The Monster Times 41 1975-05
The Monster Times 41 1975-05
The Monster Times 41 1975-05
V page 1
A MemGotV
It 's another issue of
Gene Wilder and Peter Boyle, the latest and strangest reincar-
nations ot Dr. Frankenstein and his immortal Monster, bid you
enter another above-average, topnotch, standout issue ot the
modest MONSTER TIMES. Inside this issue-one aglow with
our usual eerie excellence— you'll meet not only YOUNG
FRANKENSTEIN, in Mark Jacobson s critique of Mel Brooks
& Mary Shelley s uneasy atliance. but all six —
count 'em. six-
celluloid adaptations ot Ms. Shelley's masterpiece in Jason
on view in this typically all-star edition ot TMT are IT! THE
TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE <in his-or its-very own
l-i , M ;|
I .. jn
SPECIAL! UNHEARD-OF! For MONSTER TIMES readers only, we are offering spanking new, mint-condition copies of Gilbert Pearlman’s paperback
UNUSUAL! UNIQUE! TRA CHARGE! Yes, that's right, you read us correctly— an autographed copy of the YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN paperback for
the measly sum of $1 .50 (plus 35tf postage! This unbelievable offer, so amazing that
found anywhere else (and
: borders on the astounding, cannot be
if you don't believe us, you cool look it up). Take advantage of this fantastic offer brought to you by
TIMES, in conjunction with the FANTASTIC GILBERT PEARLMAN. Order this fantastic collector’s
the fantastic
item nowand you won’t be sorry. Remember: it’s good for the economy! Everything Must Go!!
: : : : : :
Volume 1, Number 41
Credit for our startling cover this
issue must be shared by Current
Kings of Creature Camp Andy War-
hol and Mel Brooks because no
wants to be held responsible for it.
Few are the sci-fi fans who will IT! THE under a black, star-studded sky (a very
wax enthusiastic over Edward L. TERROR FROM effective miniature set), and we hear actor
Cahn’s modestly-budgeted 1958 SPACE Marshall Thompson’s voice-over prologue
was one of the
fright release, IT! THE TERROR f
most menacing narration:
neglected “This was the planet Mars as my crew
horror film expert Dennis P. —
monsters of the and I firstsaw it.. .dangerous, treacherous,
Frightened Fifties. alive with something we came to 'know
Mitchell considers IT! a minor Played by former
classic of claustrophobic terror Ray only as death. This was what we faced
cowboy star
and a good example of the kind of “Crash” Corrigan when our spaceship cracked up in landing
in a sinister suit just six months ago, in January of this
actionful sci-fi that can be crafted designed by makeup year 1973. But it seems as if six centuries
by solid professionals, despite a maven Paul Biaisdell,
passed before a rescue ship arrived; for
IT provided fright
paucity of funds. You’ll see what today, of all my crew, I, Colonel Edward
fans with many an
we mean in author Mitchell’s anxious moment in this Carruthers of the United States Space
TMT filmbook treatment of unsung claustrophobic Command, am the only one alive. Now I
exciting unsung opus, IT! will be going back to face my superiors on
TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE, Earth in Washington. ..and perhaps there,
which begins herewith... too, I will find another kind of death.”
The scene shifts to the Science
Committee Division of Inter-
planetary Exploration in Wash
ington, D.C., where the press has
been called in for a special
briefing by government
officials. They are told
that the attempt
to reach Mars, the
“Challenge 141,"
found in his quarters or anywhere on the ...testing!"), and soon the crew will have
ship. During the search, Gino Finelli nowhere to hide or escape the evil
(Richard Harvey) also mysteriously disap- clutches of the Martian. A plan is hastily
pears while in the cargo hold. Carruthers formulated to electrocute the beast, Jjut in
then finds Kienholz’ body, shrivelled order to do so they will have to surprise it
almost beyond recognition and stuffed by coming up from below. Therefore,
inside a grating leading to the Air Genera- Carruthers and Calder must exit from the
tion and Moisture Recovery Section. control room emergency air lock, travel
Major John Purdue (Robert Bice) explores down the outside of the spaceship and
the interior of a ventilator duct in “C" then re-enter at the air lock on the motor
compartment and uncovers not only the level.. .just one level below the monster.
dying Gino but the monster as well. His The others who remain above will have to
face is savagely clawed by the creature as try and distract the creature by talking
he escapes, and he and the rest of the crew and making noise so that, hopefully, it
are forced to leave Gino behind after won’t hear Carruthers and Calder coming
Carruthers, Van Heusen and Calder wire in underneath. (Interestingly, the small
the room with grenades and flee to safety talk used to distract the monster is
in the upper half of the ship. dubbed in on the soundtrack and consists
Everyone on the ship now realizes that of entire lines of dialogue and banter that
Carruthers has been telling the truth after were heard earlier in the film!) Enough
all, and even Van asks him if he knows voltage is to be directed into wires at-
what the creature is. Carruthers, too, is tached to an inter-level ladder to kill
baffled, but Eric Royce (Dabbs Greer) thirty human beings. “The only draw-
offers a theory. “You say it’s man-shaped, back,” points out Carruthers, “is the thing
humanoid? Perhaps there was once a civi- isn't human!”
lization on Mars; it ended. Disease, war,
something terrible. The Martians— what HOW TO MAKE A MARTIAN MAD
The monstrous
was left of them— went back to
barbarism. ..savage murderers.” The plan works well until they lure the
Martian breaks
Martian onto the electrified ladder.
through another Shortly, the enraged creature knocks
barrier on board the open the ventilator duct and sets off the
fear-tilled spacecraft
grenades, but they have no effect at all on
in a fiendish attempt
to lay gigantic paws the beast’s thick, scaly skin. Five of the
on hapless crew crewmen go down to investigate, but
members. All efforts Calder’s rifle is seized and bent in two by
to confine the
the beast. It lunges at them and tears a
restless monster to
his quarters proved door to shreds as if it were made of paper;
totally their point blank volley of gunfire is use-
unsuccessful. •
less and they barely manage to escape. It
is decided to use gas bombs on the mon-
This creepy
consumption level is way up on board the
closeup of the
monster's violent 1 ship, 40% over every previous maximum.
visage tells us J The gas bombs would not have affected
quite a bit about M the air that much, and no leaks are
his anti-social
reflected in pressure changes. The truth
attitudes. The
mean, narrow eyes; comes in a flash. ..the creature! It must
upturned snout, have enormous lungs for the thin Martian
tanged teeth air, and the only way that they can kill it is
and irreverently
protruding tongue
by letting all the air out of the ship! Royce
are dead and Carruthers agree that the oxygen
giveaways. This level can be built up again later, and
is one Martian Calder can take refuge in the air lock
who's definitely
while the creature is occupied elsewhere.
out for blood
or oxygen,
Everyone speedily dons a spacesuit just as
at the very least. the monster begins its last-ditch assault
on the ship and its crew. Tearing apart
level after level in a savage alien fury
(“It’s going nuts!” screams Calder), it
finally breaks through to the control room.
A final attempt is made to destroy the
beast with bazooka fire, but that fails.
Worse still, the monster blocks access to
the air lock switch. Not a moment too The marauding Martian begins to succumb to
soon, the dying Van Heusen bravely risks the Earthlings' emergency plan, as the scene
quickly becomes a case of air, air everywhere,
the creature’s wrath and manages to acti- and nary a molecule to breathe.
vate the control in a last gesture*to save his
companions. In a mighty whirlwind of dust Space Command Headquarters. “You’ve
and loose objects, all of the free air in the been called here again,” they are told, “to
rocket is sucked out into the vacuum of receive further information about the
outer space. The Martian monster strug- story which was given to you last night. I
gles to breathe and roars in pain and will read you the text of a teleradio mes-
defeat for several agonizing minutes, but sage received from the ‘Challenge 142’ less
it finally collapses, dead. The battle has than an hour ago:"
been won. “This is Eric Royce talking. Of the nine-
On Earth, the press has been teen men and women who have set foot
summoned back to the United States
creature when it was first discovered in voices Carruthers. “Nothing to do but see
the ventilator duct— is now succumbing to if the beast will reach us through the
infection as well. The alien bacteria are center hatch. We can go no higher; we are
attacking the bone marrow, resulting in a in the top level of the ship. This is where
leukemia condition. Mary Royce is strug- either we die, or it dies.” Still in communi-
gling valiantly to combat the infection cation with Calder, whose air supply is
with drugs, but more fresh blood is rapidly running out, they ask him if he can
needed for transfusions. None is left in the still see the creature. “Big as death,” he
dispensary, and it becomes obvious that replies. “It’s been sitting here for the last
the men will die unless someone goes half hour licking its chops!”
down to the supply level for more.
Carruthers, Eric Royce and Bob Finelli A BREATHLESS CLIMAX The creature caches up with another unlucky
astronaut and#>roceeds to drain every edible
(Richard Benedict), the late Gino's
Suddenly, Royce and Carruthers notice ounce of fluif from his body Surviving crew
brother, are just about to attempt the members eventually learn that the only way to
a strange and puzzling fact reflected on
mission when Calder (who is now acting as destroy the fiend is by somehow denying him
the crew’s vital link in keeping track of the the ship’s instrument panel: the oxygen his oxygen fix
COMICS. several tense moments in a terror tale called MONSTER ON THE MOORS, from
Please send just the third
SWAMP THING #4 (1973), a Len Wein-Bemi Wrightson-Joe Orlando presentation.
“Pure animal lust” was this lycanthrope’s long suit.
GRAND OPENING Phillips for his cooperation in this matter, but we haven’t
seen hide nor even hair of him since the rise of the last
full moon.
wasters, so I'll discuss a few stories
and cite the -mags that they were
reprinted in. could only stomach five
Marvel comics. We will
undoubtedly do a follow-up article on
"History of Werewolves in
During the early 1950’s, there were
a number of
comic book
really cheap, crummy
ripoffs that had been
was saved, but the hero returned to
the grave. Touching, hah?
