1. This document provides the August 2021 schedule for security services at RSU Islam Boyolali Hospital.
2. It lists 9 security officers and their assigned shifts for each day of the month. Shifts are identified as P1 from 7am-5pm, P from 7am-3pm, S from 3pm-11pm, and M from 11pm-7am.
3. The schedule notes backup assignments for certain dates and is signed off by the Junior Supervisor and Head of General Affairs.
1. This document provides the August 2021 schedule for security services at RSU Islam Boyolali Hospital.
2. It lists 9 security officers and their assigned shifts for each day of the month. Shifts are identified as P1 from 7am-5pm, P from 7am-3pm, S from 3pm-11pm, and M from 11pm-7am.
3. The schedule notes backup assignments for certain dates and is signed off by the Junior Supervisor and Head of General Affairs.
1. This document provides the August 2021 schedule for security services at RSU Islam Boyolali Hospital.
2. It lists 9 security officers and their assigned shifts for each day of the month. Shifts are identified as P1 from 7am-5pm, P from 7am-3pm, S from 3pm-11pm, and M from 11pm-7am.
3. The schedule notes backup assignments for certain dates and is signed off by the Junior Supervisor and Head of General Affairs.
1. This document provides the August 2021 schedule for security services at RSU Islam Boyolali Hospital.
2. It lists 9 security officers and their assigned shifts for each day of the month. Shifts are identified as P1 from 7am-5pm, P from 7am-3pm, S from 3pm-11pm, and M from 11pm-7am.
3. The schedule notes backup assignments for certain dates and is signed off by the Junior Supervisor and Head of General Affairs.
M S S R K J S M S S R K J S M S S R K J S M S S R K J S M S S NO NAMA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 RUSTAM ZUDI S O P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 O O P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 O O P1 O P1 P1 P1 O O P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 O O P1 P1 2 MUHAMMAD IRFAN M M O O P P M M M M O O S S S S M M O O P P M M M M O O P P S 3 ZENUDIN M M O O P S S S M M O O P P M M M M O O P P S S M M O O P P M 4 M TRI LELANA P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O 5 AZIZ P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O 6 AGUNG FIDIYATMOKO S S M M O O S S S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P 7 ARDY S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P 8 NUR ARIFIN O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M M O O P P S S M 9 PINGKY DIAN LESTARI O O P P S P P P O O P P P P S S O O P P S S S S O O P P S S S
Boyolali,27 Juli 2021
Keterangan : di buat oleh P1 : 07.00 sd 17.00 wib Mengetahui P : 07.00 sd 15.00 wib S : 15.00 sd 23.00 wib M : 23.00 sd 07.00 wib Rustam Zudi Sutikno Suwartono SE Junior Supervisor Kadiv Umum- RT RSU I Boyolali Back up Ardy 1. Minggu 1 /08/21 : Pingky Dian 2. Senin 2 /08/21 : Nur Arifin 3.Selasa 3 /08/21 : M Irfan 4. Rabu 4 /08/21 : M Tri L
(Methods in Molecular Biology 912) Jacques Cohen, Don Rieger (Auth.), Gary D. Smith, Jason E. Swain, Thomas B. Pool (Eds.) - Embryo Culture - Methods and Protocols-Humana Press (2012) PDF