seems so many gaps on the shelves of the BBC
There have been some brilliant animations staggeringly short-sighted to almost everyone archive. We all want to live in that endless
in recent years, but however well the who wasn’t there. And thanks to the present. Young fans have never known
97 missing episodes are reconstructed, dedicated work of ‘missing episode’ hunters anything different, while older fans have
they belong firmly in Doctor Who’s past: we’re able to trace the intercontinental no desire to return to the days of strictly
frustratingly beyond our grasp. In this journeys that many of these programmes rationed, poor-quality bootlegs.
respect, the distinction between old and took when they left the BBC. We’re even Given how interested we are in the history
new that has largely disappeared from films able to tell when many of those precious of this show, it’s curious to note that we really
and music still very much exists with classic film cans finally dropped off the radar. don’t like the idea of any of it being ‘old’.
television – and nobody feels this loss more But why does it matter that so many From the past and the present to the
acutely than Doctor Who fans. of them never came back? And why will future. In our next issue the countdown
We’re able to agree on the answers to we never give up hope of retrieving them? to Series 13 begins with an exclusive
many of the questions posed by Lost in Rightly or wrongly, access to archive Doctor John Bishop interview. We’re back on
Space (and Time), Paul Kirkley’s article on Who has gone from being a rare privilege 16 September. Until then, take care.
page 14. We understand the bureaucratic to feeling like something of an entitlement.
conundrum that led to the destruction of So of course we’re upset that there are
naged and
programme is made, ma
n’t be casting the The appointment
too quickly with “I wo pla nne d str ategic ally .
tried to move the is a commercially
next Doctor” and then BB C of a new showrunner
) Jod ie and I let y above the pay
conversation on. sensitive decision (wa
s kno w a yea r ago that this would um ben t showrunner)
es, to ensure grade of an inc
be our final set of episod it’ll be a join t dec isio n between BBC
ugh time so
and the sho w had eno top dec ision makers at
they Studios and the
to plan what com es nex t. is one of the most
me, 2022 is the BBC. Doctor Who
On a per son al lev el, for bra nds and recognisable
the ir GC SEs valued global
the year my two son s tak e tual property,
pieces of global intellec
A Lev els – I pro mis ed them and my en tho se thin gs are more
and n. at a time wh
wife I’d be clear of the sho w by the tha n ever. There’s
precedence, important and valuable
Work has too ofte n tak en arr ay of tale nt out there who
a tantalising
ye! Oh no, sorry, hello! and I promised wh en I too k the job I’d ntly . It’s time for it
could do this job brillia
is r where they
Well, both. Yes, change be mo re pre sen t in the yea in. I’m exc ited to head back
ie to be new aga
coming once more! Jod were both sitting cru cia l exa ms . Th is we r.
ers behind the sofa, as a vie
and I and other memb is an extraordinary job
to have, but I s is one tiny
ffat That shift to BBC Studio
of the team have called know Russell T Da vie s and Ste ven Mo lan dscape is
on. Look at us, life balance example of how the TV
time, and are moving would agr ee tha t a wo rk/ le, com par ed to when
ign ation! (Google unn ing Do ctor unrecognisab
part of The Gr eat Res isn’t possible wh en sho wr yea rs ago.
I accepted the job five
it if you don’t know abo
ut it.)
o. You get to see you r friends and wh ole of tele vis ion has
sation at the
t less than Simply, the
Jodie and I had a con ver
family maybe 90 per cen n rev olu tion ise d and transformed.
start of our time on the
sho w, where d holidays or time no Apple TV,
three before. No undisturbe There was no Disney+,
wo uld onl y do ma s, ver y few wo rk- eo was just
we agreed we off over Christ and Amazon Prime Vid
ies . That’s how I’d felt when I joined we eke nds or eve nin gs. That’s not Ho w we wa tch , where
talked to all
free the getting going.
myself and the plan I’d I lov e the sho w and tch , wh at’s being
me nts about
a complaint –
uld be the case we watch, when we wa utterly
of our heads of depart and I kne w thi s wo it’s bei ng ma de is all
work, made, how
tin g the m. No t only is that on. Bu t it isn ’t sus tainable, ted .
when recrui
a modern when I signed different, utterly disrup
the standard tour of dut
y for
or desirable, in the lon
g term. set by the BBC
t to the , you ’re The challenge we were
it’s als o equ iva len p abo ut you r life tfl ix. The challenge
Doctor, but
se days.
Yeah, shuddu was to keep up with Ne
life span of entire ser
ies the
say ing : wh o’s nex t?! ple wh o suc cee d us is to keep
epi sod es in e big for the peo
(Broadchurch ran for 24
That’s not my dec isio n. Th cre ativ e rules are
r Who up with Disney+. The
total; we’ll have done
31 of Do cto
nge tha t hap pen ed during our tenure gly rew ritt en by shows like
to thi s cha
duc ed being thrillin
by the end.) I did n’t com e in r Wh o bei ng pro duc tion standards
cto rs. has been Docto WandaVision, while pro
job wanting to cast mu
ltip le Do
oug h BB C Stu dio s, rather than the ds are bei ng red efi ned by
to thr and metho
d thi s ear ly on Department. course, that means
(I accidenta lly sai BBC’s in-house Drama have The Mandalorian. Of
s at our first wo n’t rea lly en too. There’s
DWM’s editor Marcu It’s a diff ere nce wh ich
costs are bei ng rew ritt
in Ca rdi ff Bay, in 2018. you vie w the sho w, but t upward inflation
conversation affected how been up to 35 per cen
com e to cast by which the
He’d said “when you it aff ect s the pro ces ses
ces sor …” and I replied a bit
Jodie’s suc
Jodie Whittaker to
“For me,” Chris adds, “leading this
exceptional team has been unrivalled
creative fun, and one of the great joys
of my career. I’m so proud of the people
hris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker
will be leaving Doctor Who after be at the heart(s) of the BBC’s centenary
a trio of Specials in 2022. celebrations. I wish our successors as much
Following Series 13 – which will air fun as we’ve had. They’re in for a treat!”
later this year – the first of the Specials Executive producer Matt Strevens, who
will be screened on New Year’s Day 2022, has worked alongside Chris since 2017,
with the second in spring 2022. Jodie’s will also be leaving after the final Special
final feature-length Special, in which the in 2022. BBC Studios will announce plans
Thirteenth Doctor will regenerate, will be for the new generation of Doctor Who
seen in autumn 2022 as part of the BBC’s in due course.
centenary celebrations. Meanwhile, more details about Series
“Jodie and I made a ‘three series and 13 have been revealed. Speaking at San
out’ pact with each other at the start Diego Comic-Con in July, Chris Chibnall
of this once-in-a-lifetime blast,” says explained that 2021 will see six episodes
showrunner Chris Chibnall. “So comprising one serialised story, which he
now our shift is done, and we’re describes as “the most ambitious thing
handing back the TARDIS keys. we’ve done since we’ve been on the
series”. The episodes will also feature
some returning monsters. Mandip
Gill will reprise her role as Yaz
alongside John Bishop, making
his debut as Dan Lewis. It’s
also been confirmed that
Game of Thrones star Jacob
“Jodie’s magnificent, iconic Anderson will be playing the
Doctor has exceeded all our recurring role of Vinder.
high expectations. She’s been the “This is a real-life childhood
gold standard leading actor, shouldering dream, to be a part of Doctor Who,” says
the responsibility of being the first female Jacob. “It was probably the best first day
Doctor with style, strength, warmth, on set I’ve ever had, because I got there
generosity and humour. She captured the and we had to do some press photos
public imagination and continues to inspire right next to the TARDIS. I felt like I was
adoration around the world, as well as 14 again. Not only did I get to go on the
from everyone on the production. I can’t TARDIS but I got my own ship, which had
imagine working with a more inspiring its own world of buttons and levers and
Doctor – so I’m not going to!” switches that you could actually press and
“My heart is so full of love for this play with, and I was like ‘I’m home! This is
show, for the team who make it, for where I’ve always wanted to be.’ It’s been
the fans who watch it and for what an honour to play Vinder and I can’t wait
it has brought to my life,” says Jodie for you all to see him.”
Whittaker. “I cannot thank Chris Series 13 will air this autumn on BBC One.
enough for entrusting me with his
incredible stories. We knew that we
wanted to ride this wave side by side
and pass on the baton together.
So here we are, weeks away from
wrapping on the best job I have
ever had. I don’t think I’ll ever be
able to express what this role has
given me. I will carry the Doctor
and the lessons I’ve learnt forever.”
udio drama adaptations
of the original scripts
for The Ark in Space and
episode of Terry Nation’s original
script plus an enhanced dramatic
reading of his original storyline
on Britbox Armstrong as super-
computer Mr Smith, Anjli
Mohindra as Rani Chandra,
Genesis of the Daleks are set for 1975’s Genesis of the Daleks. ll series of The Sarah Tommy Knight as Luke Smith,
to be released as part of Big
Finish’s Lost Stories range.
Both titles are due for
release in March 2023 and are
“This is something very special available to pre-order now from
A Jane Adventures are
available to stream on
BritBox UK from August.
Daniel Anthony as Clyde Langer,
Yasmin Paige as Maria Jackson
and Sinead Michael as Sky Smith.
– Doctor Who archaeology Doctor Who The Doctor Who spin-off Viewers can find BritBox at
brought thrillingly to life,” says and the Ark is priced £14.99 created by Russell T Davies The service
producer and script editor Simon on CD and £12.99 as a digital was first broadcast on CBBC, offers a seven-day free trial,
Guerrier. “The Ark in Space and download. Daleks! Genesis running for five years from 2007 followed by a £5.99 per month
Genesis of the Daleks are among of Terror is priced £12.99 to 2011. It starred Elisabeth subscription fee.
the best-loved TV stories ever. on CD and £10.99
We’ve uncovered first draft as a digital
scripts by John Lucarotti download.
and Terry Nation that are
exciting, surprising and
very different.
“Genesis is a very visual
script packed with striking, stark
images,” says Simon. “Nation
even makes the stage directions
exciting. In Doctor Who and the
Ark, the directions were more
functional so Jonathan Morris
has carefully adapted the
script for audio. Although we’ve
kept the original episode titles,
such as Puffball and Camelias
– I think Tom Baker enjoyed O Yasmin Page (as Maria Jackson), Tommy Knight (Luke Smith), Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane
Smith) and Daniel Anthony (Clive Langer), the stars of The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 (2007).
recording those! Oh, and wait
till you hear that cliffhanger...”
Starring Tom Baker as the
Fourth Doctor, Sadie Miller
as Sarah Jane Smith and
Christopher Naylor as Harry
First Doctor Figures
Sullivan, Doctor Who and the familiar to many,
Ark is a full-cast audio drama from diehard fans
adapted from the original script to adults that spent
of 1975’s The Ark in Space. their childhoods
Daleks! Genesis of Terror O Christopher Naylor hiding behind the
is a full-cast audio drama and Sadie Miller. sofa on Saturdays
at teatime!”
Each set’s
detailed 5.5-inch
scale figures feature
brought back bittersweet our disappointment when we there was a diorama complete
STAR LETTER memories for me. learned that the exhibition had with mini-Bessie and UNIT
My school chum, David Lake, just finished – there had been Jeeps, displaying how the
s PETER FRANKUM EMAIL and I read about the exhibition some kind of mix-up on the special effect of the ‘tunnel’
Richard Molesworth’s article in a magazine and David’s dates printed in the article. in the heat barrier from The
on the Science Museum’s parents very kindly took us up However, the museum Dæmons had been achieved
BBC exhibition in DWM 567 to London to view it. Imagine attendants were a kindly bunch (a semi-circle of tinsel behind
and allowed us to spend 15 a grease-smeared glass plate,
minutes or so in the area where apparently). Pure magic
the props and costumes were to these 11-year-old boys.
still being stored. Most had Thanks for bringing back
been packed away by this stage the memories.
but a few were still visible.