"Werewolf Castle,” in TALES
FROM THE TOMB, vol. 3, #3, was a
Comics," but that won’t be for a inspired by the usually fine EC's. bit more complicated. It was intro-
1000 S OF REDUCED PRICED ITEMS while. Until then, perhaps the study Many of these awful tales (badly duced by an old hag who closely re-
AAAAAA ** **+*+*+ that you now hold in your hairy little written, drawn, edited, etc.) are sembled. EC's lovable Old Witch, and
* COMICS FOR COLLECTORS hands will tide you over. hope so, currently being reprinted
in black- if that isn't a ripoff, don't know what
Jack the Ripper was alive and not well Before experiment was even
According begun, though, he changed and MARVEL'S MIGHTY WEREWOLVES
(mentally) in contemporary London. A
to our com- journalist discovered the maniac's - menaced Abigail, the heroine of the Marvel’s Beast (of X-Men fame)
ics critic.
notebook one night, and everything series. The Swamp Thing intervened, seems to be a rational werewolf who
WERE- . seemed to be turning out all right and in the end a chandelier trimmed can't change back into human form;
WOLF BY until the police inspector— who was with silver was employed against the what he happens to be is a mutated
NIGHT is both Jack the Ripper and a werewolf, snarling murderer. While on the mutant. In AMAZING ADVENTURES
easily the to boot— attacked him by the light of subject of the Swamp Thing, I think #11, he turned himself into a hairy
best of the full moon. Not bad, but think I
that this series is the best that DC has horror in order to capture some
Comic- Robert Bloch did it first in "Yours to offer; unfortunately, Len Wein and enemy spies. He has been that way
dom's ly-
Truly, Jack the Ripper" (without the Berni Wrightson no longer work on ever since, pretending to be normal
lycanthrope). By the way, there are a it, but it's still pretty great! Check it with the help of a special face-mask
The con-
cluding lot of interesting "Ripper” films that out if you haven't already done so. and gloves. Although he appears
panel from we might cover in a future issue of The latest issue has him confronting infrequently, he did show up in THE
WERE- TMT. Is anybody interested? an honest-to-badness demon from INCREDIBLE, HULK #161 (1973); the
WOLF BY A “truly original'' title was given to hell itself! Mimic, another star-crossed mutant,
NIGHT #28, a story that appeared in WEIRD, vol. In CONAN THE BARBARIAN #38 appeared in the same issue. At the
by Doug
5. #6: "Werewolf!” This gave a differ- (1974), the heroic Cimmerian got an conclusion of this tale, the Mimic
Moench and
ent, tongue-in-cheek version of the opportunity to battle Lilutu, the died while helping the Beast combat
artist Dan
Perlin, her- LittleRed Riding Hood fairy tale. The Were-Woman, and her slobbering the Hulk ("Old Greenskin" did not kill
alds an up- introduction was done by the "Old mate. One dark evening, Conan used him, though). There's a fair chance
coming a magic dust to capture the male that the Beast will become a regular
match be- beast, but he had intended to make member of the forthcoming new
tween the Lilutu his prisoner. When the female series on the X-Men, but so far he's
arrived on the scene, she stood by not scheduled to appear. Hope for it,
and his
helplessly as Conan thrust his sword and if it doesn't happen, write letters
newly ly-
canthropic into the captive creature. The thing to Marvel!
sister suffered, but it did not die. Soon The best lycanthrope appearing in
the most afterward, Conan learned what he comics today is Jack Russel,
sinister ex- wanted to know and escaped on the Werewolf By Night. He started out in
ample of
sibling ri-
horse of an enemy whom he left to MARVEL SPOTLIGHT #2 (1972), and
the fury of the lycanthropes. was awarded his own book soon
valry we've
In the first issue of Atlas' TALES afterward. Since then, this character
ever seen.
Who says OF EVIL (1975), there were three new has had a number of fine adventures,
short stories about a demon, a and he's had the pleasure (?) of
The big bad wolf who sprang from granny’s vampire, and (you guessed it!) a battling some interesting opponents.
bed fumed out to be no mere wolf but a werewolf. The furry tale was called "A Some of his foes included: Dracula,
genuine werewolf in Eerie Publication's
gruesomely rendered WEREWOLF, from in TOMB OF DRACULA #18 and
WEIRD #6(1971). WEREWOLF BY NIGHT #15 (both in
1974), and Tigra, the Were-Woman,
Crone," another poor copy of one ot who originated in GIANT-SIZE CREA-
EC's regulars, and her tale took place TURES #1 (1974). (The latter is part-
in the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia. human, part-tiger, and she's currently
As one might expect, the "wolf" was appearing in a black-and-white dud
really a werewolf, and he got himself called MONSTERS UNLEASHED.)
shot by the famous woodsman. These tales are often written in the
Hungry for L.R.R.H.'s flesh, he again first person, and they usually reveal a
tried to get her. The hunter always great deal about the character of this
intervened, though, and he was anti-hero.- To date, he (miraculously)
rewarded for his efforts by "Red," hasn’t killed any good guys, but he
who admitted that she was a vampire _ sure has zonked a lot of villains! In
just before she killed him. Not too # issue #28 (the newest one at the time
swift, but somewhat better than the ~ of this writing), his younger sister
average horror story that this finally succumbed to the family curse
company publishes. Stay away from and was transformed into a hellish ly-
these mind-rotters at all costs! canthropic travesty. can hardly wait
monsters— the wife was a vampire, the rescued fellow finally arrived someday soon, but for right now I've when Man-Wolf popped up once in a
and the husband a werewolf! They home, he murdered the maid, but gotta stick to the furry fiends. while to challenge a super-hero, but
would remain as such until another then prevented his monstrous com- Considering all of the things that Marvel seems to be overdoing their
unfortunate couple arrived to take panion from slaying his wife and Jimmy Olsen (Superman's pal) went monster/ personal crisis bit (what a
their place. What want to know is,
I daughter. The two nasties went on a through, suppose it was inevitable
I thing for a TMT writer to claim!).
why wasn't the man a vampire since wild hunting spree after that, until a that he would be turned into a THAT’S ALL* FOLKS...
he was bitten by one, and why wasn’t policeman's normal bullets cut down werewolf (physically, only) one day.
That's it for the werewolves. 'The
the woman a werewolf, instead of vice both of them! What triae! This tale— "Jimmy Olsen, Wolf-
preceding is by no means a complete
versa? A-.real garbage story, must The most interesting of these tales Man!"— was reprinted in a 1969 giapt
coverage, but it gave you a brief idea
was "Ghoulish Feast" (from HORROR issue, and haven't seen it since.
Anyway, the transformation was
of some of the good and bad points iij
In WEIRD, vol. 5, #4, the first of TALES, vol. 3, #6), which claimed that lycanthropic history. I'm really
caused by Mr. Mxyzptlk, the magical
surprised that DC doesn't have a
imp from another dimension who
regular wolfman— considering that
always bugs Superman. Rejected by
they have had the (very first) Demon,
Lucy Lane. Jimmy's girlfriend, the
the Spectre, the Frankenstein Mon-
villain got revenge on the Daily Planet
ster, the Swamp Thing, and others—
reporter by forcing him to drink a
but maybe some day one will come
"wolfman potion” from his extraordin-
snarling along. Since Atlas/ Seaboard
ary souvenir collection. The stuff
is proving itself to be none too
worked, and he was transformed into
original in most instances, we can
a barber’s nightmare as soon as the of THE DEMON #6,1 probably expect a lycanthrope from
full moon rose. The antidote was
them, too (their revolting Morlock
supposed to be a kiss from a beautiful
2001 is sort of one, but I'm sure they'll
maiden, but Supergirl. Lois and Lucy
Lane, Lori Lemaris (a mermaid from do better).
Of course, Warren and Skywald
Atlantis) and Lana Lang all failed to Matter of Breeding." and it dealt with
cure him. Finally, a homely hag from have many of their own wolfmen, but
a hair specialist who invented a pill
Mr. Mxyzptlk's dimension broke the they don't publish comic books—
that cured baldness. Because the
spell and tricked the culprit into re-
thus, as usual, they get passed over
tablets had been made from the
in this study. Incidentally, the reason
turning to his own world. hormones of a wolf, his experimental
why this article took such a long time
In 1973, Jack Kirby's Demon was human subject became a lycanthrope appear was first announced
to (it
attacked in issue #6 by a "Howler," (a natural reaction, no?). In the end,
several issues ago) was that someone
who appeared to be a werewolf who the wolfman killed himself, the
put wolfbane all around my type-
was possessed by the supremely scientist, and his partner, but an
writer, and only managed to get a
ancient and evil "Primal Entity." This order for 10,000 bottles of the
fanged friend of the family to bite off
monstrous thing sought to gain "Miracle Hair Replacement Tablets"
the nasty plants. (If you believe that,
control of the Demon's immortal had already been shipped fo
' see that he bites you next!)!*
body, but Etrigan's formidable distribution across the country
demon's-flame seemed to destroy it.
at the end of the book. In the last
panel, though, a strong hint was
Jimmy Olsen went
given that the Howler still existed, in i a little shaver to a
another body. He has yet to return. fiend when the
The Demon was an awfully good and 1r. Mxyzptlk in-
tervened in Jimmy
interesting series, and it's really too
bad that it was discontinued. If you from SUPERMAN’S
liked it, write and demand that it be PAL JIMMY OLSEN
restored! #122(1969).
During the same year, the Swamp
Thing fought against a lycanthrope in
the 4th issue of his fabulous
magazine. The story took place in the
Scottish Moors, and there was
something special about this particu-
lar wolfman — he was white in color!