One exhibit has always stuck Peter’s letter
in my mind, which Richard’s wins him
article didn’t a copy of
touch upon: The Eleven,
a new box
ø DWM 567’s feature
set of audio
on the Science Museum’s
Doctor Who exhibition. adventures
starring Colin
ø The special effect
of the ‘tunnel’ in the Baker as the Sixth Doctor. It’s available
heat barrier from The in September from priced
Dæmons (1971). £19.99 (CD) and £16.99 (digital).
@PjLamplight I actually expected
Chris Chibnall to serialise Doctor
Who for Series 11 in 2018, as it was
a successful format for Broadchurch.
I think it’s got some promise,
although with many different
storylines/enemies evident, I hope
it’s not just a gimmick. I’d rather
there was a strong continuity than
a tenuous link.
OBITUARIES Ben in Horror of Fang Rock, died on Stuart Newton, who was a props
20 June, aged 85. man and played the train driver in the
Ralph Watson, who played the David Dukas, the South African- The Trial of a Time Lord Parts One to
uncredited overseer at the generating based actor who played Elias Griffin Jnr Four, died earlier this year.
station in The Underwater Menace, in Rosa, died from heart failure on News has also just reached us that
Captain Knight in The Web of Fear 20 July. He was 51. Jonina Scott, who played Marn in
(a role he later revisited for Big Finish), Clive Scott, another South African, The Sun Makers,
Ettis in The Monster of Peladon and played Linwood in Episode One of died in October
The Mind of Evil. He died on 28 July, O Clive Scott O Andrew Hopkinson 2018, aged 75.
aged 84.
Andrew Hunter, the grams operator Society and an interviewee in the 1977
on Planet of the Spiders, The Seeds of documentary Whose Doctor Who,
Doom, The Sun Makers, The Stones of died on 23 July. He was 66.
Blood, Meglos and The Keeper of Traken, Andrew Hopkinson, Doctor Who
died on 12 July. fan, prop maker and costumier, who
Stephen Payne, the co-founder played the Argolin in Dimensions
O Ralph Watson O David Dukas of the Doctor Who Appreciation in Time, died on 6 July at 55. O Stephen Payne O Jonina Scott
eople have been underestimating Doctor serious books about it. And, I suppose, for people to
Who for a very long time. In 1963, start feeling nostalgic.”
cautious BBC executives were reluctant In the 1960s and 70s, BBC bosses could only see two
to commit to more than 13 episodes of possible reasons for retaining old episodes of Doctor
the new teatime adventure serial, and Who: domestic repeats and foreign sales. The former
when, 40 years later, Russell T Davies were limited by Equity and the Musicians’ Union to just
announced plans to bring the show back, industry one repeat screening, after which the episodes were
‘experts’ lined up to tell him it would never work. basically just taking up perfectly good, reusable videotape
But has anyone ever been more wrong about Doctor – no small consideration when a 60-minute tape would
Who than the BBC bean-counters who, when asked have cost the average British worker at least five weeks’
Opposite page: William why they were consigning so many of the programme’s wages. Hence the issuing of Wipe/Junk Authorisation
Hartnell as the Doctor early episodes to oblivion in the 1960s and 70s, wrote forms (they of the No Further Interest notoriety), which
in The Massacre of simply: No Further Interest. sealed the fate of dozens of original two-inch videotapes
St Bartholomew’s Eve.
No further interest? of Doctor Who between 1967 and 1974.
No footage survives
from this 1966 story. Half a century on, as fans eagerly await the new Certainly, the people making Doctor Who in the 1960s
versions of The Evil of the Daleks and The Web of weren’t entertaining lofty thoughts of the show’s legacy:
Below left: A videotape
is wiped with a Fear, that’s a phrase that rings laughably hollow. Not their job was just to make 25 minutes of entertainment
powerful magnet. just because the serials’ release on DVD and Blu-ray to fill the gap between Grandstand and Juke Box Jury.
Below right: The Radio is evidence of a viable commercial interest in itself, “There was no question of it being kept,” says Anneke 1
Times cover-dated 7-13 but also because their very existence is testament to
December 1963 promoted the tenacity and resourcefulness of fans – the kind of
the appearance of The fans who cared enough, over the years, to make off-
Beatles on Juke Box Jury. air sound recordings, painstakingly recreate the lost
This episode no longer
survives in the BBC archive,
footage in animated form or, in one case, track down a
and is often cited as one horde of Yetis in the hills of Nigeria.
of the most-missed pieces The story of how so much of Doctor Who came to be
of ‘lost’ television. lost in time – and how much of it eventually came back
Above left: The film can 1 what you’re up against in Nigeria. Because he’d worked And yet, look at what’s actually turned up. Of all the
containing the previously in the oil industry, he knew how it worked out there. episodes discovered over the past four decades, only
missing Episode 2 of The Going out there and establishing contacts will get you a lot a handful are from the early Hartnell years (which, to
Web of Fear. The episode further than making telephone calls.” be fair, are well represented in the archives anyway).
was identified by the
In a further twist to the tale, Morris later claimed that But Seasons Three and, in particular, Five have benefited
production code QQ on
the label. the still-missing Web of Fear Episode 3 had been among from a positive gold rush – with the happy result that
his Nigerian discoveries, but had subsequently gone more than half of the once threadbare Patrick Troughton
Above right: Philip Morris,
the entrepreneurial fan AWOL again… era has now been restored.
whose research led to the “The truth is, there’s no point trying to be scientific
recovery of nine episodes loser to home, Jeremy Bentham is keeping about it – anything could turn up at any time,” says Paul
of Doctor Who and several
other ‘lost’ television
C a weather eye on other potential leads, including
film copies that may have been sent to the Royal
Vanezis. “Where did Philip Morris find The Web of Fear
and The Enemy of the World? In the last place they were
Navy for ship and submarine crews to watch, and the screened. That’s always the place to start, and then you
Below inset: TV and film
somewhat ghoulish reality that, as the first generation work backwards from there.”
historian Dick Fiddy.
of TV film collectors begins to die off, their stock might One reason the breadcrumb trail is so complicated
Bottom: Sir Charles
go up for sale or donation. “Often, it’s nothing to do with is due to the historic use of a ‘bicycling’ system, under
Summer (William Mervyn)
and the Doctor (William people being secretive,” notes Dick Fiddy. “It’s just that which broadcasters would pass their films onto different
Hartnell) examine a people don’t know what they’ve got.” countries at the behest of the BBC.
neutralised robotic killer So if there are more episodes “The War Machines [recovered
in Episode 4 of The War
Machines (1966). Until
Episodes 1, 3 and 4 of
out there, what might we actually
get to see one day? Received Of all the episodes in Nigeria in 1984] went from
New Zealand to Singapore,
this story were recovered
from Nigeria in 1984, only
wisdom has it that 1964’s Marco
Polo, the oldest missing story, is discovered over the along with a whole bunch
of other Season Three and
Episode 2 existed in the
BBC archive.
the most likely, simply because
more foreign broadcasters bought past four decades, Four stories,” explains
Paul. “That story was on
Doctor Who’s earliest run. The
serial was sold to 25 countries, only a handful a palette with The Savages,
The Smugglers, The Tenth
compared to just one for The
Daleks’ Master Plan – meaning are from the early Planet, The Power of the
Daleks… So the question
only one film print of Master
Plan was ever struck. Hartnell years. is, where were those films
between the screening
in Singapore and The War
Machines ending up in Nigeria? Or take The Tomb of the
Cybermen. When you look at the paperwork, it makes
perfect sense that that story was left behind in Hong Kong.
But the same paperwork tells you The Evil of the Daleks
should be there too. So where’s that gone?”
As tantalising as all this is, there’s something of a ticking
time bomb involved, because the longer 35mm film stock
goes undiscovered, the more it risks becoming degraded
beyond use. Nevertheless, most people in the Doctor Who
recovery business continue to travel hopefully.
“You’ve always got to be optimistic,” says Richard
Molesworth. “You’ve always got to think there’s more
to be found. But at the same time, we’re never going
to know when we’ve found the last missing episode.”
“I’ve still got my original list from 1981, when for
a long time it was 136 episodes and we were firmly
convinced it was never going to drop below that,” says
Jeremy Bentham. “Now, you’ve only got to look at the
number of crossings-out. So I live in hope.”
“I never stop being surprised by things that happen in
the Doctor Who world,” muses Anneke Wills. “You never
know. I wouldn’t close the door – because this show has
its own magic…” DWM
Marco Polo
The earliest completely missing
story is a lyrical masterpiece – even
if the kids watching in 1964 didn’t
fully appreciate it at the time…
s it possible that the best bits
of Marco Polo have been with
Above left: The TARDIS is
The soundtrack, with additional narration from
carried on a horse-drawn
cart as the travellers William Russell, was released on CD (BBC, 2003)
journey to Cathay. and later included in Doctor Who: The
Right: Recording a scene Lost Episodes Collection One (BBC,
in which Marco is granted 2019); it was also made available on
an audience with Kublai ‘Desert Sandstorm’ coloured vinyl
Khan (Martin Miller) (Demon Records, 2020). A condensed,
in the sixth episode, 30-minute telesnap reconstruction
Mighty Kublai Khan.
was included on the DVD set
Above right from top: The Beginning (2 Entertain,
Zienia Merton (as
Ping-Cho) rehearses
2006). John Lucarotti’s
a scene with Carole Ann novelisation (Target, 1985)
Ford for the fifth episode, is currently out of print, but
Rider from Shang-Tu; the audiobook (BBC, 2018),
writer John Lucarotti; narrated by Zienia Merton,
director Waris Hussein.
is available on CD/digital.
it simply
” wasn’t
the Greeks and Trojans erupts into war –
a sequence that, on audio, is harder to parse
testing the temperature of the
water to see what we could do, and
than the comedy that precedes it. “The how far we could take the format.”
funny. MERVYN CAPEL burning and sack of Troy were suggested
by sound effects rather than too much
John Wiles, DWM Winter Special 1983-84
“The trouble was that as a comedy graphic violence,” Mervyn recalls. “The “Troy was a model photographed via a mirror
it simply wasn’t funny,” says Mervyn. last 20 minutes was genuinely exciting… using the ‘Schüfftan’ process. This involved
“I remember sitting cross and resentful as I was so impressed by the sight of Katarina scraping away a section of the mirror’s silver
my Greek and Trojan heroes were parodied running through the burning streets and backing and filming the reflected model with the
by middle-aged actors who really didn’t helping the wounded Steven into the live action in combination through the hole.”
seem sure whether they should be playing TARDIS, that I promptly sat down and Michael Leeson-Smith, DWM 188
it straight or for laughs.” rewrote the story from her point of view.
“I remember this as a beautiful story,” All of this rather overshadowed Vicki’s DATA FILE
says Dene October, “with lovely wide vistas decision to chance her luck and escape from
(it seemed) and costumes. It starts with Troy with Troilus and his cousin Aeneas.” Writer: Donald Cotton
a sword fight, and my recollection is that Vicki’s departure is built up across the Director: Michael Leeson-Smith
the fight takes place over a lot of space story, yet there’s no moment when she First broadcast: 16 October – 6 November 1965,
and is quite balletic, with Achilles and declares it on screen. “I remember being BBC1, UK
Hector disappearing out of shot, surprised that the production didn’t have Last broadcast: 6 November – 27 November 1972,
reappearing, and running around. a scene between her and the Doctor,” says TV Singapore 5, Singapore
I’m pretty sure a sweep of camera Ian. “We saw her entering the TARDIS
angles and positions are used here and then leaving it.” j The two-inch videotapes of the second, third
to really good effect.” So much of this is done non- and fourth episodes were wiped on 17 August 1967.
“The horse itself was verbally: after Vicki leaves the The first episode survived until 31 January 1969.
a particularly good model,” TARDIS for the last time, she
says Ian McLachlan, “and while gives the blue box a hug before j Between 1966 and 1972, film prints were sold
I never thought for a moment going to find Troilus. It’s one to Australia, Barbados, Zambia, New Zealand,
that the BBC props department of Doctor Who’s most charming Sierra Leone and Singapore. BBC Enterprises
had actually built a full-size model moments, and one we’ll never disposed of its film recordings around 1972.
of the beast, the shots of the horse be able to fully appreciate while
blended in perfectly with the the episodes remain lost. j Producer John Wiles didn’t commission any
live-action sequences.” EDDIE ROBSON telesnaps, but 11 brief off-air clips were filmed on
“It must have been filmed from an 8mm camera during an Australian broadcast.
quite a low angle because it looked
huge and it seemed quite big inside,” AVAILABLE VERSIONS
says Dene. “I remember about
eight soldiers hunkered down in The soundtrack, narrated by Peter Purves, was
released on CD (BBC, 2001) and subsequently
included in Doctor Who: The Lost
Above left: King Priam (Max
TV Episodes Collection One (BBC,
Adrian) welcomes Vicki
(Maureen O’Brien) to Troy, 2019). It’s also available on ‘Trojan
but Cassandra (Frances Sunset’ coloured vinyl (Demon
White) remains suspicious Records, 2021). The 8mm clips
of the new arrival, in Small were released on the
Prophet, Quick Return. Lost in Time DVD (BBC,
Right: The Trojan Horse in the 2004). Donald Cotton’s
third episode, Death of a Spy.
novelisation (Target,
Above right from top: The 1985) is out of print,
mute spy, Cyclops (Tutte
but the audiobook (BBC,
Lemkov), imparts information
to his master, Odysseus, in 2008), read by Stephen
Temple of Secrets; producer Thorne, is available
John Wiles. on CD/digital.
The Massacre of
St Bartholomew’s Eve
The series’ foray into the French Wars of ome have said this historical
period was an unusual one
Religion vividly dramatises what the Doctor
describes as “a terrible page of the past”… “S to set a Doctor Who story
in,” notes Ian McLachlan,
who saw The Massacre
of St Bartholomew’s Eve as
a child. “Not for me. I studied
these events at school.”
For others watching, the setting was
obscure but potent. Dene October, not long
Above: The Doctor arrived in Australia, felt that “The conflict
(William Hartnell)
between the Huguenots and Catholics was
and Steven (Peter
Purves) visit a Paris a reminder of my being an immigrant. The
tavern in War of God, religious tension was relatable.” Whereas
the first episode of Mervyn Capel recalls that “My father was
The Massacre of a very religious man. He said they shouldn’t
St Bartholomew’s bring God into children’s entertainment.
Eve (1966).
What he’d have made of the Abbot of Amboise
Right: A 16th-century
I hate to think! A cleric portrayed as sinister,
engraving depicting
the horrific massacre and played by the same actor as Doctor
that took place on Who? What sort of message was that?”
St Bartholomew’s William Hartnell was keen on his dual
Day in 1572. role, but Dene was less happy. “Steven’s
The Savages
This landmark story, broadcast towards filming in a quarry – only the second time
this had been done – made it all seem more
the end of William Hartnell’s third season, real than usual.”
The location work is significant, because
is ripe for reappraisal. this was where the team of producer
Innes Lloyd and story editor Gerry Davis
he Savages is mostly Stuart Black, had tipped me off that this was got their feet properly under the table.
known for two things: going to be a new sort of Doctor Who story,” Lloyd’s previous experience was in Outside
“I was devastated
well with the imaginative and unusual
helmets and uniforms of the guards.”
The Doctor’s ordeal, as his life force is This is a thoughtful, engaging story that heralds a
as a kid when extracted, is the latest of several ominous
threats to the lead character. “I did have
new era for Doctor Who, one very much concerned
with dystopias and the dangers of technology.
The Smugglers
scenes were a revelation when that serial
was recovered in 2013, the reputation of
The Smugglers would surely rise if we could
see all this filmed material.
“It’s always fun watching newbies
discover the truth of TARDIS travel,”
The First Doctor’s penultimate outing begins Dene continues, “so it was very satisfying
watching Ben and Polly slowly recognise
as a traditional skirmish with pirate folk, but that they aren’t in 20th-century Cornwall.
The close-ups on the incredulous Ben’s
this missing serial has a brutal edge… face were particularly amusing.”
Our correspondents were unanimously
aving ventured outside the studio bemused by the villagers’ misapprehension
to Home Counties quarry pits that Polly was a boy. “I thought it was
“Cherub’s knife- “A super story! I had these breeches, and a romantic
throwing skills shirt, and a little waistcoat… I looked like a sailor
boy! Oh dear.” Anneke Wills, DWM 322
the fourth and final
episode of 100,000 BC choose to have any missing Doctor Who story Aztecs even more keenly. (The soundtrack has recently
(aka An Unearthly recovered, which one would it be? Because the fact been released on ‘sacrificial blood splash’ coloured
Child, 1963) – a story that we’re missing so many William Hartnell and vinyl.) And we have even less from his second series; just
that’s entirely missing
Patrick Troughton episodes is a constant source of episodes two and four of The Crusades, some material
in our parallel universe!
regret. And it will always feel like the ones we really want cut from Planet of Giants when it was edited down, and
Opposite page above:
to see are the ones that have been lost. a very brief shot cut by Australian censors from The Time
A Cyberman emerges
from hibernation The most historically important episode we’re missing is Meddler. We can only imagine how convincing the robot
in Episode 2 of The the very first one, An Unearthly Child, and it’s a particular Doctor in The Chase must have looked.
Tomb of the Cybermen shame because we’re also missing the ‘pilot’ version of Hartnell’s final series is much better represented in the
(1967). the episode too. But, as a story, 100,000 BC doesn’t usually archives, meaning we can enjoy classics like The Myth
Opposite page below: make fans’ ‘most wanted’ lists, as we’ve all struggled to Makers and The Savages in full. It’s frustrating that we’re
Carole Ann Ford as get through the audio recordings of the three prehistoric missing the final episode of the wonderful The Celestial
Susan and William episodes, trying to work out which caveman is which in Toymaker (recently recreated by students from the
Russell as Ian in The
Escape, the third
their interminable arguments about fire. There can’t be University of Central Lancashire), but we should appreciate
episode of The Mutants a single fan who wouldn’t rather see the debut of the Daleks what we have. William Hartnell’s spellbinding portrayal
(aka The Daleks, instead. Of course, we do have the ‘rejected’ version of the Abbot of Amboise, his heartbreaking final scenes
1963-64). of The Dead Planet, retained by the BBC Film
Library by mistake, but this isn’t the episode
that was broadcast in 1963 – although it We’ve all struggled to get
was eventually broadcast in 1993 as part
of BBC2’s Lime Grove celebrations.
Thankfully we do have all of
through the audio recordings
Marco Polo (1964) to enjoy
as an example of
of the three prehistoric
William Hartnell’s
episodes, trying to work out
which caveman is which.
in The Tenth Planet (apart from the regeneration sequence
itself, which was lost after being loaned to Blue Peter), and,
of course, The Feast of Steven, which BBC Four insists on
repeating every Christmas – much to our embarrassment!
Yes, it’s a pity we can’t see the impressive sets and
monocular Monoids of The Ark but on the other hand,
judging by its soundtrack, perhaps it’s for the best that
The Gunfighters doesn’t exist.
John Tobin, who has this very item in his
possession. “It still glows brightly under a
direct light,” he confirms, the prop having
been coated with a special paint for filming.
Luckily John doesn’t own the final puzzle
piece, the Nemesis statue itself – although
he does have an equally dangerous device
to hand. “The Master’s Tissue Compression
Many of us have collections of memorabilia, Eliminator is definitely very special, having
been in so many stories I loved and being
but relatively few are able to obtain anything handled by so many of the principal cast,”
he says, expanding on the appeal of prop
that was actually part of Doctor Who. collecting. “There’s three elements to it for
JAMIE LENMAN meets the fans lucky me. One is owning a piece of magic from
my childhood that I can remember seeing
enough to own screen-used props. on screen and being completely entranced
by. Another is preserving these items and
octor Who is an audio- the customs officers won’t have anything looking after them so they actually survive
visual experience – we to say about it… intact for future generations of fans.
can see it, we can hear it, Also lurking in Alex’s arsenal is a And the third is the incredible creativity,
but we can’t touch it. And gleaming arrow, familiar to fans of Silver ingenuity and sheer talent that went into
yet, that’s not strictly true. Nemesis (1988) as part of a deadly living making them in the first place.”
There are physical links to statue. “I like the arrow because it’s a key
this fantastic world that we can hold in our part of the story, which I have a soft spot o this end, John is quick to sing the
hands, enabling us to forge a steel-strong
connection with our favourite show. This
for,” he says, beaming. As viewers know,
however, huge trouble will arise if the arrow
T praises of visual effects designer
Mike Tucker, who worked on the
is the connection that prop collectors crave, show during the mid to late
and as the saying goes: ‘Once you prop, 1980s, building many of
you can’t stop.’ these fantastic curios from
Prop, short for ‘theatrical property’, means scratch. “Mike’s a huge
more or less any physical object used in talent we were so lucky to
any production, from mugs to mechanical have working on the show,”
dogs, and as such represents a vast area he says. “It’s also thanks to
for exploration. Alex from London has him that a lot of props have
amassed a huge collection of screen-used survived, either because 1
knick-knacks from Doctor Who, including
a particularly stylish wallet-filler. “My
favourite item is the Seventh Doctor’s calling
Opposite page, top to bottom,
card from [the 1988 story] Remembrance left to right: The arrow in Silver
of the Daleks,” he says. “It is completely Nemesis (1988); the Marconiscope
unique, the only one made for production, in Pyramids of Mars (1975); the
and it’s the most asked about item in ‘squareness gun’ in The Empty
my collection. [Toy makers] Dapol even Child/The Doctor Dances (2005);
swords in Snakedance (1983); the
made prototype replicas to see if they
could market them, but the project was “My favourite Timey-Wimey Detector in Blink
(2007); the Doctor’s calling card
later abandoned. Only on screen for a few
seconds, but so well remembered!” item is the in Remembrance of the Daleks
(1988); the stethoscope in The
Preferring to source his items from Creature from the Pit (1979); the
auction houses and speciality websites, Seventh Doctor’s TARDIS key in The Android Invasion
(1975); Movellan guns in Destiny
Alex reveals that there’s also a brisk trade
between collectors. “My second purchase calling card. of the Daleks (1979); a Tesh gun in
The Face of Evil (1977); the Vortex
was a Federation Guard sword from manipulator in The Empty Child/
[1983’s] Snakedance, which I bought in It’s completely The Doctor Dances.
July 2011, and I’m in the process of buying Top: The arrow from Silver
it back from a US collector,” he explains.
“Pieces do move around a little bit between
unique.” Alex Nemesis.
Above left: The Doctor’s calling
private collectors, but it’s mainly based card from Remembrance of the
on them contacting each other. I’ve just Daleks.
secured the sword, so it’s on its way back Below: A sword from Snakedance.
to me from the USA as we speak!” Hopefully Prop photos © Alex from London.
ike something out many fans, such as Troy Wood, and flat to use for printer
of the Doctor’s own are using these devices to calibration tests, and for
adventures, 3D printing produce their own replica props. killing off the last little bit of
machines not only exist but “I have a whole bunch filament on the row,” he adds,
have now become accessible of 3D-printed TARDIS keys referring to the thin strands of
to domestic users across I designed in [graphics plastic exuded by the printer.
“I got into 3D printing
because I was trying to build
an Auton hand for Halloween.
A fellow Whovian recommended
that I try making those bits
out of plastic using the new
3D printer that had recently
been added to our local library.