He turned out to be the son of an
elderly couple who wanted to cure
him via a total blood transfusion.
! :
A f
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page 9
TMT reader Dee Magers of Columbus,
Georgia sent us this ad for the Trust
Company of Columbus, “The Bank for
who keep strange hours." A
folks ly-
canthrope of Larry Talbot's stature [or
ANY self-respecting werewolf, for
that matter) wouldn’t be caught dead
filling out a withdrawal slip were he
short on cash: more likely it would be
a matter of take what you want and be
off with you. As for the rest of TCC’s
depositors, they might be wise to
EAT AN APE' Collect and eat you' favorite
lollipop has a monstrous picture of an ape
actually printed on it and you can eat them
. . .
According to this ad for Litton Office
TMT reader Greg Nicoll of Martinez,
Georgia sent us this ad for Ken
Sanders Ford in Augusta, Georgia.
This crudely rendered comic strip
Products Center, after you give that follows the adventures of Henri, the
company the business they'll shake Money-Saving Computer Robot, a
your hand “but never your confi- Ford-peddling automaton who con-
dence." and, as you can see, their fronts various dimwitted consumers
official glad-hander is none other with allegedly economical car offers.
than the Frankenstein Monster. We’ve Seems to us like a logical enough
not quite certain of the implications extension of your traditional car
of their pitch but we’re sure their salesman, as anyone who’s ever
hearts are in the right place. If not, we suffered through a Ralph Williams
can always refer them to a good sur- pitch will doubtless agree.
monsters everywhere.
moving in
on the old house. PLANET OF THE APES STUDENT
. . Rare provocative
a couple of them just guide to The Planet of the Apes
ate the barn. which examines the full impact of
the film. Includes many photos of
what can we do? try the actors as well as stills from the
to send up smoke signals? first ape movie. A genuine
collector’s item for any human who
i look at it this way. why not
is most have
faithful to the original tale. I
seen all but the silent version, and my
choices for the best are FRANKEN-
STEIN (sincethe second movie is actually
a necessary continuation of the first, I
regard them as being one complete 2
1/2-hour film). As you will see in the
following, the version that is most faithful
to the novel is the one that was aired on
ABC-TV. Read on, Frankenstein fanatics,
and decide for yourselves!
sequels are still going strong, with other movie. In this entry, Dr. Franken-
FRANKENSTEIN AND THE MONSTER stein and two assistants created a gigan-
FROM HELL the latest entry. CURSE tic, ugly being. When one of the men died,
The Frankenstein
Monster takes to the (1935). a film our author views as an
Sfwamps rather than extension of. rather than a sequel to.
endure another the earlier FRANKENSTEIN
moment ol FRANK-
ENSTEIN: 1970.
dismal 1958 ripoff ot
of the Frankenstein
legend that featured
an embarrassed
Boris Karloff as a
descendant of the
deceased Or Hiding in the adjoining woodshed, the agreed. Hallway through the operation,
Frankenstein. Monster learned how to speak English. however, the scientist realized the horror
One day the creature, confident that he of what he was doing and destroyed the
could makefriends with the’ family, ap- body. In revenge, the angry giant killed
proached the blind girl. The others, mis- Frankenstein’s closest friend, along with a
taking his intentions, attacked him and woman who was in the house. Franken-
began with a very young Victor his heart was used in the operation, and drove him away. Frankenstein, learning stein fled with Elizabeth, his fiancee. At
Frankenstein inheriting the estate of his lightning was again employed to liven up that his creation was still alive, began an inn, they were married, but the Mon-
parents. Years later, the brilliant scientist the Monster. This creature was different hunting for him. The Monster was shot, ster arrived and strangled the new bride.
and his assistant, Paul Krempe, attempt- from all its forerunners in that it had the and soon afterward he came upon his Armed with a pistol, the man went after
ed to reanimate the dead. After mentality of a child. In its playfulness, it creator’s little brother. When the boy his creation. An accident mortally
succeeding with a dog, they sewed toget- accidentally killed Frankenstein’s remain- screamed, the bewildered giant inadver- wounded Frankenstein, and the Monster
her a large, ugly being from several cada- ing assistant and then ran away. When- tently killed him. Frightened, the Monster tried to help him. Blaming himself for
vers. Frankenstein then killed a brilliant ever people saw him, they were terrified began to cry because of what he had done. everything that had happened, the man
man so that he could transplant the because of his appearance. Finally, how- Frankenstein found him hiding in a cave died. The mourning giant regretted all
fellow’s brain into the monstrosity. The ever. he found a solitary house in the and treated the wound in the creature’s that he had done and, whefi policemen
brain was accidentally damaged before woods. In it was a blind girl, her father, neck. When the Monster agreed to leave if arrived, he let them shoot him. With his
the operation took place, and, when the her brother and his Spanish fiancee. a mate was created for him, the man creator cradled in his arms, the dying
Monster was brought to life by strong Monster’s last words were, “Forgive me.”
electric currents, itturned out to be a This tragic tale, although a bit overdone,
moron. The thing escaped, and Krempe was quite good. Wouldst only that it had
shot it to death after it killed a blind man. been done on a larger scale!
Victor restored it to life and lost no time in
locking it in the laboratory annex. Soon FRADULENT FRANKENSTEIN
aTterward, he arranged for it to murder Toward the end of 1973, FRANKEN-
the family servant. Elizabeth, Franken- STEIN: THE TRUE STORY was shown
stein’s fiancee, found the creature, which on NBC-TV. This expensive 4-hour (with
promptly broke loose and chased her.
After rapidly dousing the Monster with
kerosene, Frankenstein set it ablaze. Fall-
ing into a tub of acid, the thing was com-
ties arrived. Since Krempe refused to cor- seeing: in some instances, it even
roborate Frankenstein’s incredible story, surpasses Karloffs version(s). As usual,
the evil scientist was being led to the Victor Frankenstein was shown leaving
I would gladly give my right arm to have actually seen the monster.
Guillotine as the film ended (he escaped in the university to conduct his own
the sequel, THE REVENGE OF FRANK Artist Kerry Gammillcontributed this disarming moment of monstrous levity to our otherwise experiments into the secrets of life and
serious Frankenstein study. For those not up on their Frankenstein films, the above scene is death. In London, he teamed up with Dr.
taken from Universal's SON OF FRANKENSTEIN (1939), with Basil Rathbone as Dr. Wolfgang
Fourteen years later, there was a Claval, who was experimenting with solar’
and Lionel Atwill as the one-armed Inspector.
rooms and built an eight-foot-tall Monster. England. Each issue Is in full color throughout the book,
featuring the art of such Spanish greats as Esteban Maroto
After bringing it to life, he soon regretted who does the character WOLFF), Enrich Sic and J.M. Bea.
his deed. The Monster fled, and Victor fell These 12 books contain art like you've never seen before in
your life! And the color is superbly done. All on heavy card-
ill. While he was being cared for by his board-like stock to Insure long readability.
closest friend, Henry Clerval, word All these Tzooks are In English text, meant for the British
Isles, but imported by THE MONSTER TIMES for TMT
reached Frankenstein that his little readers. There are 12 issues of these full color extrava-
brother, William, had been strangled. A ganzas. They can be purchased In lois of six, In Tots .of
twelve or individually. A "must have" addition to your comic
family servant named Justine was tried art library. The greatest barbarians and the prettiest ladles
inhabit these magazines.
for the crime and executed. Not long
afterward, the Monster approached his
creator and told him that he had learned
how to speak and act from a family in the
woods. In return for chores that he had
performed for them at night, they had left
books outside their cottage for their
unknown benefactor to read. When he
finally revealed himself to them, they
The Monster learns that his love for his intended mate shall go forever unrequited in a genuinely attacked him because of his frightening
poignant scene from BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Ernest Thesiger, as the flamboyantly perverse Dr. visage. Later on, he happened upon
Pretorius, looks on. William, accidentally killed him and then
energy. As their work progressed, they but Polidori showed up as a fellow framed Justine for the crime. From (including a free color poster), SI .25 plus 25c
succeeded in reviving a dead beetle and passenger. The Monster, apparently mad, Victor, the Monster now demanded that S1.25olus25c
animating a severed hand. When their was also present. He hoisted Polidori up to he create a mate for him. Wanting to avoid
“perfect man” was nearly ready for the the mast, where the evil man was struck further murders, Frankenstein agreed.
ultimate experiment, Claval discovered by lightning. After Victor was severely Before completing the task, though, the
that the crawling hand had begun to hurt, the Monster took over the ship and scientist destroyed the female body
deteriorate. Before he could inform •headed it due north. The crew escaped in because he did not want a race of such
Victor, he died, and his brain was lifeboats, but Elizabeth remained behind creatures to be spawned. The Monster
transplanted into the composite body. and was strangled by the Monster. killed Clerval and, on Victor’s wedding
During the crucial experiment, the Frankenstein regained consciousness after night, the fiend slew Elizabeth as well.
build-up of solar energy passed the safety the ship had run aground in the Antarctic Frankenstein then chased the thing to the
level, and a fire started. Nonetheless, the ice, and he followed his creation through frozen North. Upon ending his story,
incredibly handsome Monster was brought the frozen wasteland. “Father” and “son” Victor died. The Monster soon arrived,
to life. Victor taught him how to speak and forgave each other, and then an avalanche and he was sorry for all that had taken
act, and everything was fine for a buried them forever (?). The complete place. He left, determined to remain in the
while— until the scientist noticed -that the script (without photos) is available in frozen wasteland forever.
process was reversing itself. He locked his paperback from Avon Books for $1.25 and —
There you have it the whole story. In
creation in a mirrorless room, but one day iswell worth the price. the event that you desire more
the Monster saw his rapidly-deteriorating information, check out TMT #21 and Don
face. The Monster stabbed himself in the
MARY SHELLEY’S MONSTER Glut’s incredible hardcover book, THE
heart, but failed to die. He threw himself Now that we’ve covered the film FRANKENSTEIN LEGEND. In addition,
off a towering cliff, but survived the fall. versions, let’s take a brief look at the if you’re interested in close graphic
He was immortal. novel (finally!), which was first published adaptations of Shelley’s novel, check out
Shortly afterward, the Monster met a in 1817. The tale began during the 18th the appropriate edition of “Classics
blind man, but the fellow s family attacked century, in the frozen North, where Victor Illustrated" and the first 3 issues of DRACULA 5. DRACULA 6,
Frankenstein was found by English Marvel Comics’ fine Monster of Franken- 51. 25 plus 25c SI. 25 plus 25c
Robert Foxworth took the Dr. Frankenstein role $1 .25 plus 25C
in ABC’s FRANKENSTEIN, the most faithful
film adaptation of Ms Shelley's terror tale to
appear to date. For some strange reason, fideli-
ty is a trait rarely displayed by Frankenstein
When Victor and his wife, Elizabeth, Your Books, Letters and Notes
Perfect To Decorate All
returned from their delayed honeymoon, SETQFDRACULA7thru12,$8.50[save50c)
they found that Prima had been taken in Here's a collection of 100 full-color LsUPER VALUES. Dept. FD 304
466 Lexington Ave., N.Y. 10017
by Elizabeth’s parents. Soon afterward, stickums including Love, Sealed With A -
Your offer for these full color stickums
Polidori tried to destroy the Monster with Kiss, Feet and all the Signs of the Zodiac
sounds too good to resist. Please send it
Now that we’ve demonstrated which eerie authors have been faithful to
Ms. Shelly and her ever-popular Monster, we deem it meet and just to or Corpse-Kicking
take a look at the latest and least serious of the film industry’s Franken- For Fun and Profit
stein adaptations. While Mel Brooks’ YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN makes no
attempt to be a faithful reworking of the Shelley classic, creature critic \
Mark Jacobson maintains that Mel and his film still have a lot to answer
for, as you’ll see herewith... ^
Thefirst few minutes of YOUNG Young Dr. Frankenstein ;Gene Wilder •
lets ’free
exultant dry as his newly assembled Monster
FRANKENSTEIN were exciting. Brooks Peter Boylei shows definite signs of life, a- com-
decided to make the film in black and modity our critic feels the film too often lacks
white. That showed commitment. The
music wasn’t too campy. The coffin that
opened with no warning to reveal a par-
tially decomposed body was scary. The
first sequence with Gene Wilder, as the
grandson of Baron Von Frankenstein, try-
ing to live down his heritage by teaching
brain surgery, was grimly funny. The
neurologist as the modern-day Franken-
Come to me,
my melancholy
TOUGH TASK months of each other, it’s he just kicked the corpse.
enough to make one wonc
I guess it's a tough assignment, making
if NOTHING’S f British comic Marty V
a funny monster film without latching anymore. k Feldman plays the good ’
onto the conventions of the genre for some doctor's popeyed assistant,
easy laughs. Polanski, in his FEARLESS Igor, a role originally por-
trayed by Dwight Frye.
VAMPIRE KILLERS (which is very close Contrary to popular belief,
in outward purpose to YOUNG FRANK- the Igor character is not
ENSTEIN), almost did it. But even he fell without his fair share of
back on teeth and bat jokes when his brains, only they're usually
inspirations, like the gruesomely hilarious slung under his arm. .
Monsttraof the Movies
THE MOVIES... ne i
GEST Twelve slories ol
MONSTER Denis Gil- terror and horror, illustra-
ford strikes again with a
ted with color drawings.
Great bargain, all narra-
bound to please. Tremen- by the great Karloff,
dous film synopsis and Only plus 354
filmography are the high- y 75C
r :
SCREEN ... 122 page
hardcover book covering
complete story behind
planes from TORA!
TORA! TORA! Originally
the great TMT tradition of time-honored art of Egyptian mind that modern-day mummy-
presenting invaluable “how-to” mummy-making couldn’t happen making is not only illegal but
pieces for the practical education along at a more opportune time, would necessitate your moving to
of MONSTER TIMES readers, what with so many recently Egypt as well. But even if you’re
we’re happy to run the following unemployed people looking for not thinking of entering the
informative piece on mummy- modest enterprises with which to mummy-making profession your-
making. A must for would-be supplement their unemployment self, Mr. Haydock’s assiduously
mummy-makers and collectors benefits. Before taking advantage researched piece should be of
alike, Ron Haydock’s incredible- of this unique career opportunity, more than passing interest.
but-true-type treatise on the however, you should keep in
they’re case each finger and toe of the
certainly corpse in separate sheets of gold.
the best-known
Some mummies were even
of the ancient buried with golden sandals and
art ol mummy-making crowns.
the Egyptians did
not completely Besides burying the mummy in
the tomb, the Ancient Egyptians
also interred many personal
effects of the dead individual.
Down through the years, archae-
ologists, opening long-lost or
carefully concealed tombs, have
unearthed everything from coins
to musical instruments, and even
chariots. As well as requiring a
well-preserved body in the next
life, the Egyptians believed the
world after mortal death here ed to represent the person. process, handed down
on Earth and, with this belief in According to Andrew Low, to them through the
mind, they carefully attempted one of the world’s foremost centuries. Their
to preserve lifeless flesh and Egyptologists, when the motives for
bone for all eternity. They didn't mummy-makers wrapped the
want a corpse to ever decay, corpse in bandages, they also The spindly digits of a 17th
because in the other life the soul placed magic amulets on various Dynasty mummy holds for
would need the body in as good a our scrutiny a copy of
parts of the dead person. If the
Georgess McHargue's ex-
condition as possible. The exact man or woman in question was MUMMIES, from
amount of time and effort particularly wealthy, they would whence came all these
wonderful illustrations.
Egypt’s mummy-makers put into also adorn the mummy with Anyone wishing to leam
mummifying a corpse, however, personal jewelry. In the case of more about the honorable
actually depended on how really important Egyptians, the art of mummy-making can
order this brand-new book
wealthy or important a person mummy-makers might also en- Georgess McHargue from the TMT Bookshelf.
The Monster Times page 17
with ANN DORAN •
Written by JEROME BIXBY • Directed by EDWARD L. CAHN
Produced by ROBERT E. KENT • Released thru UNITED |H 'ARTISTS
. ,
Our special premier issue Our (irst all STAR TREK Filmbook of bug classic. Filmbook ol the classic Filmbook and giant color Features a zombie film All E.C. comics, the great- Filmbook and centerfold of
containing pari one o( "The edition, featuring the "Star THEM. "Bugs in the Co- BRIDE OF FRANKEN- poster of THE CREATURE' survey. "Zombies in the est horror comics of them PLANET OF THE APES,
Men Who Saved Kong," Trek Saga." interview with mics" by Matv Wolfman. STEIN. review of THE FROM THE BLACK LA- Comics." THE ASTRO all. Interview with Bill the first apes movie. Also
NOSFERATU. DER GOLEM William Shatner. profile of "The Empire of the Ants" PULPS, article on GREEN GOON. interview with TAR- ZOMBIES. THE OMEGA Gaines and Al Feldstein. a includes CONAN in the
andBUCK ROGERS. Also Leonard Nimoy and story by H. G. Wells, a Rich Lantern/Green Arrow, a 2AN comic's Joe Kubert. MAN. a Dan Green comic talk with the Ghoul-Luna- comics.THE NAVY VS.
included is a Berni Wright- on Gene Roddenberry. Also Buckler comic strip and a two page Jeff Jones comic Humphrey Bogart's only strip,review of Berni Wri- tics. review of the E.C. THE NIGHT MONSTERS.
son Frankens'#n color Gray Morrow's Star Trek review of "Stan Lee at Car- Strip in color. Roger Cor- moster movie, more Jeff ghtson's BADTIME STOR- HORROR LIBRARY OF FRITZ THE CAT. an inter-
poster and Wrightson's color centerfold. STAR nagie Hall". Also a giant man meets Edgar Poe. A. Jones comics and an arti- IES. NIGHT OF THE LIV- THE 1950's, review of view with Dracula. cover-
NOSFERATU comic strip. TREK comics and "Space- KONG color poster and 'Dracula Goes To Court." cle on ESQUIRE S hip ING DEAD and a zombie TALES FROM THE CRYPT age of the Graham Gallery's
S4 4 25C
men of the '50's." part two of "The Men Who and the worst films of 1971 comic stories. Not to men- color centerfold. You'll movie, and introducing. comic exhibit and Hemi-
S4 4 25c
Saved Kong S2425C S2&25C tion "Mushroom Mon- never want to see zombies SEYMOUT the horror host. sphere's Blood movies.
sters" .
S2425c again. ever. S242Sc 55425c S3 & 254
Features a filmbook anc Filmbook and centerfold on Our spectacular issue Filmbook and color center- Filmbook and color center- Filmbook and color center-
color centerfold of WOLF THE VALLEY OF GWANGI. breaking the story that fold Of FORBIDDEN PLA- fold on the classic (?) fold on TARANTULA, arti-
MAN. article on comic's an interview with Alfred Godzilla is running for NET. review ol FLASH MONSTER OF PIEDRAS cles on Dr. Death and Dr.
Chauvinist pig. THE PHAN- Hitchcock. "Vampires in president, with a color GORDON HERITAGE. THE BLANCAS. Willis O'Brien s Shock, the return of E.C.