I immediately knew I had
to have one myself, because
the potential for creating
custom toys and props was
virtually limitless.” lasts a surprisingly long time,”
It sounds like great fun – Troy explains. “In terms of
but perhaps a little expensive? material costs, most smaller
“While the machines items you can fit in the palm
themselves are a bit of an of your hand can be printed
investment at around £200, using only about £2-£5 worth
a single £15 roll of filament of materials.”
Vortex manipulator prop very itchy to wear after a while. I’d always
from the same story: intended to try my hand at leatherwork and
a child-size one from make a custom surrounding strap for it, but
toymakers Character I never got around to it.”
Options, and the larger One fan who did get around to making
Rubbertoe edition. As a leather strap for his Vortex manipulator –
a keen cosplayer, perfect and indeed everything else for it – is James
reproduction of every Sutton of Scarecrow Props. “I spent
detail comes second about five years researching the various
to practicality in some props and making multiple prototypes,
cases. “The CO toy is until I finally landed on my most recent
pretty cool,” he says. version,” he says, grinning. “The maker
“Even though it isn’t of the original even said, ‘At first glance
I’d probably say it was mine until I looked
closer, you’ve done a really nice job on it’ –
which obviously meant the world to me.”
For James, locating the most
accurate parts with which to
construct his own replicas is a key
made by prop experts Rubbertoe element of the appeal, acting as part
Replicas. For him, an object’s detective and part scavenger. “I do
rarity or special provenance is find a lot of the fun making these props
not as important as the item itself. “I don’t comes from the thrill of the chase, hunting
particularly care whether it’s a limited run of screen accurate, it’s much better suited to down items no one has found before,”
200, or a mass-produced item in the tens of my diminutive stature.” That said, Ross still he says. “One of my greatest examples is
thousands, as long as it’s good quality,” has a couple of improvements he’d like to the Timey-Wimey Detector [from 2007’s
he says. “I buy something because it looks make… “As the ‘leather’ bits are actually Blink] that I recently constructed. On that
cool, because it fits in with the surrounding rubbery plastic, it gets particular prop, before I’d looked into 1
items and it has a connection to the show
I love. I don’t particularly care how unique
it is – but to be fair, I don’t know anyone Top left and right:
A CGI design of the
else with a sonic blaster!” Third Doctor’s TARDIS
Ross sees collecting props as a way key, and the finished
of expressing one’s support for a beloved replicas created
institution. “Owning a prop is showing using a 3D printer.
Photo © Troy Wood.
you love the show and are proud to show
off that love. It’s no different to someone Above left: The Vortex
wearing their football team’s strip. manipulator from
Rubbertoe Replicas.
My replicas are always on display. Photo © Ross Guthrie.
I buy them to enjoy looking at, not
Above left inset
as an investment to be buried away
and left: Two replica
somewhere. It’s a bit like being the curator props made by James
of your own museum. Hmm… I could retire Sutton – a Vortex
and do that!” manipulator and the
In addition to his sonic blaster, Ross Timey-Wimey Detector.
Photos © James Sutton.
is also the ‘curator’ of two versions of the
ften, programme makers is still a big kid at heart. “The main thing lex of London is also fond of the more
will simply purchase more
commonplace props from
I love about recreating physical items from
the show is getting to play with them after
A innocuous objects in his collection,
including a humble-looking medical
everyday shops, rather than make them I’ve finished them. I mean, that’s the whole instrument. “After the calling card, my
from scratch. What this means is that point, for me.” And it doesn’t have to be
fans are sometimes able to buy screen-
accurate items from their local high
a Zygon detector or a neutron ram – even
the most mundane bits and bobs can be
“It’s crucial
street, as prop-maker James discovered
when hunting for a particular piece
imbued with special properties after having
been used in our favourite show, as James
to have good
from Doctor Who’s 2005 relaunch.
“I genuinely needed a clock for my
explains. “These items represent moments
in my childhood; whether it’s the Doctor
bedroom, so I thought it would be fighting off volcanic aliens with John Tobin
fun to have an accurate clock from a water pistol, Patrick
the show. Rose’s clock was the first Troughton annoying everyone
to spring to mind,” he explains. “The with his recorder, or even favourite item is the
original prop had a cartoon sticker of just Leela wondering Doctor’s stethoscope,”
stars over the logo, making it impossible how long she has to keep he says. “It was used
to find via the brand, but I eventually playing with that yo-yo in The Creature from
found a catalogue from the 1990s for so as not to spoil the the Pit [1979] and
this Morphy Richards alarm clock. Being ‘magic’. For me all these The Horns of Nimon
the first thing we see in the 2005 era episodes are summed up [1979-80], and then
definitely makes it important to me.” by those items, and getting kept in the production
Eighth Doctor expert Chris Cassell to recreate them gives me office by producer John
has also enlarged his collection of such wonderful nostalgia for Nathan-Turner after its use,
screen-accurate items from 1996’s TV each of these points in my life, in case it was needed again.”
movie by tracking down the TARDIS copy As far as Alex is
of HG Wells’ The Time concerned, a screen-
Machine, and even part of used item will always
its tea service. “The book trump a replica,
is an original, sourced however well made.
from a monastery in “The appeal is the
America I think,” says fact it was used in
Chris. “It took a few the show that we all
attempts to find the love and that, often,
correct version in good no one else can own
enough condition the item, as it may be
– even without the the only one made for
Doctor Who link, it’s production. Having
a lovely illustrated book. My cup and key items from any
saucer, again, are an off-the-shelf TV show is fantastic, but
movie matched piece which was quite being able to see your
easy to find.” item on screen is just
Has Chris ever used his set for a quick extra special. Saying
brew? “It’s for display only,” he says ‘I actually own...’
firmly. “But I have been tempted.” never gets old!” DWM
12% OFF
community bonfire in the park. A world Ashes. That’s all that was left of the Houses
PART ONE away from this dark alley I really wish I’d of Parliament and King James,
The First Gun never gone down. I know what this kid’s
thinking – if he shoots me now, no one’ll
notice. He’ll get away with it.
a pile of cinders on the bank of the Thames
on November the fifth, 1605. Grey smoke
swirled with the cold river fog, the Doctor
His hand shakes as he points the gun at me, “You’re right,” I hold my hands up. “I’m and me lost in the middle of it.
like it’s his first time. Which could mean not just a kid, I’m a time traveller too.” “That’s annoying,” the Doctor scanned
he’ll panic and fire… or it could mean I’ve got him. For a second. Then he the ashes. “I know James had his demons,
I have a chance. remembers the gun and aims again, less but I didn’t want him dead. Not for another
“My name’s Yaz. I know it looks like I’m shaky, taking charge over this unhinged 20 years at least.”
police, but I’m just a kid from here like you.” woman who might not even be real police. We’d been planning to see James lead
“No, you’re not. Get back or else…” Now I’m a panicked kid too, but I try the State Opening of Parliament after Guy
Smart kid. Panicked kid. BANG! to remember everything I’ve learned Fawkes was banged up. Not to interfere.
A firework goes off over Sheffield – the from her… Not even for a catch-up as we’d technically
only met him before in the future. Simply
because I had to work on Bonfire Night
so the Doctor thought this would be a treat
to keep me going while I was pounding
the freezing streets dealing with rogue
fireworks and frightened dogs.
But even though we hadn’t interfered,
clearly someone else had.
“You said the Gunpowder Plot was
a fixed point in time that couldn’t be
messed with or else – ”
“The whole of Christendom would
be thrown off whack. Can’t you feel it,
shifting? This isn’t a building he’s blown
up. It’s history.” The Doctor frowned at
the sonic. I felt that spark of fear and
excitement. A fuse lit inside. This wasn’t
the treat she’d promised, but that frown
always meant something big was going
down and it was down to us to put it right.
This would warm me up for foot patrols
all winter.
“So now we get to interfere with the
interference?” I asked. “Go back to last
night and make sure Guy Fawkes gets
caught before it blows?”
“If it was him.”
Now I was frowning too. “Who else
would it be?”
“Let’s see.”
I followed as she ran through the smoke
towards the TARDIS, kicking up the ashes
of history behind her.
RICHARD MOLESWORTH’s account of the earliest
Doctor Who exhibitions concludes with a survey of
Blackpool and Longleat in the first half of the 1980s.
he UK’s two show’s publicity, and he saw the Doctor Who exhibitions as
permanent key tools in promoting the programme.
Doctor Who On Tuesday 19 February 1980, Nathan-Turner took
exhibitions – one a train to Blackpool to visit the exhibition, which was
on Blackpool’s currently closed while being renovated for its usual
Golden Mile, Easter opening. He then visited the Longleat exhibition
the other at on Wednesday 26 March (during rehearsals for the first
Longleat House studio block of The Leisure Hive), a visit that coincided
in Wiltshire – opened to great success with that of a film crew from BBC1’s Blue Peter. The
in the early 1970s. ties between the Doctor Who production office and the
By introducing exhibits drawn from Exhibitions Unit were about to be strengthened.
each new season of Doctor Who and
swapping items between the two sites,
the venues had managed to keep themselves remarkably
fresh. Both events were run by the BBC Exhibitions Unit,
a division of BBC Enterprises headed by Terry Sampson,
who was assisted by Lorne Martin and Julie Jones. Martin he Longleat exhibition reopened over the Easter
Wilkie (the son of BBC Visual Effects Department pioneer
Bernard Wilkie) also joined the team in the 1980s.
T Bank Holiday. It now contained a number of
displays from Season 16 that had been moved
As the decade dawned, Doctor Who itself was being from the previous year’s Blackpool exhibition, including
revitalised by new producer John Nathan-Turner, who the model of Kroll from The Power of Kroll (1978-79),
was in the early stages of planning the show’s 18th season. the Pirate Captain, Polyphase Avatron and guard from
Nathan-Turner was conscious of every aspect of the The Pirate Planet (1978), the tableau from The Androids
Above: Producer John he overcrowded 20th anniversary celebration at Longleat was 1983
Nathan-Turner (centre,
wearing sunglasses)
T frustrating for Northampton fan Nick Dimmock, who queued
unsuccessfully to enter. “About 50 yards ahead of us there octor Who’s 20th anniversary dominated all
signs autographs for fans
waiting in the enormous
were UNIT soldiers putting out signs saying: ‘YOU MAY NOT GET IN
PAST THIS POINT’. They sent out Tegan and Turlough to console us…”
D things this year, and the two permanent Doctor
Who exhibitions were no exception. The grounds
queue to enter the
Doctor Who Celebration For his part, Shauno Eels camped in a nearby field – and was of Longleat House hosted a two-day convention over the
at Longleat in 1983. amazed that the exhibition had been augmented with sets from the Easter Bank Holiday weekend on 3 and 4 April, attracting
Below left: The souvenir as yet unscreened The Five Doctors (1983). “The UNIT office and an overwhelming number of attendees and causing gridlock
commemorative new TARDIS console looked great,” he recalls. “But there was a bit in the roads around the estate. A number of marquees were
programme for the 1983 of stone-flagged Dark Tower corridor which looked fake as hell. erected in the grounds, housing video screenings, displays
Doctor Who Celebration. It was much better on screen.” of props and costumes, and even a number of sets from
Below right: An Elsewhere, 13-year-old Ian Knight was waiting impatiently for the yet-to-be-screened The Five Doctors (1983), which
inflatable Fifth Doctor autographs. “I asked John Nathan-Turner to sign my programme,” had concluded its studio recording just days beforehand.
and a Dalek were
he remembers. “And he exclaimed: ‘Typical – Tom Baker has taken The giant Doctor Who figures from the previous autumn’s
among the specially
commissioned characters up so much room there’s nowhere left for me to sign!’” Blackpool Illuminations greeted visitors to the event.
and monsters on display Norfolk fan Richard Crane was so frustrated by the autograph The permanent Longleat Doctor Who exhibition also
at the entrance to the queues, he complained to the BBC. “They sent me an apology and opened during this weekend, remaining open right through
Longleat event. a 7” single of the theme music!” he says, laughing. “On the day, we to October, as usual. Once past the silver Sentinel Dalek,
Colour photos © Nick Dimmock.
gave up and looked around Longleat House – where we bumped into the Terileptil leader from The Visitation returned from the
Jon Pertwee.” BOB FISCHER previous year, to be joined by the Terileptil Android, which
was moved down from the previous
year’s Blackpool exhibition. Other
old faces in the exhibition included
a Mandrel (Nightmare of Eden), a Bell
Plant (from Meglos), SV7 (The Robots
of Death), a Zygon (Terror of the
Zygons) and the Melkur (The Keeper of
Traken), the last two imported from the
previous year’s Blackpool exhibition.