TOM. GODZILLA. "Behind the Comics." preview of centerfold to match. Also MYSTERIANS. behind the missing monsters, preview comiCs. "Hercules in the
the Scenes at SILENT RUN- BLACKULA. THE PLANT included are articles on scenes at the latest apes of DRACULA A.D. 1972. Comics." Late Film round-
NING." review of SCIENCE MONSTERS, review of HPL MIGHTY JOE YOUNG. movie. SF TV GUI PE. pre- When Monsters Ruled the up. review of some recent
FICTION FILM. CON- magazine. Godzilla's own COUNT YORGA and still view ol ASYLUM, interview Comics." Perry Rhodati of monster movie campa.gns.
QUEST OF THE PLANET column, some real mon- more PLANT MONSTERS. with Rod Serling and re- Germany. First Annual and some really repulsive
OF THE APES and an inter- sters and CHILDREN An interview with Vincent view of the s-f WORLD- Monster Poll and King comics.
S1 & 254
view with Peter Cushing. SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH Price, and "Comics -Go to CON Kong comics. S & 254
si & 254 1
Our third s-l issue contains Filmbook on 1931's Filmbook on GREEN A special 40 page magazine free color centerfold of with a double filmbook on Our fabulous DESTROY
a 12-page STAR TREK pull- FRANKENSTEIN, a com- SLIME, preview on THE issue of TMT devoted to
same Also Basi WolvertonI THE FLY and THE RETURN ALL MONSTERS issue,
out. which includes our al- plete GODZILLA and his friends.
comics' THEATRE OF OF THE FLY and a Fly featuring filmbook and
ready classic "Keep On filmography, the real Cas- zilla vs. Ghidrah. GENESIS Including a GODZILLA Also centerfold. Also included
BLOOD, Review of HIS centerfold. articles
Trekin' " poster. STAR Frankenstein. "The De- article on New York's lilmbook. four color GOD- MARVELS are exclusive shots on the
tle II.
TORY OF COMICS vol. 2. about CAPT.
TREK filmography. STAR cline of Franksenstein," in- CREEP, results of the ZILLA posters, the friends the Last of The Planet of creator, C.C. Beck and STAR TREK cartoon,
TREK Yellow Pages, review terview with Glen (Franken- Monster Poll, review of the of GODZILLA. Tom Sut- much more BROOM-HILDA's Russell articles on Superman's
The Apes and
of the STAR TREK books stein) Strange. "Franken- KLINE PORTFOLIO, and a ton's super comic strip
in our special BILL OF Myers. Also, Ladies and Metropolis Museum, Wax
and Mr. Spock model. Also stein in the Comics." and a the Amicus studios.
trip to RAT! and more on the RIGHTS issue. their monsters and WERE- Museum. New
color centerfold with all the Also. TMT's exclusive Mt. Greatest Beast in the S1 ^ 254 WOLVES ON WHEELS. A Comicon. hot stills, horror
S3 & 254 FRANKENSTEINS of the MONSTERMORE. Seeing World. Godzilla, gi & 254
fantastic mixed bag issue. in the media and Rondo
movies. & 254 is believing!
$1 & Hatton.
S1 25tf SI & 254 $1 & 254
All-Worst issue, with film- ISSUE! SI & 254. Super
Lon Chan6y/ Hunchback ISSUE, Our all Martian plus 25 cents. That
issue with centerfold
book on THE HORROR OF .
Simian Special includes
PARTY BEACH. 50 Worst issue, including a super roaring rhedosaurus complete story of all 5
puppet of the Hunch- Horror Films Ever Mac e, the filmbook and centerfold of heads a creature cast
back, an article and PLANET OF THE APES
World's Worst Comics, and
a portrait ol low-budget
WAR OF THE WORLDS. thal includes MAR- films. Photo-illuslrated
Chaney's make-up tech- filmmaker Ray Dennis Also includes an article and VEL'S MIGHTIEST Apo Movie Survey — full
nique. Also, PLASTIC Sleekier. Also included: comic strip on INVADERS MONSTERS, MEXICAN history of celluloid simi-
MAN. Willis O'Brien's Teenage Monster Movies of FROM MARS, Martians in MONSTERS and the ans— plus TOP BANAN-
the interview with
schlock filmmaker William
the Comics and many other WEREWOLF OF AS. a complete history of
Hammer releases and the Grefe. Hugo Headstone Martian features. , „ WASHINGTON. Also Apes in the Comics.
WAX MUSEUM. $1 & 254 strip, the Inferior Five and a Gene Roddenberry's KAMANDI. production
preview of SCHLOCK, mon- QUESTOR series and a scenes from KING
SI & 254 ster movie satire.
S1 a profile of the late Kung
Fu star Bruce
KONG. si & 25c
si a 25c
late ’50s
fright addicts would rarely fail to
tune in to watch vintage horror
films on WOR-TV’s SHOCK
THEATER, which had recently
purchased a package of Univer-
sal’s great and not-so-great
horror films from the ’30s and
’40s. But it was SHOCK THEA-
TER’S host, a gleeful ghoul
named Zacherly, and his spirited
black comic antics that made the
show more than merely enjoy-
able. Taking an irreverent ap-
proach to the genre, Zach was
fond of mocking fright films that
deserved no better treatment and
once even went so far as to
employ his trusty scissors to
deat r oy, on camera, a print of a
ghastly film called WHITE PON-
GO to prevent its ever being
shown on his show again.
Though John Zacherly’s horror
host days are far behind him (he
currently spends his nights
working as a disc jockey for rock
station WPLG-FM), he’s not
adverse to looking back in
fondness at his SHOCK THEA-
TER interlude, as the following
interview demonstrates.
ZACH: We’re just not used to it, portray a comical horror host? TMT: Was it intended that you
that’s Everybody speaks like
all. cut into the pictures?
that, even the president. [Ex- ZACH: It started in Philadelphia Zach indicates how much he enjoyed
President Richard M. Nixon— when horror movies were first ZACH: We took the approach of talking with TMT reporters Russak
Ed.] HA! HA! HA! being released for TV. Occasion- making believe the doctor or the and Lipowski.
ally I get dressed up and about mad scientist didn't know what
TMT: What did you think about two years ago I did a little they were doing but we did.
the movie in general? number with the Grateful Dead. TMT: What was your favorite
I rode up and down Fifth Avenue A maniac of many moods, Zacherly
horror movie?
ZACH: THE EXORCIST is in a stagecoach, and everyone has been known to strike sinister, as
really a super horror film, people* was shouting, “Hey, Zach, how’s well as comic, poses. ZACH: Well, I always liked the
are really scared. I liked the your old lady?” I was really SON OF FRANKENSTEIN. It
Zach s pioneer portrayal of a dement-
acting— the people were good ed horror host inspired a spate of imi- amazed. seemed to me that they
actors. Ellen Burstyn [Chris tators who borrowed both his makeup
expanded on the sets. The dining
MacNeil], an accomplished ac- and style. The original, however, is TMT: Whatever happened to room scene was really freaky,
tress, was great, although I’ve still the greatest. your old lady? with the huge fireplace and those
never seen her before. big beams that came out from
ZACH: Well, all those things everywhere. And shadows all
TMT: Have you met any other NEFARIOUS NOSTALGIA were characters created because over the place and the storms. It
horror celebrities? TMT: Did you do your own they couldn’t afford actual was sort of a semi-modern
makeup for your appearances on people. impressionistic kind of thing. The
ZACH: I’ve met Jonathan Frid Shock Theater? laboratory was great too, with
for a brief moment at the DARK TMT: How did you get inter- that crazy kind of pyramid
SHADOWS studio, a hello- ZACH: Oh yeah, it takes only ested in horror films? shape— that was really weird. I
goodbye type of thing. An about two minutes to do. In also liked Bela Lugosi in that; I
associate of mine met Boris television we never pretended ZACH: When those things were thought he was outstanding as
Karloff and asked if he disliked they were sunken cheeks or released for television, I had the shepherd with the broken
what we did to his films. He said, anything like that— it was just never seen any horror movies. I neck [Igor]. I didn’t know who he
“Not at all, my dear, you brought short of being a clown’s makeup. wasn’t allowed to as a kid. I used was at first.
page 20
on budget but was always long on grisly fun. there is a lot of action on the cinema strictly a fantasy, it seems that, in Mr.
scene. Chaplin’s hands, it will be something
The new live-miniature-animation of a morality play. Two of Mr. Chap-
sound as good as I can in horror crazy. I should have a process called "Magicam" (see TMT lin's daughters will essay roles in the
combination. That’s what the fun little routine— but I don’t. HA! #38, p. 25) will be utilized in Herb film.
of it is, putting three songs HA! HA! [Yawn] This job is Jaffe's forthcoming sci-fi comedy en- J4ow for the “sharking" truth. Those
should be wide awake DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF toothsome terrors will be around in
together that kind of go funny. I titled
ELECTRIC SHEEP? Authored by Universal's soon-to-be-released
together, instead of just sticking now. Trouble is I don’t get much
Philip K. Dick, the film tells of JAWS, which features several grue-
them in there because you have sleep. Some people get the some murders and a thrilling climax
bounty-hunting 21st Century detec-
to play any three songs. impression I’m crazy— when real- wherein the amphibious star attempts
tiveson the track of escaped Martian
ly I’m just sleepy or exhausted. robots. to eat. ..a boat. Another film dealing
Can you walk the streets a bit— with them will be United Artists'
TMT: Do you enjoy today’s rock
have to get a soda or something PERSECUTION; LEGEND OF THE SHARK’S TREASURE, pfoduced by
music? WEREWOLF and starring Cornel Wilde. That may
before I go on the air. La da dee is ready with Peter
dee dee... Cushing starred and introducing be the FIN-ish.
ZACH: Oh yeah, I love it. I like David Rintoul as the werewolf; THE Filming in Yugoslavia and Austria
Zacherly can be heard on the GHOUL is set for release also starring has begun on a thriller entitled 5 AND
so many groups— one day to the MAKES
radio every weekday from 10:00 Cushing, with Don Henderson as the 7 11.
next it will be Pink Floyd, which
P.M. to 2:00 P.M. on WPLJ, 95.5 titlecharacter (this one is set in the
I sometimes think is probably the
Rock’N’Stereo. For more pic- 1920s) and just announced for lensing
one I like most, or the Allman tures and information on Zacher- at Pinewood, THE SATANIST. Plus
Brothers. I used to be very fond there’s some talk of a TV series. Nice
ly, don’t forget to buy Zacherly
of the Dead but I haven’t heard For President available from the
much of them lately. Shakespearean actor Nicol
Monster Times Bookshelf. Williamson will record a 4-record
album of J.R.R. Tolkien's THE
HOBBIT for London Records, replete
with a flute, harp and hurdy-gurdy
border on the insane, but the people are friendly and there s always a
CON-CALENDAR good chance you'll pick up some rare item for your collection. And
they're great places to meet people
you’ve never been to a “con,”
famous, infamous and plain
country, comic nuts, sf fans, monster freaks and the like are They vary in size, emphasis, and quality, of course, but they're all fun
constantly gathering to buy, sell, trade, collect and listen to to attend. We at TMT will do our part by keeping you informed of all
speeches. As with most gatherings of fans, the conventions often upcoming cons.
ST. PATRICK'S COMIC CON HOTEL McALPIN The first 500 people get
Sunday Phil Hecht 34th St. and Broadway 75c free comics
March 16th 383 East 17th St. NewYork City Door Prizes, films
Brooklyn. N.Y. 11226
comic books,
NOSTALGIA Howard Johnson pulps, toys,
3rd Sunday 754
4 Church Street Motor Lodge movies, auctions
every month
Waltham, Mass. 02154
Here's one of the most exciting collec- super values, Dept, fp-191
tion of patches we've ever seen. Each *
466 Lexington Avenue.
NewYork N Y 10017 Sunday MXYZTPLK HOTEL McALPIN Comics, comics,
full color, fabric patch measures a big -
necessary. enclosed:
ing is I
50* for 6 different color patches.
You might well expect to pay up to 79 c
75* for all 12 different color patches, August 30- NOSTALGIA “75" HOTEL COMMODORE $4.50 in advance Dealer’s room, auctions
honor — Joe Franklin
Sept. 1st 59 Derby Court New York City $6.00 at the door Guest of
each for these latest designs including: I Staten Island, N.Y. 10302
Truckin. Let's Boogie, Do Unto Others, print NAME
Movin On, and more. Yet, through this I HOLLYWOOD feature films,
amazing offer, you can now get 6 differ- st Sunday COMIC CON WOMAN’S CLUB
635 N. Citrus Ave.
50# under 12 & lots of
ent designs for only 50*. Or, if you're . CITY every month Hollywood, Calif. tradings and guests
Hollywood, Calif. 90036
really into patches, we'll send you all 12 I
different designs pictured above for 75*. I
the slaves. You. didn't understand Nimoy plus a group from S.T.A.R. on the idea that other beings may be
where this place, this planet, was. So recent shows, and is hopeful of looking at earth and wondering if life
THE PLANET OF THE APES! many important points were either having Tribbles scripter David Gerrold could exist here." In an interesting
lost or overlooked in the TV scripts. on an upcoming show. If you're a true self-observation. Leonard also said
The dialogue was generally lousy, the "trekey," we suggest you tune in. The that. "A year after the series began
plots usually poor, and the characters
flat and unrealistic. est you to join them. caused by suppressing my emotions
posters, you name it; the apes have
entered just about every medium, and
Finally, and, think, most
Star Trek fan Carl Jan of Canada in the role. began to suppress my
important to the demise of the TV sent us an article about Leonard feelings offstage too."
profitably, at that. Every medium,
series, was the lack of use of what
that is, except television. When I
LA, ^
poge 22 The Monster Times
The page 23
When TMT Editor Joe Kane was dispatched, much against his
will, to a midtown movie theater to see ANDY WARHOL’S
DRACULA, it was with great reluctance that he went. He had
already suffered through Warhol’s abysmal three-dimensional
desecration of FRANKENSTEIN and figured he would only be I have heard it said, Master,
zat in Italy everyone is a wirgin...even za
in for more of the same. Not even promises of free popcorn
(buttered, mind you) would lift his fallen spirits. Still, being a
terror trouper from way back, go forth he did and, to his
amazement and surprise, discovered that Andy’s Gang hadn’t
done a half-bad job of it after all. In fact, he felt that ANDY
WARHOL’S DRACULA was so “on target” that we decided to
run his quickly-scripted story of that very same fright film here.
Arriving at a small Italian town, the Count undergoes severe withdrawal The decadent lamily’s Marxist gardener (Joe Dallesandro] The Count’s loyal, if arrogant, assistant journeys into town
2 pains while awaiting his wirgin blood fix. His assistant, however, man-
3 has been sharing the favors of two of the daughters
4 where he encounters much hostility in the person of a rude
ages to introduce him to an impoverished Italian nobleman (Vittorio (Dominique Darrell and Stefanie Carsini) and offers them peasant (Roman Polanski) who uses him for crude sport
DeSica) and his quartet of (hopefully) wirginal daughters. his thoughtful appraisal of the situation. T he assis tant makes some insulting retorts but PolanskL, *
W.:., 5
Come da l
revolution tt
So, make for us an offer. You would perhaps
an' you’ll ’
feel better if
If Gak! 1
H Perhaps 4
'• zis
never l isn’t
I've t
J even done right
f You are ,
me |
| somersaults. ! for
l quite sure 1
after all.
of zis?
I Perhaps
Zere is no,
I Ishould
how you zay,
try 1
fiance? ,
4 zomething i
You haff
. anozzer
neveThad za vein.
> boyfriend?
You haff
never ridden
za bike?
pr But..^^i
can't we
£ discuss zis ,
like reasonable
( Y'can help
mj gentlemen! ^
•* yourself
up da stairs,
ya capitalist
creep! Oney
> place I'd >
help you up*
is against
j Oy. zis issjj
da wall. (. l
Whattaya'fc a terrible
country you
tink o’ that /
hall taken
dat, ya ...jk
aristocrat nj
me too.
Time passes and the
Count succeeds in using
another daughter
effort to slake his untoward
in an I
suddenly multiply when he
overhears that the gardener
telling the family that Dracula
H Count's assistant is con fronted
by the damaged daughters
understandably upsef mother.
is really a
lusts. Again he fails to find a
wirgin and winds up womiting
her unclean corpuscles into hearing zis 4
the family bathtub. information iss making
me very cross... und
zat iss not a word
I tend to use lightly, v
comics, monster comics from TOMB CREEPS, another Universal picture. book page.
OF DRACULA to SWAMP THING to KING KONG all well represented on Fiction House published own
their In KONGA
THE OCCULT FILES. OF DR. SPEK- the comic racks. series of movie comics beginning in #19(1964),
TOR are not only selling very well, but Although Fawcett Publications had 1946 but, except for a comic version from which
are being collected with a vengeance. actually pioneered the concept of a of the mystery movie BIG TOWN,
this illus-
single comic issue devoted to one tration was
One particular category of monster which was itself a version of the taken, the
comics, though, is seldom heralded, single film by regularly publishing original popular radio show of the angry ape
both FAWCETT MOVIE COMICS and Fox Comics published ROCKET-
and it should be— the monster movie time, Fiction House's MOVIE COM- exercised
comics. MOTION PICTURE COMICS in 1950, ICS are of little interest to monster SHIP X in 1951, and Charlton some of his
Published by Gold Key, Dell,
the idea of screen comics dates back and horror movie comic collectors. published THE THING in 1952. but consider-
Marvel, Charlton and National, to 1939, when National published six Fawcett’s line of movie comics, neither of these comics were movie muscle by
among issues of MOVIE COMICS. Each.issue adaptations. However, they may very
other special however; contains at least three titles battling
movie edition comic books are contained adaptations of current which are. again, worthy of any well have been inspired —
at least for Nazis, no
distributed at a time that specifically movies, and the very first issue, their titles— by two big hit movies less.
fantasy movie collection.
coincides with the respective movie’s published in April of that year, currently playing in theatres then:
featured none other than a comic ROCKETSHIP X-M and THE THING
initial theatrical release. Consequent- selves were only loosely tied to the published 23 issues each of KONGA
ly, many comics fans and collectors
book version of SON OF FRANKEN- ’(FROM ANOTHER WORLD). originalUniversal films about these and GORGO and eight issues of
1950. Fawcett published George
might not know that a movie edition STEIN, Universal's big horror film Dell Comics published their own monsters. At the time of this monster
with Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Basil Pal s DESTINATION MOON, and then REPTILICUS. Reptilicus, however,
of any one particular film exists, followed it up the next year with movie-inspired comic with THE comic boom at Dell, though, the changed his name to REPTISSAURUS
Rathboneand Lionel Atwill. Nation- CREATURE in 1953. Copyrighted by company also reprinted their CREA-
simply because they didn’t chance to
al’s adaptation of SON OF FRANKEN-
WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE, another THE TERRIBLE with the third issue.
venture down to their favorite Pal film. Fawcett’s third entry was Universal Pictures. Dell's CREATURE TURE comic from ten years earlier. In GORGO #12 was a particularly
newsstand the one week that the STEIN was, in fact, particularly was obviously from the movie THE 1968, Gold Key also published a because it became a
THE MAN FROM PLANET X in 1952. interesting issue
comic was on sale. With some rare for a movie comic story As with nearly all movie comics from CREATURE FROM THE BLACK movie-inspired comic. KING KONG. movie monster crossover issue when
exceptions, however, companies like because the film tale was not told in LAGOON, released that same year, In 1957, however, Dell did publish an Reptilicus roared into its pages.
all other publishers in the years to
Charlton have continued publishing artwork but in photos to which and while the comic story did adhere authentic movie version of another
come, Fawcett's DESTINATION But only the first issues of each of
additional comics based on one dialogue balloons and captions were
MOON, WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE to the gospel according to Universal, classic terror, THE HUNCHBACK OF these three Charlton monster titles
movie; the second issue and all then added. National's artists also
and THE MAN FROM PLANET X all Dell's CREATURE was not exactly a NOTRE DAME, from the film starring were the authentic movie adapta-
subsequent issues actually being colored in the otherwise black and featured color photos from the films literal adaptation of the movie. Still, Anthony Quinn and Gina Lollobrid- tions, with Steve Ditko handling the
sequels to the original first issue, white movie stills, and today this on the covers, and black and white the cover featured the infamous Gill gida. monster artwork of the first GORGO
which was the true movie adaptation. issue of MOVIE COMICS #1 is a movie photos on the inside covers. Man and, ten years later, Dell again Charlton Comics got on the and the covers of other issues.