The 20th season was represented
by a display of items from Snakedance
(1983), including the fake Mara used
in the final episode’s procession,
masked attendant demons and puppet
snakes. Two of Mawdryn’s people
from Mawdryn Undead (1983) and the
Garm from Terminus (1983)
completed the new displays.
One reason for the lack
of new items this year was
the curtailment of the 20th
season due to the cancellation
of the planned four-part Dalek
story The Return. This
reduced the pool of new
stories from which display
items could be chosen, and
the lack of any real ‘monsters’
in most of the stories this
year further hampered the
exhibition organisers.
Above left: The exterior 1 the corner was a display of old monsters: the Gundan The last-but-one display case contained another
of the Blackpool and Terileptil remained from the previous year, joined by selection of old items, including a Marshman from Full
exhibition in 1984. an Axon from The Claws of Axos, a Plasmaton and Kalid’s Circle, the decayed Master from The Keeper of Traken,
Photo © Bob Fischer.
globe (both from Time-Flight), plus a ‘thermal suit’ from a Mandrel from Nightmare of Eden, a Sea Devil from
Above right: A tableau Planet of Fire (1984), confusingly captioned as ‘The Logar’. The Sea Devils, the exhibition’s now-static K9 replica,
from Resurrection of the
Props from the recently aired 21st season took up most of the Pirate Captain from The Pirate Planet, a Zygon from
Daleks (1984) featuring
a Dalek trooper, Davros the rest of the corridor section. One display held three Sea Terror of the Zygons (which had returned from a year’s
and Daleks at Blackpool Devils and a Silurian from Warriors sabbatical in Longleat) and the
of the Deep (1984), next to Mestor
in 1984.
Below: The Ergon from from The Twin Dilemma (1984). The once-silver Earthshock Cyberscope.
The final bay was modelled
Another Sea Devil and Silurian,
Arc of Infinity (1983)
and a Marshman from
Full Circle (1980) at
plus the Myrka from Warriors of Daleks had been on Resurrection of the Daleks.
One motorised Dalek remained
Longleat in 1984.
Photos © Derek Handley.
the Deep, was in a nearby cabinet,
as was Sharaz Jek and the Queen repainted to better alongside a second static Dalek,
and Davros now sported the mask
Bat from The Caves of Androzani
(1984), now occupying the display resemble the worn by actor Terry Molloy.
Both of these once-silver Daleks
case vacated by the gold Sentinel
Dalek. The Black Orchid display grey-and-black had been repainted to better
resemble the grey-and-black
from the previous year’s exhibition
was retained in the same position. liveries familiar liveries familiar from the Daleks
in Resurrection. They were joined
The large cabinet containing
props and costumes from the series from the Daleks in the display by a mannequin
wearing a Dalek Trooper
was updated and rearranged; it
now contained such items as the in Resurrection. costume, and the destroyed Dalek
skirt section prop that had been
Mara prop from Snakedance, the constructed for this story. The
Coronet of Rassilon from The Five Doctors and a hunting brickwork of the abandoned warehouse setting, which had
spear from Castrovalva, alongside many items left over debuted the previous year in this display area, now made
from the previous year. Gone, however, were the harlequin more sense as a backdrop.
and White Guardian costumes. The final display case before the shop area contained
Inside the TARDIS control room, the first display case, the rather bedraggled Yeti prop used for the filming of
based on Frontios (1984), contained three Tractators, The Five Doctors but originally made for The Web of Fear
their mining machine and a spherical cage prop containing (1968). A small display case by the exit stairs contained
a figure dressed as Plantagenet. Next to this was the the now-redundant Fifth Doctor’s costume.
Magma Creature from The Caves of Androzani, followed At Longleat House, a small alteration to the exhibition’s
by the Terminus display from the previous year, now corridor layout during the closed season had split one
containing the Garm, transferred of the larger display cabinets in two, allowing for extra
from Longleat. display space. The Ergon from Arc of Infinity had moved
down from Blackpool (where it was displayed the previous
year) and was now the first new item in the exhibition after
the silver Sentinel Dalek. This was followed by a cabinet
that held the Terileptil leader and the Terileptil Android
(both from The Visitation), a Priest of Hecate from K9 and
Company and a Marshman from Full Circle.
New items from Season 21 followed: the full-sized Malus
head from The Awakening (1984) poked through a stone
wall, followed by the smaller Malus prop as seen on the
TARDIS wall in that story. A lone Tractator from Frontios
was also positioned nearby. The exhibition’s dummy K9
prop and the Jagaroth spaceship model from City of Death
were also in cabinets in the corridor section, as were
Omega and Thalia from Arc of Infinity, both of which had
been on display at Blackpool the previous year.
In the TARDIS control room section, a single Cyberman
from Earthshock occupied one bay; its mouth section had
been detached and was now animated, flapping about
in a most unbecoming manner. (The lack of Earthshock
Cybermen in both exhibitions this year was undoubtedly
due to the costumes being requisitioned for use in the
octor Who faced troubling times in 1985. The n Blackpool in 1985, Teesside
D series had been placed on an 18-month hiatus by
BBC1 Controller Michael Grade in late February,
I fan Stephen Roddam was… well,
converted. “We got chatting
forcing the curtailment of the Blackpool-set story as part to the staff, and a pal and I got to be
of the now-axed 23rd season. When Doctor Who resumed Cybermen for an hour,” he says, beaming.
production in 1986, the season would comprise newly “I stood at the bottom of the stairs as
commissioned stories, but with a reduced episode count. visitors entered the exhibition, then scared
This unhappy state of affairs was the backdrop to the the life out of them. I kept still until they
opening of both the Blackpool and Longleat exhibitions moved past, then followed them!”
over the Easter Bank Holiday in 1985. Future TV director Richard Marson was
At Longleat, many of the first few display cases in the a teenage member of the “fan glitterati”
exhibition remained unchanged, with the silver Sentinel – as John Nathan-Turner sarcastically
Dalek, the Ergon, the large Malus head and the model described them. “I’d been in the studio,”
Jagaroth spaceship all occupying the same positions as he says, “to witness the last line of
before. A Sea Devil from Warriors of the Deep and the Revelation of the Daleks being recorded:
Melkur from The Keeper of Traken joined the Marshman in ‘I’ll take you to… Blackpool!’ And I have happy memories
its cabinet, replacing the Terileptil leader and High Priest of two weekends in 1984 and 85, when we gathered to gossip,
of Hecate. In the corridor section, new items from the 22nd scheme and try not to get food poisoning in the dodgy B&Bs. How can
season included the model of Cybercontrol from Attack of the I forget Doctor Who Appreciation Society co-ordinator David Saunders
Cybermen (1985), a Morlox head from Timelash (1985) and squealing on a ride at the Pleasure Beach? You couldn’t call yourself
a tableau based on Attack of the Cybermen including a Cryon, a serious fan if you hadn’t ‘done’ Blackpool.” BOB FISCHER
a Cyberman and two partially Cyber-converted humans.
In the final display case before entering the TARDIS control
room section, a Caves of Androzani display featured three by a Tractator from Frontios and a seated Varos guard
items moved from the previous year’s Blackpool exhibition – inside the rather chunky electric buggy used in Vengeance
the Magma Creature, Sharaz Jek and the Queen Bat. Inside on Varos (1985), while a second Varos guard stood nearby.
Below left: The Malus
the TARDIS control room itself, a lone Silurian from Warriors At Blackpool, the organisers had decided to position from The Awakening
of the Deep filled one case, while the Mandrel, SV7 and the Bessie, the Doctor’s car (most recently seen on screen in (1982) at Longleat
Fendahleen had all been relocated from the other side of the The Five Doctors), and a prop Dalek from Revelation of the in 1984.
control room to make up a new display. Daleks (1985) – sections of which harked all the way back Below right: Mestor from
Their relocation was necessitated by the very bulky to The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964) – on the pavement The Twin Dilemma (1984)
objects now filling the display area on the other side of the outside the police-box entrance kiosk, where passing visitors at Blackpool in 1985.
Photos © Derek Handley.
TARDIS console. The gold Dalek and K1 robot were joined could pay to have their photos taken with them. Inclement
weather and sly souvenir hunters caused
the Dalek prop to rapidly deteriorate and in
1986 the BBC auctioned it off. After changing
hands a few times and being sympathetically
restored, it’s now owned by the Lord of the
Rings film director Peter Jackson.
Inside the Blackpool exhibition, many of
the exhibits and displays from the previous
year remained largely unchanged. The two
Daleks still occupied the cabinet at the foot of
the stairs, while the Terileptil, Gundan, Axon,
Plasmaton and ‘The Logar’ still stood round
the corner, as did the three Sea Devils and the
Silurian from Warriors of the Deep and Mestor
from The Twin Dilemma. The cabinet of props,
masks and costumes was also mainly unchanged
from the previous year. The only new displays
in the corridor section constituted a tableau 1
1 based on The Two Doctor Who not due to return to BBC1 until the autumn of
Doctors (1985), 1986, there would be no new props and costumes to display
featuring the Sontarans the following year. There was no pressure regarding the
Stike and Varl Longleat House space, but BBC Enterprises had to decide
alongside the Kartz- whether or not to renew the lease on the basement of 111
Reimer module and Central Promenade in Blackpool. In early January 1986,
the small Malus model they announced that the Blackpool Doctor Who Exhibition
from The Awakening, had permanently closed. Blackpool’s unbroken 12-year run
which had been on had come to an end.
display at Longleat the A number of items that had appeared at Blackpool in
previous year. The 1985 were transferred to a new, touring Doctor Who
final case prior to the Exhibition that went to America in the spring of 1986.
TARDIS control room These included a Tractator from Frontios, Mestor’s head
was now occupied from The Twin Dilemma, a Silurian and Sea Devil from
by a guard from Warriors of the Deep, Stike the Sontaran from The Two
Vengeance on Varos. Doctors, the Cyberman with the Cyber Leader head plus the
Inside the TARDIS Cryon head from Attack of the Cybermen, the small Malus
control room, both the Frontios and Resurrection of the model from The Awakening, a Robot head from The Robots
Above left: The
transparent Dalek shell Daleks displays lingered from the previous year. A new of Death, a Mutt head from The Mutants, a Marshman mask
and memorial stone display based on Attack of the Cybermen shared the from Full Circle, a Kraal head from The Android Invasion,
for the Doctor from cabinet with the Frontios props and contained two Cryons, Sutekh’s head from Pyramids of Mars and a High Priest
Revelation of the Daleks a Cyberman and a second Cyberman sporting the Cyber of Hecate head from K9 and Company. Other items from
(1985) at Blackpool in Controller’s distinctive helmet. Blackpool – such as the ‘Dalek
1985. Photo © Derek Handley.
Above centre and right:
Colin Baker and Nicola
A new display based on Revelation
of the Daleks was next, featuring As the doors Brain’, designed by Tony Oxley and
first seen at the BBC Special Effects
Bryant (in costume as
the Doctor and Peri)
the ‘glass’ Dalek seen in this story
alongside the Doctor’s gravestone. closed on the Exhibition at the Science Museum
in 1972 – were transferred to the
arrive at the Blackpool
exhibition on 30 August
Sandwiched between this and the
Resurrection display was a collection Blackpool and Longleat exhibition.