For the most part, though, movie
highly-prized, much sought-after dipped into Universal archives to monster bandwagon by publishing
edition comics are one-shots, and there have been many outstanding collector's item. produce comics based on FRANKEN- movie comics of KONGA, GORGO
unless you keep a steady, watchful monster, horror and fantasy movie A very rare comic, the SON OF STEIN, DRACULA, THE WOLF MAN and REPTILICUS in 1960. Not content
eye on the stands and racks, you're comics published, as well as many FRANKENSTEIN issue will generally and THE MUMMY. with producing merely one issue of COMING NEXT!
science wmov
very likely to remain unaware of the worthwhile editions of western films, bring in prices that hover around fifty These comics all featured
Dell each monster title. Charlton went
fact that a new film has been adventure pictures and comedies. The dollars, more or less, depending on artwork of the famous Universal ahead and kept on publishing comics
published as a movie comic. sixties, in saw
a horror
fact, boom the condition of the copy. MOVIE characters on the covers— Boris about Konga, Gorgo and Reptilicus. MOVIE COMICS!
with the movies of Edgar Allen Poe COMICS #6, also published in 1939, Karloff as the Monster in FRANKEN- These were all sequel stories and
HISTORY OF HORROR and Ray Harryhausen, new releases is another rare item. This STEIN, or Lon Chaney as THE WOLF proved successful enough that, DON’T MISS IT!
During the past thirty-six years, like GORGO and REPTILICUS, and featured an adaptation of MAN — but again, the stories them- before it was all over, Charlton had
protagonist in Dreyer’s last film, we the dent. So after that, for each take David Gray tells the doctor that
fasten hungrily upon her. realize lengths that he’s being buried alive, we follow
GERTRUDE: “Life is a long
The quite Dreyer went to to insure this we arranged a false light by he’s losing too much blood during the burial procession through his
THE succession of dreams which glide
past one after the other."
film is
something of a suspension: made
by a Danish director on location
very dislocation, we appreciate
anew the consistency and vision
directing a spotlight hung with a
black cloth on to the lens." This is
the "
transfusion the
conducting. The doctor replies,
doctor's own eyes as he lies within the
coffin. Nothing is seen in these
/Vi / r;
full oolor movie posters from the classic horror motion pictures.
All are full color on glossy stock and measure 21 "by 29”.
$1.50 plus 45c
— —— .
LOST IN SPACE, VOYAGE TO COSMIC COUPLES occasionally left something to be after the moon’s displacement work . .
two Our old friend Christopher Lee guest stars ifl the EARTHBOUND episode
truly outstanding shows. TREK’S itself, the fan following
oi' SPACE: 1999. Chris plays Captain Zant&or, one of five surviving
TWILIGHT ZONE, THE IN- of the Landaus should insure a aliens from the dying planet Kaldor.
VADERS and that unequaled built-in audience for this British-
brainchild of Joseph Stefano’s, made series. Gerry and Sylvia
THE OUTER LIMITS, are a few Anderson, the producers of
that immediately come to mind. U.F.O., CAPTAIN SCARLET,
And for sheer audience appeal,' and THE PROTECTORS, are
no science-fiction series has yet filming SPACE: 1999.
matched Gene Rodenberry’s This ominous fact shouldn’t
STAR TREK. One of the things worry anyone, though, because ...and Landau’s age doubles in
that made that series worthy of the Andersons have changed next to no time.
itsfollowing was its concept, one their tactics a bit this time,
that allowed the Enterprise to giving the new series room to
“explore strange new universes bfeathe. The first and obvious
and seek out new life and new change is their inclusion of heavy- MANS), Charles Chrichton
civilizations.” Within the limits of weights Landau and Bain in the (DEAD OF NIGHT, THE AVEN-
cast. With these two in the leads
Unidentified actress dons spicy outfit and
the acting won’t have that TV series), Ray Austin (TV’s
spacey gaze for her chores in a soon-to-be-
wooden, puppet-like quality that THE SAINT and MY PART-
characterized earlier live-actiion NER, THE GHOST), and David
Anderson series (undoubtedly a Tomblin (former producer of the
bad habit picked up by producing i much-admired THE PRISON-
too many puppet shows like
FIREBALL-XL5 and STING- LARGE LUNAR CHALLENGE standpoint, SPACE: 1999 shapes Whether or not all of the 24
up as a real feast for the color episodes of SPACE: 1999
RAY). The premiere episode of
For added space spice, each SPACE: 1999 offered a great famished science-fiction fanatic. soon to be released to the
episode of SPACE: 1999 will challenge to the ingenuity of The producers are optimistic
feature guest stars, many of Brian and his crew. Working about success, and with good
whom will be well-known to sci- with a far smaller budget than reason: they’ve done their jobs
ence-fiction and fantasy buffs. STAR TREK had, they were well. It remains only for the
The series’ first season promises expected to depict the develop- airing of the first episode to see
an exciting episode starring ments leading up to and whether the general public, and
Hammer veteran Christopher including the tearing away of the not just the hard-core fans, take
Lee, and another with Victor moon from its orbit around the the series seriously.
Frankenstein himself, Peter Earth. The cause of this was the ADDITIONAL INFO
Cushing! And even more brilliant detonation of a stockpile of * The budget for each hour-
that the stars of SPACE: 1999 nuclear waste on the lunar
long episode of SPACE: 1999 has
will be the elaborate special surface. The inhabitants of a city,
been set at $275,000. That figure
effects.Although special effects Moonbase Alpha, on the opposite represents the highest budget
in past Anderson series have side of the moon become the only
for an hour series ever allotted
usually been quite good, they human survivors in the universe by ITC (Independent Television
Corporation) in 20 years of pro-
Fearful of an imminent explosion, lunar
clear disposal area in BREAKAWAY, the
duction. The entire series will be
the adventures of 31 1 (count shot on only the best 35mm film
stock. According to ITC, "We
Roddenberry’s budget, his script- have more sets than any other
writers could use the entire television series has ever had
cosmos as a framing device for both interior and . exterior in- —
their plots. So with SPACE: Our old pal Peter Cushing puts in an ap-
cluding new planets and locations pearance on the GUARDIAN OF PIRI
1999, a forthcoming sci-fi TV in every episode.” ITC producers episode. Peter plays one of several aliens
odyssey from England. Instead can accomplish this by filming on a machine-dominated pleasure planet
of having a starship to carry called Piri.
the series in England, where
them through the galaxy, how- costs are less prohibitive. American syndication market
ever, the people of SPACE: 1999 * In addition to stars Martin liveup to their advance notices
travel the solar system on a
Landau and Barbara Bain, the remains to be seen. You’ll be abel
natural satellite kjiown to us all SPACE: 1999 crew will include to make up your own mind soon
the moon itself! Just how they do when 1975
Barry Morse (Lt. Gerard on the enough, though,
this makes up the better part of
FUGITIVE teleseries) as Profes- becomes SPACE: 1999, on the
the pilot film, a not-to-be-missed sor Victor Bergman, top tube at least.
hour of far-out space opera.
page 28 The Monster Times
Monster movie fans contempla- actors who would be willing to wires to a 12-volt battery, and
ting the idea of making a fright work for a rather small salary. the bullet hit explodes.
film feature of their own would be Then came finding the various These bullet hits were taped to>
well-advised to read the following locations. The major ‘set’ of the special body armor, small discs of
articleand commit it to memory film was supposed to be an old very strong aluminum sheet
before embarking on their horrific winery in east Montreal. A large, which were themselves attached
venture. With a severely limited dark, spooky place... perfect for a to the girl. On top of each bullet
budget and generous doses of bad horror film. hit, a small plastic bag of
luck, Canadian independent film- Oman’s FIENDish characters draws men- Then I had to order the
acing bead on unseen victim in FIEND, a artificial blood was taped in
maker Joel Uman decided to make one-man feature film that has yet to see necessary special effects equip- place. Then the girl’s clothes
just such a film, which he titled release in the civilized world. ment and makeup. Even a simple went on top, concealing the
FIEND, and found adversity at thing like artificial blood couldn’t bullet hits and the blood. When
every turn. Still, against great me as soon as he got back. be found in Canada and had to be
the explosives are set off, they Deranged heroine prepares to do in unseen
odds, Joel did manage to get his later, there was
Three months ordered from Hollywood. For assailant in one of many fantasy sequences
tear open the plastic bags and from FIEND. The screaming scenes were
project completed, if not yet stillno word. I got fed up and some reason, the fake blood the blood spurts through the torn recorded at the actress's apartment and our
released. The following is his decided to make the film on my arrived six months late, prevent- clothing in a shockingly realistic intrepid filmmaker feared that someone
first-hand report about the terrors own. I gave up on shooting in ing us from starting the film on would call the cops in earnest, but thanks
manner, This was the same to public apathy, those fears were to prove
of making his first horror film 35mm. 16mm would be cheaper schedule and almost sabotaging technique they used in THE unfounded.
feature. and, besides, I owned my own the entire project, for the delay WILD BUNCH and BONNIE
16mm equipment and therefore carried us into the peak season AND CLYDE. settling asking her to scream at
During the winter of 1973, could save on rental costs. I cut for the winery, and they were Other scenes called for the girl the top of her lungs while I ran
with a cast of four and a crew of the budget drastically, but the working 24 hours a day. There to be stabbed. In this case the the tape recorder.. .unsettling
two (including myself), I began film called for much special was no way we could film in aluminum armor was again used, because I was sure someone in
directing my first feature-length but instead of a bullet hit taped the crowded apartment building
horror film. Entitled FIEND, it on top, the armor was covered would think a real murder was
was to be the gory story of a
beautiful girl who meets a
THIS GIRL IS ABOUT TO DIE. with soft pine. Then on top went being committed and would call
the cops! I had forgotten about
another sack of blood. When the
— and
mysterious dangerous-
man and finds herself trapped in SLOWLY. BRUTALLY. girl
was stabbed through her
the knife tore the
public apathy;
no one even
a bizarre world of torture and plastic bag, releasing the blood. Along with the plentiful
pain. Needless to say, it was a The knife then sticks into the soft screams were lots and lots of
very low-budget enterprise, and pine and can stay in place stabbing sounds, including the
one for which I was providing without the actor’s assistance. really gruesome sounds of
almost all of the money myself. The aluminum armor, of course, ripping flesh. Both were simu-
Because of multiple money protects the knife from actually lated by stabbing and ripping
problems, the film was shot in cutting the girl.
open a cabbage head with a
16mm rather than the usual In addition, many of these pocket knife!
35mm. And the low budget also scenes were filmed in slow At this point, with the film
dictated the small cast and crew. motion, which causes the blood to edited and the soundtrack mixed,
But just what was I dong spurt very slowly and sail
a final print was made. I thought
directing an 80-minute color through the air, making the the hardest part was over.. .but I
horror film under such difficult scenes all that much more was wrong. I still had to convince
circumstances? Well, for several a distributor to distribute
years I had been trying to put FIEND.
Of course, all of this is very There was one very important
together a package— that is, a
time-consuming.. .as well as very fact of movie industry life that I
script, a cast, and a director—
expensive. And the final se- didn’t know before shot
that would interest some dis- I
quence would prove to be the FIEND, and it was to cause me
tributor and convince him to
most expensive of all: A wild car great problems later on. The
front the necessary production
chase through the winding and simple fact is that most distribu-
money. I had been working on
the script off and on for about a
year before it was ready. I was
hilly streets of Montreal, climax-
ing in a spectacular crash.
tors are not really interested in
pushing a film they weren’t
Normally, when shooting a car involved in during production. If
living in Montreal at the time and
took the script to a number of i. .MIX KUBRICK, PECKINPAH, LEONE, ANO chase, there are duplicates of they distributed my film, they’d
local distributors before finally If// FELLINI. ..AND YOU HAVE... each vehicle available. If one car only be providing competition for
spins out when it’s not supposed films in which they themselves
getting an enthusiastic response
from one of them. They liked
to — which happens all too fre- had invested. About the only
quently in anything as compli- distributors interested in inde-
the script very much, they
cated as a good chase— and is
assured me, but at the moment pendent productions are those
demolished before the script calls who haven’t invested in any films
were very busy with one of their for it, the second vehicle will be
own Could
productions. I come themselves. These are usually
substituted. But we couldn’t very small companies with little
back in about six weeks?
afford such luxuries, so if or no muscle in the industry and
Sure I could! I was excited by
anything went wrong, well, that therefore they don’t stand much
their interest, and what was six
would be the end of our chase. chance of giving the independent
weeks’ waiting after a year of The cars were a Falcon and a
work? Six weeks later, I went producer a very good outlet for
fright filmmaker yetc Vega. In the final scene, while his film.
back. Oh, we’re sorry, I was told,
taking a corner at 60 mph, the discovered this all too real
but we're still awfully busy. Why effects work and ended with an there at this time of the year. Vega skids, crashes, and blows
Even though IT bit the airless dust and died an ignoble death at the conclusion of the film, we at
TMT will always remember him as we see him here: a tall, imposing monster of impeccable bearing
and unparalleled ferocity who asked only for a little room to breathe. You may think us sentimental
old fools for saying that, but there you have it and there you go.
THE GREEN SLIME (1969) invaded involving Ann’s switch of affections from
Gamma One, while a vampire woman from Van Heusen to Carruthers emerging
another world wrought havoc on a space- toward the end of the film. The script is
ship in Curtis Harrington’s QUEEN OF intelligent and the characters are realistic.
BLOOD (1966). In DESTINATION: Technical contributions are similarly
INNER SPACE (also ’66), an amphibious impressive: fine, crisp black and white
creature from an underwater flying photography by Kenneth Peach, Sr., an
saucer attacked scientists in a research appropriately thrilling and atmospheric
lab. Also, many episodes of the defunct musical score by Bert Shefter and Paul
Irwin Allen teleseries VOYAGE TO THE Sawtell, and an authentic-looking array of
BOTTOM OF THE SEA dealt with vari- interior spaceship sets under the art direc-
ous monsters— including a deadly Lobster- tion of William Glasgow and set
Man— causing destruction on board the decoration by Herman Schoenbrau.
submarine Seaview. None of these, how- Special effects, although hardly FORBID-
ever, even approached the breathless DEN PLANET or 2001 vintage and
excitement and claustrophobic horror limited by the film's relatively low budget,
attained in IT! THE TERROR FROM are professionally handled under the cir-
BEYOND SPACE. IT! proved that a film cumstances. The Martian terrain and the
need not have a big budget, color stock, spaceship lift-off, glimpses of the
name stars or a long running-time in order “Challenge 142” traveling through the
to be effective. Unlike so many overblown starry reaches of interplanetary sp&ce.
. .
otherwise silent space exteriors; also, received wide acclaim for their facial flex- —
THE MONSTER TIMES Wanted: 16 e Posters Press- WANTED — WANTED!!! f T k
WAR OF THE WORLDS buffs will ibility.) locking lor Ihe following
horror films, especially
Peter Cushing films. Roy
books —
sters used
by movie
Actual Old radio
premiums, to
and comix
expand our
monster an3 fru
material. Am interested
recognize the sound effect of the pulsating In all, IT! THE TERROR FROM
comics in
perl eel mini
FANTASTIC Roache 311 S. Fifth St.. K tatres. Thousands ot
Horror and the 20th serious collector.
FOUR #1. AMAZING Elizabeth. NJ 07206
titles available. fore ol Will
Martian flying machines used in IT! for BEYOND SPACE was one of the best- FANTASY #15, SPIDER-
Century pop-art. Things
pay well
Send list
if reasonable.
lo Kerry Timan,
programs, PISTOL, or a CAPTAIN
one of the ship’s instrument systems. made and, at times, one of the scariest and THE HULK 11.
THESE MUST BE IN antf monster maga;
slat portraits
PERFECT MINT CONDI- Fantastic selection RING and all Ihe resl
Veteran monster-maker Paul Blaisdell science fiction/horror films of its decade. TION-NOTHING ELSE pressbooks back to eany of Ihe stuff.
These things
ACCEPTABLE. Highest 1930 s. Catalog SI .00
designed the creature suit worn by Ray Although it was essentially a “monster-is- s a (refunded with order).
“Crash” Corrigan of serial fame. (See TMT loose" melodrama, it never had preten- E£"..S»i c. ." Ihf The Cinema Attic. Dept.
MONSTER TIMES, 11 MT, P.O Box 7772, Please send
The "Original 99 cent Philadelphia. PA 19101
#33— Ed.) The Martian is rarely seen in sions of being more than that. As such, West 17 Street. NYC Roxy" is the grealesl
10011. Altn: Larrv. Wish correspondence
thing since bowling. Tor-
close-up; through most of the picture it is and as a very suspenseful and taut film. It Buy. sell or trade comics
FOR SALE! with stocker collectors.
1939 WORLD'S FAIR MUSEUM. P.O. Box 595, Samples of monster
either lurking in the shadows or viewed in certainly is undeserving of the near- at Asgard. 28 First Ave
(2nd St.) NYC 10009, (212)
ous individual scales and body structural 69 minutes. Directed by Edward L. Cahn.
Selling comic books,
Tapes, elc. Write for free very old Archies (1-50).
pulps. Playboys, horror Utopia. 230 E 11th Si.,
address stamped
outlines— make IT! one of the most Screenpay by Jerome Bixby. Starring Marshall magazines. EC's. Big
list (self
NY.NY 10003
Thompson (Carruthers). Shawn Smith (Ann), Kim Lillie Books. Wall Dis- lteven Drof^L RR1 Box
impressively fearsome and horrible-
Spalding (Van Heusen). Paul Langton (Calder). and serial pressbooks.
looking monsters ever seen in motion Dabbs Greer- (Eric Royce), Ann Doran (Mary lobby cards, poslers. Marvels black and white
magazines Send list and
pictures. The only serious blemish lies in Royce). Robert Bice (Purdue). Richard Benedict pholos. etc. 1900-1975.
prices to: Greg Nalz. Box
(Bob Finelli), Richard Harvey (Gino Finelli). Thom Catalogues $i 00 Rogof-
the monster’s frequently exaggerated sky. Box MT 1102. bucks postpaid! Whatta 515. Armour S DAK
Carney (Kienholz). Ray "Crash" Corrigan (AAlt").
Flushing. NewYork11354 V
growls and gestures— often unintention- 1x44) Si 25 each Ashley Ente
g?s Publishing |ox 122.
FICTION islers. Send
to Dan Briggs
OS New
ise. Send
Bendoza. 143 Dak
Bedford. MA
list t
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