But when the Doctor Who
1985 to help raise funds
for Children in Need;
Colin signs autographs
of props and monsters similar
to the previous year’s offering. Longleat Doctor Exhibition at Longleat House in
Wiltshire reopened its doors over the
for fans.
Below: Doctor Who
This time the display included a
Dalek Trooper from Resurrection Who exhibitions, Easter Bank Holiday in 1986, it would
no longer be symbiotically linked
stars, past and present,
join astronomer Patrick
of the Daleks, a Marshman from
Full Circle, the Cyberscope from the future of both to its larger brother on Blackpool’s
Golden Mile. A major chapter in the
Moore to give host Terry
Wogan a cheque for
Children in Need during
Earthshock, a Vanir and the Garm
(both from Terminus), a Mandrel was in doubt. history of Doctor Who exhibitions
had come to an end. DWM
from Nightmare of Eden, the
the telethon broadcast
exhibition’s dummy K9 prop, a Zygon from Terror of the
live on BBC1 on 22
November 1985. Zygons, a Sea Devil from The Sea Devils and Tegan’s
spacesuit from Enlightenment. The final display case
Right: A flyer for
the 1985 Blackpool before the shop kiosk was now home to the Pirate Captain
exhibition. from The Pirate Planet.
The Blackpool exhibition was visited by Colin Baker and
his co-star Nicola Bryant, accompanied by producer John
Nathan-Turner, on Friday 30 August.
The purpose of the visit was to raise
funds for the BBC’s annual Children
in Need appeal, with all the proceeds
from ticket sales at the exhibition
on that Friday and Saturday being
donated to the charity. The trio signed
autographs for many hours in the
TARDIS control room section, while
volunteers with collection buckets
took donations from those attending.
Footage from this event was screened
on BBC1’s Children in Need telethon
that November, and a cheque for
£1,000 was handed to presenter Terry
Wogan by an impressive line-up of
Doctor Who actors past and present.
However, as the doors closed on
the Blackpool and Longleat Doctor
Who exhibitions in October 1985,
the future of both was in doubt. With
(Jack Watling) is much was only the second named character to associate – in an episode that’s sadly still
aged when we meet him make a return appearance, becoming the absent from the BBC archive.
again in The Web of Fear Doctor’s first semi-regular Earthbound Adapting The Web of Fear for Target
– “over 40 years” having associate in the process. A remarkable Books, Terrance Dicks dramatised the first
passed since the events distinction, but Travers’ significance meeting between the Doctor and then-
of The Abominable Snowmen (1967), 12 tends to be eclipsed by the arrival of the Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart: “Although
episodes earlier. After the Monk (Peter neither of them realised it, this was in
Butterworth) in three episodes of The its way as historic an encounter as that
between Stanley and Doctor Livingstone…”
This was a clear ‘retcon’, of course –
because at the time, the Colonel surely
aristocrats found in the
Highland regiments?” And
so the Colonel donned a cap
with a tartan strip, very like
the one worn by Lieutenant-
Colonel Colin Campbell
Mitchell (1925-96), CO of the
1st Battalion of the Argyll t The Doctor first ran into the robot Yeti, ferocious
and Sutherland Highlanders, pawns of a cosmic Intelligence, in the Himalayan-set
whose strong-arm tactics The Abominable Snowmen (1967).
in reoccupying parts of the Confident that the Doctor’s latest
city of Aden had made him enemies would be a hit with
a controversial (but popular) younger viewers, producer-in-
figure in the summer of 1967. waiting Peter Bryant commissioned
Camfield’s input was a sequel from writers Mervyn
enthusiastically endorsed Haisman and Henry Lincoln on
Jamie succeeds in closing the TARDIS offered “a handsome sum” for the Yeti. 06m 39s After
doors… and a length of what looks Discredited and broke, Travers accepted Travers’ daughter
suspiciously like power cable gets the offer, but kept the sphere: “Determined Anne (Tina Packer)
sandwiched underneath them as they shut. to justify himself to the world, he had escorts the Professor
The Doctor tells Victoria how Salamander begun to examine the sphere with the aim away, the sphere
was sucked out of the TARDIS – which seems of discovering its secrets. With incredible smashes through
unnecessary, since she watched it happen. determination he had embarked upon the a window, returning the Yeti to life. This
In fact, the rest of his scripted sentence was study of the still-new science of electronics.” ‘Mark Two’ Yeti is even more ferocious,
omitted on recording: the villain had been Hence Travers’ unlikely transformation with glowing eyes; has the Intelligence
sucked out “by the air pressure caused by from anthropologist to tech-head. uploaded an upgrade via the sphere?
the speed velocity”, apparently. In their draft scripts, writers Mervyn
At the moment, Salamander is “floating 04m 30s Silverstein Haisman and Henry Lincoln set this
around in time and space” – a line that scoffs when Travers sequence inside the real-life Natural History
would seem to leave the way clear for the tells him that Museum in South Kensington. Originally,
Doctor’s evil double to return at some point. he’s successfully Silverstein didn’t feature; instead, an unlucky
reactivated the Yeti’s commissionaire named Arnold found himself
02m 17s A Yeti control sphere, but looking up in horror at the reactivated Yeti.
stands in a private now it’s disappeared: “You try to scare Stage directions emphasised how Arnold
museum… and for me, take your Yeti back. Why? Money! You was never seen clearly: off-camera when
the third successive want to rob me.” Silverstein’s name and he told Travers “Locking-up time, sir”
episode, we hear the accent suggest a crude stereotype. In fact, and “in shadow” when Travers nodded in
ominous overtones of Austrian-born actor Frederick Schrecker acknowledgment. In this version, the sphere
the third movement of Béla Bartók’s 1936 (1892-1976), a graduate of the Viennese didn’t smash a window: instead, it simply
composition Musik für Saiteninstrumente, Academy of Dramatic Art, had fled to rolled across the floor towards the Yeti,
Schlagzeug und Celesta (‘Music for Strings, London at the time of the Nazi occupation, whose chest flap slowly opened. Then: “The
Percussion and Celesta’ – the latter being co-founding a Paddington-based cabaret camera traverses and we can see Arnold’s
a bell piano that gives a glockenspiel-like of émigrés and torch light approaching as he goes on his
sound). The production team were doubtless exiles, and rounds… He whistles almost soundlessly
unaware of the fact that Bartók’s weird between his teeth. His torch lights up
Musik had already been used to terrify the motionless form of the Yeti as he
television viewers, albeit only in the Los passes it. CU [close-up] Yeti’s head.
Angeles area – since horror-movie hostess Suddenly it turns, following
Vampira had made her gliding entrance to Arnold’s direction. CU rear
the sinister strains of the same Adagio view of Arnold. He stops.
in episodes of The Vampira Show Puzzled, he turns round.
(1954-55). As before, we hear the In horror, his eyes look
Berlin Symphony Orchestra conducted upwards.” Arnold was never
by Ferenc Fricsay, taken from seen clearly because he’d
a 1959 Deutsche Grammophon LP. later appear in the guise of
Old Professor Travers (Jack Staff Sergeant Arnold – the
Watling) pleads with museum
owner Julius Silverstein
(Frederick Schrecker) to Top: Museum
return the Yeti robot that’s owner Julius
lain dormant in Silverstein’s
collection for 30 years. The Schrecker).
circumstances by which
Left: A ‘Mark
Silverstein acquired the Yeti Two’ Yeti
– a memento of the Tibet comes to life.
expedition documented in
H originally conceived
as a Member
of Parliament,
escorted into the Goodge Street
Cemetery, of all places): BBC2
interviewer Alan Whicker, for an
edition of Whicker’s World called
A Handful of Horrors. (Subtitle:
November 1967 – meaning that
the sequence was filmed a few
weeks before Sherwin prepared
the final camera scripts. One
HQ in Episode 3. In the camera I don’t like my monsters to presumes Whicker would have
scripts prepared by have Oedipus had some contact with the Doctor
story editor Derrick complexes.) Who production office around the
Sherwin and director Whicker time… which raises the possibility
Douglas Camfield, interviewed Dalek that the re-presentation of
the character creator Terry Chorley, like the surname of dead
was reimagined Nation (among CO Colonel Pemberton, might
as an oleaginous, others) for the have been an office in-joke.
bespectacled, nattily programme,
dressed TV reporter eventually
stranded at the scene of the broadcast on Saturday 27 January Left: Chorley interviews Captain
Knight (Ralph Watson).
Yeti incursion. 1968 at 8.40pm – a few hours
At the time, a famously after the final episode of The Right: TV journalist Alan
Whicker meets a Yeti in Highgate
bespectacled, nattily dressed Enemy of the World was shown.
Cemetery during a 1968 edition
TV journalist had recently been There’s evidence that a of Whicker’s World.
filmed in an encounter with one publicity still showing Whicker
first person to encounter the reactivated Yeti you think that? Could we not have run into camera script. In the draft version, Travers
having become the main agent of the alien something? Could it no’ be an accident?” The featured on film only in Episode 1, and
Great Intelligence and infiltrated the military. Doctor hoped otherwise: “Let’s just say that Chorley, originally conceived as a Member
The ‘commissionaire Arnold’ idea was I’d prefer to think that this was planned.” of Parliament, didn’t arrive before Episode
later thrown out, seemingly by story Victoria realised why: “You mean… if this is 3: see Gentleman of the Press, above.
editor Derrick Sherwin in cahoots with just an accident, we could be here forever?” Meanwhile, the Doctor explains how the
director Douglas Camfield. Whereupon the Stage directions indicated: “Her voice trails device he cobbled together to escape the
Silverstein character appeared in a scene away as the awful truth strikes home.” web has moved the TARDIS “perhaps half
intended to be pre-filmed inside the actual Most of the music heard throughout The a mile from where we were expected to
Natural History Museum on Thursday 21 Web of Fear came from albums of stock land”. In Episode 6, we’ll find out he was
December 1967, after the museum had music. Heard here, and in every other almost exactly right…
closed for Christmas. For unknown reasons, episode: an extract from Andromede, by the The scanner shows a curved, tiled ceiling
the planned shoot (also meant to feature French composer François Bayle, taken from swathed in shadows. In the draft, Jamie
a different commissionaire, played by the De Wolfe library LP Lunar Probe (1967). suggested it might be a tomb, causing
Desmond Cullum-Jones) was abandoned, Victoria to shudder. “No, no, I’m sure it’s
and the scene was reworked for Silverstein’s An army HQ has been established beneath not,” said the Doctor, casting a quick look
private collection. Why? In the original Goodge Street underground station. at his Scots friend.
draft, Anne described how, as far as the
museum was concerned, the Yeti was “just 09m 12s Captain Knight (Ralph Watson) 13m 04s The trio
a model” – and one wonders if the real-life describes his recently deceased exit the TARDIS
museum trustees might have balked at the commanding officer to London Television to the tense strains
suggestion that an institution of its global journalist Harold Chorley (Jon Rollason) – of Space-Time Music
reputation would ever have housed a mere the unlucky “Colonel Pemberton” having Pt 2 by the prolific
model of a cryptozoological unknown. been named after Victor Pemberton, whose Wilfred Josephs –
Presumably, Silverstein was later found short stint as assistant story editor on Pt 1 having been heard in the third episode
horribly killed, with his prize Yeti gone, Doctor Who had ended not long before. of The Tomb of the Cybermen (1967). 1
around the time his arch-rival and his Douglas Camfield
daughter made a late-night call to his private often reused actors Left: The Doctor
residence. Which surely would have made he’d encountered on and his friends
Travers the prime suspect for Silverstein’s past productions: Jon try to work out
where the TARDIS
murder – as Terrance Dicks realised: Rollason, for example,
has landed.
“Because of their past association, Professor had previously played
Travers came briefly under suspicion but a policeman in two
the alibi provided by his daughter, plus Camfield-directed
Travers’s horrified insistence that the Yeti episodes of the
must be found, convinced the Police of his Midlands-set comedy-
innocence.” (Lucky, that!) drama Swizzlewick
08m 43s Cobwebs Chorley has less joy
accumulate around when he attempts to
the TARDIS as it hangs interview the grumpy
in space – causing the Travers, come to
Doctor to conclude assist Anne… in the
that “something or concluding part of
someone is holding us here”. In the first the same scene, one
known draft, Jamie asked: “Och what makes that was new to the
One of the eight deep-level location filming for the 1977 Chenies Street, just as Arnold 23m 19s While Arnold
air-raid shelters originally built story The Sun Makers.) From tells Chorley tries to verify that
to shelter the population from 1943, the Goodge Street shelter in Episode 3. Far left: Jamie Jamie and Victoria
and Victoria were alone in the
are questioned tunnels, the Doctor
by Arnold.
has been watching
Left: Leela (Louise from hiding as two Yeti use guns to spray
Jameson), Cordo
(Roy Macready)
the explosives with web… exiting the
and the Doctor platform to the sound of Palpitations by
(Tom Baker) in John Scott, previously heard in the first
the tunnels of episode of The Tomb of the Cybermen.
Megropolis One
in The Sun
Cleared by Knight, Weams detonates
Makers (1977).
the explosives at Charing Cross…
while the Doctor is right beside them!
08m 06s
with news that Left: A party
led by Captain
the tunnel at
Knight is
Charing Cross captured by
is intact, despite the Yeti.
the detonator on the platform having
been triggered, Arnold tells Jamie
“Hey, looks like something on the track ahead. Better slow down. It looks
like a couple of old dustbins and a garden ornament. Hey, crikey, the
What Is It? A one-off live
Daleks and… and Aggedor. Oh, I wish the Doctor was here. Still, now’s
performance synched to pre-recorded
audio clips, staged at the Goodwood my chance to prove what I can do for a change. Here they come!”
Motor Circuit in West Sussex.
Sarah Jane Smith takes the Whomobile
Who Wrote It? Unknown. out on a test drive – but the Daleks are
tracking the vehicle and move in to
When Was It? Saturday 18 May 1974. capture its occupants for interrogation.
Where Does It Fit? It can only be o, the Doctor really does call his
between The Monster of Peladon futuristic car the Whomobile.
and Planet of the Spiders. (Part That’s the big revelation of
Three of the latter was broadcast this ‘lost’ non-televised story
later the same day.) – the only time the name has
ever been applied ‘in universe’.
It seems only fitting, as the car received
star billing – alongside Sarah Jane and the
Daleks – in promotional material for this
mini motor-show-based adventure.
As the Whomobile whizzes around the
Goodwood circuit, with a non-speaking
driver at the wheel, Sarah chats with
the Doctor via radio from the passenger The show wasn’t Far left from top:
The Daleks delight the
seat. He’s confined to UNIT HQ on the staged, as stated, at crowd at Goodwood
Brigadier’s orders, undergoing a medical ‘Glorious Goodwood’: on 18 May 1974;
assessment. (Translation: Jon Pertwee a horse-racing festival Sarah Jane Smith
contributed to the audio track but wasn’t held yearly at the (Elisabeth Sladen)
present on the day, having recorded nearby Goodwood and the Doctor
(Jon Pertwee) in The
his final scenes for Doctor Who a few Racecourse. Were
Monster of Peladon
weeks earlier.) we to name it for the (1974); Sarah and the
This story, unlike the Whomobile, event that truly hosted Doctor in Planet of
Why Does It Matter? It was a rare remains officially nameless. Online fandom it, it would become the Spiders (1974);
chance to see a current Doctor Who has attached the name Glorious Doctor Who at the
star in a live adventure. Goodwood to it, based on the BBC Volume 3 (BBC
Audio, 2005).
title given in the sleeve notes
How Do I Find It? The full and links of the CD release. Above: The Doctor
in Invasion of the
performance has been lost to Dinosaurs (1974).
time, but the audio inserts were
Below: The
unearthed for the 2005 CD collection ‘Whomobile’ in Planet
Doctor Who at the BBC Volume 3. of the Spiders.
BBC South also caught a snippet
of the action and have made the
clip available on YouTube – see
to ‘double-dip’ for the Some viewers may find that this new style Douglas Camfield’s stylish direction.
Special Edition of The Web of animation doesn’t succeed as well as Equally authentic is the shot of a Yeti
of Fear, the claustrophobic the 2D technique in recreating looming into view as the end credits roll.
classic from 1968, the the characterisations The contribution of documentary
simple answer is yes. of the actors; the faces producer-director Steve Broster is a real
Not only does it feature the first
missing episode recreated through
motion-capture animation, but
there’s a satisfying abundance
of special features. The seven
commentaries (two on Episode 1)
feature no fewer than ten people
involved in the story’s production,
world was reunited with despite having very little dialogue with tailwind. Although he’s hardly a pivotal
Christopher Eccleston’s her. Indeed, the scene in which father character, it’s Maurice we come to know
take on telly’s top time and daughter manage to share a heart- best and Maurice who undergoes the
traveller in Big Finish’s to-heart without actually being aware biggest change throughout proceedings,
sprawling inaugural set, of the other’s presence is both touching
The Ravagers. With Respond to All Calls, and enlightening, a tribute to McMullin’s
the masters of audio continue to expand nimble writing.
the Ninth Doctor’s era, throwing a few With a story centred on a well-
curveballs along the way. meaning extra-terrestrial accidentally
The first thing to notice about Lisa disappearing a street full of children, it’s
McMullin’s opener – Girl, Deconstructed impossible not to think of 2006’s Fear
– is how familiar it feels. After three hours Her. It has to be said that Girl suffers from
wheeling around the Vortex in Ravagers,
it almost seems like a novelty to have
the Doctor turn up on an ordinary street
talking to ordinary people. It’s this return
sadly, one of the Second comments that the Doctor’s whole
Doctor’s missing stories: physical make-up is extraordinary –
its six episodes were until the Doctor quickly changes the
transmitted just once, subject. Dicks’ Second Doctor is perfect:
in 1968, and then wiped. a mass of contradictions, he can be
In the early 1980s, Doctor Who Magazine into paranoia, denial and madness, Dr
stated that this was a “mystery story”,
without even providing a detailed
Corwyn’s concern forms the heart of
the narrative. Dicks highlights Bennett’s
synopsis to pore over. But in 1988 it
was brought back to life courtesy of
unsuitability for command – his dislike
of being contradicted, his impetuosity as
six episodes
a Terrance Dicks novelisation, wrapped
in Ian Burgess’ beautiful cover
he issues and withdraws commands on
a whim – and turns The Wheel
into a punchy
art of a Cyberman looming like in Space into the story of his novelisation helps
a mechanical ghost across breakdown.
the Wheel. The same design This is also a great story to address the
is resurrected for this for Jamie. At the outset,
audiobook version. he’s had to wave goodbye script’s longeurs.
In the interim, fans have to his fellow companion
become more familiar with the Victoria. He’s then “young or old, wise or foolish” and has
story, thanks to the rediscovery stranded alone on a rocket a surprisingly ruthless streak, sending
of Episodes 3 and 6 (available on when the TARDIS malfunctions his companions on a dangerous
the Lost in Time DVD) and the and the Doctor gets bashed on spacewalk as “a calculated risk”.
release of the TV soundtrack. the head. He has to rely on his Narrating, David Troughton captures
It’s fair to say that this wits and comes out of it looking his father’s voice and, more importantly,
hasn’t done The Wheel very good – managing to the nature of his performance: a joy in
in Space any favours; signal to the Wheel, prevent the possibilities of the universe combined
the critical consensus the TARDIS from being with a sort of weary acceptance of
is that it’s overlong, destroyed, invent a lasting its darker corners. As ever, Nicholas
dull and clunky. Patrick pseudonym for the Doctor, Briggs provides the Cyberman voices
Troughton’s second series and form a connection with Zoe, with period authenticity. The result
was packed with stories of is a superior experience to listening
isolated outposts besieged by to the TV soundtrack. MATT MICHAEL
monsters, and this one is seemingly
the runt of the litter.
The novelisation doesn’t entirely
contradict this view: if anything, the
Cybermen’s plan seems even more
convoluted when set down on paper.
They can apparently hijack a rocket
ship, infiltrate Cybermats into the
Wheel space station, disable its
defences and ionise a star to cause
a meteor shower, but they aren’t able
to just walk in and take over. Dicks
faithfully reproduces this without
comment, wry or otherwise.
However, what Dicks realised
Top: Narrator
is that the Cyber-plan is just David Troughton.
a MacGuffin in David
Above left inset:
Whitaker’s script, which Controller Jarvis
is more interested in the Bennett (Michael
psychology of the base’s Turner) and Dr
occupants than in the Gemma Corwyn
Cybermen themselves. (Anne Ridler)
in The Wheel in
This should be obvious
Space (1968).
from the presence of the
Left: Frazer Hines
crew’s psychiatrist, Dr
as Jamie and
Gemma Corwyn. As the Wendy Padbury
highly strung Commander as Zoe.
Jarvis Bennett descends
how our choice of his books from the school and David Whitaker were just as important
library increased – even doubled – our – but he was much more prolific. His sheer
expected reading age. ubiquity, coupled with the distinctive bold
Dicks wasn’t alone in this – the volumes lettering of Doctor Who novelisations, made
by fellow Target authors Malcolm Hulke him easy to find in the children’s section.
Books were sorted by the author’s surname,
not the brand or publisher, so Dicks’ works
pushed aside Monica Dickens and Haydn
Dimmock to create
our own personal time
capsule of the mysterious
Doctor and his friends.
I could eulogise
more, and indeed
Frank Cottrell-Boyce’s
foreword to this
new collection does
just that. Ten of
Dicks’ most popular
novelisations have
been condensed into
two commemorative
hardback volumes,
and that’s something
to celebrate. I say
‘popular’ rather
than best, because
the selections were
made from a poll of
fans and, as the votes rolled in, it became
clear some people were voting for the
story as televised, not the actual novel.
While there’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ Dicks
book, there were many in his most prolific
phase that were clearly just doing the job
rather than advancing the art. Luckily,
though, the eventual winners are all good
representations of the Target library.
One story sticks out in this first volume.
There was a strong push from voters to
include The Wheel in Space; one of the
later additions to the range, it’s been out
of print for a long time and eBay vendors
price it accordingly. In truth, it was never
the strongest story
on TV and the print Left: Ian Burgess’
cover painting for the
adaptation could
1988 novelisation
generously be Doctor Who – The
described as ‘solid’. Wheel in Space.
However, there are Above left inset:
gems even in the most The first paperback
workmanlike of Dicks’ edition of Doctor Who
books; his description and the Dalek Invasion
here of our first view of Earth (Target,
1977). Cover art
of the Cybermen has
by Chris Achilleos.
rarely been bettered.
Featuring Bessie
her own words. This isn’t just a biography of Bessie;
there’s a wider story unfolding in the
Written by Paul Magrs like an old car, but inside, her background that will continue in the
Read by Stephanie Cole workings are arcane. She next two releases. A mysterious
BBC Audio RRP £10.99 (CD), £9 (digital) can travel at 200 miles per young man in a Rolls-Royce
hour without harming her seems desperate to get his
his is only the second entry passengers and can even hands on the Doctor’s old
in BBC Audio’s Beyond drive herself. friends and offers Bessie’s
the Doctor series, which Stephanie Cole gives current owner, Mr Foreman,
explains what happened voice to Bessie, and vast sums of money for her.
to friends and companions absolutely nails the script’s The spine of the story involves
after they stopped travelling intent. Bessie is a grande Bessie coming out of retirement
with the Doctor, and already it throws us a dame of advancing years who’s one last time in an attempt to foil
curveball. Rather than one of the Doctor’s lived through adventures beyond the young man and find some way
many human (or human-ish) companions, imagining and watched from the wings as to warn the Doctor.
or even one of the robots, this focuses on the the Doctor has battled giant robots, Daleks But really, the joy of this is hearing
“sprightly yellow roadster” he drove around and dinosaurs. By its nature, this must be Bessie’s stories of parties in Chelsea in the
the British countryside through the 1970s different from previous companion-led 1920s and black marketeers in the Blitz,
(and, occasionally, the 1980s). stories; Bessie never got captured, escaped, of the glory years when she played a small
“What next?” I hear you cry. “The chained up in a dank cellar or threatened but significant part in saving the world
Whomobile Chronicles? Doctor Who in an with death to blackmail the Doctor. Instead, every Saturday tea-time, in the process
Exciting Adventure with Clara’s Motorbike?” she picked up titbits along the way, as she becoming almost as iconic as that famous
It’s worth mentioning a couple of things. rushed the Doctor and his friends from blue box. “Time
Firstly, Bessie was never just the place to place. robs us all of
Doctor’s car. She had a character Magrs structures our special
that remains a small but beautiful this like ‘An Evening glow” – but
part of the classic UNIT years – she with Bessie’, as the car not this lady.
even played a key role in the capture engages us MATT MICHAEL
of the Master at the end of 1971’s
The Dæmons (an event she proudly
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Competitions Your chance to bag the
latest Who goodies!
The competitions are free to enter. Just visit the DWM website
and follow the links:
T is a two-volume collection
featuring a selection of
the author’s Doctor Who
novelisations as chosen by fans.
9 10 11
7 8
12 13 14 15
With a foreword by acclaimed writer
Frank Cottrell-Boyce, Volume 1 contains
complete and unabridged versions
of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, The
17 18 19
Abominable Snowmen, The Wheel in
Space, The Auton Invasion and The Day
of the Daleks.
Volumes 1 and 2 of The Essential
21 22
Terrance Dicks are available from
26 August,
23 24
RRP £25 each.
We have FIVE
25 26
copies of
Volume 1
to give away
to lucky
28 29 30
readers who
can rearrange
31 32
the letters
in the yellow
33 34 35 36
squares of
the crossword 37 38
to form the
name of 39 40
a planet
visited by the 41 42
Sixth Doctor.
R All Calls is
a new box
Dicks’ novelisation
set of three
audio adventures
starring Christopher
Eccleston as the
of David Whitaker’s Ninth Doctor.
1968 story The In Girl, Deconstructed
Wheel in Space. The by Lisa McMullin, the
adventure features Doctor joins forces
the Second Doctor and Jamie, and introduces Zoe Heriot. with missing persons
When the TARDIS materialises inside a rocket ship, the detective Jana Lee
Doctor and Jamie are alarmed by the presence of a hostile to help solve the mystery of a girl who’s gone to pieces.
Servo Robot. They discover that the rocket is drifting in the Tim Foley’s Fright Motif is set in post-war Paris. Musician
orbit of a giant space station and are eventually rescued. Artie Berger has lost his mojo but gained a predator –
However, it soon becomes apparent the space station has something that seeps through the cracks of dissonance
been infiltrated by Cybermats – the first stage of a complex to devour the unwary.
plan by the Cybermen to invade Earth… Planet of the End by Timothy X Atack sends the Doctor
The Wheel in Space is available now from BBC Audio, to a mausoleum world for a bit of sightseeing and light
RRP £20 (CD) and £9 (digital). We have FIVE CD copies pedantry, correcting its planetary records. But the resident
to give away. If you’d like the chance to win one, answer AI has other ideas.
the following question correctly: The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Respond to All Calls is
available now from priced £24.99 (CD) or
What is the name of the rocket that contains £19.99 (download), and we have FIVE CD copies to give
the Servo Robot in The Wheel in Space? away. Fancy a chance of winning one? Just give us the right
A The Bronze Hauler B The Silver Carrier answer to the following question:
C The Gold Freighter
In which Ninth Doctor TV episode
does the TARDIS phone ring?
A The End of the World B The Empty Child C Bad Wolf
he God of Phantoms is a Doctor Who story by
T Philip Hinchcliffe – acclaimed producer of Doctor
Who from 1975 until 1977 – which has been
adapted for audio by Marc Platt. It stars Tom Baker
he latest release
as the Fourth Doctor and Louise Jameson as Leela.
The TARDIS brings the Doctor and Leela to a colony world
in the distant future, but they’re not the only visitors. The
people of this planet are seeing ghosts of their lost friends
T in Big Finish’s War
Master series is
Killing Time, a box
set of four audio dramas
and relatives. And the ghosts are stealing people. starring Derek Jacobi as
Trapped in the middle of an escalating conflict, the Doctor the War Master, with Katy
and Leela investigate the source of the spirits and find Manning as Jo Jones and
a diabolical machine, Sarah Sutton as Nyssa.
a terrible secret... The set comprises The
and a foe long Sincerest Form of Flattery and Unfinished Business by James
since forgotten. Goss and A Quiet Night In and The Orphan by Lou Morgan.
Philip Hinchcliffe For centuries, the Stagnant Protocol has been forgotten
Presents: The God of by the universe; an empire populated by a race that can
Phantoms is available never advance. A race the Master seeks to seize control of.
from priced Unfortunately for him, he has a rival in the shape of Calantha
£19.99 (CD) and £16.99 – and she understands how to manipulate the system
(digital). If you want to better than he could ever hope. The Master’s only chance of
be in with a chance of defeating her is in the hands of some old acquaintances…
winning a CD copy, just The War Master: Killing Time is available now from
answer the following priced £24.99 (CD) and £19.99 (digital).
question correctly: We have FIVE CD copies to give away – answer the following
question correctly and one of them could be yours.
What was the first Doctor Who story
to be produced by Philip Hinchcliffe? What was the last TV story in which
A Spearhead from Space B Colony in Space Nyssa encountered the Master?
C The Ark in Space A Time-Flight B Time Crash C Time and the Rani
TERMS AND CONDITIONS The competitions open on Thursday 19 August 2021 and close at 23.59 on Wednesday 15 September 2021. One entry per
person. The competitions are not open to employees of DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE or anyone else connected with DWM, the printers or their families. Winners will
be the first correct entries drawn after the closing date. No purchase necessary. DWM will not enter into any correspondence. Winners’ names will be
available on request. Entrants under 16 years of age must have parental permission to enter. To read the BBC’s code of conduct for competitions
and voting visit Prizes will be sent to winners as soon as possible.
Coming Soon…
We talk to the talents behind the upcoming Doctor Who releases.
The Evil of the Daleks love The Evil of the Daleks!” Waterfield and Theodore Maxtible. But the
BBC STUDIOS proclaims Toby Hadoke. Daleks are there too, seeking to augment
RRP RRP £18.99 (Blu-ray), It’s a typically bold themselves with the ‘human factor’ – an
£12.99 (DVD), £29.99 (Blu-ray conversation-starter from one experiment that sparks a civil war on their
steelbook) of Doctor Who’s proudest home planet, Skaro. Frustratingly, the whole
RELEASED 27 September cheerleaders. Toby has story was wiped from the BBC archive
played a major role in the commentaries shortly after broadcast. Only Episode
for the spanking new animated 2, found and returned in the
Featuring Patrick Troughton
version of this epic story, coming 1980s, exists in its entirety.
(Dr. Who), Frazer Hines
to DVD and Blu-ray in September. However, all seven episodes
(Jamie) and Deborah
“It has everything,” he have now been fully animated,
Watling (Victoria)
continues. “Episode 1 has the and are included on the new
Second Doctor and Jamie in the release in both widescreen
Swinging Sixties, which is fairly colour and authentic 4:3 aspect
unusual in itself. And then it turns ratio black-and-white. For 3D
Top: The Doctor examines into my favourite type of Doctor animator Rob Ritchie, it’s the end
Waterfield and Maxtible’s Who – back in the past, with BBC of a journey that began with his
laboratory in the new actors in period costumes on period sets first DIY fan films, produced in 2011.
animated version of the 1967
doing period acting… with aliens!” “Ten years ago, I did test animations
story The Evil of the Daleks.
Broadcast from May to July 1967, this for The Evil of the Daleks and put them on
Right: Toby Hadoke
seven-part adventure sees our heroic duo Youtube… and they got me the gig working on
moderates the commentaries
on the new release. transported from Beatles-era London to the the official releases!” recalls Rob. “The Dalek
1860s laboratory of time meddlers Edward civil war in Episode 7 is something I’ve always
RELEASED September
The Lost Resort
RRP £22.99 (CD),
£19.99 (digital)
and Other Stories
n 2019, Big Finish began a new throughout, where lots of truths are told
The Lost Resort storyline set in the aftermath of that have been buried for a while.”
by AK Benedict Earthshock (1982). It forced the Alexandra’s script is set on Soresia,
The Perils of Nellie Bly Fifth Doctor and his surviving a planetoid that’s home to the Welkin
by Sarah Ward companions, Nyssa and Tegan, Sanatorium. “It’s like those old-fashioned
Nightmare of the Daleks to confront the death of Adric spa hotels and sanatoriums in Switzerland,
by Martyn Waites in a way they never had on screen, or on the south coast – slightly posh and
STARRING when a newcomer – the Roman slave airy and breezy,” she explains. “It’s
The Doctor Peter Davison Marcipor – boarded the TARDIS in his supposed to revivify and
Nyssa Sarah Sutton place. When Marc was almost lost bring back life – only it brings
Tegan Jovanka Janet Fielding to Cyber-conversion, the Doctor death instead!”
Marc George Watkins decided he couldn’t keep putting There’s a guest appearance
Adric Matthew Waterhouse people in danger and abandoned from the late Adric, who had
Foster Ajjaz Awad his companions to travel alone. long been a favourite character
Aether Beauregarde Anna Barry
A collection of three new adventures of Alexandra’s. “I fell for him
The Daleks Nicholas Briggs
Sylvie Chandrika Chevli
brings the saga to a conclusion, picking hard,” she says. “I adored his mind.
Thad Clare Louise Connolly up from the gang’s reunion at the end of He taught me to love maths! So when
Nellie Bly Sydney Feder Madquake (2020). I talked to Scott [Handcock, producer] about
Second Mate Ryan Forde Iosco “They’re all very awkward with each other,” writing for the Fifth Doctor, I said, ‘Is there
Chelmer Alana Maria says AK Benedict, who kicks things off with any way I can write for Adric at all?’ There’s
Franco/Luchino Glen McCready the four-part story The Lost Resort. “Everyone so much left there to explore, in terms of the
Growler Daniel O’Meara is being amiable but prickly – there’s lots way the Doctor feels towards him.”
Nora Alibe Parsons going on underneath the surface, where their In The Perils of Nellie Bly, a two-parter
Carlyss Peer Marion Jones
relationships are being redefined – and we see by Sarah Ward, the TARDIS crew visit Earth
Fabrico Julia Sandiford
Jez Kayi Ushe
how that plays out when placed in a dangerous during the eponymous journalist’s mission
situation. They definitely have confrontations to circumnavigate the globe.
2006 b
2009 6
2014 f
“One day,
I shall
n (trailer)
come back…”
1 Death Comes to Time a Shada
2 Real Time b The Invasion i The Macra Terror
3 Scream of the Shalka c The Reign of Terror j The Wheel in Space
4 Fear Her (2 seconds) d The Ice Warriors k The Power of the Daleks (again)
⁷ Can You Hear Me? (60 seconds) g The Power of the Daleks n The Web of Fear
Black Powder
The Doctor
and Yaz face the
end of humanity
The Macra
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the sets
Interview from this lost
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